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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1945)
The NYSSA V o l u m e x XXX ñ ~ 2 4 ~ Slayer of Officer Given Sentence Requiring Death JOURNAL ~NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1915' NEW PEA VINEIt NEAR HERE STARTED IM Deffenbaugh Malheur County Definitely Lost After Saturday. . , „— June - 30, Mal- , Votes For Ore. J Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deffenbaugh heur county fanners and ranchers Buildin or Fund The new pea viner near the Nyssa-Parma junction was placed in operation, along with the cann of Kingman Kolony received a lett- ! apply directly to ODT and OPA Kenneth Bailey To Die ery at Payette, by the Idaho Cann er from the war department June , , '->r new iarm trucks and for farm ing company Tuesday. 22 relative to the death of their gasoline, Glen Hutchinson, chair- In Oregon’s Gas The viner, consisting of two son, Pvt. Joseph Deffenbaugh, who man of the county AAA committee Chamber ------ | units, was established in the spring was a prisoner of war of the Jap- j o n that date, AAA servicing of Kenneth Bailey of Klamath Palls in preparation for the present ru n ; an**f aftpr the fa” of Corregidor^- farm transportation programs by Proposed Cigarette TaX T ' T Is " Snowed 1 ” Under In a, , P lp c tin n O l d i e ^ E ^ e i l O il As the remainder of the state, SCHEDULED DAIR Y SH O W POSTPONED The Nyssa dairy show committee announced Wednesday that it had | postponed the dairy show, sohed- h*'d Prlday and this week. “ Due to unforseen circumstances it will be Impossible to hold the show," the committee said. 350 Persons Pay $8000 In Bonds For Lions Show Prominent Citizens Take Part In Entertain ment By the Lions Cub Reviewer convicted by a jury in the Mai- L ^ t a ^ ^ ^ ' o ^ ' ^ t h e " 1TO *AA committeemen wiU cease' Malheur county approved the state Approximately 350 persons bought heur county circuit court Saturday I ° uWlnB of Peas was started later coast artillery, was one of the 1775 ( ilaimlan said. AAA will have . .... . . . , . . . $8000 worth of bonds, issue price, 'Z ‘r! , lhal1 during the normal sea son .T **” * ” who lo8t hves on neither funds or authority to con- buildin* fund tax and peJected n.„l»t ot me of State Police whlch u.slJally opens between June a Japanese ship, which was sunk Unue services farmers rendered ^sarette tax in the special election to see the Lions club vaudeville 200 miles off the Chinese coast for the past three years in connec- held last Friday. Officer Ted Chambers of Ontario, i io and 15 entertainment presented in the was sentenced Wednesday to die October 24. 1044 by a submarine. ; ,Uon wlth appUcations for truck n e jmplete Only five were rescued, three in . . . ~,nt, '.Mr« tnr rPturlLS *n the , New , c , regulations reiatir in Oregon's lethal gas chamber. relating to mall- Nyssa theater Monday night. They a lifeboat, which reached the coast, ia n d ’ conversion, new trucks and ccunty were as iollows: Stale bulld" iugs to foreign countries were ann- were well repaid from the stand Circuit Judge M. A. Biggs passed J and two who were picked up by a farm gasoline sentence after a jury of four wo lrr? fund tax, yes 476. and no 361, ounced this week by the local pos- point of investment and enter Japanese ship. The Japanese were men and eight men reached a ver Htitchinson said that processing a',d olgarme *“ • ^ , a n d t a * “ «PaMment. Nyssa residents voted in about Mail service to Yugoslavia, eff- tainment. shipping the American prisoners will be completed for applications 456. dict of guilty without recommend .. The Lions cub reviewer would to Japan. ing leniency. Since the jury did on file, but that no new applies- lhe san(le proporllon' exc*pt in on* ective »'"mediately. will be resumed . precinct. on a restricted basis. Non-illustrated I noc ' eel saIe ln wnai ne Besides his parents. Pvt. Deffen not ask leniency, the death penalty Oiling of the Nyssa streets has tions can be accepted after June H " . „ . . , 7 !!“ , u thouaivt as a good critic should is survived by — four - brothers, was mandatory. been completed for the city by ......... -v the - » - baugh - - ----------------------- ------------ 30. He advised farmers to eontact The vo,t c11 ln Nysaa by pr^ lnc ’ postcards lettPrs not exceeding two I h a d ^ e t L ^ y the L t company efiGilbert, Ray, who is serving w ith i,h , , , op. w , and was as follows:Building fund, 18 ounces in weight and printed mat-180 " e had better say the best. The date of the execution was Morrison-Knudsen set by Judge 10. The | | -------- Boise, •“ Biggs as August ----------- ithe armed forces in ItaIy: Mauri“e' .rationing board for tires and gas- £ r f and “ agaln., t ,ln precl" ct 1; “P ° " e pound in weight , “ enry “ “ ^ o u s ^ o W but with sheriff has 20 days from yesterday | Two tanks of oil of 10.000 gallons .who is with the armed forces in oUne and the district OOT office a" d S a« a‘ nst *" preolnct 2. will be sent. Postage rates are tte a “ dRkm trf '"Road To in which to deliver the convicted each were used ln the oiling. The Germany, and Roy Lee, and three jn p ortiand {or trucks. and 15 ior and 9 agalnst J " pr*‘ a me as before suspension of service. ™ ™ u . , ! bi J » cinot 3; cigarette tax, 11 for and Air mail service has been re- Mandala.v an<J ''° 'd Man River . man to the state penitentiary at ¡oiled strip would have been ex- !sisters, Mrs. Myron Cossert of 15 against in precinct 1. 12 for and sumed to Belgium. Denmark. He was acoomP3" 1^ by Mrs- Hart- Salem. tended to 20 feet had more money Richmond. California, Ida Mae and p A r ’TtTTMP O F P F A Q 13 against in No. 2 and 14 for and France, Norway, Luxembourg The ley' whlcl1 may have accounted for Sergeant Chambers and Bailey's I been available for oil. City Mana- Dorothy. ‘ " L , IVI INL j LJr r L A h , 10 against in No. 3. Netherlands and Switzerland. The the serlous note. companion. William Donald Duffey ger E. K. Burton said. The strips | Deffenbaugh, who was 28 years IS STARTED HERE building ------ measure . provides — air ------------- mail rate -------- is 30 ---------— cents for a ------- half I After that, not even the cub were killed when the state police are 17 feet wide. Normal paving old enlisted in the army February ■ -------- , The — ---------— sergeant and other officers sur- on a highway runs from 16 to 20 5, 1041. I Packing of peas was started at for an expenditure of $10.000,000 ounce. Letters to The Netherlands revlewf r t .™ , , , aC 1 . . . shed Tues- tor - the Max Lutz packing post-war construction at state -i are not to exceed more than one was the foolishest . In fairness rounded the two youths in the An- feet. day, with prospects that from 25 colleges and institutions. jounce and to other countries not tb* “otors, however, it should1 be nex near Welser April If the oil had been spread over ' to 30 cars of peas will be packed The cigarette measure would pro- more than two ounces. | stated that they had no intention 29. a width of 20 feet, the city could i * i n i 'n i t I carl within the next 10 days. vide a two-cent-a-package tax for | Resumption of fourth class p a r -,of tf ying.. to ^ good' _ bot were F.Otis Smith prosecuted and A. not have oiled as many streets. III v^U . O L I I c U U lC ll The first packed ¡n Nyssa providing state funds for assls- cel past service to the islands of imprply attempting to be funny. L. Fletcher of Nyssa and Charles Leyte, Luzon. Mlndora and Samar I claudp Willson's dancing dolls --------- were handled last year by the tance to schools. W. Swan of Vale defended Bailey. BROTHER OF LOCAL E. R. Jackman, farm crops spe- i iUtz concern, Manager Hank Jor- in the Philippines was also ann were in rare form, as was Claude. Members of the jury were Mrs. cialist at Oregon State college. dan said MAN DIES IN ACTION ounced. Parcels must not exceed Later in Mie hula dance Mister Agnes Holly, Mrs. Elizabeth Groot, will be in the county during the ( ‘ The' ^ the ola n t var Mrs. Nova Glenn. Earl Blackburn, {* * n Several of Nyssa's most promin Pfc. Lloyd Sessions was killled third or fourth week in July to ¡ety are of good qUauty. The com- 18 inches ln length nor 42 inches M J. Bla< kbin n, Joe Harris. Fred ent citizens appeared in a 20-min Camirnn, Ella Jones. F W. Sm ith ,!11’ artlon MaV 1 on Okinawa, ac- ¡assist with the field Inspection for pany ¡g buying the peas on both combined. ute skit entitled "Curses, What John Yvarrabal. B W Knighten <'orc»inS to information received by seed certification. All applications ^ of the Snake river a Night”, for the audience. It was and Roily Van Buren. with A T. hls brf>ther' Vel'sal Sessions of : must be filed at the county exten- Lutz wlll atart handling earlv First Lieut. Lawrence Forbes CHURCH PLANNING booked as a "mellerdraminer” . The Munson as alternate. |Nyssa- He was ln the same divi-i®ion office by July 14. Farmers potatoes about July 5. costumes of the actors indicated Schlrmer, 25, former Nyssa resident MEMORIAL SERVICE sion as Edwin Kurtz of Nyssa. who who wish later inspections should that the egg of the plot was laid was killed June 19 in an airplane ^ was killed in the war against Ja- also indicate by this date. Home After Trip— The usual 9:30 a. m. service in ln the gay '90's, but the type of play n | The call for more legume and LTENK AE]^4PER W ILL crash near Crestview, Florida. Mrs. S. P. Bvbre and two child- pan' Xoe ca 1 Ior more legume and _ r>r/^ /-s * D A n IT Lieut. Schirmer entered the army St. Paul's Episcopal church next hinted that it might have been Pvt. Sessions was born in James- grass seed by the government 11U JLili 151 Lr U A u rV U lli ren. Mr-- vLert Kester and child- in 1942 and completed 66 bombing Sunday will be devoted to a mem- older than that. Lack of faith in r« n and Mrs Dave Mitchell arrived town Idalho March 3, 1917 and along with incentive payments has home M l ndav evening after a PntPre;i the servloe March 17, stimulated considerable increase in | B. B. Lienkaemper has pulled missions on a B-28 while based in orial service for Sergeant Robert their fellowmen, gave the Lions a • , , ■■ O d e n * and Salt 19’ 2- After lpav>'H! the United production in Malheur county. The three large trees from the back England for nine months. He re- Browne, who was klUed on Okln- hunch that there were some toma J , c i v T1 als vLsited at States ln 1913. he participated ln AAA incentive payment for har- yard at the Nyssa Funeral home turned to the United States last awa. Persons desiring to pay trib- toes, cabbages and other vegetables P.iulev * y the Ki>ka' Marshall islands, Leyte vested seed on alfalfa and alsike to make room for a large garage October and attended armament ute to his memory are invited to in 'the crowd for use in case the entertainment was not good enough. 'and Okinawa campaigns as a clover will be 2V£ cents per pound which he expects to erect soon. school at Denver until he was attend. In Welser— sharpshooter. He is survived by his and 31 a cents per pound for red! The garage, 30 by 32 feet, will transferred to Florida. i Sgt. Browne's parents. Mr. and Their hunch was right and the During his overseas service he Mrs. Wesley Browne, former Nyssa ushers recovered considerable food. o f rock with . . a I.uther Fife was in Weiser Sun- nother . Mrs. Matilda Sessions and ----- 1 clover seed. , „ __. i be constructed . „ d iv attending a special leader- two brothers. Roy of Idaho Falls j In 1944 the following acreages concrete floor and foundation. It was awarded the air medal with residents, will arrive here Friday .The actors admitted afterwards 'lip meeting of the L D S church. ond Versal, and three sisters, Mrs. were certified in Malheur county: | will be large enoufH for three 12 oak leaf clusters and the dis- from their home in Vancouver, 'that they were thankful the vece- tinguished flying cross. , Washington. | tables were found before they Vein Wadsworth of Chinook, Mon.- Ladino clover 252 acres; alfalfa 165 cars. —------------- --------*• revalu'd the stage Lieut. Schirmer was the husband tana. Mrs. Jay Whitbank and Mrs. and Midland red clover 134 acres.» ------ - lie!urn From Corval'ls— H ie players were Wnrdeiina of Mrs. Betty Forbes Wheeler's Installing Rest The acreage of red clover will Have Guests-- Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Larson re- Elnora Fitzgerald of Phoenix, The city Is installing toilets at (Ward) Wieneke, one of the wives: likely double for 1945. according t o ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maughan h a d 1 niece. Lola Fortes. He was born turned Wednesday evening from ~ , as week-end guests, Mrs. Louise in Nyssa and attended school here, the city park. The city is remod- Robert Thompson, the villian with C irvailis, where they accompanied ‘'tlen d Wedding-- latent reports, McGaven of Boise, mother of Mrs. He is survived by his widow and eling half of the tool house for blank cartridges; Harry (Handsome) their daughter who will remain Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stathop Shelton, husband of Wardelina; Maughan, Mrs. James Kilpatrick two children; his parents, Mr. and the rest rooms, ulas, Miss June Webster, Miss Jos- Attends Parma Funeral— there during tile summer. Grant (Sheriff) Rinehart, who ephlne Randolph and Delbert Eishop Arvel L. Child was a of San Diego, Mrs. Ray Kilpatrick Mrs. Lawrence Schirmer of Sac looked for trouble with a candle attended the wedding of Miss speaker at the funeral for Wayne and son of Boise and Mr. and ramento. and his grandparents, M r.1 Flies To Coast-- 'and Mrs. C. C. Forbes. I Orin Sumner, manager of the in a bird cage. Phyllis (Oren) Priscilla Stathopulas to Lt. Ray- Thomas held at the Community Mrs. Fiank Mossburg of Boise. -------------------------- I — ■ Nyssa Pharmacy, left Tuesday by Sumner, the mystery woman and mond Steinhaus at Nampa Sunday church at Parma Thursday. Mrs. in the Northside Nazarene church. D. O. Bybee and daughter, Dar-j Returns To Work-- Leaves Hospital-- I airplane for a week's visit ln Port- wife of the villian. Wayne Morris really sounded off I Mb's Stathopulas is a sister of thel, furnished two musical num- Eddie Powell returned to Logan Lois McGee, daughter of Mr. and j and and Seattle. __ . .. _ . « i ____ _____ __ / s ___ - . . . . e x i A- —A *TX1 - - «Mr- f IF im m I 1 4 g t i v n n J $ ex Vx o r with “The Sow Song, with "Empty * . ___l valley near Canyon City la- last Tliurs- X Mrs. Virgil McGee, tifsi returned to her , --------------------- bers. Randall Stathopulas. Saddles in the Old Corral" as an ! day after spending a week at his home Tuesday after several days Here From Twin Falls- Mr. and Mrs. George Moats and encore. 'h o n e here. He was accompanied in the Holy Rosary hospital, foll- Ilere From Ogden— Visit With Son-- 1 Another group of dignitaries, Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Herring and I Miss Elinora Argyle of Ogden is by F. J. Vanderburg of Canyon ¡ing an emergency appendix opera- Mrs. Cora Graham of Twin Falls were week-end visitors at the C. billing themselves as the barbershop children visited Sunday with Rev. here visiting at ithe home of Mr. City. Mr. Powell is employed as a | tion. four, all sounded like tenors, but A. Wernick home. and Mrs. Herring's son, Paul, at j and Mrs. Herman King. They en- fire guard on the Malheur N a t i o n a l -------------------------- their harmony was good. Yes. their Payette. Rev. Herring conducted; tertained at Sunday dinner for forest. Have House Guests— harmony was good, but they talked the evening service at the Nazarene her, 'took her on a trip to seel --------------------— — I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bair have Leave For Salt Lake City— Corp. and Mrs. Lawrence Find too much. The reason was their as house guests this week Mr. Bair's the Owyhee dam, and shopped in ■ Stops For Visit— church. i Mrs. A. E. O'Leary visited Mrs. sister, Mrs. Call Jensen of La- ling left Tuesday for Salt Lake names were Herschel Thompson, Boise Wednesday. ■John Bishop from Tuesday until ¡Grande and Ills brother. Elwood City, where he will report for re- ex-mayor; R. O. Whitaker, city [Go To Txas-- council Chairman; Dave Mitchell, I assignment. | Thursday of last week while en Bair of Pendleton. Mrs. Virgil Seward and infant Go To Boise— mayor of Nyssa rural route, and Mrs. John Olsen and Mrs. Lloyd route from New York to her home j ¡son, accompanied by her mother. Wayne Morris, would-like-to-be- ¡Returns To Work— Dale Ledgerwood of Lincoln Mrs. E. E. Botner, left Thursday Lewis shopped in Boise Thursday. (in San Francisco. She had been | To Assist In School— mayor. They sang such popular -------------------------- I visiting her husband, who is stat- | Miss Shirley Carlson of Notus ] Miss Esther Nelli has resumed Ileigl its is at a rest camp in Vail- morning for Texas to visit Pvt. iioned with the armed forces ln ¡arrived Sunday to assist Miss her position at Wilson's dry goods melodies as My Wild Irish Rose, Seward who is stationed at Camp-j Return From Arizona— ejo, California. Frances Foster with the daily vaca- ¡store. She has been ill for three Sidewalks of New York, Down by Mrs. Roy Dames and daughter, New York. Wolters. the Old Mill Stream. Sweet Adeline lition Bible school at Oregon Trail months. Mrs. Kyle Waite, returned Sunday John Paul Gernhardt, S 2]c, son Home on the Range and Virglnle. this week. from Phoenix and other points in Go To Albany— of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt, Returns From Visit— The rumor that Lloyd Lewis was ---------------------------¡To Enter Service- Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wakefield Everett Heldt has returned fro m ' Arizona, where they visited rela will leave Friday merning for San 1 Berlyn J. Plant left Wednesday going to need two hula skirts for and son, Richard, left Sunday for Employed in Ogden-- Diego after spending his furlough a two-month visit with relatives; tlves. Miss Teddy Crlsmon Is now work- to report for service in the army, the Hawaiian dance number was ¡a two-weeks vacation at Albany, and friends in Kansas and Ne widi his parents. Goes To Ogden— Oregon, where they will visit Mr. in at the arsenal in Ogden, accord- Mr. and Mrs. Plant and two chil- not true, but rt should have been. braska. Miss Lucille Sallee, daughter of Wakefield's sister, Mrs. Clifford ing to word received by her parents, dren have been making their home He oan really do the barrel roll, T-Sgt. Ha: x 1 Dail, son of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crismon. in Portland, where Mr. Plant has (though. Dr J. J. Sarazin and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee, left Joseph.. Anna Dail. arrived home Tuesday Here From Nebraska— -------------------------- been employed ln the shipyards. Ralph Winebrenner gave a not- Mrs. Hattie Lane of Scotts Bluff. Wednesday for Ogden, where she from Fort Lewis, Washington, Goes To Portland— Mrs. Plant will reside in Nyssa for so-broad view of the hula dance, Where he was discharged from the Nebraska arried here Monday to will teach in a nursery school dur- Undergoes Tonsilcetomy— Miss Eva Boydell will leave for the duration. She is a daughter along with Claudina Willson, who Miss Marilyn Abersold. daughter army after serving three years in visit at the home of her son, W. ing the summer. has already been given hls publicity. cf Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Latham. c l Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Abersold, Portland for an extended visit. the Pacific area and one year in L. Lane. She will probably be here As a super-climax, the club underwent a tonsilectomy Wednes Here From Hermiston— about two weeks. the states. Underboex Operation — presented a real hula dancer, Leaves For East— Mr. and Mrs. Kasper Nusser and day at the Sarazin clinic. Mrs. James E. Latham underwent Payetta Gann, whose entertainment Miss Katherine Crandall will daughters, Cleda and Donna Jean, Staff Sergeant Edward F. Hay, Collecting Clothing— leae Friday for Washington, D. C. a major oiperatlon in the Holy Ros was really appreciated. Mrs. Gerrit Stam is still collect- and son. Dickie, of Hermiston. stop- Return From Visit— son of Mrs. Royal T. Sanders., who Although called on unexpectedly Mr. and Mrs Ross Brown and to begin training in the Red Crons ary hospital in Ontario Saturday. Is serving in the air corps, is here ing clothing and shoes for the rest- ped in Nyssa Sunday en route to to appear as master of ceremonies. Las After her training period she ex- on furlough. He is en route to a dents of the Netherlands, she stat- Kansas, where they will visit rel- j sons returned this week from Glea Billings kept the entertain Planning Dance— Nevada, where they were pects to be stationed ln San Fran- new post from Alaska, where he ed this week. Persons having clean I atives and friends. They are former | Vegas. The Owyhee Riding club will give ment moving with an excellent may residents of Nyssa. ¡called because of the serious illness cisco. served for three years. Sergeant clothing or shoes to donate another dance July 7 from 9 to ine of patter. I of Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs. June ----------------------- Hay. an airplane inspector, will notify Mrs. Stam by card or leave Mrs. J. L. Church was piano 12 p. m. in the Nyssa gymnasium. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor is much im- Here From Portland— the material in boxes at the Gate j Leaves For LosAnge'.es— leave this week-end. City Journal office. | Mrs. Peggy Rambaud left Sat- proved. Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. I Dr. and Mrs. Clair Peterson have The proceeds will be used for con accompanist for (the singers and O. H. McCauley, returned home been visiting at the home of Mrs. struction of rodeo grounds. Sav dancers. _________________ urday morning for LosAngeles, The 274th armored field artillery Olean Wells, manager of the Peterson’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. age's orchestra will play for the where she was called because of the with them for a visit. battalion, of which Pfc. James W. Injures Back— theater and chairman of the Nyssa dance. -------------------------- !j. J. Sarazin. Dr. Peterson will Johnson of Parma route 2, Is a | Mrs. Harry Shelton injured her serious illness of her mother. campaign, thanked those who help Firemen Called— leave Friday for Portland and Mrs. member, registered 3000 tactical beck when she fell at a dance | -------------------------- ed with the show and those who Firemen were called last Friday Peterson and twin babies will re- Gaea To Seattle— miles of travel and boomed out Saturday night and was taken to Have House Guests— Mrs. Pearl Klnsor left Prlday to purchased bonds. over 105 000 shells. ithe Nyssa Nursing home for treat-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis have noon to the Inland Oil company main here indefinitely. “ I appreciate the efforts of the visit her son and daughter ln as house guests Mr. and Mrs. David service station to extinguish a | -------------------------- Pfc. Johnson, son of Mr. and ment. Seattle. While ln Nyssa Mr». Klnsor Lions club and the other people Holman of Portland and Mrs. Jack small fire burning in a 50-gallon Leaves For Fort Douglas— Mrs. R. H. Johnson of Parma Rt. | "■ -------- ¡Conklin of Baker. A family dinner ¡oil drum. Oil on the ground around | Earl Leach left Wednesday to visited her daughter. Mrs William who assisted", Mr. Wells said. 2. has been in the service for four Son Arrives— . . years. He said “The 274th drove | A .son weighing 8 pounds. 4 oun- was served at the Lewis home Sun- the barrel was ignited by burning report ^to the induction^ center at Schlreman. Admitted To G range- Fort Douglas. Utah. Mrs. Leach through Prance with the 7th A. D. 'ces was bom June 13 ln the navy day. Others present were Mr. and rubbish, Two new members were admitted ¡will remain in Nyssa indefinitely. Arrive« Home From Italy— and worked with the 4th through hospital in Philadelphia to Harold Mrs. Robrt Holman of Ontario, j Miss Okiria Glascock. T-5 of to membership in the Chalk Butte the battle of the Bulge. After ass- H. Rookstool 8 F . 2 c, and Mrs. Mrs. Lewis is a sister of Robert Returns Frcm Poatland- the women's army corps arrived Orange at a meeting held June 19. Mrs. Artie Robertson returned Large Crowd Attends Party— ignments with the 11th armored Rookstool. Mr. Rooks tool Is serving and David Holman Saturday from Portland, where sh e ! A large crowd attended a potluck home Monday from Leghorn. Italy Suggestions on how to Improve and the 17th airborne, Lieut-Col- with the US. navy in the Pacific' had been visiting. supper served ln the Sunset com- after serving 18 months overseas. the Orange were given In talks. A one! Loop Bieri's cannoneers pen- theater. Mrs. Rookstool. the form Go To Idaho— lunch was served after the busi -------------------------- jmuntty hall Saturday night In at rate! the Siegfried line around jer June Mitchell, had been living Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray were ness meeting. The next meeting will ¡honor of John Knottingham, At ten Westen Panerai— P-um with the 90th infantry. They in Philadelphia with her husband business visitors in Nampa and Returns From Utah- Mrs. Luther Fife arrived home be held July 3 All members of accompanied the 10th armored until he was sent overseas. She is, Boise Tuesday. They were Tuesday | C W. Buchner, manager of the CMoMM. and Corporal Charles through Trier and on to Kaiser- expected to return to Nyssa with evening dinner guests of Mr. a n d .Golden Rule store returned Tuesday McCoy, army air forces, who are Sunday after attending her bro- the degree team are especially ask- ther's funeral at Weston, Idaho. I ed to attend. (Continued on Page 5) ,tc r infant son soon. lMrs. Lloyd echrolls of Nampa, |from a business trip to Utah. home on short leaves. Mail Service To Europe Resumed Street OiHllg III Nyssa Completed Seed Inspection Former Resident !.pounds 1,1 "***■nor m°re, Of Nyssa Killed in len8th and Our Boys In l he Service j wlUson was ln tore form'