Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1944)
THE NŸSSA GATE CITY «JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE PAGE SÎX _ 1, 1944 cafe from Art Burley and have lea sed the building. Mr and Mrs Her- ren have several years of business experience in Nyssa and elsewhere. They recently returned to Nyssa from Portland, where they had liv ed for a year and a half. eon given by Mrs Orlnyer. .scripture reading. Marion Grace Biown; talk. Dorothy Snader; "The Fertilizer Forecast for Farmers GIRL SCOUTS MEET Toronto Story”, Mrs Roger Ander Members of the newly-organized son; vocal duet, Hellen Anderson Olrl Scout troop C of Nyssa have and Vivian Fife; talk. Joseph E. held two meetings within the last Wheeler; song, congregation, and two weeks. The first meeting was benediction. O. R. Anderson. held at the home of Mrs Chad Group To Meet— -5 - wick and the second last week at A Red Cross sewing and health HOLDS MEETINO PARS.WELL PARTY GIVEN esday evening. June 6 at 8:15 In the The CLUB the home of Mrs Garrison The Chatter Box club held its will be held in the Sunset Mi and Mrs C. H. 'Pat) Bennett Methodist church. The program will May meeting at the home of Mrs girls will meet this week at Patty meeting valley hall June 2. The women will entertained Sunday in honor ol th consist of piano solos and ensemble Charley Grider with Mrs Jesse Ford Grunkle's home. work on men's pajamas. eir son, Fred, who left to enter the numbers, with Miss Alma Lee Diven as co-hostess. Twelve members att The girls are studying nature army the following day. A potluck as the assisting soloist presenting ended the meeting. Mrs George Cl under the direction of their leader, Too Late to Clasiify dinntt’ was served at 2:30 to 13 a group of vocal selections. Mrs Hoke. The 11 members of the eaver joined the club. Mrs O. E. guests. Pianists who will take part in the Cheldelin won the prize in a quiz troop plan to have picnics rather LOST—Green fender pants for Bu- Fred Bennett has farmed with recital are Adrian Klinkenberg, program given by Mrs E. L. Jami than lunches. The troop will be lck, between Nyssa and Ontario. his father for the last several years. Harley Duus. Jimmy McDonald, son called troop C until girls decide Reward. Leave at Thompson Oil Refreshments were served. The At the time of his enlistment he Bonnie Ward, Marilyn Wilson, Do next meeting will be held at the station. lJlxc upon another name. was labor supervisor at the labor nna Jean Cheldelin, Esther Klink home of Mrs Minnie Leuck June 15. center in Vale. enberg. Janice Frost, Arnold Klin FOR SALE—Westinghouse electri« - MEET Guests were Mr and Mrs Fred kenberg, Jerry Crandall, Patsy Gw P.T.A.. 4-H -5 CLUB! range. See L. J. Thompson at Kin- Eennett, the Misses Alene and Mic ynn, Robert McDonald and Eunice On Thursday evening at the gery cabins. UIxp. key Talbot, Anna Jean Gardner, Ann Brady. high school a joint 4-H exhibit and Mildred Adams. Dorothy June Bar- A number of the pianists appeal regular P.T.A. meeting was held. FOR SALE—Commercial fertilizer- tholoma and Carol Hunting, Mr ing on this program will present The 4-H clubs from Kingman Kol- ammonia nitrate and ammonia sul Will Be M arried— and Mrs Earl Crocker and children, selections which they will perform ony, Napton and Big Bend had A marriage license was issued phate. Fruitland nursery, Fruitland. ARCHITECT’S draw ing of the i. R. Slm plot superphosphate Mr and Mrs Charles Culbertson and in the national piano auditions displays of their cooking and sew Wednesday to Miss Darlene Dor Idaho. 1JTFC acidulating plant, scheduled for im m ediate construction on 100- children, Frank Crocker, Orville scheduled to be held in Boise Jun ing projects. Caroline ¿chelmer acre site at Pocatello, gives credence to dream of farm ers of this man and Lieutenant Sidney Brown, Maze, Albert Bosch, Mr and Mrs 7 to 10 with Carl Berggren of the and Mildred Sparks from Mrs. area th at one day there will be available am ple supplies of Im por both of Nyssa. They plan to be FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet coach. ta n t superphosphate fertilizer. The Slmplot plant will l>e ready to I B. Allen. Mr and Mrs E. L. Jam McPhail School of Music of Minn Judd's club displayed attractive married this evening at 7:30 at the Just overhauled and repainted. Ne s ta rt producing by October, E. R. Prevoi, m anager, believes, Ca ison, Mr and Mrs Crltzberg and eapolis as Judge. dressing tables and chairs made home of the bridegroom's parents, arly new pre-war tires. Phone 54M pacity; when finished, will be about 80,000 tons annually. Raw daughter, Mr and Mrs John Barth- Miss Hoffman's Ontario pupils from orange crates. Mr and Mrs Burnall Brown, by Kenneth Pond. lJlxp phosphate rock for the operation comes from Idaho's vast depos oloma, Mr and Mrs Loyd Adams, were presented In recital at the The P.T.A. meeting was opened its, while sulphuric acid used in the process will be supplied by a Luther Fife, president of the Welser Mr and Mrs A1 Chadwick and Mrs Moore hotel in Ontario last Friday by Mrs. Elliott, vice president of new plant to i'e constructed in U tah. Extensive tests have shown FOR SALE—Trailer house. Alfred stake of the L.DJ3. church. m uch of the «and In this area to be phosphate-starved. Slm plot Carolyn Gardner of the Nyssa sec evening. A group of her Parma pu the organization. Mrs. George de Evans sale yard. lJ2xp superphosphate output, when applied, will increase production tion and Mr and Mrs Lonnie Norris pils played last Sunday afternoon Haven was elected president upon Youth Succumbs— equivalent to an additional 80,000 acres, Prevoi said. (Special) of Notus. at the Parma Community church the resignation of Mrs Patch. Harold Fivecoat, nephew of Rev. FOR SALE—McCormlck-Deering Mrs. Maurice Judd, county dele H. Reiman of Adrian and Harold sickle grinder. $5 J. I. Brady, route RECITAL SCHEDULED SPECIAL PROGRAM GIVEN gate to the state P.T.A. conven LET’S NOT HAVE THIS EPITAPHI P. Fivecoat of the Owyhee section, 2. lJ2xp Piano pupils of Miss Wilhelmina The program at the Sunday ev tion in Portland, reported enthu died Sunday night In St. Luke's Hoffman will present a recital Tu- ening services of the L.D.S. church siastically of this year’s con hospital. The youth, 19 years old, was given this week by the Sun vention. Over 500 delegates met at I was a son of Mr and Mrs Russell Baking Calls For day school under the direction of the Multnomah hotel from April , Fivecoat of Notus. Superintendent Richard Taylor. 25 to 27 to listen to challenging E.W. PRUYN The following program was pre messages of the work that faces 111 In Hospital— Picket Flour sented: Preliminary music, “Lull P. T. A. groups, not only in the Mrs Delmar Majors of Nyssa is aby Song’’, T. Carol Bybee playing physical realms but in educational Auto Repairing -It’s carefully blended seriously ill in a Boise hospital. the organ; congregational hymas and spiritual realms as well. -It’s Enriched with Vit led by the new chorister, Mrs Will Following Mrs. Judd's report, Reboring, Valve Grind iams; R eturn To Nyssa— amin B invocation, Leslie Lewis; re Mrs. Elliott asked the group to Mr and Mrs A. V. Cook have re ing, Lathe work. Parts ading. "Hymas for the Nation", join the 4-H clubs in singing “Am turned to Nyssa from Portland, -It’s a home product Reta Taylor; talk, “One God-father erica” and give the American and where they have been living for and accessories On Sale at All Food of all Mankind ", Mrs Clara Hend 4-H flag salutes. several months. Mr. Cook Is 111. Stores ricks; talk, Hubert Christensen; Mrs. Kreager's sewing club then Phone 56w talk, Margaret Jones; parable, “The presented a style show, showing W eiser Milling & El. Buy R estaurant— Good Samaritan", Udell Poulsen; the school dresses, aprons, play and Mr and Mrs H. M. Herren of Ny Co. slack suits and formal dresses ssa have purchased the Gate City i hi 111111111 il 11 it 1111111111 in in in in in iii ui 1.1 in in in h it ri i il i h n ti 11 mu in inni n<n 11111111 in i> made by the members. §111111 l'I NMMMMNHI HI in I I I'l HI IIIII HI III min i II II III II III I I III HI III I« Mill HI III llli|'HIIIIIIHnilHHIIH|| Music accompanying the style Coal Will Not Be show was played by Mrs. Nevin. Following the style show, a plant was presented to Mrs. Howard Hatch by her club. The meeting was closed with re marks and announcements by E. H. Hauser, county club leader, and some group songs. Many of our Custmores use Dr. Hess Stock | Preceding the meeting a din ner was served by Colleen Stokes to I and Poultry Products because results are posit- g Mr and Mrs. Hauser, Mrs. Stokes, 1 ive. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Hite, as a Get Dr. Hess Products at part of her $1 dinner project. 2 2 5 HONORED AT PICNIC Mrs A1 Kuehn and Mrs Glea and the IF is up to YOU-- Billings invited a group of 25 per to a picnic held in tfi£ city Book your order now. Thanks to the users of sons J | | "Underneath this >ile oP stones Monday evening in honor of The Rexall Store coal who booked orders early last year, and had park Lies all tha Mr and Mrs Joe Bellon and family, y Phone 14 their winter’s supply of coal delivered in the who left today for Denver to visit relatives until September 1. After othy Roberts of Farragut camp, observance of Bernard Eastman’s lllWIUMIII HUH ID — MMMWMMMI H ID K M III IIMII in HI »111 III HI III HI III III MM III,HI III I I I I * summer. Coal was not rationed this year. the dinner a handkerchief shower Mrs Verna Beutler and daughter, j birthday. Besides Mr. Eastman, th- was given for Mrs Bellon. Guests El were Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan Sharon, Mr and Mrs Del Taylor of ose attending were Mrs Eastman and son, Clayton, Mrs Florence Ha Vale. Mr and Mrs A1 Thompson and and son, Michael, and Mr and Mrs Mrs Belle Short, Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J esse sse Thompson. T Bernard Eastman, Sr. of Payette. To keep the coal mines running to capacity all J. nsen. L. Church and Robert and Tom. - summer. Buy coal in the summer. Mrs Boyd Cole and George Billings. HOSTESSES I I ^AT AT PARTIES HUSBANDS -5 ENTERTAINED The Rebekah lodge honored Mrs Mrs R. G. Whitaker and Mrs C. Mrs Bert Lienkaemper and Mrs Bellon with a handkerchief shower W. Buchner were hostesses at a Grant Rinehart entertained the We have a big stock to select from and more at her home Friday afternoon. series of two bridge parties Friday. members of their club and hus Five tables were in play at each bands of the club members at the are expected daily. They include spring-filled, Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave. ENTHRTAIN 5 FAMILY party. Lienkaemper home last Wednesday Mr and Mrs Julian Johnson en In the afternoon Mrs S. W. Aber- evening. Pour tables of pinochle sealeys and cotton-felted mattresses. il 111111111 111 HI III III HI 1:111 HI H 111 11 IH HI HI M l'I 11 H III Ulti III II II II U II 11II 11*111 IHIH.IIU i IHIIIIHII'I M il II ll tertained at a family dinner Sun Mrs T. H. Eldrldge, Mrs Kenn and bridge were in play. Mrs Geor .mi 1111 ■ 111 m 111111 n i in n Min n il n ii hi 11 n n ri n n 11 it 11 n ....................limn 11 mm day at their home for Mr and Mrs sold, eth Cottle and Mrs Glea Billings ge Henneman was a guest. Prizes in Julian Johnson, Sr., of Mountain won prizes. In the evening, prizes bridge were won by Mrs Bernard Kitchen cabinets, dining room chairs, plat Home, Miss Maxine Johnson of Wi were awarded to Mrs Artie Rober Eastman, high, and Grant Rine lder, Mr and Mrs H. C. Dwight, tson, Mrs Henry Hartley, Mrs J. J. hart, the traveling prize. In pino PROGRAM form rockers, kitchen chairs, bedroom suites, Mr and Mrs Lee Johnson. Mr and Sarazin and Mrs Grant Rinehart. chle. R. G. Whitaker and Mrs Syl Mrs George Harvey and son and vester Heiner were score winners. 5 wardrobes, boudoir chairs and finished and un J. C. Watson of Parma. PARTY IS HELD - MEETS Phone IOÖ The Sunshine club will hold a NEIOHBORS -5 CLUB finished chests of drawers await your selection. ENTERTAINS CLUB guest day party at the I.O.O.F. hall The Friendly Neighbor club held A1 Thompson and Jesse Thomp Friday, June 2 at 2:30. Members of a meeting at the home of Mrs Tren Double Feature son gave a turkey dinner in the the club are requested to take a Jones May 25. A business meeting FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 2—3 Gate City Cafe Sunday honoring guest to the social meeting. was held and games were played. Nordale Furn. Store Gloria Jean and Fay Helm in several relatives who have been Prizes went to Mrs Pat Williams, visiting here for the past 10 days. FAMILY DINNER HELD Mrs Maw. Mrs Baker and Mrs Kur “MOONLIGHT IN VERMONT” Nyssa, Oregon Those attending the party were Mrs A family dinner was held at the tz. A lunch was served. The next Russell Hayden and Jennifer Holt in Mary Neece of Pasadena, Mrs Dor- Payette Country club Sunday In j meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Esther Dowdy in June. “FRONTIER LAW” | —8— Mat., Sat.. 2:30 Adm. 25c-5r Inc. Tax KESSLERS ENTERTAIN Adm. Evening*, 40r-9c, Including Tax Mr and Mrs Vibert Kessler enter tained the Sherman P Bybee fam SUNDAY and MONDAY JUNE 4—5 ily at dinner Sunday. Places were laid for nine. Lynn Bari, Akim Tamiroff, Francis Lederer -5 - and Nazimova in HAPPY EIGHT MEET Now that we have paid tribute to our soldier “THE BRIDGE OF SAN LOUIS REY” The Happy "8" club met at the home of Mrs Dale Garrison Friday From Thornton Wilder’s Novel Comes this and sailor dead of past afternoon at 1 o'clock. A full course Story of a Woman, Strange, Beautiful. Bewitch wars through a proper dinner was served Guests were Mrs ing and bad. of Ogden, and Memorial day obser H Mrs E W Chamberlian A. Bybee. Mrs Evelyn Mit- Merry Melody Cartoon vance, let us support chel won high. Mrs Wilford Bybee PRESCRIPTIONS Mat., Sun.', 2:30 Aim*. 30c-9c, Inc. Tax our servicemen on the second and Mrs Sherman Bybee the Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax We have purchased the Gate City cafe from front in the present war traveling prize. —I— with our money and —BARGAIN NIGHT— Art Burley and would appreciate the continued CLOSING SOCIAL HELD A closing social was held Wed TUESDAY JUNE 6 # thus show our appreciation of their efforts. nesday afternoon in the LD8 hall patronage of his customers. Gail Patrick and Nancy Kelly in in honor of two retiring officers of The fifth war loan campaign will be started “WOMEN IN BONDAGE” Open from 6 a.m. to 12, midnight. the Relief society. Mrs Lavera As June 12. We can buy war bonds that will pro ton. former president, and Mrs Cartoon Adm. and M c-tc, Masked Marvel \ ou can be assured of variety in menus under Anna Jemmett. counselor. It also Inc. Tax vide money for war equipment for our boys. marks the end of a successful sea Help protect our soldiers and sailors and son's work. Meetings will be hald our management. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JUNE 7—8 only every second Tuesday of each then protect your own health by depending on month. Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton, Diana Lynn and your druggist for help. William Demarest in I ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED “THE MIARCLE OF MORGAN’S CREEK” The engagement of Miss Bernice Owyhee Drug Company Orinyer of Eleroy. Ultonls. daugh- We do not recommend this picture for children. Day Phone 29 Night Phone 91W | ter of Mr and Mrs W B Orinyer to Sports and News i Staff Sergeant Don Sherwood, son Adm. Evening*. O0e-9e. Including Tax Authorized CUTTER Distributor ¡of Mr and Mrs H. A. Sherwood of M RMMH M M M NttM M M UNM M I HIM H M M III I MAI HAM HI M MMMMMAin 1111H4AII MIA Ml Nyssa. was announced at a lunch- 10 CALHEWS Rationed Next I Mac I Says: Winter If - - I Nyssa Pharmacy j fT Help Mattresses Al Thompson & Son - - NYSSA THEATRE - - Salute To Our Service Men Purchase Gate City Cafe — ^— * Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Herren