Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NY P A G E S !* APPI Borer Duna In nu the F Eme; ottici Th* event hou» Sui Bost* brotí her R okÿ . Be. road; at t was next part; Mrs Inn the bar» El. Cald ents T> valli lng Thu M Lutt mar M son, pues at I M a t mov Mel moi M tor CaL Um Pial M bus day T Chi Mo the fan the I wh las we* I via Pis 1 Bo 1 <01 th< W« ! sot ha foi I I fo e ta l \ ? a a I ■ lub memte s were guests of Mr. enjoyed at the Campbell home. • I Mi -• Ron Campbell last week. Honors went to Burnall Brown and ....; dinner at the country Mrs. R. O. Larson. evening o f bridge was I ■ a w r \ . . J . *. J »3 itt ‘.7NAFAST WALLET for Ladies Po clet for sUmp* or C h srq s-F lsft , bill poclet l- I go wrong when you consult our ex perts. They're more than willing to give your problem their personal attention. A visit will show you what we mean. Your car should be in perfect condltlbn for the traffic heatin. 7 " I* .... , uaxric-beatlng It takes during the Chrlstmas rush. Have it serviced now at H E R R IM A N M O T O R CO. Be sure your brakes are "stopping” instantly. . . accidents are expensive *nd dangerous! Drive In today1 Phone: 77. TO R SA LE —1937 Ford coupe, in good condition. K eith Herrman, 1 mile north and 2V4 miles west on 16 D lxp Columbia. I Defective Chimneys. Faulty Stove l*ipes. Gasoline and Kerosene. Worn Electric Wires. Spontaneous Combustion. Matches and Smoking. Phone IOÔ . .»J •w ««'* « Shopping List. Memos — Robinson Reminder, "th e memory system that never fo rjfc t. E r g in e “ rev* the practice • gota the go I ’ ensac* a > focus o f t! • p ro gram , v IS and ' >, ' are con. ants in ■ ■ assidue*! la i. d si ir 1 ! t e ff, n 5 W n »t i l fro m the flii i I RobVicHe holds ¡ust everything. Smart colorful leathers. 'lou M agnafast Feature (Pat. App. For) is an Intriguing, tu 'o m a tic closure. No snaps, no catches . . . nothing to wear. A n en. rcly new idea in personal leather goods. tw o y ea rs « ' ral ; ‘ ' Voisin san arc • I 1 S ’S Í ' * ' U - f T t V V f I ) active Uulje AN N IV I H ' e Poorman is were with irthday. makers of R O B IN S O N R EM IN D ERS S O L D BY GA E CITY JOURNAL MEETS ning dinner A. V. \ J 1 • S • ,1 rl ‘ a i* i tt i Lxv i to ' m *; S' U f a A rK -n d v h e s c s 1 « L ? a 5 r T o ri -to a V J «t a * 1» ü U i \ d\ V I: r s ly To Paint. landed A ~~ ' au Save Doliu. ' Cali !v — ; U « V !J _--- , its C ci II D U i » 1 1 )r Compie <, i * l,ùl 0 ê - OP-UP TOASTERS $1^35— $22.50 V S S tl T1NGHOUSE and DOVER IRONS from $11.45 PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17-18 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Robert Livingstone— Mae Clark “DAREDEVIL OF THE CLOUDS” Monte Hale— Adrian Booth “ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL” In Color Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 30r-9c Inc. Tax Adm. Evening» 44c-9c Inc. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, DECEMBER 19-20 Brought back for your enjoyment Tyrone Power— Linda Darnell Rita Hayworth— Nazimova “BLOOD AND SAND” In Technicolor Tells the story of a bullfighter from child hood to his days of fame and romance. Mat.. „ A S N A F A S t C LO S U X E - a q .s . » •**“ '• * ft UJ Í WHAT CAUSES FIRES? NYSSA pocket inside GARDEN CLUB HAS M E ETING The members of the A. N. K. Garden club heard Mrs. Garrlt Stam discuss Christmas arrange ments at the meeting held at the home of Mrs. O. L. Galloway Tues- . „ afternoon. w r , Stam o ,am Hi.nlav- day Mrs. display ed some o f the arrangements sne ISIi9iaiBIBieiBIEil0iaikn<dl^T^Ka^ilkiltglfelSlOidk]lbjtl*il!'iliqlt'[-bilkitSL<4lSl&lbilc!jBdim3liotlaieiSnoiiaib 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trempaient credential |Su, ,.U clo**»*» “ >«* » «.pU. W«"**1 Herriman Motor Company \ s ----------------------- NEWS VIEWS For Fire Insurance See FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY !- S — i? These have been some of the main causes listed by fire underwriters. l . f/ 5 v ea YOl AF entertained with a tumbling act,! had prepared. The tru" s also cti- and Don Moss played " I Dream of joyed the man el ui.J t . o> r- ou” as a hom solo. “ I Love You I rangements that Mrs. O i l . h.* t Truly" was sung by Mrs. Betty prepared for her home. D unn; ate fed Loveland o f Nampa, who was the business meeting the Joined by Donna Jordan In singing eration ye rbook were prea-nte 1 . N Y S S A C O U PLE H ONORED Mr. and Mrs Reed Ray were My Hero." Reed Ray played two the members, A gift exchange foil ,*d i honored at a recepUon held last accordlan numbers, "W altz In F- I business and program. Ai Wednesday evening at the high M inor" and "Yours." The three-tier wedding cake, ( the close of the refr*- hnnnt 1 i. school gymnasium. A program was presented with Mrs. D. O. Bybee baked by the bridegroom, was cut ihe hostess served the gue :, i . l * presenting several selections on the and served In the traditional fash cakes with a fortune enclosed. Special guests of the club were solo-vox. Miss Pauline Reynolds *on Mai ______________________________________ _ Music for dancing was furn Mrs. Eddie Powell and M Murolo. ished by Kenneth Pond's orchestra. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and -5 Mrs Russell Jordan, and M r and TU E SD AY CLUB P L A Y S Mrs. Carlos Loveland of Nampa. Mrs. Dean Smith enter:.*.ned the Mr and Mrs. Ray will reside in members of her Tuesday ever... Nyssa, where Mr. Ray will be em bridge club at her hom e'this m ployed In the bakery department Honors went to Mrs. Artie Robe: - of his fath er’s store. son for high score and M-> i * Boydell for second high. A , i - 8 - exchnge was held following re- ! C7HRISTMAS P A R T Y HELD Mrs. Tom Eldri-Jg* ' Mrs. W illis Bertram held the ire-hments. annual Christmas party of the and Mrs. Tom Bumln*,liam we.e Chatter Box club at her home F ri guests. - 5 - day afternoon. Tw enty-five mem E N T E R T A IN S B R ID G E CLUB | bers answered roll call with fav Mrs. A. V. COOk ■ orite Bible verses. Mrs. Alonzo Knowles was a guest. Eight child her bridge club at her home Tu<. - We hear the UN has completed day evening. Prize.* went to Mrs ren also attended the party. a world BUI of Rights which pro Mrs. Edward T o p llff resigned as Nick Rudelick for high score*. , ■ claims freedom and equality for secretary and Mrs. Clara Jones was Mrs. Max Goldman for second high, everyone. Delegates from 58 na- * . and to Mrs. Sid Buroidge for tr.iv- tlons got Into the act, so it should 1 e< *" Mrs. W allace Oregg and Mrs. O iling. Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper and cover more ground than a Jackrab- E. Cheldelin gave a paper on Mrs. Vernena Beam were guest blt In hunting season. The new Christmas customs. Mrs. Gregg players. BUI o f Rights combines the prin - 8 - gave a Christmas reading and the ciples o f the constitutions of Rus HONORED ON B 'R T IID \Y members sang Christmas Carots sia, the U. S , England and France Mrs. Bernard Frost was tailored ... with a few assists from some An exchange of Christmas gifts was at a surprise birthday party at held. of the smaller nations. That Refreshments of fin g er bread, her home Saturday evening when sounds tougher than sorting thistle whipped cream and coffee were friends gathered at the Frost lu.m; seeds In a hurricane, but like a served. Mrs. T. C. Johnson will following the basketball game. I e volunteer’s reaction It’s a step fo r cream and a decorated blrthd:*-, be hostess at the next meeting at ward. W e’re all for It, because we cake were served at the close of her home January 14. know If the world can’t agree on a the evening. The affair was ar B ill o f Rights, there Isn’t going to ranged by Mr. Frost. H AVE C H R IS T M A S P A R T Y be much left. The Nyssa Education association A New Jersey man explained to doctors that he shot himself in held a Christmas party at the the stomach to take his mind o ff high school Tuesday evening after a toothache. Wonder what he school. A social hour was enjoyed does for a stomachache? Shopping with a g ift exchange and coffee, problems need Intelligent diagnosis Christmas cookies and cake serv and handling. T h a t’s why you can’t ed at the close o f the party. This is a repeat offer oi a 20x40 size in pink, green, blue and gold. Last time we only had half enough this time we have double the quantity. NEW SHIPMENT Ladies' Hose Sun.. 2:30. Adm. 30r-Ar. Inc. Tax. Adnt. Evening» Mc-9c Inc. Tax TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21 BARGAIN NIGHT Roy Rogers—Jane Frazee In “UNDER CALIFORNIA SKIES” In Trucolor Cartoon 2- REEL MUSICAL Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. DEC. 22-23 Rosalind Russell— Claire Trevor Sydney Greenstreet— Frank McHugh “ THE VELVET TOUCH” This is a story that will thrill you with its dramatic intensity. LATEST NEWS Matinee SVed. 2 30. Adm 30r-Sc Adm Evening». 44c-Br Inc. Tax . 1 29c Cannon, 3 FOR 25c 98c Irregular* in the on. 7, GIFT W R A P P i: FREE OFFICI/ LONE RA N G ER Cow boy Bqo^ you have been asking For Boys and Girl- for House Slippers For Mother, Dad. Brother and Sister $99.50 1 Flannel Bath Towels Wash Cloths THOR GLADIRONS Sizes 64 > to 2 8 We Will Remain B r a d v C i l ’S Open the 21st, Dfy Go 22nd and 23rd X-Ray Sin Until 8 o’clock. NYSSA l i t i*. , ir' i I J . a d 44. Offeree Ladies’ ¡Panties bier Style FOOTBALLS $1.98 to $5.45 BASKETBALLS $3.59 to $6.95 REMINGTON 22 RIFLE $13.50 WILSON GOLF BALLS and CLUBS ....... 3Sc .TSHING REELS 0 H L A R MAKES $1.00 to $15.00 CASE HUNTING KNIVES $3.25 l Bicycles— Both 24 inch and 26 inch ADDED SUGGESTIONS h.opmaster Table Saw $49.95 Gillette Shaving Kits $1.50 and $3.50 tar.ley Tools Make eal Gifts For Dad Wagons $4.45 TRICYCLES $13.45 to $17.95 HARDWARE CO. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, DECEMBER 21, 22 and 23 UNTIL 8 P. M. , 1