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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1944)
£0 rfteNYSSA V 'Ô L Ü M Ë m i x . Hartley Named Nyssa Chairman Of Bond Drive w *w ATKESON NEARLY HITS BATTLE TIME JOURNAL S jyssa , OREGON,THUKi^DAVTJÜNË 5~i94T Girls’ Exhibits At Spring Fair Nicer This Year LETTUCE CUTTING TO START SOON Business Firms Begin Work On New Buildings SCHOOL CROSSING PROBLEM AIRED City Budget Is Virtually Same As Last Year’s LeUiue cutting in the Nyssa sec F. B. Crandall of the traffic div ision of the state highway depart tion will be started this week-end ment. was here Wednesday to dis or next Monday. Three or four companies are expected to ship let cuss with school officials the school Officials Cinder Blocks Used On Chairman Wants People Seek $15,444 Adrian and Kingman Kol- pedestrian problem at the highway tuce. Structures (Planned To Forget Hoopla To Be Raised By ony Girls Win Many junction near the Nyssa school The quality Is reported to be fair. And Underway And Buy Bonds Taxation Prizes buildings. The size of the crop is expected to Mr. Crandall said that there is Construction of several buildings, Henry Hartley has been appoint The proposed city budget for Exhibts at the annual 4-H spring be about the same as last year. all of them of concrete cinder bl no doubt that a problem exists, but 1944-45, approved by the budget ed Nyssa chairman of the fifth war fair held in Ontario June 2 and 3 loan drive, which will be opened ocks, has been started or is con added that he did not know what committee and the city council showed a substantial Increase in June 12 and will be continued until spite of travel restrictions. The ma could be done about It. Construct Monday night, calls for $15,444 to templated by Nyssa firms. July 8. in Increase was in clothing and ion of an underpass or overpass be raised by taxation. The $15,444 Probably the largest project to be Mr. Hartley, who also served as homemaking exhibits, many of wh undertaken will be erection of a calls for a considerable expenditure is 94 cents less than the amount Nyssa chairman of the fourth war ich were entered by mail. Most ex two-story building alongside the of money, he pointed out, and st asked of taxpayers for the current loan drive, said the present quota hibits showed very good quality ac Lieutenant John Bishop of Nyssa Gate City Journal building on west of Malheur county Is $606,000, or cording to Miss Helen Cowglll, ass saw his infant daughter this week Main street. The building. 35 by 80 ated that such passage-ways had year. approximately one-sixth more than not proved very successful where istant state club leader, who judged In approving the budget, the for the first time and saw his little feet, wlU be built by H. S. Michael they have been built. People are the quota of the last drive. the 4-H exhibits and contests. of Provo, Utah, who owns farming committee fixed Friday, June 30 at son for the first time in 16 months. "It will be necessary for us to dig prone to avoid using overpasses or Exhibits were classified according property in this vicinity. 8 p m. as the time for the public a little deeper this time”, the chair underpasses. Mr. Crandall said. Mrs Bishop and Johnny met Lie to quality with all first-class exhib The Hollingsworth Hardware and man said. "Perhaps the example of hearing to be held on the budget. its being awarded a blue ribbon, utenant Bishop at the airport in Implement company is expected to our fighting men as they penetrate Boise last Sunday when the lieut The meeting at which taxpayers those of slightly lower quality were take a lease on the main floor of The Adrian chapter of the Future awarded a red ribbon, and all other enant reached Boise from San Fr the main land of Europe will in may discuss the various items will spire us to more than fill our quota. Farmers of America, perennial liv complete exhibits were awarded rib ancisco, where he landed recently the Michael building. The second be held in the council chamber of floor will not be finished until after “It Is hoped that we can put over estock judging champion, added bons of merit. after serving with the amphibious the war. Excavation for the base the city hall. another first place banner to Its this drive without a lot of hoopla Rosmary Reed of Brogan led the forces of the United States army Total estimated expenses for th* and clowning. We’re pretty sure large collection when the Judging grand champion clothing exhibit in for 16 months in the South Pacific. ment was expected to be started this week. Seventy-six dollars has been re year are $35.744. Estimated receipts team won the judging contest at there won’t be another home tal Johnny was only two years old all classes, and Colleen Stokes of A repair and expansion project ceived by the Nyssa Lions club for for the year will be $5300 and the ent show as the community hasn’t the Eastern Oregon Livestock show Adrian took grand champion over when his daddy left the states, but anticipated surplus from the gener entirely recovered from the last in Union last week-end. This year all other cooking exhibits with her said at the airport Sunday that he started by the Thompson Oil com waste paper collected by the Boy al funds will be $15,000, leaving a one Our fighting men aren’t hav is the third consecutive year in wh loaf of white bread. Both of these remembered his father. Anyway, he pany will double the size of the j Scouts and Cubs and has been tur- balance of $15,444 to be raised by present service station at T h lrd 1 ned over to the boys by Bernard ing much fun while they do their ich Adrian has won the contest. girls will receive scholarships to the was delighted, especially when he The team was composed of Ron 1945 session of 4-H summer school. found a new football tucked away and Main streets. The company will Frost, chairman of the Lions sc- taxation. share and there is no particular install two more gasoline pumps, out committee. The boys received This year the city is budgeting reason why we at home should ex ald Lane, Kenneth Elliott, and Ma Donna Jacobson of Orove took in daddy's belongings. $7641 for paying bonds. Last year and provide a two-lane drive. The urice Judd with Pete Timmerman the grand championship in the st pect a bonus for doing our part. Mary Irene, youngest member of building will be constructed of cin $8 a ton lor the paper. The boys will start collecting pap the council provided only $2000 for “This is a busy time of year for as alternate. Johnny Johnson, agr yle revue contest in which the girls the family, is also showing her app der brick and plaster. er again soon, possibly this week bond redemption. the people of this vicinity. It will icultural instructor, was coach. in all divisions of clothing modeled reciation of the “new arrival”. The officials placed the city sur A1 Thompson and Son plan to end, Mr. Frost said. The group has be hard for people to find time to - Ronald Lane of Adrian was high the garments they had made. This Lieutenant Bishop will remain in plus funds Into the budget with the solicit everyone. It will save a lot point Individual of the entire con will entitle this girl to represent Nyssa fbr a visit until the latter build a coal storage shed on rail- not been collecting because of lack idea that if the war did end quic of trouble and simplify things tre test. He scored 767 out of a poss Malheur county In the state style part of this month, when he will load property between the under of transportation facilities. The boys also expect to start col kly, the city could start a post-war mendously if every Individual in ible 800 points. Lane wrote the only revue contest to be held in Portland go to Fort Ord, California for a sp pass and the Eder Hardware com program without bonding further pany warehouse. Work on the cem this area would sell himself to the perfect card of the day when he in October. ecial assignment. While In the ent block shed will be started with lecting scrap metal, which is badly for a period of time. needed In the war effort. Persons limit of his capacity and walk into scored 200 in A class of breeding South Pacific he participated in the Arlene Piercy of Adrian placed The detailed budget is published in the next month. The building having scrap metal are asked to the bank and by his own bonds. We ewes. first in the dollar dinner contest New G dnea and New Britain cam will be 30 by 100 feet. on another page of this newspaper. telephone Mr. Frost at the Idaho Results were as follows: Five all know It has to be done. Patsy De Haven and Shirley Smith paigns as a navigator and would H. R. Sherwood, owner of the Power company office. “Our boys who are now beginning high teams and points scored out of Kingman Kolony comprised the have begh in the Admiralty cam building housing Brownie's cafe, is of a possible 2400—Adrian. 2238; the final phase of the battle for winning team in the demonstration paign. Accept that he went to a erecting a storage room at the rear Europe need weapons with which Halfway. 2231; Union, 2169; Enter contest. hospital ,jecause of illness. of the building for the restaurant BIBLE SCHOOL TO to fight. They are our sons, broth prise, 2036, and Baker, 1941. Only a few points on the islands operators. It is also constructed of BE OPENED MON. Blue-ribbon winners in the var High teams in each class and ers, sweethearts, relatives and fr ious classes were as follows: Cloth taken from the Japs by the allies iends. Whether we like the admin points scored out of a posible 600: ing 1-A, Rosemary Vtlameyer, Bro were occupied so that the allied cinder blocks. Nine a.m.. June 12 has been set istration, the OJ.A., etc, or not our Dairy, Adrian, 570; sheep, Adrian, gan; Elsie Brady, Arcadia; Justine troops simply jumped from one Harry Shelton is completing re as the time for the opening of the Irehal Davis, band Instructor of boys need our support. Let’s buy as 576; beef, Halfway, 546, and swine, Kreager, Kingman Kolony; Cloth point to another. In an amphibious modeling of a building on First st vacation Bible school sponsored by the Nyssa schools, who returned th reet near the underpass for a dairy Halfway, 582. much as we can and get the war ing 1-B, Rose Warner, Arcadia; land, the first boats to reach the I foods store. the Methodist, Full Gospel, Epis is week from his vacation, announ High boy in each class and points i _ _ _ ____ ended as soon as possible”. land are the small boats carrying copal, Assemblies of God and Chr ced that the high school band will scored out of a possible 200: Dairy, T at * ° ° wers’ J Cln*m a" ™ on.y ’ mostly men. Later the large ships give public concrets this summer. istian churches. n w of „f Adrian, tied, Evelyn Barnes, Grove; Clothing 11, Judd and w Elliott The first rehearsal will be held bring up troops and supplies. Lola Brooke. Ontario; Wanda Sm Many children of Nyssa will reg 192.5; sheep, Lane of Adrian, 200; Saturday night, June 10 at 8:30 In Lieutenant Bishop said at a ch ith, Lincoln; Geraldine Deckey, ister for the 10-day special Bible beef, Huff of Halfway, 196.5, and Jameison; Lorvabelle Stevens, Vall amber of commerce luncheon Wed training and expression. The begin the high school band room. Every swine. Miller of Halfway and Lane ey View; Carolyn Warren, Owyhee; nesday that the Australians and ners will register at the Methodist one, including all alumni, are Invit of Adrian, tied, 194. (Continued On Page 2) Betty Culbertson, Owyhee; Patricia church, the primary at the Assem ed to attend. Rehearsal night will be defeeded Mrs Delmer Majors of Nyssa died bly of God church and the Inter Reed, Brogan; Betty Shaw, Arca WILSON ELECTED in St. Luke's hospital in Boise June mediates and Juniors at the Christ upon at the Saturday night meet dia; Ruth Dearborn; Ontario, and TROXELL, GRAHAM Erma Glrvln, Grove; Clothing 111. 5. ian church. Mothers of the begin ing. HEAD OF LIONS The dates for the concerts have Mrs Majors was born in Paul, ners are asked to supply their ch Rosemary Reed, Brogan; Naomi DRAW IN ELECTION Idaho April 20, 1915. She had lived ildren with their own scissors and not been set but Mr Davis said Calvin Wilson was elected presid Shaw. Kingman Kolony; Donna Judge Irwin Troxeil, present in in Nyssa about seven years. a box of crayons. All other mater the programs will be continued un ent of the Nyssa Lions club at the Jacobsen and Eileen Barnes, Grove; Survivors are a son, Lyle; her ials will be furnished toy the school til the middle of August. club's weekly luncheon In the Gate and Alice Warner, Arcadia; Cloth cumbent, and former county judge. David F. Graham, his opponent in parents, Mr and Mrs Walter Pitt- and will be defrayed through the ing IV, Elaine Reed. Brogan; Ho City cafe Wednesday noon. Other officers selected are Ber memaking. Bonnie Hyde, Grove, the recent republican primary le- inger of Paul, Idaho and a sister free-will offering taken each Fri To Give Cour * Mrs Fred Lzlcar, county chairman nard Frost, vice president; Ward and Caroline Schiemer, Kingman ection, drew lots in the county living in Ashvllle, South Carolina. day. Funeral services were held in Wieneke, secretary-treasurer; C. W. Kolony; Cooking 1, Molly Jane Co- clerk’s office, for the democratic Certificates will be awarded to of nurses aides, has made arrange Buchner, director and Claude Will- nnaughy, Kingman Kolony, Lucy nomination. Each had received 95 Paul today. Interment was In the those children completing 8 to 10 ments for another nurses aide cou Brown and Carol Colley, Valley write-in votes on the democratic Paul cemetery. days of the Bible school work. The rse to be given in the office of Dr. Mrs Lillian Newby has received son, tail-twister. View; Elaine Conklin, La Vera Fr- ticket. Judge Graham drew the lucky school will convene dally from 9 to W. J. Weese in Ontario Monday The new officers will be installed word from her grandson, Oonley E. number but was barred from plac 11:30 a m. except on Saturdays and night at 8 o’clock. Ward, that he was graduated from a t a ladies’ night program, the date itts, and Erma Fritts of Cairo; Da ing his name on the ballot next fall BOY SCOUT TROOP Sundays. The work accomplished the aerial gunnery Instructors sch of which will be announced later. rlene Todhunter, Annex. Ruth Jo by reason of the fact that candid FORMED AT ADRIAN will be equivalent to six months of Visiting In Mid-west— ool, at Port Myers, Florida. He will They will take charge of the club seph, Jefferson; and Georgia Ann ates when filing for nomination ta Mrs A. L. Atkeson is visiting re Laca of Jordan Valley; Cooking 11, material covered by the weekly be stationed at Mountain Home, the second Monday in July. A Boy Scout troop for boys ill Sunday school program. latives in Kansas City, Missouri. Janice Osborn, Oregon Trail; Dor ke oath not be to a candidate of Idaho as an instructor In aerial the Adrian community is being or- any other party, if defeated in the othy Laca. Jordan Valley, and Jo gunnery, In the O. S. unit. He is anlzed under the auspices of the Home From Trip— anne Hale, Jefferson; and Cooking primaries. enjoying a 21 day furlough with The opinion of the state’s attor American Legion and United Pres George Henneman, local merch 111, Gwendolyn Fenn, Selma Stom, his mother and sister, Alene in ant, returned home Monday night Betty Lou Newblll. Arlene Piercy, ney general was sought following byterian church. The troop comm Ohio. Later he will visit his father from a visit with relatives in Sp- and Colleen Stokes of Kingman the unusual coincidence of a tie ittee consists of C. Wilson, M. Kur and other relatives in Nyssa. vote in the write-in nomination. tz and K. I Peterson. The troop rtngvlew, Nebraska. He was accom Kolony. According to his opinion, it is said, leader is J. C. Nevln. Funeral services were held Mon panied home by his daughter, Jill, Elbert Hatch member of the eng The troop has been organized into Judge TVoxell, if he had won the Malheur County Granges will be who visited relatives in Bprlngvlew ineering department of the of the day afternoon In the L.DS. chape! ADRIAN SCHOOL two patrols, the Racoons and Co represented by 32 delegates at the drawing could have appeared as for Alien Green, who died in Port for six weeks. US. coast guard is visiting his par both republican and democratic bras. The troop hold its charter State Grange convention to be held MEN SELECTED ents, Mr and Mrs Howard Hatch of land June 2. In Orants Pass the week of June 12. Undergoes Operation— candidate since he was the winner night program June 29. President Luther Fife gave the Adrian. James Atterbury of Welser has in the primary election. Ex-Judge The troop meets Monday night Eight resolutions to be introduced principal talk. Bishop Arvil Child Mrs L. H. Snodgrass of Nyssa t hfim. o,.n. officiated and O. R. Anderson off-'signed a contract as coach of Ad- Graham, on the other hand by rea at the Legion hall. Mr. Burkey, at the state meeting were passed by underwent a major operation in J hL c!m n Z , Mississippi ered the Evocation. Mrs Ne!da Sc- rlan high school for the coming son of having been defeated in the field executive of Payette, met with the Malheur County Pomona Gr Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario day from Camp Selby. Mississippi ^ ^ pre,ude ^ The-,'year. Mr. Atterbury is a graduate election, was barred from accept the troop and committeemen last ange when 150 members met at last Thursday. She Is expected to for a visit with his wife and other lma Bybee sang “In the Time of of the College of Idaho and is a ing the nomination of any other week. Oregon Trail the last Saturday In return home this week. relatives. May for the second quarterly meet Roses”. Bishop Child gave a short (former roach at Franklin high sch- party. ing of the Pomona this year. Consequently, the position of no Visits In Boise— history of Mr. Green's life, M rs' ool in Idaho. He is attending the Goes To Idaho— Frank Wilson arrived home S at Miss Effle Ellen Counsll spent The resolutions covered a wide Dorothea Lewis and Mrs Schenk' coaching school at Ogden this sum- minee for county Judge is vacant Ed Henderson left Friday evening urday from Camp Maxey, Texas at present on the democratic ticket. Saturday and Sunday In Boise and territory, ranging from advocation for Twin Falls to be with his father, sang a duet and Joseph Wheeler mer. for a visit. gave the benediction. Interment was Dennis Patch, recently released The central committee may select Nampa. She was a guest of Mis* of the repal of the present compul who is quite ill. „„ Tan h„, rpepived in the cemetery with the Ny- from Induction into the army, has s nominee if they so desire—Malh Dorothy Olendenlng Saturday ni sory automobile Insurance law and ght. Miss Counsll and Miss Olend- the enactment of legislation where Visit In Vale— ^ £ l e B m i **» Fun real home in charge ¡accepted the princlpalship for an- eur Enterprise. enning went to Nampa Saturday by the state would Insure all cars ,*■ „ ttt lo flnp.. in Mr. Oreen was born September other year upon the resignation of Mr and Mr* Harlan Maw and to help organize a youth group In for liability, to the perennial quest family spent Tuesday in Vale visit Store* May Be Closed— " ■’ “ « * » “ ' ”■ » “ “ V “ <“ *“ »> ■>**” « » The proposed closing of the Nyssa the South Side Boulevard Methodist ion of better control of the phea ing Mrs Maw's parents, Mr and construction work with the seabees came to Nyssa in 1900 He lived formerly been elected as principal stores July 3 and 4 will be discu church, of which Rev W W Deal sant situation In Malheur county Mrs Meredith. in New Guinea since last October. I here until recently when he wen Other resolutions called for a hig ssed at a meeting of the Nyssa ch Is pastor. Reverend Deal has held _____ to Portland. He donated part of Here From Utah— Charles Jones arrived Monday the land °" which the present LD 8, Mr and Mrs George Stettler and amber of commerce next Wednes the pastorate of the Nampa church her celling price on stock and poul Here From Utah— Mrs Violet Ure who Is employed from Camp Parks, California and,church is located Mrs Oreen died two children of Clinton. Utah and day noon. Any merchant wishing ever since leaving Nyssa 27 years try to benefit the fanner; oiling of highway 201 between Adrian and In defense work s t Ogden. Utah re Mr and Mrs Russell Jordan of Na to discuss the subject is Invited to ago. will leave Friday after a visit with tw° ye»« aga the Oregon state line; better rural turned to her work Tuesday after his parents. Mr and Mrs W. S. Besides a sister, Mrs Ellen Fie ds mpa were in Nyssa oved the week attend the luncheon. The closure telephone systems; allowing drugg visiting with her daughter Mrs Jones of Nyssa. and with friends of Nyssa. Mr. Oreen leaves a sister end visiting at the home of Mr and would give merchants and employ Attend Conference— Rev. and Mrs M. H. Oreenlee and ists to handle stock medicines for Evelyn Mitchell. es a three-day holiday. in Nyssa and Ontario He is serving living in Portland and two living in Mrs Gordon Ray. Mrs E. L. Jamison, lay delegate, fanners and stockmen; sugar per B iki': in the seabees. are attending the annual conference mits for community dinners; dep Visit* In In Hospital— Receive* Call— of the Methodist church in Cald ortation of alien and or dialoyal Mrs Dean Fife U In the hospital Visiting Here— Caaael Callahan has received his Mrs Dean Smith spent last week Eldon Jensen and Faye Dixon, Mrs Wesley Anderson and daugh- call from the navy to be In Ontario as a result of a fall which occurred well this week. Local members are Japanese at the close of the war. end as a guest of Mr and Mrs Car- who are serving In the merchant attending an all-day session of the and rural road Improvements. roll Tucker and family of Bo Isa marines, US. maritime service at ter, Trena Jo. are here from Van- June 21 for the service Mr Calla- last Friday Women's Society of Christian Ser Mr and Mrs Frank Pulleton were Seattle, are visiting their families. couver. Washington visiting Mrs han is manager of the Frightway* vice in Caldwell today elected as Pomona alternates to the Receive* Degree— Moving To California— They arrived here Tuesday evening. Anderson's mother. Mrs O. R. Hite, j Truck line in Nyssa. state Grange sessions. Forty three Mrs Fern Roger* and daughter. Jack Shtgeo Kato of Nyssa rece and other relative«. ------------------------ Sell Residence— new members were Initiated Into ived a bachelor of arts degree from Wanda Fay, expect to leave soon Return From Trip— James Oomeil, SM2-c, son of Mr . Mr and Mrs O. E Bench have the county organization. Mr and Mrs Mark Child returned for Los Angeles, where they arlll the Brigham Young university June and Mrs R Cornell, after a two- Visiting P a r e n t * - ___ sold their residence on Em Ison 7 at the 68th annual commence week visit here, left Wednesday | Mr* Jerry Childs of Dallas. Te- Friday from Utah, bringing with j make their home. avenue to Mrs Maxie Smith of Ny- Visit Husband— ment exercises. He received his evening for a short visit with his xas. formerly Thelma Cook of Ny- them Mr Child's sister. Mrs Orace Recruiter Coming— Mr* Eldon Stringfellow arrived major in agronomy and his minor two sisters In Portland before re- *sa to visiting her parenu, Mr and Compton of Morgan. Utah. home last Thursday from Ogden, in chemistry. Ivy C Quale, recruiting specialist porting back to his ship He went Mrs A V Cook. She came to Ore- IB— where she visited for three weeks for the WAVES, will be in the On- to Portland with his brother, Law gon because of the illness of her Taken T* Hospital— A. V. Pruyn was taken to the with her husband and other relat- Accepts P o sitio n - tarlo-Nyssa district June 1J, 14 and Mrs O. R Hite. S r . Is 1 1 1 In the father, who suffered a heart attack rence. and family, who went to Nyssa Nursing home Monday. He is I Ives Mr Stringfellow is a radioman. Miss Delma L. Ward has accepted Portland on a combined business in Portland a month ago. M r Cook Holy Roaary hospital In Ontario. 15 She will maintain headquarters showing some improvement. I DM 2-c in the nsvy. She Is suffering from heart trouble In the post offices In the two town* I s position at the sugar factory. is now confined to his bed and pleasure trip. A. L. Atkeson must be the best guesser In town. At least he missed by only two minutes the time of the Invasion of Europe by allied forces. Three weeks ago Mr. Atkeson told his family that the invasion would (restarted at 3:30 a.m. June 6, wh ich was an almost perfect forecast. Nyssa's best prognosticator said he would not tell what caused him to decide upon June 6 as .the date of the invasion, but said that Pres ident Koosefelt had given him two or three hints. Mr Atkeson’s son I James. Is with the American air forces In England. Lieut. J. Bishop Visits Family Adrian Chapter Wins Judging Scouts Get $76 For Waste Paper tun*» be- I in tion t. -her soli our an tan at d- >1- on ila id id ill xt ìe 1- re 0, d o 1. s ». Band Concerts WilLBe Held Mrs D. Majors Taken By Death Our Boys In T he Service Allen Green Of Nyssa Succumbs 32 Grangers To Attend Sessions :} a f. i t i f* J h