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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
77? e NYS SA VO LUM E XXXXIII NO. 42 Stone Laying At Hospital is Set For November 11 i Mi ' v .g - infecid «• * 1 Iv i •*VM^ NOV 1 ' 948 JOURNA ’♦ S T A * ' M ö b A , OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1948 B SQ UAD FINISHES FOOTBALL SEASON W IT H NO DEFEATS .1 Pians Complete -------------- For H allow ed Perhaps the four general elect Party For Kic ion ballot measures that will affect Interesting Contests To Be Settled Tuesday, November 2 P a r e n t - Teachers W Sponsor Event Fri day Night ¿iíppH The Nyssa junior varsity defeat ed the Emmett squad 22 to 0 o n 1 I Armistice Day Program the Nyssa field Monday to complete I J j tts season witlt an unbroken record) m L w Tentatively Arranged of victories. For Same Time Tw o of the touohdowns resulted from long passes issued by R. Wil-1 j T h e committee In charge o f the son arit* K. Skeen. The other j |ff|p cornerstone laying for the new ..core was made by Pounds on a Malheur Memorial hospital to be line play. 'T h e Bulldogs also made a safety by tackling an Emmett located at Nyssa decided definitely man in the end zone. at a meeting in the city hall W ed Members of the victorious squad nesday night to hold the ceremony are Delmer Andrews, Earl Bartron, Armistice day, November 11. Lloyd Bush, Dick Campbell, George A parade conducted by the Nyssa _ Chavez, Jack Duncan, Herbert _____ ____ Pis- American Legion and Veterans of j cher, Paul Planary, Allen Mefford, L % . Foreign Wars will be held on Main Fred Mitchell, Lynn Ray, Casey street shortly before 11 o’clock Smit, Philip Wilson, Richard Diven, .The paraders, including at least Harley Duus, Delwin Holcomb, three bands, will march to the Mlnard Hart, Lyle Jensen, Ronald hospital site, where the ceremony Jensen, Ray Keck, Billy Kelch, will be conducted in conjunction Donald Knowles, Hollis Knowles, K » ■ with the usual Armistice day o d - Joel Mitchell, Richard Pounds, Wilbert Walz o f Jerome. Idaho, i Nursing home by a passing motor- servance of the veterans. Robert Reynolds and Richard W il who has been living near Nyssa on ist for treatment of a deep lacer- The program will include the son. the Idaho side of the river, crow led ation on the left knee and bru. es principal address, band numbers, from the automobile pictured above and abrasions on the face. He the cornerstone ceremony and without serious injuries about 2 o'- was taken to Jerome hv his parents prayer. clock Sunday morning. Walz, w ho j Monday evening. Walz had been was alone, apparently fell asleep living at the home of his sister, and the car plunged into a barrow- Mrs. Ed Randall, who lives north pit about three miles north of j of the Nyssa-I’ arma junction. Nyssa. He was taken to the Nvssa ' Ormond Thomas reported at a luncheon o f the Nyssa chamber of commerce Wednesday noon on THOM AS MORRIS SAYS AID TO EUROPE A group of approximately 40 per the progress that has been made IS H ELPING TO BLOCK COMMUNISM sons met in the city hall Tuesday by the newly organized Malheur night to organize a Nyssa C RO P County Highway and Industrial as organization, which is designed to sociation, which is designed to Thomas Morris of Nyssa, w h o . Prance, where he picked up his help provide food for needy persons speed primary highway improve returned home Tuesday night from | automobile that he had shipped in Europe during the coming win ments in the county. ter. Prank Calise o f Vale was er a visit in Europe, said that un- j across and toured several countries, % \st Election Drives Nearing End In “ Hot” Campaign VOTERS ON IN NOV. ELECTION lhe residents of Malheur county most vitally are the constitutional six per cent tax limitation amend ment, the bill amending licensing and acquisitional provisions of the The republicans are generally hydro-electric commission act, the amendment fixing conceded the advantage in state constitutional voting in the general election to be qualifications of voters in school held Tuesday. November 2, but s e v -, elections , . and the bill increasing eral democrats are making strong! lncome tax exemptions. Other proposals to be voted on bids for election constitutional amendment In the race for the governorship, a r e Lew Wallace of Multnomah county authorizing indebtedness for state is competing with Douglas McKay refores.atlon, bill authorizing state of Marion county, republican who boys camp near Timber, Oregon, -‘ •' tied Governor John Hall for old ace pension act, liquor dispens nomination in the May prim ing licensing act, world war 11 vet aries. Wendell E. Barnett of Mar erans bonus amendment, measure ion county is running as an inde or. aibiting salmon fishing in Col umbia river with fixed appliances, pendent. Incumbent Earl T . Newbry of nd certificate of necessity for lev Jackson county, has competition ying a tax in excess of the six per for the office of secretary of state cent constitutional limitation for from Byron G. Carney of Clacka the state of Oregon. Plans have been completed the Hallowe'en carnival to sponsored by the Nyssa Pare: Teacher association in the grt school building Friday night young iters of the district. Children may attend the ei nival in Hallowe'en costumes, they wi h. Some groups are e peeled to give prizes for the b< ostumes. Five cent tickets at by each grade will be used 1 money during the carnival. The junior high school will ha .harge of a comedy show, a beau shop and popcorn and candy boot The grade school will sponsor fish pond, comedy show and spcx alleys and will sell pie, coffee, “ h logs", candy, carnival horns ai confetti. The high school will sponsor dance, with Shane's orchestra fu ul.-hing tne music. mas county, a democrat. As a third member o f the state board of control, W alter J. Pear son of Multnomah county, demo crat, and Howard C. Belton of Clackamas county are seeking the third position on the state board A Malheur county grand jury, of control, that of state treasurer. I f Newrbry is elected he will be the meeting Monday, returned a not only hold-over member of the irue bill in the case of Miss Rita Lenora Sosna, thereby absolving board of control. Senator Guy Cordon and Con her of blame in the murder of her gressman Lowell Stockman are common law husband, James C. The Fiuitland Grizzlies d efeat« •seeking re-election on the repub Pirkle, whose body was found In an lican ticket. Cordon is opposed by Owyhee irrigation canal in August. the Nyssa Bulldogs on the Fruit In her testimony to the grand land gridiron Wednesday night b Manley J. Wilson o f Columbia county and Stockman by C. J. jury. Miss Sosna blamed the slay a score of 20 to 6 in a non-con ing on W illiam Walker, who was ference game. The group elected Rev. Donald S. ected association chairman and H doubtedly the aid that Americans He then went to Naples, where helghopb" of U nloiTcounty. Nyssa scored its lone touchdow: Campbell as chairman and the fo l P. Logue o f Ontario was elected I are sending to Europe is keeping |was staying when Tolliotte, the The names of four candidates acquitted by a jury a few weeks lowing persons as members of the secretary. The association w ill the people of some countries from .WdL sh° t' for president and four for vice ago of a charge of second degree on the third play o f the gam ■---- 1 Morns was in a theater in Naples president of the United States ap- murder in connection with the when Wilder drove through th committee: Harlan Diven, Rev. E. secure a traffic ----- count — and ■ ----- produce turning communistic. one for 36 yards to paydirt. at the time ol the shooting and ppar on the ballot. They are a s 1 ' as<> J. Wilson, Mrs. W. E. Schireman, figures and will send a represent- “ Without the aid of the United was routed from the building u- follows: Progressives—H e n r y Bray scored for Frultl&nd to evei A .I. Miss Sosna said she had noth* Roger Anderson, Henry Storm andiative to Portland to present the Dennis Patch. Churches, schools,(information to the state highway States, Italy would have collapsed,” long with other persons by the Wallace and Glen H. Taylor; in ing to do with tiie murder, but the count at six all at the en< communists. Several persons, in dependents— Norman Thomas and was forced to accompany Walker of the half. In the fourth quart Granges, civic organizations and ! commission. Morris said. “ When the people of cluding three policemen, were kil others are represented on the com- j Harold Henigson and Mr. Thom- republicans— when she said he disposed o f the er, Bray went over the line for i Europe become hungry enough they led in the riots that followed in Tucker P. Sm ith; touchdown and Shaw scored bhi mittee. * ! as represented the Nyssa chamber Thomas E. Dewey and Earl Warren, body. When funeral services and democrats—M arry S. Truman Miss Sosna, who was located extra point. A carload of sugar and a carload of commerce at the association will support the regime or group Naples. that feeds them. The money the j were held for the government and Alben W. Barkley. in Miles City, Montana after Walk Shaver intercepted a Nyssa pa* of milk constitute Malheur county’s meetings. quota for the drive. The committee The chamber voted $500 to pay United States is sending to Europe policemen, some of the pallbearers Other candidates are as follows: e rs acquittal, said that after she in the fourth quarter and ran 3( sponsoring broadcast o is making provisions for any farm for — ---------- „ ------------ . f . . 10 . i *s being used to build factories , were shot. During the riots, which Attorney general, George Neuner, had been asleep for some time at yards for a touchdown. Shaw produce to be brought to town and basketball games over K S R V d u r -iand ln other programs designed broke out all over the nation, all republican, and W illiam B. Mur- ^ W a i t e r ho me _ _ ^ e _ and gam scored the extra point, making sold for the C RO P fund. All of the ing the winter ««recon stru ct the devastated areas, j business houses were clossrt in ray, democrat; state senator, W il Pirkle were staying, Walker enter the count 20 to 6. Nyssa starters were Hale and produce will be taken to the schools Ham Chaddcrdon reported that ' r , only way a lot ot people a r e 1 syirivv; ” with the rioter.-. How- liam J. Weese, democrat, and Elmo ed her room and told her to go Bush and Pecka, Novembcr 5 and to the churches| the American Legion auxiliary is -‘,' akln* a living is ir the rebuilding “ vvn ;lia ofiiccis '1 art.-d E. Smith, republican; state rep witji him. When she entered the White, ends; Chadwick and K yte November 7. Those not working|dn a position to provide s tree t!1” the country. However, there and well organized and can stop resentative from the 31st district, car the saw the body o f Pirkle, tackles; Long, center; Planary beggars everywhere. Some a riot in a short time. During the Vernon Wilson, republican, unop she said, and when she started to guards; through the schools or churches flags for merchants who do not are The veterans -would1 Pe;>Ple al'e starving, but I d on t be riot that Morris experienced, elec posed; county commissioner, G. A. scream Walker clapped his hand quarterback; Suiter and Wilder, may leave their contributions at have them. When Walker halfbacks and Itamura, fullback. economic situation is as tricity. water and gas were cut o ff Masterson, republican, unopposed; over her mouth. the Idaho Power company office, like to have the merchants d is -jdeve ordered tier from tiie car he told Coach Howard Lovejoy used sev *n this country im- by the communists in a short time. the Owyhee Truck and Implement play their flags on Armistice day, I Dad 35 (Continued On Page 6) After the riot centering about her* to turn her back to him and eral substitutes in the game, part agine- M a whole the war-scarred company store or the First National Mr. Chadderdon said. later she heard a splash of water ly because of injuries. W ilder was Elmo Smith of Ontario, repub countries are recovering and get the shooting of Tolliotte, a gasoline Bank of Portland. strike was started. As a result ot MRS. FIELDS W IL L as though something had been out o f the game part of the time County Chairman Arthur Ather lican candidate for the state sen ting back to normal.” Mr. Morris left New York M ay 3 the strike, Morris drove to Switzer because of an injury sustained ln OPEN DRESS SHOP thrown into a stream. ton of Ontario, who met with the ate, said that this section has been The woman, who said Walker at- the touchdown play. Nyssa group, said "C R O P means neglected by the more populated on the trip to Europe, accompan- land in his automobile powered (Continued On Page 1 ive) Mrs. Henry Fields o f Nyssa w ill tacked her on at least two oc- “Christian Rural Overseas P ro areas of Oregon, but said " I t i s led by Vincenzo Murolo, an Italian He said | sculptor, who spent six months in open the Fields Dress shop in the ( a lions after Pirkle's death, said F U N E R A L IS HELD gram.” The rural people of America largely our own fault.” Heldt building at Third street and ¡W alker forced her to wash out the are helping the rural people of he is ready to lead the fight to N >-ssa- He landed at La Havre. INTER-CITY HOOP FOR JOHN OLIVER Bower avenue November 6. cat the night he allegedly dlspos- Europe in the face of their critical gain recognition through his ser- P L A Y IN G W IL L BE Mrs. Fields, who has lived in ¡cd of Pirkle's body and set fire shortage of food this fall and wint vice in the legislature. 1 O D a B T C G l V e i l John Elfering of Vale, republican STARTED NOV. 8 Nyssa for many years, has bought to the car on the Vale city dump. Funeral services were held iu er. I f you want to raise cash, we Miss Sosna said she caugilt a ride the Catholic church in Caldwell, can purchase milk at wholesale; candidate, briefly recited his quali Play in the inter-city basketball all new fixtures for her new shop. if you wish to contribute each pro fications for the office of county league sponsored by the Nyssa Siie will handle a complete line to Ely, Nevada and never heard Monday morning for John A. Oliver anything about the finding of of Homedaie, former resident of duct directly, we can make suitable sheriff. Lions club w ilU je started November of ladies' ready-to-wear. Pirkle's body and Walker's trial) Malheur county, who died in a Eight hundred and sixty nine 8 . arrangements to receive it. How because she was afraid to ask. Boise hospital last Thursday after residents of Nyssa were given chest ever, we want you to decide your ORCHESTRA, GLEE Tiie deadline for registering of Returns T o Nyssa— x-ray last Friday and Saturday in the teams will be Monday. Novem Mrs. R ay C. Lewis has returned T h e release of Miss Sosna ap- noon. own method of helping. Glenn Suiter of Nyssa, broth- ber 1. Teams so far entered are: to Nyssa after attending the funer- parently concludes the Pirkle inur- The relief plan is a church-spon CLUB P LA N CONCERT the x-ray mobile unit in Nyssa. On Friday morning, the unit was Stunz Lumber company, Wilson al of her sister, Mrs. H. P. Weston I der case, as no further action cafl er-in-law of the deceased, and Mrs. sored program, sponsored by Luth Suiter attended the services. Pocatello. Before retu rn in g , oe brought against Walker, The Nyssa high school glee club stationed at the high school, where brothers department store. Brack of eran world relief, Catholic rural Mr. Oliver was born in The life and church world services. and orchestra, directed by Lynn 267 students and teachers were x- en’s, M. I. A. ward No. 1 and home, Mrs. Lewis visited relatives Azores November 1, 1875 and came These groups will also distribute Lawrence, will present a concert in rayed. The unit was moved F ri Adrian merchants. at Richmond, Utah. She visited j PH E A SA N T CROP to this country when a boy to Uve Tuesday nigbt, day noon to the city hall w'here Two more teams may be entered, Mr. Lewis' mother, Mrs. Martha the food to those who need it over the gymnasium SAME AS IN *47 with his uncle, Joseph O liver of seas. M aterial is to be distributed November 2, beginning at 8 o'clock. townspeople were x-rayed Friday but must register with the chair Lewis, who recently observed her La Grande. W hen he was 18 he afternoon and from 9 to 5 Sat man, Chuck Landreth, before Mon 98th birthday. Mrs. Lewis visited according to need, irrespective of No admission will be charged. W ith the season on Chinese moved to Silver City, Idaho and On Friday afternoon 212 day. The program will consist entirely urday. in Logan with an aunt, Mrs. Lydia race, creed or color. of group numbers presented as fo l persons went through the unit, and The teams already entered have Baker, who celebrated her 100th pheasants scheduled to open F ri later operated a general store there day noon, representatives of the for 12 years. He left Silver City lows: Glee club—‘‘Prayer Prom 390 took advantage of tins free ¡been practicing for about 10 days birthday last February. C H A D W IC K TAKES state game commission announced ln 1907 to homestead in Jordan Haensel and ' Gretel ;" "Nocturne". health service Saturday. this week that the pheasant pop valley, Oregon, where he resided G O LFING HONORS “Now Let Every Tongue Adore A number of Nyssa residents who j ulation o f Malheur county in the for 41 years. He moved to Home- Thee,” “ Tea For Two". "T h e River had made appointments were not | vicinity of Ontario, Vale and dale in January of this year. Any of | Vern Chadwick o f Nyssa, whose Sings A Song" and "Gonna Ride present to toe x-rayed. Adrian has shown but slight im Interment was in the Wilder experience in golfing extends back Up In the Chariot." a negro spiri these or anyone who missed the provement over last year, despite cemetery. to the late summer months of 1948. tual, and band— "Spirit of America mobile unit during the two days a good hatching season. took the honors in a hole-in-one (m arch), "Chaconne,” “ Tales Prom it was stationed in Nyssa, may N YS SA N U R S IN G HOME Wayne A. Young, field agent of the Vienna Woods", "T h e Desert still avail themselves of free chest contest held in Ontario Sunday. the commission, said however that New Arrivals— Mr. Chadwick, who said he learn Song”, "Look For the Silver Lin x-rays by going to Ontario to the "T h e population is considerably be Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jess Toledo ed all of his golf from Lynn Lawr ing” and “ Smoke Gets In Your Masonic hall November 3 from 1 1 low that of 1946 and in general can of Nyssa, a daughter, weighing 9 to 9 p. m. or on November 4 a n d ; ence, Nyssa school teacher, won Eyes." be regarded as normal for the food pounds, 1 ounce. 5 from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. T h e re- | the cup for driving the closest to and cover conditions as found in Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason suits of the x-ray findings will be the pin in the contest. The princi Returns From Trip— this county at present. of Nyssa, October 21, a son, weigh Mrs. Harriet Harris returned mailed within the next two Weeks. pal cup, for making a hole-in-one, "One hundred and ten miles of ing 8 pounds. 8 ounces. Those assisting with the unit at was not awarded because no one home today from a three months ground was covered by foot by field Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dodge, accomplished the feat. Chadwick s trip to Alberta. Canada. She was Nyssa were Mrs. Henry Hartley, agents of the Oretjon state game Jr. of Nyssa. October 21, a daugh ball rolled within two feet of the accompanied home by her niece, Mrs. Bernard Frost, Mrs. Houston j commission last week In the annual ter, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Mrs. Reynold Gunderson o f Col- Wilson, Mrs. Ron Campbell, Mrs. | pin. pre-hunting season sampling of the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lan J. L. Church, Mrs. Joe Sutherland, j inton. Alberta, Canada. upland game bird habitat area. dau, October 22, a son, weighing Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb, Mrs. Bert | Honored At School— "T h e game commission will op 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Lienkaemper, Mrs Richard Wilson, Initiation of Miss Doris Beers, Cub Pack Meets— erate tagging stations at Nyssa Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mrs. Finley Shuster called a Mrs. A. C. Sallee, Mrs. Rolland j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David i Lienkaemper's standard station) Wookle of New Plymouth, October Beers of Nyssa route 2, into Upsilon nyetlng of her cub pack at her Laurence, Mrs, Harry Miner, Mrs. and Vale (Vale lookers) to accom 25, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds, chapter of Sigma Kappa, inter- home Monday evening. Games were Dennis Patch, Mrs. Bud Wilson, modate hunters taking birds out 8 % ounces. natioal social sorority at Oregon played following the rajular meet Mrs. Dale Garrison, Mrs. Jack M c Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Penn side of the county. Hours will be State college, was held Saturday, ing. Mrs. Shuster was assisted oy Kee, Mrs. E. L. Fleshman, and 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. and the stations' of Nyssa, October 25, a son, weigh October 23. Initiation services at Bob Keveren and Dick Herriman. Mrs. James Spofford. will close permentently at 9 p. m .' ing 8 pounds, three ounces. Nine members the chapter house for a class of assistant leaders. on the last day of the pheasant eight initiates was followed by a were present. Th e pack will meet Workshop Scheduled— season The state police are ex Hunt In Blur Mountains— An tn-scrvice-training workshop form al"b on qu et in honor of tne every Monday evening at 7:30. pected to operate a tagging sta Dr. K. E. Kerby, Bernard Frost, will be held in La Grande today new members. Miss Beers, who is Dick Stockham, O. L. Oalloway and tion In Ontario. enrolled in the school of business Gets First Elk— and Friday for junior and senior Hunters should tag birds when I Dr. Olenn Kennanston are on an and technology, Is majoring in se c-; F.-ed Braun, local plumber, was high school’ teachers. Nyssa teach- transportin' those birds into a ¡elk-hunting trip this week ln the retarial science'. She is a member ;,he first Nyssa man to take an era of the upper grades will a t-) 1 closed area of tiie state or into an Blue mountains near L a Grande. of the collate symphony orchestra c.k to the Polar Cold storage plant ’ tend the sessions. 1 area of lesser bag limit. N o more and is drum majorette for the this reason. The report of the k i l l ) ------------------------ 1 than 8 birds will be tagged for Vale Visitors Here— - made this morning. The elk. Undergoes Tonillertomy— college band. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith and son each hunter and each hunter must a Lie-pointer, weighed about 400' Butch Sweeney, son of Mr. and 1 preaent his own birds and license. of Vale were Sunday guests of Mr. pound.; when dressed. No other Mrs. Charles Sweeney, underwent 'A ll birds shipped by common car and Mrs. Ward Wleneke. *Rober- McCurdy and Harry jiy^.a hunter had reported a kill a tonsillectomy at the Nyssa Nurs- rier must be tagged and shipping Johanson o f the First National Wednesday afternoon. Tw o Idaho ing home Wednesday. permits will be available when Course To Be Given— Bank of Portland, with headquart- n-.en, however, left elk at the stor-i A course in visual education will i common carrier is to be used. Moves O ffice— ers in Portland, are in Nyssa at- age plant Tuesday, The game commission has a be given for teachers of Malheur E. L. Jamison has moved his real tending to business and visiting.; _ valla ble posters asking hunters to ] county In Ontario, beginning Sat- I estate and insurance office from The two men who expect to be Recovers From Illness— save hen pheasants and to respect( urday, November 6 at 9 a. m. The here the remainder o f the week. Barney Wilson returned to work the Carl and B urfc machine snop One of the highlights of the 173rd year of the Marine Corps was the private property as their part in a course will also include two night ■ former Nvssa residents Mr. this week at Wilson s super market building on First street to the authorization of the regular Women Marines. During World War II public educational program with sessions. The course will carry two MeGurdv is accompanied by Mrs. after being confined to his home Heldt building on Third street and ■noro than 22,000 women served in the active reserve. (Continued on Page Six) | hours of college credit. McCurdy I the past 10 days with influenza. I Bower avenue. < Organization Of CROP Is Formed Better Highway Condition Asked X-Ray in Nyssa A Call for Women Marines Miss Sosna Is Freed By Jury Grizzlies Beat Bulldogs 20-6