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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1944)
E r/ieNYSSA G A Ä jM T Y JOURNAL iF P f r a i RESERVOIR MAKES DAVENPORT QUITS School District Ontario Again TELEPHONE POOR ''AT WORK FORECASTERS DUDOAMO I Troxell And Medlin Re-nominated For County OF LOCAL PERSONS Levy Will Show Will Receive J. M Davenport of Ontario, pre and manager of the Malheur Some rather well established for Drop This Year ecasting OfficejDf FSA sident Offices; Cordon, Morse, Smith Are Nominated Home Telephone company since reputations have fallen 1925, has resigned and expects to Amount To Be Levied In (notable one) ijeeause the Owyhee Moving From Nyssa Will move Oregon, where Taxes Announced As reservoir failed to fill this year. Several November Con Biggs Defeats Staples Beats Gilchrist Be Completed This he own to an Waldport, auto court. Dick Stockman, superintendent at I tests Developing For Legislature; Sev 67 749.28 Week Claude M. Robertson, manager of the dam. stepped right into public Lytle For Judge In State eral Unopposed the Mountain States Telephone co Arrangements have now been mpany at Hailey for 25 years, has The budget for school district No. print several weeks ago with theI vó L ume >Mix, K v ¿ sa , ûrègûn , thïïi & d I ÿ ~ M A f l n ü Mo. íó " $ 5? thtf pet tek nU '»• rí an 11 - o- et, ch TM id m , prediction that the reservoir would j Ouy Cordon, Willis Mahoney, M. A. Biggs of Ontario was elect County Judge Irwin Troxell and completed tor moving the Malheur ! been appointed to succeed Mr. Dav- 26C for the fiscal year beginning fill, despite the fears of some other Wayne L. Morse jenport at Ontario. Mr. Robertson, ____ and Edgar W ... ed circuit Judge of the ninth Jud County — Commissioner J. C. Medlin. ----- county offices of the farm secur who has been employed by the July 1. 1944. will total $112,356.31, persons that it would not fill. smith won nominations for the ‘cial district over Judge Robert Ly-, the only two county officials h.v- ity administration to Ontario, ac Mountain States company for the Superintendent Henry Hartley ann The water reached a peak of 605,- Unlted States senate in the prt- tle 0i Vale ln thf prlmary etectton >"g opposition in the primary elect- Of this amount, 895.539.73 000 acre feet and the capacity of cording to Ned L. Williams, dist last 37 years, will move to Ontario ounced. the non-partisan ballot last [ ion held last Friday, were retained is budgeted for general expenses, the reservoir Is 715,000 acre feet,jmarV election held in Oregon Fri- on rict supervisor. j in office by the 1500 persons who about the first of June. Friday. accordlng to James Spofford, rest- !day- and 816.816.58. for Interest and pr The new offices will be located in Upon retiring, Mr. Davenport said incipal on bonds. Estimated rece dent enginner. The amount of wat-! Senator Cordon refeated Charles Biggs carried Malheur county by , cast ballots In the republican vot- the Wilson building, at the turn “I will be glad to see anyone from amount to 844.607.03. leaving er in the reservoir Wednesday of ls Pra8ue for the republican nomin a vote of 1520 to 1092. He Is repor- > ing. Troxell, who was appointed by of the highway on Main street, eastern Oregon when they are at ipts be levied in taxes. this week was 577.000 acre feet. ation for the unexpired term ending ted to have carried Harney county Governor’ Earl Snell following the above the Safeway store. Work Waldport and have a little fishing 867,749.28 on to the | Januray 3, 1949, and Wayne L. by 25 votes and to have lost Grant death of County Judge Charles present valuation men have been engaged for the fever in their veins. I have enjoyed of Based ! Morse surpassed Senator Rufus C. the district and taking Into con by 191 votes. past week in decorating and mak my stay in Malheur county and | sideration defeated former Judge Da | Holman for the nomination for the county anticipated receipts from Mr. Biggs said Wednesday that LeaviM. ing necessary alterations in the old wish all my friends and others with vid F. Graham by a vote of 836 to I long term. the state school support fund, the he will not resign his position as Masonic lodge hall, In order to whom I have business dealings the levy should amount to about 17.8 | Smith overwhelmed Walter Whlt- district attorney in Malheur county 681.Medlin. who made no effort to provide suitable and adequate of very best of luck. Some of the fin mills beck for the democratic nomination until after the general election ln gain votes, defeated Fred E. Bur as compared with 19.8 mills fice space there for the present people in the world live in Mal last year. Should the 5 mill special ! for the long term and Willis Mah- November. After his resignation. gess by a vote of 815 to 545. office staff of eight. Including three est county and it is with genuine levy for post-war building purposes Owyhee post No. 3506. Veterans oney, unopposed, received the dem- Earl Snell will appoint a Votes for other county candid- clerk typists and five field work heur regret that I leave these good pe meet the approval of the voters on of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary will ocratlc nomination for the short Governor new district attorney, who will ser- ates were as follows: Republican- ers, as well as for the district of ople and this fine country to start give a benefit dance in the Nyssa term. June 19. the levy for the coming gymnasium Saturday night, May 27. ve until Januray, 1947, when the oounty clerk. H. S. Sackett, 1239; fice for eastern Oregon counties anew in a different location". Congressman Lowell Stockman district attorney elected fiscal year should total 22.8 mills. ln Nove assessor. E. P. Hendrix. 1216, and in charge of Mr. Williams. The proceeds will be used for the The budget, printed elsewhere in expansion of the VFW home for won renominatlon on the republican mber. 1946 will take office. The move became necessary, ac Ora C. Hope. 1199; dem this paper, shows a total bonded widows and orphans at Eaton Rap ticket and C. J. Shorb received the Mr. Biggs will take office as cir- treasurer. cording to Mr. Williams, when the ocratic-sheriff, C. W Glenn, 845, democratic nomination for con debt of 877,750. It also shows ass cult judge in Malheur, Harney and and assessor. Murray R. Morton. space now occupied by the PSA Michigan and for the rehabil gressman. ets of 813,802.52 in a special reserve ids, offices In the labor camp admin Grant counties on the first Mon- 569. County Assessor Hendrix and itation of service men serving In Leslie M. Scott, state treasurer, fund for post-war repairs and rep-, the present war. day ln January, 1945. istration building In Nyssa, was Morton, former county assessor, received the republican nomination lacements. This latter fund is ear- i jL. B. Landreth. commander of needed to accommodate the ex will meet in the general election. and will be opposed ln the Novem marked, principally, for replacement! The Nyssa chamber of commerce panded foreign labor program, The other officials will have no post, who is serving as ber election by William T. Lam transportation facilities. I Owyhee which is no longer a part of the voted at its weekly luncheon Wed I of Levies opposition ln the November elect fund chairman of the local post, bert. democrat. for past fiscal years show PSA, but was sometime ago trans- nesday noon to give 812 worth of that residents of former school reveals that one-third of the 61.- Attorney General George Neuner ion. f ferred to the office of labor of the war stamps to each of the winners State Representative V. B. Stap 500,000 veterans welfare fund now will be opposed in the general el of 4-H scholarships in lieu of trips district 26 paid taxes on a basis of being raised by a nation-wide drive ection by Bruce Spaulding. Neuner war food administration. les, republican, easily defeated Ro 44.95 mills in 1940 and residents of is earmarked for expansion of the Immediately upon being vacated 'to the 4-H summer school at Cor- district bert F. Gilchrist for the republican received the republican nomination Mayor Herschel Thompson has nomination 39 paid on 45.55 mills. In organization's national home for the present PSA quarters will be , vallis. for the legislature, re and Spaulding the democratic nom proclaimed Saturday, May 27 as 1941. the levy was 43.5 and 46.1 The chamber had previously vot converted Into use as a 15-bed ceiving 1079 votes as compared to widows and orphans of members. ination. Buddy Poppy day in Nyssa. mills respectively. For the first six infirmary and clinic to serve the ed to give summer school scholar 331 for Gilchrist. Present facilities of the home are Both parties elected national co His proclamation reads: of 1942. the millage for dis inadequate Mexican and Japanese population, ships to Jimmy Wilson of Kingman months Senator J. N. Jones, unopposed to meet the demands mmitteemen and women and dele "As mayor of the city of Nyssa. trict 26 was 39.5 mills and for 39, totaling about 600, of five camps Kolony and Lois Jordan of White 45.5 mills. For the fiscal year of that are certain to be made upon gates to the party conventions. on the republican ticket, received Oregon. I hereby proclaim Satur In the lower Snake river area, Settlement, but the summer school 1942-43 the levy was 31.1 mills for them after world war 11, consider Senator Rufus C. Holman and day, May 27 Buddy Poppy day. I 1228 votes. located at Welser, Ontario, Vale, was cancelled a few days ago be district For president Dewey received 505 that many of the veterans now former Governor Charles A. Spra earnestly ask the citizens of Ny votes 26, and 39.5 mills for district ing Adrian and Nyssa. It will also cause of war conditions. in Malheur county, Stassen 19 in the armed forces—and many of 39. Last year the levy for the con- the thousands currently Joining the gue carried Malheur county on the ssa to wear a poppy and give the and Wlllkle accommodate other seasonal ag Mayor Herschel Thompson repor soli 16. Earl Warren rece republican ticket and Edgar W. ladles of the auxiliaries of the lated district was 19.8 mills. Th ricultural workers eligible for med ted that the state highway comm is shows a reduction of 27.15 mills Veterans of Foreign Wars—are ma Smith carried the county on the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the ived 96 votes for vice president. Sh ission agreed at a meeting in Port for residents of district 26, and of rried men with young children. As democratic slate. ical care, numbering about 450. Olenn received 210 republican American Legion every assistance eriff A major factor in the selection of land several days ago that the state 28.3 votes. On the democratic ticket military operations are intensified in their worthy work. FPr the unexpired term in the mills for residents of former the Ontario location, In the con would send an engineer to Nyssa received 88 votes, Clarence the casualty lists grow, there senate ending Januray 3. 1949 Spr- “In so doing we will build a last- Wallace 39 during this period, the and sideration of suitable and ade to make an estimate on the cost of district Barrett received 37 write-in votes inevitably will be hundreds of wid- ague received 893 votes in this co-1 ing memorial to the men and boys of which coincides with ofs and orphaned children of vet quate space In the county, was the a proposed resurfacing of certain beginning for oounty commissioner. the creation of the union high eran members looking to the nat unty. Senator Guy Cordon, appoin who gave their lives in the services and Troxell each received 95 Graham fact that more than 60 per cent Nyssa streets. The resurfacing wo school district. The reduction in ional home for security. Landreth ted by Governor Earl Snell a few of the armed forces of the United in votes, Sackett received 83 write- of the PSA clients are nearer to uld be done on King avenue to the millage and months ago following the death of States of America by assisting those Mrs Hope 24. has been affected said. Ontario. Therefore, office location First street, along First to Main, by a variety «levy veterans now ln need of our help. Senator Charles L. McNary, receiv of factors; chief among In Ontario will provide better ser along south First street to Park them' being the increased valuation “Post No. 3506 and its Nyssa fr ed 345 votes. John McBride rece Let us not break faith with them”. Frank D. Hall was re-elected Jus vice to the majority of PSA fam avenue and then along Park avenue of tice of the peace ln Nyssa on the who have and will contribute ived 92 and Henry Black 88 Mrs Alfreda Shelton, president of democratic the district, the creation of the iends ilies In tl* «susty Close proximo to D*e highwa) ballot. toward the welfare fund can be pr the VFW auxiliary of Nyssa said Holman's vote for the term end state school support fund, and the oud that they are helping to create to other related agricultural ag City officials have hope that the consolidation "To wear the poppy -is a personal districts 26 and 39. a larger and finer national home ing Januray 3. 1951 was 682 His encies was another Important de highway commission will improve Mr Hartley, of who serves as clerk where security, opportunity and ha chief opponent. Wayne Morse, who pledge that we will 'not break faith’ Main street in accordance with an as well as superintendent ciding factor. the ppiness can be given to children won the republican nomination in with those who gave their all for The new office space will be agreement reached before the war. local district states that the of dist the state, received only 538 votes I us War-torn fighters are returning ready for occupancy by the end j Other Nyssa requests were flatly rict is rapidly approaching a sound whose fathers gave their lives for ln Malheur county and Earl E. Fis from battle fronts needing the help of the week. The office will be rejected. country,” said Landreth. that our little red flower can pro- 204, financial condition. Two series of their open for business on Monday, May Hearing Scheduled_ Expansion plans for the home her On received the democratic side Edgar W i vide. will be held ln the Nys bonds, the annual payments of wh- include 2, and from then on will be open a new nursery unit, which Smith defeated Walter W Whit- "Though the buddy poppy you sa Services cemetery May 30, beginning at from 8 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 5 P. The annual hearing of the Ore- \lch tota* 88 000 00 will be retired will accommodate up to twenty-five beck in Malheur county by a vote wear you become a friend to those 10 a. m„ by the veterans organ more f^cal years. Another M. daily. Supervisors will main gon state game commission regard- *n and will provide every of 450 to 347 for the long term. men. women and children ln your izations ln observance of Memorial issue with payments of 62 occupants tain their usual office hours for ing prospective hunting regulations Bond necessary facility for the care of 000 00 annually will be retired two infants, as well as playroom facilit Willis Mahoney, unopposed for the community and throughout the na day. seeing clients, from 8 to 12 A. M. will be held at 10 a.m., June 10. at years tion We ask your generous assist The American Legion and the If the Special ies for pre-school age children. It short term, received 658 votes. on Monday, Wednesday and Sat the commission offices, 616 Oregon Levy for thereafter. building carries, will be their home until they are President Roosevelt received 773 ance in this work. Buy a buddy Veterans of Foreign Wars and their building, Portland. Seasons, bag li the Nyssa post-war urday mornings. poppy Saturday. May 27". district should be old enough to take their place in votes in this county. auxiliaries will meet at the Legion mits and other regulations concern ln a very school Men who served in the first wor hall at 9:30 a. m. and go from there enviable financial posit ing game birds and animals will be ion within five years, with a bon- one of the family groups housed 111 In Boise— ld war were urged to be first to put to the cemetery. Mrs D. Major is reported to be considered. Anyone interested D dede debt of very nominal size and in individual cottages, of which a on a poppy on Poppy Sat A memorial service consisting of seriously Ul ln a Boise hospital. Invited to attend. number of new ones will be con urday. in a message issued bl Andy music and speaking will be given. sufficient plant to meet the needs as part of the enlargement. McOinnis commander of Nyssa post Arthur Rouse will be In charge of ed the operation, function and ma of the community for years to come. structed new wing to be added to the ex of the American Legion. a firing squad and buglers to be intenance of internal combustion The Budget committee was com* A isting unit will make it Recalling the service and sacrifice furnished by the two veterans of C.C. Hunt, Chairman, A. possible hospital engines. A theoretical phase also posed for the estimated Considerable damage was caused of the men who fought for America organizations. Rev. M H. Green Boydell. secretary, George Clea maximum to of care Included fuel oil engines and elect H. by froet to fruits and vegetables ln cases likely to exist at 25 years ago. Commander McGinn lee will deliver the address. Graves George Mitchell, and William any one time. ricity. The graduated man now ver, the Nyssa area and other parts of will be decorated in the Nyssa DeOrofft from the community at Mr Landreth urges that "gifts fr the Snake river valley early Mon is . n.rl awaits active duty orders to sea or large. Members of the school board om everyone are needed if the Vet day morning. The weather observer "Men are again being called upon cemetery and the Owyhee cemetery. to some shore station. are C. W. Buchner. Chairman. B. B. erans of Foreign Wars' extensive at the reclamation bureau office to give their lives for America, as All veterans and their families O. E. Cheldelin, Loyd veterans’ welfare program is to be here said the minimum temperature did our comrades ln 1917 and 1918. have been invited to attend morn "Tec 5 Earl L. Purvis, husband of Lienkaemper, Our own boys and our neighbors ing services ln the Methodist church Adams. R. G. Mrs Christine Purvis of Nyssa, Or Hartley. Clerk. Larson, and Henry put Into motion promptly and eff was 29 degrees. boys are among them. Our hearts Memorial Sunday. egon. has recently been promoted Practically all of the potato pl are heavy at the thought that these ectively.” form the grade of private first class. Nyssa's quota is 8330. ants in the valley were frost bitten. young men must meet the same Enters Honarary— Tec 5 Purvis, who has also recently They will recover, but the yield will fate as those other young men we Miss June Marie Wilson of Ny- been awarded the good conduct Conference Held— be reduced, growers said. left beneath the poppies of FYance vsa was recently Initiated into Pi medal for exceptionally efficient Members of the Methodist church The small amount of corn that Is twenty-five years ago. Lambda Theta, a national educat and capable performance of his attending the fourth quarterly con up was damaged ion honorary. Miss Wilson, a sen duties, is now stationed somewhere ference last Wednesday night lnv- Tomato plants, beans and other Cubs Will Gather— ior majoring in public school music in the Aleutian area.” Lloyd L. Derrick, who had been iter Rev and Mrs.Greenlee to take vegetables in family gardens and in Nyssa Cubs will help with the at the University of Oregon. Is also Lawrence Low, seaman 2-c, son on the Albert Rust farm ln charge of the Nyssa church for an fields were frozen. poppy sale Saturday. They will re a member of Phi Beta and Mu Phi of Mr and Mrs John Low, returned A Nyssa marine. Private Theodore living the Owyhee section, died ln the other year. Mrs E. L. Jamison was Peaches and apricots were dam port at the Graham realty office at Upnllon. national music honoraries. to the naval training station at has been graduated from Nyssa Nursing home last Sunday elected lay delegate to the annual aged. especially at the higher ele 8 am She is affaliated with the Alpha Farragut. Idaho Monday after visit S. field Mazac. telephone school at San Diego morning. He had been ill for sev conference, which will be opened vations. Some fruit. Including pru Omicron Pi sorority. ing here. and is now ready to Join a leather eral months. ln Caldwell June 7 and elected Mrs nes. was damaged ln the valley. Visit H ere- neck combat unit as a communicat Funeral services will be held Fri W W. Foster as reserve delegate. Chief Petty Officer Allen Forbes G* To California— Fort Sill, Okla., May 18 --(FAS> — specialist. day at 2 p.m. in the Owyhee school- New officers for the year were el Visit Here— of Boise, who has been serving with Mrs Dwayne L. Anderson of Ad Private Elton C. Counsil of Nyssa. ions The 25-year-old son of Mr and house. Interment will be in the ected. Forty persons, including Dr. Mr and Mrs J. C. Reece of Chad- the seabees in the Aleutians, and rian left Friday for Sacramento to Oregon has been selected to take Mrs Anthony A. Mazac formerly Owyhee cemetery with the Nyssa \ Charles M Donaldson, district su rin, Nebraska and aon-in-law, G. R. Mrs Forbes visited over the week visit her brother, Burrell Fagan, for the enlisted communication course attended Nyssa high school. He re Funeral home ln charge. perintendent, attended a covered Gibbs of Seattle were Friday night end with his mother. Mrs J. E. several weeks. of the field artillery school at this entered the crops last December. Mr. ' Derrick had lived in this1 dish guests of Mr and Mrs O E. Dor Wheeler, and Mrs O. W. Forbes dinner served at 7:30. post. Private Mazac previously served fr section for 30 years. He is survived man and Darlene Dorman. Appointed Manager— Private Counsil is the son of Mr om 1936 to 1940 by his widow and several children Move To Salem— Sc*ut Leader f amine— Burson, former Ford deal and Mrs O P. Counsil, Nyssa Mr and Mrs Earl Anderson left | Guest Here— Mary Stevenson of New York, a er M. at A. Rupert. has been app Enlisted men and officers are Lemoore, Calif.. May 25—Aviation Former Resident Visit*— for Salem to make their Mrs Clark L. Brown of Ferndale. member of the national Oirl Scout ointed manager Idaho, of the M Ch constantly returning to the nation’s Cadet Joseph Ellsworth Wheeler, George Haycock of Burley, former Saturday Washington has been a house guest staff, will be here June 13. 14 and ase used car store in Jesse Ontario. Mr only field artillery school for In husband of Mrs Betty Elaine Wh *a term as ter of the Owyhee project, home. the past week at the home of her 15 to help local leaders oomplete Chase is now in the east arrang struction In the latest artillery tact eeler. Box 813. Nyssa. Oregon, has was in Nynsa Monday He and Mrs Visits Mother— niece, Mrs Charley Odder. organization of the local troops. ing for the purchase of additional ics and techniques. successfully completed his basic fly Haycock spent the winter ln Sacra Gordon Ray of Twin Falls visited late model cars to be shipped to ing training at the Lemoore army Dedication Plan Monday with his mother. Mrs St j Attends Graduation— Ontario and the 20 other Chase Recognition as eligible to qualify air field and now takes his final mento and Salt Lake City. A dedication service for the mem Mr« W b Hoxle returned home stores from ella Butler. Pendleton to Denver. for the petty officer rate of motor hurdle at an army air forces ad Sell Cabins— orial plantings that have been made Monday from Baker, where she A1 Gaines, former manager at On machinist's mate third class came vanced flying training school before Mr and Mrs Harry Klngery have Sugar Ration Split— in the church yard will be held in attended the graduation of her gr tario. will remain there for a short to Bluejacket Arnold C Ourren. 18. receiving his silver wings. sold their cabin court near the sug the Methodist church next Sunday Ten pounds of canning sugar per anddaughter. Colleen Yvonne Mar vacation before engaging In other son of Mr and Mrs O. F Ourren, ar factory to Don Franklin of Col of the Memorisi Sunday person may be secured during the as part tin. Miss Martin received a scholar work. Rt. 2. Nyssa. Oregon during recent Dudley Kurts left Saturday to re orado first period ending June 15. local service. ship to Eastern Oregon College of graduation ceremonies at the naval port to the nary first in Boise for ration officials announced If nece Education. G * T * Portlan d— training school ( diesel > on the Iowa a second physical examination and Attend Conference— ssary. 10 pounds more per person Recovering Fr*m Injuries— ---------- * I Mrs Fiyod Lomax and two child* State College campus. Ames. Ia. then to Farragut for hit "boot” tr Luther Fife, president, and Lloyd may be secured during the second George Poo Ison, who has been at From Seattle— | ren left Saturday for Portland to Selection to the specialty school aining. Lewis, clerk of the Welser stake of period Anyone no* securing cann the hospital in Ontario for the past Here Mr and Mr« Verne Chadwick and | Join Mr Lomax, who Is employed is based on the results of the blue Kurts it the youngest and last the LOS church, attended a ward ing sugar during the first period four weeks, is reported to be re daughter are visiting at • there Mrs Lomax and children ex- jackets' recruit training aptitude son of Mr in d Mrs M L Kurts to confrence at Letha Sunday They may secure their full allotment in covering HI» injuries were sustain the home of of Seattle his parents, Mr and | pect to return to their home ln On Page 5) tests The completed course lndud- j were guests of Bishop Ray Dewey. the second period. ed from a fall. Mrs A Chadwick Apple valley in the fall. Veterans Dance To Benefit Home War Stamps To Be Given Youths Mayor Declares Sat. Poppy Day Memorial Day To Be Celebrated Damage Caused By Frost Here Our Boys In T he Service Lloyd Derrick Of Owyhee Dies i % t i V ; i i. ;