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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1944)
y reeNYSSA GA3 ( MR X x x TKT Payette Defeats Nyssa Bulldogs By 6 To 0 Count "NÜT37 G R A N G E REQUESTS W A G E S C E IL IN G N Ï s S a I O k E G Ö N W TY JOURNAL THURSDÂY SEPTEM BER- >871944 Paul E. Gilbert City Nominating ¡Annual Rebekah Killed In W a r Caucus W ill Be Meeting Is Held Pfc. Paul E. Gilbert of Nyssa, who Held October 4 The 32nd annual convention of A D R IA N C L U B H A S “ L A D IE S ’ N I G H T ” Malheur County A fter Hospital For Servicemen The Chalk Butte Orange, at its The Adrian Commercial club had last regular meeting, passed a re as its special guests the wives of solution asking the farm labor oom- was serving In a tank battalion, was the members at its regular bi-mon ■ «*■ district No. 25 of the Rebekah lodge Bulldogs Lose Chance T o mlttee to demand that al> persons killed in action in Belgium Septem Public Invited To Make was held in the Nyssa hall last thly meeting. September 21. The Six $10,000,000 Insti using transient labor In the beet ber 8, according to information re Nominations At Even- | Thursday with approximately 75 main feature of the program was the At Least Tie On tutions W ill Be Es ceived by friends. fields conform strictly to the Am | persons from the four lodges in the j picture "Farmers at W at” and Fluke Mr. Gilbert was born in Comm ing Meeting tablished algamated Sugar company's labor i district and visiting members in “Origin of Corn” shown by E. H. erce, Oklahoma October 27, 1919. Hauser. With only three minutes to play, scale on a tonnage basis and riot He came here with the Cash Turner ! A city caucus will be held Wed- I attendance, Possibility of the establishment of Howard Hatch, who was chair an army hospital In Malheur county the Nyssa Bulldogs tied the score in pay by the hour in topping and family seven years ago from B oise1 nesday, October 4 at 8 p.m. In the i An instructive and interesting pr- ... ... .. . „ , i ogram was presented by the chair- man of a committee to meet with and engaged in farming with his council their grid game with the Payette loading was revealed here this week. chamber of the city hall for [ man Mrs Merle Johnaon of Nyssa the state highway comittee, report T en m em b ers were Initiated into " “ T" 1 ° ° ‘ llf rt' at M it high school aggregation on the N y Reports indicate that the govern the purpose of nominating candid-1 The program consisted o f music, ed that no state aid for the Adrian chell butte, tie enlisted in the army ssa field Wednesday afternoon, but the Orange. ates for city offices. i plays, exemplification o f the work Homedale highway could be expected ment Is looking for six locations for December 7, 1941. lost the game on referee's decision. The organization will hold a Boo- | Survivors are his father, W. T. until the close of the war. The public is invited to attend the | and instruction, hospitals in the United States and Ingersoll scored a touchdown for ster night program Friday night of Gilbert of Oswego, Kansas: his br caucus, called at the order of the j The address of welcome was glv- It was also reported that bridge Oregon is said to have a good ch Payette after three minutes of the this week. Dudley Sltton, superin other, Wilfred, who is serving with city council. Anyone having su g g-! en by Mrs Betty Wheeler and the measurement has begun in the Big fourth period had elapsed, but P ay tendent o f the Malheur experiment the medical corps In Italy; a sister. estiona or nominations for city off- | response by Sara McMurdo. Sara Bend district. The improvement of ance for one. The government wa ette failed to convert, making the station, will discuss various experi Mrs Leon Buffington of Sunset leers may make them from the floor Hull and Lucille Prahl of Ontario local roads has been a special pro nts from 1000 to 1200 acres of good count 6 to 0. The Bulldogs scored ments undertaken at the station to valley, and his grandmother, Mrs at the meeting. land suitable for production of cr ! presented a play and Sara McMurdo ject of the commercial club. their touchdown on a lateral pass. help Malheur county farmers. Fifty-seven were present at the ops, because the service men will be A t the general election November Vale * ave an instrumental num- Addle Burrows of Woodland, C alif Sakamoto went around end for 30 9 , a city recorder, mayor and four j ber. Irshal Davis presented two girls Thursday meeting. All men living given an opportunity to work out The meeting, starting at 8:30, will ornia. years and as he was tackled he lat- be open to the public. I louncllmen will be elected. The I £ron; the *lee club, Dorene Bear, In the Union high school district side. eralled back to Moore, who went I terms of all the officers will expire! w£lo sang "Time Waits for No one” , are invited to Join the commercial 4-H M E M B E R S G O Each hospital, costing $10,000,000, another 20 yards to hit pay dirt. | this year. and Claudine Tomlinson, who acc- club, which meets at the Legion will be u -ge enough to accommo T O S T A T E F A IR However, Referee Robinson called hall the first and third Thursday Reports Indicate that none of the empanied on the piano, date 4000 patients. More than 500 the ball back to where the lateral! present councilmei will seek re- Vernena Beam of Nyssa won the of each month. persons will be employed in each Some features of the state fair election, leaving the city without contest given on the “ unwritten was completed because he ruled institution. and the Pacific international for experienced leaders'. that one of Sakomoto’s knees to work” o f the lodge in competition The favorable weather conditions, 4-H club members will be combined uched the ground before he passed Included in the measure propos with three other members. For hei the productive land and other ad to Moore. The Malheur Experimental Stat- In Portland the week o f October ing a city manager form of govern nearly perfect work, Mrs Beam was vantages of this area will be called The teams played on even terms ion has carried on soybean trials on 9-13, through arrangements made ment in Nyssa is expected to be a given a lovely Rebekah pin. to the attention of army officers during the first three quarters. The a larger scale this season than In by the state club office, Meier and plan of rotating the terms of city Reed Ray of Nyssa played twe deciding the locations of the hos inexperienced Bulldogs, playing th- the past. The station is one o f five Frank’s store, and Pacific Internat councllmen so that the experienced accordian numbers, “Tango of Ros A special county council meeting pitals. eir best game o f the season, at ti- in Oregon that is carrying on uni- ional Livestock exposition officials. men will not atl retire at the same es” and “ Yours” . Rowena Mansur of the P T A was held at the Conk- Starting October 9, the 4-H club mes even pushed the visitors back form soybean nursery work in time. The city manger plan will be gave a reading. for losses. cooperation with the USDA bureau force will take over the auditorium voted on at the general election. The Vale lodge was selected as ling school In Ontario Wednesday S U G A R R A T IO N S September 20 when special messages of Meier and Frank’s store, where A lot of passes were thrown dur- o f plant industry, next year’s host. C A N ’T BE U P P E D ing the afternoon and the Bulldogs Some 40 new varieties of soybeans the top three exhibits from all The following officers were elect were given by Mrs Harry H. George, tossed most of them, but the per- are being grown to determine some counties in gardening, homemaking, F O O D , N U T R IT IO N ed and were installed by Louise state president of Oregon Congress Except for persons who grow their centage of completions was low. | of the following: height of plant, forestry, and similar projects will P R O G R A M P L A N N E D Smith of Baker, secretary of the o f Parents and Teachers: Mrs D. D. own fruit and can it, the sugar all be shown and Judged for state hon Miller, state membership chairman; Steinke and Moore o f Nyssa did lodging habits or strenghth of stem, Rebekah assembly of Oregon: Ch owance for home canning use can Women, representing several com airman. Hazel Lewis; vice chairman, Mrs George Moorehead, state chair not be raised, Willard Case, district a good Job of punting, the ball tr- maturity, yield, seed quality and ors. Winning county demonstration teams In the various regional and man of social hygiene and Dr. A d munities in Malheur county, met Sara aveling generally 40 to 50 yards. 1 size, disease and chemical analysis. Hull; secretary-treasurer, CXPA food rationing representative, „ ____ _____ was _________ _____ m on _______ t „ It _____ __________ ___________ „ ____ .......... ................ ......... Coleman outstanding de-1 is hoped and appears likely that national contests will also compete, with Mrs. Geraldine Hall, the n e w ...... Mabel Largent: marshal. Sophia olph Welnzlrl, director of social explained today, because of the ti fense and Sakomoto on offense., out of these new varieties will be j Meal preparation, style reviews and emergency war food assistant, in 1 Root;; conductress, Madaline Loca; hygiene at the University o f Oregon ght sugar supply situation. Gene Bellon played a nice game at I seme that are better adapted to selection of the most healthy bci the city hall in Ontario. September 1 r s . chairman, the president; L. 8. Medical school. Case said many requests are be Mrs George summarized the ob ing received for extra sugar to sup end. Toombs, center, went out of Malheur county than any of the and 8*rl will be on the week’s pro- \ 19, to plan a food and nutrition chairman, Leora Davis; R.S.V. ch the game because of injuries in t h e 1 older varieties have been. ; gram to°- Prizes for this “state program for the next nine months, airman, Jessie Frazer; LJS.V. ch jectives of the Parent-Teacher org plement the 25 pounds already pro middle of the second quarter. I The experiment station has had fair substitute" are provided by the The fall program for October, airman, Ethel Parks; inside guard anization and stated the theme of vided. Bloom did most of the line plun- I yields up to 30 bushels per acre., Pacific International. November and December will be ian, Beulah Gann; outside guard- this year's national convention, "Ail "Refiners are working 24 hours ging and Farnham did the kicking They have successfully used soy-! Meanwhile, at the stockyards, demonstrations on “The Carried ' ian, Vernena Beam; chaplian. Pearl Children are Our Children.” as a day, turning out refined sugar to carrying out the objects o f the P T A for the visitors. Payette captains I beans as a protein supplement in starting October 11 and continuing Lunch," "Oven Meals," and "Food Brittain; past chairman. Merle meet the heavy seasonal demand," were Koonze and Farnham. j the livestock feeding experiments. three days, will be the interstate For Health and Satisfaction” . I Johnson, and musician, Sara Mc- organization. Mrs George emphasiz Case explained. “ Plagued by man ed the need of parents as well as power shortages, some refineries are The starting Nyssa lineup was a s . Dudley Sltton, superintendent of showing of 4-H fat stock under the | i n addition to the groups repres- : Murdo follows: Ends, G. Bellon and Moore; I the station, stated that he was sure auspices of the PI. A summary of ented at the meeting, demonstra-j The Methodist ladlese served din- teachers to begin planning for sch six to eight weeks behind schedule." tackles, Billings and Herren; g u -l"th a t Malheur county would grow the entries made by L. J. Allen, ass- tions will be given to other women’s ner in the evening in the social ools of the future. She stressed Referring to reports that some certain educational problems that fruit crops may spoil for lack of ards, Church and J. Bellon; center,'m ore soybeans in the future." The ' istant state club leader at C orvallis,’ organizations in Malheur county if room o f the church Toombs and backs, Steinke. Cole- I post-war plastic industries will un- 1 reveals that 517 head will be shown, they contact Mrs. Rail in the coun- I The meetings were opened in the should be considered, and mention home canning sugar, Case called man, Grover and Sakamoto. Subs- 1 doubtedly use more soybeans as well including 137 baby beeves, 136 1am- ty agent’s office. ; Rebekah degree by the noble grand, ed certain legislative measures In attention to a department o f agri titutes were low, Orr, Ritter, K in g , 1 as other farm crops. The soybean is ' bs, and 244 hogs. There are all fat Mrs Edith Fulletor, Mrs Martha Beulah Gann. The assembly presl- the Interest of education that par culture suggestion that, if sugar is and Wilson. Coleman and Toombs truly a mircoulous plant and has . market animals selected as the best Romans, Mrs Ayj\$ Jordan, Mrs dent, Ethel Bailey; Miss Smith, all ents as well as teachers should be short, housewives put up some fruit played a very Important part In the *n the various counties, Bertha Hawkins, Mrs Florence Wh- officers and district deputy presld- considering. Mrs Oeorge is a mem without sugar and sweeten lt to were co-captains. Nyssa lost to Weiser last Friday war effort. Both the allies and the j Eighty-four head of these will be lttle, Mrs Bernice Hainllne. Mrs ents were introduced by Mrs Beam ber of Portland School board and taste when served. Process unsweet on the Weiser field by a count of 13 axis have utilized its wonderful ' from Washington club members. An Edna Barber and Mrs Thelma Elliot and her committee members, Min- will versed In educational matters. ened fruit the same as sweetened” . Mrs D. D. Miller followed Mrs adaptability in many ways. ¡open class with probably 100 head represented organizations within nle Leuck and Maude McGinnis, •to 0. Sugar stamp 40 In book four is Ralph Brooke, county agent said will als° be included In this restrlct- their communities and helped plan Visitors were present from Parma, George and spoke on “ P T A mem good for 5 pounds of home canning Weiser scored Its two touchdowns bership as a community service the program. that any farmer could well afford ^ PI- Payette, Roseburg and Baker. The sugar. A manimum of 20 pounds in the first quarter and was held All the fat stock will be auct Mrs Moorehead, who besides her j additional may be obtained by app- president’s husband, Mr. Bailey, away from scoring territory there to spend some time at the station ioned on Friday, October 13, start work in social hygiene education iyjng to the local board with spare attended the evening session. after. A drizzle of rain handicapped and visualize for himself the many the Bulldogs in their open style o f possibilities that soybeans have to ing at 10 o ’clock, thus providing a Beatrice lodge No. 82 of Ontario with the Oregon Medical school is gtamp 37, Case pointed out. threefold program Including educat- play. offer. exemplified the degree work with president of the Oregon Federation. persons wishing to can fruit from ilon, contests, and an opportunity 12 members dressed in beautiful of Women's clubs, spoke on “ Health their own trees may obtain addlt- Nyssa will play Ontario there to market the stock, Allen points white formals participating. Three Education.” Mrs Moorehead . ional sugar only If there Is enough October 6 and will play Adrian Oct Former Resident Visits— Arthur Norcott, former operator out. ------- . , . 1 members were initiated into the plained a plan of social hygiene fruit to can an additional 100 qu ober 13 in Nyssa in the last game Livestock judging and showman An experienced, hard-charging yellow Rose degree. They were education adaptable bo schools and arts of the finished produot. Other of the Norcott service station in o f the season for the Bulldogs. G He,en Wakefleld and I acceptable to both the parents and requirements must also be met and Nyssa, spent the week with his br ship contests for the 4-H club mem team of Viking gridsters from Vale Aud the schools. other, Dr. E. D. Norcott, and family. bers will be held September 11, foll administered a sound drubbing to a Ruth chadd will be explained by local boards, JO H NSO N M AK ES Dr. Wienzlrl was formerly city he said. Mr. Norcott, who is associated with owed by the official judging of the lighter but game Antelope squad on 1 Mr, Balley delivered an lnstruct- entries September 12. C IN D E R B L O C K S the Boeing Aircraft corporation in the Adrian field Friday. The final lve ghe t^ld 0f the home and health officer of Portland, and also score of the contest, the second , he good ,t has ^ r i e and e.speclally held the position of medical dir Parents O f Girl— Seattle, is on a business trip to H. O. Johnson of Nyssa Is erect Denver. league game for each team, was 28 mentioned one elderly gentleman ector o f the infantile paralysis pro Mr and Mrs Berkeley Wilson of ing a building north o f the Polar Nyssa are parents of a girl bom , . who is bedfast and the children gram in Oregon. Cold Storage building for use as a Leave Nyssa— Dr. Welnzlrl spoke on the pro September 26 In the Nyssa Nursing The Vikings took advantage of wjjQ dave been reared at the home, cinder block plant. Mr and Mrs D. L. McBaln left the opening play by Intercepting a g be sa;d that Stella Weed, chair- blems o f the home In the matter home. The girl weighed 7 pounds, The building, made of cinder bl Wednesday for Portland after re pass and running it back to the 12 man o [ the good of the order corn- of social hygiene. He stressed the 12 ounces. ocks, will be 30 by 60 feet. I t will turned from a visit with Senator yard line. Three plays later they m,ttee, will give a prize to the place of proper attitudes and adult Friends in Nyssa have been not be a one-story structure with a and Mrs Jones at Juntura. While at hit pay dirt. Ervin, shifty Viking member submitting an item about actions o f parents in determining ified of the death of Mrs Clarence concrete floor. Juntura. Mr. McBain killed an ant half, and Hammock, Vale fullback. the ^ good deed that he or she attitudes of children. "A family D. Bean, formerly Alda MacDonald, Mr. Johnson Is now making cind elope. Mr and Mrs McBaln will visit teaches as lt exists” , stated Dr. repeatedly broke loose for stubstan- wes performed, who died in Evanston, Illinois er blocks across the highway from in Baker, LaGrande and Pendleton tlal gains. | A palr 0f lovely book ends was Wienzirl. Working with the home September 8. the Dessert Seed company plant. He before going on to Portland. They Late in the second quarter Ervin presented to Mrs Bailey by the lod- in the matter of social hygiene ed Mrs Bean came to Nyssa with her manufactured cinder blocks here plan to locate in the Willamette tallied the second touchdown on an ges Miss Smith received a pretty ucation, is the school which should family in 1907 and attended grade before the war. valley. end run. A pass provided the extra vase and all of the officers received give scientific data and the church and high school here. Following her point. During the third quarter the bouquets The presentations were which provides ethical motivation. He had been training at Camp Ma- graduation from high school, she Antelope defense stiffened and Vale made by Mrg Johnson and Sylvia Mrs Walter McPartland of Nyssa enterted nurse's training school In xey, Texas for six months. was held out o f scoring territory. p ox former county council president, T. C A R O L B Y B E E Portland. She enlisted for overseas However, on the opening play o f the __________________ summarized the work that has been T-5 George W. Boyles, who Is duty In world war 1 and served in fourth canto, a forward pass to done and is still being done in AW AK E THOU CHURCH! jase hospital No. 46 in France. Fisk and a lateral to Ervin was Malheur county. Special music was serving with the medical detachment (Song of S. 5) In 1920 she was married to Cl provided by a quartet from Adrian By Lloyd N. Pounds of the infantry, has been sent to arence D. Bean, who also lived In good for 30 yards and a touchdown. A pass netted the extra point. M id consisting of Miss Ruth Larson. As the day draweth near when the England. Nyssa at one time and attended way in the 'final stanza a series of Mrs Dennis Patch, Mr Jerry Stone Lord shall appear idle laborers are school here. He is now a Mont passes and reverses set the stage for and Dwayne Anderson accompanied standing at hand. Pvt. Donald Snader. son o f Mr gomery Ward and company execut a final Viking touchdown. The ex- The status of the Nyssa road by Miss Ida Mary_Prouty. And they say that the Lord will and Mrs W E. Snader, left today ive with headquarters in Chicago. tra point was made on a successful essment district, which was formed Oroup singing was led by Miss delay His coming and that He may for Fort Ord, California. He had Mrs Bean was active In the Am buck. under a law pased at the 1943 seas- Lily Wagoner of Ontario accomp not come as 'tia planned. been home on a two-week furlough erican Red Cross, the Parent- The work of the Vale line was ion o f the legislature is In doubt, anied by Mias Gant. Mrs Dick Je from Camp Roberts. California. Teachers association, and the Pres impressive on both offense and de- district officers said this week. nsen o f Ontario, county P T A pre While the church lies sleeping byterian church guild. fense. Adrian's lighter line seemed The state attorney general. In a sident, had charge of the program. like a placid Lake Richard Lewis, son o f M r and Besides her husband. Mrs Bean unable to constently open holes to letter, has expressed doubt as to the Enemies surround her Mrs Ray Lewis, has been advanced is survived by three children. Mary allow any sustained Antelope gains. constitutionality of the law. As a To Attend Meeting*— and Satan Is awake. to seaman, 1st class. He is now st- Elizabeth, a specialist recruiter in Adrian scrimmaged with the Par result Attorney A. L. Fletcher of On October 4 Rev. and Mrs M. Stir thyself, blessed church Pvt Martin Sayers arrived at the ationed in New Ouinea. the W AVES, stationed in Pitts ma team Wednesday as a condition Nyssa has suggested a test case to H. Oreenlee and Miss Azalia Peet and awake while it's day home o f his parents. Mr. and Mrs. burgh; Charles Edward, awaiting er for the annual Jamboree to be determine the law’s constitutional will go to Boise, where Rev. Oreen For the night time is not far away. F. M. Sayres o f Lincoln Heights, Clifford J. Ashby, son of M r and overseas duty with the United St held in Ontario September 29. ity. A test case would be heard first lee will attend a conference of the And the Oroom calls to thee from Camp Robert, California, Mrs J. R. Ashby, has been promoted ates army, and Robert Hugh, a in the circut court. However, Mr. Methodist board of Christian edu to awake to arise. where he has been receiving army from the rank of second lleutenan' junior in the Evanston high school; Visiting Here— Fletcher said R is presumed that cation. Dr. Dalles McNlel of Rupert, And to look unto Him with thine training for four months. After to first lieutenant. her father, E. H. MacDonald of M ajor and Mrs Rulnn Blake and the law is constitutional until It is Idaho and Rev. Greenlee, secertary eyes. a 10-day visit with his parents Salem. Oregon; two sisters. Mrs baby are here for a 10-day visit at declared unconstitutional. o f the board, will speak. Mrs O r and other relatives and friends he Frank Calvert, pharmacist’s mate Florence Jasper o f LaOrande and the home of Major Blake’s mother. Dale OarrUon. president o f the eenlee will have charge of the dev Hasten church, to the door ^ ^ will leave for Maryland and then 2nd class, is now on duty in a rest Mrs Marlon Orlbbln of Weiner, and Mrs Leland Ricks M ajor Blake has district, said the law is not adequate otions at a meeting o f the Women's lest thy hand ope anon expects to go overseas. hospital after being a patient In the two sons, Lt. (j g . ) Dwight L. Mac been serving in Italy. Mr and Mrs to meet local needs. He stated that hospital for two months in the Donald with the United States navy Don Buell and two children of the district has made a levy and is Society of Christian Service at the and you find thy beloved is gone First Methodist church of Boise. And you ask thru the land Ralph Williams of Newell heights pacific area In the South Pacific, and Dr. R Portland are also visiting at the proceeding as far as possible. Miss Peet will appear on the pro of the daughters at hand , has written from the navy training Gordon MacDonald of New York Ricks home. Mrs Buell is a daugh gram. Who advise you to choose from the station at Farragut. Idaho, stating Harold A. Thompson. C M . 2nd City. Drive To Be Planned— ter of Mr and Mrs Ricks. land. that he spent a few days last week class, arrived Monday evening from A ir.*etlng of the section and bl Die* In Montana— In the hospital as a result o f eating the South Pacific for a visit with Here From Utah— Return Ta Utah— ock leaders who will conduct the Mrs Richard Nankervls, mother of Thus they say: "W hat Is He infected food, but has recovered. He his wife and baby Mr Thompson Mrs T. C. Christensen and daugh Mrs Prell Blair and baby return national war fund drive will be Mr* A. H. Boydell of Nyasa. died more ____ ____________ than these _____ that you see expects to receive a two-week leave saw his baby for the first time In ter, Mary of Provo, Utah visited ed last Friday to Lewiston. Utah held in the high school building in Butte, Montana last Friday. She t That you charge us to seek soon. 22 months. After a visit o f a few Mrs Christensen's daughter and after a five-week visit with Mrs Monday night at 8 o'clock. All org light at 8 o ’clock. All org- had been in poor health for several for this One." days In Nyssa. he and his «rife and son-In-law Mr and Mrs Tren Jones Kenneth Cottle. Mrs Blair was call snlaatlons in Nyssa and vicinity ha months Funreal services were held j Answer Church. "He Is rare as a LeRoy Brady o f Nyssa has been baby will go to Bridgeport Neb for a few days. They have returned ed home because o f the death of a ve been asked to send a represent Monday. Mrs Boydell had been with Jewel. He is fair sent overseas with the signal corps. raska to visit his parents. to their home. relative ative to the meeting. her mother for a month. I As the cedars upon Lebanon. J b5 °“ “ r j Soybeans Part O f Experiments State Officers Address Council Vale Gridsters Defeat Adrian J Former Resident O f Nyssa Passes POET'S CORNER Our Boys I n The Service Edited by Road District Law In Question I