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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. 1949 elected president after C liff Wright Moore home. They went on to Rex- had resigned. F>-ed Burgess was burg. Idaho and stopped overnight elected vice President and William j on their return. Toomb was elected director. j Mrs. Guy Sparks was honored at K IN G M A N K O LO N Y . Oct. 6—Mr Dinner guests of Miss Mae Beau I a shower given by Mrs. Wayne angj Mrs. Earl Hankens of Mon mont were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cot Piercy. Mrs. Leota Kreigh and Mrs. terey Park, California were guests ton and Mrs. Frank Newbill of James Phifer at the community in the J. G. Lane home from Fri Nyssa. church parlor. After opening of day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Mrs. Reu the gifts, coffee, iced tea and cook Hankins and Mr. and Mrs. Lane ben Graham went to Wheeler, Ore ies were served. visited in Homedale Saturday after gon. Wesley Piercy and Mr. and Mrs. noon at the Elmer Sparks home and Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer, M ar- Guy Sparks were dinner guests in were dinner guests at the Wade argaet Garwood and Thurman the William Toomb home Saturday Nichols home, also in Homedale. The dinner honored Mr. Piercy went sagehen hunting near night. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore returned Jordan Valley Sunday. | Piercy’s on the occasion of his birth from a visit to Rose Hill, Iowa. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston day. Moore visited his brother. were in Parma on business Satur j Attending the Booster night pro Ross and Ronald Lane attended day. gram of the Grange at the grade the Malheur County Dairymen’s as Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cunningham i school in Adrian Friday night were sociation meeting in Ontario Satur md son of Vancouver, Washington Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer. Mr. day afternoon. Rosel Hunter was visited during the week at the Guy and Mrs. William Toomb, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wahlpie and M ym a Lane. JIMMIE ANN W M V D IO HE MOU e TTÌ KNOW TH AT M U L E 'S h o F O O L Dinner guests at the Guy Glenn S H O U L D O lA S T lS E H f c S A W H tp ;/ W H V H t CRANE home Sunday were Mrs. L. L. \M O V E 0: EVEN IT HE IS :=-^=r^*\VOU I A Ht K N C . W H t C O U L D N 'T Kreager, Mrs. Charlie Schweizer ^C RIM IN AL) COM P E T I WITH fU O M and Mr. and Mrs. Briggs. Gregory Thiel accompanied Stan f WHY > DIDN’T berrete ley Goulet to Lostine. They will go <3E *VI CÆ I I THINK to the Lester Goulet ranch and then o THAT pack in for deer hunting. Other Hunter Elected Meati O f Dairymen YOUR Hf N i hunters are Mr. and Mrs. Lynn McOinnis, Bill and Billy Vernon Hurst and David, who are to spend W illis went deer hunting near Unity j about a week hunting. this past week. Roy Mecham and Calvin Martin L. L. K reager and Justine and were dinner guests at the Gayle i Lary hunted deer near Owyhee dam Martin home Sunday. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and Gary were deer hunting over the Teachers Attend week-end in Unity. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. George Meeting O f Institute Smith. Mrs. W. E. W illis and Marsha are AD R IAN , Oct. 6—Week-end guests visiting in The Dalles this week with of Mrs. Howard Hatch were Mr. her sister. Mrs. Ted Tuskl and fam and Mrs. Earl Hinman. daughter. ily. Linda Marie. Mrs. Ed Wymen of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eastman of Parma and Mrs. Dwain Hatch and Caldwell were week-end guests of son Charles o f Star. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown. Clyde Cartwright, Bill Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Gayle Martin went deer hunting family. Howard and Don Hatch over the week-end. Bill was the were deer hunting over the week only one who killed deer. end at Ironside. There was no school in Adrian LaNoone Gaston and Betty Jar Monday as the teachers were at vis were over-night guests o f Nell tending a meeting of the Institute Stoker Saturday night. for exceptional children held at Ted Holly was home over the Nyssa. week-end visiting his folks. Ted is Earl Sarri and Tony Coifalo went attending Boise Junior College. deer hunting over the week-end. Richard Holly and Claude Smith Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis of Owyhee Corners were deer hunt and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Alvon ing this past week near Jordan val ley. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney have purchased a new Buick car. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. English of Nampa called on their daughter. Mrs. Gayle Martin Sunday. Shirley and Patricia Smith spent the week-end with Mrs. Gayle M ar tin while Mrs. Martin's husband was deer hunting. Mrs. Richard Holly and Tlmmie, are visiting in Vale this week. Mrs. Gayle Martin and family. Partricia and Shirley Smith and Roy Mecham were visitors in the Don Boren home at Nampa Sunday. PAGE FIVE raising sugar beets, and put the boot on the other foot. T h e farm e r has always been labor's friend, but in view of prevailing events the country over, they are being forced to be their enemy in self-defense. — C. M. Beaumont webs from his upper story. In the clear its Judge Troxell. Back o l it is a declared Hitler demonstration of our affairs. In another article of September 29 in the Journal, Mr. Peckham gives another vision in his talk on the C VA of what is happen ing. This has gone beyond party partsianship. Without what these farmers have done the sugar fact ory workmen might still be sucking their thumbs. I f they think they have created anything let us stop NOW, v i s * Attends Meeetlng— Henry Hartley will leave Friday for Portland to attend a meeting on national legislation for the Oregon Education Association. ï t t ® DELICIOUS AND IONATHAN APPLES HONK You Pick Them, Tree Run, In Your Own Containers 50c A BUSHEL PHO N E W H OLESALE -R E T A IL WASHING. POLISHING. LUBRICATING — A y FRANK b efi. ha X l FRY Four M iles Southw est On Adrian Highway Phone 04J-4 / / 7 / LE T T E R T O T H E ïM EGGS E D IT O R I am writing this in support o f my opinion why the people responsible for the building of Malheur county and its prosperity should retain the conduct o f its government, not an alien concern. The builders o f M al heur county could hire as free A- merican people, who enjoyed their unabridged right to work and share the fruits of their labor unmolested by outside concerns. They were true American people. They gov erned the county in the American way by popular vote and abided by that vote in the American way. They toiled under hard conditions to reclaim the county's resources by the land and the land owners and they alone underwrote the building of the Owyhee project. They alone .lire bearing the burden which to my last knowledge was 180 dollars per acre and still going up. The land owners still owe this. None o f the stores, garages, factories, implement .houses, labor unions have guaran teed to assume any part of it. Out side interests flocked in to enjoy >vhat they had created. They are now enjoying homes and livelihood pecause of what these people have (lone and glory in having done in the true American spirit. That spirit has made America what it is. Now we are confronted with an outside force, who with their boast o f their power to make or break if their wishes are not adhered too. They, as in one article in the Journal, September 29, are black listing men who do not heed their demands or hampering the free dom of others. A striking illustrat ion of their methods appeared in the September 30 issue of the Idaho Statesmen: An A. F. L. man being beaten up by C. I. O. members. Their stock in trade is “ sob stuff” . They are being deprived of their rights. Any farmer who agrees to their plans had better clear the It's true — Purina Research Tests prove that it now takes le s s fe e d to make m ore eggs than with Purina's 1948 formulas when you feed NEW P U R I N A "HIGH £ N i * 0 y P IU S LAYING CHOWS They're new — the best in Purina history. You won't want to miss getting your flock started on Purina Layena or Lay Chow — in every b a g you get these four extras: - '" V A d d e d v it a mins and bet- I ter controlled ________ vitamin q u a l ity result in better condition of birds throuqh the year I Purina Laying Chows now lh ave more ap- * petite a p p e a l — the taste is better— the texture is bettert It take^several k in d s of pro teins to make I egg whites and yolks. Purina this year gives you a higher- quality blend of proteins. TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL Phone 26 4141, advertised ...and all their lives they'll thank you! sue ol American Weyerhaeuser ■bedroom home. „hough adhering to a purely rec You Can Build This Home on Convenient FHA term; haoe^and minimum dimensions h , ,his house h as giv e n i cross ventilation. W a te r— 0 * BUSM» M # l S » l t t nB iiuui rot 'HSIWU « * But a good piano is essential. A good piano with action that’s positive, response that’s inspiring tone that’s full, rich, resonant— such a piano eases the path to learning, and speeds the pace. The Acrosonic, built by Baldwin, has long been famous in the small piano field, for its superb response, sprightly action and glow ing tone. It w ill inspire your children’s effort—and reward it! And A ll their lives they’ll thank you. for details consult your tnral Boise Payette yard Q u a lity Wise P a re n t.. . providing your children with a musical education. And learning to play the modern w ay is fun! Simple pieces can be mastered in an amazingly short time. cabinet space and the 0 bedrooms and bat are 1 irom the living room. You'll The exterior ap p earan ce ot SCHU61 » » « 0 * » « ^ «iU rn Joy reading our booklet. a p p e a l to ttiose who v “Planning Your Child's Fut W and individuality *• mMWOOi ,li0 ,s uro’*. Ask your dealer for your copy; or write directly * t il«" ! to Baldwin Plano Co., Cin H* cinnati 2, Ohio. YI0001HORK * Ho. 1RFO CIBAR SHtHCUS OR HRS1 EWE COMPOSniON SH1H61ES * 0EH 0E PMH 1S COH1RRC10RS c , . M IN K , Mgr. ^ The Exquisite Acrosonic 0reg0„ As Advertised In Good Housekeeping Magazine Down Payment la All a Home Really Coats For home plans, specifications, materials, financing and aid in construction depend upon your Boise Payette yard. GRIGG BROS, and BUTLER BYBEE BLDG. PH O N E 179-J