Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA. OREGON PAGE TW O Moeller and family. ana Uo,laId Bullard M -,,-r.v. There were ------------ 172 pie ent. R. G. Chandler ol ARCADIA. Oct. 1» The Arcadia Caidwell and H B. Smith of Vale feunshine club met October 22 at were gue t cpeikers. The offering the home of Mrs. Ray Sparks. The 0[ $21 was givi i to Mr. and Mrs. | meeting was called to order by the Walter-*, mt — ties .sailing soon president, Mrs. Elmer Stradley. fur Japan Mrs. Minnie Houston received the Mr. and Mr David McCUntock door prize. The next meeting will and daughter, Karen of Tryon, Ne- be held November 5 at the home of braska were overn itht gut:>L, in the Mrs. Ellis Warner. Mrs. Bowers, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ctyde Ba v Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Jameson will ers lalt week. Bobbie Bowers attended a party give a demonstration on textile O •j.-.ier if, at. the home of Mrs. A. painting. Those from here attending the M. Han nrm in honor of Mrs. eranddiughter, Ann Rally day program at Lincoln Sun i’s day school last Sunday were Mr. Rundquist on her 4th birthday. Clyde Bowers and Fred Shilling and Mrs. Bob McKinney, Mr and A R C A D IA SUNSHINE /-.■ | i n L J A C u r r T l M r CLUB H AS MEL I INC* Mrs Gorge w ‘ lm ' B THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 Chest X-Ray SUU Available— I R e s e r v is t s " T a k e - o f f ” fo r T r a in in g kept. Interlocking Metal PROTECT OREGON’S Weatherstripping KNOX LAW Two D e fe a t the s o - c a lle d ja I U s e d T r actors 3 Both Are Row Crop 70’s New 7 & 8 Foot Tandem Discs New Wood Bar Harrows The House of Oliver WHISKIY-BY-THE-DRINK INITIATIVE Farh summer “Citizen Marines“ from cities throughout the country go hack into uniform for their annual two-weeks’ of active duty training at posts of the regular Marine Corps establishment. A Brooklyn unit of the Organized Marine Corps Reserve is pictured above embarking for Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for summer training. ■ with New Tractor Guarantees B dug their seed potatoes over the 61 week-end. Jack Zittercob and Miss Rose mary Hamilton of Nyssa were mar- ¡¡j 1 ried October 21 in Winnemuca, j| Nevada. Mrs. Zittercob is employ- ij ed at the sugar factory. Ì $ GRANGE PLANS TO ELECT OFFICERS BIG BEND. Oct. 28- The Big Bend Grange will elect olficers November 9. :aifflSiait5im‘Mai5®^l>olr'i l M * t riiaiW‘n ^M5tn»lSl®5l5151SlEl5l51$]l i Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Sillonis 1 5ltqfilBl^ol^'m^bjl!olOiLCTluijolBlldI<birr.'msatel^L^L&l«ot!^cn&7UjUnlSli3ieiUilu,i ELECT JOHN C. ELFERIN G REPUBLICAN CAND IDATE FOR SHERIFF came to Oregon from C a l i f o r n i a in 1933. After receiving further training in Cali fornia, I returned to Oregon in 1944. I live on my farm near Vale, on which I am now en gaged in general farm ing. w hich w o u ld m e a n — FIRST BREAK IN OUR CONTROL PLAN {a ‘ Nyssa Implement Co. I MR. AND MRS. CLUB MEETS Miss Margaret Beattie, executive else In Nyasa who was unable to SlSl-il'-flSlBlf;1 'ttlW- dW - .SffiBlS®!3iaWsl0® W e H ave Miss Beattie urges anyone Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitaker en ¡secretary for the Malheur Tuber- take advantage of the x-ray unit tertained the members of their Sunday evening bridge club at their ! culosls and Health association, has while it was here, to go to On- home Sunday evening. Honors announced that 200 of the 500 ap tarlo November 3, from 1 to 9 p. went to Mrs. George Sallee and | pointments made in Nyssa for the i m. or November 4 and 5 from 9 Bernard Eastman. Guests were miniature chest x-rays, were not Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding. a. m. to 5 p. m. to be x-rayed. ; I am 38 years old, married, and have four children. droye t() M o u n t a in H om e S u n d a y. Present plan treats everyone equally IDA. POW ER BUILDS THREE NEW PLANTS Best Material j BOISE, October 28—The Idaho Power company has built three generating plants since the war, adding more than 32200 kilowatts to Its system, and two other hyd roelectric plants are being built, T. E. Roach, president and general manager of the company, reports. A new plant on the lower Malad river of 13,500-kilowatt capacity was put on the lines last Friday. It replaces an old powerhouse that had been in operation since 1910, generating 5,000 kilowatts. This is the second powerhouse completed on the Malad river in Hagerman valley this year. The first, a 7,200-kilowatt installation located about a mile upstream, went on tihe lines in June. Last year the company completed a 16,- 500-kilowatt plant on the upper Salmon falls site on the Snake river, also In Hagerman valley, and it has under construction a plant of 60.000-kilowatt capacity at the lower Salmon falls site and a 70,- 000-kilowatt installation on the Snake river west of Bliss. It is expected the first two units of the lower Salmon falls develop ment will be ready for operation early next year, and the Bliss site development is scheduled for com pletion in 1950. These five plants, representing a large part of the company's $55,- 000,000 post-war expansion pro gram, will increase Idaho Power's generating capacity to approxi mately 2'4 times the generating capacity at the end of the war, Roach said. The expansion also includes considerable substation and line construction. MORE SPEAKEASIES Best Equipment Plus Skilled mechanics, guaranteed satisfaction Source of supplies would be harder to trace equals to MORE ALCOHOLICS the Yale Report shows five of the six American cities having the highest percentage of alco holics are in Calif., open state to the South Home Owner. Fuel Conservation Company Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson and Ben Ivy of Boise were Sunday vis itors at the John Packwood home. Mr. and Mrs. Rone Mecham ol Prairie City, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gossert of Homedale, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Medium and family. Joe King and Ray Cartwright have gone elk hunting in the Bak er mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and family visited friends and relatives In Emmett Sunday. A birthday party was given Sat urday for David Chaney at his home. Guests present were Carl lisle, Roberta Rent, Dorothy Fug- erson, Dwayne Baxter. David Crouse, Johnny and David Witty and Dickie and Dwayne Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Wayne, Sharon and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Margaret and Dickie, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty and boys attended the Adrian-Parma football game Friday evening at Nyssa. Joe Gale, who has employment at Prairie City, is home with his fam Leaves For Portland— ily this week. Mrs. Ruth Schannon, who has To California— been visiting for several months Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Dunaway, ac at the home of Mr. and Mrs. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Houston Dunaway and family, re Dunaway of Boise, are visiting in turned to her home in Portland Palo Alto, and other California Saturday. Mrs. Schannon is the towns. They expect to be gone mother of Mrs. Houston Duna- about two weeks. way. MONOPOLY SPECIAL RIGHTS TO SPECIAL G R O U P S — Only restaurants, clubs and hotels now licensed to serve mixed drinks could get permits Roofing, Insulated Sidings, LET A GOOD LAW ALONE New Panel Shakes Weatherstripping Specialists VOTE 315 X NO For Free Estimates Phone 3285-J P. O. Box 1663— Boise, Idaho DEFEAT THE SO-CALLED WHISKEY-BY-THE-DRINK INITIATIVE Convenient Monthly Payments Paid Adv.— Protect the Knox Law Committee. Letui L Langley, Secretary 1124 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon Vote for the Best Man For Each Office W E TH INK THESE ARE TH E BEST MEN AN D I feel that I am well qualified for this office. RECOMMEND TH EM I have had seven years experience as Deputy Smith, Elmo, Wilson, Verne, Masterson, Gib, Elfering, John, Sackett, Harry, Morton, Murray, Hope, Ora C. Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California; one year experience as Federal Guard; and was at tached to the Naval Intelligence during the last war. Also I took a graduate course in the Tech nical Institute for Peace Officers at the University of California at Los Angeles, given by F. B. 1. instructors in 1939. I fully believe that my educational back ground and practical experience qualifies me fo r ; P l the exacting duties of the Sheriff, and if I am elected you may be assured efficient, courteous, and impartial service will be rendered anyone having contact with this office. Your support at the polls November 2. will Come in today be appreciated. Paid Political Adv. Pittsburgh Paints * for outside protection and inside cheerfulness — you will save money and worry by insisting on Pittsburgh Paints, in many ways better quality than ever be- fore. Kj R • | for FREE booklet “Color Dynamics For Your Home" NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY JOHN OSTROM. Owner The P R EACHER TELLS M R S . J O H N S O N ! SI5TER J0HN50W, WHAT'LL THE GOOD BRETHERN THINK IF I GOTO SEE M I K E AND IK E DOWN AT THE PURINA STORE ? i M IK E - IK E JU5T A COUPLE OF HAMS' YOU CAN SEE THEM AT OUR STORE C o m e I n ? TOBLER’S FEED AND FUEL State Senator State Representative County Commissioner Sheriff County Clerk County Assessor County Treasurer ELECT CANDIDATES REPRESENTING M A JO R ITY P A R TY FOR STATE OFFICES U. S. Senator, Congressman, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, Guy Cordon Lowell Stockman Douglas McKay Earl Newbry Harry Belton George Neuner Malheur Co. Republican Central Committee Paid Political Advertisement John L. Caldwell, chairman Vale, Oregon