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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1949)
* V /* r Br * r r * < ,C>\flBaa^ The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIV NO. 2 Farmers Favor Formation Of Fire District r — *• « • # ! . Í & JOURNAL ß THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. BULLDOGS LOSE TO BAKER 39-36 The Nyssa Bulldogs made their best showing a i the basketball sea son when they held their name sakes on the Baker floor Tuesday night to a score of 39 to 36. Baker took a 9 to 0 lead at the start o f the ball game, but the vis itors soon swung into action and by the third quarter 'had gained a lead of 28 to 26. At the end of the quarter, however, Baker held a 32 'to 28 lead. After ihe initial splurge, the Bak er Bulldog's biggest spread was even points, 38 to 31, in the fourth period. Nyssa held control of the br 11 during the last two minutes X play but could not hit the bask et. Hyssa players were Wilder 8, Hunter 6, Williams, B. Wilson 14, 3 i'aert Pe~ka, Chadwick 3, Lowe and Alvin Pecka 5. The Baker B squad lost its first game in 16 starts when the Nyssa B’s won by a score of 35 to 31 in he preliminary. The s-oring was distributed rath er evenly between the Nyssa play ers—Holcomb 6, Pounds 10, Bowen 3, W ’son 6, Marcum 3 and Rey nolds 5. t HüKSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1949 Grange Desires E w ^ l R visit R nyssa Murder Victim’s Counties To Get AND other a e e a s [ liody Taken Out Share O f Money Fifty farmers of New York and O f Snake River b ¡ i : « « , „ J Theme O f Nyssa ten. gave a description o f uhe plans { ' ll m r D in n p r far .he proposed n.w school bu ild- 1 v l l u l l l t / c l 1 J I1 I1 IC 1 New England states will spend mg in Nyssa at the regular meet January 27 touring several soutli- 5 Committeemen Named Proposed Increases In ves:ern Idaho and southeastern Torso Discovered Satur ing of the Parent-Teacher associ Principal Talk Deliver ation in the high school building To Proceed With Or Oregon communities, including Gasoline Taxes And day Is Tentatively ed By K. C. Eldridge 1-st Thursday night. Nyssa, for the purpose of studying ganization Licenses Discussed Pictures that are given to the Identified Of Portland agricultural and food processing grades having the moat parents .lie- hods of the ration. The proposed formation o i a The Oregon Trail Grange, at its The murdered man whose body in attendance at the P. T. A. meet The spirit of progress and co The eastern group, extending na> taken from Snake river last ings have been received. rural fire protection district was last meeting, voted in favor of operation that prevails in Nyssa heir trip as far west as Seattle, well received at a meeting of 20 pro-rating money from the pro Saturday at Nyssa has been tent- I The room mothers, teachers and and surrounding areas was em farmers in the city hall in Nyssa posed increase in gasoline taxes and will arrive in Boise early In the »lively identified by a Baker resl- | pupils of the fifth and sixth grades phasized in taiks delivered by sev morning of January 27 aboard Wednesday afternoon. automobile and truck license fees .lent as Leo DeMaries of Baker, made contributions to the two fani- eral speakers at the annual ban Tlhe farmers named five com on the same basis as the present Union Pacafic train No. 11. They Sheriff John titering announced ¡lies that lost their homes by fire quet of the Nyssa chamber o f will travel by bus to Ontario, where mittee men, who will designate a arantjtment for the distribution of oa.merce in the high school bulki today. recently. they will board their special cars proposed boundary and proceed funds. The man, said to have been a ' __________________ ng Wednesday night. >n Union Pacific train No. 17 that w..h formation of district. Mem In a letter to 'the state Grange Baker miner, apparently eame here |\ • In the principal address, K. C. jvening and continue to Portland. bers of tihe committee are War master, Morton Tompkins, the Ore H-bridge, Jr., president of the Food iookng for work. So far as is i V i a F C l l U l D l f l l C Î S Their itinerary whl start with ren Farmer, Loyd Adams, Jake gon Trail Grange stated in part known, no one saw the man in I , corporation of Portland, de Fischer, Wilbur Atherton and Har .hat "W e believe uhat the increases breakfast In the Boise hotel under Nyssa. The sheriff was definitely j D f I V C ? I s B C ^ U I l clared that ".lit behooves every in old Sisson. Jhould be pro-raited to the counties he sponsor! hip of the agricultural -keptical of the identification. dividual to awaken in their souls The plan of rural fire protection on the same basis as the present committee of tire Boise chamber ol and minds a responsibility to their was explained by Ralph Lawrence, set-up. In other words, we are a- commerce. March of Dime workers are dls- .immunity. We want prosperity; Identity of the man whose body a member of the Nyssa fire de During the remainder of the was dragged from Snake river at trj-U .inj a record number o f com we want to leave something to gainat a bill that would throw the partment, and John Pickett, dep aureased amount completely to the morning the farmers will tour the Nyssa Saturday afternoon still re coi-fcctors for use on store counters posterity. Under our economy tty state fire marshal. stai.e highway commission for the Carnation plant at Nampa, attend mained a mystery Wednesday and o.her public places In pre- there is no standing still, which The arrangement, including the construction of arterial highways, .he Nampa institute meeting for an accord!raj . P to __ county officers, who potation for the annual fund- is the first sign of decay. designation of boundaries, will be without giving a proportional a- hour and inspect the Dairymen’s are making a wide-spread sea re ft raising drive of the National "Oregon is one of ithe fastest presented to the state fire marshal mount to the counties for market Co-operative creamery at Caldwell. for information that might lead j Foundation for Infantile Paralysis growing sections in the United for approval. Then tihe fanners They will eat lunch at the J. R. to solution of the case. roads. I according to Orin Sumner and Ed States. That growth has not will circulate a petition in the Simplot dehydrating plant cafeteria “We believe that the state high about by an act of The body was discovered by Tom - ' Knettle, Nyssa chairmen, and Glen- come area, which will require the sig following a tour of the plant. way commission will bring plenty God or is not something that just niy Andrews, an employe of the I wood Pounds, Adrian chairman. natures of 25 per cent of the prop of pressure to bear to keep control From Caldwell, Hie visitors will Amalgamated Sugar company, who I This years coin collector, one happened, but has developed be erty owners before it can be pre of all of the increase with the travel by way of Wilder and Parma a as working at the pump house J of the most at tractive that has cause the people have awakened to sented to the county court for promise to spend part of it on to Nyssa, where they will visit the on the edge of the company prop- ! been designed, will provide an un- the great potential in the state of hearing.’ market roads”. Amalgamated Sugar plant from 3 erty at the time o f the doscovery. J usually effective counter display, Oregon and the possibility o f its The committee will meet Wed Dale Garrison, chairman of the to 4:46 p. an. Joe Jarvis, Union Andrews’ attention was attracted Mr. Sumner said. It bears the ap development into one o f the most nesday night, Januarya 26 to de legislative committee, gave a brief Pacific supervisor of agricultural to an object floating in the water peal: “ You may save a child'' and productive states in the union. velop further plans for"**’ ~ district. Following services held in Provo, survey of the measures now before development, and Ted Myers, trav and he pulled it to shore with a hows a little polio patient timidly Portland has come to realize that Utah, graveside military rites for the Oregon legislature that the elling freight agent for the rail pike pole, to discover that it was attempting her first step as she it can't build ports unltll it has Willard C. Bishop of Provo were Oregon state Grange favors and op road at Boise, will accompany the built up-state communities. NYSSA CHILDREN the body of a man, later esti leaves a wheel-chair. held Monday, January 17 at Parma poses. Letters of opinion were sent group. Mr. Sumner and Mr. Knettle urg "We have something that we mated to have 'been (between 40 and BUY MOST SEALS under the auspices o f the Veterans to senator Eano Smith and Rep ed the people of Nyssa to make as haven't 'sold'. Nyssa can do some 10 years old. of Foreign Wars, with Chaplain resentative Vernon Wilson. many contributions as they can a f thing in helping to ‘sell’ the great OF CO. SCHOOLS Ctfobly in charge. The grave was Sheriff John Eilering has issued Choney Grider, chairman of the an appeal to residents of south ford when ever they are shopping nor.hwcst to tlie United States. dedicated iby Bishop Richard Maw agriculture committee, said the gov or otherwise come across a coin "You must have faith In your The largest contribution toward western Idaho and eastern Oregon the Christmas seal campaign yet of ihe Owyhee L. D. 8. ward and ernment is asking for an increase to notify him if they know of collector during the inarch of community and responsibility in the flag was presented to Mr. Bish of 50 per cent in- sod crops as a dimes, January 14 to 31. that faith. The chamber o f com to be received from any school any missing persons. The man, "We will never miss a few coins merce stands for the things that was received January 17, according op’s son, Michael Bill. The ser soil conservation measure and for who was murdered, was about five vices held in Provo January 15 an increase in turkeys and all Jesse E. Thompson, prominent to Margaret Beattie, exective secre feet, one inch tall, had graying given to this worthy cause, but develop our communities and state." Turning to his announced sub tary of the county health associ were conducted (by Rev. W. B. meat animals. Harland Diven gave Nyssa businessman for many years, dark hair and was somewhat bald. while they may mean little to us Corlett of Salt Lake City. a report on auditing the books for died at his home on Third street ation. A check for $26.98 from the He wore a mustache. His weight they mean a lot to the thousands ject, "The Human Equation in Willard Claude Bishop was bom last year. Bob Holmes reported and Good avenue early Tuesday Nyssa grade school tops any others wac estimated at 145 pounds. At of little children In all parts of Business", Mr. Eldridge defined the August 29, 1923 in Provo, Utah, a on the “ pig chain” that was start morniinij following an illness ex received either this year or last. the time o f his death, he was the country who look to us through human equation as (the employe in tending over a period of several sen of Willard A. and Vera Salis ed by the Grange last summer. clouded in whipcord work trousers, the march of dimes to give them Industry. "O f course the Nyssa grade school bury Bishop. He »Blended grade The Grange voted to give the months. Basing his talk on his 39 years a dark work slilrt, a denim jacket a fighting chance for recovery so is perhaps the largest single school school in Salt la k e City, Ogden silver offering at the two January During his many years of resi they can play again like other boys of experience in wholesale and re In the county and would be expect and Parma and was graduated from meetings to the march of dimes. dence In Nyssa, Mr. Thompson was and heavy shoes. The murdered man had been and girls”, Mr Sumner said. “We tail selling, Mr. Eldridge said “ If ed to make a larger contribution the Nyssa high school and Boise Dale Garrison, past master. In active in civic affairs. He was shot four times throujh the head, know the people af Nyssa will not you treat your employes right they than most”, said Miss Beattie, "but Business college. On December 31, stalled the officers. a former member of the city coun will reach high accomplishments, awarding to Dr. Joseph Beeman, fail them”. at the same time it is a good in 1942 he married Frances Cummings The master, Frank Sherwood, ap cil and school boat# And was a The proceeds o f the January 29 because of that accomplishment j B5ise pa'.hologist, who conducted dication of the interest the child pointed Loyd Adams, Bob Holmes director of the Nyssa Development of Parma. an autopsy. Because of the weath high school basketball game will be and not because o f Saturday night ren show in the work of the Pour months after his marriage. and Harland Diven to attend rural company, organized to promote the er and the condition of the body, contributed to the march of dimes or payday. The human equation health association.'’ Bishop joined the army and became fire meeting that was held in Industrial growth of the city. Beeman was unable to definitely by the Nyssa high school. Prin in (business is the most important Bully Creek school, with only nine a technical sergeant in Co. K, Nyssa January 19. Mr. Thompson was born October determine how long the body had cipal Dennis Patch Is In charge of factor there. If the man (behind a pupils, contributed $2.25, which 290th infantry of the 75th division. 7, 1884 in Allerton, Iowa and after been in the water. Some officers the arrarljements In the high machine ibeieves his employer has means that each child gave 25 Following initial training in the in MRS. VIOLA DUVALL, living in Missouri for five years thought it may have been In the school. Principal Walter L. Mc- an interest in him he is going to cents, which might have been spent fantry at Ford Leonard Wood, Mis moved to Ontario with his par water four or five weeks. Partland is in charge in the grade take more interest in that machine for candy or other sweets. So far FORMER RESIDENT souri, he was assigned for special school, in which the children will and reach greater production. It ents. The father, Robert Thomp as is known, Bully Creek is the District Attorney Charles Swan training in army engineering work (Continued on Page 2) OF NYSSA, PASSES son, bought the ranch where Rosel said fingerprints taken from the make their contributions in coin only school that reported 100 per at the Colorado School o f 'Mines, Hunter now lives at Arcadia. Jesse cards. cent cooperation in the drive. body had been sent to the FBI in Golden, Colorado. He first went Mrs. Viola L. Duvall of The Thamijson lived there until he was Fifteen schools have not yet sent BAND CONCERT SET Into battle in Europe In December, Dalles, former Nyssa resident, died married to Grace Gamble May 20, Washington, D. C. for possible in their contribution. identification. Descriptions of the FLAMES DESTROY 1944, seeing much action in Bel in a hospital at The Dalles recent 1907. FOR WEDNESDAY TENANT HOUSE ON gium, France and Germany. A- ly. After riding the Shoestring ditch man were 6ent to police officers in various towns along the Snake mong the recognitions that he re The band concert which was SAFETY COUNCIL Mrs. Duvall, who lived in the for two years, Mr. Thompson enter T. H. BREWER PLACE postponed ceived for meritorious service, he Nyssa-Adrian seotion for several ed the grocery' business in 1916 with river. in December because of TO SPONSOR ESSAY prized mostly highly 'the expert ln- The body of the victim will prob weather will be presented by the years, moved to The Dalles from A. H. Boy Jell on the present site A tenant house on the T. H. CONTEST IN NYSSA franitryman's badge, an oak leal Kingman Kolony 12 years ago. She of the Olympic club in Nyssa. He ably be buried in the Nyssa cem Brewer farm In the Owyhee sec Nyasa high school band Wednesday cluster, the bronze star received for was bom March 4, 1901 in Wiscon sold his Interest to the Eder Hard etery toy the Nyssa Funeral home tion was destroyed by fire about 5 night, January 26 at 8 o'clock under At a meeting of 'the Nyssa safety heroic action at Burtonville and sin and moved to Oregon with her ware company in 1923 and moved to Frit ay. Graveside services will be o'clock Wednesday morning. the direction of Lynn J. Lawrence. council in the city hall last Friday j the Colmar coat of arms, which parents when she was two years Payette, where he worked for a held. The program will be given os fol The house, a two-room structure, night, plans were completed for the later came to him from the gov old. Mrs. Durvall was a member produce farm for a year. Mr. was occupied by a hired man, Art lows: March, “The League o f Com essay contest 'to be sponsored by ernment of France. of the Methodist church and De Thompson re-entered the Eder firm j Warren, who was burned on one posers” by Edwin Franko Goldman; ths council in the local schools. For the first 10 months after his gree of Honor lodge. and was in charge o f the grocery arm and one foot. Warren was tone poem, "Finlandia” by Jean The contest will require an essay discharge from the prmy, Decern taken to the Holy Rosary hospital Sibelius; baritone solo, Miss Joye Survivors are a son, Alvin R. department for a few years. After Gann; waltz, "Gold and Silver” by of 300 to 600 words for high school ber 19, 1945, Bishop was associated in Ontario for treatment. Duvall; a daughter, Mrs. Neale his health failed, he formed the students on the subject, "How Cun with his father in business in When Warren realized the house Franz Lehar; “Grandpa’s Clock”, a Mitchell, and a grandson. Michael Thompson Oil company, which he I Make My Home, My School and Nyssa. On October 1, 1946 he took was full of smoke, he went to a novelty arranged by Paul Yoder; A. Duvall, all of The Dalles; two operated with his son, Robert, and My Community a Safer Place” . A employment with the First secur The complete program for bhe closet ft get his clothes and found tiwln piano number, Carlene Jones son-in-law, Del Taylor, until they brothers, Arthur and Frank prize of $5 will be awarded for the ity corporation and became af sold the business two years ago eastern Oregon F. F. A. contest to them in flames. It was then that and Laura. Schenk; fantasy, "Kind best essay, and $3 for the second filiated wiBh the Provo branch of Schmidt of Alameda. California and entered the stock business near be held in Nyssa January 28 and 29 he was burned. The fire is be ergarten M atch” by Goldman; and two sisters, Mrs. Leona Legar best, also honorable mention. In tihe bank, in whloh he soon rose Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson was announced this week by Rich lieved to have started from faulty overture, "Bagdad" by Forrest L. the grade school a prize of $1 will to the position of personnel man of Kimberly, Oregon and Mrs. returned to Nyssa from Baker two ard Wilson, vocational agriculture wiring in the closet. Buchtel; clarinet duet, Lola Weeks Mildred Wriglesworth of Echo. and Viva Mary Leseberg; "A Gay be awarded for the (best essay in ager. instructor in Nya>a. Funeral services were held in months ago to make their home. each grade. The contest will be 93 Revue", Gerald R. Prescott, Survivors are his widow and one The &nop contests will toe held Survivors are Mrs. Thompson; a gin January 24 and will close Feb son, Michael Bill, aged 4; his par' The Dalles January 12, with Rev. daughter, Mrs. Del Taylor o f Port Friday afternoon, beginning at 1:15. FROZEN WATER PIPE Ralph H. Prink and Harry J. L. A. Burdette officiating. Inter ruary 15. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop land; a son, Robert of Nyssa; four Supervisors in charge will be Don SITUATION BETTER Wenger; "Round the Band", a nov The council also discussed means of Nyssa; his grandmother, Mrs. ment was in the Echo cemetery. elty arranged by Paul Yoder and sisters, Mrs. Etta Johnson of 3tewart, Ed Axtell, Henry Reuter, by which traffic might be regulated Eleanor E. Bishop of Orem, Utah; Powell, Wyoming, Mrs. Minnie Richard Wilson, Lyman Patton, The frozen water pipe situation "Star Spangled Banner". Returns From Portland— during times of emergencies. It a brother, Elder Donald P. Bishop, Bob Sawyer, Ray Wendell and in Nyssa was Improved Wednesday, Mrs. Virgil McGee returned home Neece of Pasadena, Mrs. Lilly Can was brought out that when either now serving as an L. D. S. mis according to Tom Weeks, city water \uxiliary Meeting Postponed— Saturday from Portland, where she ada of Jerome, Idaho and Mrs Francis Verling. ambulance or fire truck service is sionary in the northwestern states The Malheur Memorial Hospital At the banquet beginning at 6:30 superintendent, who is in charge had been for three weeks because Anna Datl of Arcadia; two brothers, needed it Is imperative that traf mission; three sisters, Mrs. Ileen auxiliary meeting scheduled for of the illness and death of her Charles o f Emmett and A l of p. m., a .spelling contest and dem of thawing operations. fic should be regulated so that Patterson and FramoiUe Mayhn of -The city crews using three thaw- Monday, January 24 has been post mother, Mrs. Frances Lyons, who Enterprise, and five grandchildren. onstrations will be held and con there is no congestion in the course Nyssa and Marjery Joy Bishop, a Funeral services will be held at test ribbons will be presented. ihg outfits was making some pro poned until February. The pro died January 10. Mrs. Lyons, who erf these vehicles. student at Brigham Young uni In the evening beginning at 8:30, gress, but 10 service pipes leading gram was being arranged by Mrs. was more than 81 years old. had 2 p. m. Friday in the Methodist versity in Provo. Roy Holmes, but due to coal short visited several times at the MicGee church, wi*h Rev. C. L. Callahan a public speaking contest will be to residences were still frozen Wed ages during tihe cold weather It was ranch home in Richland. Miss of the Episcopal church officiating. held, with one boy from each nesday morning. EDUCATORS PLAN TO Clothing Classes Started— Weeks urged all residents to al deemed advisable to cancel the Mary McGee of Ontario, Mr. and Interment will be in the Nyssa school participating. GATHER IN NYSSA The first meeting of t h ^ adult Mrs. Tommy Bates and George cemetery. A parliamentary procedure con low a little water to run from a meeting until next month. clothing construction class under test will be started Saturday morn fauoet In their houses to prevent McGee af Nyssa and Vincent The Nyssa Education association the direction of Mrs. Charles Stef parker of Pruitiand were In Port Attend Church Meeting— ing at 9:15, with one teacher from in the service pipes. This Going On Mission— Keith D. Bybee, son of Mr. and will be host to the Malheur County fens was held in the homemaking land also for the funeral services. A group of eijht local members each school participating. policy has already reduced the Mrs. D. O, Bybee, has been called to Education association at a ban rooms of tihe high school Monday of the Church of Christ attend number of freeze-ups, he said. fill a two and one-half year mission quet to be held in the Nyssa high evening. Any woman who is in Co-Op Plans Meeting— ed a ”99 men's" rally and banquet Return From Trip— for the Ohuroh of Jesus Christ of school building Monday evening, terested in these classes may still Mr. and Mrs. David Beers and Jersey flu b Meet— The annual meeting o f the Farm in Ontario Tuesday evening. Ellery enroll. The classes will be held January 24. The Malheur County Jersey club Latter Day Saints In Holland. He ers Supply co-op of Ontario and Parrish of Park Rose church, Port dau Cater, Dora, of Nyssa have re Tne principal speaker will be Monday and Wednesday evenings Nyssa will be held In the Japanese land, delivered the principal a d turned from a trip to California. will hold a meeting Tuesday, Jan will enter the mission school In Salt Reverend Garner, dean of St. from 7 to 9:30 and on Saturday hall near the Ontario airport dress. Joe Jewett of Baker acted They were accompanied to Cali uary 26 at 1:30 in the Nyssa city Lake City January 24. afternoons from 1:30 to 4 o'clock. Michael’s cathedral in Boise. Thursday, January 27 beginning at as master of ceremonies and Ed fornia by Wallace Beers of Chicago, hall. As special efforts are being The educators- will discuss new The class will take up tailoring 10:30 A. M. One director will be Eeern of Elgin conducted the bus who remained in California for a made by the club to interest owners Boy Is Injured— Garry DeRoch, 10-year-old son of legislation affecting Oregon edu and simple clothing construction. elected and other business will be iness meeting. C. F Swander of longer visit with his mother. Mr. of mixed and grade dairy herds, all Mrs. Ross Brown, received a slight ca tio n /a n d extension courses to The cost of the course Is partly transacted. end Mrs. Beers and Dora returned Portland will be unable to attend dairy farmers are invited to attend LeRoy Hen-man of be offered for teachers’ certifica carried by the state, which pays Nyssa is the retiring director. A the local church's anniversary cele by way of the Redwood highway to the meeting, according to Mrs. oncussion when he was kicked on 60 per cent and the members whe free dinner will be served at noon. bration Sunday, January 23. Corvallis, where Dora re-entered Hope Grider, secretary of the club. the head by an older boy while tion. playing at school Tuesday. He Is The home economics girls of the pay the other 40 per cent. The All members and patrons are in Oregon State college. Mr and Mrs. improving but will have to re high school expect to serve dinner cost per person will depend on the vited to attend. Beers continued on to Tacoma. Beet Growers To Meet— F.lected By C of C— - main in bed for several days. number enrolled in the course. to 70 persons. J. L. Herriman of Nyssa was North Richland and Ohallts, Wash A series of meetings sponsored elected vice president of the As ington to visit relatives. by the Amalgamated Sugar com Church Services Cancelled— To McCall— Young People To Nampa— Have Radio Interference— pany for growers will be held In The usual services o f the Epis Dr. and Mrs. K E. Kerby, Mr. sociated Chambers of Commerce of A group of young people from and Mrs. Clyde Snider, Mr. and Southwestern , Idaho and Residents of Upper Sunset valley Eastern Here From South Dakota— the valley next week The Nyssa copal church have been cancelled . have been having interference with the local Christian church attend Mrs. Marco Murolo and Mr and Oregon at the quarterly banquet Mr. and Mrs. Orris Slippy and meet In? is scheduled to be held for Sunday, January 23 because of their radio reception. Because of ed a skating party given by the Mrs. R. A. Tocke of Ontario spent ^ in Boise Monday night Sev- children of Colome. South Dakota Wednesday, January 26 at 1:30 p the coal shortage. the noiae. ' sounding like a machine- young people orf the Nampa Christ Saturday and Sunday at the Lake! 'r i ' ^yasa men attended Bhe meet- were quests at the home of Mr m. In the gymnasium. Benefit Card Party— gun”. radio owners have been un ian church at Nampa Monday eve Shore totlze af McCall. tnd Mrs. Lee Datl last week. They | in~- The Rebekah lodge will sponsor also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph In Portland— able to listen to programs. Some ning for the Christian churches of * Adrian Defeated— times it lasts only a short time th e valley. Eighteen young people Undergoes Operation— Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. Orvia Mrs. Cliff Main and small son, a benefit pinochle party at the end on other occasions it contin and seven adults attended from Don Moss is recuperating from; The Adrian Antelopes were de- Newe l. Mr. and Mrs. Slippy vis Kent, left by plane Saturday for' I O O. F hall Saturday evening, ues all day. Residents erf the val- Nyssa. Following the skating party. I an appendectomy performed last i fea’ ed by the Oreenleaf Grizzlies ited Mr. and Mrs. William Newell Portland, where Kent will be m| January 32 at 8 o ’clock. An elect- ley would appreciate knowing what devotions and refreshments were Friday at the Holy Rosary hospital 36 to 33 In a basketball game j.lay- in Nampa before returning to their the Doembecker hospital for 10 rlc mixer will be given as a door 1s causing the Interference. held at the church. in Ontario. ed Tuesday night In Oreenleaf tiome in South Dakota. days for observation and tests. 1 prize. W . C. Bishop Services Held Jesse Thompson Succumbs Here F. F. A. Contests Set For Nyssa