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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1944 PAGE 4 ed when the bill reaches the senate. Chairman Tarver admitted that perhaps the farmer has been re quested, in the submission of thU bill, "to assume more than a fair share of the reduction in national expenditures," and he expressed pe- ixonal regret that the school lunch program had been rejected and that adequate provision had not been made for the continuance of Farm Security administration, but he in sisted that an effort had been made to "provide as fully as possible for the reasonable needs of agricul ture". Among the agriculture activities Washington, D C , April 13--Feri- for which appropriations were cut below the budget estimates are the eral aids and benefits for farmers farm-tenant loan program, parity in the fiscal year which begins July payments, office of agricultural in 1 will be 45 percent less than they formation, bureau of agricultural teceived in the present fiscal year economics, bureau of animal indus if congress approves the agricultur try, soil conservation, forest service, al appropriation bill reported to the emergency rubber project iguayulei, house by its subcommittee on agr j and crop insurance. The school lu- icultural appropriations. A long de nch program was rejected in its en fense of this reduction from the tirety. So far as the farmers of Oregon budget estimates was made by Rep resentative Tarver of Georgia, ch and Washington are concerned, the airman of the subcommittee, but unfavorable effects will be felt in lepeated interruptions by other the curtailment of soil conservation, members indicated dissatisfaction parity payments and the elimina with the action of the subcommittee tion of crop insurance. The live at a lime when consideration is be stock men will also suffer in the ing given Incentive payments as a long run from curtailment of funds means of securing maximum pro for the bureau of animal industry, duction from American farms. Th- 1 though there is better than an even >re is the further possibility, also, 1 chance that the full amount asked that many of the items eliminated 1 for this agency will be granted el- by the subcommittee will Ire restor- 1 ther by vote of the whole house or 1 by the senate after the bill reaches that body. Weight is given this f L IF E ’S L ittle T R O U B L E S *' belief by the fact that several mem bers of the subcommittee opposed reductions for this activity although the opposition was not sufficiently strong to justify the bringing in of a minority report. Income taxpayers of Washington and Oregon should not get the idea that present consideration of the income tax law with a view to its simplification means that there will You don’t have to worry and be any change in the rates or any fret because CONSTIPATION additional exemptions. Congress has or CAS PRESSURE discomforts no such purpose and it may be won’t let you eat. Instead of feel doubted whether the present effort ing nervous—blue or bewildered, would have been undertaken at all take a dash of were It not for the fact that an el A D L E R -I-K A ection is in the offing and It seems as directed on label to quickly ex pel gas—to soften and assist food advisable to the congressmen to re wastes thru a comfortable bowel move as much of the cause for co movement. Enjoy that clean, re mplaint as possible. Just as many freshed feeling that lifts spirits— people will pay and Just as much rekindles smiles—improves appe will be collected after the simplify tite. Buy it I Try it 1 You’ll never bo without Adlerika again. ing work has been completed, but G a l A d U r ih a f r o m y o u r d r u g g is t to d a y . the manner of collecting will be less complicated than is now involved. NYSSA PHARMACY Nor has Secretary of the Treasury -SAiH’T EAT- Danger Don’t forget that Spring Fever Hits automobiles too. When your doctor tells you that you need “ spring conditioning” , rem ember that your car needs it too. Drive in for a check-up. Towne’s Garage TO THE VOTERS: This is to advise you of my candidacy for nomination and election to the office o f Judge of the Circuit Court in and for the Ninth Jud icial District of Oregon. I am now your Judge and pledge myself to the continuation o f my present program of pr ompt, efficient and unbiased determination of litigation in your Court. This is a service the people have a right to expect. It is the duty of a Judge to determine rights regardless o f the parties, interests, or attorneys involved, and I pledge myself to that practice. Robert 0. Lytle B O IS E P A Y E T T E rem inds you to order GOOD SEEDS Nyssa. Oregon Owyhee Henry Morgenthnu abandoned his be imposed by taking from the A purpose to extract another eight card holders than {pom others be billion dollars in taxes when the cause they are not in the essential new bill is being written. class. Whether there will be a fur Unless more ships are made ava ther reduction depends upon mili ilable for the carrying of sugar car tary needs for the invasion of Eur goes housewives face the prospect ope. In any event, the immediate of stricter rationing of this comm- ' future holds no prospect of relaxa odlty before the end of the year. tion in the restrictions. There is an abundance of sugar in Cuba, but the vessels which might be used to bring it to the United States are transporting food and U. E. Parker. Carl Seburn, Roy munitions to the several war fronts and until this situation Ls eased the Rookstool and Mr and Mrs Sam sugar supply will be limited. It has Pott’s attended the sale at Caldwell been announced that the canning Thursday. U. E. Parker marketed quota this year will be no less than cattle there. last, but the outlook for the later Frank Rookstool of Adrian spen' months of 1944 is gloomy, to put it Saturday night wtth his brother. mildly. Roy. and family, accompanying th The recent cut in gasoline rat em to a dinner at the J. C. Rook ioning tor holders of A cards w as' stool home near Parma for Pvt. not far the announced purpose of Oral Rookstool, who is home on a equalizing west with east, but a c t -* furlough. ually in behalf of farmers, whose I Mr and Mrs Clarence Ross and needs, and there simply isn't en-1 family arrived at the home of Mis ough gasoline to supply this addit Ross’ brother, Sam PotU, Saturday. ional demand without reducing the They are interested in locating on quota for other users of motor fuel. a farm in this vicinity. Ii was felt that less hardship would Dale Rookstool and son of Wend- j for Assessor for Malheur county, Oregon, sub ject to the will of the Democratic voters at the A Yard Near Mgr Interior and Exterior Decorator Free Estimate 775 First Street Andy M c G in n is Am erica m arching — and company. But even if you don’t, you America watching — both stirred by have a definite interest just the same. T hat ’ s a warm patriotic pride so real you can feel it Your bank and insurance com pany, which have your savings in The strength o f thia nation in trust for you — as well as colleges, peace or war is the strength o f all hospitals, fraternal orders — make who have a mutual interest in it. large investments in utility securi You realiie that you have a large ties. There your money goes to work stake in America — but very likely — pow ering war plants, lighting you overlook the size o f your per homes — guided and guarded by ex sonal stake in the industries that help build America. perienced business management. companies, for example. So you have a mutual investment in industry and in America. Perhaps, like some o f your friends and neigh bors, you own stock in your electric • B ar "R aport 1» th* N ation," now t program af tka waak, «wry Tuaaday trotting, 9:30, E.W.T, Cot H ill« Broadcasting Syttam. Primary election on May 19, 1944. Murray Morton I D A H O V POWER A C IT IZ E N Phone IS Dwight Smith. Forty-three attended Easter ser vices here Sunday. A short program was given. Sunday school will be held at 2 pin. next Sunday. Rev. Honeyford of Ontario will preach at 3 p.m. Mr and Mrs Lee Dail and sons were dinner guests of Mrs Dali's parents, Mr and Mrs Orvis Newell, in Nyssa Sunday. Mrs Ellis Warner and Mrs Ray Corn gave a party for their 4-H sewing club at the Warner home Saturday. Fourteen were present. Games were played and refresh ments were served. Mrs Ruth Taylor of Milton-FTee- water is visiting her mother, Mrs I. V. Strevy, and her sister, Mrs Cecil Houston and family. Mr and Mrs John Zittercob and Mrs Anna Dail visited at the A1 Thompson home in Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Otis Bullard and family were dinner guests at the Charles Bullard home Sunday. Ben Shaw, mother of Council Shaw, visited at his home last week. Upper Sunset Take the electric light and power' Yea" Arcadia The feeling is m u t u a l I hereby announce that I will be a candidate LU M B E R (8?) COMPANY n Sam Potts and Clarence Ross we- ] April 20. ,*e Caldwell visitors Saturday. I Mrs Margaret Barnett spent the Adolph Schneider purchased a j week-end with her sister in Weiser. Mrs Arnold Slippy and children tractor last week at Ontario. Pvt. Aral Rooks tool, who has just were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs returned from the Aleutian Islands, Charles Culbertson. spent one day last week at Roy C h u r c h o f c h k is t Mrs Esther Cottengin was a din L. D. 8. CHURCH Rookstool’s home. I Christian) ner guest of Mrs Martha Klingback Sunday 9:15 am . Priesthood Stanley Reffett was an Ontario Thursday evening. Gaorge Whipple, Pastor. meeting Bible school. 10 a. m . Supt. business visitor Thursday. Mr and Mrs Ellis Walters, Mr Sunday 10:30 am . Sunday school. Dick Waddell. "The Sacred Scrip and Mrs Byrd Walters and Mr and Sunday 7:30 p. m. Sacrament tures are able to make thee wise Mrs Rex Walters and daughter, meeting. Brenda, were guests at an Easter unto salvation." Morning worship it a. m. Corn- Following Sunday school at Ow- dinner at the home of Mr and Mr* Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society munion service each Lord’s day. | y^ee Sunday an Easter program Tom Campbell of Wilder. Mr and meeting. First Tuesday of each month at Sermon topic, "If Christians Sin was given by the members. The Mrs Rex Walters were honor guests. program follows: Mr and Mrs Gerald Robertson 4 p.m. Primary for children bet What Then?” Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. for Instrumental prelude,Mrs E. H. and two children have moved to ween ages of 4 and 12. all young people. Leader, Geneva Strickland; call to worship, Supt. Nyssa from Owyhee corner. Graham. Wallace Gregg; “Glory and Honor Mr and Mrs Earl Crocker and ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL Evening services of the church to the Christ” , choir; Scripture re- family, Mrs Mary Coulter and Mr MISSION The Rev. Burtbn Salter, vicar. 8 p. m. A half hour of gospel ading. Six members of intermediate and Mrs Russell Patton, Jr., and Morning prayer and sermcn, 9:30 songs and special music. Sermon class with Mrs S. D. Bigelow as son, Del, were among guests of the Holy communion and sermon each topic, "The Six Kingdoms." teacher; invocation, S. D. Bigelow, F*rank Crocker family in Nyssa at second Sunday of the month. Jamborie—following the evening choir response "O, God Above"; an Easter dinner Sunday. Church school at 10:30 a. m. Mr and Mrs Lee Householder of service on Sunday night. The "Through Springtime Hours-Begi- Women s Guild second Wednesday pastor and his wife are inviting nners and primary, Mrs Annie G r Owyhee corner were Sunday dinner of each month. the young folk to remain for a egg, Mrs Corfield teachers; “Dawn”, guests in the Guy Glenn home near social time and refreshments. We Choir; "His Cross", Junior class, Adrian. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH will close promptly at 10 o’clock Louise Gregg, teacher; "He Is Ri- Rev. Lloyd N. Pounds. Pastor with devotions. sen”, choir; "Above the Hills of Serving 5 Counties Sunday school at 10. The Mis Choir practice Thursday night at T im e”, solo, Doris Gregg; Exercise From the Largest Stock of sion of the Seventy. Lk. 10:1-24. 8 p. m. by four girls from young people’s -.enlline Morning worship at 11 o’clock. class, Mrs Grover Cooper, teacher; Evangelistic service at 8 o'clock. SUNSET VALLEY "Hear again The Blessed Story”, Special prayer Is being held in ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH womens voices; "The King Eternal", homes throughout the week. H. B. Walkup, Pastor. Reading by Mrs Martha Klingback. Sunday school 10 a. m. With two songs by junior class and Parts THE COMMUNITY UNITED Morning worship 11 a. m. two solos by Caroline Warren and Orders Shipped Immediately PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Doris Gregg ;song, "I know That My Kingman Memorial Prayer meeting Wednesday eve Redeemer Liveth, choir; recitation .1. C. Nevin, Pastor. ning 8 p. m. prayer, Mary June Bumgarner, and M e C lu e r - M a n s e r 10 a. m„ Bible school. We have Everyone cordially invited to at benediction, Mrs Grover Cooper. a study class for you. Bring the tend these services. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho There were 82 in attendance. The children program was directed by Mrs Roy 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser NYSSA ASSEMBLY OF GOD mon: "He Ascended into Heaven.” Pastor C. A. Slaughter 4 p. m„ Fidelae Amicae meets i n j s unday sehool, 9:45 am . Alan Ed- the parsonage with Patsy De Haven monds Superintendent. Every class leading. Supper at 6. welcomes you. 8 p. m., evening worship. An Morning service, 11: o’clock hour of devotion and discussion in Junior church service at 11 a. m. an informal, friendly sort of way. Evengelistlc 8 o’clock. Topics: Pioneers: Builders, Me, Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 Myself and I; Adults: What We o ’clock. Believe About God’s Plan of Sal A cordial welcome to all. vation. Thursday, 8 p. m„ choir prac MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH tice at Kingman school. Legion Hall Sunday, 2:30 p.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday school, 2:30. Joe H. Woo E. J. Wilson, Pastor. dard, superintendent. Preaching, 3 10 a. m„ Sunday school. p.m. Brother Ray Branstetter will 11 a. m„ song service and preach preach in the absence of Brother ing. Larson. 7:15 p. m., young people and Everybody welcome. junior meetings. 8 p. m., evangelistic service. TOE METHODIST COMMUNITY Rev. J. C. Hensen of Bethany, CHURCH Oklahoma, is to be with as for a M. H. Greenlee. Pastor service Monday night, April 17, at Church school opens promptly 8 o ’clock. at 10 a. m. every Sunday morn ing. Beginning this Sunday stu ADRIAN FREE METHODIST dents will go directly to their re CHURCH spective classes at 10 o'clock and Adrian, Oregon the worship service will be held P. II. Reiman, Pastor at the close of the session. Morn Sunday school, 10 a. m. ing worship is at 11 a. m. The Pleaching, 11 a. m. pastor will preach. The Inter Young people’s service, 7 p. m. mediate Fellowship, the Methodist Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Youth Fellowship, and the Young Everyone welcome. Adult Fellowship meetings are at 7:30 p. m. (Please note change TRINITY LUTHERAN of time.) The evening worship Parma service begins at 8:30 p. m., begin Divine service at 10 a. m. Paci ning this Sunday. There will be a fic time. half hour of congregational sing Sunday school at 11 a. m. ing. Prayer service Is held at the Welcome! parsonage on Wednesday evenings John E. Simon, Pastor. at 8 To the Voters FIRST step toward Rood crop« ha your choice o f HOOD SKEDS! Buy the need« for your alfalfa, clover, field and gratM that have been FIRST in dependability for 60 year« . . . NORTHLAND Brand! The NORTH LAND Hying; (ionae label ia you r asHu ranee o f t rated fertile weed» of known origin; adapted to thia area. o æ GSMjpi m m jiE m . over, Utah were dinner guests at j Warren. the home of Mr Rookstool's Uncle, | Mrs E. H. Strickland will be host- Roy and family. j ess to the Owyhee Community club ilei! W HEREVER IT S E R V E S