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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1948)
JOURNAL The NYSSA VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 39 Brick Selected By Officers For Local Hospital Committees Working on Plans For Comer- stone Program T h e board o f directors o f the Malheur Memorial Hospital as sociation, meeting Tuesday night, selected the brick to be used in the new hospital. T h e pressed type of brick, made in Utah, will be laid in varying colors. Probably the roof will be painted in a slate gray and the sash in green. Contractor Leslie W. Stoker plans to pour the footings for the hospital this week. Architect E. G . Harrington o f Portland was here this week to confer with the board. Prelim inary plans for the cor nerstone laying to be conducted in November were outlined at a m eet in g of the founders service organ ization in the city hall Wednes day night, according to chairman Bernard Eastman. Committees .sel ected last night w ill report at a meeting to be held Wednesday evening, October 20. Tentative plans call for the corn erstone program to be held A r mistice day, November 11. City Will Buy Street Cleaner A t a meeting of the city council Tuesday night, the councilmen in form ally discussed the proposed purchase of equipment for cleaning the city's new streets. T h e council will study the plans for sometime before reaohing a decision as to what type of equip ment to buy. The council voted to lease the farm ing land at the cemetery to Dixie Kinkade for three years. Kln- kade has been farm ing the 27 acres for the last year. The officials also ordered a street light erected at Second street and Reece avenue. SOPHOMORES W IN IN PLAY CONTEST The s-f >hor*ores y o n the one-act play contest conducted by the Nyssa high school in the gym nasium Tuesday night. The jun iors took second place, the fresh men third and the seniors fourth. The sophomores, coached by Mis. Harriet Brumbach and Charles Steffens, presented ‘T h e Shock of Your Life.” The cast was as follows: Tom my Poster, Wilbur Maxwell, David Tucker. Hercules; West Beus, Mr. Maxwell; Shirley Nolen. Mrs. M ax well; Bonnie Ward. Connie M ax well, and Cleo Flinders, Betty Lou Maxwell. PLANS COMPLETED FOR VISITATION OF PORTLAND MEN Plans have been completed for the visitation of a delegation of Portland business and industrial leaders to Nyssa next Tuesday evening. The visitors, numbering between 36 and 44 will arrive here at 4 p. m. by train and will leave by bus for Boise at 9 p. m. They will be honored at a -banquet to be held in the home economics room of the high school building at 7 o’ clock. Prior to the banquet they will visit the sugar factory, per haps a packing shed and other places of interest. The banquet program will be furnished by the visitors and the Nyssa chamber of commerce. The home economics girls of the high sdhool will serve the dinner. CHAMBERS PLAN TO SEEK IMPROVEMENT IN STATE HIGHWAYS Chambers o f commerce of Mal heur county were scheduled to hold a dinner meeting in the Moore hotel in Ontario today for the purpose of further perfecting an organization to work for better state roads in the county. The group will attem pt to enlist the aid of Granges and the county court. T h e initial meeting held in On tario Monday of this week was at- ‘ ended by Dr. J. J. Sarazin of Nyssa. A t that time the Ontario chamber directors m et with Dr. Sarazin and John Caldwell, Jr. and Prank Calise o f Vale. They pre pared to form a Malheur county primary road committee to work for immediate improvement of primary highways in the Ontario, Vale, Nyssa and Adrian areas. HENRY MEIER IS TAKEN BY DEATH Funeral services will be held for Henry Meier o f Parma route 2 this afternoon in the Community church in Parma. Mr. Meier died at his hame in Apple valley M on day. Interm ent will be in the Parma cemetery. Mr. Meier, bom July 29, 1888 in Buffalo county, Nebraska, moved to the Parma section 25 years ago and engaged in farming until his death. Survivors are his widow, two sons, Melvin of Johnstown, Colo rado and Albert of Weiser, and a brother, Emil o f Kearney, N e braska. CITY IS REMOVING ROCK FROM STREETS The city of Nyssa has started removing the surplus street rock that was left from the paving op erations conducted during the sum mer. A crew uses a sweeper borrowed from the city o f Weiser to sweep the rock to the curb and there it is shoveled into trucks. The city will pick up the finer materials To Montana— Mrs. Harold W hitely left this with a lighter sweeper later. The week for Choteau, Montana, where streets are wet down with a sprink she will visit relatives and attend ler to allay the dust before the sweeping is done. the wedding of a nephew. Relatives Dies In Holland— Word has been received by rela tives in this community of the death of W. C. Tensen of Soest, Holland, September 28. Mr. Tensen had returned to Holland last Oct ober after visiting relatives here since the preceding May. Mr. Ten- sen is survived in this community, by his sister, Mrs. Dick Groot and a brother, Pete Tensen. Returns From Trip— E. A. W im p of Nyssa has return ed from a trip to Kentucky, In diana and Iowa, where he visited relatives and friends. He had not been in Kentucky for 36 years and in Iowa for 34 years. Mr. W im p was born in Hardin county, K en tucky, 25 miles from Hodgensville, where stands the old Abraham Lincoln log cabin. Mr. Wimp's father was well acquainted with Lincoln and was in several rail- splitting contests with the great emancipator. Kentucky has a fine com and soybean crop and every bam , cow shed and garage is filled with new cut tobacco. Mr. Wimp attended th e* Kentucky state fair and went to the famous Churchill Downs race tracks and Port Knox, where much of the American gold is held. The Nyssa resident, who said the population of Port Knox is estimated to be half a million, was bom seven miles south of where the fort is located. He also saw the old school building in Bloomfield. Iowa where the father o f Dean and Dwight Smith of Nyssa attended school. Visit In Gooding— Mrs. A. C Sallee and Miss D or othy Edholm visited over the week end in Gooding. Mrs. Sallee vis ited her mother, Mrs. John Ed holm. and Miss Edholm visited at the home o f her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edholm. Nursing Home Notes— A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs Charles Smith of Nyssa October 10. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Olsen of Adrian are parents of a daughter born October 12. The girl weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. Son Arrives— Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith have received word that a son was born to their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Afton C. Paris of Pocatello, October 10. The boy has been named Stephen Clark. Mrs. Smith plans to leave Friday morn ing for Pocatello to see her new grandson. Here From Walla Walla— Weldon Fugerson, fiance of M ar ry Noreott. arrived in Nyssa Tues day from his home in W alla Walla. Return From Pacific International- M r and Mrs. R. V. Wilson re turned Sunday evening from Port land, where they attended the Pacific International Exposition. They were accompanied to P ort land b r Mrs. Wilson's parents of Adams, Oregon. Enlists In Navy— Mr. and Mrs. Ben Calvert of Nyssa have received word that their son, Loran. has been sworn into the navy at San Francisco. Calvert, who has been visiting his brother. Prank, at San Francisco for tv » last month, will receive hi* •- iioot" training at San Diego. Former Nyssa Resident Here— Mrs. C. C. Hunt o f Tw in Palls arrived in Nyssa Sunday evening. She will visit in Nyssa and vicinity with her former Nyssa friends and neighbors this week. Mrs. Hunt is a guest at tne homes of Mrs. Bud Wilson and Mrs. Hilda Tensen. N 1'SSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ft 1948 J. Wise Begins Construction On New U.P. Depot Kep. Gallagher Discusses New Alleged Wife Of James Pirkle Power Measure Located In Miles City, Montana PTA SCRUTINIZES COMIC BOOKS AND RADIO PROGRAMS Appointment o f a committee to study the problem of objectionable comic books and radio programs New Freight Building to is to be made by the Nyssa P ar Legislator Says Proposed TAXICAB IS BADLY Woman Will Be Return ent-Teachers association. Study of Hell’s Canyon Dam Be 27 x 74; Erected ed To Vale For Trial the problem is one of the aims of DAMAGED WHEN IT Nebulous Thing Of Brick ihe state and national parent- For Murder STRIKES TRUCK .eacher associations and local and State Representative M artin P. J. H. Wise and company, Boise county units are Joining with the A woman known to officers as A taxicab owned and operated by contractors, have started construct state and national groups in tne Gallagher of Ontario declared at a Earl Mayes of Nyssa was badly Rita Susna, who has been hunted ion of a new freight depot for the attempt to abolish both question luncheon of the Nyssa chamber of damaged when it struck the rear for several weeks in connection able radio programs and comic -ommerce Wednesday noon that o f a parked truck on highway 20 Union Pacific Railroad company at books. Joining with the Nyssa P | several hydro-eiectric plants have near the Lloyd Lewis residence with the slaying of James C. Nyssa. r. A., the American Legion aux ocen erected in Idaho and Wash northwest of Nyssa about 7:30 p. Pirkle tn Malheur county, has been The contractors finished the ex iliary of Nyssa will give its support ington during the last few years m., October 11. located In Miles City, Montana, cavating Tuesday and immediately to the attempt to arouse local In by private companies, but none Fallowing the accident, state S h eriff C. W. Glenn announced started building the concrete forms terest in this problem. have been constructed in this state police officers arrested Gordon J. today. for the basement. T h e concrete | .»cause of the Oregon law pro Williams, owner of the truck, on is expected to be poured Friday. The woman has also been known hibiting the licensing of a power charges of operating a motor ve Thomas G. Jones local agent, esti as Mrs. James C. Pirkle, alleged plant ior more than two years. hicle without an operator’s license mated that the building will be Mr. Gallagher spoke in favor of and illegal parking. A hearing for wtfe of the murdered man, but finished in four to six weeks. ] .he old senate bill No. 99 that will Williams had not been set W ed officers have not determined that T h e building, 27 by 74 feet, will j appear on the ballot in November nesday, Justice of the Peace Don she was his lawful wife. be constructed of brick, which will as referendum No. 306, which, he M. Graham said. An officer has been sent to be painted to match the brick of I declared, Is not a bill to throttle Williams said the engine of his Montana to return Mrs. Pirtcle to the present building. The new public power. truck stalled and he had gone for Vale, where she will be tried on section will be located on the south " I n 1931, during the heyday of help when the crash occurred. a charge of second degree murder. end of the passenger depot. Nyssa Defeated At La- public power", Mr. G allagher said, Mayes was returning home from She has indicated that she will The space now occupied by the Grande 45-6; Emmett "the legislature passed a stringent Ontario. waive extradition. express Office and part o f the bill which gave the state power to W illiam C. Walker, who testi And Ontario Tie freight room will be remodeled for take over hydro-electric plants on fied in his trial on a charge o f a freight office. T h e new express MALHEUR STOCKMEN very short notice. As a result there | second degree murder that Mrs. office will be located in what is S. R. V. Weekly Football Sum aas not been a dime spent by p riv W ILL HOLD MEETING Pirkle was with him when P irk le now the south end o f the freight mary. ate companies in construction oi S. R. V. League standing (as of IN VALE NOV. 12-13 | was slaiq in self defense, was ac- room. A ll o f the new sectiou will plants in Oregon. They have al j quit ted by a jury in circuit court October 9th). be used for a freight room. ways been met by this stringent Team W. L. T. Pere. Business and pleasure will be September 22. bill. T lie state government or oth Mrs. Pirkle disappeared shortly Emmett 2 0 1 .833 mixed at the second annual meet MORE VOLUNTEERS er municipality can take over a 1 Ontario 0 1 ing of the Malheur County Live after tthe murder, officers said. .750 plant by paying the original cost, PLAN TO SOLICIT Vale I 1 stock association to be held in Vale 0 .500 less depreciation and less the so- 0 1 1 .260 November 12 and 13. declared W. FOR X-RAY UNIT Nyssa called trust fund. T h e Idaho P ow Weiser 0 1 W. Scott, president, at a meeting of 1 .250 er company wanted to build a dam 0 1 the arrangements committee in 0 .000 Additional volunteers have been Payette at Oxbow on the Snake river, but Vale last Friday. Note: T ie games equal Vi win for added to the list o f persons who could not because of the Oregon Gene Clark, mayor of Vale, and will canvass this week in an effort each team. law.” Frank Calise, secretary of the Vale Schedule o f games, week-end of to have the people of Nyssa Jake Rep. Gallagher, one o f the auth chamber of commerce, pledged the I The body of Lowell F. Willis, advantage of the free x-ray service October 15. ors of the bill, said bill No. 99 wholehearted support of the mer pharmacist's mate, 3rd class, who Vale a t Nyssa; Emmett at P a y offered by the mobile x-ray unit passed both houses, was vetoed by was killed in world war two, arrived that will be in Nyssa on October 22 ette; O ntario at Weiser; Fruitland the governor and was passed over chants and citizens of Vale in i In Nyssa this morning from Ogden. from 1 to 5 p. m. and October 23 at Cambridge, Notus at New P ly the veto. I t was referred to the making this meeting the biggest event of the year. Weather per The body was sent to the United mouth; Parm a at Boise (Boise Jun from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m people by referendum. Gallagher muting, the Circle V Riding club States from Guam. The unit will be in Adrian Oct ior V arsity); Adrian at Melba. said the measure Is important to Military services will be held by ober 25, where the high school Note: Weiser vs. Ontario, game Is Malheur county and Baker coun will stage a ‘‘fun night" program Nyssa veterans at the graveside in students w ill be x-rayed in the to be played In afternoon o f Oct ty, because Baker county would get the evening of the 12th, with every thing from wild cow milking to the Nyssa cemetery Sunday at 2:30 morning and adults from 11 a. m. ober 14. the Oxbow plant and Malheur pig races. p. m. The Nyssa Funeral home to 2:30 p. m. county would get the power. Dances will be held both nights will be in charge of interment. Following a 45 to 6 trouncing Mrs. Roy Barnes, health chair Mr. Gallagher said "T h e north Mr. W illis was born in Sedalia, man fo r the P. T . A. who has un handed to them last Friday by the west will progress only so far as o f the cattlemen's meeting, with Missouri March 18. 1923 and was dertaken the canvassing project for La Grande football team, the Nyssa its power program progresses, be a banquet Just prior to the Sat ' graduated from the Nyssa high Nyssa, has announced the follow Bulldogs will meet the Vale eleven cause there is vital need for power. urday night dance as the final ] school in 1940. He was a son o f ing additional list o f women who in a Snake River Valley league I would rather see a series of small finish to the big annual event. Ann Eubanks, named chairman I Mr. and Mrs. O. L. W illis of Nyssa. are canvassing this week to make game on the Nyssa field Friday- dams than an enormous govern night. of the housing committee said she Willis was killed on Guam in June, personal appointments for x-rays: ment dam In H ell’s canyon. There is sure adequate housing will be 1944. The Vikings are one of the three Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. Calvin Is keen competition between the Besides his parents, the de Wilson, Mrs. Harry Miner, Mrs. high teams in the league with a government and private companies available fo r all wishing to attend ceased is survived by a sister, Mrs. the meeting. percentage o f .500, playing second Halmer Ostrom, Mrs. E H. Flesn- for utilization of power sites and Many outstanding speakers have Leona Thompson of Caldwell, and man, Mrs. W illiam Schireman, Mrs. fiddle only to Emmett with .833 I think that competition is a good and Ontario » . t i c .750. been contacted for the business ses two brothers, R. E. W illis of Cald Ralph Laurence, Mrs. Elmer Hill, thing.” sions. announced George Bain, sec well and James W illis of Nyssa. In the L a Grande game, the Mrs. Roy Bibbey, Mrs. R. W. Bol- The bill does not eliminate the retary of the association and con itho, Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb, and Tigers lost no time in scoring a- state's right of condemnation, firmations are expected this week. LIONS W IL L SEEK gainst the Bulldogs. In seven plays Mrs. George Henneman. which Is tlie basis of a fair return, after receiving the initial kick-off, FUNDS FOR CHEST said Mr. Gallagher, who added that the Tigers went over fo r their first a company in that case would re FIREMEN TO GIVE TRAFFIC HAZARDS touc-li down. The T iger offense what its property is worth. | DANCE OCTOBER 22 I The Lions club has assumed re- TO BE PICTURED clicked perfectly for six more ceive jsponsibiUty for soliciting for the Under the proposal a license would touchdowns, with McCallister, 'O regon chest In Nyssa, according be granted a power company for a T h e volunteer firemen of Nyssa Barry and Haun doing most of the The Nyssa public safety council period o f from five to 50 years. will sponsor their annual fir e ito Bernard Frost, Nyssa chairman behind very effective decided at a meeting last Friday running The proposed formula has a ten- men's ball in the Nyssa gym of the chest. night to have aerial pictures taken downfleld blocking. dancy to keep rates down, the legis nasium Friday night, October 22. I The solicitors will meet Tues Nyssa scored Its lone touchdown o f the Dale Garrison com er and lator said, and bring the state act Dancing will start at 9:30. Shane’s day morning, October 19 at 7 o' the Nyssa Y because of the haz on a 35-yard pass from Flan.vry to Into conformity with the federal orchestra will furnish the music. clock In Brownie’s cafe to perfect ardous conditions of the areas Hale in the final minutes of the act so as to encourage develop T h e net proceeds of the affair plans for the campaign, which they game. from the standpoint o f traffic. will be placed In the firemen's hope to complete In one day. In one o f the outstanding games ment of private power. Copies o f the pictures will be , The Nyssa quota will be about Referring to the proposed H ell’s fund. sent to the state highway commis of (he season, the Ontario Tigers $1,000, which will Include money canyon dam as a very nebulous sion. Ed Knettle, safety council •hi Id the favored Emmett Huskies | for the USO, which has been re thing, Rep. Gallagher said "T h is is to a 6 to 6 tie on the Ontario field chairman, said. HUNTER TO ATTEND cently added to tiie list of bene an opportunity to get our own Because of several accidents oc last Friday night. power. W e don’t have to look to BREEDERS MEETING factors. Other week-end grid scores In curring at the railroad crossing at the federal government for our the Garrison corner, the Union cluded Fruitland Grizzlies 18 and power. I don’t believe the Hell's Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Hunter, of Report On Cemetery Project— Pacific company has made a check Wetser 0; Payette Pirates 56 and A report was made at the exe St. Anthony training school 7: canyon dam has even been recom Arcadia, left today for Corvallis, to of the section. attend the annual meeting of the cutive meeting o f the American Parma Panthers 28 and New mended to congress." Oregon Dairy Breeder’s association. l Legion auxiliary at the home of Plymouth 0, and Baker Bulldogs 13 I/eaves For Afghanistan— Library Opened 3 Afternoons— Hunter, president o f the Malheur Mrs. Eddie Powell Monday evening Charles Jones, who has been vis and Vale 0. The Nyssa public library is open County D airy Breeder’s association of the cemetery beautification pro- iting for the past three months in was undertaken last three afternoons a week, accord- will represent the local group at i Ject that Nyssa and vicinity, left Boise by K Squad Wins Games— spring by the auxiliary. Mrs. The Nyssa high school football ding to the city librarian, Mrs the annual meeting of the state plane Monday for Kansas City, Luray Trabert. Until this fall the association. He also holds the Don Graham, auxiliary treasurer, where he will visit for a few days. squad coached by K . E. Keveren library was open only on Tuesday office o f vice-president of the O r reported that *207 had been donat- At Kansas City, he will be joined has two games left to play this and Saturday afternoons. The egon D airy Breeders association. i • d last spring by various organ season, one with Vale there Mon by Dwight Johnston of Ontario library hours are now Tuesday and Royce Roberts, manager of the ization s and Individuals to help day and the other with Emmett and the two will fly to New York Thursday, 2:30 to 5 p. m. and on county association, pointed out with this project. Out o f this fund here probably October 25. The B's Mr. Jones will leave New York by that membership and use of the $85 had been paid to the Lloyd Saturdays from 2 to 8 p. m. have won five games and tost I plane for Karachi. India, and from association has been consistently Lewis nursery; (30.34 to the (Boise there he will trek into Afghanistan, none. Daughter Arrives— Increasing since the start o f the Payette Lumber company for lum where he is employed as civil en Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown of program. His figures show that ber for a lattice fence; *7.88 to Attend L. D. S. Conference— gineer for Morris-Knutson comp Boise are the parents o f a daugh services have more than doubled Stunz Lumber company for paint Several members o f the L. D. S. any. Mr. Jones, who has lived for The remain ter born September 30. T h e baoy each month this year over cor and *32 for labor. the past two years in Afghanistan, church attended tthe stake confer- ! has been named Caroline. She is responding months last year. i n g funds were to be used for peony ence held at Weiser Sunday. A ■ has contracted with the Morris- | plantings in the cemetery. The the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knutson company for two more special feature of the conference; Burnall Brown. I auxiliary expressed its appreci Library Board Meets— was the singing mothers choral years. The Nyssa library board met last ation to all who have assisted in group, a group of 60 voices from Wednesday afternoon. Plans were this project. the various wards in the confer To Boise— Return From Salt Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings were made for the library board’s civic Mrs. F. A. Norman returned Sun ence The chorus was accompanied Boise visitors Saturday evening club program to be presented in ' Aitrnd Garden Meeting— string ensemble. Laura [ day from a week’s visit at the by a | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfeiler re- when they were guests at the November. home o f Mr. and Mrs. H. G. W iney Schenk and Angela Peterson of j 11 urned Friday evening from Port Nyssa played in the string en- square dance given by the Boise o f Salt Lake City. la n d where Mrs. Pfeiler attended Teachers Going To Vale— semble. Nyssa women who sang in Elks. A dinner meeting of the Malheur ! the executive board meeting of the the choral group were Mrs. L u th e r; Here From Digby— County Education association will Oregon Federation of Garden club*. Visit Here— G rey H ill and Ben Sheats and Fife, Mrs. Vivian Bair. Mrs. Arvel Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thom p be held In Vale Thursday, October Mrs. Pfeiler Is state chairman of son. Garry, o f Rigby, Idaho were Child, Mrs W. O. Peterson. Mrs.) son and son. Gary, and Mrs. Rob- 1 21 at 7 p. m , according to Mrs. ■ the wayside committee of the Or overnight guests Monday o f Mr. John Schenk, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and ert Thompson of Enterprise, form - | Victoria Schweizer, president o f the egon Federation of Garden clubs. and Mrs. John Barnett. The Idano Mrs. Faie Duffin. er Nyssa residents, visited here i group. The principal speaker will men were in Nyssa to buy delic part of last week while en rpute j be Cecil Posey, executive-secretary Visit At Emmett— Visit In Boise— ious apples. Glenn Knottingham and Doris Mrs. Joe Maughan ana her moth to Emmett to visit Mr. and Mrs. . of the Oregon Education associ Mrs. Harriet Brumach of Ransom o f Boise, former residents er, Mrs. Louise McOaven, visited Harry Earp, parents of Mrs. H er- ¡ ation. Attend Vale Festival— Nyssa will speak on the Cleveland of Sunset valley, visited at the schei Thompson. M r and Mrs. Ward Wieneke and in Boise four days last week. convention of the National Edu 'hom e of K ay Hunter at Emmett G arry were week-end visitors at Attend Conference— cation association Honor guests last Sunday. Mr. Hunter and fam the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Art Eight Arrested— Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Mrs. W alt will be the Oregon legislators in ily formerly lived in Sunset valley. During the past two weeks eight Smith of Vale. W hile in Vale they er McPartland and Mrs. Donald the county and retired teachers. attended the Vale harvest festival. persons have been arrested by city Fire Attacks House— attended the annual police officers for traffic law viol-; Campbell Firemen Were called Wednesday ations. They were fined a total of meeting of the women’s Society Stationed In Texas— Nampa Man Here— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reynolds have afternoon to Mrs. Jack Slmpaona of Christian Service of the Idaho Rev Elmore Carlson was a guest *99.50 in city police court. Methodist conference Monday in received word that their son. Bill house on Ehrgood avenue to ex at the home o f Rev. and Mrs. R o Is now stationed at tinguish a blaze caused by an Boise. Mrs. Campbell remained Reynolds, Returns To Nyssa— land Wuest last Thursday. She Shepherd field air base at Wichita overheated oil stove. The fire wss Mrs. E. P Klnser. mother of Mrs. for the meetings Tuesday. Reynold«, who re confined to an area close to the William Schireman. returned F ri was to be soloist for the a fter Falls. Texas. Here From Baker— chimney. The loss, estimated at W alter Roth o f Baker is visiting day from Santa Barbara. C aliforn noon meeting. Miss Dorothy Web cently joined the air force, was en rolled at the Boise Junior college about *150 was covered by insur a few days this week at the home ia. where she visited relatives the er of the New York office was ance. speaker at the Monday meeting. last year. past four months. of M r and Mrs Lloyd Lewis. Vale Vikings To Battle Bulldogs On Nyssa Field Body Of Lowell Willis Arrives J