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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1944 PACK TUKKE Classified Advertising Lots 2J and 4 of Section 19, Town NTS UNION PACIFIC ship 19 S. Range 47 E.W.M. includ Just before leaving the capital GIVES PAMPHLET ing the water right appurtenant TOWN and FARM ?. for Hersey, Pa., to attend the gov thereto which water right Is repres ernor's conference Governor Earl Omaha. Neb., May 25--"Profltable _ , l n WARTIME ented by Certificate No. 2278 for Snell announced the appointment Dairying. ” a pamphlet designed for sixty shares of the capital stock of ^ by OfftCt O , WA. INfO.MATION of Grham B Smith of Eugene, as dairymen and prospective dairy Owyhee Ditch Company and which a member of the State Board of farmers, has just been published by RATES: Two cents per word lor each Issue. Minimum cash In stock certificate issued in the name OWI REPORTS ON POOD SITU ment Is Improperly delayed by the Architect Examiners, for a 5-year the agricultural development dep of George Hill and wife Is now out ATION advance Is 30c. term. The governor also reappoin artment of the Union Pacific rail employer. standing, and requiring said Owy Although farm population of the SUOAR ted Robert L. Jones of Clifton, as road as a follow-up ef its motion 37 INVALID hee Ditch Company, and the proper United States Is four million less Sugar STAMP a member of the State Fish Com picture, “Along the Milky Way,” Stamp 37 in War Ration at the Rev. M. H. Greenlee officers thereof to cancel said cer than during the last war. mission for a 4-year term. released a year ago. MISCELLANEOUS shovel residence. lJlxc tificate No. 2278 and to issue to farmers produced 47 percent more Book 4 will neber be used, OPA an SPEED VIOLATIONS Thirty-one pages of specific, hel For Sale nounced. Because many housewives food In 1943 than In 1918, the Off plaintiff a new certificate In lieu ice information on building a da mistakenly sent this stamp to their Less than 10 per cent ol Oregon's pful of War Information said In re PGR SALE—Olson land level In ex LOST iry herd, care of cattle, dairy cattle thereof. local boards when applying for ho motorists are complying with the porting need for four million vol cellent condition. For further In- LOST_ ^ mfold between Mitchell This summons Is published by unteer farm workers until after me canning sugar, instead of the 35-mile wartime speed limit accord diseases, and care of milk and cr formation write to Mrs J. L. Down- butte and Sunset valley hall Sun- order of the Hon. Robt. D. Lytle, harvest this year. With the aid o f,correct stamp-spare stamp 37—OPA ing to a resurvey made last week eam make up the bulletin, which Is profusely Illustrated with photo ing, 1553 N. Garfield Pocatello, day. Please return to Journal office. Circuit Judge, dated May 4th. 1944, the War Food Administration and,has announced that Sugar Stamp by the state department’s safety graphs and diagrams. Idaho. lJlx c! Reward. Dale Llmbaugh. lJlxc prescribing that this summons be the Office of Price Administration 37 will not be used at all so that no served by publication thereof, once OWI reported on the current food one will suffer for this mistake division which covered motorists FOR SALE—About 25 tons of third week for four consecutive Legal Advertisement each on the Pacific highway. The new Comparing this year with cutting baled hay. W. T. Cannon weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Jour situation. last—apples, peaches, pears and ch survey showed that only 85 per Mary E. Bevins, Administratrix nal, a newspaper published in Mal erries and sons. Sunset valley. 25M2xp Sensible Prices be more plentiful; sligh cent of the motorists were travel Estate of Julius Bevins, De heur County Oregon, and the date tly less will fluid milk and cream will POD SALE—160 acre tract, 80 In ceased. ing at a speed in excess of 35 miles Our reputation of re £ C a p i/a l crop. Will sell with or without crops IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF of 1944. the first publication Is May 11, be consumed; less chicken will be but under 51 miles per hour. available; eggs wil continue plent and stock Inquire at Journal office. THE STATE OF, OREGON FOR A. L. Fletcher liability and fair deal iful. Other highlights—wartime In 1 lM4xp THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Attorney for Plaintiff creases of income and food have WP M u trai Wridf 5T59-E Residence and Post Office enabled millions of Americans to ings is your assurance FOR SALE—White-faced bulls. Oo- SUMMONS No. FOR PUBLICATION Address. Nyssa, Oregon. od breeding stock. Serviceable age. FIRST PERMANENT WAVE KIT Increase their diets; rationing will CAMDEN NATIONAL BA of proper treatment. Jake Fischer. 24Ptfc NK AND be needed until the war is won; Do it yourself a t home. TRUST COMPANY, a NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING current Each kit contains Per- f f y / LABOR SHORTAGE PERILOUS point-fTee meats will re manent Wave ¡Solution, FOR SALE—Seeds, Mlchael-Leon- national banking association We strive to give co NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN, that main reasonably plentiful, with so The labor shortage problem took sham poo, curlers and Plaintiff ard, flower, garden and field seeds. wave net. Safe. Money bark Guar A. L. Fletcher, Administrator of the the spotlight as the election camp me cuts of better grades less plent antee. Gel • Charm-Ken KN tatfay. -vs- Hoi ingsworth Hardware and Im mplete satisfaction by estate of Joseph Lee Reed, deceas iful; the present point holiday on aigners went out. Says State Dir NYSSA PHARMACY plement Co. 24FTFC George Hill and Ella M. Hill, his ed, ector lor the War Manpower Com has filed in the County Court canned vegetables Is only tempor the unkown heirs of eith Malheur County, Oregon, his fir- ary and on some meats may be mission, “Oregon has a long way to attending to the minu FOR SALE—About 400 sacks com wife, of and them if deceased; the Owyhee st of and final account of his admin go to meet the labor requirements mercial netted gem potatoes. Bring er Ditch temporary: the 1943-44 citrus fruit Company, a corporation, Jo istratlon, and that the 20th day of production will be 10 percent higher and It Is obligatory on the people, DR. CLARA VIAL BIRLEW test details. sacks. William Peutz, route 1, Ny- hn Molenaar, president and Tho will be at Graham’s Nyssa realty June, 1944 at the hour of 11 O’clock to see that the manpower needs ol ssa, Phone 010J2. 18Mtfc mas Jones, secretary of said Owy than last year; the last half of 19- Nyssa Funeral and the County Court Room 44 will show less butter and lard, agriculture and industry are met." office Saturday June 3. Send hee Ditch Company and John Mol A.M. in Vale, Oregon, have been fixed To day there is an estimated sh glasses for repairs or duplication but more margarine, shortening enaar, H. E. Noah, Hans Oft, A. B. WANTED Court as the time and place and vegetable oils than during the ortage of 20,000 laborers without Home Bishop, Jacob Fischer, William Pe- by the the hearing of said account and first half; sugar supply is adequate reference to agriculture and the to the residence office at Weiser, WANTED—Girl wants housework utz and O. D. Hite, as Directors of for any objections thereto, when and but no increase in household all canning industry, of which 15,000 or other type of work. Phone 05R3. said Owyhee Ditch Company also where any person Interested in said otments Is In sight this year. For are needed, 15,000 more are needed m ill MlIIIIIIIIWl|l«MIII«lllll!IIHW HHIIHHIIHI III III IHiM'lllil I III HlillMil III 1:1 HI I I III 111:1 III HI HI III III III 11 I I Hi l l HI 11 lllll or inquire Journal office. 25M2XP all other persons or parties un estate may appear and file written nutritional reasons, the report re In war industries, transportation known, claiming any right, title es POR SALE—Piano. See Mrs Frank tate, Hen or Interest In the real es objections. Said acount is for final commends home production of vit and general jobs. The U.S. employ Ward or Mrs Addle Wilson, second tate and or water right appurten settlement and upon being approved amin C-rich foods such as tomat ment service has 1500 miscelaneous be closed and the oes. and consumption of milk, meat Jobs It cannot fill. More than 2000 house from Hunt’s comer. 25M3xp ant thereto and particularly certif said estate will discharged. I wish to express my appreciation for the fine and enriched cereals as sources of civilians will be needed shortly to icate No. 2278 for 60 shares of the administrator NOTICE—'Anyone In Sunset valley capital A. L. Fletcher, Administrator of replace service personell now fill riboflavin and niacin. of the Owyhee Ditch the Estate of Joseph Lee Reed, who is Interested in having hay Company stock representing support received for State Representative in WEATHER STRIPPING POR HO ing non-military Jobs at army and and being Deceased. baled contact W. T. Cannon and said navy Instatallations, with other de MES water right, described in the sons. 25M2xp complaint herein. the primary election. May 15, 1944. Weather stripping felt and the mands scattered. The Alaska fishing season will wood to keep stripping rigid will be Defendants WANTED—Used furniture. Highest Very Truly, NOTICE OFl FINAL HEARING in good supply at retail stores, the attract 1200 and the war service will prices paid. Phone 149W. Nyssa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That take 7000 more. Stabilized labor Is War Production Board said. A fair Furniture Co. 1ATFC To George Hill and Ella M. Hill, B. B. Lienkaemper. Administrator amount of zinc for strlppling double dropping off at the rate of 1500 to wife, and the unknown heirs of of the estate of Rosie Alice Mull, WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES foi his 2000 a month and what is here of them if deceased, the deceased, has filed In the County hung windows will be available, as must live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay either be held. well as insulating mineral wool and Owyhee Ditch Company, a corpora I HI III III HI HI HI HI HI I I HIHI HI IlHIl HHHIHUHHHI HI HlilllHI III HI III III HI IIHHHIII HHIHIHIll l III I lllll IIIIIIIIIIHIIil l 11 HI 11 HI' ette. frlNtfc tion, John Molenaar, President and Court of Malheur County, Oregon, asphalt roofing, which should be INCOME TAXES his first and final account of hls Thomas Jones, secretary of said administration, and that the 20th ordered now, before the fall rush State Income tax payments were FURNITURE WANTED—We pay Owyhee for these materials, WPB, says. Ru made with exceptional promptness Company and John LET US PROVIDE A HOME MARKET FOR YOUR FAT HOGS highest prices for used furniture. Molenaar, Ditch of June, 1944 at the hour of bber and copper weather stripping this year. There were 47,234 more E. Noah, Hans Oft, day Nordale Furniture company. 21Jtfc AH. Bishop, H. Jacob Sell where there lx no commission to pay, no shrink, no un 11 O’clock A. M. and the County are not available for the Individual payees who paid in full this year Fischer; Will Court Room in Vale, Oregon, have necessary expense Incurred through a great number of men than there were last year. consumer. iam Peutz and O. R. Hite, as dir been fixed by the Court as the time MISCELLANEOUS ectors required to handle your hog3 and where you can see and check of said Owyhee Ditch Com and place for the hearing of said VOLUNTEERS CHECK POOD PR Total collections at this date last ICES year were $12,150.175,37 as compared PERSONAL—Lonely? Write box 26, pany; also all other persons of par the weight of your hogs yourself. and any objections thereto, About 90,000 more volunteers arc with 86,372.599.90 collected to date Vancouver, Washington. 18MTPC ties unkown, claiming any right, account We buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. where any person Inter to continue the price con this year. title, estate, lien or interest in the when and and Homed&le, Idaho. In said estate may appear needed DRAFT CLARIFICATION trol program, OPA says. More than real estate and or water right app ested For Rent file written objections and be 40,000 price panel volunteers recen That the complex and volumous For Friday’s price phone 111 R, Nyssa, between the hours ol urtenant thereto and particularly and FOR RENT—Small house. See Mrs Certificate heard thereon. Said account Is for tly draft orders may be understood Col. visited 386,289 food stores In this 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JLJ, Homedale, on Friday. No. 2278 for 60 shares W. B. Hoxie. 25M2xp of the capital stock of the Owyhee final settlement and upon such set nation-wide drive to tell community Elmer V. Woo ton, Oregon director FRANK KULLANDER tlement, said estate will be closed about price control and help of selective service who has Just Ditch Company representing and administrator discharged. grocers Found returned from Washington was ask them complly with OPA regulations. being said water right, described In and B. B. the Lienkaemper. volunteers in rural areas wor ed to supply a simple and conden herein, defendants: of the estate of Rosie Administrator POUND—Large scoop shovel. Owner the complaint Alice Mull. Some ked under considerable hardship. sed version of draft orders of the THE NAME OF THE STATE May may have shovel by paying for this OF IN OREGON, 17, 1944. OPA points out. On an Island In moment. “There are three basic age you and each of you advertisement and identifying the are hereby required Lake Michigan, reached only by groups: (1) 18 through 25 years, to appear and answer the complaint filed against NEWELL HEIGHTS mail piano, arrangements were ma (2) 26 through 29, and (3) 30 th in the above entitled suit on or Jess Sugg purchased five guernsey de with the mail plane pilot to ch rough 37. Of group (1) practically Corsets Surgical garm- you eck the four stores located there. all who pass the physical standards before the eighth day of June 1944, cows and a heifer Wednesday. ents said date being the last day of four Parish, Louisiana, will be Inducted. In group (2) def- Dudly Kurtz writes from Farra- Girdles Brazzieres weeks from the date of the first gut, Idaho that the Adrian boys are In boats Plaquemines were used to survey stores In errments will be made only when of this summons; and together a lot. They are taking swamp areas. And. In some rural essential regular employment in ALICE A. COLLINS publication if you fall to appear and answer shots and vaccinations. mountain communities, price panei essential vocations are proven. In Box 500 Phone 122-J- said complaint, for want thereof, Otis Kurtz, Idamary Prouty and colunteers walked 10 to 12 miles to group (3) the requirements are the plaintiff will apply to the Court Mrs M. L. Kurtz spent Saturday carry out the compliance program. very much llberalized-Just so they BUTCHERING Others have, just because they did not have Custom butchering every Monday for the relief prayed for in its com evening in the Harvey McLaughlin The survey showed 166.785 price are engaged in war effort work. and Friday Beef, sheep and pork. plaint. violations on the 10 food Items ch SPRAGUE SOLILIQUISES home in Idaho. Sanitary butchering guaranteed. This suit is brought for the pur Ouests in the M. L Kurtz home ecked and 448,041 price posting vio 8he day after the primary elect the foresight to purchase liability and property Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa pose of securing a decree adjudging Sunday Ion Charles A Sprague, former go' lations. for dinner were Mr and on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. damage insurance. One first-class law suit will the plaintiff to be the owner of Mrs M. Oreeling of the Kolony, GAS FOR FARM VOLUNTEERS vemor and unsuccessful candidate Mr and Mrs Carl Hill. Idamary Persons who volunteer for spare for the nomination for U.S. sen ruin you. It may wreck your future unless you time labor on farms and In food ator stated, "Perhaps I should feel Prouty and Otis Kurtz. Mrs A. L. Leach and bhe Jake processing plants this summer may grateful to the republican voters have Borge and Charlie Harris families apply for special gasoline rations to because their decision enables me decorated graves in Payette cem- get to and from this work. OPA to stay on at the occupation I love, announces. The applicant must ar that of a working newspaperman." etry Tuesday. Otis Kurtz spent Monday and range to carry at least four persons, and continued. "I commend to the Tuesday In Middleton. He is rec Including the driver (or as many as voters next November my successful the car will holdl, and must show opponent, Senator Ouy Cordon. I overing from arthritis. there Is no other adequate trans hold him In high regard personally Mrs H. M Warwick and daughter portation. and can support him without re were called back to Colorado a week REEMPLOYMENT FOR VETER serve." ago to help care for Mrs Warwick's ANS WAGE SCALE RAISED 5c aged mother, who fell and broke This week Labor Commissioned her collar bone. Mrs Warwick Is a To be entitled to reemployment announced the order raising the rights under the Selectife Training daughter-in-law of Mr and Mrs DENTISTS and Service Act of 1940. the veteran hourly wage scale from 35 to 40 Carl HU1. rights under the Selective Training cents an hour for those engaged as OPTOMETRISTS must apply for reemployment "wi public housekeepers which Includes J. R. CUNDALL thin 40 days after he is relieved restaurants, auto camps and sim DR. J. A. McFALL Dentist from" training and service, accord ilar Institutions. The increase also “See Mr Fall and 8oa Better' Mrs Don Parker entertained a ing to National Headquarters of applies to clerks and laundry work Phone 56-J group of relatives Tuesday In honor Selective Service A soldier placed ers. Sarazln Clinic of Jack and Dick Parker, who have In Inactive status and transferred GRAIN FREIGHT RATES NYSSA OREOON been visiting their parents, Mr and to the Enlisted Reserve Corps at hls Public utilities officials of Wash Mrs U. E. Parker. Jack left Wednes own request to engage in essential ington. Oregon and Idaho have fil JEWELRY STORES day for his home in Hayward. Cal industry, loses hls reemployment ed a brief urging the interstate ifornia and Dick left Thursday to rights If he does not apply to hls commerce commission to reduce by EYÏ8IOHT 8PECIALI8T former employer for reinstatement 10 to 15 cents a bushel the freight I return to camp Rucker. Ala. PAULUS ONTARIO OREGON Attention is called to the practice of allowing Mrs Arch Eastman went to Boise within 40 days after hls transfer. A rates on grain shipped from the JEWELRY STORE last week to visit her husband, who veteran has recourse to the courts northwest to southwest states. water to waste in the public roads and especi Union Pacific Time Inspector is in the veterans hospital. A few to collect back pay If hls reinstate- GUBERNATORIAL APPOINTME- PHYSICIANS days later she received word that JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ally to natural water courses or drains which he was being sent to Portland for WATCHES further treatment. Main Street at Second The World’s News Seen Through • cross the roads and which are contributed to by Mrs Sam Potts has received word L. A. Maulding, M.D. of the death of her brother. he hristian cience onitor WYCKOFF several water users. Mr and Mrs Charles Share are Physician and Surgeon An Intrrnstionsi D sily Mewsfh§f>rr moving from the ditch riders cabin JEWELRY STORE Phone FI it T ruthful — Con »true five— Unbiased — Free from Sensational- The County Court feels that these drains sh to a house at Langdons comer. Hours: 10 to U and t to • ism — Editorials A re Tim ely and Instructive and Its Daily Official Time Inspector (or Mr and Mrs D. L. Parker went Features, Together with the Weolrly Magazine Section, Make Dally—Except I ould be opened so the waste water can get away Union Pacific to Caldwell on Business Thursday the M onitor in Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Pry Bunding ONTARIO ORBQON without flooding the road. More effort will be The Christian Science Publishing Society mapr de In Appreciation V. B. Staples You May Lose Your Pants Professional Aid Business Directory Automobile Insurance Frank T. Morgan To The Water Users and Irrigators of Malheur County Upper Sunset T SARAZIN CLINIC SHOE SHOPS Abbott g Shoe Shop J. J. Sarazin, M. D. All kinds of shoe and harness repairing Across from post office General practice of medietas ¿-Ray Physiotherapj SALE CALENDAR Monday, June 9 starting at 1:10 p.m. At the J. M. May ranch H mile east of Payette on Highway Ave Cows, heifer calves and steers, others Invited to bring stock. J.M May.owner: W. H Welty, auction eer. and A. C. Fenske. clerk. C S M O ne, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts Price #12.00 Yearly, or #1 00 a M onth. Saturday Issue, including M agazine Section, #2 60 a Y ear. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. N am e__ __________ . . . . ___. . . . __. . . . . . . . ------- ----------------. . . . . A ddress. SAM PLE CO PY O N REQUEST made this season, by the Court, to keep water off the roads. Your attention is called to chap ter 26, page 143, of Oregon road laws, 1943- 1944.