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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
_THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON KINGMAN GRANGE WILL GIVE PARTY THU RSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 PAGE THREE H u ii: atten d ed presbyterlal in King (Joy** Kurt*. I turned home Sunday evening a f t e r 1 t H. Brewer home. |E d Lammert. Terms, cash Bert John S. Carr and Ed Gamme«. H enry Reuter, agriculture in- ______ ........... from sp e n d the ln ® Pacific »bout two weeks in the Mr. a n d Mrs. Ed Foss and tw o ' A nderson and Joe Church, Aucts. owners tructor. ™ returned in tern atio n al ExDosition jvith his Franklin home in P arm a while c hildren of Salmon. Idaho visited KINGMAN K O LO N Y , O ct. 28— — - Kingman G ra n g e m et M onday e v e Ä S n , t — lîf ^ r m f « » *■ « » Omar Hite home for a few aays last week. Mrs. George John ning in th e L egion h a ll in A drian. gon for livestock judging a n d 21st ^ Mr' 41x1 MrS' Darre11 Wllllam-S ston of Haines was also a guest of Pinal p lan s were m ad e fo r a public _- - - v-------- " la n d Mary Ellen visited in the How- Ip ariP fl f h a ______ i » . card party to be given by th e Hom e ’’ cleaned the church 'yard M ond^ Idaho for livLtwk m d g u ^ 1 Ken 8 rd Evans hJ™ V " Parma Sun' Mr. and Mrs. Hite. Economics clu b S a tu rd a y nkght, vening and the foUowing girls pre- neth Price was higli point man on l ay ,,Mrs' Keith TaUman and baoy Louise Hite is back in school af- November 6 a t th e L egion h a ll in er suffering a broken collar bone Adrian. ng th e ir w ark: Arlene Piercy, Pays For Injury To Persons In Your Car. Mrs. Wesley Piercy and | Mrs. Byrd Walters and Mrs. Ellis ast week. Louise is a daughter Mrs. J . G . L an e a n d Mrs. O. L. M yna Lane, D onna Peterson and t m . L . u man and Arlene. Miss Marg- Walters made a business trip to of Mr. a n d Mrs. Omar Hite. $4 Will Cover Payments Up To $500 Mrs. Houston Dunaway was a aret Garwood and Mr. and Mrs | Ontario Monday. Wayne Piercy were dinner guests! Mrs Jesse Gregij and children business visitor in Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway left Per Person Injured. |j l Mr. and Mrs. Ruben G ra h a m » ^ spending a few days in the Thursday evening. .M artha Klingback home while hei last week . for . Boise , . , to visit — their . Mr. and Mrs. Haven Barker, husband and his brothers are on !“ a"d daughter-in-law. Mr. and , cousins of Mrs. Willard Hall, were an elk hunting trip. VIrs- Max Dunaway- The two | overiuiht guests in the Hall home Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz and popples havP/ ?one ° n a trip to See Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz at- CaUforna' They plan t0 ** gonP Custom Tanning and Manufacturing of were on th e ir way from W enatchee ^ N v a e fs u n S a v “1 “ “ 8 “ * ,Ch M rs. T em ieth McDon- JACKETS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS, ETC. W ashington to O klahom a. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace of C o o ' l - The ___ _________ O. K. K. _______ club m et T hursday ald a n d ch ild ren were S a tu rd ay dinner guests in the Uynn Kygar ldge, Arizona arrived last week to m the home of M rs. C harley Cul- (W rite for Illustrated Price List) make their home on the Willard jertson, with Mrs. Kenneth Mc home. Hall farm, which they recently Donald as assistant hostess. Re MYERS GLOVE & TANNING CO. •ented. freshments were served to 13 mem 5151515151515151515151 “ 14S0 S. 12th St. Salem, Oregon On Saturday evening Mr. and bers and four guests. The guests l!ir^l5lSlS15l!!n5g,jM5M,515l5lyl5l“iltil5l,-il51515'51S15l51SlSl5151515l5l51S Mrs. Wesley Piercy entertained at were Mrs. Charley Bradley of Nam 'M ^l^ 1ôl^ltïi51H151jilB'.5;l1'ïï515151SlS1515lMl515~ÿliql 51151515151515151515'>1515151Bli7^gt,[if,ai ciimcr dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Friday, October 29 at 12 noon. pa, Mrs. Clayton Patton, Mrs. Nor Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne man Douglas, and Mrs. Russell Pat Located one mile west of Weiser Piercy and Mrs. Madge Harrmon ton, Sr. Both prizes were won by Auction yards or the Weiser Lab Stops sticking rings To hot spots dings of Buhl, Idaho. Mrs. Harrmon Mrs. Bob Morfitt. or camp. Livestock, including sev was returning to Buhl from Wheel E. H. Davidson and Joe Codr of eral good milk cows, equipment, er, Oregon, where she received Ontario were Sunday guests in the crops and hay of John S. Carr a n d , t'n ifo rm It hile B uilding Blocks a n d C him ney Blocks, m ade of medical treatment. Pum ice Stone m akes easy construction. No o th er building Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mrs. James Phifer, Mrs. Wesley Piercy a n d 1 m aterial offers so m uch for so little. Mrs. William Toomb attended an afternoon card party at the home of Mrs. Earl Woden in Newell Superior Walls F o r ^ ^ Types of Buildings Heights Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phifer and Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer were * FIRE SAFETY * DURABILITY Win a Free Wilson Official dinner guests in the William Toomb home Sunday. * ECONOMY * BEAUTY * INSULATION Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. RPM Heavy Duty Motor Oil Hubert Thomas called on Mrs. "RPM” is compounded to cling •1NSCL” BLOCKS ARE C E R T IF IE D BY NATIONAL BOARD George Schweizer one day last reduces stuck rings, carbon, to hot spots most oils leave week to see her fall flowers. O F FIRE U N D E R W R IT E R S FO R LOW EST INSURANCE gum and varnish troubles. bare, cuts wear ’way down. Thurman Piercy, Margaret G ar RATES. ALSO APPROVED BY F. H. A. wood, Mrs. Wayne Piercy, Mfs. Save repairs on gasoline Wesley Piercey and Mrs. Ruben New savings brings Free Tickets With Every Purchase Graham spent Tuesday in Boise. or Diesel engines with * C. M. Beaumont and Clif Wright “INSUL” BLOCKS ......................................... 25c attended the Jersey sale at the Martin Jersey farm near Caldwell RED CINDER BLOCKS .................................... 23c Tuesday. The Home Economics club met at the home of Mrs. William CONCRETE BLOCKS ..................................... 23c 6 P. M. Toomb Tuesday afternoon. Due to the absence of the president, Winner Need Not Be Present To Win See our plan service d e p a rtm e n t for plans a n d estim ates. Mrs. Wesley Piercy, Mrs. Willard Get Your Tickets At The Following Hall, vice-president, conducted the We can assure you your exact cost per square foot of laid walls meeting. The hostess served re Associated Service Stations: by using our B uilding Blocks. freshments at the close of the af Adrian Oil Co., Adrian O ther com pounds stop bear ternoon. The next meeting will Skinner’s Grocery and Service be held November 2 with Mrs. (ASK ABOUT OUR BUD GET PAYM ENT PLAN) ing corrosion, lacquer, and Henry Reuter. (Langton’s Corner) ru st...g iv e extra protection. Mrs. Dick Schultz and son of Cleaver’s Grocery and Service Caldwell, Floyd Schultz of Trona, California and Mrs. Ruth Snead (O le’s Comer) A Standard of C a lifo rn ia Product and son of Letha spent Tuesday Thompson Oil Co., Nyssa in the Guy Moore home. 2 Miles W est of Boise on Highw ay 30 Hl“' J*ilur^day' ____ Mrs H urst »ang a solo on th e . program. Rev. a n d Mrs. George Pollard of Boise, a u n t and uncle of Mrs. J. G Lane, were overnight guests in he l a n e hom e M onday evening. M em bers of th e Boy Scout troup Medical Payments Coverage TANNING Frank T. Morgan Agency SALE CALENDAR * 1NSUL BLOCKS • FREE Varsity Football Drawing Mon., Nov. 1 Pumice Products It Pays To Play Ball With “Associated” Wm. E. SCHIREMAN Phone 61-W now my [ peed Q ueen id’j n d ry is complete MEETING IS HELD BY OWYHEE CLUB OWYHEE. Oct. 28—Rev. Robert Krlner held services at Owyhee Sunday school Sunday. In the af ternoon the Kriner family and Fred Klingback were dinner guests in the Jesse Gregg home in Sunset valley. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, Sr., and Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr., and Dell went to Boise Sunday to visit Paulette Patton, who is still in the Elks convalescent home. Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Marshall Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz and Mrs. Werner Peutz made a trip to Boise Saturday to see Henry Peutz, who is in the St. Luke's hospital recuperating from a recent oper ation. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy re- 51515i5 * 5151515l51515l5lSl515lKl5l515 lSl5l5i515151515l5l5l5tS151SlSI! All over Oregon open-minded people are asking: W hy Require Purchase of a Bottle? LE G A L IZ E LIQ U O R B Y THE GLASS! In a scientific, state-w ide survey recently com pleted, a reliable public-opinion research organization, w hich has accurately forecast the results of many O re g o n elections, finds that " a m ajority o f those w ho have heard o f the m easure (liquor-by-the-glass) w ould presently vote for its passage!” T h is confirm s a sim ilar state-wide survey, m ade last sp rin g , which found 46% o f O re g o n ’s citizens in favor o f liquor-by-the-glass and 44% insisting on purchase o f liq u o r by-the-bottle only. Will you enjoy your burglar? Lucky little lady! She« going to find out * a t ironing is an easy, pleasant lob after all. She s going to have more leisure time for other things. She s going to save her strength and protect her health. How about stopping in yourself and seeing the new Speed Queen Ironer models? — At Your Westinghouse Dealer OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. Display Room— Nyssa Lumber Co. When you hear a burglar ca vorting in your house it’s mighty soothing to know that you’re covered with adequate America Fore burglary insurance. This applies to household goods, personal effects, clothing, jewelry, silverware, furs, etc. It covers burglary, robbery and theft. (Even mysterious disap pearance is counted as theft!) Holdup and theft away from home are covered, too—for all members of your immediate family —and at very low cost Ask us. Bernard Eastman Insurance R eal Estate Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon PH ONE 6716 It is m fact that w henever open-m inded citizens o r org an izatio n s have studied the m easure w ithout p rio r prejudice, they have found reasons for supporting this m easure and no legitim ate reasons for o pposing it. T h e R etail T rad e Bureau o f the P o rtlan d Cham ber o f C om m erce says, in an authorized statem ent: "T h is Bureau is o n record, th ro u g h its m em bership, favor ing am endm ent to the K nox Law w hich w ould perm it the sale o f d rin k s in hotels and clubs, over the bar. T h e reason for o u r taking this action is th s belief that it w ould encourage tem perance and w ould not neces sitate individuals buying a w hole bottla and consum ing it im m ediately, if an individual drin k coultl he purchased." T h e O re g o n State Federation o f L abor is on racord w ith the follow ing resolution: "W hereas, the present system o f liq u o r co n tro l in O reg o n is not good and results in im position o f unreasonable regulations upon citizens w ho desire to consum e alcoholic bev erages, and, w hereas, the sale o f alcoholic beverages in hotels and restaurants and o th er public places should he lawful w ithout the possession o f club licenses; therefore it is resolved that the O regon State Federation o f L abor w ill join w ith any o th er respon sible g ro u p s w ho initiate the change o f the present law to p erm it the free a n d open sale o f beverages of a lco h o lic content by responsible licensed businesses w ithout the present cum bersom e restrictions." O n February 21, 1948, O re g o n ’s largsst news paper, T he Oregonian, said editorially: "T h e privilege of buying liquor by-the-drink w ould be appreciated by tourists, m any of whom com plain o f the present system. It w ould encourage hotels, restaurants snd en tertainm ent clubs to im prove their facilities. But w ithout co n sid erin g these benefits to business, one also may h o p e for a decline in drunkeness in public places and rap id dim inishm ent of bootlegging if there is licensing and strict control of legitim ate out lets for sale o f liq u o r by-the-drink." Seth F. H arp er, superintendent o f the State Liquor D ispensary in o u r neighboring state o f Idaho, in a letter dated August 26, 1948, said: ” 1 am certain that w ith the high license and bond, careful state regula tions re g ard in g the sale of liquor, and a good enforce m ent o p e ratio n , sale of liquor by-the-drink can be a decided factor in a tem perate regulation of the use of al cholic beverages." EVEN ITS FRIENDS WILL ADMIT THE KNOX LAW IS FAR FROM PERFECT! C. C. C hapm an, o f The Oregon Voter, has been c riti cal o f th is m easure for reasons of his ow n, but in tha issue o f A ugust 7, 1948, he has this to say: "O re g o n ’s K nox Law seem ed the best way to com prom isa be tw een p ro h ib itio n and the saloon. It has w orked out fairly well. U nder it there have been no centers for d rin k in g of h a rd liq u o r except the hom e, the licensed club o r the licensed establishm ent to which the pur- chaser could take his ow n bottle and have service of his ow n liq u o r. C onditions have not been satisfactory to anyone, hut they have approached a m oderate acceptability." In a recent published statem ent, Mrs. Ruth E. T ooze, state p resid en t o f the W .C.T.U., typical of tha organization* w ork in g against tha liquor-by-the- glass m easure, said: "Let me em phasize again that the O re g o n W om en'! Christian T em perance U nion ii now , as in the past, opposed to all liquor salaa, w hether they are sales by-the-glass, o r sales by-the- bottle th ro u g h the state liquor control system operat ing un d er the K n o a law o r any o ther law.” DON'T RE FOOLED BY THE PROHIBITION PROPAGANDA VOTE 314 X YES Liquor dispensing Licensing Act Pd. Adv. K m * l-ate Improvement Committee, 609 Deknm Unilding. Dean t , Ireland, Chairman. Oregon State Federation of l ahor, J, T. H arr, Executive Secretarj-Treamrer, J06 Lahor Temple, Portland, Oregon.