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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1949)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST PAGE TWO The Gate City Journal KLAHS V. POWELL - - - - - - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RATES One Year ______________ $2.00 Six Monili» ....................... $1.25 Single Copies .05 (Strictly In Advance! ■ inch.......... inch______ r word ___ Minimum ... 30c 40c 49c 2c Published every Thursday at Nyasa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoiflce at Nyasa, Oregon (or transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 Smith superintendent. 11 a. m„ congregational and special »listing and communion service. THE CHURCH OF THE 7 15 p. m„ we have three group NA/.ARENE services. Come and we believe you Rev. E. J. Wilson, Pastor will find a place where you will 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell enjoy yourself in one of these. Church N o tes 8 p. m . evangelistic service LIVESTO CK PRE-REGISTRATION ENTRY 8 p. m., every Wednesday we have services. Please "reserve exhibit space for the following animals which I plan to Prayer service Friday noon at exhibit at the Malheur County fair. September 1, 2 and 8: the parsonage. Breed Number Dairy Cattle FAITH » I'THERSN CHURCH Dual Purpose Cattle Rev. Sberwin Schmidt, Pastor Beef Cattle Divine service at 11 o ’clock. Sunday school and adult Bible Sheep Swine class at 9:45. Rabbits CHURCH OF CHRIST (Signed) Don R. Maxfield. Pastor Name 10 a. m , church school hour. We have a class (or you. tl a. m., morning worship and Address Lord’s supper. Please fill out and return to the secretary of the Malheur county fair 7:30 p. m., young people's meet board, city hall, Ontario, on or before AUGUST 25: ing. 8:15 p. m., evening worship ser vice. The young people who went lar for every person present. Evangelistic, 8 p. m. to summer camps will relate some Bible study and prayer, 8 p. m. Wednesday at 8, young people's >f their experiences, and will conduct the worship service, which activity night. All young people Tuesday. Young people, 8 p. m. Friday. will be concluded by a short mes- are welcome, whether or not they attend our worship services. >age by the pastor. Welcome to all services. Friday, August 19 at 8 sharp CATHOLIC CHURCH there will be a fellowship dinner MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street in the church. An offering will Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor W. M. Turner je taken for the general exipenses The hour of Sunday mass will be Missionary Pastor it the church. It is hoped that this offering will average one dol- 8:30 through the months of June, Sunday school, 10 a. m. July and August. Morning service, 11 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Spiesz. Pastor Song service, 7:30 p. in. Young People's service, 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Praise and worship, 11 a. m. Wednesday evening prayer ser vice, 8 p. m. Friday evening service, 8 p. m. W arning. DON’T LET YOURSELF BE OVER-SOLD ON INSTALLMENT PLAN BUYING YOU MADE A SOLEMN AGREEMENT WITH YOUR Merchant-Doctor-Hospital ff/l 5 eco n o m icalt when you sew ft yourself! ' i_ . M a k e n e w c lo th e s , d ra p e s , r e p a ir s , a l te r a tio n s . . . e a s ily , u u ick ly . Sew a n d sa v e w ith th e m o d e rn se w in g m a c h in e th a t's first choice w ith th o u s a n d s o f w o m e n . C o m e in to d a y . for his Confidence and Trust in You • • • When you received NOW ÜiwfWestinqhouse A M E R I C A S Have you betrayed that confidence, by not either paying or part paying or satisfactorily arranging to take care of that courtesy when it became due? Have you betrayed that confidence and trust you so solomnly asked for? If you have been careless—why not at once answer your PIONER SERVICE COUNTY CREDIT BOARD letter that you have received. Go in and Pay, Pail Pay or satisfactorily arrange to pay and keep that promise good! Remember the man who pays is welcome everywhere and holds that confidence he asked for and received—But the man who doesn’t pay soon becomes a social outcast, and loses his character rating. No rommlwilons Charged on Collections No Dorkrt Fees — No Filing Fees All Monies Paid to Your Creditor No Contracts to Sign and Regret M N E S T S I W I N C MA C H IN ES Ostrom Bros. Appliance Co. "Willie WATT BY ROLAND & ROY RW ! O N LY You’ll hardly believe it when you tee the beautiful ironing results this low priced, but highly efficient portable ironer will give you! METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Donald S. Campbell, Minister 9:46 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 7 p. m., youth fellowship. 8 p. m., evening service. $ 79-95 It’s automatic — one control, operated by hand or knee! So small you can store it conveniently, but it handles a full size ironing job. Relieves you from ironing drudgery. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. REMARKABLE FEATURES PertiMe . . sal, 33 lbs. • Automatic Control « Thermostat o IS squaro Inches of Iron our- toco o Chrome ploted shoo u Stroamllnod beaut, o 23 Inch, c m o end roll* Irons and proosts s 1-,ear S I Warrant, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (But Act Fasti) Henneman Hardware Company ARCADIA, Aug. 18—The Arcadia Sunshine club held its annual watermelon feed Sunday afternoon at the Ellis Warner home. A large crowd attended. The club ; seller's to a o u j « - i — _ _ ----------- -------- , C l * 1* will resume its monthly meetings In September. Otis Bullard chopped hay for Elmer Stradley and Theo Matherly this week. Mrs. Anna Dail and Mrs. Etta Johnson spent Friday night in Emmett with their brother, Charles Thompson, and Mrs. Thompson. They returned home Saturday tions HU* from a 10-day vacation at McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Larson vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe in Nyssa Monday evening. Misses Wilma and Betty Bullard ^ 5 - 4 -Ilk ut T p t o r » and Beulah Corn, returned Mon day from the Sunday school con ference held at McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Donald, Joan Matherly, Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and girls returned Monday evening. Mrs. Dail and her sister, Mrs. Esther Johnson, remained un til Friday at McCall with their sister, Mrs. Miles Canada, and Mr. Canada of Jerome, who attend 1 ed a poultrymen's meeting in Mc Call. T h r e e Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney and Don McKinney were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tennat of Ontario were vis itors In the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail and sons and Harold Dail, all at Nyssa, vis ■i ited Mrs. Anna Dail Sunday even ing. * The current curtailment of coal production Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pryor of could result in a shortage next winter. Don't Pendleton spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly get caught short at the height of the next and visited their relatives here. heating season. Order coal now . . . on Miss Mary Johnson, who has been attending summer school In Seattle, arrived Saturday at the •«et home of her aunt, Mrs. Anna Dail. y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fulton and fie son, Allen o f Powell. Wyoming ar rived Monday for a visit for a ’ fer i°, few days with relatives here and fi'sf, to take Mrs. Fulton's mother. Mrs. Tl Etta Johnson, home. Mrs. John »teej -or son spent the summer here with her sister, Mrs. Anna Dail. Miss ili Mary Johnson, who has spent the summer In Seattle will also ac r*fi, "Ce, company them to Wyoming. Francis Bates and Bernice Tay lor, Arcadia teachers, returned C. F. MINK, Manager Phone 15 Nyssa c » °P e r ators pR,CE' Lewis' 'ee/c M m « uevn* » r J L . On M in e s « F W / „ ' - ' e . , n WISE HOMEOWNERS ARE STORING GOAL NOW! ! K PIONEER SERVICE MALHEUR COUNTY CREDIT BOARD While It's Easy to GET INFORMATION MOST VALUABLE Tuttle Lumber Co. U. S. National Bank Van Petten Lumber Co. Veterinary Clinic Wutcgoner Motor Co. Vale Aldred Electric Dick Aldrich C C. Anderson Co. Daley's Market Dentinger Feed A Seed Everybody's. Inc. Goodman Oil Co. Hollingsworth's. Inc. Home Lumber A Coal Co. Malheur Drug The Malheur Enterprise Malheur Dumber Co. Service Center Service Corner John Rose Richfield Service Vale Consumer's Co-operative Vale Drug Store Vale Orain and FVed Co. Vale Supply Co. Wilson and Hasen Willowrreek Wtllowvreek Store Visit In Wriser— Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman vis ited friends In Weiser Sunday. w T o» Your Accounts Remain in Your Hands at All Times Blacker Furniture Co. Cairo Mkt. A Interstate Oil Co. Dr. John D. Crump Eastern Oregon Equipment Co. Gene's Service A O. K. Tire Shop Hollingsworth. Inc. Holy Rosary Hospital Jackson Motor Co. Just Right Cleaners K S R V. Radio Inc. Malheur Motor, Inc. Moore Hotel Mutch Oil Co. Nicholson Equipment Co. Ontario Argus-Observer Ontario Auto Parts Ontario Clinic Ontarla Elevator Ontario Grain Co. Ontario Plumbing A Heating Ontario Sand and Oravel Ontario Tractor Co. Riverside Orocery Schaffer Motor Co. Sliaw-Taylor Metal Works Signal Oil Co. Star Fur. A Sheet Metal Works Sunset Court The Arrow Co. of Oklahoma visited In the Otis Bullard home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howe of Nyssa visited Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller Monday afternoon. I Only Two Utah Coal ff, •IMinesInOperahon ., You also asked that courtesy, wasn’t it a grand and glorious feeling? A WATERMELON FEED IS HELD BY CLUB ASKED FOR CREDIT Thi» is the same as asking for a Personal loan. nome last week from summer school at La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cook are on their vacation this week. Jimmy Lakey returned to his home in Boise Saturday after a two-weeks vacation spent here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gossett of Nampa and Mrs Gossett’s bro ther, Ralph Flemming, and wife THE When You Adrian Purina Peed A Seed Co. Brown's Mercantile Van Pel ten Lumber Co. Juntura Junturu Gnroge Nyssa Brower Plumblivg Shop til Case Furniture Co. Gate City Journal Hollingsworth, Inc. Morrison Electric Nyssa Auto Parts The Nyssa Elevator Nyssa Implement Co. Nyssa Lumber Company Olympic Club Owyhee Truck A Equipment Signal Service Superior Service Thompson Oil Co. Tobler's Feed A Fuel Byron Vtnsonhaler Wutmuner Motor Co. Western Corrugator Co. Wilson Bros Dept. Store Ontario C. C. Anderson 8torra Co. Basche Sage 18, 194<L COMPANY SERVICE C A L IS PH O N E 111M H I-W A Y 20 No NYSSA. Beet Growers The Largest Business Men’s Organization in the Northwest Bring In Your Beet Equipment For Necessary Repairs Now. Pioneer Service Co., Inc, FULL STOCK OF GENUINE PARTS FOR A LL EQUIPMENT WE SELL (Established Since 1926) IDAHO-OREGON-UTAH NEVADA DIVISION Division Office I. O. O. F. Building State Office Box 471, Eugene, Oregon Box 1616, Boise, Idaho The Best and Cheapest Collection Service in America Watch for the Green & Black Handbills with Accounts for Sale! LISTEN TO K. S. R . V. MONDAY S:1S A. M. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 11:45 A. M. Q Expert Chevrolet Repair Work; A l,„ Wueoiuin Motor. FACTORY TRAINED REPAIRMAN SF.R US THE NEXT TIME YOUR EQUIPMENT NEEDS REPAIRING B. S M. EQUIPMENT CO. Minneapolis Moline Dealer at