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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1944)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1944 Classified Aviation Cadets Taka Blacliooard Flight Legal Advertiiing confirmation Court. of the sale by the All bids shall be left at the office Advertising advance la 30c. LOST tertained at dinner Easter Sunday. uth activity, with the cooperation Guests were Mrs. Harold Swedden of established youth organlations. and Mrs. W aller Mitchell of Boise. such as the 4-H clubs. Boy and G irl Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and Scouts, Junior Grange and civic of Notus, Mrs. Dora leaders. Now this Green Guard act Holmes of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. ivity has expanded so rapidly that F. G. Holmes and Gilbert. Mr. and it has become an integral part of Mrs. R. J. Holmes and Mr. and the popularly supported fire preve Mrs. F. S. Byers and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Olson spent ntion campaign. last week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jessie Fuhri- G LYCERINE USE man at Kuna, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis and RULES RELAXED daughters were Sunday dinner Pendelton, April 6—The war food guests at the Alfred Adams home. Mrs. Dora Holmes was a week- administratlon has suspended tem- end guest at the F. G. Holmes porarily through April, May and home. June restrictions on use of glycerine Dickie Winters left Wednesday for civilian needs, according to Le for Seneca to visit his aunt. wis A. Nichols, local representative. The Merry Matrons club sold Nichols emphasized that the act lunch at the Festus Adams sale Friday. ion should not be interpreted to Mr. and Mrs. Festus Adams and discourage the continued collection family moved to Fruitland where of kitchen grease, but rather to they purchased a farm. enable manufacturers to replenish Mrs. Hanna Olson of Hayburn, inventories. The action, Nichols sa Idaho, is a house guest at the id, is made possible by the Increas home of her nephew, T. V. Olson. ed production of fats due to record number of hogs coming to market. Slmutaneously, with the action, war YO U TH S F IG H TIN G food administration prohibited, e ff MENACE OF FIRE ective March 27, 1944, the use of cotton seed, pe. .. soybean and “Boys and girls between the ages corn oils in the manufacture of pr of eight and 16 are yet too young oducts for thinning or reducing to become soldiers, pilots, W A C S or paints, varnishes, lacquer and other W A VE S, but they can still do a vit protective coatings. al home front Job in combatting the deadly enemy fire,’’ said Gary M an- vllle, Malheur county chairman for PERIÏIMIEM Keep Oregon Oreen. These Green WAVE KIT Guards now number over 10,000 in Com plet«withPermanent o/nr A F A R j Wove Holution, curlers, A W C every Oregon county and they are shampoo and wavs «et — nothing T becoming expert fire reporters and alas to buy. it squires no hast, electricity or ma chines. Safa for every type of hair. I 'ver « mil fire preventers,” lion cold. Money bark guarantee. Cet a t harui- Kurl K it today. Three years ago the Keep Oregon NYSSA PH ARM ACY Green Association started this yo- daughter of A. L. Fletcher, attorney or may R A T E S: Two cents per word lo r each Issue Minimum cash in MISCELLANEOUS For Sale i! PAGE THREE be delivered personally to the un dersigned at Powell Service Station In the City of Nyssa, Oregon. March 15, 1944. B B. Llenkaemper, Administrator Estate of Rosie Alice Mull, deceased. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S LO S T — "The Instructor”, a small L D S Sunday school magazine. Lost T O TH E C R E D IT O R S A N D A L L FO R S A L E — W a r approved russet between olinc and postoffice. Has PE R S O N S IN T E R E S T E D in the seed spuds, small sizes. Oscar Sch Richard Taylor’s name In it. Leave estate of Harold W illiam Elliot, afer, route 1, Nyssa. at Journal office. 6Atfc deceased: Notice is hereby given to the cr F O R S A L E — Four turkeys, 1 gob Ruby ring and Eversharp editors and all others Interested bier, 3 laying hens, 1 year old. Ly pencil call at Journal Office or I in the estate of Harold William nn Bronson. Phone 2J12, Parma, see L. H. Snodgrass. 6A2xp ! Elliot, deceased, that the under route 3. signed has been duly appointed F O R S A L E — Man's size bicycle, ex- | Administrator of said estate by the W ANTED cellent condition. Leno Christensen, County Court of Malheur County Phone 127J. 6A2xp W A N T E D — Used furniture Highest A s p art o f their thorough g r o u n d v o r : preparation fo r flying Oregon, and has qualified as such. and fighting m the battle skies of the w o rld , these A rm y A viation prices paid. Phone 149W Nyssa All persons having claims against F O R SALE!—Bliss triumph potatoes, Furniture Co. Cadets are studying take-offs and landings. u.'tng a b la ck boa rd for 1ATFC said deceased or estate are requir the field. They are tr a ilin g at H au dolph F in d , T exas, the A rm y A ir grown from certified seed. Howard Forces’ “ W e st P oin t o f the A ir .” Evans, Rt. 2 Parma. Phone 27J2. W E P A Y H IG H E S T P R IC E S fot ed to present same verified as by live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay- law required, to the undersigned 6A2xp ette. S7Ntfc at his home, or at the office of A. tlals- [good cobblers. F O R S A L E — Modern home, stoker, L. Fletcher, his attorney in the City j Here’s another secret—for the br- garage, nice lawn and trees .Bern W A N T E D — Manure haulers. Frank of Nyssa, Oregon, which place is T O A ID S O L D IE R S ard Eastman. 23Mttc T. Morgan. Sei vice men and women who re- j ide who has trouble with her biscuit lBMtfc hereby designated as the place for the transaction of all business per turn to Oregon after the war o r , — the recipe which accompanies the F O R SALE!— 10 acres In Apple V al F U R N IT U R E W A N T E D — W e pay taining to said estate, within six following discharge may receive i m - , Cobbler is fool proof—and the fam - ley. Improved, good house and ot highest prices for used furniture. months from the date of the first mediate replacement and employ-1 lly asks for repeats! her buildings. Inquire Mrs Douglas Nordale Furniture oompany. 21Jtfc publication of this notice. ment assistance from local bureaus F R U IT C O B B LE R McDonald. 30M4xp Date of first pub. March 16, 1944. now being established in every siz- 2 cups canned fruit and B U T C H E R IN G eable town in the state The veter- 13-4 cup fruit juice-OR - Loyd Elliot, Administrator Custom butchering every Monday F O R S A L E — Holstein bull, two ye 3 cups diced fruit, either Estate of Harold William Elliot. ans service committee created byj ars old. well bred. E. J. Hobson, 12 and Friday. Beef, sheep and pork. Deceased. the 1943 legislature and provided' fresh or canned, butchering guaranteed. miles southwest on road to Owyhee Sanitary with a $10,000 appropriation is co- 1 cup sugar (if canned fruit is sw- dam. 30M3xp Phone 05R1. One mile west of Nyssa operating with local bureaus. T h e ! eetened use t. cup) on Alberta Ave. Jake Fischer. Legal Advertisement state committee consisting of E. K . ! 4 tbsp. enriched all-purpose flour F O R S ALE — Ten-acre tract and N O T IC E O F M E E T IN G Oppenheimer, Ben Dorris and Dow Cinnamon modem 6-room house with full Corsets Surgical garm- V. W alker assisted in putting the Owyhee Irrigation District Mix sugar, flour, cinnamon, add basement and stoker. D. W . Patch, Notice Hereby Is Given: That the local bureau-clearing house plan in Juice and mix with fruit. Pour into Adrian. 6Atfc ents of Directors of the Owyhee to opeartion in Portland where It buttered casserole or utility dish. Girdles Brazzieres Board FO R S A L E —Save meat points— ra Irrigation District, sitting as a Bo has been proven workable. Arrange biscuits on top and bake ise leghorn cockerals. W e have some ALICE A. COLLINS for 20 minutes in a preheated 400- ard of Equalization, will meet on S T R E A M P U R IF IC A T IO N available each Wednesday, begin Box 500 Phone 122-J the 21st day of April, 1944, at 8:00 Stream purification should be pl- degree oven. ning March 8. Thompson s Ontario o’clock P.M. of said day at its office aced high on the list of Oregon's j B IS C U IT S hatchery, Box 578. Ontario. 2Mtfc . i » j . . at Nyssa, Oregon, for the purpose of postwar projects says Governor Ear! 2 cups sifted enriched flour I reviewing and correcting its assess- Snell. 4 tbsp. baking powder FO R SALE:— 150 tons of baled hay. '’Several Oregon cities already ha M tap. salt Ira Ure. 9Mtfc N O T IC E O F S A L E O F R E A L P R O - ment roU and aPPort*onment of ch- arges for operation and mainten ve made substantial progress with 2 tbsp. sugar P E R T Y A T P R IV A T E SALE. ance for the 1944 season. The ass- plans for sewage disposal, treat % cup shortening F A R M IM P L E M E N T S —Case tract N O T IC E is hereby given that in . ors, Implements and parts. Cletrac pursuance of an order of the Co- essm,e" t ^11 and record may be in- ment plants and purification pl 1 egg ans,’’ the governor points out. '/» cup milk crawler tractors, sales and service. unty Court of Malheur County, St- f pected at, ° f iloe of the dUitrict “Stream purification is not only Sift flour, baking powder and Repairing and welding of all kinds. ate of Oregon, in the matter of the 1 by„ any interested person during Nicholson Service and Supply. P h estate of Rosie Alice Mull, deceased, joiflce 1\ours ° ' each b“4ln“ > day’ essential to successful propagation salt together. Cut in shortening. one 37, Ontario. 24FtfC. the undersigned. Administrator o f ! By order of the 008rd of Dlrect- of fish life, an important Industry Add milk to beaten egg and add to of Oregon both commercially and flour mixture to make a soft dough. the estate of Rosie Alice Mull, de- i orl v FO R S A L E — White-faced bulls. Go- recreationally; not only essential to Pat or roll out on floured board ceased, will sell at private sale, in ! ™ tlo,n » • « ? od breeding stock. Serviceable age. the beauty and charm of our great and cut into desired shapes. A rr one parcel, to the highest bidder, ! :By F r“nk,. T ; M ™ ' ary Jake Fischer. 24Ftfc upon the terms and condition* ' first publ. Mar. 30, 1944 state and its inspirational and re ange over the fruit and bake. creational values but also important F O R SALE:—Seeds. Mlchael-Leon- hereinafter mentioned, and subject Lafit publ A pr’ 20’ 1944 to the health and well being of lit ard. flower, garden and field seeds. to confirmation by said County Co erally thousands of our citizens. It Hollingsworth Hardware and Im urt, on or after the 17th day of is a subject which deserves our ser plement Co. 24FTFC April, 1944 at 10 A.M. Pacific Time The H. E. club met at Mrs, ious attention.” on said day, all tne right, title, in Frank Cummins' home Tuesday. A C C ID E N T IN S U R A N C E R A TE S FO R SALE:—Auto Liability Insur terest and estate of the said Rosie The afternoon was spent in sew All Oregon employers will benefit ance, $11.50 per year on ’’A ” Ration. Alice Mull, deceased, at the time ing.. The next meeting will be by the rate lowering and reclassifi Other Rates Proportionately low of her death, in and to the real held at the D. L. Hurst home cation order just issued by the state Meets State’s Requirements. property hereinafter described, and HP* MurvdrW'Uic April 18. industrial accident commission. Ev Bernard Eastmen all the right, title and Interest that Jewell and Nadine Wilson and en those who do not elect to utilize Dudley Kurtz were Sunday dinner F O R S ALE — Big young team. Call the said estate has by operation of the provisions of the Oregon accld- law, or otherwise, acquired other guests of Dorothy Toombs. Frank T. Morgan. lGMtfc P O L IT IC A L B E A C O N j ent commission laws will receive than or in addition to that of said The Pollyanna club met W ed W ith two United States senators' lower rates eventually from private F O R S A L E — Bliss Triumph and I deceased, at the time of her death, nesday with Mrs. Guy Moore. The in Oregon and one in W ashington' companies If they desire to hold the next meeting will be held May 3 White Rase seed potatoes, 2 years of, in and to that certain property to elect this year the Pacific North- , accounts. The state carries about at the D. L. Hurts home. Mrs. W. from certification. M Atagl. 6A2xp consisting of Lots 21 and 22 of B l west is creating signal interest in ,80 per cent of the heavy accident ock 144 in W a rd ’s Addition to the Deffenbaugh will be hostess. F O R SALE:— Bliss Triumph seed City of Nyssa, Malheur County, O r political circles. Added to this co Insurance business in Oregon and H. M. Shaw and sons have Lloyds of London carry the major mes the diversion of Washington's potatoes. Phone 06R2, Ira Ure. egon, according to the official Plat purchased a registered thorough portion of the private company bus United States Senator Homer T. 6ATFC thereof on file in the office o f the bred stallion from Conley Davis. Bone to the federal bench. The ap iness. Bob Clark is on the coast at FO R S A L E — Young chickens to fry. County Clerk of said Malheur Co pointment. and immediate confirm Rate reductions averaging about tending to business. Fred Kratzberg, route 1, Nyssa. unty. ation by the senate, creates another 10 per cent will become effective Terms and conditions of sale: Naomi and Rachel Shaw were 6A2xp vacancy in the senate and alters July 1. In farming rates will drop Sunday dinner guests of Ida May Twenty per cent of the sum bid to the political complexion of the del more than 12 percent. Total reduct The F O R S A L E — W ar-approved netted be paid to said Administrator in egation from the far west. Senator ions will save Oregon employers and Dorothy Deffenbaugh. afternoon was spent in an Easter gem seed from certified stock. H ar cash at the time of the acceptance Bone has been a crusader for pub about $800,000 a year. egg hunt. ry Masto, six miles south Adrian. of such bid and the balance of the lic ownership of public serving ut S C H O O L C A N N E R IE S L E G A L Nine of Justine and Larry 6A4xp purchase price to be paid on the ilities and his move to the federal A school board can legally ex Kreager's friends helped them cele circuit court of appeals will have pend school district money for the brate their birthdays Monday eve a marked effect on the trend of construction, renovation. Installa ning. Larry was 7 and Justine I the public ownership movement tion and operation of a cannery, 9. The evening was spent in play which the democratic senator rates provided such activity comes within ing games. Refreshments were as one of the major postwar essen- the scope of vocational education, Attorney General (George Neuner served. M r and Mrs. W W. Deffenbaugh has Just ruled. and son, Pete, and Mrs. Frank F L IE R S B IL L Biggcsf V A L U E par Dollari Cummins shopped in Ontario Mon A bill to grant commissions to students who completed the civil day. Mrs. Elsie Tereandiz and child aeronautics administration pilot war ren were guests Sunday of Mrs training course before entering the Tereandlz’s parents, Mr and Mrs. armed forces has been Introduced Minorai In the senate by Senator Holman. F. Fredrick. Surface T . T. Elliot and son, Clarence, C A P IT A L S H O R T S 90 lb. DENTISTS The Osborne Foundation of N.Y. were in Ontario Saturday. Mrs. Hugh McConnell and son. will make a survey of Oregon penal OPTOM ETRISTS Wayne, Mrs. Sam Shaw and Mrs institutions and submit plans for J. R. C U N D A LL H. M. Shaw and daughters, Naomi DR. J. A. M cFA LL carrying out Governor Snell's pro and Rachel, shopped in Caldwell Dentist gram of segregation of wards of “See McFall and Sos Better* the state The $70.000.000 Umatilla Saturday. Phone 56-J Visitors at the H M Shaw home dam between Oregon and W ashing .S a ra a n Clinic Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ton will be renamed M cNary Dam NYSSA OREOON Governor Snell Inspected grazing McConnell and son. Mr. and Mrs land blocks in the Bend and Baker Sam Shaw, Ida Mae and Dorothy Deffenbaugh. Mrs Frank Cummins JE W E LR Y STORES empires the first of the week and addressed an assembly of service and Miss Donna Dtmmlck. E Y E S IG H T S P E C IA LIS T clubs at Baker Thursday For the Legal Advertising CJtWHtKM ★ L E T US P R O V ID E A H OM E M A R K E T FOR Y O U R F A T H O G S Sell where there is no commission to pay, no shrink, no un necessary O N T A R IO Union Pacific Time Inspector JEW ELRY — WYCKOFF . JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific O N T A R IO L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone $7 Hours: 10 to 12 and I to $ D a lly - Except Sunday Fry Building OREOON SHOE SHOPS Abbott’s Sho« Shop All kinds of shoe and harnes* repairing Across front post office. SARAZIN CLINIC J. J. Sarazin, M. D. Generai ¿-R ay practice of medldm Physiotherapy first time In many months the past week was free of fatalities involving persona covered by the state indust Th e Merry Matrons club held rial accident commission. There we its anniversary party at the school re 965 accidents reported and 21 cl house last Wednesday afternoon, aims for occupational disease. dam es and contests furnished the entertainment. Prizes were won by Alta Fry, Beth Pomeroy, Maude Cooper. June Smith and Alberta Bowen Easter table decorations By Leona Anderson Idaho Power Compnny were used In favors and place cards Quests included Maude Hi Cooper. Viola Ditty. Mary Newgen. F R U IT G O B B L E R --IN A JIF F Y Beth Pomeroy and Lucille Ken The fresh, tart taste of rhubarb dall of the Worth While club and ia the best pepper-upper of all wh Alta Frey and Leona Winters. The en served In a Cobbler. If your sug next meeting of the Merry M a ar supply is low--use syrup or ho trons club will be held at the home ney to sweeten and If you use can of June 8mith. with LaVinnte ned fruit use only 14 of the sugar Smith as co-hostess Roll call to called for in the recipe. be answered with s Bible char Other fruits such as raspberries, acter and whet he had done. cherries, apples, blackberries, plums. Flower exchange will also be held. I apricots, and peaches also make M r and Mrs R. W Holmes en- Oregon Trail PH YSIC IAN S D IA M O N D S W ATCHES Main Street at 8econd OREOON Per 108 sq. ft. roll . . . ( with sails A cement) LUM BER (? ) COMPANY “There . A Yard Near T o a» Nyssa. Oregon Phone 15 Dwight Smith. Mgr great number of men For Friday’s price phone 111 U, Nyssa, between the hours of 5 P.M. and 9 P.M. on Thursdays or 53JU , Homedale, on Friday. FRANK KULLANDER Avoid Gray Hair TAYLO R Anti-Gray Hair V IT A M IN S Full Requirement of B1 and B2 For Sale At Nyssa Pharmacy 11111 I II I I t I I I I I t I I 1111111 ■ i l I I 11 I I 1111 I II II i l l HI I II I 11 HI I I III I II II I I I I II II IMI II II I I'l l II I III 11 III Announces Candidacy I hereby announce my can didacy for re-election as co unty assessor subject to the will of the republican voters in the primary election to be held May 19. E. P. Hendrix I II I t i l l I'l I I 111111111111 III I lil I II I 11 111 HI 11 III III III 11 M M il 111 'l II Mi l I I I! I III l>l III I I lll'l Year alter year By every test 7 W ONE JtyLàùl G vut that ôùi-P& ifrvufU Utenti all lOWEALTH KING OF THE HYBRIDS Victory Food Hints mm tmmi a W e buy hogs every Friday at the stockyards In Nyssa, Ore. UsE '¡! fc;l PAULUS JEWELRY STORE through and Homedale, Idaho. C a p i/a l l* fn P a ra d e M A LT H O ID incurred the weight of your hogs yourself. Kingman Kolony Professional And Business Directory expense required to handle your hogs and where you can see and check * NO A G « H 7 f Mil obU • « iy It It mvmH- tkrmm ffc I • « • I 4— i t • M wfcofti y n e•* r«ty. There can be only one BEST of any thing In hybrid corn, that BEST it lowealth— as proven by lowealth’t winning more yield and performance awards, year after year With that record goes eatursnee of 10 to 10 bushels more per ecre. ttiffer (talks, easier husking, drouth resistance, and many other advantages And fowealth teed coett you lees than $1 an acre Stop in. Don’t buy hybrid corn until you get our prices. AI Thompson & Son Phone 28 2nd and Oeed Ara.