Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1944)
JOURNAL 77 m » NYSSA GAI® V Ôi T O E XXXIX. 'ÑO. 36 RAY KELLER IS HURT BY TRACTOR High School To He Closed For Local Harvest Ray Keller, local farmer, sustain ed fracture o f the shoulder and severe bruises when a tractor he was operating overturned with him mto a ditch last Sunday. When Keller started to climb a hill he apparently failed to shift gears correctly and the machine backed into a ditch, pinning the driver under it under the water. Tw o Mexicans, reported to be nam ed Manini, saw the tractor over turn and ran to the spot. Ih e y ex tricated Keher after he had been under the tractor for four or five mi .utes. The injured man Is receiving tr eatment in the Nyssa Nursing home. Two Weeks Allowed Stu dents For Work In Fields, Sheds The Nyssa high school will be cl osed after the regular classes Oct ober 13 for what is expected to be a two-week "harvest vacation” . Superintendent Henry H. Hartley said school is expected to be re sumed October 30. The purpose of the plan is to allow students to work in the harvest fields and packing sheds during the rush sea son. As almost two-thirds of the st udents in the Nyssa high school live on fanns, the employment problem Is virtually solved. City students can usually find employment on the farms of their friends. Beet Harvest To Start Sept. 25 NYéSÀ, OREGON THÜBST d AY SEPTEMBER 21, 1944 Manager Type Of ¡ p i l o t u w o n Government W ill ! Peter Vanguard of Portland was Be Balloted On the vanguard of what is expected _____ ! to develop into major airplane traf- Effort Is Made To Dispose O f Surpius Onions $2.00 PER Y E A R EX-MAYOR ELMO SMITH COMMENDED Ontario's former mayor, Lt. (jg i Elmo E. Smith, who is now officer in charge of a naval air transport W a r Fund Drive To Be Started Here In October Councilman R. G. Whit- tlc throu* h Nyssa when he mistook Herb Fisher Appointed unit in the South Paclilc’ ha* Business Women Sponsor aker Discusses Plan Ithe ln-'on“j]eLed N>“ a fifld l ° * the Chairman Of uregon *ceived the followlng letter oi com- ing Drive; County mendation from the commander of At Luncheon ,Ontario airport last week C o m m itte e Quota $11,000 Vanguards light monoplane ran N ATS in the Pacific following an City Councilman R. G. Whitaker, low on fuel and as the map shows speaking on behalf o i the city islands In the Snake river near the Amnul at the weekly luncheon o f ' Ontario airport he landed at the the chamber of commerce Monday IsySiia iie!d lj* cause o£ the island. in the river in this vicinity, noon, discussed the city manager A fter iandl;ig on the field, Van- form o f government, upon which guard found the runway was too the residents of Nyssa will vote in soft for a take-off and he taxied the general election in November. hi* plane onto the Nyssa-Adrian The plan will appear on the b a llot! highway, from which he lifted his plane. A wing of the p.ane was da rn the form of a charter am en d -; maged when the pliM taxled onto !Uent- | the highway. Mr. Whitaker said "Experience: Vanguard said the Nyssa field af the council has been that th e ' offers ample space for an airfield present form of city government Jand 15 nice*y iocated. imposes too much detail upon the Harvesting of beets will be start Nyssa council members, resulting ed in the Nyssa area ¿September 25 in lack of centralized authority and and company officials hope that inefficiency that could be avoided sutti.ient Deeds will oe iiarvesteu with centralized authority In the 10 permit opeiatiou of the Ama.g- iorm of a manager” . Post-war developments, the coun- I uinaled ¿Sugar company factory hert il feels, will necessitate experienced The annual safety first meeting 10 be started the next day. of the Amalgamated Sugar comp ¿Several jobs are yet to be filleu and full-time city managership for Score Is 40 to 6; Nyssa any was held In the high school lor the campaign. Anyone desiring the people to realize full benefits To Play Payette Here building last Thursday night foll cuiloyment snuuld make application irom expenditures of their money. "The council has made a study oi owing a dinner given for the em at the factoiy office any day bet Sept. 27 city governments through the bur ployes by the company. Approxima ween 8 a.m. and 5 pan. The Nyssa high school Bulldogs, tely 125 persons attended. f actory operations are scheduled eau of research of the League of An excellent dinner was prepared to s ta ll early this year because the Oregon Cities and has found imp- j showing Inexperience in practically and served by the home economics 1113 sugar supply is aoout exhaust iessive information in favor of the every department, lost their first city managership plan, which is st- ’ football game of the season to the class of the high school under the ed. supervision of Miss Virginia Van The company expects the cam eadily growing all over the nation”, v ale Vikings on the local field last Slvke. A fter the dinner, served at paign to last from iOU to 110 days. Mr. Whitaker said, "and recomm- Friday afternoon by a score o f 40 ends to the people o f Nyssa that to 6. a long table in the hall the group they adopt the plan". | T o make matters worst, Clay moved to the assembly room for the In Homedale— The manager plan Is now new to Morgan, perhaps the outstanding program, at which District Mana Mrs Bert Adams went to Home- ger R. G. Larson presided. dale Sunday because of the illness the cities o f Oregon. I t was first player on the Nyssa team, twisted The main theme was presented of her daughter, Mrs Don Martin. I adopted in LaGrande in 1913 and his knee on the first play of the by Mrs Glea Billings, whose topic She is expected to return home the has subsequently been adopted by game and went out of action. T h - several cities. | ereafter, Caoch Howard Lovejoy was "Safety in the Home”. Her latter part o f this week. "Despite outstanding success in used all of his substitutes in an talk was illustrated by pictures. some city-manager cities in O regon,1 attempt to stop the high-riding A short talk was given by W. D. I To Attend School— Shaw of the general office in Og Miss Phyllis Schireman came ho the plan has not always achieved its vikings. den. who has charge o f the safety me Monday from Seattle for a visit full possibilities." M r Whitaker said, i Vale scored Its first touchdown on program o f the sugar company. | with her parents, M r and Mrs W. E. "Some cRy councils have been care- a reverse In the first quarter, but The attractive and educational ¡Schireman for a few weeks. She less in their selection of managers. Nyssa came back to recover a fum- poster pictures used by Mrs Billings plans to enter training for cadet Civic Interest in city government ble on the Vale 30-yard line and has lagged in others and mediocre Sakamoto plun t >d over for a touch- were made by Mrs Helen Wilson. | nurse at LaGrande. results have apparently been acc- | down *Howeve?, Vale continued to nt by the Crocker Estate company, eptable. Greater coordination of th e 1 dominate the playing, and by the le is a graduate of the University iepartments under the manager has j end of the first half had scored jeen the result everywhere. | three touchdowns, to make the f California. "Most of the managers o f Oregon I count 20 to 6. An Eighth Air Force Bomber St- ¡ties have been selected from out- j m the last half Vale scored three •iion, England.— Wilbur W. Smith ide the cities which they have more touchdowns and converted for 3, was promoted recently from thi erved and have had training and ! extra point twice, snk of First Lieutenant to Captain xperience either as engineers, as j Irvin, Hammack and Fisk did iccording to an announcement b; businessmen or as public adminis- j most of Vale’s scoring. Toombs in Jeuteant Colonel George Y. Jum rators prior to their appointment. | the line and Coleman and Sakant- ,)er. Natoma, California. Comman "Two of the main advantages of oto in the backfield looked good Jer of this eighth air force heavy he manager plan are. A trained, for Nyssa. omber base in England. ion-political professional employe is ' The starting Nyssa lineup was as ired to run the city after the pat' follows: Steinke, fullback; Morgan, Captain Smith, in addition to piloting his fortress to bomb war ern o f a business corporation or a Quarter: Coleman and Sakamoto, slants in Germany and Nazi de- chool system and coordination of halfbacks; Toombs, center; Bybee 'ense points ahead of the Allied ill city activities is achieved thr and J. Bellon, guards; Kendall and ough administration by a single Billings, tackles, and G. Bellon and "round forces in northern France John Greenlee. A.M.M.P. 1st class, Is a group operations officer. He •xecutlve. Responsibility for effic- Moore, ends. son of Rev. and Mrs M H qreenlee, has been decorated with the air ent government rests with him.” Nyssa will resume play In Welser has been transferred by the navy medal and two oak leaf clusters to this afternoon. The Bulldogs will from Jacksonville, Florida to Mon it. meet Payette here Wednesday, Se mouth college, Monmouth, Illinois He is the son o f M r and Mrs ptember 27 at 2:30 and will partic for an eight-week prep course. On W yatt C. Smith, Nyssa. Oregon. His ipate in the jamboree In Ontario November 2 he will be assigned to I wife, Mrs Irene M. Smith, and in- Friday night, September 29. a pre-flight school for eight mon j fant daughter, Diana Carol, also ths. live at Nyssa. Hubam sweet clover is proving a CELEBRATION IS James Hansen, fireman 1st class, ¡ Ensign Farley D. Edwards, of benefit on the county experimental HELD BY MEXICANS arrived Monday night for a visit \ Nyssa, who was recently promoted larm. The experiment station has with his two sisters. Mrs Oeorge by the navy from the ranks of the been growing Hubam sweet clover, A successful celebration of M ex Sweet and Miss Nadine Hansen. He enlisted men. has been chosen for or annual sweet clover, as a soil ican independence day was con left Wednesday morning for Super- a prominent role In the amphibious building crop and as a green man ducted by local Mexicans at the ure crop. Since this variety of sweet labor center east of the railroad io, Montana for a few days’ visit forces. with his father before reporting to Now stationed at the amphibious clover is annual, the danger o f a tracks last Saturday. his ship at Bremerton. The program was opened at 11 training base in Little Creek, V a„ continuous crop of sweet clover is insign Edwards will soon go to sea eliminated, especially If a good job a.m. with the flag ceremony, in W illard Aston of Nyssa, who 1-- is an engineering officer on an u done of piowing under the crop which both the American and the m the fall. Mexican flags were raised and sal serving in the merchant marines LSM (Landing Ship. Medium). Hubam sweet clover Is seeded wi uted. Tw o trumpeters played the has landed In Oakland. California The amphibious vessel on which after spending five months in the Ensign Edwards will serve Is the th grain In the spring. It can be Mexican national anthem. After the South Pacific. He is well and glad newest type to join the fast-grow used either with "fall sown” or “sp flag ceremony games were played. to be back In the states, according ing fleets o f invasion craft. Pack ring sown" gram, and must be seed Prizes furnished by the Malheur to word received by his parents. ing more power In its engine than ed Just prior to the first irrigation. County Farm Labor Sponsoring M r and Mrs Clarence Aston. any amphibious vessel of compar I f the clover is seeded at the same association were given to winners of able size, the LSM can carry assault time that the grain is sown, the all events. During the dinner hour In the An Eighth Air Force Bomber S t equipment across the oceans. Its clover grows rank and interferes ation England—Technical Sergeant shallow draft, speed and maneuver seriously with harvesting of the gr afternoon, the Nyssa high school Carleton Fletcher of San Francisco, ability enable it to discharge its ain. However, if it is seeded just music classes and members o f the a member of the finance depart cargo of men and machines directly prior to the first irrigation, broad Mexican group entertained. A fter cast in the grain, it is usually very dinner, which ended about 4:30, ment at an eighth air force B-17 on to enemy beaches. Ensign Edwards had twelve years inconspicuous until the grain is activities were suspended until 7 flying fortress ba-e. commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Glendon P. Ov- o f service as an enlisted man be harvested. The grain crop is hand- p.m.. when a load of watermelons ering o f Orange. Mass, takes cars fore receiving his commission. His led ln the usual way. with one or . provided by the sponsoring assoc i a- of the monthly pay vouchers of the tour of duty included service ab- two irrigations, but as soon as grain tton was distributed in the camp men who fly the fortresses on their joard battleships and cruisers, and is harvested the stubble must be | A t a meeting in the afternoon bom'jing attacks on objectives in the took part In several of the major irrigated and growth of the clover r . o . Larson, secretary-treasurer of Germany and In the occupied co I engagements with the Japanese in starts at once. Rate of seeding Is the sponsoring association, dellver- frem six to eight pounds per acre,1 an address o f welcome and app- untries ggt. Fletcher at present also i the Pacific. Another member o f the U. S. and this will produce a growth of reciat’on. to which response wa> takes time out to sell war bonds to belp nut over the eighth air force r.rvy Is B. C. Edwards, a brother. some three to five feet ln height, made by a member of the nations' j group. Both talks were translated -“ Victory Squadron" bond drive, to ' who is a Lieutenant now serving by early November. It la accepted by the experiment by M r Toledo. The Spanish lang- equip a complete squadron o f war ! overseas. The two men are the sons station that by this practice one uage motion picture, "Dos Noches” . planes. The 43-year old sergeant Is o f Charles 8. Edwards of Nyssa. can maintain a high state o f fertll- { was shown a member o f the 3rd bombardment __________________ W ith The Fifth Army. Italy—P r ity in farm land, and at the same ' division, which was recently cited by the president for Us historic sh ivate First Class Eugene A. Cook. time. If !t Is rowerop farm, the nec- ' Here From Chicago— uttle bombing attack on the Mess- Who lives on Route 2. Nyssa. Oregon essary grotring of alfalfa can b e 1 M r and Mrs A1 Whorten of Ch- erschmitt plants at Regensburg. has been cited by his regiment of ellmlnated thereby reducing the cr- ( warn stopped here Friday for a visit Germany, in August 1943. 8gt Flet the 3rd "M arne" Infantry division op rotation by one to three years. | o f a few days at the home of Mr* Hubam sweet clover Is alao an wtiorten's sister, Mrs Harry Shel- cher is the son o f A. L Fletcher of and awarded the combat infantry Nyssa, Oregon. Before entering the man bardge for actual participation excellent crop to use In bringing ton. They were en route to 8eattle, A A F in August 1942, he lived at in combat with the enemy while new land Into production. In build where Mr Whorten will manage the 524 Post Street. San Francisco, wh serving on the fifth army front in ing up a high state of fertility in shop of the Consolidated Freight- one year's time. ways. (Continued On Page 3) ere he was employed as an account - Bulldogs Lose First Game Of Season To Vale Company Holds Safety Meeting j Our Boys In T h e Service Sweet Clover Is Proving Benefit Onion Growers are to receive accident in the vicinity of his stat Malheur county’s quota for the ion: uruaedate relief from the pre ont national war fund drive has been 26 Aug. 1944 Distressingly low price tlirouga a placed at 311.000, according to Miss put chase program to be liuiiiuied Subject: Commendation by the W FA, it was indicated at a 1. Commander naval air transport Effle Ellen Counsll, Nyssa comm has been much . im- meeting o i onion growers held at service, J Pacific, . . . ittee chairman and president o f the the city h all in Caluwe.l M onday! Pressed m anner in which Nyssa Business Women’s club, wh * VA11 Q rtn t n n nn J m nn you, and the officers and men of f nlght. ich Is sponsoring the campaign This program was announced by your unit, performed your duties here. a joint meeting of the industry .ollowing the crash of . . . Bernard Anderson, county chair committees representing both Idaho 2. It is particularly gratifying to and Oregon onion growers and sh this command to note the dispatch man, will announce the quotas for ippers. These Industry committees with which you effected rescue op .he various communities in the erations, and the assistance you were elected at its meeting in re rendered during the following In near future. Nyssa and Vale each sponse to a request for such a me vestigation. had a goal of $2500 last year. Vale eting by Idaho's commissioner of 3. It Is only through the occurrence reached $3000 and Nyssa the $1700 agriculture, R. H. Young. George of emergencies, such as the one E. Crabtree, procurement and price mark. Adrian held the highest per control division of the W FA from which occurred at . . . that qualities capita average in the state and of alertness, cool-headedners and San Francisco, outlined briefly the Oregon Slope, now the Hyline com program to be followed by the outstanding leadership can be re cognized. munity, was only two places behind WFA. He requested the immediate appointment of industry commit 4. Your performance, and that of Adrian. the men attached to N ATS . . . Is tees. The Idaho industry committee During the campaign, opening considered exemplary, and you and is as follows: Chairman, C. B. Ross the men of your unit are hereby October 9 and ending November 8, Parma; Henry Chase, Nampa; E - each residence and each business commended. mer Tiegs, Nampa; Roy Shelp, Cal place will be visited by a local block dwell, and P. O. Patt, Wilder. leader. The person calling will be The O rtB.m Industry committee donating her time so that each cit is composed of Herbert Fisher, N y izen shoud respond promptly when ssa, chairman; Harold Grlbbin, asked to give. Miss Counsll said. Weiscr; M. F. Barlow, Vale; W ill Twenty-two agencies receive help iam Hepworth, Ontario; and Jim through the national war fund. The Watson, Adrian. j Coach Jim Attebery’s Adrian pig- presidential planning committee These committees, meeting joint- skinners came from behind in the gives right-of-way to the Red Cross ly, announced that the W FA was | fourth Qua: ter to notch their op- in the spring and the national war very soon to initiate a support ening win from the favored Ontario fund ln the fall. The plan also buying program. The following in- T igers 7-6. in the opening game oi avoids duplication o f solicitations. structions were given to growers conference play for both teams.! The three organizations that will for their procedure If they wish to | T he game was played on the Ad- receive the greatest benefit are the avail themselves of such govern- ; rjan field. US.O., war prisoners aid and un ment buying relief. Growers wishing j In ,th e flret half, play by both ited seamen's service. to sell onions to the W FA should— : I teams was ragged. Tackling and contact the industry com mittee. blocking was errotic. Neither team nearest him and give him the was abie to muster sustained sc following information: Name, acr oring drives during the period. On eage, estimated yield, percentage the last play of the first half, M it already sold, present conditions, chell, Antelope quarter, passed and growing, sacked or in warehouse, Glaves, Ontario fullback intercepted how soon delivery can be made and and ran 36 yards to score. The try The churches of Nyssa, along point at which delivery will be ma for point was muffed god the half with churohcx throughout the Un tte. time score, 6 wo« In favor of ited States w lE ouduct a ca/npeign W FA purchases will be made Ontario. next week for tiic 'collection of new direct from the grower and remit In the second half both teams and used warm clothing for the tances will be made direct to him. worked more smoothly. Midway in people of Europe. Growers may make special agree- the third quarter. Adrian made four All clothing should be cleaned, ents with dealers to process his on consecutive first downs for a drive repaired and ready for use. How ions if he so desires. Inspection that took them to the Tiger 2-yard ever, if anyone having good clothing must be paid for by the grower. line. Most of these gains came via does not have time to get it ready, Payment will be made by the W FA the air route with Mitchel passing, ¡he committee will attempt to have as soon as practicable after the and Brewer, Antelope end, receiving. t cleaned. receipt of voucher. Care In the pre Three incomplete passes and a line The deltgious groups of America, paration of voucher is urgently re play that failed to make the re representing all faiths and creeds, quested. Grades to be purchased by quired yardage gave the ball to will cooperate ln the effort to coll W FA include only yellow sweet Ontario on downs. Ontario kicked ect from members and friends th Spanish sorted to U S. No. 1 stand to the 38 yard line as the quarter rough churches, parishes and syna ard and sized 1 3-4 Inch and up ended. The Antelopes immediately gogues millions o f pounds of cloth vith a minimum of 40 per cent got under way, again taking to the ing, men’s women’s and chlldren’3 iver 2'/i inches. air. Tw o tosses to Brewer were good for distribution in liberated areas. For further Information growers for a first down on the Ontario 26 All clothing collected will be dis ire asked to contact their industry yard line. A line play gained 2 tributed free o f cost to needy per committee. yards to the 24 yard line. On the sons in liberated areas through the next play, Mitchell fired a long pass united nations relief rehabilitation to Brewer, who scampered over administration. All shipping and untouched, to score. Prosser, Ant distribution costs after the delivery elope halfback, converted, and the to local freight depots will be paid score was 7-6 In favor of Adrian. by UNRRA. Ontario came right back with 2 first Articles particularly needed are: The annual Snake river vaUey ’ dow™ ™ Plunges through the line Infants’, all types ln urgent de football jamboree will be held F r l - ! * Ackerman and Olaves to put mand, especially knit goods; men’s day night, Sept. 29 at 8 o’clock a t' " es ln t ^ llo r y . A end boys’, overcoats, topcoats, suit es, coats. Jackets, shirts, and all the fairgrounds in Ontario. Teams, thlrd, ° ™ P * a to ,o ta v « complete, but the receiver was be types of work clothes; women's and bands and rooting sections from yond the end zone. A fourth down girls', overcoats, jackets, skirts, sw Adrian. Nyssa, Vale and Ontario pass was intercepted to end Ont eaters. dresses, underwear, aprons. will play hosts to the Idaho teams ario’s final scoring threat. Jumpers, smocks and nightwear, from Weiser, Payette, Fruitland The Antelopes will meet the Vale and bedding, blankets, afghans, and Emmett. Vikings Friday on the Adrian field. sheets, pillow cases and quilts. This annual show has always pr Person having clothing to donate oved to be one of the most spect- should leave It at the fire station aculer events of the year. The ba COUPONS HARD in the city hall. nds form at the south end of the Antelopes Beat Ontario 7 To 6 Churches Start Clothing Drive 8 Teams Play In Grid Jamboree TO COUNTERFEIT field and march ln units past the crowded stands. Their colorful uni Counterfeiters are going to have forms are resplendent under the a tough job duplicating the new "A " bright lights and the high stepping basic gasoline ration coupons that majorettes, the sparkling band in motorists will soon receive from struments. and the football squads their local boards. Roth Keller, ?.ct- makp a picture long to be remem ing mileage enforcement represent bered sponsors said. After each sch ative, emphasized. ool has passed ln review the stud- The " A " 13 coupons are printed enls are lined across the field fa c - .on a new type of yellow government ing the stands and If the custom safety paper and every coupon bears ol the past Is carried out again this a serial number, he revealed. In vear. Jay Stoner, Payette band iddltlon, the same serial number eader will conduct the assembled tppears on the cover of the book ■roup ln playing the "Star Spanglec >nd a record o f lt Is made by the Sanner." ssuing board. The captains o f the eight team* New “ A ” books come Into use at vlll then be called to the front of 12:01 a.m. September 22 when the he stands and draw for position current “ A-I2 ’a". the last coupons n the same game. Each team plays in the old book, expire. me quarter and at that time the Regardless o f the new safety feat ooting section* o f the teams on ures, the “ A-13's” must be properly he field have a chance to show endorsed as soon as they are receiv .heir cheering ability and sports ed, K eller declared, as the endorse manship. ment makes lt possible to trace an The Jamboree not only provides illegal coupon to the person who entertainment for the fans but alao put lt In circulation. funds for the Student Body assoc iations. Last year's gate netted 170 Parrnts of Girl— for each of the eight schools and A daughter was bom to Mr and the Ontario Lion’a club which is I Mrs Wayne Morris of Nysea ln the handling the event this year, hopes i Brlttlngham Nursing home ln On to send each one of the com peting; tario September 13 The girl, wetgh- schools a $100 check as Ita share In | ing 7 pounds, waa named Jolene helping to stage the event. ¡Kay. POET'S CORNER Edited by T. CAROL BYBEE T E L L IN G SOMEONE “ O FF" I f you ever get excited When you get your feelings hurt; You feel like telling someone "o ff” And give his pride a jerk. Just write lt down on paper The things you had ln mind. 81tp it under your pillow And sleep on it. You'll find That on the morrow when you read The angry words you’d have said. You’ll be glad you did not say them. Writing them down, enstead. Then tear the paper all to bits. And "turn your other cheek” It will make you all the stronger, Try It folks. This week. The Poet's Com er would be happy to receive poems to appear In this corner. Mall poems to T, Carol Bybee. Box 853 Nyssa, tor consider ation.