Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1948)
77ieNYSSA VOLUME X X X X III NO. 43 \>Viä& sÄK v», —^ je — u .v * , * » :& i JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 Elfering, Koopman and Patch TOTCHECKR PROPOSE!) Win County Office Contests s t a t e c o m m is s io n Three Members Of City Council Re-elected Hospital Hites To Positions As Councilmen By Sate Margins Deliver lalk At w-fc 1 * gag 11 â . “ Should there be an Oregon po tato commission?” will be the question raised toy Klass Tensen, Ainiistice Service Will president of the Maineur County Smith Reported Winner COUPLE RETURN Be Combined With and Onion Growers associ Whitaker Only Member C ITY COUNCIL TAB U LATIO N In Race For State FROM LONG TRIP Potato ation at a meeting in the Moore Ceremony Failing To Gain En Senate j ------- 2 hotel in Ontario Monday November 1 3 Total ________ | Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee return- 8. The meeting, which is open to 64 (58 Elden Yergensen ough Votes 64 196 Bishop Arvel Child of the Nyssa John C. Elfering o f Vale was ed recently from a trip that took all potato growers, will start at 8 46 48 Robert Talbot 64 158 L. D. S. second ward will deliver p. m. elected sheriff, J yon noopman of them into Canada and into the 98 R. G. Whitaker 70 Three members of the Nyssa city 122 290 Vale was elected county assessor There Is a movement afoot to the principal address at the cere 126 Geonge Henneman 108 373 council were re-elected to the coun 140 eastern part of the United States. mony dedicating the cornerstone of and Dennis W. Patch of Nyssa was create an Oregon potato commis cil in the election held Tuesday. 113 97 104 314 Harry Miner Accompanied toy Mrs. Bybee’s sis sion, which would advertise Oregon tthe new Malheur Memorial hos named county school superintend 112 99 142 353 The successful candidates were Emmil Stunz ent in the three county contests ter and her husband, :,rr. and Mrs. potatoes, do research work in di pital at Nyssa Armistice day, Nov 63 George C. Henneman, Emil Stuns 63 67 193 Murle Macum conducted in the general election Wayne Barker of Ogden, Mr. and sease control and promote the use ember 11. 91 and Harry Miner. Th e fourth Gordon Ray 98 112 301 Mrs. Bybee motored to Cleveland, of better seed, Tensen explained. The Nyssa high school band will Tuesday. councilman running for re-election, Elfering, a republican and com where they attended part of the However, the catch is that if the play and Rev. Roland Wuest and Chairman R. G. Whitaker, was parative newcomer to Malheur world series. Prom Cleveland, the bill is passed by the legislature a Rev. George Whipple will partici bested in the voting by Gordon county, defeated Robert Davis of two couples went to Niagara Palls 1V4 cent levy for each 100 pound pate on the program, according to Ray, who polled 301 votee com par Ontario by a vote of 3422 to 2100, and into Canada. The trip to New sack of potatoes marketed will be Bernart Eastman, chairman o f the ed to W hitaker’s 290. with all precincts reported Wednes York C ity was made from Canada collected by the commission. The committee arranging the affair. Henneman led the field with 373 down through New York state. proposed bill was discussed by the The women’s auxiliary o f the day afternoon. votes, followed by Stunz with 353 is gathering • historical Koopman, present democratic as They were impressed by the beauty board of directors of the Malheur hospital and Miner with 314. w L. T. Per. Complete domination o f the state sessor, defeated Murray Morton, of the countryside o f New York association. The directors decided data and other materials to be board o f control, consisting o f the Emmett 1 .875 The officials will take offic e 3 0 republican, former assessor, by a as well as elsewhere in the east, that a general meeting of potato placed in the cornerstone. Ontario 3 0 1 .875 January 1. Henneman. Stuns and during the fall of the year when growers should be held to deter The Veterans of Foreign Wars governor, secretary of state and Vale vote o f 3431 to 2004. 3 1 0 .750 Miner will serve for four year» Patch, Nyssa high school prin the trees are outstanding for their mine whether or not the association and the American Legion will hold state treasurer, by members of the Weiser 1 .375 and R ay for two years. 1 2 would recommend the passage of the annual Armistice day cele republican party was assured in Nyssa cipal who made no effo rt to gain color. Unlike the rest of the nation, 3 1 .125 0 bration in conjunction with the the Oregon general election held Payette The two couples spent 3 days in such a bill, Tensen added. the county office, was elected M al 0 0 .000 which swept the democrats into 4 The veter Tuesday. Scott Warren o f the Oregon Seed cornerstone ceremony heur school superintendent over New York City, where they went Games on Schedule Week-end o f power in the white house and the Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, the incum on a sight-seeing trip that took league will explain the proposed ans will form in parade near the congress, Nyssa gave Dewey a big Returns received Wednesday af November 5. them from 5th avenue to the Bow- commission and answer any quest underpass at 10:30 in order to be ternoon showed Douglas M cKay bent, toy a 2450 to 2065 vote. A r Payette at Meridian, Vale at margin over President Truman and ry district and Chinatown. T h e y 1 ________ at the " Y ” east of the grade school ions that farmers may. have con- cadia votes were missing from the leading for governor over his dem Parma, Adrian a, Nyssa, Fruitland held to the republican side almost building at 11 o’clock for the usual ocratic rival, Lew Wallace, 152.966 at Homedale. county superintendent figures, but visited the Empire State building i cerning it. 'he entire length o f the ballot. moment of silence in memory of and the Stork club, and Grand would not be great enough to The presidential vote in Nyssa was to 116,847. W ith 1092 precincts of By Dennis W. Patch the war dead. Don M. Graham of Central station. At the Jack change the result o f the election. the state’s 1858, Earl Newbry was No conference games are on tap Truman 233, Dewey 356, W allace 3 Nyssa will deliver a short talk dur leading Byron G. Carney, demo In the race fo r state senator Dempsey restaurant they were in during the coming week, with all and Thomas 10. ing the Armistice service at the terviewed by a New York magazine from three eastern Oregon coun Other voting in Nyssa was as crat, 180,829 to 83,708. Howard C. league teams either without games hospital site. ties, Malheur, Grant and Harney, reporter who asked them their im follows: Senator—Wilson 219 and Belton’s lead over W alter J. P ear pressions as westerners of the east. Geoivte S h iffer of the state board in preparation for Armistice day Cordon 346: congressman—Stock- Dr. W. J. Weese of Ontario carried son for state treasurer was much of health will be here Tuesday and .-mailer, 135,601 to 122,937. Malheur county over Elmo Smith o f friendliness, was their re- tilts or playing non-conference op man 378 and Shorb 187; governor Wednesday, apparently for the pur of Ontario 2640 to 2817, with all of i ply to the Question- Mr. and Mrs. George Neuner was assured of ponents. Outcome of Armistice day —M cKay, 354 and Wallace 211; sec Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell, formerly the 34 precincts reported. Smith ®ypee are rece*ve a11 issue of Lois Bybee, and her sister, Karen, pose of making a re-survey o f the re-election as attorney general games between Emmett and Weiser retary o f state— Newbry 397 and hospital needs of the Nyssa section. the magazine in which the account Is reported to have carried the dis over William B. Murray. The vote and Ontario and Vale will deter Carney 170; treasurer-—Pearson 234 were injured Wednesday afternoon Nyssa’s application for government of the Interview will appear. trict by a vote of 4710 to 4238. mine the S. R. V. League cham and Belton 310; attorney general was 142,998 to 114,527. when an automobile driven by Mrs. While in the state o f New York Mitchell collided with a beet truck assistance on the hospital was re —Neuner 295 and Murray 251; giving him the right to go to £4uy Cordon defeated Manley pionship. jected a few months ago. Since they visited Oooperstown, the home Salem in January. The strong Emmett Huskies and state senator— Weese 264 and Sm ith Wilson to gain re-election to the at the Henry Hartley com er on that time the directors have decid of baseball, and the place where Vernon Wilson o f Vale was un United States senate and Lowell the Ontario Tigers are idle this 310; sheriff—Elfering 384 and Davis the Nyssa-Adrian highway. ed to proceed with construction of opposed in his bid for a position the first baseball game was play Stockman, incumbent, defeated C. week preparing for crucial names 181. and assessor—'Koopman 386 Mrs. M itchell’s left leg was the building. Contractor Leslie W ed. In Washington D. C. they in the state house o f represent In the event and Morton 173. J. Shorb in the race for the on Armistice day. broken and K aren ’s right hand Stoker has made good progress on visited its historical spots and en atives from Malheur county. national congress from the second both teams knock over their oppon was badly cut. T hey were given the project. route home, attended the grey Unopposed candidates for county ents, both will be tied for league congressional district. treatment in Nyssa and were then offices were G. A. Masterson of hound races at Abolene, Kansas. taken home. With many returns still due, the leadership and a playoff game be A snowstorm was encountered Vale, county commissioner; H. S. Mrs. Mitchell was driving south L. T. FENN, FORMER vote on the state measures was as tween the two schools will decide Packett of Vale, present clerk, and over the continental divide as Mr. and the operator o f the truck, the 6. R. V. championship. The follows: NYSSA MAN, DIES and Mrs. Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ora C. Hope of Vale, present have an outside whose identity was not learned, Tax lim itation— yes 75,717 and no Vale Vikings Barker were returning from the was traveling toward Nyssa. Both treasurer. IN BAKER HOSPITAL 139,697. chance to gain league honors by Other voting for candidates in three-weeks sight-seeing trip . A large crowd attended the fall were apparently traveling at a Forest rehabilitation— yes 107,166 dumping Ontario with a Weiser win the county was as follows: For over Emmett or a Emmett-Weiser concert presented Tuesday evening slow rate of speed. T h e automobile Leland Thoms Ftenn, 54, of and no 1091299. tie. Such a situation would give president — D e w e y 3265, Truman wrv was quite -badly damaged. T h e Huntington^ broi er o f Qar'„ and in the high school gymnasium by State boy’s camp—yes 118,180 and Vale the league crown. truck is owned by Everett «.nodes. Ttolto Fenn o f Nyssa and Louis no 109,027. 'he high school glee club and or 2499. Wallace 86 and Thomas 29* r P l a i T i e S D e S tl* O V senator—W ‘ Ison 1923 and Cordon' U U U U * Fenn o f Ontario, died in S t Eliza Nyssa will play the Payette P ir chestra under the direction of Lynn T h e injured girls are daughters Hydro-electric amendment — yes beth hospital in Baker recently 89,406 and no 125.291. 3407; congressman—Stockman 354C X " i\ I f n fir P o c u / I a m n o at Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Bybee. ates on the Nyssa field Armistice Lawrence. and Shorb 1890: governor—McKr.y v r U llg j l l C o l U v l l L C after a short illness. The program opened with a School election voters— yes 143,556 day at 2 o’clock in the Bulldogs' 3410, Wallace 2069 and Barnett 109; Mr. Fenn. who was a car in and no 87,457. last game o f the season. On the march “ The Spirit of America,” and FOOD DRIVE TO BE secretary o f state—Newbry 3978 spector for the Union Pacific rail Awakened by a passing motorist, Old a?e pension—yes 165,613 and ba^ls of dope, Nyssa Is favored closed with the quiet effectiveness BEGUN THIS WEEK road, was a veteran of the first no 87,467. and Carney 1544: treasurer—-Pear Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and to lose. of Humperdinck's "Evening P ray world war. He lived at Nyssa sev son 2426 -and Belton 2876 and at four small children escaped from The Fruitland Orlzzleys bounc- er.” sung toy the glee club. T h e Income tax exemptions—yes 210,- torney general— Neuner 2868 and their burning residence on the The Nyssa section's m ajor effo rt eral years a,;o. Survivors are his 195 and no 35,780. rd the Nyssa Bulldogs 20-6 to singing of “T h e R iver Sings a Murray 2402. Nyssa-Ontario highway last F ri In the C RO P drive to provide food widow, Mary; a son, three daugh Liquor dispensing act—yes 101,- notch their second win over an Song” and “ Gortna Ride Up in the Among the initiative measures day night before the buildinng and for the starving people of Europe ters and five brothers. S. R. V. team. Wilder. Nyssa half, Chariot,” by the glee club were 228 and ho 150,235. and referendums on the ballot, all of its contents were destroyed will be made this week-end. Funeral services were held in the Veterans bonus—yes 106,043 and sccored an' early touchdown to give outstanding in their presentation. Malheur county rejected two of the by the flames. Nvssa a short lead, but a deter The former song was given an ad School children will take their Methodist church in Huntington no 136,042. most controversial proposals. The Mr. Young, who is employed by contributions to their classrooms this afternoon. Nyssa war veter Salmon fishing—yes 132,200 and mined Grizzley line held the Bull- ded atmosphere with the violin voters in this county voted 2466 to the Amalgamated Sugar company, Friday and ohurch people will take ans were in charge of grave ser no 96,463. d o’ s to a standstill for the rest obligato played by Laura Schenk 207^ egainst the so-called power received burns on his face, hands their donations to their respective vices in the Nyssa cemetery. Increased tax levy—yes 72,082 and of the game. Tw o touchdowns bv and Angela Peterson. The spirit bill and voted 3375 to 1716 against and back when he atempted to churches Sunday. Bray, O rizzley back, and an inter ual was sung with a spirit of glad no 136,416. the sale of liquor by the drink in extinguish' the blaze, which he said cepted pass by Shaver accounted ness and ease that was appreciat Malheur county hopes to send a ______ _______ _______ ____________ MAN SENTENCED ON Oregon. • ¡he believes was started in the wir ed by the audience. for the G rizzley 20 points. carload of milk and a carload o f CHARGE OF LARCENY FIRST BASKETBALL ing of his radio. The fam ily escap sugar to Europe under the C RO P In Bach's “ Now Let Every The Vale Vikings won a 20-0 ed through a bedroom window. ------- GAMES SCHEDULED decision from a fast improving Tongue Adore Thee,” the glee club program, which is sponsored by the COUNTY LIVESTOCK Benecio Leyva Lebario, a JTyssa The loss, partly covered by in Christian rural overseas organiz Payette team. The Viking team displayed unusual harmony and MEN TO HELP FORM surance, was estimated at $4000. Mexican, was sentenced to six ation. The opening games o f the Nyssa had all the best of the statistics, tonal quality. The orchestra’s pre GROUP FOR JUNIORS Because of a city ordinance, Persons who do not contribute months in Jail Wednesday by basketball league sponsored by the but were unable to score until late sentation of Straus' “ Tales from Romburg's One o f the biggest events of th e ! N y“ a volunteer firemen were not through the schools and churches Judge Don M. Graham in justice Lions club will be played in the In the third quarter when W il the Vienna" Woods," Desert Song" and two numbers annual meeting o f the Malheur Permitted to take the fire truck are asked to leave food donations court on a charge o f larceny in gymnasium Monday night, Novem liams, Viking back, scored. Tw o more touchdowns in the from Jerome Kern were well re County Livestock association, Nov to the Young home, but went there at the Idaho Power company o f a dwelling. The Judge suspended ber 8. Three games have been scheduled final quarter, one by Williams on ceived by those present. T h e or ember 19 and 20 in Vale wrill be as Individuals to help, but were fice or the Owyhee Truck and Im four months of the jail sentance. Lebario, who pleaded not guilty, plement company store and cash as follows: 7 p. m., W ilson’s versus a 25 vard run and another via a chestra is composed o f 18 pieces. the formation of a junior livestock helpless without equipment. Nyssa firemen answered a false donations at the First National was charged with entering the farm Aggies; 8 p. m„ Bracken's versus pa's William s to Musgrove account- , and is accompanied by Betty Fife, association, according to Presi house of Mary Chamblin about [There are 31 members in the girls M. I. A., and 9 o’clock, Owyhee ed for the Viking total. dent W. W. Scott and Floyd Miles, alarm from Carl’s Doll House H al bank. two miles west o f the Owyhee ward versus Stunz Lumber comp The Parm a Panthers tipped a glee club, with Carlene Jones as chairman of the association 4-H lowe’en night about 10:15. school house and stealing a Luger Fire caused $65 damage to the any. T h e Adrian team drew a bye. favored W olverine squad 13-7. The accompanist. committee. JERSEY BREEDERS type Japanese pistol October 24. Panthers line effectively bottled up' ------------------------ The organization of the junior porch of a residence located just The pistol, was recovered. Lebario north o f the Boise Payette Lumber WELCOMED TO AREA the W olverine attack after a Weiser PRIZES DONATED association will be held at 9 30, WOMEN PRESENT was taken to the county Jail in company yard on First street W ed touchdown In the second quarter November 20 in the Vale commun TO ODD FELLOWS GRANGE PROGRAM The plunging o f Harley Breshears, Members o f the Malheur County Vale by a state police officer W ed ity hall. Qualifications for mem nesday morning at 4H5. T h e house nesday. I ----------- is owned by Charles Caldwell. Jersey club made a welcoming Panther half, figured heavily In the bership are that the boy or girl be John Ostrom and fam ily of the ------------------------ The Home Economics club pre- Parma victory. tour Thursday to Jersey breeders a 4-H or F F A member who has in the Vale area. GRIDERSPURCHASE Isented the program given at the The Emmett Huskies bounced the Nyssa Lumber company and the completed at least one livestock New Arrivals A t Nursing Home— Ostrom Brothers Appliance comp T h e group visited at the home i/ ii u a d i r A M llM A l fr^iular meeting of the Oregon strong M eridian Warriors 20-6. On October 28 to Mr. and Mrs. project or a son or daughter nine VALUABLE ANIMAL rrail Orange last week. The Ontario Tigers lost 13-6 to any have donated a washing m a years old or over o f a member o f Neil Nicholson of Langton’s cor of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson, ---------- ) Mrs. G arret Stam gave two read- a heavily favored Baker team. The chine. two radios, a waffle iron, a the Malheur County Livestock as- ner. a son, weighing 8 pounds, 9 who recently moved their herd o f Mr. and Mrs Charley Grider re- ¡ngs, a quartet consisting of Oeorge Ontario boys offense showed some knife sharpener and a popcorn registered Jerseys from Utah. They ooeiation. Officers will be selected ounces. On October 29. to Mr. and Mrs. ate lunch at the Fred Burgess cently received a new bull to use,cleaver. Frank Parr, G arret Stam of the power that (gained them alpoper, valued at $250, to the Odd and a constitution and by-laws Harlan Dlven, sang two num- tie with the Emmett Huskies three Fellows and Re belt ah lodges. adopted at the meeting, said Miles. Albert Coleman of Nyssa, a son home and then went to W illow- in their herd of registered Jerseys. | and The washer will be raffled and The bull is June Volunteer Pro- ( bers and Mrs. Charley Orider play- weeks ago. creek to see the herd o f jerseys weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces. the other prizes will be given away On October 29 to Mr. and Mrs. that Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Betz gressor, six star calf sired by June ed two selections on the piano. Cannery To Operate— at a series of seven pinochle parties Refreshments were furnished by Visit In Nysaa— T h e Adrian cannery will be op Donald Franklin of Nyssa, a son, brought to Malheur county from Volunteer Buddy, six-star excel Overnight guests at the home of to be given for the benefit of the Grants Pass. T h irty persons went lent. silver and gold medal super Mr. and Mrs. Albert P fller and Mr. erated in November on Tuesdays weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces. ior sire whose 49’ tested daughters and Mrs. Nell Dimmick. Rev and Mrs. Sterl D. Spies* last Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges. November 1, and Fridays, opening at 9 o’clock ixovemoer i, to io Mr. and ana Mrs . on the tour. averaged 549 pounds o f butterfat. O fficers will be elected at the Monday and again on Friday were 1 ------------------------ for about two weeks, if enough | George Sweet o f Nyssa. a daughter j The Prcgressor is a double grand next meeting o f the Grange. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bowcutt a?M To Attend Conference— produce is sent in to make oper- j weighing, 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Leave For Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peterson of Miss Kathryn Crandall and Den- Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw and son o f Nelly Standard Volunteer, ation feasible. Donations to th e' On November 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Bremerton, Washington, and Mrs. nis Patch will attend the depart cannery áre still accepted. Any- Howard Fenn o f Nyssa, a daughter, fam ily will leave fo r Ogden this being out of the gold medal, ton Help At Conference— At the regional workshop con- LouLse Peterson of Toppenish, ment of classroom teachers con week to make their home. Mr. of gold cow, Volunteer Glow. The one wishing to donate is asked to weighing 8 pounds, 4*4 ounces. On November 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, who has been employed at bull was bred by Mr. and Mrs ference of teachers in La Orande Washington. T hey were en route ference In Bend, Saturday, N ov do so at their earliest convenience. Walter Farris o f Nyssa, a daughter, the Phillips 66 service station, will John Lindow of Independence, O re - 1 October 28 and 29 three Nyssa to Garland. Utah to attend funeral ember 5. Miss Crandall will represent the be employed by the Lloyd Berret gon. Mr. and Mrs. Lindow hold i teachers were in charge o f sect- services for the father of Mrs weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Nvssa P. T. A. Meets— The Nyssa leaders | Edwin Peterson and Mr. Bowcutt, Nyssa Education association and On November 2 to Mr. and Mrs. service station at Rlverdale, near more world records for high p r o - 1 ional groups. The Nyssa Parent-Teachers as duction than any other Jersey were Mrs. Virginia Steffens, home | Mrs Bowcutt and Mrs. Speisz are Mr Patch w ill toe a delegate from sociation will meet November 11 Charles Wood of Parma, a da ugh- Ogden. the Malheur county division of the breeders in the United States. ¡economics; Mrs. Harriet B ru m -'tw ln sisters. at 8 o’clock at the high school. | ter, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. O r«ton Education association. This —— ■---------------------bach, social science. Junior dlvls- \ Mrs. Joe Brumbach will be the \ Patients at the Nursing home Here For Hunting Season— meeting has been called to discuss ion, and Dennis Patch, social set- Here From Nampa— M r and Mrs. Harold Jacobsen of Paper To Be Issued Early— speaker for the evening report- are Mrs. Oliver Freel of Adrian, Because of Armistice day failing cnee, senior division. ■ M r . and Mrs. John Penlen of adequate salary sechedules and ln- Ing on the National Education as- ! for medical treatment; Mrs. B etty Portland are here for the hunting Nampa were Sunday dinner guests j crementa for the 1946-59 school sociation meeting which she at- Forbes of Nyssa. medical treat-¡season. They were Thursday eve- on publication day, tne Gate City j at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. year. The Bend Teachers associ tended in Cleaveland this sum -.m ent: James Brown of Nyssa, med- ning dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Journal will be published Wednes- l.eave For C olorado— mer as a delegate from the Or- [ ical treatment, and Mrs. Terra o f Bert Lienkaemper Mr. Jacobsen day instead of Thursday next week.; Mrs. Alice Gilbert and Mrs. Nellie i E. Collins. T h e two families for- ation will serve as host. l Nyssa, medical observation. Mrs. ¡is a former schoolmate of Bert and Correspondents and advertisers are j Hightower, who have been visiting mer South Dakota residents recall egon Education association. able ed to submit their copy one their sister. Mrs. Ed Frost, left last ed many early days in that state, Attend Concert— j Sheff W hite of Nyssa was released K erm lt Lienkaemper. Mrs O lea Billings. Mrs. Ron day earlier than usuai. The same week for their home in S a l l d a . ------------ --------------- | after observation and Charles Lisle Visit Here— situation will prevail Thanksgiving Colorado. Mrs. E. O. Wuest left Tuesday ¡Campbell. Annette Campbell, Mart- M r and Mrs. Howard Brenner i of Parma after recovering from Babies To Nyssa Couples— fer Oregon C ity after visiting Rev. ¡an Brown, and Mrs. C. A. Mally and fam ily o f Boise and Mr. and pneumonia. During the past week three' week, Her» From Walla Walla— • and Mrs Roland Wuest since S u n -' attended the community concert at Mrs Floyd C o lli,« of Melba were babies were born to Nyssa rest-1 Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Ferguson la y evening. Mrs. Wuest was en BoLse last Monday where they dents at the Ontario hospital. On J Appointed Secretary'— Sunday visitors at the H. E. C ol Leaves For Mission— London, baritone Mrs. John Beckham of Nyssa ha? visited over the week-end at the j route to her home in Oregon City heard G eorge Spencer Be us left last week to t' October 28. a daughter was bom lins home. They are lif t e r attending the National Wo- soloist. Utah, where he attended the hom e-' to M r and Mrs Leo Fife, and on been appointed as secretary in the O. L. Galloway home men's Missionary Federation con- coming at Brigham Young univer October 30, daughters to M r and Nyssa high school office. She s u e -' now located near Walla Walla, Attend Art Exhibit— Salem Dentist Here— Wuest. who will »h e re they will make their home, entlon at Columbus, Ohio. M r and Mrs Eddie Powell. Mrs. sity before going to Salt Lake City Mrs Leland Hoffm an and M r and ceeds Mrs Roland Dr and Mrs. Forrest Bod me- of 'move to Wilbur. Washington. ----------------- — ---- ------------------------- Theo Moore. Mr. and Mrs Marco to attend a mission school pre Mrs C. E. Patterson. 8alem visited last week-end at the ___________________ I ■ - - ! Auxilalrv To Meet— | loin Sorority— Muralo and Tom M orris attended paratory to going to Canada on a The American Legion auxiliary j Mildred and Dorothy Loe were R. M. Cochrun home and with A t the local L. D. S To w wwmm ~— Opening Cafe— the art exhibit and tea at the Boise mission. F o ssil- Mrs Lynn Snodgress returned Mrs. Lucille Cecl will open the meeting has been postponed until | Initiated Into Epilon Sigma Alpha, other friends In this vicinity. Dr, art museum Sunday afternoon. church, the Sunday evening service T hey viewed the art work that is was a " testimonial” meeting hon Monday from Fossil, Oregon where farmer Gingham Inn on Main Friday evening. November 5 at * educational and social sorority at | and Mrs. Bodmer have been vls- on display there this week by out oring Spencer Beus with special she visited her husband who is,street November 5. She will c a ll|o'clock. It will be held at the home the installation o f a new chapter|ltirK Mr*. Bodmer's parents in employed in that area. 'th e eating place Lucille’s Kitchen, of Mrs E. K. Burton. In Ontario last week. Payette. music and readings. standing Idaho artists. G. O. P. Controls Nyssa To Play Oregon Offices Last Grid Game Two Injured As Car, Truck Crash School Concert Well Attended