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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1948)
Káa i PAGE FOUR NEW YEAR PARTIES HELD AT ADRIAN ADRIAN, Jan. 8—'Harvey Otis has returned home after visiting his j daughter, Mrs. Henry Macgroder in Milton-Freewater. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Thomas entertained New Year’s eve with a pot-luck supper and pinochle par ty. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George DeHaven, Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. marking, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bteelman. Dale Ash craft won the traveling prize and also consolation fo men. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft held tow score. Mrs. L. W. Dierklng and Bill Ashcraft won high score prize. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierklng and Norma Jean were New Year’s din ner guests in tihe Clyde Steelman home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritchie and * son, Glen, and Mrs. Grace Seavert of Camas, Washington were dinner guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin. Mrs. Seavert is an aunt of Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Ritchie is a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin were guests New Year’s day in the home of Mrs. Martin’s brother, Marlon English, and family in Cambridge, Idaho. Her niece and nephew, Jerry and Bobble English returned home with them for a visit. Karen and Melvin Sparks return ed to their home in Boise Friday morning, after spending their Christ mas holidays with their grandmo ther, Mrs. Ellen Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks en tertained on New Year’s day with dinner for -the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson. Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mildred, Melvin and Karen Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, Betty Korman and Kristine were gue ts New Year’s day In the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Eastman in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Richards and children left Thursday to make their home In Madras. Mrs. Rich ards and children stayed with her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. William Ash craft, while Mr. Richards built their new home in Madras. Mr. and Mrs. William Ashcraft spent. New Year’s dav with the Ray Drown family in Nyssa. Mrs. BUI Willis was pleasantly surprised New Year's day, when her brother, Herbert Woods, and fami ly of Alturas, California arrived fo a visit. Mrs. Ajmd’la Rowbottom is visit ing the Dan Hbllv family. Mrs. Rowbottom and Mr. Holly are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hollv and Ted and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holly were New Year's eve guests In the F. A. Miller home In the Big Bend community. Mrs. Bethel Martin entertained at a surprise birthday partv -honoring her husband, Gayle Martin, Friday evening, January S. The main at- traotton was the beautiful large decorated blrt.hrtsv cake. Another -•’mailer decorated birthday cake honored little Catherine Nelson, whose first -birthday was January 3. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis. Mr and Mrs. Bill Nel son and Catherine, Mr and Mrs. Dick Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs Bobby Brown, Betty Jean Toomb, and Roberta and Jerald English. Rummy was played after the dinner, with high prizes going to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and consolation prizes to Lois Cartwright and BUI Nelson. Gayle received many nice birthday gifts. Mr and Mrs Wilbur Looney en tertained at a New Year’s dinner in the evening for theft parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Ixxmey of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Henderson of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker en tertained at a dinner New Year’s for Mr. and Mrs E. E. Parker, Iota Parker and Clifford Looney. Mr. and Mrs Stanley Hill and children of NeiweU Heights were dinner guests Friday evening in the Vernon Parker home The occasion honored Bobby Parker on his tenth birthday DINNERS SERVED AT BUENA VISTA I BUENA VTfTTA. Jan. a Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram entertained on New Year's day for Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison. Mrs Frank Ber tram and Harold of South Dakota and Mr and Mrs. Hailey of Cali fornia. ■■ Mrs. James Stephen. Sr, and Mr. and Mrs OlSUit Armstrong and daughter accompanied Mr and Mr». Joe Stephen and daughter to California Tuesday for a visit Mr. and Mrs Alva Ooodell and Alva Jr. were New Year's dinner guests at the O. E. Oheldelln home Mr. and Mrs Leslie Topllff were New Year’s dinner guests at Mrs Ethel Ooodell h home near Vale Mr. and Mrs James Stephen. Jr.1 were in Oa Id well Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Bert I OoodeU of Haigher. Nebraska and Leonard OoodeU of Vale were Sunday din ner guests at the Alva OoodeU home The boys are nephews of Mr. Ooodell Mr and Mrs. Jamee Stephen. Jr., entertained at three tables at pino chle New Year’s eve. Those who enjoyed the evening were Mr and Mrs Bert Peck*. Mr and Mrs Hehnar Julum. Mr and Mrs. John Strickland, Mr, and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and Mr and Mis Fred Ste phen Refreshments were served. Mr and Mrs. Dehert Cleaver and Oary were In Osklwell Wed nesday Mrs Frank Bertram and Harold left for South Dakota Saturday after «pending the two weeks at the Willis Bertram home. THE N Y SS A GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1948 CRISIS! In Memorial Hospital Campaign ONLY A FEW DAYS REMAIN in this campaign. YOU NEED $42,000. This will require a high standard of subscriptions from those who are in a position to subscribe larger amounts. In additition it will require several hundred more who can subscribe for memberships ($100) and many $50 subscriptions. THE TEST IS, are you donating to the limit of yor ability to PROTECT THE LIVES AND HEALTH OF YOUR LOVED ONES, your neighbors, and perhaps yourself? This is YOUR problem------ Tomorrow may be TOO LATE! You Will Use The Hospital Why Not Help Build It? Build Infantile Paralysis Treatment Center. ' ,X ,s V < ■ v ; : '< > , If Sufficient Funds Are Raised AN ADDITIONAL WING WILL BE BUILT FOR TREATMENT OF IN FANTILE PARALYSIS (POLIO) CASES. THE PARALYSIS FOUNDATION HAS PROMISED TO EQUIP THIS WING WITH BEDS, IRON LUNG, AND ALL FACILITIES FOR TREATMENT OF CASES OF THIS DREAD ED DISEASE. IT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY TO TAKE YOUR LOV ED ONES TO DISTANT CITIES, SUCH AS BOISE AND PORTLAND FOR HOSPITAL TREATMENT, AWAY FROM FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES. The door will swing wide to all in time of need. DISTRICT TO BE SERVED THIS HOSPITAL IS SO PLANNED AS TO SERVE CITIZENS OF THE NYSSA AREA, NU-ACRES, APPLE VALLEY, OWY HEE AND BIG BEND DISTRICTS AND ADRIAN, PARMA, WILDER. ROSWELL AND THEIR SURROUNDING COM MUNITIES. HOW YOU MAY SERVE Think of the time the volunteer workers are spending, the number of calls these busy men must make and the spirit in which they are working. REMEMBER, IT IS YOUR PROBLEM AS WELL AS THEIRS. Welcome these workers who are serving you. Don't give alibis. Subscribe to the best of your ability. Help Now! IT SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY to SELL YOU on the need of a hospital. IT SHOULD NOT BE A QUESTION OF HOW LITTLE BUT HOW MUCH YOU CAN DO in the way of a SA CR1FIC1AL GIFT to make the hospital pos sible. » Join Now! Be A Member! One Hospital Voting Membership For- $100 Or More Subscribed ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP, gift of less than $100. HELP! Write or Phone To Headquarters You May Pay Installments District Memorial Hospital Campaign Headquarters in City Hall, Nyssa, Phone 92-J. The Cast of This Advertisement H u Been Raised by PaMir-Spirited Citizens. \ * e "