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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1945)
TH E NYSSA C A TE C IT Y J O U R N A L PAGE 4 ^'TOCKM AN TH U RSD AY, JUNE 21, 1945 ATTACKS services. w ¡itch refreshments were served Keith Lane will leave to enter by the hostesses. Thirteen mem bers and seven guests were pres the navy Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and ent. Mrs. Mary Foglmun and An nie Norris became new members children were dinner guests at the Hazel Kress ley home Sunday. of the society. Jim Wood of Portland has ar Ilea Kreager and Ardis Hurst attended a 4-H poultry meeting rived here to help on the Hurst In Che Judd home In Newell farm this summer. He ls a nephew Heights Friday evening. Ellen Judd of Mrs. Hurst. anl hostess. Mrs. Earl Parker was Poulu-v club leader tills charge of devotions. MLss Grace Is the 4-H Poultry club leader urn Guests At Mauldins H u m »- year. Tucker of Caldwell, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson and A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. teaching in the Vanport schools. Sneed at the Ontario hospital Sat three children left Monday for their I was guest speaker. She spoke home at Holden. Washington after ¡“Uprooted America.” Mrs. J. O. urday evening. Mrs. Sneed is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O uyla weeks visit at the home of Ur. Lane. president of the society, ¡conducted a business meeting, after Moore. Mr. Sneed Is In the armed and Mrs. L. A. Mauldlng. I __ ____________________________________ than OPA charges housewives with 'literally running out of our ware- Ida Nelson spent last week-end in Marslng and at the Smith at Montour. Idaho. Harrington home In Roswell having falsely secured lor that home windows. U. S. SU G AR PLA N S ............................. I ^ ‘ Clarice ‘ ' Case writes that he is to The story behind the dry peas purpose last year. be permanently stationed in Mann Representative Lowell Stockman. "In « « ■ ” “ ld' "American. is that early in the war. admin- P A Y M E N TS ARE SET beet sugar growers planted 910 000 oration food theorists decided that heim. Oermany. republican of Oregon, member of _ . . . . acres of sugar beets and produced iater we were going to i ON LEGUM E SEEDS The Mary and Martha society the republican congressional food 1.773,000 tons of fugar. In 1944 “ 1 met at the home of Mrs. E. O. study committee, said that the OPA those same sugar growers planted run short ot meat and ca Congress has appropriated *12 Osbum Thursday of last week. statement blaming Che current only 558,000 acres and produced dietary experts to figure out a 500.000 for special payments to' Mrs. Walter Pinkston was assist shortage of sugar for home canning only 985.000 tons of sugar. The substitute protein food for the; _ , ... _ . , ------ on last year’s chiseling by house- leason for the decrease In sugar Ainertean people. Dry peas are one grower* 10 «Inmlate produc 0 0 J certain legtme seeds. Poundage' in wives on titielr canning ration ls acreage" Representative Stockman of the foods highest in protein a “typical administration smoke said “Is that administration food ““ * payments will be offered at 3 Vi screen designed to cover Us own theorists decided this nation needed value, so It was determined that | cents jor re;1 clover ancj dry peas far more than it needed dry peas would supplant meat I n i ” " ’ ” ~ fumbling and Inefficiency. American diet. Thereupon, the “The fact is”. Representative sugar and boosted the price of peas Stockman said, “that If the beet almost 300 per cent while permitt- growmg oi ury peas was encouraged ° n harV* 8“ d a« > « * > _ * sugar growers of this country had ing the price of sugar beets to go a government subsidy arr4 . sup- commercial channels before Dec- been encouraged even to maintain up test than 80 per cent. The ort price which raised the price ember 31, 1945. Irt addition, an Ih a e a ¡.a n m ii * r . _ acreage payment up to a maxi- the production of sugar they turn result is that wlule . there is now irom an avera^e of $1.90 in 1940 of S3 50 Der acre will be paid ed out in 1940. instead of planting a shortage of sugar so acute that ,, - f n s No 1 Deas an d 1 1 ^ r *5 65 ' . for each Grower* acre of these receive crops har- their land to dry peas, there would vast milnHHM quantities of of fruit fruit mav may bo go to to 1 >540 for ior D U s ' S No 2 , In 1944. At this u average nrice vested' Orowers rnaX receive urns have been more additional sugar waste this summer because it can- , h be canned canned we we have have dry drv w as of sugar beets “ m even not though plan available for canning this year not iKit be peas was permitted to payment far 1M5 was flled a at farm the AAA STUDENT FLIGHT INSTRUCTION *1' 1 1 11 M 111 ! Ill 11 11 «1 MW«NM Mirami M'N h N M H M N IM IM W K H M M M M H M N M ir« ü — 5 ÎE a E — . . «, c . = r Notice of 1 9 4 5 -4 6 Budget Meeting In accordance with the provisions of the Local Budget Law (Sections lk )-1201 to 110-1215, O. C. L. A., as amended) notice is hereby given that the budget committee of the Oity of Nyaaa. Oregon, in com pliance with said law. prepared and adopted on May 28, 1945, the budget e«imates for the City of Nyssa. Oregon for the ensuing year July I, 1945 to June 30, 1946, as set forth In the following tab ulations. All persons are hereby notified that on Tuesday the 10th day of July. 1945 at 8 p. m^. In the Common Council Chamber In Nyssa, Oregon, said budget estimates may be discussed with the Common Council, the levying board for the City of Nyssa. Oregon, and any person subject to the proposed tax levies will be heard In favor of or against said proposed tax levies or any part thereof. SUM M ARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES, RECEIPTS AND TA X LEVIES FISCAL YEAR 194J-46 Together with actual expenditures lor the fiscal years 1942-43 and 1943-44, and budget estimates ior fiscal year 1944-45. " » r e u s e only from $7.02 to $12.50 o[fk;e prlor to May 1# la4i). per ton. “The response was what might » r i c i r n i A T O P O PPM PW Pave been expected. Acreage which L JM j IO L i A 1 U K i ) Kfc.INI!jVY had been devoted to sugar beets D R IVE R ’S LICENSES and other crops was planted In I ______ field peas and production jumped | Oregon driver’s licenses, issued from 3,439,000 bushels In 1940 to on or after June 15, 1941. need 8.873,000 bushels in 1944. W h ile1 not be renewed this year, Secre- ¡E Charter Trips General Funds sugar beet acreage was decreasing tary of State Robert S. Farrell EXPENDITURES from 916.000 acres In 1940 to 727.000 said. The 1945 legislative assem PERSONAL SERVICE bly extended the time oi these In 1944. 45-46 1944-45 1942-43 1943-44 ITEM licenses to June 30. 1947. Nyssa Airport 2,400.00 3,600.001 2 160.00 3,242.00) The numbers of all licenses thus Police Chief ............................... 1 800 00 ) 138.00 ) extended bear the prefix ”5R’’, Police 1 P. O. Box 396 Telephone 012R1 | 1,200.00 800.00 660.00 1 800.00 Buell Hickey was Christian En- Farrell said, '1: m m in hi hi m m m hi hi hi hi hi iininni hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ithi iiiiii hi hi hi hi hi 400.00 100.00 101.00 217.00 Office Clerk ..... ....... deavor leader Sunday evening. Mrs. "Manx drivers apparently believe 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 Librarian ..................... Jule Houston will be the next ^ y are required to renew their 120.00 120.00 120.00 120 00 City Health Officer ................... eader. Sunday school was held at driver's licenses this year, but the 400 00 400.00 400.00 40000 City Attorney .................... 10 30 Sunday morning. The plan act of tile 1945 legislature extends 900.00 900.00 702 00 540.00 of meeting at 2 p. m. on the third tlme thtse »censes are valid Janitor 1.080.00 1,080.00 1080.00 ------- *- the -------- 1.080 00 through next 1 *-------------- two years.’ Farr- City Grounds and Streets Sunday of the month has been “ 200.00 200 00 200.00 200 00 ell said. Auditor ........................................ discontinued temporarily. The secretary of state explained $ 8,725.00 $ 7.425 00 $ 5.786.00 Mrs. Irvin Miller entertained 20 $ 7 824.00 children at her home Tuesday af is ls not necessary that a new ternoon In honor of her children. 1 »‘cense card be obtained, showing Other Jackie and Jerry, whose birthdays »'»e new expiration date. All en 300.00) 350.00) 323.57) 222.42 Printing and Advertising ............. occur this month. Games were forcement authorities throughout ) ) 269.95 Office and Supplies » the nation have been notified of played and refreshments, consisting 1,500.00 1.500.00 282.57 139 06 of ice cream and cake, were served, jthe legislatures action In extending 500.00) 650.00) 359.17 356 76 Fuel and Lights ..................... Mr. and Mrs. Ike Palmer, Mr. |the time the present licenses are > 267.54 ) 232 98 City Hall .................................... and Mrs. Ralph Palmer and Mr. j valid, 2,600.00 2.541.00 2,550.00 2 522 95 Street Lights ....................... and Mrs. Alva Palmer of Kuna, 1,000 00 1 000.00 515.94 519.75 Emergency ................. .......... Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pctt- CO M PLETE RETURNS 6.000.QO 2, 000.00 7,641.00 2.000.00 Bonded Indebtedness et were Sunday guests at the Merle ON SEALS REVEALED 5*4.00 794.42 780.54 994 96 Interest on Bonds ...... Pettet home. 7.000.00 1.387.42 9.588.58 1.458.52 Street Fund ... ... ..... . Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Sayers and 150.00 Complete returns from the Christ 126.53 17500 146 16 SI AC daughter, Carolyn, of Los Angeles mas seal sale conducted by the 150.00 200 00 150.00 10115 Prison Meals ............ are visiting at the home of Mr. Malheur County Public 120.00 120 00 Health Telephones ................................... 84 25 82 30 and Mrs. Forrest Sayers. The two association during the winter have 600 00 920 00 21254 City Grounds .... ....................... 37852 men are brothers. The visitors will I w t been announced’ 325.00 130 00 126.75 Police Department ....... 92.57 also visit at the Gregory Ross 200.00 Community sales include Nyssa, Cemetery 100.00 00.00 00.00 ................................. home. They visited last week with $349.77; Ontario, $1384.76; Vale. 100.00 100.00 00.00 Library 00 00 relatives at Nampa. $638.30; Oregon Trail, $81.50; Cairo, State Gas Tax Street Fund 2500.00 00 00 2,500.00 00.00 Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank and $83; Lincoln. $92.80; Adrian, New- 3.000.00 00.00 00.00 Nyssa Airport ............................. 00.00 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson spent ell Heights and Kingman Kolony, $26.609.00 $28319.00 $ 9.312.34 Totals .................. ............. . $ 9.518.05 last Thursday in Boise and Mer- $162.75; Jordan Valley, $155.15; Big «35,334 00 «35.744.00 $15.096.34 «17.342 05 Grand Totals ............... = 1 idlan visiting friends. Bend. $71; Valley View. $60.60: I Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pennington Owyhee. $63.25; Ridge view, $50.53, RECEIPTS | and sons have returned to their and Arcadia, $35. 1,700.00 1.000.00 Licenses home In Bremerton. Washington 900 00 500.00 after a visit at the home of Mr. 1 400.00 300 00 Road Fund Pennington's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ... 1,264.00 1000.00 Liquor ¡George Pennington. 2,600.00 2.500.00 Louis Eachus, nephew of W. W. State Gas Tax Fund Mr. ad Mrs. Jack Pettet attended a picnic at the Ontario park Sun Deffenbaugh, was a dinner guest Anticipated Surplus From 10.000.00 15,000 00 General Fund day. Others present were Mr. and in the Deffenbaugh home last 2,220 00 00.00 Ronds Mrs. R. Wiggins and son, Mr. and Wednesday. ............. 13.686.00 15.444.00 Maurice Deffenbaugh writes that Amount to be raised by Tax Levy -Inside 6% Limitation Mrs. W. W. Dale and Oren Dale 2.564.00 ) Amount to be raised by Tax Levy •Outside 6% Limitation I of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. Har- he is to be tranferred to Germany. Ray Deffenbaugh. who has been vey Widner and sons of Huntington. $35,744 00 «35,334.00 and i In the armed forces overseas has Mrs. Katherine Shuman STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS JUNE 30. 1945. daughter of St. Paul. Minnesota 'enough points for a discharge from are visiting at the Glen Vance the service. His wife and year-old * 8.000.00 Outstanding Refunding Water Bonds 6% ....... home. They will also visit relatives son. whom he has never seen, re ” 11,000.00 Sewage System Bonds 4% ” * al Portland. | side in California. 2.500.00 Refunding Improvement Bonds 6% 680.32 I Mrs. Annie Harris entertained | Mr. and Mrs. Glen Osburn of Sidewalk Improvement Bonds 6% 313.77 Sewer Improvement Dlst. No. 1 Bonds, 6%........ the Home Economics club of the Madras are visiting In the E. G. 4.500.00 City Hall Bonds 5% ....................................... Boulevard Grange at her home Osburn home. 18.000.00 Sewer Construction Bonds 4% ........................ Tuesday. She was assisted by Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Osburn have 2,497.73 Funding Bonds 3 314% ..................................... William Ross and Mrs. Van Malts- sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs 17,000.00 Works Improvement Bonds 2 112-2 lj4% berger. i Robert Fisher and son of Emmett. Water Total $64.491.82 ........................................................ Ruth Kenny of Ontario visited The Osburns plan to hold a farm her friend. Donna Winslow. Sat- 'sale in the near future, Wat*1!’ Depaitment urday night. \ Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham of EXPENDITURES Mrs. Wesley Blanton, chairman Iiuhl. Idaho have recently bought City Manager-Recorder 660.00 00.00 800 00 1 . 200.00 W e carry both single and double tanks Iof the Malheur County Public j the H. B. Williams farm. Mrs. 980.00 Water Superintendent 810.00 1.200 00 1 . 200.00 Health association for Lincoln re- [ Graham Is a sister of Mrs. W. E. Soft water is not a luxury; it is a necessity 00 00 Office Clerk ................................ 00 00 00.00 400.00 Williams ported that the total receipts for Plercy. Mr. and Mrs. for H E ALTH and ECONOM Y in every home. Power 2 979.44 3.000 00 3 . 000.00 2 . 018.27 the current year were $92.80. or have moved to Nampa to make Repair & Supplies ........ ..... 4.552 69 ) 1 . 912.20 17 . 032 . 50 ) 19 , 717 . 50 ) This RAIN IE R equipment 'instantly converts $15.55 more than the receipts of their home. Improvements ............... » .... .... ..... 169.48 > > ) Word has been received from a year ago. the hardest water into water as soft as snow. 1 . 000.00 1 . 000.00 2 . 000.00 2.000 00 recently Bonds Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith, Mr. Thurman iPiercy, who 1,070 00 Interest on Bonds 1 070.00 967 50 882.50 and Mrs. Vem Smith and Harry Joined the navy, that he ls In San Emergency ..................................... 00 00 1 . 080.00 00 00 00.00 and Ida Nelson were entertained Diego. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Plercy were at dinner at the Ralph Barnes Totals ..................................... 7.009 95 12 , 322.13 $ 25 . 000.00 $ 28 . 400.00 recent callers at the Poster home Soft water is recommended by physicians as jihome Father's day. RECEIPTS a preventative for any internal disorder, caused Water Rentals 12.000 00 14 000.00 ......... . Negotiable Bonds by lime hardness in the water, which is removed 00 00 7.400 00 L oan-Fire Department 00 00 1 , 000.00 by our Rainier water softener. Estimated Surplus Water Fund 13 . 000.00 6 . 000.00 Aircraft Service | ’ : T WINEBRENNER FLYING SERVICE Lincoln Heights Remember y IV H A Y IN S U R A N C E ALSO CONSULT US ABOUT 1 Cattle Mortality J IN S U R A N C E Frank T. Morgan Rainier Kingman Kolony Water Softeners I A Size For Every Home And Purpose Priced At $99®^ ^ UP FOR HEALTH’S SAKE DRINK PLENTY OF SOFT WATER Investigate the pleasures and savings result ing from the use of soft water for the following purposes: FOR W ASH ING DISHES Soft water requires less soap; dishes are easy to wash; free from greasy scum and emerge sparkling and spotlessly clean. Harsh redness and chap el iminated. your hands stay soft and lovely. FOR TH E BATH Soft water opens the pores and removes body wastes gently and naturally, leaving the skin invigorated, soft and smooth—naturally healthy... and. tt leaves no ring around the tub. FOR W ASH INO HAIR A shampoo and rinse In soft water leaves the hair soft and glistening and the scalp clean and healthy! No more sticky, stringy Italr. FOR D R IN K IN G Soft water ls .free from ob jectionable minerals, which often cause illnesses and that “tired out” feeling that so seldom can be traced. Drink lots of wholesome, healthful soft water. FOR W ASH INO CLOTHES Laundry time and labor re duced 50 to 75% Soap costs reduced equally as much Fab rics are soft and odorless, do not fade and last longer as harsh scrubbing Is no longer necessary. FOR COOKINO Vegetables become tender and keep their delicate flavors when cooked in soft water. Unsightly scales on pots and pans eliminated. Golden Rule Store NOTICE TO FARMERS Total $25 000.00 W e will have a big supply of sacks and twine and also plenty of storage for your wheat, eats and barley. W e will be in the market to buy all kinds o f grain at any time. COAL WILL BE SHORT THIS WINTER ORDER NOW The Nyssa Elevator J. H. Borgman, Manager 00 S e w e r D e p a rtm e n t It is about time to think of your sacks, twine and storage. $ 28.400 EXPENDITURES City Manager-Recorder Sewer Superintendent .................. Office Clerk Repairs & Replacements ............... Miscellaneous Power .......... Lights Inspection Borxfe ________ __ __ __ ______________ Bond Interest ..................... Printing ............... Cleaning .................... .......... ... .... Chlorine ............. Water 91nklng Fund Totals _______________________ _ 660 00 980.00 00 00 00.00 840.00 00 00 63 38 7.10 378.66 20 96 900 1,500 OOX 1 . 450.00 00.00 5.85 23.43 37 80 1 , 053.00 » 5 389.18 800 00 1 , 200.00 00.00 5 . 862 . 20 ) 50104 908 328 19 17.00 12.00 > ) 420 00 ) 400 00 ) > 20 00 1 500.00 1.190 00 1.500 00 1.310 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 37 80 20 00 00.00 150 00 37 80 00 00 00.00 * 1 . 200.00 1,200 00 400.00 5 , 332 . 00 ) 5.355 11 » 11.000 00 ) 20.00 1 , 500.00 1 , 130.00 00.00 00 00 00 00 38 00 00.00 $ 11.220 00 RECEIPT8 Service Charges Negotiable Bonds Estimated Surplus Sewer Fund ..... .. ... ...... ................... Totals MEMBERS R. O. Larson. Chairman A. Chadwick. Secretary George M. Sallee Cliff Main C. W. Buchner OF 6.000 00 00 90 5.000 00 6 000 00 2,220 00 3.000 00 111.000 00 111 220 00 BUDGET COMMITTEE R O. Whitaker EmU A. Stunx Bernard Frost George C Henneman 4den Wilson Harry Miner BumaU Brown Grant Rinehart H ersehe 1 Thompson \ V - j