Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
THE N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y JO URNAL. N YSSA , OREGON, PAG E FOUR Big B«-nH P. T. A. B IO BEND. Oct 6—The Big Bend P. T A. gave a teacher’» reception lor the teacher» of Big Bend and the teacher» oI the Adrian union high school. OuestR were Mrs Charles Witty, principal of Big Bend; Mr». Fitzsimmons, lower room teacher Mr and Mrs Decree Bright, Mr and Mrs. Ciafalo, Mr. and Mrs Blnberg. Mr and Mrs. Warren. Mr and Mrs Reuter. Mr and Mrs. Bari and Harold Newman, principal of the Adrian grade school Mrs Bullen, president of the Big Bend P T. A. introduced the Big Bend teachers and Mr Bright. ! Adrian’s principal Introduced the Adrian teachers Mr and Mrs. Lee I Stoker were in charge of the pro- gram as follows vocal solos by Lor etta Van Lie Water and Jesse As- I sumendl. comet solo. Charles Ad ams, Piano solo. Wyma Lane; hum orous reading. Mrs. Keith Woolley and an address of welcome by Charles Witty Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and punch were served. Mrs Victor Morgan. Mrs Fitz simmons and Mr and Mrs Charles Witty, teachers from the Bend, at tended the Malheur county work shop at Nyssa Monday. Mrs. Darrell English. Mrs Leroy Bennett. Mrs E H Brumback and WE ARE SELLING RANCHES FAST Mrs Frank Miller attended the county council meeting of the P. T. A. at Nyssa Saturday Mr and Mrs. John Packeood and boys and Mrs. Edna Psrrott of Caldwell visited Saturday at the R. O Patterson home in Boise The Wade P. T. A. will meet F ri day at the home of Mis. John Sani er. Here From W rlsrr— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of Welser were Sunday evening visit ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman. Attend Dame— Mr and Mrs Jim Savage left last Thursday for The Dalles. They at tended the O. S. C.-California game last Saturday in Portland. General Contracting and Buiidinr ('intom -H ullt Cabinets and Furniture Furniture Repairing and Refinishing And Need l'/4 mile* north of Nyssa-Parma Junction IMMEDIATE LISTINGS Johnson Cabinet Shop GRIGG BROS. & BUTLER N YSSA , OREGON Highway 95 Phone 023J1 BEET G R O W E R S We Have Added To Our Shop And Service Station P^rsonel In Order To Better Serve Your Needs During Beet Harvest Cooking Club It* Formed At Owyhee OWYHEE. Oct. 5— The O. K. K. club met Tuesday at 1 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Harlan Koger with Mrs. Homer Love acting as assistant hostess. The group en joyed a potluck luncheon, after which Bingo was played Due to the absence of the president, no business meeting was held. Mrs. Raleigh Chamberlain, Mrs. Byrd Walters, and Mrs. Dorothy Slippy were prize winners. The next meet ing will be held on the regular date, October 20, at the M anila Klrng- back liome with Mrs. Lee House holder as co-hostess. The newly elected officers of Owyhee Sunday school assumed their duties Sunday morning. They are Wallace Gregg, superintendent; i Bill Gregg, assistant superintend ent. and Mrs. O. E Cheldelin. sec retary Donna Cheldelin is pianist and Mrs George Oregg song leader. A board meeting of the officers of Owyhee Community church and also officers and teachers of the Sunday school is planed for Friday I night at 8 o’clock at the church. I Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children , are staying with her mother, Mrs. Martha Kllngback. this week while her husband la in Madras. I Fred Kllngback spent the week end at his home from Boise, where he Is attending Junior college. Miss Mary Ann Thiel and Phyllis Eastman were over-night guests of Betty Jean Culbertson Monday flight. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Clement of Orand Junction, Colorado visited In the Lee Householder home Mon day. They are visiting other rel atives and friends In the area. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty spent Sunday In Caldwell visiting their niece and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coe, and Mrs. Oertrude Atkeson. who Is now living In Cald well after selling her home in Cali- WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TRUCKS AND CARS ANNOUNCING Adequate Stock Of Parts And Quick Courteous Service At Winter Classes In The Only Complete One Stop Service Begining Monday, Oct. 10 In Nyssa American Legion Hall ALSO NEW AND USED TRUCKS READY FOR DELIVERY Herriman Motor Co. T A P D A N C IN G From 4 to 6 p. m. Specializing With Beginners CLEONE MAW Cairo Junction Lumber Co. Located At The Cairo Junction Lumber at Wholesale Prices ▼ WEST COAST FIR: No. 2 Or Belter (75% No. 1) Dimensional Lumber Includes: 2X4 $75.00 Per M 2X6 $75.00 Per M 2X8 $75.00 Per M $75.00 Per M 2X10 2X12 $75.00 Per M Boards, S4S, Shiplap Same Quotations TH U RSD AY. OCTOBER 6. 1949 foraia. Mrs. Atkeson is Mrs. Coe’s mother. Mrs. Ray Franklin and Trula of Parma were Sunday guests in the Gerald Slippy home. They took Vernon Slippy home with them to spend a few days. Mrs. Raleigh Cham bed lain and Jimmy spent a few days last week in Madras at the "Doc’’ Douglas home. Charley Culbertson. Versall Ses sions and Pete Wilson rode in the hills to see about their cattle Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Love are deer hunting this week at Cove, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson shopped in Nampa Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were dinner guests In the Ray Fletcher home In Home- dale Sunday. Mrs. Leonard Smith and daught ers and Mrs. Bud Charland were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and child ren. Mrs. Martha Klinkback and Mrs. Drover Cooper attended a project leaders training meeting in Ontario, where they learned to prepare foods for entertaining and will demon strate those foods to the members of the Sunset valley extension unit on the second Wednesday in Nov ember at the home of Mrs. Jesse Oregg. The training meeting was held in the Massingill electric shop and a tape recording was made by radio station K. S. R. V. of the proceedings and was played back over the radio the next day. Mr and Mrs. Dene Kipp of Nam pa, who formerly lived in this area, were Monday evening dinner guests In the Clayton Patton home. Jesse Ditty Jr. of Boise visited with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner took their daughter Shirley to Boise Monday for a check-up. The doctor said she had recovered sufficently to attend school. She is to go for half of each day for two weeks and then she may be able to stay all day. She is in the fourth grade Mr. and Mrs. llussell Patton, Jr. and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton and Ronnie went to Boise Tuesday to attend to bus iness. A 4-H cooking club was formed Friday evening, with Mrs. Kenneth McDonald as leader. Officers were elected as follows: Shirley Skinner, president; Shirley Hoke, vice pres ident, and Joan Crocker, secretary. Eight girls enrolled. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rhodes of Portland were Saturday luncheon guests in the Lewis Skinner home. Several hunters are returning from hunting trips. Some have been successful and others plan to try again for their deer. OREDON T R A IL . Oct. 6—The Mer- ry Matrons club met at the home of Lavinne Smith Wednesday after- I noon, September 28. Ten members ■ answered roll call with hints on the starting of bulbs for winter. The | afternoon was spent socially. The club donated $10 to the polio emerg- I ency fund. Alberta Bowen read a ! paper on "Our Children And The j Comic Books.” I The hostess served lunch, assisted I by Virginia Rookstool. i The next meeting will be held October 12 at the home of Bernice i Seuell. Roll call wlU be "Facts About Columbus". Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fry were ' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and j Mrs. Dean Smith of Nyssa. Rolland. Roy and Robert Holmes and Neil Dimmlck went deer hunt ing Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farmer and two sons of New Plymouth. Idaho were Sunday dinner guests at the Prank Byers home. Mrs. John Bowen Is working In the store for Eugene Cleaver while khe Cleavers are deer hunting. Here From La Grande— | For Complete Skinning, Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing and Storage Service— For Custom Cutting— For Professional Wrapping—■ For The Latest And Best— Everything Wrapped in Special Meat Cellophane (at slightly extra cost) SEE HARTMAN'S LOCKERS >/« MILE SO. N Y S S A -P A R M A JUNCTION 20 PER CENT OFF On A ll Purchases And Service During ROUND-UP DAYS The reduction w ill be given to persons presenting to us the coupon printed in this advertisement. This coupon good for 20 per cent on all purchases and service between September 24 and October 22, 1949. Name------------------------------------------------- Address Roy s 0. K. Rubber Welders Oliver Power Angle Disc Harrows I , I Turns On 55 Degree Angle Which Is Twice As Short As Most Discs 1 ' 10% Off During Round-Up Value Days "The House Of O liver" N yssa Implement Co. Miss Janice Frost visited with her parents over the week-end. Mrs Frost took her back to La Orande where she is attending coUege on 8unday. Hade of Plastic! Made of “Vinylite”! ROUND-UP DAYS SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I Ladies' Chenille Robes $ 2 .4 9 1 180 Sq. Print—New P attern s____ .33 yd. Childs Flannel P ajam as, size 2 to 6 |Ladies' Bed Jackets, .4 9 1 $1.49| BRUSHED R A Y O N Girl's Jumper Skirts ______________ .98 '*yS2>/ CONSULT HARRY SMIT, Mgr. FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER PROBLEMS HUNTERS Merry Matrons Of Ore. Trail Gather Fir Flooring K D, Bdl, $155. OO Tremendous Savings on All Building Materials Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bingham. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Ollbert Dunavon of Berrett Is a brother of Mrs. Bing. man Martinez. California spent a week in | man. Nyssa visiting Mrs. Dunavon’s par ents, Mr and Mrs. Herron of the Returned From Portland— Mr and Mrs. Deorge Mitchell re- Sweet Shop. turned last week from a two weeks trip. They visited in Portland and Here From I'tah— Lloyd Berret of Utah was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mitchell over the week-end at the home of and daughter in Seattle. Here From California— Flor-Ever PLA STIC SIZE 3. 4 and S NOW COMPLETED OUR NEW INFANTS WEAR DEPT. Complete Line Of Clothing For Infants FLO OR C O VERIN G Now on Ditploy o f . . . Nyssa Furniture Co. ONE BLOCK W EST OF DEPOT Round-Up Day» T ic k .!» Given With Purcha l DEPT. STORE X-RAY SHOE FITTING Phone 32 Ny* k