Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1944)
,, ü Ä ' V’A ^ ^ T '- ^ r - 1 § § *& r/ieNYSSA v TTT â J r T ë xxxix, Slide Occurs On North Canal O f Dead Ox Division NÔ. 35 PHONE FIRM W IL L IMPROVE SERVICE JOURNAL NVSS'A, O'RËdôN" TH U R SD AY SEPTEMBER 14, 1944' $2.00 PER Y EAR i EX-NYSSA CHILD Nyssa Business Me Bains Sell Root Tells O f Mexicans W ill FA T A LLY BURNED South Pacific Women To Stage Nyssa Observe Birth Pharmacy i " 7T V t T v . „ w ______ • , Beverly Ann Callahan, five-year- Mr and Mrs D. L. M Bain have daughter of Mr and Mrs Wood- O f Independence S-Sgt. Alvin Root of Nyssa, who W ar Chest Drive Improved and extended telephone service in the Nyssa-Adrian section is in prospect, according to Claude is visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs M. Robertson of Ontario, manager ’ u m Root after 32 months active to A n 11 # Callahan, former Nyssa resid- fius, was fatally burned when her cíeso eaugnt fire at Dragarton, Nyssa Mexicans To Have o f the Malheur home Telephone ! service with the army air forces in of Pocatello. The transaction was i,t..h. Athletic Contests .ompany, who spoke at the weekly the South Pacific, said he was 400 completed Wednesday. T,.e girl’s clothing became ignited And Dinner chamber of commerce luncheon miles from Pearl Harbor when the Mr. Aguer owns the Ontario P h when playmates lighted some mat- <hes. She ran to the house, but be A slide occurred on the north Wednesday noon, The Nyssa Business Women's club Viva Mexico! will be sounded by Japanese made their sneak attack armacy and will continue to oper fore her mother could extinguish canal on the Dead Ox division of i Mr. Robertson said the company on Hawaii in December, 1941. voted at a meeting held in the ho- j ate the store there. Mr. Sumner, Mexican farm workers in 27 Oregon tire flames she was burned intem - the Owyhee project Tuesday, but | plans a post-war program for con- Sergeant Root told members of me economics room of the high | WhQ has been working in Po. atel.o a .y. 1 ..e girl lived for three hours. counties on Saturday, September 16, uinely action of reclamation bureau auction o f new lines. He said the the Lions club at their noon lunch school bui.ding Tuesday night to I ¿¡n:e graduating from the Univer- Mr a id Mrs Joseph Callahan when these harvest helpers cele employes averted a bieait. Water concern has made application to eon Monday that Bougainville, a con^uct the war chest campaign in | sity of Idah0i Branch. Ml ’’ Jcs.» Callahan and Mrs George brate Mexican Independence day, was shut o ff at the head of the ca .he war production board for anot- which corresponds with the Am eri nice island, is the only sand island N A T th e meeting a potluck dinner j wiU be attlvely ln charge oi tne Callahan of Nyssa attended the nal at 5 p.m. funeral which was held ln Dragar can Fourth of July. . aer section to the switchboard in in the Solomons. The remainder of was served in honor of the Nyssa Nyssa Pharmacy. Water has been seeping from the A ll county farm labor offices have ton. M r and Mrs McBaln have sold canal at this point for a consider Nyssa. Installation o f the switch the islands are coral formation. school teachers. Thirty-five persons been asked by J. R. Beck, state fa board would involve employment of The soldier said the service men able length of time and efforts of attended the gathering. rm labor supervisor, to cooperate their residence to Mr and Mrs Joe on Guadalcanal underwent 247 air the reclamation bureau to stop the another operator during rush per A committee of six women was Maughn and will move next week with the Mexican workers In obser raids in six months. Describing so iods. The company will also arrange seeping were o f no avail. The situ appointed to attend a county war for the coast. They will take a ving the day as a holiday. Special me of the air raids, Root said he for another line between Nyssa and ation became serious eaily in the chest meeting to be held in Ontario month's vacation before establish programs, fiestas and other types Nampa. was "scared” twice. summer and trouble was anticipat this evening. Members of the com ing a residence. Mrs McBain's son ,1 of entertainment have been arrang Sergeant Root said the natives in Mr. Robertson stated that from ed. The canal did not break and mittee are Ml-s Effie Ellen Counsil, Robert, will return to the Eastern ed ln most sounties where Mexican 112 telephones in Nyssa, the comp- | the South Pacific islands are fine no flood occurred. The outside of chairman: Mrs Royce Cole, Mrs Oregon College of Education at La- | Boise, Sept 14 (Special) farm labor camps are operating. He said the F ijii men, wtio are en ny handled more than 3000 long Harry Amos Goshert, 51, an cm the bank slipped into the canyon, Irene Smith, Mrs Monte Jensen, Grande and her daughter, Gayle All of the approximately 4900 ormous in size, only want a knife listance calls last month. ploye of a Boise hardware firm Mexican farm workers now in O re leaving the canal in such a shape Miss Kathryn Crandall and Miss McCoy, will remain in the employ 1 i ... . . for combatting the Japanese. Root ... ’ . .. .. , . , , t , _ 1 took his own life Monday afternoor, gon will be given a souvenior copy that it was very dangerous. Eloise Herold. of the First National bank of Port- ;. .... . ,, . .. said the native is so cunning and by shooting himself in the heac of a specially prepared statement / i drag-line was moved to the pl The amount of the Nyssa quota iand, Nyssa branch. accumstomed to the jungles, he can with a small calibre target pistol by Governor Earl Snell extolling ace Wednesaay morning. By doub for the drive, which will be con The Nyssa Pharmacy is one of crawl into a foxhole with an unsus Coroner William McBraftney salt Father Hidalgo who, 134 years ago, ling shifts of crews, water is expect ducted from October 9 to November ihe oldest firms in Nyssa. pecting Japanese and come back He died en route to a hospital. Hi set o ff Mexico’s long struggle for ed to be turned into the canal agah 1, will be announced at the meeting with the Jap’s head. had been in ill health for man: independence. "Father Hidalgo’s st the first o f next week. Pour hund Root paid tribute to the seabees onight. months. red feet of the canal will be shiftec Bernard Anderson of Ontario, OREGON’S GREEN irring proclamation is to the people A threshing machine was wreck- for the speed with which they con Mr. Goshert was born at Nyssa of Mexico what the Declaration o f a few feet deeper into the hill. ;d, but no one was injured when struct air strips in invaded territory. county chairman of the war chest, GUARDS ACTIVE Oregon and was associated with hi; Independence is to the people ol the The break concerns only thi lassenger train No. 25 crashed into discussed the coming campaign at water users under the north canal There have been 179 small fires father in the hardware busines: United States, a challenge to dicta the Tuesday night meeting. he machine at the Apple Valley WIRE ENCLOSURE on the Dead Ox division. Any othe; Mrs Carl Coad. as a member of extinguished and 28 larger blazes there for a number of years before tors, a warning to oppressors, and rossing Monday afternoon. water users on the Mitchell butte *he Nyssa Civic club’s hospital com reported to fire officers by vigilant coming to Boise. He was also em » promise of a brighter day,” G ov The locomotive was so badly da BUILT FOR PAPER division, the Owyhee ditch or the maged it was taken back to Nampa mittee, presented the hospital plans members of Oregon’s Green Guard ployed for a time at Emmett, where ernor Snell’s statement concludes. Ontario-Nyssa canal are not affect Tor repairs and the Nyssa freight The Boy Scouts of Nyssa have and secured volunteers to help with during the present summer season. he was a member of the Masonic This is the second year that M ex ed except possibly by a slight ad mglne was used to pull the train to built a wire enclosure for the coll the work. This youth activity was initiated lodge. icans have helped harvest Oregon’s Surviving are his wife, Cassle A justment in their water over a per the division point at Huntington. ection o f waste paper west of the The next meeting of the business three years ago by the Keep Oregon crops. The largest number o f these iod of a few hours. C. P. Schultz is said to have been Texico service station on Main st W’omen will be held October 10 at Green Association for the purpose Goshert o f Boise: a son, Ray S workers were rfi the state early ln 8 p.m. in the high school building. of adding the alertness of the boys Goshert, a warrant officer inthc September. Beck reports, but the pulling the threshing machine acr reet. and girls, the Keep Oregon Green army air crops at Spokane: a daug firsts repatriation for those who ar Everyone is invited to place scrap oss the railroad track with his tr CHILD’S CLINIC Association has awarded each an hter. Mary E. Goshert of Boise; h i' rived here ln March is under way actor, when the axle of the thresher paper in the enclosure. The paper TO BE CONDUCTED honor badge denoting appreciation parents, Mr and Mrs S. D. Goshert low that peak farm labor demands broke, allowing the machine to dr will be sold by the Scouts and will for an invaluable service to the wel of Nyssa: two sisters. Mrs Dorothea are past. op onto the rails. The men attem be baled for shipment to the proper A crippled children’s clinic will be fare o f future Oregon. To further Sayles of Nyssa and Mrs Grace Mexicans living at the Nyssa pted to flag down the train a con- markets. Proceeds from the sale will held in the women's club building compensate these youthful Guards, KUnkenberg of Portland, and one camp have planned a full day’s 1 iderable distance away, but they be placed In Boy Scout funds. in Ontario Wednesday, September grandchild. Keep Oregon Green announces th were too late. The locomotive, hit celebration. Athletic contests to be 27 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. , . . . . , . _ _ . In the interest of solving the Jap eir annual activity and essay con Funeral esrvices were held Wed conducted In the morning will be . . . . . __ the thresher, owned by A. G. Schu- An orthopedic physician from ,, . ' . . . . \ . anese problem, the masters of the test. The essay topic is to be "A nesday afternoon in the Methodist n j tv . , Itz, and almost jerked the tractor followed by a special dinner to be Portland, Dr. Lawrence Noall, will state Granges of Washington, Id Tale from the Oregon Woods” . church ln Nyssa. Interment was ln served at noon. A watermelon feed . . . , . . . . against the train, be the examining physician. I _________________ aho, Montana, California and Ore A total of nearly $500 is to be the Nyssa cemetery. will e served in the afternoon and gon have issued a Joint statement awarded for the best essays and Inquires about the clinic should I . . a rrT /^X T A t ” t o a motion picture show will be given be directed to the public health U b . J N A 1 I U I N A 1 , l b relative to the presence of the or activity records. Special credit is ONTARIANS SEE at the camp in the evening. An Eighth Air Force Fighter S t ientals in the United States. nurse’s office, box 273 Vale, phone IN 13TH POSITION given for service on a fire, reporting ation, England—Captain John W. “SEA SERtPENT” 3051, Vaie. . - The statement follows: a fire and other services outlined " I t is our firm conviction that in the Green Guard manual. The OIL STOVES A R E . According to Joe P. Dyer, mana Pugh, Brogan, Malheur county, Again the elusive serpent has be Bids Asked— ger of the Ontario branch, recent Oregon climaxed 300 combat fly in g ! the failure of the United States to closing date for this contest has en seen at Payette Lakes— this time RESTRICTED MORE The post office department has figures released by the American hours by knocking out a Focke j deal with the Japanese problem been set for October 10, 1944. by Ontarians. Mr and Mrs A. R asked for bids on the removal of Banker place the United States W ulf 190 on the A A F ’s second sh- j realistically has constituted a th- The local war price and rationing Heater, who recently returned from ashes monthly and for the laund National bank in 35th position in uttle bombing trip to Russia and reat to our national security and board has been advised by the nat a sojourn at the popular Idaho re Italy from England when not o n e : welfare. It has been demonstrated ering of the Nyssa post office tow size among the nation's top ranking ional office that due to the scarcity sort. bomber or fighter was lost on the in the present war to be a threat els. Sealed bids must be in the banks. af kerosene and fuel oil, extra re- As the Ontario photographer tell Nyssa post office by midnight Sept The United States National ba long trek. Mustangs of the eighth to the peace and security of the (trictions have been placed in effect it, there is something out of the ember 23. Information and necess- nk's deposits as of June 30. 1944, fighter command escorted. United States and we feel that it hroughout the nation on rationing ordinary in that lake. On Monda) The P-31 Mustang fighter pilot is time for the United States to ary bid forms may be obtained from total $428,139,115 as against $162,- of oil heating stoves. descrlbeds the action o f the dram deal with this problem in a pract -Lloyd W. Lewis, acting postmaster. 1552, 442 for December 31, 1940. Coach Howard Lovejoy has nam Mr. and Mrs Heater along with a Effective September 9. rationing atic trip and his victory: ical. humane manner to insure that 'd the probable starting lineup of number of friends -saw the creature certificates for oil heating stoves other shore station for further in "W e flew 32 hours, five missions, it will not develop into a crisis wh the Bulldogs for their football game moving down the center of the lake can be Issued only to persons who struction and work. encountering German planes every ich the future generations of Amer with the Vale Vikings on the Nyssa Its head and several undulating rind it impossible to use any other loops were visible. leg of a shuttle trip to Russia and icans will be unable to meet. ield Friday afternoon. type o f stove or to persons replac Pvt. Dick Tensen, who has been Italy from home base in England. It had traveled (or perhaps a half "The basis of the whole economic The probable starters are G ing another oil stove, which is no visiting his parents, left Monday Our Mustangs covered the bombers problem has been the exploitation 3ellon and Moore, ends: Kendall mile, when an approaching speed longer usable. night for Selftidge field, Michigan. every inch o f the way and shot aw of Asiatic territories without any ind Billings, tackles; Church and boat appeared to run directly into ay seven Hun interceptors for no corresponding privilege to oriental T. Bellon, guards; Toombs, center, the "serpent” . Then the motor st Babies Arrived— Jack Church of Nyssa has been losses, either bomber or fighter. peoples who are entitled by right of and Morgan, Coleman, Sakamoto alled and the creature disappeared. Babies were born in the Nyssa transferred to Chanute field, Illin First we flew straight through to race to their own resources. When the occupants o f the boat and Wilson, backfield players. Ot- Nursing home this week as follows: ois, where he will take radio train Russia, a 1500-mile Jump. We es "W e are also o f the firm convict ners who should see considerable returned to shore. Heater question A son to M r and Mrs Park Laird ing in the army. His brother, Tom corted one mission over the Russ ion that the Japanese are incapable action are Dimmick, Bybee, Herren, ed them as to what they had struck of Nyssa, a daughter too Mr and Church, has been transferred to ian lines. Next we went to Italy. o f becoming assimilated in the Am King, Nogasaka and Grover, Steln- They replied that they ran into a Mrs Pat Gibbons o f Vale, a daug Albuquerque, New- Mexico, where he One escort was flown from there erican community because of inbrea ae, who has been out of practice long wave which splashed water on hter to M r and Mrs Chester Wood is taking pre-flight training. protecting hospital evacuation pl racial and religious characteristics because of injuries, may play part the ignition system, stalling the of Parma and a daughter to M r anes. From Italy after two days "W e therefore recommend to the of the game, which will be called motor. —Ontario Argus. and Mrs Ivan Zesiger o f Nyssa. Kennneth Williams, chief mach rest, we returned the bombers to congress of the United States and at 2:30. Morgan and Toombs will inist’s mate on the U.SJ3. Farragut, England. to administrative officials concern be co-oaptains. left last Thursday morning for the " I destroyed an F*W 190 on the ed as follows: Coach Lovejoy expects a tough Jack Wesley McKee, son of Mr naval training station at Farragut, first leg. I saw two of them nearing "T h a t all persons of Japanese ball game. The Vikings tied last and Mrs George M cKee of Emmett, Idaho to visit his brother, R alp h ,1 tkie bombers. One broke away. The ancestry be permanently excluded year for the Snake river valley ch Idaho has recently completed train who is training there. The LDS olher spUrted to the head o f the from citizenship and permanent ampionship and are back on the ing at the naval air technical tr Sunday school gave a party in honor bombers. I went after him, fired a residence or control o f property in field this year with most o f their Recently the Oregon state AAA aining center, Norman, Okla., acc of Mr. Williams last Wednesday medium burst into him and saw .the continental United States; pro key men. They have the advantage ording to word received from the night. Thirty-four guests attended, strikes in the cockpit area. He i vided that we ask no restriction as of an 18 to 0 win scored over Ad oommittee announced the removal of acreage limitation for hayseed navy department. snapped on his back and fell 3000 to Japanese that we do not expect rian last Friday. Irving, flashy Vale Upon graduation from the school F 1-c Donald Hite, who has been feet from the 18,000 foot level at from the Japanese with respect to quarterback, scored all of the three harvest and the addition of pound rates of payment for harvesting al- T. CAROL BYBEE at Norman he received the rate of taking an electrical course at the which I encountered him. The can American citizens in that country. touchdowns. sike, alfalfa and red clover. seaman, first class. He will now be University of Kansas, Laurence, opy flew open and the pilot bailed "And that all persons of Japan A M O R N IN G P R A YE R The state A A A committee has transferred to a naval unit afloat Kansas, spent five days visiting out. Isaw his chute. His plane ese ancestry now resident in the Leave For College— By Rev. Lloyd N. Pounds now determined that since the ann or to another shore station for fur relatives in the Owyhee district. He crashed on down. This was my United States be deported after the Don Eldridge left Wednesday Jesus, put thy hand on me ouncement o f the expanded pract was en route to a navy base at Sh seventh air victory". ther instruction and work. war. morning for Corvallis to resume his and lead me thru the day. His wife is Mrs Ellen L. McKee oemaker, California. "T h at the United States shall not studies at Oregon State college. He ices was not made until after the cl Breathe the Holy Ohost on me osing date. June 1, 1944, for filing o f Nyssa, Oregon. retain any rights of exploitation of will be manager of the Sigma Nu Band Concert Scheduled— and teach me how to pray. Pvt. Ira C. Sage has been promo Director Irshal Davis has ann Asiatic territories unless they are house. Margaret Sarazin will leave farm plans had passed, it would Keep me kneeling at the cross, Lieut L. E. Earnest has arrived ted to the rank of T-5 in the am ounced that a band concert will be willing to permit similar exploitat Saturday for Corvallis to enter OSC j not * * Pr° P «r to deny payments for oh, keep me in thy way. at the grand island army air field, phibious tractor battalion at an held Friday night at 8 o'clock ln ion of their own territories. as a freshman. Ramona Henderson.! hayseed harvest to those who did Jesus, put thy hand on me, Grand Island, Nebraska, to assume advance base in the South Pacific, the pavilion at the city hall. The “T h at steps be taken to present who has attended Eastern Oregon not file a timely 1944 farm plan. lest I should go astray. Therefore, the eligibility require according to information received band consistes of 64 pieces. his duties as flying officer. to the American people a constitut College o f Education at LaGrande, He is the son o f Mr and Mrs by his wife. Mrs Margaret Sage of ional amendment prohibiting Am will attend Oregon State college th ments are amended to permit ot Jesus, let me be a friend herwise elegible participants to app Homer L. Earnest, who live at N y Nyssa. erican born children o f Japanese to is year. P.T.A. Leader Coming— to those deep down in shame. ly for payment on harvest of hay Mrs Harry H. George of Portland, become citizens, own property or • ssa. Let me be Indued with power Harry F Leuck, son of Mrs M in state president of the Oregon Con- enjoy permanent residence within Re-opens O ffice— seed only even though they did not to speak o f thy dear Name. Bluejacket Donald E. Hite, 18, nie Leuck o f Nyxsa. received two gress of Parents and Teachers, and the continerftal United States. It 1« Dr. E. D. Norcott, local dentist file a farm plan prior to June 1, Then when I have testified Nyssa. was recognized as eligible to promotions ln the navy in August, Mrs George K. Moorehead of Salem, our belief that we should ask nc who spent the summer working for 1944. o f thy all saving Grace— qualify for the petty officer rate o f He was promoted to chief warrant state social hygiene chairman, will restriction as to cttizenshlp of Jap the forest service, has re-opened The payments are $3 50 per acre Jesus, let me be a friend electrician’s mate, third class, dur- officer the first of August and was be the principal speakers at a sp anese in the United States that we his office In the Wilson building. of hayseed harvested, with an add that nothing can erase. ing recent graduation ceremonies promoted on the 15th to the rank ecial meeting of the Malheur county would not expect to be applied to He is limiting his practice to ex itional three and one-half per po held at the naval training school o f lieutenant. Junior grade. He is P T .A . council Wednesday evening. citizens of the United States ln tra (ions and denture construction. und paid for red clover and 2% Fill me now with Love, Dear Lord (electrical) at the University of stationed at the naval air station September 20 at 8 o’clock ln the Japan." cents per pound paid for alstke and for those that smite and hate. Conklin school building In Ontario. Kansas. Lawrence. Kansas. at Patuxent river. Maryland. attend Conference— alfalfa. Payments can be made on Let thy passion live In me The new graduate is now await Hubert P. Leuck was also promo Return T o Home— Rev Lloyd W. Pounds of Nyssa poundage basis only as substant and never once abate. ted in August He is now chief war Return From T Mrs Warren Larson and small and Rev. David Casper and Rev. iated by sales slips from dealers, or Teach me. Lord, travailing prayer ing further duty orders. Mrs Letha Jeffrey and son. Ch daughter left last Wednesday for and Mrs M. Stubb of Nampa left if .seed is not sold, then on the lots tho they revile ln sin. rant officer, stationed on the 118. Wayne D. Abbott, son of M r and s. Howard W. Gilmore. arlie. and Mrs Joe Woodward re their home ln Sioux Falls. South Sunday evening for Portland to of seed covered by officials purity Fill me with thy Love, dear Lord turned last Thursday from a visit Dakota after an extended visit attend a Full Gospel church con tests. Mrs B Abbott o f Nyssa, has recent- | ------- for those that thou would win. ly completed training at the naval Pvt. Garland Ward arrived at the in Mason. Texas. with her parents. Dr. and Mrs J. J. ference from September 11 to 15. air technical training center. J i o r - home o f his parents. M r and Mrs Sarazin. Mrs Cheldelln Improved— Jesus, let us work for Thee man. OUa.. according to word rece- George Ward. Tuesday. He has been Returns From Visit— Goes o College— Mrs O. E. Cheldelln, who was ser until the day doth dawn. Mrs Boyd Oote returned home Attend Funeral— Ived from the navy department. receiving armv training ln Oalifor- Ml** Dorothy Toombs, daughter iously burned while starting a fire When our labors here are o'er Upnn graduation from the school nla but has been transferred to a Monday after a six-week visit ln M r and Mrs O. O Anderson att- o f Mr and Mrs W D. Toomba. left In a range at her home. It recover and victory is won. at Norman he received the rate o f cemp in Mississippi. Another son. Ogden. While she was there, her ended the funeral of their grand- {Tuesday to attend Monmouth coil- ing satisfactorily in the Holy Roe Let us look unto the skies aviation metalsmlth. third class, ln stg. Glenn Ward, is ln the armed husband. M ajor Boyd Dole, instruct daughter In Nampa Tuesday T h e 'e g e at Monmouth, Illinois as a fr- ary hospital In Ontario. She will and see thy flaming power— the navy. He will now be transferr- j service serving in the European or at Hendricks field. Sebrlng. Flor child was the daughter o f Mr and i ashman She was accompanied as probably atay ln the hospital for a Jesus, b t us rise to Thee ida. also spent some time In Ogden. Mrs Floyd 8elby. ed to a naval unit afloat or tq an-1 theatre. | far as Nampa by her parents. month. and reign for evermore. Bureau Action Averts Break: Water Shut Off Few Days sold Vote Taken At Dinnei' Given In Honor Of Teachers the Nyssa Pharmacy Aguer of Ontaiio and Orin oumnei Harry Goshert Services Held Crash Damages Thresher, Train Oranges Discuss Jap Situation Brogan Officer Tells O f Flight Lineup For Vale Grid Tilt Named Our Boys In T h e Service Requirement On Hayseed Changed » ' POETS CORNER Edited by