Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
vV. ^ 5 l" r r r r (- r <-•-;-■>,>• n - , JOURNAL r/ieNYSSA GA***- * VULUiUE X X X X llI NO. 49 THE N Y SSA G AT E CITY JO U RN AL, N YSSA, OREGON cash payment of five cents per pound butterfat in milk or two cents per pound butterfat in cream. In its letter to patrons, the Along with the season's greet company said In part: “This year ings, the Farmers’ Co-operative In 1948 we have retired, paid in Creamery company of Payette has full, all of 1987 and 1938 equity Issued checks to patrons for m ilk; redits. Your board * o f directors and cream delivered from January : have also authorized an additional 1 to October 31. 1948. payment of five cents per pound Checks totaling $110,000 have on butterfat received in milk and been destributed to the 2500 pat-1 two cents per pound butterfat re tons of the creamery. ceived in cream for the first 10 The checks represent additional months o f this year, which means CR EAM E R Y ISSUES CHECKS, GREETINGS J ff GI VE HI M i H U R SD A Y, DECEMBER 16, 1948 j WE CAN HANDLE F L 0 W - T I N G All Your Insurance Needs h tjd ta u L ic Our Motto: lOO Percent Service S E AT E. L. JAMISON C HR I S T MA S I THIS IS THE SEAT THAT TAKES THE PUNISHMENT OUT OF TRACTOR RIDING He w ill a ll year ap preciate long Arguments in the first case between nations to come before the International Court of Justice are now being heard at The Hague, The Netherlands. The case involves the United Kingdom's claims for payment from Albania as the result of mine damage to British destroyers and the death of 44 seamen in the Corfu Channel oil the Albanian coast. Here Sir Hartley Shawcross (left), U.K. counsel, l„oks at a map of the channel with Pierre Cot, Albanian counsel. your thoughtfulness when you buy him a Knoedler FLO W -TIN G h yd rau lic TRACTOR SEAT for Christm as. It has an instant w eight adjustm ent that gives the same health savin g , smooth riding comfort to man or boy regardless of w eigh t. Ask fo r a dem onstration and solve your gift problem . ¡¡DISPLAY^ week from Corvallis to spend the his year. Young men or women interested holidays at the home of her par in this scholarship may contact ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. their school principal, the presi Mr. Smith will arrive in Nyssa dent of their local P. T. A. or Mrs this week-end. The Malheur County P. T. A Dick Jensen, president of the Mal would like to acquaint more h igh ' heur Countv P T. A. for additional Rrbekahs Sponsor Card P a r t y - Thè third pinochle party spon chool students and graduates with .nformation. sored by the Rebekkah lodge will he Tuition Scholarship project be held Saturday. December 10 at which is for the purpose of at Ife-e For tloPdays— 8 p m. A radio will be the door tracting the attention of superior Mrs. Herb Smith arrived this prize for the event. young men and women to the ilSlSlSlSlSMSlSM (/iLDSU'\51^15llöl5toil0l^lii .eaching profession in the element- iry schools of Oregon. Scholarships are available to high school seniors or graduates and college students or graduates who| wish to train for teaching in the elementary public schools of Ore gon. Their training must take place in Oregon public tax-sup ported teacher training institutions, >1 which there are three at the present time: the Oregon College if Education at Monmouth, the Eastern Oregon College of Edu cation at La Grande, and the Southern Oregon College of Edu cation at Ashland. Scholarships may be renewed, upon application, for a period of four years, provid ing the applicant meets the stand ards anticipated in the award of REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AG E N C Y the scholarships. The applicant " must agree to complete a full course in elementary teacher edu 60 North 3rd Street cation and teach in the public ele mentary schools of Oregon at least 01015»! fiieisiBlBigigigigigigns ^liDl‘bIua'ol51O]l5l5l5IPi'>olSiei<nlST5lGiViR5USIBISVain0HnnBMH one year for each year of scholar ship awards received. Applications for next year's a- wards must be completed by April 15. Upon completion, they are for warded to the Oregon Congress ol Barents and Teachers which checks and makes awards to the highest qualified applicants. Twenty-four Complete Sets Of young men and women entered training on P. T. A. scholarships SCHOLARSHIPS ARE OFFERED BY P. T. A. World Court Hears Corfu Channel Case A T R ACTOR SECOND SECTION Instant adjustment for op erators of any weight is an exclusive feature. You give the best when it's a Flow-ting Seat. NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO- “Thè House of Oliver” I we Have in siocF an accumulative investment of Attend Beet Growers Meet— monies not needed In capital re Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill of Newell serve. This may vary from year Heights attended a beet growers to year as no set figure on ad meeting and banquet in Boise ■Tuesday evening. ditional payment, such as this check represents, can be tabulated until that accounting period, has passed and all returns have been received. Please notb> this check is not a dividend: It is not a bonus or a payment of equity credit, but strickly an additional payment on For Right Man butterfat received in milk or cream for the first 10 months of 1948." Crane or Standard Plumbing \ \ \ \H* OPPORTUNITY & We hare an opening rson s for throughout High Farm commissions, Is your proparty insurance in line with greatly-increased property va l ues? A little checking N O W may save you a big check in event of loss or damage by fire , tornado, or other cause. W ithout o b lig a tion, let us help you review your property insuronce with PLanalysis — the e asy, sure woy to keep your property insurance up-to-date. Coll county. permanent position. N YSSA IN SU RAN CE' AGENCY Ralp*1 Lawrence See Bud Sherman, Mgr. Other models from $169.95 Leonard’s amazing new electric “Automatic Cook” Also Plenty of Pipe & Fittings A Bid CHECK Equipment Malheur Colored Fixtures Available On Request *A Little Checking May Save You the right man to sell Minneapolis- ! Moline Fixtures B & M Equipment Co. To Do You A First Class Job “ W e Install and Service W hat W e Sell” i Oregon Licensed IN TERSTATE PLUM BING CO M PA N Y Irvin J. Zimmerman Nyssa Phone 270W • You juet set it and forget it. Let the “ A u tomatic Cook” do y o u r oven-watching I • N ew top-o*-the-range Control P anel. . . all controls now easy to reach . . . to read! • New “ Up-Dow n” unit. U p— it’s a 4th, eatra surface unit; down — a Scotch Kettle. Ore. Phone 145L2 Parma, Idaho m m m tm • Huge broiler-oven holds a 25-lb. turkey or a complete 5-dish meal with ease! T E N T MODEL LF-48 Super De Luxe I O N ! Minneapolis - Moline Farm Equipment Owners $399.95 Other Leanords Low As $198.00 FIELD AND SH O P S E R V IC E N O W AVAILABLE Full Stock O f Genuine Parts Loaded With New Leonard Features A modern miracle! From top-to-baae the new Leonard is completely re frigera ted — every u seful in ch i Packed with far-sighted improve ments to save you time and effort. Depend on Leonard, the choice o f four generations. It's the best buy today! •Pricea shmrn a rt fo r delivery in yoar kitchen trith 5 -i'ta r Protect ion Plan. ¿>UUc and local laxee extra. H O LD S 2 1 0 -PO U N D S OP FRO ZEN FO O D S! For All Equipment W e Sell • YouTl cut your fond bill« plpnty . . . buy ing in hulk, freezing for use later. • You’ll save countless shopping trips . . . * ith this “ supermarket” right io your own home. FAC TO R Y TRAINED R EPAIR M AN • You’ ll save hours in the kitchen, too. 1 rosen foods are so easy to prepare. • ^ ou II pep up your menus! Out-of-vanon treats on your table . . . year ’ round! SEE US TH E NEXT TIME YO U R EQUIPM ENT NEEDS REPAIRING Les Burbank, Sales Representative m m m m i I Nyssa, Oregon B .& M. EQUIPMENT CO. Bud Sherman, Mgr. Minneapolis Moline Dealer Phone 270W