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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1945)
THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y J O U R N A L Arcadia TH U RSD AY, JUNE 21, 1945 I Erma Lee Orris of Huntington June meeting at the Ray G riffith the U. S. navy's newest and strong- New Hebrides, the Solomons, New ______ I* visiting at die Otis Bullard home Thursday afternoon with est threats iO be used against the Caledonia Auckland, New Zealand, T h e Arcadia daily vacation Bible home. 10 members answering roll caii Japs. The US3 McKean is the 39th 1 Funifiuti in the E lice islands and school was closed here Sunday with ; ----------------------- with something about their father. destroyer to be completed at Todd , many o f the smaller atolls. a program in che morning. Twenty- | Mrs. William Smiley, Mrs. Claude Pacific. | Penn attended the Adrian. Ore- three children were enrolled hi the — ... Day and Mrs. Tanner, Sr., were gon high school, where he played school. Forty-seven persons att-1 Mr- and M ls- Walter Stradley guests. Mrs. John Bumgardner be- Carroll Machhews, second class , , . „ , . , „ , baskerball and baseball, tiidcd the piugram. and family have moved to Jordan 'came a member of the club. Mrs radioman in the U. S. navy, has _____ Rev. and Mrs. Chandler and Valley. Mr. Stradley is a govern- ! Le~l;e Topliff and Mrs. Glenn H a lf been promoted to radio supervisor,! Gerald Sebum has been inducted Donny of Culdwell were present. ment tram)er * man were in charge of the games, i aocr*iing to word received by Mr. Into the army and is now stationed Mr. Chandler presented the certif- , m | with Mrs. Henry Day and Mrs. and Mrs. Dave Marhhews of Ad- at Camp Wotters, Texas. i.ates and awards. The teachers.' Mr3- Verl entertained the ' T op 'iff winning high prizes. Re rian. He was located at Okinawa j ______ Miss Marjory Crooks and Miss Jo*ly Janes at her home Tuesday freshments of strawberry shortcake, when his parents last heard from ! T Sgt. Xenial Ledgerwood of Ft. Rachel Wiikerson o f Notus. return- afternoon- cookies and lemonade were served. him- B linding Florida is spending a ed to their homes Sunday a fte r -! Mrs' Maurice Judd of Newell The next meeting will be held at ------- ten-day furlough with his parents, noon. Heights called on Bend residents the H. L. Day home July 12. Aboard a sub-chaser at a Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ledgerwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller Wednesday in the intrest of PTA naval base—Donald C. Penn, motor _____ and fam ily attended the wedding and £cout work machinist's mate, second class, U. | Clyde Hainline, U. S. Navy, son of Miss Betty Mess of Frultland Mrs Alva Watt of Parma was a S. N. R „ son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. of Mr. and Mrs. O riin Hainline, and Pfc. Eggert O ft of Ontario at caller at the Haworth home Thurs- Fenn, route 1. Nyssa. Oregon, has | is spending a 30-day leave with the Church of the Brethren in day' lounded out 18 months of duty in his parents. His ship is receiving Frultland Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Schweizer of Owyhee • Continued from Page 1) , l *‘ e Pacific aboard this midget repairs. Clyde has ¡»¿en conslder- Mrs. Ada Butler of Ontario spent and her house Euest. Mrs. Daniel 99! h division, signal company, first guardian o f the supply lines. able action in the P a iific theater the week-end at the Vern Butler Van Scoy and two children of army. | Fenn was with the ship on tw o 1 of war. home, ! Spokane called on Mrs. Haworth Now guarding Germans in a ; rescue missions and while she par- ! ________ Mr. and Mrs. Truman Hartley and ^ rs doe Biumbach Thursday, German home. Leroy received a ticipafed in the dangerous task of ] F O John W. Pennington of and son of Powers, Oregon visited ^ rs' ^ an Bcoy was formerly Nellie bronze star for his part in the . assisting minesweepers clear a mine ( Lincoln Heights has graduated at the J. M. Wagner home last Jean Schweizer. break-through of the Siegfried line , field. He has visited the Fijis, the from an intensive course in tran Friday. I N iss Mary Weir was the guest in December, when he received a Miss Marian Hipp of Nyssa spent of friends in Westfall during the wound in the right hand. His d iv the week-end with Donna Matherl y. , week' ision received three service ribb Mrs. Dora Splawn, who has been , , Mrs' Joe B njmbach and Mrs. ons. in the Ontario hospital, is con- VfrI BWlop attended an executive Parker said he is signing for some vakaclng at the home of Mr. and oi the county PTA Sat- of the courses the army is giving Mrs. Otis Bullard. ,urday in the Conklin school in in Europe. He told o f how the men Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor 0ntario- are developong a sports program, are the parents of a son born Because of the labor shortage, starting a newspaper and building June 10 in the Ontario hospital hay crews are sma11 and farmers an athletic field. He said that Mrs. William Stradley o f B ig 1 arf c h a n g in g work. during a 100-mile ride he exper- Bend is visiting at the heme of ^ aBer Bishop and Mr. and enced rain, sleet, snow and sun her son, Elmer Stradley. I ™rS- Cyrus Bishop spent Sunday shine. Parker's picture appeared in ______________ _______________ ¡at Enterprise. a recent issue of the Liberty mag Mrs. John Bishop and children' azine, which showed the collapse o f Nyssa spent Father's day at the of the Ludendorff bridge. His com Brumbaeh home. pany was only about 50 feet from the bridge and reported the coll apse to headquarters. Insurance Agency Melvin Parker was in the air corps taking training as a cadet, Pvt. Delbert cieaver arrived home at Pullman, Washington, Santa Fire and Automobile Friday evening from Camp Roberts, Ana. California and Hondo and California, where he has finished Amarillo, Texas, but was trans Insurance t is basic training. After a 15-day ferred to the infantry in February. furlough he will go to Camp Howze, He is with the 65th division, third Rentals Bond? Texas for 10 weeks of additional army, at I.inz. Austrir. The divis . .lining. ion is guarding prisoners of war. Mr.;. Eloise Highland of Boise Is Prrker said he is taking some visiting her sen, David, at the S. more training and has some time B. Hoffman home. for recreation. The youth, who I will be Local residents attending the Y. at rived in Europe after the figh t G. A. pirnic at Nampa Sunday ing was over, said the country GRINDING G RAIN were Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram, where he is located is lovely. Delbert and La Vern Cleaver a n d , for ch'cken feed all Alva and Donna Bel e Goodell. Fnrign Kenneth J. Williams, USN, fir. and Mrs. George Cleaver and of Route 1, Nyssa. is assistant en- tli is month. Bring your and Alvin, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and ttner’ lng offi"rr aboard the new L ltda and Mr. and Mrs. Alva tie .trover, KSS McKean, which was fe; a :n . Co dell were in Meridian Sunday.1 recently rommi sinned at Todd Pac Marylin and Joann Hendry of ific shipyards, Seattle, 13th naval NYSSA FLO UR M ILL Glenns Ferry spent the past wee* district licadqunr'prs announced. at the home of their grandparents, Moumlny five 5-inch guns and P. M. Warren Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings. 10 torpedo tubes the new 2100-’ on The Out Our Way club held Us Fletcher class destroyers are among big bend Our Boys sition flying for the air transport command, at a school conducted by the 5rti operational air base at Palm Springs, California, accord ing to Lt. Col. Robert J. Goewey, commanding officer. Pennington was selected from his previous station to take this course and in addition to undergo a thorough study in advanced in strument flying in order to equip the officer pilot for the long hours of floght over great distances. the past two weeks, was formerly stationed at Camp Roberts, Cali fornia. He has received a medical discharge from the army. Pvt. Austin Montague of Camp Roberts, California arrived home Thursday on a 12-day furlough and will report to a camp in T e x as for further duty. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Montague. He has two other brothers hi the ser vice. Mrs. Alfred Evans received word Pvt. Homer Cates has written that her husband, Pvt, Alfred C. from Burma, stating that lie has Evans, Is now stationed at Camp 'led a mule up hill and down hill Hood. Texas. He is training with farther than he has ever ridden the tank destroyer division. Pvt. in an automobile. Evans contested in a rodio June 9 I >Pvt. Cates, serving with the 124th at Killeen, Texas. I cavalry, which is known as the I Morris task force, has been over Pvt. Roger Troutner arrived seas eight months. He said "The home Saturday to visit his mother, Japs are tough and the going is Mrs. Olive Robinson, and sister, rough” . He was transferred in April Virginia Troutner. Pvt. Troutner, from handling mules to driving who has been receiving treatment trucks over the Ledo road into at the veteran's hospital in Boise China. FURNITURE Features FIVE For June .. PIECE Don M. Graham Maple Bed Room Set Buena Vista ^ PAGE FIVE .'àSSÜPÉÂ ~Y $ 7777 A Value You Can’t Afford to Miss to SAVINGS DEPOSITORS of The First National Bank of Portland! ii Mattress before the close of the 7th War Loan D rive... VOGUE CURTAINS this bank will pay full interest, through the 30th of June, on all monies withdrawn before 'V t i . Only requirement is that you present your War Bond purchase application to our Savings Tellers when making withdrawals for the pur $ 1995 Get a good night’s rest and you can lick the world. This matt ress is of non-sag construction, filled with cotton linters. Sturdy striped ticking. Double. sO aid the sale of War Bonds that date for the purchase of War Bonds. Reg. $99® This casual set is just the thing you have been looking for. It is o f a sturdy construction, which fills the bill perfectly. Just right for the children, or that extra bed room. Hardwood with rich maple finish. * tfffBi Tift’I 7 Rayon Marquisette Curtains BY VOGUE You have been waiting for these Vogue Curtains. Come in a light cream, 75 inches long and 40 inches wide. Just the thing for those large sun windows. . Each $1.49 NET WEAVE PANELS 74 inches long and 34 inches wide chase of WAR BONDS. (G o o d at any of our 40 stata-w'.da branch?*} <1? O Q _ MARQUISETTE YARDAGE 34 inches wide, fardtamfwtohr dtbamt bftmftfm l i v e l y cream yardage. Just right for panels. Extra fine weave, 34 inches wide. Per yard /ft A f\ *ye^K%J President THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND V C.C. ANDERSON Co. O N T A R IO