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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1949)
TH E N Y S S A G A TE C IT Y .JOURNAL, N YSSA, O R E G O N PAG E FO U R E X T E N S IO N G ______ „ R „ O . U ^ P „ . T O E L E C T O FFIC E R S OW YHEE, April 21—The Sunset valley extension unit m et W ed nesday, April 13 with Mrs. Martha Klingback. A demonstration on wall finishes was given by Mrs. Orover Cooper. Mrs. L. W Pom e roy, vice chairman, presided over the business meeting, due to Che absence of Mrs. Kennetfn M cDon ald, chairman. A nomlnatintj com mittee consisting of Mrs. K lln g- baek, Mrs. Pomeroy, and Mrs. Harold Pivecoat was named. Elet- tlon of officers w ill be held at the next meeting. Due to the fa c t1 children of Hines. Mr. and Mrs that program planning day is Earned Barker and fam ily of On- scheduled before the next regular tario, Mr. and M. H' ard Eva:u> meeting date of the unit. T h ej and daughter of Parma, Mr. and members decided to hold the meet- ] Mrs. Keith Tallm an and children of ing one week early so Chat officers Homeaale, Mr. and Mrs. Donald would be elected before program Brewer and sons, and Mr. and Mrs planning day. T h e discussion sub T. H Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Huiih Glenn and ject at an all day meeting to be held at Sunset valley hall W ed Billy were Sunday dinner guests in nesday. May 4 will be buffet meals. the Russell Patton. Sr. home. Mrs. Ditty was surprised Mrs. Dor thy Slippy and children and Mr. and Mrs. Mearl McClure Saturday by a group o f friends and children were Sunday guests j who called at her home in honor in the Charley Culbertson h om e.! of her birtliday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W illiam s1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dodson and were hosts at dinner Sunday for Sliarrun, and Mrs. Leoia Ditty and Mr. and Mrs. W estfall and Mr. and Mis. Werner Peutz and i \ SPRING PAINT-UP SPECIAL 100 PER C E N T P U R E G E N E R A L W H IT E HOUSE PAINT in five Lake City, where she visited rel j Home On Leave— Wanda. Cake and ice cream were somation allowed two films on atives. She returned home with Fred Raymond, • Sergeant 1st class Dale R. Dor- ( served during the evening. Mental Hygiene man is home on leave from Ger- j Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan and H o*., fam ily o f Payette were Sunday din- er gave a skit entitled. "M y M oth many, where he has been on as- , A m i ChUd. who also visited in Mrs. Russell Talbot signedment for the U S. army Utah. ner guests in the home of Mrs er-in-law.’’ Duncan's aunt. Mrs. Martha K lin g- and Mrs. Doyle Anderson served criminal investigation division, for refreshments at the close of the the past three years. Sergeant Here From Pocatello— back Dorman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald was ill meeting. Mr. and Mr. Afton Paris and Mr. and Mrs. Bart M cKinney of Mrs. O. E. Dorman. several days last week with a son, Stephen o f Pocatello arrived Wheeler visited in the Houston throat infection. last week fo r a visit at the home Mr. and Mrs. John Wesfall and Dunaway home one day last week. Return From Utah— of Mrs. Paris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. hildren of Hines were overnight Mr. and Mrs. M cKinney are the Mrs. M. Bair returned Saturday Dean Smith. quests in the T. H. Brewer home, owners of the Rust ranch. from a two-weeks visit in Salt Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raymond children and Mrs. Martha K lin g- ] were hosts at dinner Sunday for back and Fred attended the open j Mr. and Mrs. Herb M iller and I nouse held in Adrian at the grade fam ily of Boise, school building Saturday night. I Mr. and Mrs. M ax M itchell and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. three daughters have moved fro m , We Are Now In Position To Do entertained with a picnic dinner Nyssa to che basement house be- All Types Of Cabinet Work And iunday for Mr. and Mrs. A. T. longing to Cecil Loy, located next .‘atterson of Wilder, Mr, and Mrs. to the Owyhee garage which Mr. | Contract Building. Clayton Patton and children. Mr. Mitchell operates with his broth- and Mrs. Norman D ow las and er. Mr. and Mrs. Oeonje Schweizer xiys, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy Johnson Cabinet Shop and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. attended a picnic Sunday in Fruit- I PHONE Phone Nyssa 023J1 land at the Bud Vanscoy home. Crocker and daughters. 1 M ile North O f Nyssa- Eldon K lin g back of Emmett was Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Riddle Parma Junction On Highway 95 and three children, and Mr. an overnight guest Monday in the B R O W N IE ’S C A F E Riddle’s mother, Mrs. Riddle of home of his aunt, Mrs. M artha Nampa, were guests in the Oharley K ling back. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder Culbertson home Friday. William Peutz spent a few days and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Marshall in the Nyssa Nursing home last were Sunday dinner guests in the week receiving medical treatment. Vic Marshall home. ! He is at home now and feeling Mr. and Mrs. G rant Patterson some better. Even if the accident is not your fault —can you and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Martha Kliragbeck, Mrs. Fehlman and fam ily, and Mr. and A nd how be sure the other fellow will pay? Jesse Gregg and son, and Mrs. Mrs. DeVon Larson and children 4nnie G regg made a trip to Boise picnicked Sunday at Owyhee dam. about those injured in your car? | Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oral H ite took Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Medical Payments Insurance costs $4 ' Mrs. El Its Walters .were Sunday J. P. Nanery and Caryl Sohweizcr I tuests in Boise at the R. C. Jones of Seattle, as far as Pendleton, for up to $500 per person to meet ! and Rex Walters homes. where they were m et by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl J unguis t and Mrs. Carl Schweizer of Seattle, doctor and hospital bills. $5 buys sons, Dustin and Jon, of Anderson who took their daughter and Mr. ! ilam spent the week-end here vis- and Mrs. Nanery back to their $750 coverage and $6 pays such bills I iting Mrs. Junguist’s parents. Mr. homes Sunday. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow. up to $1000 per person. Ed Hite is here from Bliss vis Prayer meeting will be held W ed nesday evening. April 27 a t the iting in the Omar Hite home. A dd Medical Payments to your Car Policy O. R. Hite is spending this week William G regg home. Rev. Robert Kriner will hold ser in Haines. R O BER T F. T H O M P S O N Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W inter and vices at Owyhee Sunday school children attended the open house Sunday, April 24. The Owyhee P. T. A. m et Thurs. at the new sohoolhouse in Adrian day evening at the schoolhouse. Saturday evening. Mrs. W inter 1 Miss M argaret Beattie of the M ai- played several numbers on the ATTENTION TAX I NOT TO BLAM E? $ 5 .6 0 per. gallon $ 5 . 5 0 per. gallon T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 21, 1949 gallon lots 100 per cent pure paint contains only the finest of pure pigments and vehicles. S H IP L A P , $ 4 0 . 0 0 per IO O O feet STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Frank T. Morgan Agency “ Your General Paint Store” PETERSON S 38TH ANNIVERSARY THE OLDEST AND MOST DEPENDABLE FURNITURE STORE IN THE VALLEY - STARTS ITS 38TH YEAR OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE - WITH THE FINEST DUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE 3-piece Mohair Frieze Sectional Davenport $16950 5-piece Walnut Bedroom Suite $124.50 7-way Floor Lamp $11.95 Fully Automatic Buy a Lamp Table at Regular Price $94.50 Monarch Electric Range $139.50 Table Lamp Ic Inner Spring Mattress Lane Cedar Chest 5-piece Oak Dinette $22.95 $49.95 $44.50 Lawn Chair Occasional Chairs regular $34.50 $3.95 $29.50 2-piece Daveno €r Matching Swing Rocker 5-piece 2-piece Step Table with Chrome Dinette Set $49-50 Davenport C r Chair Rebuilt $11950 Lamp-Ash tray Book Ends $14.95 Used Electric Ranges x I0V2 & 71/2* 9 Linoleum Rugs Guaranteed Drop Leaf Extension Table $6.95 $ 8 9 .5 0 S 5 9 .5 0 9 x 12 - 9 and get a Biltwell Davenport Cr Chair Nyvel C r Mohair Frieze Covers $163.50 Rebuilt Mohair Frieze Daveno C r Chair $79.50 8-piece Lime Oak Dining Suite $189.50 PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa Ontario Vale Payette i