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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1949)
Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1949 PAGE THREE day of four (4) weeks from the [ gone to see his wife, who Is In a Thornhill, divorce. FOR SALE For Rent 80 acres, all good row crop land, day of the first publication of this hospital. He returned again Sat- Luella Oahan vs. James Qahan, located on the Adrian bench, five FOR RENT—Space lor two office» Suinmons -and said period of four | urday to spend the week-end with divorce. room modern home, double garage, or an office and display room, (4) weeks being the time prescribed her. Her condition is still about Clyde Carpenter vs. Eldora Car bam and machine shed, chicken house, $26,000, terms can be ar Carl and Burt's Machine shop. for publication thereof and it you the same. Mrs. Leroy ElUbee went penter, divorce. with Leo to visit relatives and Beverly Jean Norcutt vs. Earl ranged. RENT—Four - room house in fail to so appear and answer said also 40 acres, lays perfect, 21 acres FOR her daughter in the hospital. Leroy Norcutt, annulment of mar Complaint for want thereof the Apple valley. Carl Clarkson. Owy alfalfa. 14 acres red clover and 5 hee Truck and Implement Co. plaintiff will apply to the Court riage. acres pasture, good 5 room part- 18a2xp for the relief prayed for in its " * vr " orlt In Magazine— Laura Jane Martin vs. Roy RATE: Two cents per word fcr each lasue. Minimum, casta tr tally-modern home, garage, chick Complaint herein, to-wit: For a Mrs Elwood Flinders, Mrs en house, machine shed, no noxious FOR RENT—One good used piano. decree quieting its title to the George Poulson and Mrs. D. O. Martin, divorce. advance, Is 30c. weeds and no alkali. Everything Origg Bros. <3c Butler, phone 179-J. real property described as follows, ayoee are among the local poets ! Cleat Bunch vs. Jessie Bunch, about the place good. 7jtfc to-wlt. Lots One (D. Two (9) and who had work chosen for publicat- 1 divorce. One acre. Ideally located with Thomas 8. Weeks, et. ux. vs. rhree Original (1), Block Fifteen (15) oi sn-oaee m agazine re ce n t lv Lyman A. Green, et. al., to quiet six room modern home, full base FOR RENT—Three-room unfurn the shade, $11,000, good terms. of Nvaaa. off the ^ a. press, l5~~paee, reccnW ment, double garage, soft well with bath. See , mh, Townsite entitled ‘History and title. For Sale Business building with modern water, close to Nyssa, $4,000 down. J. ished B. apartment Oregon, and - for Verse.. oi th e Weiser Stake Relief I Pacific Finance Corporation vs. McKinney at Wilson's sup Malheur V County. on one acre grass past 142 acres, 90 acres cultivated, er market from 12 to 8 p. m. llatfc a further decree that any claim society Linda Stoker and Dorothu Rulon King, replevin. FOR SALE — Phllco refrigerator, apartment, at Owyhee comer, offers many sandy loam soil with five room FOR RENT— Polish your owu of right, title, interest or estate Lee of Owyhee also had poems in Clarence L. Olbbens, et. ux. vs. $125. Mrs. H. W. Smith, Collins ure house. 50 acres In alfalfa. $12.- of the defendants and of each the same magazine. as a business venture. 000. E. Eidith Wise, et. al., to quiet floors. Rent our high-speed pol trailer court. 18a2xp opportunities $6,000 down. FOR SALE—80 acres. 11 miles and every of said defendants is title. 80 acres, 58 acres cultivated, five ishing equipment. Easily handled subject and Inferior to the title of Nyssa, 38 acres In culti room BUILDING PERMITS FOR SALE—.English pointer pups, southwest by wumen. Nyssa Lumber company. home with cement basement, now in pasture, alfalfa, the plaintiff; all of which more E. L. Jamison, alteration, Fourth PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT SAtfc. fully very good hunters, males $20, fe vatton, beets, grain, family orchard, trad small dairy barn, garage. $5,000 appears by the verified Com street, lots 11 and 12, block 6, Estate of Bud Anderson, de males $15. Boh Hoi feu, 3 miles er, all equipment, new 4- down. plaint on file herein. Teutsch’s addition, $1200, 6 x 14, creased. 2 acres with 7 room modern home MISCELLANEOUS Guardianship of Viola Stacy. west oif Ole's corner. 18a2xp room house. $8900, 4 down, easy with full basement, barn for' 5 cows This Summons Is published by frame. terms. order of the Honorable M. A. Biggs. MISCELLANEOUS—Tailoring and and garden, well located. FOR SALE—Jera. j bull, Dt. 1943 ROBERT F. THOMPSON of the Cimiit Court of the NEWS OF RECORD Mildred Phillips, phone Judge Three bedroom modem home on alterations, Frank T. Morgan Agency —class V. O. Who wouldn't be In Ninth Judicial District of and for 137-W, located between south 2nd good street with paving and curb LICENSES Nyssa, Oregon the County of Malheur, which E!arl MARRIAGE terested in a sire Whose dam has and 3rd streets on Ekinis ,18a3xc order ing paid, $5,500. Jay Maxfield and Beth Ann was dated 19th July. 1949. 500 pounds fat towards her fourth Two bedroom modern hotne with MISCELLANEOUS—Highest prices decreeing that this summons be Staura, both of Elugene. FARMS EOR SALE Taxi double garage, well Insulated. $7,- paid for slaughter horses. C. Clyde served by publication thereof once Richard L. Lobby and Delores Gold Medal in 8H months at 13 37 acres all nice land with good 350. right, close to highway, very Points, both of Nyssa. years old. Dam and sire both “V. water modern week for four (4) consecutive Jean house with lots of Two bedroom home with H base Smith, phone 306, Ontario. 28j8xc each Charles W. Land and Marjorie Trailwayg Bus Depot G.” Sliver Medal—tested sire 510 good weeks In the Oate City Journal, a ment spacious lawh, garden and shade, extra good cow barn, chick fruit trees, on sewer line and on M I S C E L L A N EOUS—Take your weekly newspaper published at Boyce, both of Boise. pounds fat av. on 11 daughters en house for 500 chickens and good street, well located. $2.800. lawn mower to the Patterson saw Nyssa, in Malheur County, Oregon. Martin G. Greig and Iona M. i:X-305. Standard breeding. Write other good buildings, all fenced in Five room modern home with shop, 300 N. 1st street. Satisfaction TTie date of the first publication Coffman, both of Nyssa. or visit Firwoodeen Jersey farm. good shape, Phone 217 $11,000, easy terms. Leslie Lynn Matheny of Nyssa A. Malar, Sandy, Oregon, route 2, 80 acres, 48 guaranteed. Why patronize the of this Summons being July 21, 14 basement, excellent interior, at irrigable on Bully and Dolores Lauretta Mtnnitf ol B 327. 18a2xp creek near Vale, old water right. tractive kitchen and bath, com house-to-house man, here today, 1949, and the date of the last Lodi, New Jersey. 21Jtfc publication being the 18th day of Warren E. Lundy and Barbara furnished with modern fur gone tomorrow. FOR SALE!—4937 Ford coupe, good This is an easy place to buy, $5,- pletely niture, all for $7,500, good lawns. MISCELLANEOUS— Available now, August, 1949. both of Nyssa. tires and motor, new paint, $225. 000, *4 down. 80 acres, 70 acres Irrigated, 20 Electrolux cleaners and air puri Sgd. LYTLE AND KILPATRICK Brower, Val Keith Nicholson of Ontario 771 No. First street. 15a3xp 2 acres on highway, fine land, acres pasture, 32 acres alfalfa, sev fiers. Sales and service. E!d A. good water right, very fine new Lytle Building, Vale Oregon | and Donna Marie Gribbin of Weis FOR SALE!—Trailer house, just modern home of 7 rooms with 3 en room home, granary, small cow Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, er. Lytle Building bam, no noxious weeds, $11,500 what you need, a home on wheels, bedrooms, good new barn. If you Leslie Arthur Gysbers and Thel Vale, Oregon phone 0287J4. 14Jtfc $975. Signal Service Station. Ila2xp are looking for something real nice easy terms. ma F. Hermann, both of Crescent Attorneys for Plaintiff E. W. PRUYN 80 acres, 60 acres cultivated, new it, $10,000, % cash. Ciity, California. M ISCHLLANEX j US—No muss, no FOR SALE—1941 two door Bujok. this 10 is acres two bedroom modern home, full not irrigated, but has basement, practically the entire fuss, call us, rockwool Insulation. RINEHARTS HAVE Good condition. Henry Fields. good 5 room COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT house, barn and place In pasture, 40 acres of this We have our own insulation blow Auto Repairing Hälfe chicken house, butane heater, hot place suitable for row cropping, ing machine. Stunz Lumber comp FAMILY GATHERING June A. Davis vs. Gary Davis, water heater and apartment range divorce. any. 26m tfc FOR SALE -One used Westing- go with place, price only $4,200. $13,750. B. Cameron, et. ux. vs. Reboring, Valve Grind house electric range, like new. Ideal 45 acres, all irrigated, In barley, 80 acres, 70 acres irrigated, prac MISCELLANEOUS — Prompt and COLUMBIA AVE., Aug 18—The H. diaries C. Casebier, of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rine money, $940. et. al, recovery of ing, Lathe work. Parts Gas and Appliance. llatfc seed, wheat, alfalfa and pasture, 4 tically all irrigates straight north free pick-up of your dead, crippled I home hart of Nyssa was the scene of a Joe Holcomb vs. Oscar Warren, house, barn for 11 perfect flow, no improvements, or sick livestock. Calls received be- ! family gathering FOR SALE!—One used Zenith room basement Wednesday even fore 9 o’ c lock are picked up by other buildings. A good buy $14.800. al., to dissolve contract. electric refrigerator, In good con at cows, ing. Attending were Mrs. Dick et. Peggy and accessories Don’t make a mistake—See Mel noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Tensen Joyce Sunuy vs. Bert and son, Dick. Mrs. BUI dition. Ideal Gas and Appliance. 80 $7,500. Beck if you are looking for acre This Is a top rowerop ages, homes, ranches or business lect Payette 0I80-J3 or 155, or Nys- Bothamly and daughters, Patsey Marion Sandy, divorce. llatfc. farm acres. sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products and Joan of San Fernando, Mr. Joyce Jackson vs. Frank Jackson, all cultivated, 6 room modern Phone 56-W Company. 6Jtfc. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. Dick W. divorce. FOR SALE—1948 Farmall Cub house, barn for 10 cows, granary opportunities. GRIGG BROS. AND BUTLER Ruby Thornhill vs. diaries tractor, four pieces of equipment. and chicken coop, water piped to Bybee Building Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot, Phone 176-J MISCELLANBO US—Fur really per Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and Mr. Sam G. Phillips. V4 mile east of out-buildings. This is one oí the sonalizing your gifts, try gold and Mrs. James Kakabeeke and Nyssa-Parma Junction. Ila2xp best, $27,500, H cash. FOR SALE—Registered bull, pure stamping. lettering done daughter, Kathryn of Ontario 640 acre stock ranch, 35 acres ir bred Holstein. Edna Cowling, first on napkins, Beautiful FOR SALE!—Canning tomatoes, rigated, balance pasture, very good house stationery, match After the covered dish lunch col at west end of Adrian bridge. es, leather goods and book special oc ored 1 mile southwest of Nyssa, W. J. 5 room plastered house, large barn, SWIMMING slides were enjoyed. 8a2xp Browne, phone 08-J2. Ila3xp on good country road. This place casion ribbon. Gate City Journal. Tuesday evening visitors at the 23jtfc. Dick Oroot home were Mr. and old free water right. 20 head SALE!—A farm or will trade FOR SALE!—Tomatoes, green pep- has beef cattle, 5 horses, chickens, FOR Mrrs. Gerrit Oroot of Apple for a home In Nyssa. Frank ers, pickling cucumbers, V» mile of VALE PLUNGE — Duplicate car and hay and grain, all go at Olson, 2 miles north, 1H miles MISCELLANEOUS valley. southwest of Nyssa. George Gab hogs, and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- $14,500. Let us show you this, If FYed Koopman of Vale who re and (4 mile south of the Nyssa neman’s. riel. Ila3xp you are looking for a 60-cattle east 250tfc cently returned from a visit with Parma Junction. 4atfc 35c For Adults; 15c For Children spread. In San Francisco, called EOR SALE—(Follow the peach signs We have about 20 more farms FOR SALE—1938 Chevrolet truck MISCELLANEOUS— Need money» relatives Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk cn Gem avenue to J. I. Brady's and stock ranches not advertised. with beet oea and two-speed dif Loans on farms ror refinancing, on With Your Suit and Towel young peach orchard. Elbertas We can fit you out in any size ferential. See at Thompson Oil building, improvements, b u y i ng . Friday. Klass Tensen spent several days ready next week. 18alxp place you want. We make F. H. A. station. Long term, low Interest, see Ber 28jtfc nard Eiastman, phone 94. Nyssa. at McCall where he played In a loans to build new homes. We SPECIAL RATES TO GROUPS FOR SALE—Tomatoes and Golden can 3Atfc. golf Mr. tournament. also make you a Prudential FOR SALE—Have farms and homes and Mrs. George 9mit of Jubilee and early Elberta peaches. loan on good farms. for sale. Need more. list with Keu James Stephen, J r . 9 miles south Listings as advertised are mostly Renstrom. Phone 264- W. 29Jtfc. Dead animals ' picked up free. Nu-Acres entertained the pinochle Phone For Appointment club Sunday. Two tables were at west Nyssa, first house north of new and exclusive. For prompt service call collect. play during the afternoon. Mr. Reeder’s store. 18a2xc ED JAMISON AND KEN POND Ontario—Ontario Orain Co. 53 and Mrs. Jake Oroot held high FOR SALE Every Day Except Wednesday Parma—Parma Seed Oo. 25 Acreage with large, new modern Nyssa—Main Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE!—Victor electric adding and Dick Groot low. plant 100 scores machine, used short time, Tom FOR SALE—One used Smith & home, double garage, full basement, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and | Idaho-Oregen Rendering Co. Nell and Carolyn came home From 1 to 10 p. m. Jones, Union Pacific depot. 4a3xp Barnes piano, excellent condition, close in, some terms. Immediate Thursday evening from Summit possession. M IS C E LLANEOUS—'Insurance Is light touch and very good tone, FOR SALE Several good dwelling lots, well not fire protection. Any minute Prairie, where they spent most of 37 acres, Kingman Kolony, !4 medium upright. Grigg Bros. & located. or night you can have a fire. the summer. 23 J tic 200 x 150 lot on Ontario high day mile highway, 6 room modern Butler. Hawkins visited relatives Automatic fire control protects in Dave house, 20x40 chicken house, good FOR SALE—New and used pianos. way, next to Polar Cold storage millions Ontario recently. in property and life. All FYed cow barn, other buildings, now in We sell Baldwin pianos exclusively. About 3 acres, unimproved, edge extingushers Levy called on friends in are approved by un beets, corn, hay and pasture, ex last week. 6mtfc of town on Adrian highway, good derwriters. See your local dealer Arcadia cellent land, fruit trees and plenty Grigg Bros, and Butler. Mrs. Pete Tensen entertained for soil. All or any part. for free estimate. Claud Willson, niece. Mrs. (Bill Bothamly, who _ APPROVED ^ FOR SALE—Corner lot, 55 x 119, 650 No. Fourth street, phone 128-J her is visiting here from San Fernando, paved street, $560. Nyssa. 19mtfc Saturday Sales & Service afternoon. Other guests BERNARD EASTMAN S ervice were Mrs. Dick Tensen, Mrs. Grant MISCELLANEOUS — Hemstitching Rinehart Insurance ' Real Estate done of Nyasa, Mrs. Dick Groot in my home. Leave with Mrs. Phone 64 Mrs. John Broad. Earnest Bunn above the Nyssa and FYed of Vale called on FXJR SALE—Outside white paint, Furniture store. Mrs. Irving Dul- Mr. and Koopman Mrs. John Lacky last 26mtfc week. National Titanium, 6 gallon lots, fin. If you are driving a Kaiser or Frazer car $350 per gallon, Nyssa Lumber MISOELLANDOUS—Pour your in company. 12mtfc surance needs of any kind see we are equipped with the latest testing SPONSORED FOR SALE!—Two acres on high Mel Beck, Grigg Bros, and Butler. PICNIC equipment and factory trained mechan 6m tfc BY NU-ACRES GROUP way, one mile north, cash price ics to put your car in the best of condition. $650. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In MISCELLANEOUS—Oeneral truck NU-ACRES, Aug. 18—(Mr. and Mrs surance agency. 21atfc LODGES ing. John Baraeit and Kenneth L. D. Cllmer and twin daughters PHYSICIANS lJtfc. of Boise spent the week-end with FOR SALE—Unpa tn ted cabinets Reece, phone 123-R. Mrs. dim er’s parents, Mr. and Nyssa Post No. 79 and chests of drawers. Cabinets LOANS SARAZIN CLINIC Mrs. L. O. Hawley. BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO US are in section and can be bought on American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Hank Finley spent complete or In sections. Nyssa Automobiles & Furniture Free Pick-Up And Delivery From Nyssa Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Lumber Saturday with Mrs. Finleys sister, company, phone 118-W. Cash for every purpose Mrs. Bill Anderson and family. Dr. K E. Kerby Veteran’s Hall—8 P. M. 16Dtfc JOHN H. PIERSON Mr. and Mrs. Olay Anderson left Griggs Bros. A Butler I)r. L. W. Scott Monday for Sacramento, where FOR SALE!— Two-bedroom mod All Veterans Welcome Nyssa, Oregon they will make their home. Physician and Surgeons em home, $3500 with easy terms. and Mrs. Clay Anderson and Two houses with extra lots, good LEGAL ADVERTISING Mr. Mr. and Gate City Lodge Mrs. George Grasmlck rentals, will consider trade for farm Highway 30- -East of Town were Saturday evening supper No. 214 L. A. physician Maulding, M. D. property. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION guests of and Mrs. Frank Ontario, Oregon Phone 287 and Surgeon Two-bedroom home with base IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Nedbalek. Mr. I.O.O.F. Later in the evening ment. like new. modern, Insulated, Phone 37 STATE OP OREXJON FOR the remainder of the Pinochle Hour»: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Meets every Monday extra large lot, set up with state THE THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR club met at the Nedbalek home loan, easy payments. 441 Ennis. Daily except Saturday and night, 8:30. INC., a corp for a surprise farewell party for Two-bedroom modem home with ROBERTS-NYSSA. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Mr. and Mrs Anderson, who were oration, Plaintiff, South First Street % city block Just east of hospital, ____ presented with a table lamp. Those nice lawn, trees and garden plot. MABLE AGNES vs. BENNETT, the present were Mr. and Mrs. FYank DENTISTS New, modem 5 rooms, excellent unknown heirs of MABLE AG C. J. Kopp, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Or- location, hardwood floors, laundry NES BENNETT If the be deceas Preston, cutt and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Physician and Surgeon DR. C. M. TYLER room, storage space, furnace, FHA- ed, MARY E. WILLIAMS If Durrington. Fry Office Building built and financed. crowd from this com Wilson Building the unknown heirs of A large enjoyed hours 1 acre on highway 20, H mile living, the annual picnic Phene I65-J, Nyasa MARY E. WILLIAMS, if she munity 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 out, new, completely modern home, by the Farmerette club Office hours from 9 to 5 except 2 bedrooms, full basemennt, FHA be deceased, FRANK H WIL sponsored Daily except Saturday and park in Caldwell. Saturdays, 9 to IX LIAMS, MERLE WILLIAMS, the Sunday of at the the Sunday. Saturday 10 to 19 loan. children and some of Apartment house with two large unknown heirs of FRANK L. Most the adults enjoyed swimming In apartments on ground floor, extra WILLIAMS, deceased, and all the afternoon. J. R. CUNDALL JEWELRY STORES large room upstairs, three-room persons unknown claiming any Among the visitors at the E C. Dentist right, title. Interest or estate In apartment In basement. $6.800. home this week were Mr Lots 1, 2, and 3 In Block 15 of Johnson Plume 56-J NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY and Mrs. Oeorge Johnson and fam PAULUS the Original Townsite at Nyssa, ily and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoner Ralph G. Lawrence Nyasa, Oregon Malheur County, Oregon. JEWELRY STORE NYSSA Sarazln Clinic OREGON and family all of Vale. Mr. and Defendants. Mrs. Oeorge Johnson and Mr. and Union Pacific Time inspector TO MABLE AGNES BENNETT, Mrs. C. Johnson attended the Cald - WANTED JEWELRY — DIAMONDS OPTOMETRISTS well night rodeo while they were WANTED- Hood for a 1942 Willy« the unknown heirs of MABLE here. Shirley Johnson returned WATTHEB Amaracar sedan. J. I. Brady. AONBS BENNETT If she be de home with Heavy Duty Engines and Mrs. Stoner DR. C. L. HERMANN Route 2. Main Street a. Second Ila2xp ceased. MARY E. WILLIAMS It and Sharon Mr. Stoner la spending a living, the unknown heirs of MARY Visual Specialist days with Wanda Johnson. WANTED—To do sewing. Mrs. E. WILLIAMS. If she be deceased, few Mangle Room 4. Fry Building Johnson has returned WYCKOFF Lester Oden, 518 No. 6th. 4a6xp PRANK R. WILLIAMS. MERLE home Phone 171-J after a two-week vacation WILLI AMS, the unknown heirg of JEWELRY STORE Office hours 9 to 19; 9 to 5 WANTED—Holstein and Guernsey FRANK L WILLIAMS, deceased, She stayed with a friend In Vale NEW ENGINES AND REPAIRS for a week and then they went to cows. C. Clyde Smith and Official Time Inspector lor all persona unknown claiming Cove, Oregon where they attend Noel Owartney, phone 306. Ontario. and DR. J. A. MCFALL springer Union Pacific any right, title, interest or estate young people’s conference aajsxc In Lota One (1), Two (2), and ed of the the Christian ONTARIO OREGON church for a week. Three (3> In Block Fifteen (15) WANTED— To buy anythin« In of the Original Townsite of Nyssa, Ed Meroney went with the ad PR' j ^ | j ^ LY beef or veal. Alse custom killed vertising caravan last Saturday VETERINARIANS and delivered to Polar Cold Stor Malheur County. Oregon. from New Plymouth to Emmett, age Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ptfc In the name of the State of and back to New Plymouth, Nyasa, DR.elfAL D. WHITE Oregon you are hereby required to Vale, Ontario and Payette. appear and answer the Complaint Ed Meroney and Joy attended Phone 270-W LOST Veterinarian the parade and dance at New STRAYED—Two yearling white- filed against you In Che above en Plymouth Saturday night. Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore face helfen, O. V. brand connected titled suit on or before the 19th Dltbee returned home Tues on left hip. Notify P. J. Stras- day of August, 1946. said date day Leo from Portland, where he had baugh. phone Nyma 024-J. llatfc being the day following the last Dave Thomas KAISER-FRAZER professional and Business Directory MUTCH OIL CO. Wisconsin Motors Air-Cooled B. 8 M. EQUIPMENT GO.