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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1948)
194 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDA PAGE TWO The regular meeting and on your shoulders and our J .b ’a Daughters T . M e e t- f^ h o u r be held at 8 o’clock. moulders. We have a great coun- i The members ot Jobs Daughters - try and ue miL.t he.p make lt will meet Thursday afternoon at SUNSET VALLEY p. — m. — at the Masonic hall Nyssa Girl Ilo n o red - of 4 - -- cs «**«* and gentlemen — greater. Lada* — ---------- . for _ a Former , f ASSEMBLY OF GOO Frank Goilup, formerly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - s »A1TH A i m • i 1’THERAN t h f r a n i CHURCH h ik c h school ol instruction, with Mrs. mis Rev. Joe E. Oodson. Pastor N>¿¿a we -i. \Jd u on u* M Ehlert, worthy grand Margaret Hunt of ******* wa* t.dilur and Publisher Roland M . Wuest. Pastor M A S S V. POWELL Sunday school, 10 a. ffi. Alien >u4 a:? in Portland. As you matron, in charge, Following the chosen by members of civic or- 10 a. m., Sunday school. Classes Worship service, 11 a. m business concerns for all age groups. Young people’s meeting. 7 p. m. ) grow, we gi ow and we want our school of instruction, Mrs. Ehlert gardzatious and as "Woman of the will be the ijuest of the guardian at Pocatello, 11 a. m.. worship service. Sermon J Evening service, 8 p. m great state to fo:,_e aheaa." ADVERTISING KATaS SUBSCRIPTION KA1H8 dinner at the Doll Year for that city. Bible study, Wednesday. 8 p. m. theme for the 22nd Sunday after Mr. W.maiier poin.ed out that counc^ at a Trinity: “A Godly Example for all $ 2.00 Open rate, per inch...... —SSt One Year--------- the popu.a...n of Nyssa had grown A SSEM BLY O F GOD Christians,” based on 2 Kings 18: i 81.25 National, per inch..........— 40c Ilium bet) in 1938 to approximately | SU Month*----- S te r l D . S p le s r, P a s to r 14-19. __ Xh Claaaitieda, per » o r d --------Ac j j j O o in 1D48 and mentioned th e ! Single Coplea — Sunday school, 10 a. m. There will be a special congre Minimum .. 30c ’many de.elopmenis that- have, i Strictly In Advance) Morning worship, 11 a m. gational meeting immediately after | .aXen p.aoe (luring the last lew Uie morning service. All voting Junior church, 7:30 p. m. j j ears, in .using „he airport, the members are urged to be present. Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malbeu- County. Oregon Prayer and Bible study, Tuesday, lire depa. unent, p.irk, street lm- pro.einents. water system lmprove- Entered at the postoffices at Ny»sa. Oregon lo. n ansanssiun 8 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH Uirough the United States L.alLs, as second class mattej. undei Park Avenue and Third Street Young peoples, Friday. 8 p. m. inen-s, lighted athletic , fteld, and the ac of daich 3, 1879. Rev. P. J. Claire. Pastor Everyone welcome to all service, {*■«« tor • «-'»>• ••» and , bundiiig and gymnasium. The time of mass has been "We have a line spirit of co-oper- hanged to the winter schedule, CHURCH OF JE Sl’S CHRIST ation Of.ween the city folk and i beginning September 12, It will be OF MERRY MATRONS OF teas. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and at 9:30 a. m. the rural people that I believe is LATTFR DAY SAINTS unexcelled in the United S tates,’' ORE TRAIL MEET famdy visited Sunday afternoon SECOND WARD Mr. Whitaker said. "We raised. with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson THE CHIRCH OF THE (Mormon) * 8X2,900 for a hospital, which is no near Parma. NAZARENE Arvel Child, Bishop OREGON TRAIL. Oct. 21—The doubt a world's record for a com- ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and Sunday, 11:30, Sunday scnool. 19 a. m.. Sunday school. Merry Matrons club met at the Billie have moved to Middleton. munlty of this sire. We would like J 10:30, Priesthood meeting. 11 a. m., congregational and Idaho, where Mr. Bowen Is employ- 1 Sunday. 8 p.m„ Sacrament ser to nave a little heip cn the project. home ol Alta Pry Wednesday af special singing and sermon. We would like to nave some state i 7:15 p. m., young people, teen- vices. ternoon, October 13. The after ed on construction work. Jack is Wednesday, 2 p.m„ Relief society .ecogn.tion. We also voted a spec- staying with Mr. and Mrs. La ape and junior services. 2nd Congressional Dis'net noon was spent visiting, Wednesday, 4 p.m.. Primary .al road levy for improvement of Vein Cleaver and going to school. 8 p. m., evaajelistic service. members and two guests. Alberta Wednesday, 730 pan., Mutua roa„s in the rural areas. Services every Wednesday at 8 Improvement Bowers and Mary Smiley, were "We think Nyssa should be on p. m. present. Roll call was answered Confined To Hospital— he map. We wan: it to be on If you do not have a regular by step savers. Lunch was served j. e . Trent, former Nyssa resi- SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Strong Leadership (he map of Oregon. We are proud home we extend to you aj . , CHURCH by the hostess, assisted by Ber- dent, is still confined to the L. D . church ------- --------- v of Portland and we want Portland In Congrejs . . . nice Gardner. The next meeting S. hospital in Salt Lake City as cordial invitation to visit us before Naomi Buehert, Superintendent to be proud of Nyssa." American Legion Hall will be held Wednesday, October i m u lt of an injury sustained ia*t you choose one Mr. Larson pointed out that Location 5th street and Good Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. 27, with Bernice Gardner as hos- January when he come to Malheur county Preaching service, 11 a. m. in 20 years ago farming consisted Evangelist Hugh Cowles mostly of livestock production. Lowell Stockman of Oregon is a strong, business-like leader harge of service. With construction of the Owyhee dam there was an influx of people in Congress. During his three terms, he has become recog L. D. 8. CHURCH so that the county could no longer First Ward nized by his colleagues as an effective, conscientious, exist on a livestock type of agri Dean Fife, Bishop Sunday, 9 a. m„ Sunday school culture. The first su ja r beet tests common-sense worker for the good of the Northwest and Sunday. 10:30 a. m. priesthood were made in 1935 and the factory was built in 1937. meeting. the nation as a whole. He has consistently backed measures Sunday, 6:30 p. m , sacrament Twenty-two thousand carloads of predict, merchandice and d'he. or fast meeting. helping veterans, reclamation, farmers and the nation’s Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society products are shipped in and out of Nyssa each year. So far in 1948 meeting. business. With an energetic, fighting man like Lowell Tuesday, 4 p. m., primary meet there have been shipped 210 car loads of onions, 89 cars of cattle, ing. Stockman on the job in Washington; we are assured of Tuesday, 7:30 p. m , geneologlcal 43 of sheep, 1578 of potatoes, 40 of canned corn, 230 of lettucce, 40 of meeting sound and beneficial legislation. Vote 19 (X) Nov. 2 for Thursday. 7:30 p. m.. Mutual hogs, 11 of beans and 1107 of sugar. Improvement association meeting. Lowell Stockman, keep strong leadership in Congress. All of 'lie speakers praised Mrs Sunday. 5:30 p. m.. ward welfare Charles Steffens and her group of meeting. (First and third Sundays) home economics girls for the fine chicken dinner served to the group. I he Gate City Journal Church Notes RE-ELECT Lowell STOCKMAN REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN with Home Redecorating Needs from Boise Payette! See BOISE PAYETTE for these Now is the time to paint up and repair your hom es Interior ior the holidays and enter tainment season ahead. Boise Payette can supply alt paint and materials you need to do the iob quickly . . . . easily and economically. Remember . . . . Paint and Repair Needs are Easier to GET . . . . at DEVOE P A IN T PRO DUCTS: K e m to n e DevopaJre vlfSSIONARY BAPTIST CHURL II Sunday school. 10 a. m. CHOSEN .MAJORETTE Morning service, 11 a. m, OREGON STATE COLLEGE. Cor Young People, B. Y. P. U„ 7 p. m. vallis, October 21—(Special) Doris Evening service, 8 p. m. „ _ , Beers of Nyssa, a sophomore in Wednesday prayer sei v ice, 8 p. m. ( 5 a ,illt, s an<j industry ¡lere re. Visistlng pastors supp y, | gently appointed as a majorette with the new Oregon S’-ate college IT. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH band. She will make her first ap Rev. b'. L. Callahan. R.wtor pearance with the band at the Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. OSC-M.chSj.m State football game, Morning prayer, 9 a. m. Holy communion, first Sunday October 30. Evening prayer, 2nd Sunday each month. 4 p. m. No morning service on and Sun day. To contact minis!' -j call 409-J, Ontario for appointnlVnt. P a in t B rushes THE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH tjw eetfiea ïù 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser mon subject: "Dead End Streets". Anthem: "The Spacious Firmament on High.” 7 p. m„ Youth Fellowship. 8 p. ni., evening sing and Bible study. O. L. GALLOWAY, Mgr., Nyssa, Oregon YES CHEVROLET GIVES MORE VALUE j a l l a y m p a fu A û ftA p fiu w e PORTLAND GROUP LIKES NYSSA AREA As advertised in LIFE and LOOK (Continued From Page 1) stated "We came here to learn and see and it has been an education. There is a great job to be done: it . Wont drive a foot- without insurant:*, ¡H THE GIFT THAT STARTS THE HOME Buy Mow on Cur Lane Christmas Lay-A-Way Plan FIRST IN BIG-CAR QUALITY in P o rio rm o n c o w ith E c o n o m y There’, nothing like Chevrolet', world', champion Valve-in-Head engine ... with it, record of having delivered more mt/e, of aatiifac- tion. to more orenerj. over a Ion ft r period, than any other engine built today . . . and Valve-in-Head derign i, eaclurive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cart! at LOWEST PRICES . . . j u s t a s it's firs t i n Mo** Val*** n a tio n w id e reg istratio n s! in All-round Safoty rrolet brings you the jmu- safety -protect ion of 1 »»her teel Body Comtructurn.»afety . gU»* in »11 window», the ited Knee-Action Ride »»id Live-Action Hydraulic Brakes; thu is another combination ol ires found elsewhere only in er-priced cars! H EVROLET - and OrUf/ iaa Mo** Val*** in Boauty and Luxury You know that there'« only one leader in fine coachcraft - Body by Fisher! It’a world-famous for quality, beauty and luxury, not only in exterior design, but in interior appointment! like Aord- urn and upUfitry. ai well And Body by Fuher. too, ia etclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced can! — IS FIRST! Ontario, Oregon Say "You re m ine, forever” with this intim ate love-gift, so beautiful a n d so w onderfully practical, too. I.^nc is the o n ly pressure-tested A R O M A -T IG H T Chest in the w o rld , w ith L ane’s exclusive p at ented features. Free moth insurance policy g o es w ith every Lane C hest As important as the motor It’s foolish to drive any car a city block without ample in surance. You may hit somebody the first 50 feet and get sued for 50 thou sand. You may not have 50 thou sand, but the law may take your home or attach your wages for years. Or your car may bum, be stolen, be damaged or cause damage. Yes sir, a car is full of risks. Let us give you figures on the many protections an America Fore policy can give you. Bernard Eastman Insurance Cable’s Chevrolet Company m a 1 W ëJm &l* Mo** Val*** m o to rin g a d v a n ta g e s . . . .. HER LANE HOPE CHEST I t ’s f i r s t i n a l l t h e s e b a s i c Mo\e Val*** P a id b y : S to ck m an (or Congress Club, Jam es H. S tu ra ti, Pres. 214 S.W . 6 th , P endleton, Oregon. i Nov/ fro Give Her This 87 Spar Varnish in Riding Comfort ou'il foni that Chfvrolrt givr, ore ndini-emootbnfsi. more rid- g-eteadinett. on all lindi of roadi «aulì it ha, thè originai Unitiied nee-Action Ride, prove») and trfected by 14 y**ri «/ ttpttitnct building Knee-Action unita, vailable only in Chevrolet and gher-priced carri Only member of Congress from Oregon ever on the House Appropriations Committee Real Fitta!« * Phone »54 Nyssa, Oregon No. 2110. M atch ed New Guinea w ood, exotic Zebra w ood and American Wal nut. Has Lane's Pat ented Automatic T ray. Buy n o w ^ -lo k a until Christmas or longer lo pay I No. 2260. Colonial de sign in antique Ma ple. Lane's patented round-cornered auto matic tray. No. 2221. 18th Century design in Honduras Mahogany. Drawer in base, tw o sim u lated drawers above. Wifo or Mother BUY WOW WHILE SELECTIONS ARE COMPLETE! EASY TERMS! $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 PER WEEK I P eisrson Furniture Co. ONTARIO NYSSA VALE PAYETTE