Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1948)
THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1918 THE NYSSA CATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON » a u f t w o ■giving tthe grounds that "new” look. This year the club elected Roy Holme.-, president, Charles Culbert son, vice president and Mr;., Lynn .Snodgrass, secretary. During the past two years the club has sponsored numerous danc er and gatherings which have been used to keep the people of Nyssa in close contact with the activities of the organization. I he Gate City Journal KLASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION - - ...................... Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RAT *.8 BATHS $200 $1.25 .00 (Strictly In Advance) Open rate, per Inch....... ,*5C National, per inch.......... ... 40c Classifieds, per w ord.... .... 30 Minimum 30c LOCAL NEWS Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malbeu’ County, Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon lor transmission Uirough the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the ac ot March 3, 1879 Return Home— Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell and daughter, Annette, returned from Logan. Utah Sunday after visiting MEMBERS OF OWYHEE RIDING CLUB HAVE for days at the home of Mr. and WORKED HARD FOR TWO ANNUAL RODEOS Mrs. Frank Cranney. They were accompanied home by Cam Crann The Owyhee Riding club, co ;.nd have obtained many honors ey grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Camp bell. sponsors of the coming second for their skill and horsemanship. These honors have consisted of annual Nyssa rodeo, was organized Purchases Grocery— June 25, 1944. The 51 charter mem trophies, ribbons, cash prizes and Eugene Bellori has purchased the bers elected Lloyd Marshall, presi verbal tr.bute from Jack Oakie, Watch grocery In the residential dent, Neil Dlmmick, vice president rodeo announcer from Ogden, who district near State street in Boise and drill master, Mrs. Lynn Snod .aid after witnessing their perform Jerry Bellon is helping his brother grass, secretary and treasurer and ance at the Wciser rodeo August operate the store. Mrs. Roy Holmes, entertainment 17, 19M1, "They made the best per formance of any group In this part In Utah— chairman. Mrs. Burnall Brown leit last On June 6, 1945 the club, now of the country in years” . Last year the riding club spon lor Lewiston, Utah to vis numbering 80 persons, was Incor porated. The purpose of the club sored the first annual Nyssa. ruueo. it relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William was expressed by Drill Master Neii The .¡roup, after a great deal of Chandler of Oroville, California, Dlmmick, who said, “ It is to im time, work and money was spent who have been house guests at the prove individual horsemanship, en .n getting poles, and erecting the Brown home, accompanied Mrs courage good breeding and raising orrals and grandstand presented a Brown to Utah. and training of better saddle horses, rodeo equalling that of manys-hows to maintain a drill team with which had been worked out by To Leave On Visit— Roy Hoff and Mrs. Roland Wuest matched horses and riders we can : groupt having much more ex- and daughter will leave Friday for be proud of, to mingle with other jperlence in that field. visits in the Dakotas. Mrs. Wuest Records show that the club has communities in their parades, rodeos and other horse events and to pro spent a great deal of time again and daughter will stop at Fargo, mote horseback riding for health, this year in preparation of the North Dakota and Mr. Hoff will go second event. The drill team has to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. They enjoyment and good fellowship". In their white shirts and blue been practising and all members will return to Nyssa August 1 after ties, the riding club members have have been busy adding to the seal visiting relative« and friends. accepted many Invitations to per ing capacity, the stock corrals and form at various out-of-town events I In painting all the equipment, Son Arrives— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fuzi of Parma are parents of a boy born July 14 in the Nyssa Nursing home. The child weighed 7 ixiunds, 10 ounces. Here's a Freezer full of Better Living! & L. D. 8. CHURCH | meeting. funeral services of their mother. Religious Sickness", based on Deut Firs, YVard \ Tuesday. 4 p. m., primary meet- Mrs. Maroni Tucker, who was 69 eronomy 13: 1-5. Dean Fife, Bishop j mg. years old. She is survived by 1C Sunday, 9 a. m.. Sunday school. | Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., geneologtcal ASSEMBLY OF GOD living children, and many grand Sterl D. Spies/, I'astor Sunday, 10:30 a. m. priesthood training class, children. She had been very’ active meeting. | Thursday, 7:30 p. m „ Mutual Sunday school, 10 a m. in the L. D. S. church all her lile. Sunday, 6:30 p. m , sacrament Improvement association meeting, , Worship service. 11 am . or fast meeting. Sunday. 5:30 p. m.. ward welfare I Junior church, 7 pm . Christensens On Vacation— Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society meeting. (First and laird Sundays) Evangelistic, 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Christensen, Tuesday. 8 p.m., prayer meeting. IM H dtM iK I! Ill lil H i l l III IIM I’ll'i III 11111111 HI l l l i l l l l l MW 1111111 M B III III M W H M M M M M.IIM1IMN ooth over 70 years old, are on their Friday, 8 p.m., young people. .ummer vacation, at Brigham City and Kaysvilie, Utah, with their two TIIE METHODIST COMMUNITY daughters, Mrs. Morris W. Barton [ CHURCH and Mrs. Lafe Jensen. Mi’s. I 9:45 A. M.. church school. 11:00 A. M. morning worship. en en is the oldest L. D. S. lady in Sermon subject: "The Message of Nyssa. the Hills.” 7:00 P M.,youth fellowship. 8:30 p. m.. evening service. Song Visiting Here— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders of service and Bible study. Implay, Nevada spent the week-end CATHOLIC CHURCH in Nyssa visiting at the home of Park Avenue and Third Street his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rev. P. J. Gaire, Pastor J. Sanders. While here they had Beginning the first Sunday In their infant daughter blessed Sun day evening and given the name of June and continuing through July Nancy Edith. The grandfather, and August the time of mass in the Catholic cnurch will be at 8 Heroet J. Sanders, officiated. a.m. every Sunday. ê BUILDING PERMITS WHILE THEY LAST Roland G. Wuest for Lutheran SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST church, moving» and alteration of CHURCH church. Fifth street and Park Naomi Buchert, Superintendent USED McCORMICK-DEERING COMBINE avenue, lota i, 2 and 3, block 31, American Legion Hall Park addition. $4000, 32 by 52 base Sabbath school, 3:30 to 5 pm . ment. The public is invited to attend. GOOD BUY street, lots 11 and 12, block 27, X 1 Teutsch’s addition, $1500, 12 by 24, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST frame. OF Finley Shuster alteration, Fifth “ The House of Oliver” LATTER DAY SAINTS ■ SECOND WARD (Mormon) Arvel Child, Bishop I Sunday, 11:30, Sunday school. 10:30, Priesthood meeting. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ' Sunday, 8 p.m., Sacrament sei- Rev. U. L. Callahan. Rjctor Stunz and Thomas Holy communion on second Sun vlces. Wednesday, 2 p.m.. Relief society. day of each month at 8 a.m. Morn Wednesday, 4 p.m.. Primary. ing prayer at 8 o ’clock on the first, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mutual third and fourth Sundays. 8 *••••■111'l ••I I I » I 'M • I • I 'tT » M'| »'I’M I I I I • I'M 11 M "| M * i I'l ' 1111'l ''I »’I I'l W 'l'l * • • • " ! M 'l'l 11 111'| I 'U 'l fi 1 Improvement MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHUIU II John Benedict, Supply Pastor j Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evening worship, 8 p.m. Wednesday prayer service. 8 p.m. Two Row Oliver S p u d Diggers Bale Ties NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Church Notes THE CHURCH OF THE In Salt Lake City— NAZARENE The Misses Darlene and Mary Lou 10 a.m., Sunday school. Bateman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11 a.m.. Congregational and spe Douglas Bateman, left Thursday for cial singing and sermon. Salt Lake City, where they will 7:15 p.m., Young people, teen age spend two weeks at the home of Mr. and junior services. and Mrs. Cliff Pendle. 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. Returns Home— FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Miss Mary Lou Schenk returned Roland G. Wuest. Pastor this week from a visit with friends 10 a. m„ Sunday school. Classes at Salt Lake City. for all age groups. 11 a. m., Divine worship service. Elies Nurse To Boise— Sermon theme for the eighth Sun Keith Bybee piloted the plane day after Trinity: "Two Cures For that took Miss Jean Hammon,, reg istered nurse, who was visiting In Nyssa, to Boise Saturday. She spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hanunon. She Is formerly from Utah. Real Estate insurance Attends Mother's Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker and Mr. and Mi’s. Carol Tucker returned Phone 64 Tuesday evening from Blaekfoot, Nvssa, Oregon Idaho, where they attended the B e rn ard E astm an own/ Dining Out Is Fun And Convenient-— ¡ally of during celebration, ^ o u may call it a “ light” bill, When il comes to ihe pleasure o f eating you cun have llie “ full life“ right iu your kitchen — a helv inalor Home Freezer. Vml ruling** mil nil! A linme freezer gives you m ore lime out o f llie kitchen, cut* ilollur* off your foml hill* nml put* added fun inln menu- ■nuking. Fume in nml leurn till nlioul vs tint u Home Freezer cun do for you uml your family! as The N y s s a hut lighting's only a part o f it. Actu ally, it’ s a monthly pay roll for the Rodeo many electric helpers that make life easier for you. C lo c k s R e frig e ra to r Vaceuni C le a n e r S e w in g M achie # W a t e r H e a te r Lights R a d io s W o sh o r C oftee M a k a r Raaga Ir o a and Iro n o r T o a s ta r Fan an d Room H a a ta r D ish w a sh e r W affle Iro a Food Freezer Oil Burner or Stoke r Blanket and H o o tin g Fade Sen la m p s Shavar Po w e r Tools G r ill Have you ever wondered what these a Add ibis daily total and multiply by 30 for your monthly total. h a ve the m enu of y o u r choice at a m o m e n t's notice I little test to see how good a guesser ---------- a day x 30 days = $________ _ # Let us sh o w you h ow e a sy it is to p re p a re fo o d s for hom e fre e zin g — to h a ve ou t-of-se aso n treats year-round. you are. Put down what you think helpers cost you to run? • See h o w w o n d e rfu l it is to reach into yo u r freezer a n d I K e lv in a to r’s r's a m a z in g 2 1 0 -p o u n d capacity ca p ac ity— in a kitchen kitchen- fin e n c frvr n lli n <rv■ ir 'u v n a r lin r size freezer— m ean s m m p eals for n a m m n onth at 1 1 you r I fingertipsl Today's the day to come in! * " - 0|J- (Wit - ! EDER HARDWARE COMPANY HEY KIDS & I s P G| ■ ¡3 ■ ■ ■ I Are you one o f those people who take particular pleasure in eating well? Then you’ll certainly enjoy relaxing over our tasty meals. We special ize in tempting, warm-weather menus, and we have taken special care to see that our restaur ant has a clean, unhurried atmosphere, so you can lean back and really enjoy every mouthful! Carl’s Doll House Here’ s it costs you to operate each electric appliance for one Jay. That’s your guess. Compare it with vour monthly electric bill. Most people over estimate. That’s because electricity doea oo much for so little! You're right. It’» a very light bill! L iiltn »0 the Summer Electric Hog r— FRANKIE CARLE AND HIS ORCHESTRA, every Sunday, S:i0 P. M„ MST, CBS. Iv i f DA HO V POWER A CITIZBN W H gRlVER IT S E R V E S ¡I JÉI Prepare To Attend The Kids Day Parade And Program Wednesday, July 21 at I p. m. Attend the parade on Main street, beginning at underpass, the sports program at the city park and the free picture show at the Nyssa theatre. Parade divisions— Bicycle, doll buggy, pet float, costume and group organizations. Cash prizes for parade winners and contest winners at the park. Refreshments will be served at the park following the program. EVERYTHING FREE