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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1949)
JOURNAL r/ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X IV NO. 38 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1949 Harr Offered Former Sunset Ham Cliadderdon /'• (ontraet 7 o Hold Girl Is Named President Hospital Campaign Of Safety Group Injured Miss Kathleen Wolfe, 16, former ■ resident oi Sunset valley, was seri- 1 ousiy injured Sunday when the car In which she, hil* escort and an other couple were riding, collided with a train near Star. Harold Schmidtt, 20, of Nampa and Carol N. Whisler, 16. of Nampa, were killed in the accident. Albert Helzer, 19, driver of the car, was injured. Miss Wolfe’s back was broken in two places. She also suffered injuries to her wrist and ribs. . Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe of Nampa, is a sis ter of Irvin and Clifford Wolfe, both Sunset valley farmers. Her parents formerly lived in Sunset valley. Mexican Suffers Horse Pulling .sugar company h Peckham Visions Bad Cut On Throat Arranging Plant Contest Staged For ’49 Opening Danger To U. S. By Riding Club In CVA Proposal Daniel Rodeledo was arrested by city police officers September 27 on The Amalgamated Sugar comp a charge of being intoxicated, but any is arranging for the opening was held in connection with a fight of the annual sugar production lioise M a i l Delivers Talk All Outside Teams Ent with another Mexican, who was re campaign in the Nyssa plant next Wilder Farmer Points ported to have been cut on the week. At Meeting O f Mai* ered; Feature Races throat. Out Governors Are Harvesting of beets will be start licur Unit Rodeledo was fined $25 and sent Are Held Opposed To Plan enced to 15 days in jail by munic ed Monday, October 3 and oper ation of the plant will be started Hamilton Chadderdon of Nyssa A team of horses owned by W. ipal Judge J. C. Smith. "There is nothing so fraught Officers said Trinidad Hernandez as soon thereafter as sufficient was elected president of the Mal H. Figgat of Meridian won first place in the heavyweight class in suffered a bad cut on the throat. beets have been accumulated to as with danger to our concepts of free heur County Safety council at a dom as this CVA program”, H. G. the pulling contest sponsored by A physician took several stitches in sure a continuous run. meeting held in Brownie’s cafe With less beets to harvest than Peckham of Wilder told a fair the Owyhee Ridintj club at the rod the wound, said by police to have Monday night. Howard Hatch of during the last two years, the cam sized audience in the high school eo grounds last Sunday afternoon, j been about four inches long. Adrian was elected vice president, paign is expected to last approxi study hall last Thursday night. A comparatively small crowd at- I --------------------------- and Mrs. Ruby Moore of Nyssa, mately 120 days. Speaking under the auspices of tended the program, which includ- K J , . K v T lic tu ifie p e secretary-treasurer. The boilers were steamed up and the Nyssa chamber of commerce ed some feature races on the track, j ,v ,‘ l/lSLtlsscs Following the election, Eldon a test run was made this week in Pulling a weight of 7700 pounds, and the Oregon Trail Grange, Mr. Beck of Boise, an employe of the preparation for the opening. The Peckham said "Today we have comprised of 77 one hundred pound 1 Idaho Power company, spoke on is new coal handling facility, con bags of cement on a ship, a team | people going around the country, sues relating to community safety owned by D. B. Lake of New Ply- Dr K E. Kerby toid members of structed during the summer, has paid with our tax money, asking organizations. Mr. Beck, first been tested and found to be in good for a change in our form of gov mouth won second place and the tbe Malheur Memorial Hospital chairman of the Boise Safety coun working condition. ernment, and they are making head team „SylVn Tayl0L of Boise Auxiliary of some of the interesting cil, has been very active in safety way. It is up to us to see to it that won third place m the heavy- facts concerning cancer, at the work for several years. they don’t gain their point”. Adults totaling 3601 were X-rayed _ . meeting of the auxiliary Monday The exceptional child will be the weight division. Discussing the problems that the ¡n Malheur county during the rec Mr. Peckham, prominent Idaho A x/r«riHian team owned by Clyde Taylor aiternoon afternoon at at me the parisn narish nan. hall subject of a county-wide institute a-nn the Boise council has faced, to give help ent visit of the Oregon state health to be held in Nyssa Monday, Oct of f Meridian won middleweight farmer, attended a hearing in Wash The public has become more a- contest, pulling 7300 pounds. George to Malheur county safety organiz department’s X-ray unit, accord ober 3. ington, D. C. In June on the CVA. ware of cancer during the past few ations, Mr. Beck said the Boise ing to a report made this week by He said the star witnesses at the _______ _____ _ Davis’ team of New Plymouth was years, Dr. Kerby said, because of With all of the teachers in the group had best results by acting Mrs. June Davis, executive secre- ! system attending the institute, the second and Chet Long’s team of Plans have been completed for hearing were the five northwest the great amount of publicity that vVeiser was third. as an advisory group to the various tary of the Malheur County Tub- j Nyssa schools will be closed for the the carnival and dance to be held governors, whom he quoted rather G. W. Mayes of Boise entered the American Cancer Foundation Saturday night, October 1, when extensively. civic organizations and city offic erculusls and Health association. day. Several prominent Oregon ed- has issued concerning this disease .he only team in the lightweight ials. He cautioned safety groups The speaker quoted Governor This year’s total number oi X - j ucators will attend the institute that ranks next to heart trouble as nerchandise valued at more than Douglas McKay of Oregon as say not to attempt to acquire authority, rays, while under those oi last! Miss Madeline Bowers consult- division. His team pulled 5000 12600 will be given away Ui.der the the number one killer of human ing “It is not a question of having because that causes too many prob, year’s 3694, did not include the ant in speech correction state de- pounds. p . ™ , wnn fin 17 race and I beings. Dr. Kerby stated two rea- msplces of the raffle committee of a development program for the Col lems. large number of children who were , partment of education is working Nvssa took second place. sons for the increase of cancer | N y s s a chamber of commerce. umbia river area or not having one, Mr. Beck stressed the importance included in last year's total. Those | with Nyssa tachers this week for The carnival feature of the event Betty Domenico of the Nyssa cases. One of these is that it is dia but rather whether we wish to have of obtaining assistance of other or in charge of the survey felt that the primary purpose of developing gnosed earlier and more often than will be conducted by the Nyssa Vet ganized groups in accomplishing it was a success in that it had a demonstration lesson for the club won the stake race and the in past years, and that the increased erans association. The games of it under a democratic form of gov ernment or whether we wish to safety objectives. The reason is that reached many persons not prev teachers of the county. She will al ladies' 1, mile saddle horse race Doris Cowijer of Meridian won j life span brings more persons into chance will include dice, 21, roulette, turn it over to a government that this plan eliminates the necessity iously X-rayed. the period of years of life when fish pond, bingo, baseball throw and is very similar to a dictatorship”. so be one of the instructors at the second place in both races. of safety organizations raising Mrs. Davis expressed the apprec institute. ring toss. Booths of various kinds Neil Tensen of Nyssa won first cancer is most prevalent, Mr. Peckham cited conditions in funds and that organized groups iation of herself and the health Miss Bowers told members of the and Charley Tunning of Parma I Cancer is an old disease, Dr. will also be set up. England, Germany, Italy, India, have, more manpower and more ex association for the help given by Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed The carnival and dancing will be second in the kids' pony race. I Kerby said. There is evidence that China and Russia and added that perience to gain the desired accom the volunteer workers, the service nesday noon at the weekly luncheon Dan Collins of Nyssa won the it existed even in prehistoric times, started at 9 o’clock. The prizes, in "When you have studied them all, plishments. clubs, business houses, newspapers cluding a Ford automobile, will be that approximately 10 per cent of men's L mile saddle horse race ; Twenty five percent of cancer cases the facts In America refute any The speaker strongly recommend and the radio station and all the children in the United States and Bob Williamson of Nyssa may be cured by the three recogn- given away at 12 o’clock. and all arguments for a change In ed that the Malheur County Safety others who had aided in making have speech difficulties. She dis The sale of raffle tickets this week ized means of treatment, by sur took second place. our form of government. In all this, council obtain some larger safety this year's survey a success. cussed various types of speech dif Parma took first place and Nys gery, radium and X-ray. Dr. Kerby has been brisk. The committee now comes a demand on the part of group to act as a sponsoring body. ficulties. sa second in the relay race. told of some of the cancer clinics has net profit of $1000 for the bene our national administration, sup Mr. Beck urged the local group not The Nyssa city band played be that are valuable for the early de fit of the Malheur Memorial hos ported by some that we make a Many persons who have speech to become discouraged at the out defects are hard of hearing, Miss fore the opening of the pulling tection of this disease. Following pital and a few hundred dollars change; that we give up our sys set of its activities, pointing out Bowers said. Seventy-five per cent contest, the first oi its kind held his talk, he showed a picture bring secured from the sale of tickets has tem of free enterprise and substi that time is necessary for gaining ing out the urgency to heed the not been given to the committee. tute for it a CJVA. The five gov o of the defects could be overcome if in Nyssa. the co-operation of large groups of the class room teachers knew how * The women of the Owyhee riding warning signs whereby the disease The hospital auxiliary will collect ernors said we are facing a re people. He said that through plan B o i s e-Winnemucca Stages of to handle such problems, she added. club served sandwiches, pie and may be discovered In its early all raffle tickets and money from organization of our government. ning and wise leadership, eventually Boise have announced a new route business houses Friday afternoon. “ When the CVA -s formed, a “We will help the teachers to stop coffee in the veterans booth at the I stages. the group will have the support of with two schedules leaving and re the defects and later we expect to rear of the grandstand. Other numbers on the program All persons handling the tickets are three-man board will have power the majority of the city. asked to be prepared to turn in their turning from Nyssa and Adrian return to attempt to establish a re included two solos by Miss Irene to transfer any controversy that Following the talk, the council daily. Hibbe> accompanied by Mrs. Carlos tickets and money. Tickets will be may arise between lt and the peop medial program". Miss Bowers held a question and answer period, sold up to the time of the drawing The new schedule to be in effect said. le to a federal court from a state Buchner, and two accordian solos in which he objectives for the Monday, October 3, will offer direct a court. This board Jhat will toe a by Reed Ray. The program for at midnight. Superintendent Henry Hartley in coming uioniiiS Wore discussed connection to California. Arizona troduced Miss Bowers and Mrs. monopoly will take over the func Monday’s meeting was arranged by The first objectives of the coun and Nevada as well as the conven Josephine Rigney. who is in charge tions of the bureau of reclamation, Mrs. Ward Tyler. cil will be to arrange first aid in ience of a direct transportation link of exceptional child rtaining in the the army corps of engineers, the During the business meeting seven struction for everyone who might between Nyssa and Boise. It will Nyssa schools. fish and wild life commission and | pillows that had been made by the be interested in the principal towns now be possible for Nyssa and Ad many other agencies. I am not will Chatterbox club were presented to Subjects to be discussed at the of Malheur county. The council rian to receive shipments from institute will include "Symptomatic ing to help pay again for the stud the aux ary by Mrs. Virgil Mc plans to start these classes during Boise, Nampa and Caldwell in less Behavior in the C la s s r o o m “Child City officials have ordered 141 ies that have been made for the Beet Sugar Refinery Employees, Gee. Mrs C. H. Bennett reported the early part of November, with than one day’s time and also make ren with Vision Difficulties” ; local union, A. F. of L. voted at its the presentation of one dozen sheets street signs to be erected during develoyment of the northwest. not more than 25 to a class. ” 1 want to develop the north it possible for the housewife to leave “Classroom Adjustments for the to the auxiliary by the Rebekah the next few months. Each set con Officers asked all of the repre Nyssa in the morning, shop in Boise Crippled or Chronically 111” ; “The regular meeting Friday night, Sep Sunshine club. sisting of a metal sign and metal west Just as fast as we can pay for tember 24 to support the proposed sentatives at the meeting to com all afternoon and be back In Nyssa Work of the County Health Unit it. The dams are wonderful and Mrs. Frank Perko outlined the post, will cost $6.46. we need them. If we get the Col pile a list of safety hazards in their in time for supper. The new stages and It’s Relation to Special Edu recall of County Judge Irwin plans for the Hospital Benefit sale City Manager E. K. Burton said individual communities for discus will leave Nyssa on highway 201, cation” ; “Preventing and Correct Troxell. that the auxiliary will sponsor Oct city employes will probably start er umbia valley authority we will The resolution of the union said have others. We will have B7 dic sion at the next meeting, which will go through Adrian and to the Idaho ing Poor Speech in Children” and “Due to the position taken by the ober 29. The sale will be held at ecting the posts next month, but tatorships with $100,000,000,000 to be held in Ontario October 24. line, thence on an unnumbered road “Children With Hearing Difficult Nyssa chamber of commerce and the city park with Colonels Bert the signs are not expected to be re spend. It will break America. I to Homedale, U. 8. 95 to Wilder, ies”. the Oregon Trail Grange on the Anderson and Joe Church as auct ceived for about three months. don’t want to spend so much we Idaho, 19 to Caldwell and U. S. 30 The city also expects to re-num proposed recall of County Judge ioneers. All clubs represented in to Nampa and Boise. For the time the hospital auxiliary were asked ber all houses in the city and buy can’t pay for It. I want proven Irwin Troxell our position in sup agencies to do the work. being no local service can be allowed Funeral Is Held porting the recall must also be stat to begin collecting dishes, furniture, new numbers. The block numbers “The bureau of reclamation and between Nyssa and Adrian until an machinery, produce and other sale will remain the same, but the "cent ed to the public. For Sarah MeNee, the corps of army engineers have | intra-state permit is granted, the able articles and to report at the ury” system of numbering, 100 num a plan now for development of “ We, “some of the certain ele Four league teams played con- Boise-Winnemuccas general man- Nyssa Resident ments in the county proposing this next meeting of the auxiliary, which bers to a block, will be eliminated. the northwest and it Is ready to ference games the past week in the aKef announced. The bus line hopes will be held October 17 instead of The numbers will average from go as soon as congress appropriates recall election”, deeply regret the Snake River Valley league. The 10 ** able 1,0 °*fer th*s servlce In four to six in a block. Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah attitude taken by the Nyssa cham the regular meeting date. the money. It is the most compre other three teams engaged in non the very near future. The Nyssa Lions club members hensive plan ever devised. Why McNee. 70, who died in Pendleton ber of commerce and the Oregon Direct connections are made at conference contests. have agreed to assist In placing the last Wednesday, were conducted last Trail Grange by actively opposing Boh Newby, Pioneer discard that kind at talent after In a league fray, the Vale Vik Winnemucca with both train and week-end in the Nyssa Funeral said election without, we believe,due numbers on the houses. all these years and after all of these ings flashed the power that tabbed bus for the '*fest and soutb bound home chapel with the Rev. Don regard to all facts. O f Nyssa, Passes * millions have been spent Bolse-Winnemucca, one them as early season favorites for traveler. P. T. A. To Meet In Nyssa— “Our local union asks only that Fred W. Bracken, president of Maxfield officiating. Interment S R V. honors by swamping Weiser f'rst independent stages lines was in the Nyssa cemetery. The Nyssa Parent-Teacher as the Nyssa chamber of commerce, labor in this vicinity be given the Bob Newby, pioneer resident of 43 to 0 in a night tilt in Vale, in th*s section is well nown in Ida- Mrs. McNee, widow of Hank Mc rights guaranteed it by the constit the Nyssa section, died in Pendle sociation will be hosts to other Par opened the meeting and J. L. Her- At Nyssa Howard Lovejoy’s Bull- bo ^or Rs pioneering for better ent-Teacher units in the county rlman Introduced Mr. Peckham, ution of the United States and the dogs won their second league game transportation service for this whole Nee, was born in California May laws of the land, made by a nation ton this morning, according to Saturday for the annual school of who said “ If America is to retain 15, 1879 and came to Nyssa when information received here. Mr. over an injury-riddled Emmett area Pullman and train reservations she was a girl and lived here for of foresight, to insure workers free Newby engaged in farming in the instruction that will be held In the its position of leadership in the squad 12 to 0. many years. Nyssa high school building. The world lt must retain for Itself dom from fear and want. Owyhee area for many years. The Nyssa-Emmett game featur may be made at any Botse-Winne- “Our organization has supported Funeral services will be held at meeting will begin at 10 a m. and those principles Of government Survivors are three sisters, Mrs ed unusually hard tackling and mucca stage depot. This service the chamber of commerce and the 11 a. m. Tuesday in the L.D.S. last until 4 a. m. that brought lt the leadership in blocking by both teams. The Bull- j enables the traveler to buy all his J. J. Whalen and Mrs. Lester Ernest grange in every worthy cause in our Conducting the school thLs year the first place” . • chapel. Interment »111 be in the rl'\s scored in the second quarter tickets at one place, Boise-Winne- of Ontario and Mrs Walter Alford community and will continue to do Nyssa cemetery, with the Nyssa will be Mrs. Janelle Moorhead, first of Horseshoe Bend. Idaho and two on a 60-yard sustained drive, with j mucca’s manager said. vice president of the Oregon con Attends Funeral— brothers. John Lackey of Nyssa and so in the future, but in the pres Funeral home in charge. Pounds, halfback, going over tackle --------------------------- R. O. Larson returned home gress of P. T. A., Mrs. Charles Car- Charles Leckey of Eagle Point Ore ent case we feel that these groups from the four-yard line for the! One Mexican Fourni gon. are decidedly biased and our sup Missionary Shows Films— roll of La Grande, regional vice- Wednesday from Portland, where he first counter. The kick for extra j Kenneth Hendricks, missionary president; Mrs. Stuart F. French, attended funeral services for his port cannot be given. point was blocked. Guilty; One Freed Rainbow Official Here— We favor the recall o f Judge from Japan, showed films of mis president of the Union county P. T. brother, Joseph A. Larson, who died After a fairly even third quarter, sion work in Japan to an Interested A., and Mrs. Harold Decker, state last Saturday. Mr. Larson, a re Miss Dorene Softky, worthy grand Troxell because: the Bulldogs scored on the first j 0 ne Mexican was found guilty •l_W e feel he acted arbitrarily audience Monday evening in the chairman of room representatives tired manager of the Coos Bay Mut pin of the fourth quarter, with incj another was released in con- advisor o f the Order of Rainbow and without exercising Judgment Christian church. He showed pict and hospitality. ual creamery, had lived In Portland for Girls in Washington, Idaho Pounds going over center and scam- necg|on with the case of assult with A luncheon will be served at noon for 18 months. He had been active and Alaska, and her mother, Mrs. necessary to proper handling of his ures of the Japanese Christian, l>ermi ?1 yards to score. Again the dangerous weapon on Nyssa bus- Carl Softky of Seattle, were week public trust, in cutting the wages Kagawa. who is conducting evan by the Nyssa Parent-Teacher as In the creamery business for 35 conversion attempt failed. mess and professional men several end guests at the Hubert Peirsol of county employes to satisfy de gelistic campaigns in Japan, with sociation. All officers and mem years. Interment was In the Park Lite in the final quarter the wepj[^ ag0 when they appeared in home, where they visited Mr and mands of certain pressure groups more than 50,000 converts every bers of county P. T. A. units are Hill cemetery at Vancouver, Wash I1 ii > kic . recovered a Nyssa fumble (.ircujt court during the September Mrs. Peirsol and Mrs. Eliza Briin- in their efforts to lower wages in year. Mr. Hendricks quoted several asked to attend Saturday’s meeting. ington. in mid-field and drove to the Nys term. authorities to support his contention berry. Miss Softky, great niece of this vicinity. sa nine-yard mark before losing Elmer Trujillo was found guilty Mrs. Brimberrv. is on her official Return From Portland— “ 2 —The laws of our country pro that the opportunity to promote the Caring For Children— the ball on downs. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Gunnells and and now awaits the passing of sent visit to the Rainbow chapters in vide freedom for the individual to cause of Christ was never so great Mrs. E. H. Fleshman has been ap Statistically the Bulldogs gained ence. The case of Santa De La family returned Sunday from a Join a labor union of hLs own choice as in Japan now. pointed child welfare chairman of Idaho. She is taking a year's leave 198 yards from scrimmage to the the American Legion auxiliary. She week's visit with relatives In Port the first of this from the University of Washing to bargain more effectively with his Huskies 81 and Mm ™ > T n e ~ firM 1 Ç n « — These employes were Speaks For College— ton to visit the Washirwton chap- employer. said she and the auxiliary are Inter land. downs to Emmett's six. ters. In May, Miss Softky will within their rights in their efforts Ed Elridge of the Northwest ested in all children who need help. The Nvssa Bulldogs will play Bak sail for Alaska to visit the Alas- to reach a reconciliation with their Christian college in Eugene spoke but their primary purpose Is to aid Nursing Home Births— er Friday night. September 30. be Feeder Cattle Shipped— Bom September 14 to Mr. and Seventy cars of feeder cattle were kan chapters, returning to Seattle employer through affiliation with Monday evening in the First church ¡ children of veterans. Mrs. Flesh- ginning at 8 o’clock, in a non-con shipped by the Union Pacific Rail- for the grand assembly next sum- the American Federation of Labor of Christ, challenging the church | man said she would appreciate Mrs. Duane Goodenow of Parma, ference contest. as no effort was made by the court to the task of supporting the col hearing from anyone who knows of a daughter, weighing 8 pounds. 2'* road company for John Stringer mer (Continued on Page 6) lege with preyers and finances and children of veterans who need help ounces; September 16 to Mr. and ' from Spencer, Idaho to Stringer's I --------------------------- sending young people there for or unable to attend school because Mrs. Tarzan Johnson of Parma, a T° r . j Q.razin and f«nn n cir Nyssa Tuesday and Wed- Here From Alaska— Dr and Mrs. J J. Sarann ana ^ Lt and Mrs D T Applegate of Health Board To Meet— daughter, weighing 7 pounds, 5 oun training He told of the work and of lack of clothing or finances. M in aret Sarazin spent the w e e k _________________ Juneau. Alaska, arrived last week Mrs Sadie Orr Dunbar of the the needs of the college. ces, and to Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Main of Parma, a daughter, weigh Attends Fonerai— a\ttend« 4 * a meeting of the Visit In Nvssa— for * **■»* al ‘ he home of Mrs. Ap- Oregon Tuberculosis and Health as- . tiiiM M l * meeunft Mr and Mrs c A. Seppich of ptegate’s parents Mr and Mrs J sociation will be the speaker at a Have ( oast Trip— Mrs. Ben Calvert attended the ing 7 pounds. l toinftl at1 Sun Ogden. Utah are visiting this week B Ewer Lt. and Mrs Applegate board meeting of the Malheur Mr and Mrs Edward Larson and funeral of her sister, Mrs. Cora B V u their L j h t e r and hits- at the home of their son. Tom Sep- are spending this week at their County Tuberculosis and Healthy as- two children. Larry and Dale, spent Coen, at Payette Friday. September Father Succumbs— Ed Comstock of Nampa, father of sociation at the Moore hotel Mon last week on the Pacific coast 23 Mrs Coen died ot a heart at- ■ r. i Mr and M r, R. W Larson plch and BtmUr_______ l ^ f wr^k a“ ?he Fw?r home w ^ day evening. October 3. All memb Wlth them was her aunt. Mrs Lem- tack while visiting her daughter in Mrs. Chet Molser of Nyssa died Sat urday evening, September 24. Fun 'M r and Mrs H L. Yates of San ers of the health association are ual Webster of Ogden, who visited Freewater. Oregon. Mrs Coen was Mother Dies— To San Francisco— Mi&. Margaret Sarazin left Tues- Mrs Charles Sieffans was called Francisco Mr Yates, who Is a bro Invited to attend the meeting. Mrs. In Nyssa before returning to her bom in Iowa, but moved to the eral services were held In the Sum Snake river valley when she was a ner chapel Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. il evening for San Francisco, to Caldwell on Tuesday evening be- ther of Mrs Ewer Is remaining for Dunbar will arrive in Ontario Mon- home! John Quigley. Mrs Roy Barnes, Mrs. --------------------------- ' child. » ere she will continue her grad- cause of the death of her mother, » visit in Nyssa while Mrs Yates day morning and will meet with the John Stafford and Mr and Mrs. executive committee at a luncheon Ts Appear As Gumt Artists— c, studies Mrs. C. M Van Slyke. Mrs Van visits relatives in the east. Don Maxfield attended the services. meeting at 11:30 at the Moore hotel Mias Phyllis Bair will appear as Girl Arrlvi ___________ ___ sivke has been ill for several weeks --------------------------- To Test Hearing— guest artist Monday evening at a A daughter, weighing 6 pounds. Program Time C h a n g ed - } -----------------------— , Kn£ " Vn^ tJ~ . . The state board of health will studio recital, given In Parma by 10 ounces, was bom this morning Loses Sight Of E y e - The Booster night program of the Visitling Here— I James Heldt left last week for Frank Cahill has lost the sight of Oh>v n Trail Grange scheduled for Miss Nelsa Knettle of Seattle Eugene where he has enrolled ,in have an audiometer In Nyssa the the LaTrawn School at Dancing, in the Holy Rosary hospital in December, will be held Tuesday is visiting at the home of her bro- architural engineering at the Cnl- week of October 10 to test the hear- Letha and Roxie Woodard will play Ontario to Mr and Mrs Ed Knettle one of his eyes because of a blood ing of all children in the schools. | a piano duet. i of Nyssa. clot forming in the retina. nlght, October 11. 1 ther. Ed Knettle. i rerslty of Oregon. The board of directors of the Mai- heur Memorial Hospital association have offered a contract to L. D. Barr of Oakland. California to sup- ervise a supplemental campaign to raise $100.000 for the hospital. The money will be used to cover the loss on delinquencies, fully equip the hospital and pay operating costs for two years. Mr. Barr supervised the original campaign, in which $262,000 was raised in pledges and cash during the fall and winter of 1947. If Mr. Barr signs a contract to undertake the local project, the di rectors hope to finish the campaign by Christmas. Cancer Problem 3601 Adults In Unusual Child County X-Rayed Institute Set Sale Of Raffle Tickets Brisk Stage Company Starting Route Sugar Factory Workers Favor Troxell Recall City To Erect Street Signs Nyssa Defeats Emmett 12 To 0 r A