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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1949)
PAGE TWO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 The Gate City Journal KLASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION - KATES One Year Six Months Single Copies (Strictly in Advance» - - Editor und Publisher AUVEKTISING KATES $2.00 Open rate, per inch $1.25 National, per inch .05 Classifieds, per word Minimum 30c 40c 48c 2c Published every Thursday at Ny.ssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Ny.ssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act ctf March 3, 1879 FIRST NATIONAL LOANS INCREASE ttal funds of First National to a new high of $30,520,735.86, with a book value of $84.78 per share. match the existing building, which Mr. Smith said is good. The new section will be erected on the west I side j y t the present high school I ouilding. Speaking of the interior. Mr. Smith said he suggested using j is much as possible the products I of Oregon, which would include a j onsiderable quantity of wood. The plans will be completed a- | bout February 1. Uncial Unit's HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Houston Wilson was hostess to her Thursday afternoon bridge club last week. Mrs. Eldon Ulmer held high score and Mrs. Wayne Morris second high. Mrs. Grant Lewis was a guest. - § - * GUESTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marshall and »on, James o f Ontario heights and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ramsey and daughter, Carol, and son Jack of Weiser were dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Sterl D Spiesz ^j .1 New Year’s day. In answer to the year-end call of the comptroller of the currency, ARCHITECT GIVES SCHOOL PREVIEW Ny>sa branch o f the First National Bank of Portland reports deposits of $3,875,137.62 and loans of $1,6.30,- (Continued from Page 1) 532.75, according to G. J. Mitchell, out, however, that .gymnasiums and manager. such structures do not cost $10 a A year ago the figures were as foot. - 8 - follows: Deposits, $4,263,777.26, and 'I don’t know what this will cost” , GIVES NEW YEAR’S PARTY loans, $952,772.27, Mitchell said. Mr. Smith said. "We will know Donna Lee Wilson entertained at Bust June's report showed deposits when we get bids on It. We may her home on New Year’s eve with of $3,461,508.07 and loans of $1,- nave to cut here and cut there.” a party for 14 guests. Games and 450610.59. The st*ucture will be so built refreshments were enjoyed during For the First National group of that eight additionel rooms can be the evening. 60 Oregon banks, as a whole, the erected after the present project - s - December 31 statement shows loans is completed. When only Che gym- j BRITXJE CLUB MEETS of $183,909,401.38, and deposits of nasium is in use at nights, the The members of the Thursday $593.677,890.78, President Frank N. public can go directly to the gym afternoon bridge club met last week Beigrano, Jr. has reported. A year nasium and public wash rooms. In at the home of Mrs. Tom Eld- ago, with 56 banks in the group, (he case oi fire the building can ridge. Honors went to Mrs. R. G. the figures were as follows: Loans be evacuated In a hurry because Larson and Mrs. Harry Miner $143,653,061.13, and deposits, $614, of the large number of doors. The Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Blaine Ballah 019,661.35. On June 30, loans tot gymnasium will accommodate 2500 were guest players. aled $163,875,390.13, and deposits persons. Pasts in the gymnasium - 5 - $572,979,019.71. balconies will be behind the spect-1 ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB President Belgrano said that the ' tators and not In front of them. ,The Wednesday evening bridge total deposits, loans and resources' Because of the flexibility of the club members were guests last week of the « t o u/p as a whole again made ! facilities, four gym classes can be at the home o f Mrs. Ward Tyler. the First National bank group held at the same time. The build Honors went to Mrs. Tom Eld- "First In Oreijon". He said that ing will also include music practice ridge and Mrs. Bernard Frost. Mrs. from the« standpoint of earnings rooms, a shop area large enough for Eldridge and Mrs. Frost were guest First National had its third best the boys to handle some rather players. year, with earnings o f $3,722,277.- big pieces of equipment and a - 8 - 58 after taxes, 'but before divi public room for nli;ht banquets and WEPNFsDAY CLUB MEETS dends, equivalent to $10.34 per other functions. The Wednesday evening Mr. and share. This brings the total cap- 'm e outside of the structure will Mrs. Bridge club were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ulmer. High score was held by Mrs. Warren Farmer and second high by Warren Fanner. Guest players were Mr. and Mrs Ed Knettle and Dr .and Mrs. John Kopp. - Services Postponed— There will be no church services or „hurch school at St. Paul’s . _ Epuucopal church Sunday, Janu-| ai> lb Boise Visitors Here . Mr. and Mrs. Vlrgtl Johnson of Boise were visitors the first of the week at the home of Dr. and Mrs., L. A. Maulding. Return To Home— Mr. and Mrs. Conley Ward and 5Qn Conley> Jr ^ e ^ m who vU_ j t e d relatives in Homedale and Nyssa Christmas week, left for their home Saturday. 8 - ENTERTAINS TUESDAY CLUB Mrs. A. H. Boydell was hostess at her home this week to the Tuesday evening bridge club. Mrs. O. L. Galloway held high score and Mrs. George Mitchell second nigh. Guests were Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Galloway, Mrs. Cranney and Mrs. Glea Billings. -8 - CHURCH LEADER SPEAKS Rev. Merrick of the Educational division of the Episcopal church with headquarters at San Fran cisco, was guest speaker at tne St. Paul’s Guild meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. O. L. Galloway. Rev Merrick spoke on adult education and the Christ ian way of living. Plans are being formulated for the organization oi adult education classes of the Epis copal church to be sponsored by che guild. —8 - Attend Dealers Meet— J. L. Herriman returned this week from Salt Lake City, where he had gone to attend a Ford dealers meeting. SAVE Visits In Nyssa— Mrs. Oliva Rinehart of Enter prise is visiting at the Grant Rine hart home. Grant Rinehart, who is confined to the St Alphonsus hospital with a serious eye in fection, was beginning to rhow im provement the first of this week. W hen th at unexpected e m e rg e n cy strike s, you realize the merit of all the little sacrifices that built your backlog of cash. Real peace of mind comes Nys>a Group Wins Honors— The Nyssa American Legion aux- i iliary has received word that it is one of the five tnits in the state that has qualified in the member ship quota. The Nyssa auxiliary j wiil receive a citation from the national president, Mrs. Laura Good of Portland. with being able to meet emergency expenses. There is no substitute for cash in the bank to give you confidence Wins Trip To Chicago— Irl Nolan has returned from j a trip to Chicago, which he won in competitive selling for the Compton Encyclopedia company Mr. Nolan is the Compton's rep resentative for this district, which includes eastern Oregon, southern Idaho and Nevada. in facing the future. Return To Enterprise— Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson and family left last week-end for Emmet, where they will visit be fore returning to their home in Enterprise. They had been visit ing friends and relatives in Nyssa. s a v e a f t h e N Y S S A BRANCH FIRST N A T I O N A L BANK MtMBfl MDiltl DÍPOSII INSUHANCI COBPOHAIION To Portland— Mrs. Artie Robertson has gone to Portland, where she will remain for medical treatment. O U R SHELVES A R E STOCKED. FRO M s A T O Z , WITH FO O D S O F HIGHEST Q U A LIT Y / © lO C A l*T *A 0 t M WE'RE HERE TO SERVE. WE T R Y US/' á K'M- ( WANT TO PLEASE 1 A « S . I m . AND WE EXTEN D A LL ^Aico ç Ci UPTES'ES Q u a l it y ¡ P R IC E S " fa NOW ON DISPLAY « All Brands Arrowrock, No. 303 Peas , Here’s the famous Fe^ ^ m b i n e d it. y°u’U * 'and built-in hydrauhe co ^ FergU9on t attachment performance of miser on \ teppea UP . ¿ ^ n g m e th a t’s « « f ^ b i U t y . •owerful valve m hood for m» rt -d a\ turning • forw ard pedal, p lu s f from wh e e l s b r . k e d - t h a . ^ f o^ a n c e ^ and many other « ' u r « ^ , As Ferguson Sy»t WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Highway 20, No. of Nys*« *Y” Hr-«“ » 14 Pounds Milk "T d “ 39c Lard ------ ° ducts Kings "Red Rose” * 1 A l l THIS WON1H 0PEN H° y o o w e aW -oyiW eUo-e! Come m r 3 Cans For F0r 7yc Pure Ground Beef Pound »59c 2 Pounds By The Piece Nucoa 5 9 c Bacon Pound l *9c Saltme NA^afers 2 pounds Snack Time Vienna 3 CANS Crackers 39c Sausage L *9c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone 284 W ► Pricss Good Through Sunday ^ Free Delivery