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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL TH U R S D A Y SEPTEMBER 21, 19 44 Sept. 14. 1944. A. L. Fletcher. Administrator Estate ot Brady O. Fowler, de- ceased. Classified Our Boys Advertising RATES: Two cenu per word lo r esch Issue Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. iY iio t~ L L .L A N E .O U S For Sale FO R S A L E - Four-year-old milking shorthorn bull, Wilson, route registered. C. W. 1, Nyssa, Kingman Kolony. 14S2xp F O R SALE—Flour and feed mill. Owner retiring from business. P. M. Warren. 7S4xp W ANTE D — Registered spotted boar. Cecil Evans. 7S3i:p FO R SALE— House, 3 rooms and bath, garage, full basement. 2 lots. $2150.00 Terms. 3 room house, part ly modern, 3 lots $1200.00. Bernard Eastman. 17Atfc FO R SALE—One new modern ho use, $5000. Two $2100 modern hou ses, four rooms with bath. Pour 10- acre tracts in Apple valley, $2700 and $5500. Several good buys on 40's, $3500 to $12.000, modern hou ses. One 80, modem house, excellent improvements, $11,000. 21STFC A. L. Atkeson For TRADE Professional And Business Directory OPTO M ETRISTS DR J. A. M cFAl.l DENTTSTS DR. E. D. NORCOTT “«w M iF a ll m d 4 » S / lt r r ' Wilson Building to extraction and denture construction. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST J. R. CUN DAI-I, Dentist O N TA R IO L Phvslrlan and Surgeon PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Phone 17 Hours' 16 to 12 and I to 5 OaUy- Except Sunday Fry Building Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON > A. Maulding, M.D. JE W E LR Y STORES WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Il OREOON PH YSIC IAN S Phone 56-J Sarazin Clink1 NYSSA OREGON Union Pacific Time Inspector JEW ELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second S? Mis. inn II Jesse M. Chase NOTICE TO CREDITORS W ANTED—Used furniture. Highest prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa N O TIC E hereby is given to the Furniture Co. 1ATF( creditors and all other persons in terested in the estate of Brady O. WE P A Y H IG HEST PRICES foi Fowler, late of Payette. Idaho, de live fox feed horses Phone 8 Pay ceased; that the undersigned has ette. 27Ntfc been appointed Administrator of the estate of Brady O. Fowler and BUTCHERING Custom butchering every Monday has p ua'lfiei as such. All person having claims against and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Sanitary butchprtng guaranteed. said estate are hereby notified and Phone 05R1. Please bring stock required to present same with the Sunday evening or Thursday even proper vouchers duly verified with ing. All stock must be in by 12. in six months o f the date o f the noon, on butchering day. One mile first publication of this notice which date ts September 14, 1944, to west o f Nyssa on Alberta Ave. the undersigned Administrator at Jake Fischer. his office in Ny-sn, Oregon, which P A IN T IN G AN D P A P E R H AN G place is hereby designated as the IN G — H. J. Holmes, 283 Third st place for the transaction of all bus reet. 14S3xp iness pertaining to said estate. limited Prepared by OFFICE OF WAR INFORMATION SARAZ1N CLIN IC J. ,1. Sarazin, M. D. David Malonel U.S.M.C., writes that hp is on on his wnv overseas his way overseas again. He was heard from the coast of Canada. ^ n o T iJ r “ « c Z , for s'uch’ f T ° f Manpower Comm- DUt now tnere s no excu3e Ior such isslon, reported last week. Men a deficiency, because the War Pood wounded in battle must have ade- Administration estimates that this quate care ::o matter how quickly years onion crop will be 45 percent the war ends, he pointed out in de- above the 10-year average, 1933-42. plorlng the fact that nurse recruit- Harold H Rookstqol, S.F. 2-c, Is For satisfactory home storage select. incut ment imu had siowcti slowed up along witn with a a up along home on leave. He is reniirinir on h is 1 BOOd fUlly dned 0nlOnS’ keep ln 3 mowing belief that the European and painting the buildings s on his well-ventilated, dry place in temp- war ^ about over. The WMC ch- ranch near Adrian. eratures as near to freezing as poss airman urged Inactive nurses, es ible without freezing. Onions store Robert R. Brown, S 1-c, Is home satisfactorily at temperatures from pecially ln outlying communities, to return to nursing duty. on a 21-day leave. 'His ship is 32 to 55 degrees. Pantry or attic j P R O TE C T A G A IN S T GRASSHOP- in dry dock for repairs. usuaily is superior to cellar. Never PERS pack onions closely in a closed con Farmers can protect Fill-planted Sgt. Cecil Benson has been sent tainer. Spreading on a screen placed bark to India. While big game hunt overhead in a garage or back porch grain crops against serious grass ing he bagged two deer and took is good if temperatures remain ab hopper damage by baiting edges ot stubble fields, pastures, fense rows several shots at a tiger. ove freezing. Good quality onions and other grasshoppers feeding and will keep several weeks under ordin T-Sgt. Gordon Aspengren, former ary room temperatures at this time breeding grounds, the Department of Agriculture says. Fall baiting will Nyssa school teacher, has written of the year. to Rev. M. H. Greenlee, stating T O HOLD DOW N FO O TB ALL T R reduce the numbers of grasshoppers and damage to crops next Spring that he is engaged in the anti AVEL Western and Midwestern farmers aircraft defense of England. To restrict football travel, football can get enough grasshopper bait “ I just want to say hello and team managers have been requested cheerio to you and your family ad by the Office of Defense Transport for their farms from their county my other friends at Nyssa and to ation to confine sale and distribut agricultural agents. Bait Is supplied wish ou well and hope that you are ion of tickets to residents of local free by USDA. all keeping busy and well,” Sgt. areas of cities or town In which ga HOG C E IL IN G T O S T A Y UP Celling prices on live hogs will Aspengren said. mes are to be played. The O D T also "Conditions over here are very has. asked faotbqll teams in travel not be reduced from present levels tood. I'm keeping busy, eating like ing by train to ¡tee coach accomm before June 30. 1945. O PA and WFA a horse and feeling fit. Can’t tell odations wherever possible and to have announced. Present ceilings you much about what we are doing make Pullman reservations no earl- are $14.75 a hundred pounds, Chic for hogs weighing 240 except that we are engaged in the ier than the day before departure. ago basis, or less and >14 a hundreci, anti-aircraft defense of England G O ON TO SCHOOL, G I S AD - Chicago basis, for hogs weighing rnd doing a good job of it. Can VISE more than 240 pounds. W FA also also tell you that I have seen the The G Is overseas who are using sa[d support price of $12.50 a flying bom'os and that occasionally their spare enara Hmo tn “ /»roclr Hi oi r . . __ . . . . time to “crack their . hundred, Chicago basis, for “ good there is quite a bit of excitement school tooks" ln the hope of Impr to choice” butcher hogs weighing hereabouts. oving their possibilities when they "O f more interest to you Is a i return to civilian life, advise the 200 to 240 pounds, effective October 1, will be continued until June 30, visit I made recently, which I am I boys and girls back home to keep 1945. allowed to talk about. That was to j on with their schooling/ As Cpl. D ANISH AD VERTISER IS O P T I the city o f London. Surely was Kerm it Greason of Atwood, Kansas, M IS T IC thrilled to see so many o f the put it—"Any boy who’s In high The Danish Information Service places I had read about. St. Paul’s 1 school now had better finish right cathedral was very impressive. The , away Bpcause lf he doesn-t finish reports the following advertisement mosaic work In the celling of the | fceforp drafted, or he that appeared recently ln a Copen hagen newspaper—"Apartment of huge dome is extraordinaryliy beau- ; takes tlful. As a place of worship, though “ 1 „ f J ! three rooms and bath wanted at the I get the same Impression I got in j1 * 1 ’ T h 1 8 f 8 end of the war, not later than Oct- too. ober 1st’ the cathedral of St. John the Di FISH ERM EN WOULD SCOTCH ROUND -U P vine in Nek York. The place Is DO T H IS The Department of Agriculture just too huge. Naturally, I was Trust a Scotchman to make three says—Butter supplies for civilians interested in seeing and hearing . . . , .. . ___ fish grow where one grew before Big Bend, and n seeing the tower and he)p ,n thp war[lmp food for the last half of this year are estimated to be 4 percent smaller o -o on, uc lg am P3 a <*• * program. By putting sodium nitrate than in the same period last year I fatear sm'anv Hyde park and. of and phosphates ___ ln fresh water lakes and the smallest for this period ln | course, . Westminister Abbey, where ,n tQ ltKTea3e suppUes of more than 50 years. Civilians supp l spent some time among the grave marine vegetation on which fish lies of fiesh fruit, frozen fruit and stones of the literary, musical, feed. It has been possible to Incr canned fruit Juice are substantially scientific and politically great en ease production i f some fish by 300 larger this season than last, but of the past.” __________________ percent, the Department of Comm- supplies of canned and dried fruits _. . _ . ____ . . erce reports. Use of fertilizer has are smaller A few weeks more of Lieut. Frank Morgan, Jr., has . . . . . , been carried out on an experimental favorable weather will give this '>een transferred from Portland to basis. country the largest volume of crops the army air base at Moses Lake HOME ACCIDENTS OUT M AN- It has ever produced. Washington, where he will be ln POW ER charge o f a radio control tower. The Federal Security Administr ation is seeking public cooperation Word has been received by Mrs. E.W. PRUYN in a campaign to reduce accidents Max Swensen, that her brother that reduce needed manpower for Second Lieut. Elsworth E. Wheel- war work. Home accidents last »r, who pilots a plane, has re Auto Repairing year killed 6.000 workers and Injur ceived the highest rating in the ed 900,000 seriously enough to cause aerial gunnery, his score being 48 5. Reboring, Valve Grind loss o f one or more days of w o rk - He Is stationed at William Field, ing, Lathe work. Parte much of It vital to the war effort. Arizona. Home accidents ln 1943 killed 32,500 and accessories Americans, Including the 6,000 wor kers. Falls accounted for two-thirds o f the fatal home accidents. One- Phone 56w fourth occurred on stairways. Burns bBtnncí ááSf t í i M Estate and poisonings were next to falls i Bernard Eastman Phone 84 OREGON NYHNA Serving 5 General practice o f medicine X -ray Physiotherapy SHOE SHOPS Abbott’* Shoa Shop All kinds o f shoe and harness repairing. Acroas from port office. Parts Orders Shipped Immediately Me Cluer-Manser Phone 48 The Harvest Payette, Idaho F. A. .,i.,ier, Mrs. E. H. acted business ln Weiser, Saturday. Erumbicn, Mrs. R. L. Haworth and | A 'ar* e number from here at- Mrs. Joe Brumbach attended the j tended the Oirl Scout plays ln Ad- Book club meeting at the home r*an Friday evening. Several o f the of Mrs. Frank Morgan near Nys- Bend girls had parts. Members of Wade P.T.A. held 'sa, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. M. l . Judd reviewed “ Long, Long their first meeting at the school Ago" by Woolcot. I house Friday afternoon with all Mrs. Dyre Roberts went to Boise officers and several members pres- Tliursday to enter the hospital tor ent. Mrs. Thomas o f Osage, K an - an operation. m s . was a guest. Mrs. Very Blsh- Mrs. L. Eachus «tu rn e d home op Is president; Mrs. Darrell Eng- Monday from a two weeks visit llsh. vice president, and Mrs.. F A . The with her son, Claude, and family > Miller, secretary-treasurer. October meeting will be held at at Ridgeview Irma and Velma Skelton of Ros the home o f Mrs. English with Mrs. well were overnight guests of their Harvey Bennett assistant hostess. aunt, Mrs. Joe Brock, last Sunday Have Weiner Roast— night. Mrs. Frank Graham and sons, Little Barbara Brown Is con fined to her home with an attack Eugene and John Fredrick, en joyed a weiner roast Sunday after of mumps. Forty-one pupils are enrolled noon at the outdoor fireplace and at Wade school, the largest num patio at the D. O. Bybee residence ber for several years. Mr. and Miss Betty Fife was also a guest. Is there something about your car that Gets Your “Nanny”? Automobiles are just like people-they have to see the doctor once in awhile. Bring your car to us. Our experience may enable us to pre scribe a remedy for your car’s trouble. Towne’s Garage Administrator’s Sale 1 mile North and 3 miles West of Nyssa on Colum bia Avenue. Monday, Sept. 25 SALE STA R TS A T 1:00 P.M. Lunch Served On The Grounds. 2 Horses 2 1 Team of Bay geldings, 6 and 7 yrs. old, W t. 3000 lbs.; good workers. 20 Cattle 20 • 1 Jersey cow, Half-a-Pint, 7 yr3. old, giving 4 gal. 1 Jersey cow, Betsy, 4 yrs. old, Heavy Springer. 1 Jer. & Hereford Cow, White face, 5 yrs old, Hea vy Springer. 1 Jersey cow, Mossy, 3 yrs. old, Heavy Springer 1 Jersey cow, Blondie, 5 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. 1 Jersey cow, Clara Belle, 5 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. 1 Jersey cow, Holstein, 4 yrs. old, giving 2V> gal. 1 Jersey cow, Blackie, 3 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. 1 Jersey cow, Heifer, 3 yrs. old, Heavy Springer. 1 Jersey cow, Curly, 4 yrs. old, giving 3 gal. 1 Jersey cow, Susie, 3 yrs old, Heavy Springer. 1 Jersey cow, Sugar, 4 yrs. old, giving 2 gal. 5 Jersey heifers, long yearlings, Bred. 1 Jersey Bull, 8 mos., Sired by the Beaumont herd. 1 Jersey Bull, 5 yrs. old, sired by the Christensen herd at North Powder. This herd is T.B. and abortion tested. I f you need good daily cows, see this herd before sale date. Machinery 1 John Deere 2 horse disc. 1 Valley mound corrugator. 1 Deering mower. 1 McCormick Deering hay rake. 1 Wagon and rack. 1 2 way plow. 1 Land float. Cable & pulleys for derrick. 3 Hay slips 8’ x 16’. 2 A type hog houses. 10 Hog panels. 1 Brooder house 8’ x 10’. 1 Small brooder, used electric bulbs. 1 Melotte cream separator. 6 10 gal. milk cans, strainer and pails. 1 Set work harness and collars. 1 Roll hog wire. International Electric fencer. Forks, shovels and other small articles. Miscellaneous Countie? From the Largest Stock of Genuine Mrs. Charles W itty are the teacheis. E. H B;umi,-ch and Joe trans- B ig B e n d (Continued From Page 1) V IC T O R Y FLEET DAY. SEPT. 27 n order of severity. The yard and Italy. Americans will do honor on Vict Standards for the badge are high. ory Fleet Day. next Wednesday, he kitchen each was the scene of The decoration, which was recen t ly jSeptember 27,"to th . ship o^ rato m on e-fifth of the home accidents authorized by the war department.; who have helped w the Un,ted deaths. is awarded to the Infantry soldier s ta tÄ one o f the highest and most TO U G H ON B LAC K M A R K E T " LÜ,“ .P fighting ability' restlng slandards o{ Uvlng ln "G A S " ln combat. the world. The food that brightens The new "A " basic gasoline ration „ I the Americans' dining tables Must-1 hniiir« to h» Pic Roscoe Bramon. son of Mrs rates the worla. wide activities of * * ‘“ Ued * ° o n outslde the FIN E CARS Emil Frank, writes that he is fight- American ship operators. Merchant 17 East Coast States are go ng to ¡lng in the European war threater. 1941 Ford super del. tudor ships bring in coftee from C entral, * * hard on the black market la two | 1941 Ford del. 4-D Mercury motor. and South America and A ra b ia --! ways, the O PA sajs. They are pr- Pvt Garland Ward, son of Mr cocoa from South America and inted on a new type ot government 1941 Mercury 4-D Town Bed. and Mrs George B. Ward, was giv- on a nartv Firdav evening bv the West Airlca" sPlces irom Ceylon, safety paper almost impassible for 1941 Nash "600" 4-D Sed. young folk! He He left 1* ' Netherlands “ Indles- da" counterfeiters to duplicate, and each 1910 Ford del. 4-D sed. joung touts of Lincoln Lincoln. left T o r ' ™ for va Burma and A m erlca- book and all coupons U contains Misslssippi, where he will further 1939 Plymouth del. 4-D sed. Bananas from the "Banana Repub will carry a serial number. With nis army training. lics ” Cuba and Mexico—ginger fr the combination o f the serial num 1936 Ford del. coupe. om the Ivory Coast, India and Jam- 1935 Chev. master 4-D sed.» Leslie Pennington, who his been ica—Pineapples from Hawaii, Mex ber and the motorist's endorsement of his own state and automobile lic Several other early and late mod employed at LaGrande the past ico and Cuba. summer was called by the naval of- G ASO LINE S IT U A T IO N IS T IG H T ense number it will be much easier els. for O PA to trace stolen coupons. ticials to report for training last 1 - 7 x 12 House trailer. The average civilian motorist sh The serial number enables a coupon week. ould expect no increase in his gas- to be traced from the plant that pr 1 - 2 wheel steel trailer. . . . . oline ration for the next several inted it to the person to whom it Clyde Hainline, son of Mr and monthS, at least not before the end Sell your car here for Mrs Orien Hainline, will attend pet- of the war with Germany, the was issued. The endorsement makes TH E BEST DEAL ty officers school ln San Francisco o ffic e of Price Admlnistration saya It possible to trace an illegal coupon to the person who put it In circul r h n n m ill R n /\ a 1 Behind the postoffice then will be assigned I to a ship. Civilian stocks of gasoline built up ation. Authorities recently arrested 1 block west of the Bank ! _ . ~ . . . I last winter have been greatly re- four alleged counterfeiters in New Sgt. C.aude Rookstool had a very duced desplte increased imports and A R T BURSON manager York and seized equipment ready (pleasant experience when he m e tjrecord domestlc productlon. civilian to print five million counterfeit gas O N T A R IO PHONE 137 ( his cousin, Cpl. Floyd Kimberling grade gasoline stocks have decreas- oline coupons. . of Long Beach. California, who Is ed approximately two million barr- A R M Y NEEDS NURSES IM M ED • stationed ln England. This w as! eU ln 30 days IA T E L Y their first meeting since they had i O N IO N S GALORE, T H IS YEA R L e g a l A d v e r t is e m e n t The Army needs 4,000 nurses Im .gone Into service. | your hamburger sandwich i = ----- — ----- y our namDurger sanawirn may mediately, Paul V. McNutt, Chalr- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING N O TIC E IS HEREBY GIVEN, T h T O TR AD E —Boy’s bicycle /or a at Ewell Chard, Administrator ol girl’s bicycle. Verna Beutler. Phone the estate o i Charles Robert Mett- 102. 14S2xp len. deceased, has tiled in the Co unty Court of Malheur County, O r WANTED egon, his lirst and final account of ills administration, and that Sat W A N TE D —Someone for part-time urday September 23rd 1944, at the housework. Phone 82. 14S2XC hour of 11 o'clock A. M. and the W A N TE D —Good used bicycle, rea County Court Room in Vale, Ore sonable. W rite box 287, Adrian. gon, have been fixed by the Court 21S2xp as the time and place lor the hear ing of said account and any object W A N TE D —Rummage and white j ions thereto, when and where any elephants for American Legion aux person interested in said estate may iliary sale, to be held Saturday, Nov. appear and file written obections 4. H alf of all proceeds will go to thereto and be heard thereon. Said Nyssa hospital. Anyone having don account is for final settlement and ations contact Mrs Bert Adams be- { upon approval thereof, said estate tween September 16 and Septem will be clased and the administrator ber 23. 14S2xc discharged. August 24 1 944. W A N TE D —Baled hay. See H. van Ewen Chard Administrator Egmond. Boise Payette Lumber yard Estate of Charles Robert Mettlen or phone 255-M, Ontario, evenings. Deceased. 17ATFC Practice TOWN and PARH < in WARTIME & PAGE THREE Rush Has increased your public liability. Let us automatically protect your activities everywhere Frank T. Morgan 3 doz. New Hampshire pullets. 4 Doz. white Leghorn hens. 10 Tons o f 1st. cutting A lfa lfa Hay. 6 Acres o f standing com, to be sold in field. TERMS------CASH Mrs. Myrtle Bartholoma, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. L. H. Fritte, clerk