Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1949)
> 0 PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y ^ O U R N A L , NYSSA, OREGON, THU RSDAY, J A N U A R Y 13. 1949^ I hi dren of Boise OWYHEE CLUB TO «is..or> of Mr and MEET JANUARY 20 I tar. w ere K iin r ia v 1 Ooe n * e Schweizer 5 ïe h w e i« e r called e n lle r i on o n Mr. Mr am i V l / K i e I n t U i » A a V l / F r 1 l [ | P a lifn m la anH i«» f friends ran a . . at .. __ . , were Sunday' and T r f i o D n C e T California and a also meet January 14 with Mrs. Norman Belva Hunter, Neta Smith and f ,-c T .\inry I T , . Un. I aa U n «a h „IH ar «n n J .,, . f ! V O I 1 U K 3 1 V Cala Mrs. Lynn Ky Mrs. Lee Householder Monday af Klam ath Falls. Jamesen near Nyssa. Jean and Jeanive Grottuiet. The ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Anna evening was spent in playing games. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Sm it a t Schwizer left next day on a trip] --------- Mr. and Mrs. W illie McGinnis tended the pinochle party at the Dali visited Mrs. Dail's brother, Refreshments of Cake, Jello and NU-ACRES. Jan. 13—Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot Jets Thompson, and Mrs. Thomp punch were served. Betty was the OWYHEE, Jan. 13—The O. K. K and Ne.lie of Nyssa had dinnei to California. and Mrs. Byrd W alters Raymond Scott of Nampa were at Nyssa Thursday. club will meet Thursday, January 20 Sunday in the Werner Peutz home, Mr. son in Nyssa Saturday. recipient o f many gifts. the m the home of Mrs. Werner Peutz M r and Mrs ch arley Culbertson left Friday for Boise to spend a Sunday evening guests at A group of girls helped M b s 1 There were twenty-two present at Lloyd Seuell was a Sunday dinner homes o f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gras- instead of the W iliam Peutz home 4]ld u l..dren went lo Sa:ur. *eek visiting in the home o f her guest at the home of Miss Betty Betty Bullard celebrate her 17th; Sunday school Sunday. * ’ Ionner y announced. : day meet Mrs. Bertha Culbert- parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones. raick and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Buskirk. birthday at her home January 6. George Grasmick Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brcxwn and i ¿on at the air.x>rt as she arrived M r and Mrs. Gerald Slippy have Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Those present were Marilyn, E ., Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tlsh of Green- The average daily cost o f fires in from California. Mrs. Culbertson moved back to their home here Jean Blakesley and T erry were Kanger, Janice Campbell, Arvilla ! ,or a time with from Anderson dam, where Mr. leaf were Sunday dinner guests at and Barbara Sanders, Gladys Lewis, i the U. S. is about *2,000,000.00. Sunday dinner guests at the home the home o f M r and Mrs. Cecil son and family. Slippy had been working. of Mr. and Mrs. O. Creswick and Mrs. Wilson W inter entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Evans and family. family of Baker. Mrs. Susan MeDroe is spending Wednesday afternoon with two were Saturday evening guests in tables of pinochle at her home the Bob McCullough home in a few days at the home of her son, Carl MeDroe, and family at O n Prize winners were Mrs. W illiam Adrian. tario. Peutz. Mrs. Werner Peutz, Mrs. Jesse Ditty, Jr. arrived home Clay.on Fatton and Mrs. Kenneth Wednesday from California where Curtis F ry and Jim MeDroe made ARCADLA, Jan. 13—'Nell Bowers McDonald. he had spent the holidays with a business trip to Notus, Caldwell and Nampa and also to Ontario met with her 4-H sewinij club Mrs. Russel Patton, Sr. returned friends and relatives, January 8, with 10 members pres home Sunday night after visiting \ several residents o f this vicinity and Payette last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Burt and ent. T hey worked on their dresses. m St. Louis for three weeks. i attended the wedding of M ary fam ily arrived Sunday night at the Refreshments were served by S h ir - 1 Mrs. T. H. Brewer has been con- | Query and Clarence Dodson in On- home o f F. A. Johnson. They ley Schilling and Joan Matherly, fined to her home for the pastj car, a Thursday evening, were delayed by the blizzard in the next meeting will be held Jan week with influenza. , The Owyhee grade school basket Wyoming. They traveled with a uary 22 at the schoolhouse. Mr and Mrs. George Johnstone j,an team was defeated Friday af- Mrs. A. V. Cook is recovering Aclm. $1.25 per Couple and family o f Haines are visiting ternoon by the Ridgeview team In group o f motorists in 100 to 150 from an operation performed in ars, who helped each other and Final score was In the Harley Wilson home this a t f o j e game. followed snow plows and finally the Ontario hospital last week. week- Ridgeview 16 and Owyhee 14. Bill arrived here. Miss W ilm a Bullard went to Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald shank was high for Ridgeview with Mrs. Curtis Fry and Mrs. Cecil work last week as a telephone op and children and Mr. and Mrs. u points and Bill Ward for the Evans attended the Fruitland P. T erator at the Nyssa switchboard. Chalk Butte Grange Hudson Robb were Sunday dinner owyhee team with 8 points. The cold weather has kept every A. m eeting at Fruitland Friday ,;ue s in the S. D. Bigelow home. Mr and ,M rs Henry Peutz and one busy thawing water pipes. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sohweizer and Mr and Mrs Walter Peutz and Th e Arcadia Sunshine club will Larry Jenkins traveled to Vale | family all o f Payette, called in along with Carlos Barney and T er- the W illiam Peutz home Sunday ral Samuels with the Fruitland afternoon. eighth grade basketball team F ri V Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Fletcher of day afternoon for a ,?ame. Roger Jenkins went to Parma Homedale were dinner .¡uests in Farmers, a Land Bank loan will ' (he Kenneth McDonald home with the Fruitland high school give you the security you need basketball team Friday evening to Thursday. with, “tailored to measure’’ pay Mr. and Mrs. Lynn K ygar and help the Grizzlies win the game ments. Check Your Hazards Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald 47 to 32. Mrs. P at Hohstadt was a Sunday and Butch attended the sale and OWNED BY FARMERS FOR FARMERS guest at the home of her mother. | shopped in Ontario Tuesday. Nyssa Fire Protection Julius O 'p of Prairie C ity was a Mrs. Bert Ivy o f Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney made j SALES AND SERVICE suoper guest o f Mrs Martha Kling- P. O. Box 480 Phone 28K and 134 a business trip to Caldwell Fri- j back and Fred Monday evening. 650 No. 4th St. Box 184 See your nearest Natl. Farm loan Assn. Mem. Federal land Bank System day. going on to Marsing, where Office !.. & II. Produce W arehouse Claude W illson, Mgr. they visited (Mrs. Meroney’s sister, To Burley— H -rbert J. Davis, Sec.-Treas. Payette, Idaho Phone 12 8-J Olean Wells and Duane Holcomb Mrs. A. E. IBevin, and family. Mr. and Mrs. EM Meroney and spent two days this week at Burley, Joy were Tuesday evening guests Idaho. at the home o f Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Manser and daughter at New Plymouth. Mrs. Robinette and Mrs. Dymok, grandmother and great grand mother o f Joy Cullen, were M on day afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. EM Meroney. All useable, some damaged very little Mr. and Mrs. Sid Boren and fam ily were Tuesday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike EAGLES H A L L Boren of Caldwell. In the after noon they went on to Boise to see the hundreds o f wild deer that the snow has driven from the maun-, No. of Y, Nyssa tains. Mr. and Mrs, Sid Boren and fam ily were Sunday dinner guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Alva Riggs o f Parma. George Smit, Jr. has returned home a fte r a trip that kept him away from home fo r about a week Mr. Sm it visited friends at Isleton, THROUGH BLIZZARD DANCE... Ì4-H SEWING CLUB HOLDS GATHERING Saturday, January 15 Cow Hollow Hall Gold Coast Rangers Orchestra FURNITURE Upholstering Rebuilding Refinishing Expert Workmanship Satisfaction Assured Nyssa Intermountain Furniture Co. Phone 176W Ontario Ray Dowell Phone 699J warn i m ;L$m Do You Need Assistance With Your A c c o u n tin g Cut yo u r payments Relieve the pressure FIRES FIRES FIRES Incom e Tax B o o k -k e e p in g? E. D. “MIKE” MICHAELSON .Li 11 BUSK E 111 1N DAMAGED FELT BASE RUGS Now Is The Time D A N C E 20 Rugs, 9x12 and 9x15 $2.95 to $7.95 Eagles and Friends gase s Furniture Bargain Center R O O F IN G S E R V IC E A Please, cut out this ad and m ail to some friend whom you think ^ * might be interested in locating here. W All Makes and Models Quick, Efficient Service Complete Roofing Service Insulation And Brick Siding Located At Westerns 471 Main— Nyssa NEW PLYMOUTH ROOFING CO. New Plymouth, Idaho Make Loeal Calls To HERBERT E. COX, Technician STUNZ LUMBER CO„ Nyssa By PLOTNER IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY -AND BT?OTM ê T?/HE S ü R£ Í/I>7 B E H IN D / Septic Tanks & Cesspools Cleaned Reasonable Rates. T h é T t ? u E ,.£ A D G o r g e o u s O (P ? v /£P â L^ â 5 T Ö 7 ? y i s - THE AN U VR I M6 S ¿ M O K £ 1 2 I N 6 S y o u LEAVE B E HIND COST y o u , A L L OUT? CAT 5 E 5 DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SPRING Radio Repair Built-up Asphalt Roofs Repairs—Hot Mops you'RE \ ( THERE'S NOTHING A6£M/(HJ_lK£ A N I C E SUNDAY PEAR / I PRIVE-A N LEAVE • To Buy A Farm • Saturday, January 15 McReynolds Orchestra Nyssa, Oregon Phone 261-M, Collect AL MOMEyw* J2'J. / HE'S IT I GETOUTTAl THIS A L IV E i ' l l - G u l p / POO ! W H ATx 0UCN v5MOKE/f/VJ IN6 SOFT COAL burned LO ST P o W £ R .,> TRAINED M£OiAHK$ f A r t í 1 ? £ A L V R IV Í IH f l 'MINAT i n G T/tl> dsh oil ^ h j His C AR B U R E TO R ^ SHOT/ CON v i I t o i l «T the end of hones /tfßRIMAJi motor Co b o x 137 P m OA/S i r N V S 5A 0*160* ---- IA . IT’S SMART . . to SEW and SAVE leu- with a SEW -GEM > ROTARY R0TARV ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE You can give your wardrobe a “lift” You can have belter clothes for lews money A ou can make drapes, slip covers, etc. A SK\V (. I M R otary Electric Sew ing Machine is SO easy to us«^- the last word in modern sewing m achine efficiency. The Sewing Machine W ith the Right-H and Bobbin! See One Todav! Nyssa Furniture 1 Block West of R. R. Depot u — in case of a loss 10 acres in Adrian, Modern 2 bedroom home, nice corral, shade, lawn and the land is very fine. $10,500.00. 80 acres with two sets of build ings, near town and very good school. This 'is a good farm, only $16,300.00. 80 acres of very level ground, small shack and well on place, good soil, plenty of water. $10,500.00. 80 acres, good 4 room house. $10,500.00 80 acres, one room house, 41 acres of good land, can water balance of place by pumping from drain, $9,500.00. 40 acres, one of the best, very high producing land, well im proved in one of the best dist ricts. $12,000.00. 120 acres, 10 room home on highway. $26,250.00. 1 acre, 2 room house and finish ed basement. $4,500.00. 40 acres, the best land and the best water right. $21,000.00. 40 acres, well improved, y2 cash, balance, easy terms. $10,500.00. 83 acres, good improvement, old water right. $11,000.00 easy terms. 80 acres on W ilder bench. This is a very good fann with good improvements, $27,300.00. 1000 acre stock ranch handles 150 head year around. $21,- 0 0 0 .0 0 . 80 acres, 7 room house. $16,500.00. basement 76 acres, very good row crop land, good improvements. $16,500.00. 40 acres, veiy fine place, $21,- 40 acres, very high producing land, well improved. $13,750. W e re here to help you, not only when you buy insurance— but when you hate a loss and want to collect on it. That is one advantage of hav- j ing a local, neighbor insurance agent. All insurance should be bought as if you might have to collect tomorrow. Does it protect you fully? Does it fit your needs? Let us provide the right America i Fore policies for you-and let us stand ready to aid you in case of a loss. Bernard Eastman Insurance 80 acres fine level land, very good house, 1 smaller house, $26,250.00. Real Ditate Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon 20 acres very highly improved. Nice house, bath, water soft ener and every convenience. $9,000. 76 acres, 3 room house, good ground, 1 mile from town, easy terms, $16.000. 2080 acre stock ranch, carries 250 class A permit. Fine new’ brick home, 2 fireplaces, other good house. 80 acres of this is very fine level row- crop land. $37,500.00. 0 0 0 .0 0 . 40 acres of probably the richest land in the valley. Been in dairy for years. Fair build- ings.old water right, $10,000, easA' terms. 1880 acres and 400 acres school land at Cambridge, Idaho. The finest buildings and the best fenced place in the Coun ty. One nice home and one new home, large barn, hog house, machine shed, cattle shed and a dandy place all around. $45,000.00; terms Vi- cash. E. L. JAMISON Real Estate and Insurance Nyssa, Oregon