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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE C ITY JO U RNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1948 PAGE THRE j F O R SALE — Tile wall coverin gs,}or oil. Also servicing and repair W O M E N P L A N N IN G turned Tuesday after attending the Nyssa branch. chrome table and sink edgings Phone 169-W; after 6 p in. 289-R. T O H O L D PIC N IC amp meeting at Brooks. Oregon I The new checking account, call waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur l&Jtfc, _ ___ i for a week. J ed low cost check plan, ¿Ives th niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. M ISCELLANEO US— Prompt and SU NSET V A LLE Y , July 15— M e m -1 Mr. a,ld Mrs- John Grottviet and customer all the convenience an FOR SALE — Good home with four free pick-up or your dead, crippied bers of the Pleasant Hour club daughters and Mr. and Mrs. An- ( safety o f doing business toy chec apartments, modem and good lo or sick livestock. Calls rece.ved be met at the home oi Mrs. James dlew Titland and fam ily picnicked with no minimum balance, no ser cation. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Stephans, Sr., Thursday afternoon at Emmet Sunday and picked cher- vice change, and with the simples surance Agency. 6Mtfc. RATES. Tw o cents per word for each Issue. After one month oar kind of record keeping, accordint noon. E fficient drivers. Call col and made plans for a picnic Sun- ries- cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. FO R SALE— Small nomes, Duild- lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys day, July 25 at the Apple Valley , Mr and Mrs Gene Cleaver and to G. J Mitchell, manager o f tin branch mg lots for home or business. Ralph sa 102-W. xuano Animal Products The afternoon was „ rn} !y' accompanied by Ladora Lee N spent socially and refreshments ? avts of Nampa, left last Satur- ' . Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency Company. 5Jtfc were served. Next month's meeting dav morning to visit Mrs. C leaver's' The low cost check plan pro 6Mtfc will be held at the home o f Mrs. fatller in southern California. Mrs. | vides for purchase o i checks tr. square feet. T itle insurance includ M ISCELLAN EO U S— Need money? FOR SALE— Have farms and homes James tSephans, Jr. I Glen Strickland is in charge of j books o f 10 Mitchell said. T h e ra f-i ed. Lloyd W. Lewis. 8Jtfc. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Loans on farms for refinancing, For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott of * store. | . the cmtom er has no checking building, improvements, b u y i n g . 29Jtfc. . FO R SA LE — One M & M two-bot- FO R SALE— W ar Surplus, Tents, Renstrom. Phone 264-W. Long term, low interest, see Ber Payette, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Orr Larry and Harryette Gardner and Mrs. Jenny Orr picnicked Sun- were "cck-end visitors at the home account costs ior obligations other tom 16-inch tumble plow for $325 . 9 x 9-$27.5U, 16 x 32. $55.. All-new, FOR SA LE — Electric wiring and nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. day at the Caldwell park. of Mr and Mrs. Robert R effett, than writing the checks and m aking 3Atfc. Plowed only 40 acres and as good fire extinguisrieis, z*,* gallon Fyr- supplies of all kinds at your Wes Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker of while Mrs H an >' Oardner made a sure there is sufficient money oa deposit to cover them. as new. W illiam Gregg, 5 miles ^ ter foam charge, new, $10; tinghouse dealer's. Ostrom Bros. M ISCELLANEO US— Duplicate car Rase bun; visited at the Paul Ber- : tr' p 40 ®a^ Lake City, , _ , „ i fire extinguisher fluid (carbon tet- Appliance Co., phone lla -W . 15Jtfc. The original purchase price o f gam home Monday evening. 1 Mr and Mrs. Nell Dimmick and and cylinder lock keys made. H>n- west Owyhee corner._________ 8J3xP -. rachloride base', 1 gallon $2.95; The G arner families left T u e s -1 M r and Mrs- Russell Paton, S r , the 10 checks takes care of a ll FOR SALE — Imperial wallpaper neman’s. 250tfc. Bargain, see thi6, 463 steel cots’ 3 foot' white enamel day for a fam ily reunion and week's were dinner guests at the home of banking and bookeeping costs and F O R SA LE ranges, $27.50; transmission and Guaranteed to be washable am. vacation at Yellowstone National M r- and Mrs- Clayton Paton Sun- eliminates many transaction rec CUSTO M S L A U G H TE R IN G North Eighth, furnished garage- differential grease, $3.50 for 5 gal non-fading tor three years. Good ords, M itchell explained. Customer* Stock received Monday, Tuesday, park. Those leaving for this gath- day- house, basement. 75 by 150 tract, lons, your container or in barrel stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com using this plan pay no other charg ------------------------ and improvements. 8J2xp lots; gun grease 25 pound to 125 pany. 26Jtfc. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m ering were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 Garner. Mr. and Mrs. V em G am er | N E W C H E C K IN G P L A N es for writing checks or maintain F O R SA LE — Crown propane gas pound containers. This merchandise FO R SALE— New Westinghouse el N o stock received on Sunday. and family, the Dewey Garner Q p B A N K A N N O U N C E D ing the account. cooking stove, used 6 months. Mrs. ‘ s Browing short, act now. Ed Case ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery fam ily of Emmett, Dave Garner Return Hume fam ily of Rupert, Mrs. Annie Bar Tom Godwin, 2 miles northeast 5 jrnlture CetUer' Nyssa Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W to Pclar locker plant. A new type of checking account, | Mrs. Charles Powell and daugh- 1J u 13 xc of Nyssa-Parma junction. 8J2xp Oregon, north o f Y. 15Jtfc One mile west on Alberta avenue ton of Ogden, the True Garner fam ily of Emmett, Mrs. C. J. G ar for the convenience of cusotmers ter, Loretta, of Weed. California Phone 05R1 FO R SALE— Golden canaries, at FO R SALE— Hotpoint stove, Norge ner o f Roy. Utah, the Charles whose use of checks is limited, is left Saturday after visiting at the JAK E FISCHER L O ST refrigerator. Stew art-W am er dehy Marshall-Wells. L Faries, phone Garner fam ily and R ay Garner offered by the First National bank home of Mrs. Pow ell’s brother, H u- 165-W, 8 to 6. 8J3xp drator, sewing machine, various oth LO S T —Strayed or stolen, calf with family, both o f Rupert and Mrs. of Portland, and is obtainable at bert Peirsol. Legal Advertising er household items. Mrs. Gertrude May Jones of Roy. Utah. U tfc. reversed B -bar-R on left hip. Re F O R SA LE — 1939 Oldsmobile four- Atkeson, phone 011-R4. ward. Frank Ray, Nyssa Rt. 1. lJ4p IN T H E C O U N TY C O U R T OF Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ekanger door sedan, good clean car, $895. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ekanger F O R SALE, HOMES— TH E STATE OF OREGON Lloyd Lewis. 15Jtfc were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Good buy in one-bedroom home For Rent FO R THE C O U N T Y OF Harold Fyllingness Sunday. M ALH EUR FO R SALE— 194« 22 H. P. John with bath, nice yard, garage, good P R E V E N T FIRE Hank, Mary and Fred Kollen of N O T IC E O F F IN A L AC C O U N T son motor, like new, price $325. location. $3500. Madras spent the week-end in this Beautiful new three-bedroom In the Matter of the Estate of Also new 14-foot boat, ideal for FOR R E NT W IL L IA M E RNEST RO B IN SO N , area visiting their sister, Mrs. Leo fishing $150. 611 Hay St., Boise, I home, completely modem, fireplace, Chard, and friends. The young phone 4537-R. 15J2xp two-car garage, new lawn, 75 by Deceased First causes of farm fires are defective chim Floor ----- ------------------------- ---- 1120 lot. Street will be paved. Shown N O T IC E IS H EREBY G IV E N that people and Kenneth, M arian and FO R SALE!—One acre tract with by appointment, Jo Ann Price went to Payette Sun the undersigned, Olive Grace R o Sander home and small business on high- One of the nicest two-bedroom binson, administratrix o f the estate day evening. Don Bergam and K en way 20, one mile out. Two bed-room homes in Nyssa. Full basement, of W illiam Ernest Robinson, de neth Price accompanied the Kolleiui neys and flues. A little repair N O W may »ave Reasonable home on Park avenue. New con furnace, stoker, water softener, gar ceased, has filed her Final .Account to Madras Monday for a visit, struction, modern, $1,800 down, $34 age, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav Mr. and Mrs. Ira G am er and as said administratrix in the Coun m onthly payments. Ralph G. ing and curbing paid. Shown by ty Court o f Malheur County, Ore fam ily were Sunday guests o f Mr. Lawrence Insurance Agency, Nyssa appointment. your home. gon, and that said Court has ap and Mrs. Ralph Broadhurst at Em Phone 53. 15dtfn B ER N AR D EASTM AN pointed Tuesday, July 20, 1948 at mett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs and R eal Estate—'Insurance 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of F O R SALE— Or trade, 1939 Inter Phone 64 said day. for the hearing o f objec Mrs. Charlie Sehweizer were Nampa national pick-up. Zack Walker, tions to said Final Account and the visitors Thursday. phone 78-R. 15Jtfc. FO R SALE— Red inlaid linoleum; Mrs. Harold pyilingness has been settlement thereof. marbelized pattern for coving, cabi N O W TH E RE FO R E all persons receiving medical treatment this F O R SALE)—One corner lot In net tops etc. Nyssa Eumlture Co., interested in the estate of William week after blood-poisoning set in Teutsch addition, lot 1, block 8. one block west o f R. R. depot. Ernest Robinson, deceased, are here on a finger from a thorn imbedd Address box 477, Coulee City, Wash. lOJtfc. by notified and required to appear ed while she was picking berries. 16J2XC STU N Z LUM BER C O M P A N Y Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Strickland, at the County Court Room in the F O R SA LE — 1% ton, 1938 Chevro F O R SALE:— 1941 Chevrolet tudor let flat-bed truck. 10-ply rubber, F O R R E N T -- Polish your own ai VaI*V Malheur Coun- Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hopper of Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray special delux. Dick Parker, Route motor in A - l condition. See it at floors. Rent our high-speed pol- sald to Strickland spent Sunday picnick 2, Nyssa. 15J4xp B and M Equipment. U tfc. ishing equipment. Easily handled ^ be, why said Account should not ing at the dam. F O R SALE:— Small brooder house, F O R SALE— Acre tracts on high by women. Nyssa Lumber company. be settled, allowed and approved Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arrai and 3Atfc. like new, to be moved o ff present way 20, one mile out. Ralph G. and said estate distribute and said fam ily of Jamieson and Mrs. Z. site. Phone 18-R1. 15J4xc Lawrence. Kikuohi o f Toppenish, Washington administratrix discharged. 3Jtfc. W ANTED Dated and first published June 17, were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. F O R SA LE — New house, partly fin F O R SALE — Beautiful, modem 1948. Date o f last publication July and Mrs. Hiroto Okano. Mrs. K ik - ished. Three bedrooms, bath room, home, two bedrooms, with basement H E LP W A N TE D —Reliable persons 15, 1948. uchi is Mrs. Okano's mother. Get rid of objectionable insects living rooom, kitchen and service apartment. All conveniences in with business knowledge to repre Plans are being made for the O live Grace Robinson, Adminis sent Dun & Bradstreet, In c , as cor porch. Acre of good garden ground. cluding quick-freeze, good location, tratrix o f the Estate o f annual L.D.S. celebration July 24, — Guaranteed Results — Reasonably priced. W. H. Bunch, lawn, trees. Ralph G. Lawrence. respondent-investigators in Nyssa. W illiam Ernest Robinson, D e commemorating the entrance of Part tim e work on a fee basis. two blocks west of Dessert Seed 3Jtfc. ceased. the saints into the Salt Lake valley W rite P. O. Box 111, Portland, plant on Alberta Ave. 15Jul.4xp. Harold Hentjgson, Attorney for in 1817. This year, Bit? Bend park F O R S A LE — Fuller wallpaper in Oregon, attention: B. H. Robinson. Administratrix. will be the center of many activi FO R SALE:— Case foliage harvester, wide assortment of patterns and 15Jlxc ties planned for all, including foot nearly new, also two-bottom, two- prices, washable and light proof IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T OI races and ball games. Friends and way John Deere plow. R. D. M e- 1 Nyssa Furniture company, one block W A N T E D — T o rent small house THE STATE OF OREGON neighbors are invited to attend. Kinley, Route 1, Nyssa, Seven miles | straight west of U. P. depot. 20Mtfc. or apartment, and woman to care FO R THE C O U N T Y OF Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and N. W. of Adrian, out Overstreet i ------------------------—--------------------- for small child. Box 832, Ontario, M ALH E U R son, Paul, after visiting at the 8J2xp 915 East Park road. 15J3xp F O R SALE— Let us measure your or phone 797-J. N O TIC E O F F IN A L AC CO UN T Floyd Young home, left Monday windows for Venetian blinds. No In the Matter o f the Estate of for San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. FO R SA LE — 12 acres within VI charge for this service or estimates. W A N T E D Capable salesman-buy- Weiser, Idaho E D ITH C O RD LE Y, Deceased Brown liked this area very much mile city limits. W ill sell as unit I Obtainable in one week. Assorted |ar Malheur county, must be fiee to travel, willing to study fu ll line N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV E N that and plan to return and make this at $475 per acre; In acre tracts, colors in steel or aluminum slats. ( 8 'i 100 by 50 lots to acre) at $550,1 Nyssa Furniture company, 'p h on e to do effective work, good com the undersinged, Cora Edith C o ff their home. Mido, Yoko, Chiyo and Tets Ok or smaller tracts at $100 per 50001 149-W. 20Mtfc. mission. W rite W atts Seed Co. man, administratrix o f the estate Nyssa, Oregon. 24Jtfc. of Edith Cordey, deceased, has filed ano spent Sunday In Payette. her Final Account as said adminis Patricia G regg o f Sunrryside, W A N TE D — Two-bedroom house, by tratrix in the County Court of Mal- Washington was a house guest of responsible middle-aged couple, by heud County, Oregon, and that Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg five August 1 or September 1. L. L. Hau- said Court has appointed Tuesday, days last week. They and their mont, star route, Payette. 10J7xp. the 20th day o f July, 1948 at 10:00 guest, and Mrs. and Mrs. Jesse W A N T E D — T o buy anything In o’clock in the forenoon o f said day, Gregi? and family, the George beef or veal. Also custom killed for the hearing o f objections to G regg fam ily and Miss Esther and delivered to Polar Cold Stor said Final Accunt and the settle Gregg of Las Angeles picnicked and went swimming at Sniveley’s pool age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. ment thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons Friday evening. interested in the estate of Edith Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Field were M IS C E L L A N E O U S Cordley, deceased, are hereby no hosts at a lawn supper Sunday M ISCELLAN EO US — Dependable tified and required to appear at the evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. W . M O N C U R A N D V E R N M O N C U R cold storage lockers and locker County Court Room In the Court Robert Piercy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack supplies. Lockers by the month, 6 House at Vale, Malheur County, Field and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. PH YSICIANS DENTISTS months, or year. Alweys open, com Oregon, at said time, to then and Nelson Field. U P O N C O N S T R U C T IO N O F T H E Ted Nakamura at Ontario visit plete service. Fish, eggs, poultry. there show cause, If any there be, why said Account should not be ed Wednesday at the Thomas Nlsh- Hartman's lockers, *4 mile south S A R A ZIN CLINIC of Nyssa-Parma Junction. lSJlX p settled, allowed and approved and itani home. and said estate distributed and said E. J. Hobson a »d Rev. E. J. W i- Dr. J. J. Sarazln DR. C. M. TYLE R M ISCELLANEOUS— Land leveling, ecutrix discharged. son o f Nyssa left Wednesday to Dated and first published June spend several days at the Nazarene sub-soiling with D7 cat. See A1 or Dr. K E. Kerby B ill Coleman or write box 156, 17, 1948. Date o f last publication young people’s camp at Payette Wilson Building Nyssa. 8J3xp. July 15, 1948. Physician and Surgeons lakes. N Y S S A ’S M O D E R N M O T EL, Cora Edith Coffman, Adminis Wayne Robb spent last week-end Phone 165-J, Nyssa M ISCELLAN EO US— W e buy bang tratrix of the Estate of at McCall visiting. er cows or kill, cool and handle for Edith Cordley, Deceased. located on Highway 20 at Ehrgood Ave. Phyllis, Kathaleen and Dwayne L. A. Maulding, M. D. O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except hide and offal. W hy take a chance Harold Henlgson, Attorney for W olfe of Nampa have been visit on losing indemnity. Call 31-M or Administratrix. in g at the Irvin W olf home and Physician and Surgeon Saturdays, 9 to 12. I appreciate the fine co-operation I received 011-J1, Nyssa. U tfc. hoeing beets the past few days. Phone 37 IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T OF M r and Mrs. Charles Ohritton M ISCELLAN EO U S—General truck from the owners. THE STATE OF OREGON Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 and son and Mrs. and Mrs. Evans ing. John Barnett and Kenneth FOR TH E C O U N TY Dillon of W ilder picnicked at the Daily—Except Sunday Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc, OF M ALH E U R Nampa park Sunday. N O TIC E OF P IN A L ACCO UNT M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Available now Miss Shirley Price left last F ri J. R. CU ND ALL In the Matter of the Estate of Electrolux cleaners and air puri day with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bow “ j e w e l r y s t o r e s - M A R Y E COULTER, Deceased fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An- en of Arcadia for a trip to W yom Dentist N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N ing. Miss Price planned on visiting I derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. that the undersigned, Lillie M. Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc, at Lander, Wyoming. Phone 56-J PAULUS General Contractor Crocker, administratrix of the es Mrs. Joe Dodson, Mrs. Charles tate o f Mary E. Coulter, deceased, M ISCE LLAN E O U S — Opportunity JEW ELRY STO R E Sarazln Clinic Ditty, Mrs. M ary Query, Sharon , for right man, good salary, big com has filed her Final Account as said Query and Jacqueline Wilson re- Union Pacific Tim e Inspector NYSSA OREGON administratrix in the County Court missions, permanent Job. See Bud JE W E L R Y — D IAM O ND S I Sherman. B and M equipment Co., of Malheur County, Oregon, and W ATC H ES Nyssa, phone 270-W. 27Mtfc. that said Court has appointed Tues Main Street a . Second day, the 3rd day of August, 1948 I M ISCELLANEOUS— Have excellent at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of OPTOM ETRISTS tenant for farm. Prefers row crop said day, for the hearing o f objec land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. tions to said Final Account and W YCKOFF M ISCELLAN EO U S— Heating, in the settlement thereof. JEW ELRY STOR E NOW. THEREFORE, all persons stallation o f heating systems, coal DR. J. A. M C FALL O fficial Tim e Inspector for interested in the estate of M ary E. Coulter, deceased, are hereby noti Union Pacific DR. JOHN E ASLY fied and required to appear at the O N T A R IO OREGON County Court Room In the Court Free Pick Up House at Vale, Malheur County, LODGES Oregon, at said time, to then and O f Your there show cause. If any there be, why said Account should not be Nys$a Post No. 79 W e are now in a position to cut, wrap and sharp freeze your settled, allowed and approved and Dead and Worthless said estate distributed and said American Legion executrix discharged. meat and also sharp freeze vegetables and fruit for home Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs., Animals Dated and first published July 1, 1948 Date of last publication July Project Office, 8 p. m. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore lockers. Call Collect 29, 1948 All Veterans Welcome ; Lillie M Crocker, Administra -------------- ------- There Is a Phone Near You trix of the Estate of Mary E. — W E H A V E E X T R A LO C K E R S N O W — Coulter, Deceased. Gate City Lodge V E T E R IN A R IA N S Nyssa 100 Parma 28 Harold Henlgson, Attorney for Ad No. 214 ministratrix. Ontario 53 Classified Advertising F R A N K T. M O R G A N D.D.T. Spraying BOB MUIR Professional And Business Directory I Wish To Congratulate Arrowhead Lodge C. K. Olson NOTICE To Owners of Home Freezers DR. H A L D. W H ITE I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday Veterinarian night, 8:30. South First Street 1 Phone Nyssa 275-W “We Haul the Day You Call' Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Ny9sa, Oregon Picnic Scheduled— ■ The Catholic church of Ny.isa will hold its annual picnic Sunday, July 18 at the city park A potluck lunch will be served at 12 o'clock. The time o f maas July 18 has been changed from 8 a. m. to 10 30 Polar Cold Storage — P H O N E 124-W—