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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1949)
.tföSäSÄii, yaw i « 777e N Y S SA VOLUME X XX XIV NO. 3 Hospital Board Hopes To Raise Additional Cash r 'Ä . THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. PLANS ARE FURTHER P r P o f.h p r K iiv s DEVELOPED FOR NEW 1 r e d t n ^ r » n y s s a f ir e g r o u p The name Nyssa rural fire de- partaient was adopted at a m eet-1 World Is Much In N p p H O f I ,nvp Vy 1 1 J U T C Directors And Officers1 district ^ * at a ru ra l fire prote w cU on m eetin g held ed - Talk Delivered To Teach- nescay night in the city hall for! ___ c, ,, . tv Are Elected; Building h e organization that will be form - ^ o l l o W U l g Dinner Work Satisfactory ctT for the protection of property: In NySSa CHAIRMEN ISSUE ANOTHER APPEAL FOR POLIO MONEY A new appeal to the residents of Nyssa to contibute to the march of dimes by dropping coins into the many containers placed about town was issued today by Orin Sumner and Ed Knettle, co-chairman of the drive in Nyssa. Next Monday will be known as March o f Dimes day. Persons drinking coffee or eating down town that day are asked to put an extra nickel in Che containers for each cup o f coffee they drink. " A heavy responsibility rests on he shoulders o f everyone in our community” , said the chairmen. T lM t responsibility is to see to it tow that every passible aid be giv en to all our boys and girls next summer should infantile paralysis strike at our homes. We were spar ed this last summer, but who knows what 1919 will do to us. "T h e most important thing is this. W e can minimize to a great extent the crippling after-effect-, j f the disease in many o f those who are stricken, but to do this we must spend money. Give at least 50 per cent more in 1949. "Also do not forget the basket ball game January 29 between the high school teams of Nyssa and Parma. Principal Dennis Patch has arranged that all proceeds will be given to the March of dimes." in the rural areas. | ________ T h e five district committeemen Dean Harold Gardner of St. will meet with city coundlmen at Michael’s cathedral told the teach- . special meeting of the council „ „ - , , ... , . .. next Tuesday night to request the ers 01 MaUleur county of the need city to house the truck and make 04 love and understanding in the arrangements with the city fire world if the present civilization is duparunent 'to man and maintain to survive. the equipment which will be pur- At a dinner meeting held M on erased by the rural district day evening in the high school Boundaries for the district were economics room, 88 teachers ana established as follows: Nor tlr their husbands and wives m et for boundary Morgan avenue, extend- h e January meeting of the Mai- .ng from the Malheur siphon to neur Teachers association. Dean the Snake river; east boundary. Gardner, -in the address of* the Snake river south to Owyhee riveir; evening, stated that the world had south boundary, Owyhee river to a oecome immeasurably smaller and point two miles west of Owyhee because of this peoples must get river bridge, and west boundary, along if they are to survive. He “ I f we collect 100 per cent on from that point north to Lytle pointed out that selfishness had and following Lytle seen the cause o f the decline of the pledges we w ill have just boulevard nough for the construction", the boulevard to Bast Cow Hollow past civilizations. president said, “so you can see iphon, then along main canal to I t is the duty of the schools, as that we will have 'to adopt other Morgan avenue. well as the churches to develop pains to complete the project. We .lie attitude o f understanding and still have hope o f getting some the spirit o f love In our country state help. W e will not give up today," said the dean. "Our atti until we are certain no state aid tude toward other races must will be available. W e know we change, for although we have a will not get all o f the money from erically. the pledges” . widte race is a m inority race num- Plans for the 1949 program of white m an’s civilization today, the Mr. Child invited suggestions the Malheur County Jersey club from the 32 voting members in Dean Gardner opened his talk attendance as to how the addition were outlined at a meeting of the with a humorous array of stories organization in the Nyssa city hall al money can be raised. telling of incidents reactive to his Tuesday. moving as a minister from Cali The association secretary, G. A. T h e program will Include the The Nyssa BifUdogs defeated the Billings, stated in a financial re spring Jersey show, one o f Nyssa's fornia to Oregon, to Utah and fin port that the association has $117,- outstanding spring events, which ally to his present location at New Plymouth Pilgrims in a hotly- oontested basketball game in the 279.31 in the bank and has already will be held this year on May 14, Boise. O jher numbers on the program Nyssa gymnasium by a score of 29 paid the contractor, George Stok according to Mrs. Hope Grider, consisted o f two numbers, "Trees” to 25 after coming from behind er, $43,897.83 and the architects secretary. and "Deep, Purple" sung by Miss in the last three minutes of play $ll,50t. W ith pledges receivable of A definite youth participation Stall and "M editation" Tuesday night. $78350.73, office equipment valued program w ill be stressed and a Audrey T h e interesting ball game was at $920.71 and land valued at registered Jersey heifer will be a- played by Lynn Lawrence as a $5,402.60, the association has total warded to an outstanding 4-H violin number. Mrs. Carlos Buch well played by 'both teams. W ith ner accompanied both Miss Stall New Plymouth leading by two assets o f $256,356.18. boy or girl. The selection will points, 19 to 17, the Pilgrims made and Mr. Lawrence. Liabilities were listed by the sec be based on the progress o f the a bad pass and the Bulldogs took The meeting opened at 7:30 with retary as follows: Federal tax with contestant on his 1949 dairy pro advantage of tihe opportunity. a baked ham dinner served by the held, $41.30; unidentified credits, ject. The heifer will be awarded W ilder intercepted the ball on the home economic girls under the $163.90 and net Worth, $256,149.98, at the county fair in September. supervision of Mrs. Charles Stef- bad pass and was fouled in making making a total of $255356.18. It is not necessary that the boy the basket. The field goal was fans. Reports on the construction work, or g irl have a Jersey project in Miss M arjory Nihart, president of allowed and W ilder made the foul George Stoker said "There is not 1949, said Rosel Hunter, president shot, putting i -ysea n-.cad. From much use to work now because of of the club, but 'the contestant the Nyssa Extirpation association, there Nyssa built up the four-point tlie wealher. W e were ready to must show his worthiness in the welcomed the teachers and guests, margin. and introduced Dennis Patch, prin start laying the brick when we care o f his present project. In the preliminary game the B were overtaken toy bad weather. Charley Grider and C liff W right, cipal o f the __ Nyssa high school, who Nyssa squad won over the Pilgram “ toastmaster, T h e weather was very good to us directors of the club reported on suhs by a score o f 55 to 21. Following, the dinner, a business at the start. Materials fo r the a recent directors meeting and em hospital are accumulating to the phasized the need for expansion of meeting was held, -with Mrs. C h arl point where I 'believe we can cam- the club into more areas of the es Schweizer, president of the M al plete the building in 90 days when county. They also urged more heur teachers association, presid the weather breaks. You can prob farm tours among the members. ing. Miss M arjory Nihart reported on the meeting she had attended ably move your equipment into the as a delegate to the state meeting building in May. M. I. A. AND WILSON’S o f classroom teachers held in Port "T h e ground under the hospital At a series of meetings sponsored STILL LEAD LEAGUE land. Miss Clarice Notheis and by the Amalgamated Sugar comp is very good. A new drainage Mrs. Bessie Hester of Vale who any, representatives o f the firm ditch now under construction in The M. I. A. and Wilson’s re were delegates to the state rep are calling to the attention of the vicinity will relieve the pres sure o f water in the hospital area. mained undefeated in the city resentative council of the Oregon beet growers the possibilities of Educational association In Decem further mechanization of sugar I don’t see anything in the future basketball league Monday night. The results were as follows: M. ber, told the group o f what was beet production, particularly in the to upset your financial plans. Con tracts have all been let, so we I. A. 44 and Stunz 25; Bracken's being accomplished by the state spring work. can be sure o f what the cost will 45 and Aggies 13, and Wilson’s 46 teachers association. Dennis Patch The meeting held In the Nyssa be" and Adrian 32. reported on the salary schedule grade school building Wednesday January 31 games will be play meeting which he had attended in a f ternoon was one o f 11 sponsored In opening the meeting, Bishop Child praised the work of the late ed as follows: Stunz versus Aggie«. Bend. by the company throughout the dis The group voted to* send $50 for trict. One meeting was held in Frank T. Morgan, the first presi M. I. A. and W ilson’s and Brack European teacher relief. Addition Vale today and another will be dent o f the association. Mr. Child en’s and Adrian. al funds to this fund had been held at Oregon slope Friday. A d said "W e miss (Mr. Morgan in this organization and I am sure we will POWER SHORTAGE sent by the Nyssa teachers and ditional meetings w ill be held next the teachers from the Conklin week in the Nampa territory. miss him more and more as time TO AFFECT CLOCKS school goes on. T lie directors respected In Ontario. Motion pictures and slides .ar him for his judgment and tlie Special guests at the meeting ranged by the company show what Electric clocks will lose from sev strength that he gave this organ were Mrs. Harold Gardner, and has been done and what can be en to eight minutes each day for Bridges, of Boise; Miss Lillian Nis- done irf the mechanization o f beet ization” . the next two weeks because of the Rev. Gardner's secretary. Miss growing. The members voted to change Speakers also discuss critical power shortage on the coast, bett and Miss Boyd o f the M al sugar beet legislation as It effects the name o f the ogranization from according to Bernard Frost, local heur county library; and Dr. Sarah the farmers, the labor program Malheur County Memorial Hospital manager of the Idaho Power com Ann Powell and Dr. Stevens of and general production problems. association to the Malheur Mem pany. the extension service. orial Hospital association, dropping Local officials of the sugar com The Idaho Power, Utah Power The group was invited by Super pany are assisted in the meetings the word "county” . and Montana Power company lines By a process o f drawing numb lntendent Arthur K eiz to Ontario by L. W. DeWild, company agri are tied directly to the power pool ers, Jake Fischer. Carl Seburn, R. for a meeting to be held March culturist with headquarters at in an effort to relieve the power G . Larson and Amassa Hamman 28, when Dr. Sarah Caldwell, nat Ogden. shortage on the coast. This co became the retiring members of operative piower program causes ional president o f classroom teach the 12-man board. Following the ers, will be the speaker. local generators to run at a slower ROBERT THOMPSON nomination of several candidates. speed, as all generators in the Cub Banquet Planned— Jake Fischer, Carl Seburn, and BUYS MORGAN FIRM power pool have to be synchroniz R. G. Larson were re-elected as A t a recent meeting o f the cub ed. board members. L. G. Hawley of den mothers and cub committeemen Robert F. Thompson o f Nyssa Nu-Acres was elected to fill the held at the Ward Tyler home, plans has purchased the Frank T. Morgan Nyssa Man Elected— vacancy of Mr. Hamman. Mr. were made fo r the blue and gold agency, real etate and insurance A t the meeting o f the Western Fischer received 27 out of the 32 banquet, commemorating national firm, from the Morgan estate. He Riding clubs held in Boise Tuesday votes cast. Other nominees were scout month. The banquet will be took charge of the business this evening, Lynn H. Snodgraro of R. G. Whitaker, Emil Stunz, E. C. Nyssa was elected first vice presi held sometime during February week, Wilson. Eldon Ulmer, Charles M ar Mr. Thompson, who said the dent of the organization. Other with a special program for the oc shall, Mrs. Naomi Buckart and casion. Harold Rhodes, county name of the Morgan firm will be officers elected for the coming year Alva Goodell. are Elwood Bingham. Emmett, scout committeeman of Ontario was retained, operated the Thompson 1 In the original drawing, four of Oil company business with his president; Ed Bowman, Ontario present at the meeting. the board members drew one-year father, the late Jesse Thompson, second vice president; Mrs. Dorothy terms, four drew two-year terms Move To Ontario— for 12 years. He has been farm Purcell, secretary; and Ivan P o l and four drew no. three slips. The Mr. and Mrs. M arco Murolo. who ing for the last two years at Sump lard of Star, treasurer. Eleven four who drew the No. three slips, have been staying at the Eddie ter and Joseph members of the Owyhee Riding Fischer. Seburn. Larson and Ham- Powell home in Nyssa. have gone to club attended the banquet o f the man. were dropped from the board, Ontario, where they will make their Attend Westinghouse Showing— Western Riding clubs at the Hotel were selected to serve for three Mr. Murolo will conduct Edward Ortrom and Halmcr Boise Tuesday evening. Following home. T h e first three, along with Hawley the dinner and the election of, art classes in Ontario and Mrs Oatrom will attend the showing of were selected to serve for three Murolo will continue with het Westinghouse ranges and refriger officers, dancing was enjoyed by 'years on the board. * Hereafter, dancing classes. ators in Boise this evening. A the 500 attending the affair. four will be elected at each an dinner for Westinghouse dealers nual meeting to serve for three Visit At Umatilla— Visit Sugar Factory— will be held at the Columbian club, years. • T h e T ra il Builders and Blazers followed by a showing o f the new M r and Mrs. Henry Storm and At a meeting o f the board of Bobby visited over the week-end class of the L. D. 3. primary ac Westinghouse models. • directors Tuesday night Jake Fisch at Um atilla with Mrs. Strom ’s companied by their room fathers. er was elected president; M. C. brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bybee and Jack Schenk, Re-Open fa/e— Seuell. vice president, and G. A. Kenneth Capper. M r «n d Mrs. W. C. Brown of made a tour o f the sugar factory Billings, secretary-treasurer. Ny«-sa have re-opened the S and C Wednesday. W. Schmeer. representing a C ubs Play Ping Pong— Attend Church Conference— cafe, which they recently pur- The Cub den with Mrs. Howard Mr Portland firm o f architects, met Rev. and Mrs. Don M axiield of -hased from Mrs Frona Roth with the board o f directors, who Love joy as leader, held a ping pong Nyssa Christian church are attend and Mrs. Brown, who will keep discussed lighting and sterilization contest Monday evening in the ing a preacher’s parliament o f the the cafe open until 1 a. m each equipment and placed an order for playroom of the Warren Farmer Christian churdh In Eugene this night, operated Brownie's cafe In Nyssa for several years. week. home. an X-ray. Althougih more money will have to be raised to complete the M al heur Memorial capital and equip the institute construction work will be resun is soon as weather conditions pc at, according to o f ficers who ke at the annual meeting oif t association in the city hall 1 »ay night. Bishop Ai Child, president of the associatl stated that $76,- 350.73 in plec ss still remain un paid, 'but 'he said the directors feel that a large percentage o f those pledges w ill be paid. Some con tributors are paying on their pled ges and others are making arrange ments to pay. Jersey Dairymen Outline Plans Bulldogs Beat Pilgrims 29-25 Sugar Company Holds Meetings JO U R N AL THURSDAY, J A N U A R Y 27, 1949 Reservoir Gets Coating Of Ice f or First Time Coldest Month In History Recorded ; Pipe Sit uation Better , EAGLES HOLDING 2nd LEAGUE SPOT The Nyssa Eagles remained in second place in the Idaho-Oregon Sem i-Pro Basketball League behind the Ontario Lions whom they will meet tonight on the local floor. A win for the Eagles will throw the lace into a tie between the Nyssa Eagles and the Ontario Liom . A win for the visitors would virtually cinch the title for the Lions. Next Wednesday night, February 2, the Vale Firemen will invade the Nyssa court for two games, with the first game starting at 7:30. The Vale team is currently in third place in the seven team league. ^ a g u e Standings to daU.. W L Pet Ontario Lions 8 1 000 0 Nyssa Eagles .857 6 1 Vaie Firemen 6 .600 4 Payette Merchants .429 3 4 2 Weiser Blue Dei ¡3 4 .333 New Plymouth Pack. 2 .250 8 Ontario C. C. 0 8 .G00 Damaging Fires Occur In Nyssa And Vale Areas B & M Plant, Yeigensen House Damaged; Vale Loss $100,000 Along with frozen pipes, damage Several bad fires, including a from fires, stalled automobiles and $100,000 blaze at Vale and two damaging fires in Nyssa, have oc other Inconveniences of winter, an curred in M alheur county since nouncement was made this . week lis t week-end. at the reclamation bureau office Tne first fire, causing an esti that the Owyhee reservoir had mated $3)00 to $6000 damage, oc- frozen over for the first tim e in lUrred at the B and M Equipment lOmpany plant on Highway 20 on history. However, officials o f the he l.oi thwest edge of Nysa F ri bureau of reclamation warned that day morning about 1 o'clock. T h e the reservoir ice is not suitable for fire was discovered and the alarm skating. turned in by the city police, who According to reclamation bureau assisted firemen in controlling the instruments, the mercury dropped b.aze. The blaze, which started to 12 degrees below zero Tuesday in the furnace room, was quickly morning fo r the coldest weather orought under control despite the in Nyssa in many years. The fact that it had burned through the minimum Wednesday morning was outside wall before it was discov 4 degrees below zero. Recordings ered. Damage was confined most in other cities in the valley were ly to the building as the loss to miuih lower. Ontario reported a stock and equipment was surpris loy this week o f 20 degrees below ingly »mail, firemen said. Tw o zero at the airport. pick-ups and two tractors were The complaints of local residents Mayor Potter Howard of Boise pushed out o f the building and s u to the length o f the cold spell this told a group of Ontario Kiwanlans stained only minor damage. winter is accounted for by a weath and Njosa chamber of commerce Firemen were hampered to same er story appearing in the Idaho members In the Moore 'hotel in extent in laying the main hose Statesman Wednesday morning. Ontario Wednesday noon that from the hydant to the fire by the The article relates that January great industrial development will unsolicited assistance o f bystanders, has been the coldest month of come to the lower Snake river val who did not understand the hose record in southwestern Idaho, ley, but he added that the area laying procedure. However, one where official weather records have is not now ready for large in hose was immediately available kept for a longer time than in dustries. from tlie truck's auxiliary tank, Nyssa. Meteorologist E. H. Jones "W h at would you do if some wliioh was sufficient to control the explained that tlie average tem p company with 5000 employes decid fire until the large hose was placed erature of 11 degrees above zero ed to locate here?.And It is going to in operation. The firem en have to date this month is 16 degrees happen some day. "Utilities, schools requested that bystanders do not below normal. Figuring the aver and housing are at their limit. attempt to help a t fires qnless age daily temperature, the previous oldest month was January, 1937, Sometimes we don't realize the asked by the firemen. Anyone in growth that has. been made. terested in becoming a firem an when an average of 15.4 degrees or "You men here should take an hould present his application to 12.6 below normal was recorded. The lowest temperature, however, interest in your municipal govern-1 any member o f the fire department, for any one day in Boise was 281 ment. It is the only place iwhere'and although the department has degrees below zero, registered in you have real democracy, because, a full compliment o f men now and illlftt is the place where you can! a waiting list each name will be January, 1888. | considered in the filling o f vac- The water pipe situation in Nyssa be heard. The mayor also told about places ancies. was reported Wednesday by city employes as improved. Only nine of interest in Boise. I The other Nyssa fire occurred at frozen service pipes, those leading President Dick Jensen o f the O n -1 the home a f Mr. and Mrs. Elden from the main to private property, tario Klwanis club, host to the' Yergensen on Fourth street, where were listed a t the city hall. Part Nyssa residents, extended a wel-| damage estimated by firem en at ol the Improvement Is due to prop come and Fred Bracken, respond-' $1000 was sustained. The fire, erty owners allowing water to run cd. Mayor G eorge Henneman o f starling in the basement, burned continually. I . T h e temperature of j Nyssa, Ed Dilley o f Vale and Dyre i p a clothes chute and also taurn- the Nyssa water, about 58 degrees I Bennett o f Ontario were in tro -! ed through the floor into a cloth- is a big factor in prevention - duced. ■ ■ M ayor Bennett responded, es closet. frozen water pipes. y to M ayor Howard’s talk. The blaze started in a storage compartment under the stairway, HUNTINGTON BEATS CHURCH BURNED BY probably from spontaneous com bustion, firemen said. T h e dam ADRIAN 32 TO 29 HOT BEET JUICE age was caused principally by water and smoke. The Adrian Antelopes were d e J. L. Church, assistant superin-1 The fire in feated by the Huntington Engineer.? tendent in the Nyssa factory of the ^ " ‘ r it y V h i k o ^ ! <‘'d ^ tro 7 e d !,tset- in a furiously contested basketball Amalgamated Sugar company. Is .__/ . game January 25 at Adrian by a recovering in the Holy R osary. business firms. D e s t r u ^ n o f U,e score o f 32 to 29. hospital in Ontario from burns sus- „ ,__ . Huntington Started in the lead and remained in the lead through y last Friday night. | 1>f service, but n u t r ia M anager C. most of the game. The Engineers Church sustained first and second m . Robertson, Ontario estimated led at the end of the first quarter degree burns on the legs when h o t; that service could be restored on 8 to 7. at the h a lf 16 to 14 and at beet juice splashed on him. He a temporary basis in 10 days third quarter 24 to 21. High point noticed a door on the d iffu ser, ...... . . . man for Adrian was Stevenson with open and when he Shut it. instead' 12 points and for Huntington Davis of It remaining closed. It flew open, pum jture ' tre Peterson company, Vale Drug with 10 points. spraying the Juice over his legs. company, Daley’s market. Town T lie Adrian A n tcloix» defeated tavern and Workman's variety the Marsing Huskies 48 to 41 at store. T h e office o f Dr. C. C. Marking January 21. T h e Huskies GRADERS COMPETE IN HOOP LEAGUE Burrow, dentist, over the drug were in the lead most of the game, ' store, and the apartments over the but the Antelopes gained sufficient strength to forge ahead and win. The five grade schools in the Peterson store were gutted, leaving The Antelopes recently defeated Adrian district are competing in four families homeless. G reenleaf by a score of 36 to 33 a basketball league, playing games Bob Ingram. Vale night marshal, instead by being defeated as was every Friday afternoon in the discovered the fire at 4:30 a. m. Erroneously reported In the Gate Adrian gymnasium. after it had broken from the base City Journal )ast week. The result« o f the first half of ment and was spreading from the season are as follows: Kingman Daley's market to the variety store. Kolony, won 4 and lost none; As Vale firemen helplesly battled NYSSA BOXERS WIN Ridge view, won 3 and lost 1; Big the blaze, firemen from Nyssa, AND LOSE SMOKERS Bend, won 2 and lost 2; Owyhee Payette and Ontario arrived to as won 1 and lost 3 and Wade won sist in the fight. The Nyssa fire men took gas masks to Vale, but T lie Nyssa high school boxing none and lost 4. team defeated New Plymouth five A trophy will be awarded the the time for th eir effective use was about gone. T h e Nyssa firemen cut of eight bouts last Wednesday winning team. did not take the city truck to night in the Nyssd gymnasium Vale, but assisted in otherways. and lost to Parma 2 to 3 In Parma Jobs Daughter To Meet— Monday night o f this week. The members o f Job’s Daughters The results o f the New Plymouth will meet Thursday afternoon, Feb 4-11 Club Organized— A 4-H stock club has been or fights, with the Nyssa fighters ruary 3 fo r their semi-annual There listed first, were as follows: 95 school of instruction. Mrs. Felicia ganized by Parley Petk. pounds, Haney beat Jensen; 146, Ehlert, state guardian for Jobs are eight members In the club with Marostica defeated Price; 129, Daughter will be present for the the following boys as officers: Frances Felk, president; Don Bow Fi lle r lost to Peterson; 134, Chard Instruction. ers. vice president: and Virginia lost to B. Peterson; 148. D. Jensen Corn, secretary. The group will decisioned Fellows; 109, Toombs de leaves For Fnterprise— feated Russell and 130. Kelch beat Mr. and Mrs. A l Thompson have meet February 11 at the home of Hatfield. Batt and Chandler and returned to their home In Enter Don Bowers. Rhodes and Howard gave exhib prise after coming to Nyssa to at Sponsors Contest— itions. tend the funeral of Jesse Thom p The Parma results were as fol son. They were guests at the Charl The American Legion auxiliary Is lows: 95. Haney drew with Pardue: es Garrison and Robert Long homes • ponsorlng an essay contest for 110, Toombs and Pollard drew; 127, While in Nyssa. Junior and senior high school stud Kelch lost to Johnson; 128, Fisher ents on the subject, “ W hat Kind beat Treadway; 146, flohlreman Visit In Boise— o f An American Am I"? A first defeated Timmons; 148, Jensen Mr. and .M rs. Ed Qstrom and prize o f $10 and a second prize at and Parsons drew; 160, Rigney daughter visited Sunday at the $5 will be awarded the winners of kno-ked out by Breshears; 167. home of Mrs. Ontrom's mother, the contest. T h e essay must be Bulter and Pardue drew, and 168, Mrs. Edna Stoddard of Boise. limited to 500 words each and be Long lost to Breshears. submitted by April 1. The winning essays in the local contest will be Returns From Hospital— Attend Wcstlnghouse Meeting— Carl H ill o f Newell Heights was entered In the state contest. Prizes Mr and Mrs. Bernard Frost at returned to his home Sunday after of $50 and $20 will be awarded tended a appliance meeting in Boise undergoing an operation at the for the winners o f the state contest. Holy Rosary hospital In Ontario. Thursday. Nenhew Killed In Crash— Visit In Nyssa— Returns To Spokane— Sgt. Robert L Leuck, who was M. W. Keveren returned to his Norvltle IAieck of St. Anthony, killed In a bomber crash at Great home in Spokane after visiting for Idaho, and Charles Leuck and Mrs Falls, Montana la.* week-end. was several weeks at the home of his I Margaret Mulcare o f John Day a nephew of Mrs. Tom Johnson of He was a son o f John son, K. E. Keveren. visited over the week-end at the Nyw»». Leuck, brother o f Mrs Johnson. - ■ ---- l home o f Mrs. Minnie Leuck. Nyssa Residents Go To Luncheon