Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1944)
r^eNYSSA 1 Œ X TXT In f ITY JOURNAL NYSkA, o R E GÜN7~r h UirsTI&¥~XpR Ï I~ ¿TT'fffT I. L. SMITH HURT Sample Paper Locates Mickey, Nyssa Clinches u . lureate AS TEAM BOLTS Lost Flier’s Dog In Good Hands League Pennent Services To Be I. L. Smith of the Oregon Trail was injured Monday about On Oregon Side Held On May 7 district Prom Dallas Itemlzer-Observer brother, flew his B-17 to England noon when a team of horses pull ---- $2.W DRY GOODS STORE FIRE DISCOVERED Waste Paper To Be Collected In Nyssa Regularly Fire smoldering in a pile jf lea ther coats was discovered In the Wilson brothers dry goods store Sa Mickey, an aviator’s pet cocker about two weeks ago. Before he left turday night about 11 o’clock so Paper And Cartons Will ing a disc ran away. spaniel, watched his master climb Bishop Child To Speak; he telephoned us from Texas and Bulldogs And Payette To that the only loss was damage to into an airplane and fly away on a Mr. Smith, suffering from a br Graduation To Be Play For Title Next Be Baled And Shipped oken collarbone, broken ribs and confidential mission . . never to asked us to keep his dog. Mickey, the coats. Week Held May 11 for him while he Is gone. Mickey, Where Needed sprained ankle, was taken to the come back. Apparently someone laid a lighted Mickey was given to Lt. Dean Al a black cocker spams':, arrived after Nyssa Nursing home for treatment. High school baccalaureate services Merck'anto attending the weekly j cigarette beside the costs shortly | Arrangements have been complet- bert Cadle by a woman at Pair- a fourday trip, and on his collar is will be held Sunday. May 7 and banks. Alaska. Dean, according to scratched the name. 'Lt. Dean Ca chamber of commerce luncheon j before the store was closed and th e , ed for the continuous collection of A1 Cadle of R. 1 Dallas, his father, dle,’ a name that appears in your Wednesday noen voted to close th -ico at linings began to smolder. C al-, scrap paper In Nyssa. graduation exercises will be held wasn't much of a dog lover, but he story of the flag. I knew that Mi 1er stores Tuesday May 2 for the I vin Wilson, going home from the Thursday night, May 11. The pro B. A. Adkins of Parma will bale really took to Mickey and the pair ckey had been left with Teen at Ny-sa-Payette baseball game. .bowling alloy, noticed the ctmœp- \ the paper and ship it every two grams will be presented In the gym became great friends. The master Anchorage. Alaska, by a pilot who The stores will be closed from j here inside the building looked blue I weeks. Mr. Adkins has been em- nasium at 8 p.m. provided a little collar for the sm never came back, but I had no idea The bureau of reclamation office Bishop Arvel Child oi the L.D5. all black dog and scratched "Lt. he was even ."rom Oregon. Tom has - p.m. until the end of the game. and he entered the store to find ] Ployed by the war production board to spend his entire time in the coll tfie fire. church will deliver the baccalaur In Ontario has been closed and the Dean Oadle" on the metal part. kept Mickey with him from Anch The Nyssa high school and the Wilson soon beat out the fire, ection of waste paper in the Snake men In charge have been transferr When transferred from Fairbanks orage to Texas and thinks the wo Payeue high school baseball teams which had been burning near some river valley. eate sermon. Most of the ministers ed to Nyssa, where the main office .. to an advanced base at Kodiak. De rld of him . . . . I thought you mi will cancel their usual evening ser of the Owyhee Irrigation project an left Mickey with a fellow avia ght be Interested. It’s a small wo will play a chanmpionship series cotton dresses. Bernard Frost, local committee for the Snake River Valley league chairman, said "We can now use vices and participate In the pro will be maintained. tor. rld." pennant next week. all types of paper. It Is not nece The men transferred to Nyssa In Dean's disappearance and conse gram. which will be arranged by When Mr. Cadle was told of the The announcement was made ssary to tie it. Lose paper should clude James Spofford, resident en quent official report of being miss incident Tuesday he was pleased to Wednesday by Coach John Young the Nyssa Ministerial association. gineer. and three other men. be put in a pastboard carton for ing In action June 10, 1942, Is fa hear of the dog and grateful to following victories scored by Nyssa The music department of the hl- easy handling’’. Bureau officials made the move miliar to people of Dallas and vic find someone who had known his and Payette this week. The Bull- City residents are asked to give gh school will furnish the music ! because they think they can operate inity. son. Because of Tom Ftshburn’s dogs trounced the Ontario Tigers ------- | the paper to the scavenger or tele- and Rev. George Whipple of the the project more efficiently and ec But for pure coincidence and a liking for Mickey Mr. Cadle has re on the Nyssa diamond by a score The Nyssa schools will present phone 86 and it will be picked up Church of Christ will lead the con onomically from Nyssa because Ny sample copy of the Itemizer-Obser leased all claim to him. He coirob- of 9 to 0 and Payette defeated New two programs next week In obser- . by the Boy Scouts. The scouts will gregational singing. Rev. M. H. ssa Is In the center of the project, ver the story would end there. orates the fact that Dean had left Plymouth 12 to 3, clinching the pe vance of National Music week. receive remuneration for the paper Oreenlee of the Methodist church, which Is 70 miles long. As it happened, however, some the dog at Anchorage before going The grade school will give a pro they collect. association pVesldent, will preside. R. J. Newell of Boise, assistant friends of Wesley Sherman, assoc to Kodiak to make the fatal flight. nnant for the winners on their re spective sides of the river. gram Wednesday night, May 3 at Merchants are asked to keep the Details of the program will be ann regional director, stated in a letter iate editor of the paper, were Inter John Young Is coach at the Ny The first game will be played ne 8 p.m. In the gymnasium. The mus paper cartons clean. Art Heider, ounced next week. to the mayor of Ontario that con ested in seeing a copy, and so by ssa high school and Mrs Young Is a All of the high honor students struction of the project is pract chance he sent Mr and Mrs John music teacher in the school. Tom xt Tuesday, beginning at 2:30 on ic will be typical of the music play local scavenger, will keep the paper the Nyssa field, and the second co- ed in the school room, according to separate from other refuse and lt will participate In the graduation ically completed and It is Import Young. Nyssa, a copy of last week’s exercises. Margaret Sarazln will be ant that the operation and main paper. The Issue carried a story of was a fraternity brother of S h er-; ntest will be played In Payette We Irshal Davi*, director of the school | will be baled at the city dump by at PacMlc University. dnesday. The third game. If nece bands Mr. Adkins. valedictorian and Angela Henman tenance organiatlon be concentrat the dedication of the high school man's And while in the realm of coin- ssary wi:. be played ln the ^ A concert will be given by the Local committees wishing to coll will be salutatorlan. ed under a single head and at a service flag and gave an account cidences—6-Sgt Bill Cadle, a br that has the biggest crowd at Its senior and junior bands, comprising ect paper for clubs or other groups point as near the center of gravity of the gold star for Dean Cadle. other of Dean, Is In the same com home game. pieces, Friday night. May 5 at are asked to contact Mr. Frost for MALHEUR SCHOOLS of the elongated project as possible. While reading the sample copy pany of army engineers as T-5 Carl Although the Bulldogs have c l- 18 95 p.m. Information on collection and dis Mrs Young chanced upon the story. Sherman of Forest Grove, a brother GET STATE MONEY inched the Oregon side title, they The musical program will Include It struck home. The rest can be to Wesley Sherman. Bill and Carl must play the Vale Vikings here a base solo by Robert McDonald, posal of the paper. SMITH IS NAMED A war production board repres | told In her words, excerpts from Sherman of Phrest Grove, a brother today ln the last game of the sea baritone solo by Merlldean Robbins State and county school appro CITY ATTORNEY the letter that she wrote Immed to Wesley Sherman. Bill and Carl son. The game was to have been and flute solo by Ray Williams. The entative said here Tuesday that ths priations for the second half of the paper situation Is critical. just recently left Camp Claiborne, played Friday. ensuing fiscal year total $62,625.77 mascots will be featured ln two E Otis Smith has been appointed iately: "The story that actually jolted La., where they completed training, for Malheur county according to to the office of city attorney of On The pennant will be the fourth baton-twlrllng demonstrations. figures released by Mrs Kathyrn tario effective April 30, upon acc me into writing a letter was the one | for overseas (|uty. Neither has been won by Nyssa on the Oregon side The senior band of 38 pieces and on the Dallas high school service j heard from since leaving the Un Claypool, county school superinten eptance of the resignation of Max and the fifth in the last six years. 14 twlrlers went to Ontario Mon dent. Taggart, who is to report for duty flag. You see. Tom Fishburn, my ited States. The Bulldogs also won the title sev day of this week to participate ln a These funds which exceed the with the armed forces April 29. eral times before that under the Malheur county band concert pre appropriation for he first half of tutelage of John Young. sented by a combined 110-piece Attorney Smith served as city the year by $15,000, are composed attorney from 1937 to 1940. He st A not true bill was returned by In the Ontario game. Nyssa scor band. A parade of the bands was of $16,870.28 from the state elem ated that the legal procedure for ed six runs In a wild second inning. held in the afternoon and the con the Malheur county grand jury in entary school apportionment, and the airport construction, the low the case of J. C. Crismon of Nyssa. Ward, Ontario sophoniore right cert was given In the evening. $46.758.40 from county school tax. pressure water installations, and The concert will be given ln Ny charged with asault in connection hander, allowed five hits, includ with an alleged quarrel with Mrs The state money Is apportioned to the development of the golf course Five of Mr and Mrs Wayne Mas ing a double, driven out by McCoy ssa next year. elementary schools on the basis of were Initiated under his tenure of Mr. Davis said “Ontario was a Howard Crosby at the outskirts of o n s six sons are expected to be with the bases loaded. Ward allow number of teachers, while the co office. several weeks ago. serving ln the armed forces of the ed three bases on balls during the wonderful host and provided us Nyssa Crismon had been bound over to unty funds are shared on a basis Inning. Attorney Taggart was appoint Frank Parr Elected Pres with a fine time". United States soon. ident Of Health ■[the grand jury by Justice of the of $10 per student capita between ed to the office In January, 1943. Nyssa scored two ln the fourth Edward Mason, who lives with his inning when Dale Willson drove' BEEF SET-ASIDE Paace Frank D. Hall. the ages of 4 and 20 years. Beginn Group f Five true bills, including a secret ing next year, the state apportion Here Frem Portland— LYYD » P M V TO P I T T At the 1944 A nni^i meeting of parents bn the south side of town, is Fujii and Bellon on a double. ment to Malheur co u n t/ will be indictment, were returned by ths Mr. and Mrs. Ike Brown of the Malheur County Public Health took his second examination in Se Kaahara. southpaw, replaced Wa- r ' , n 1 1 Jury. Harley Hayes was indicted on twice the amount ever received be Portland arrived in Nyssa Thursday association, held Wednesday night attle Wednesday and expects to en- ',rd ln *** fiith innin8 After two Pendelton. Oregon. April 27,--Eff a charge of contributing to the del fore due to a new law going into and Mrs. Brown was operated on ln at the Moore hotel in Ontario, Mrs „ _ _ . . were down, Kashara was touched effect to Make the apportionment the Holy Rosary hospital ln On Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive secre ter the navy. The youth, who has {or thr„ successlve hlts by Bllling, ective April 16 compulsory set-aside inquency of a minor and Thomas on a state wide basis. Instead of on tario. Friday. Mr. Brown return tary of the Oregon Tuberculosis been employed by the Thompson McCoy and Fujii, scoring Billings. beef, which packer* must make for A. Clennan was indicted on three Oil company, passed his first ex The Nyssa lineup was as follows: armed forces was reduced from 50 counts of forgery. millage as in the past. ed home Sunday. association told the 100 members of amination. • Fujii, cf: Bellon, If; H. Wilson, 2b; to 40 per cent, announced Lewis A. The Jurors made several recom the health association present of chell of route 1, and Ivan L. Zeslger Privates Alvin and Calvin Masori D. Willson, rf; Stelnke. 3b; Marsh, Nichols, office of distribution. WFA. mendations, Including suggestions the great task that lay before them of route 2. Nyssa have gone to the in maintaining health standards. twins, have been stationed at Fort p; Bybee. ss; Billings, lb; McCoy, The reduction referred to applies to that better lighting be provided in San Diego marine base to com Mrs Dunbar said. "The fundamen Ord, California. Alvin Is believed by c, and Heidt, K. Bybee. and Funa- choice, good, commercial and ut the county offices, that the vault his parents to be en route to over take, substitutes. lllty grades of steer and heifer beef igp^ce in the clerk’s office be incr- mence “boot” training as marines. tals of a tuberculosis program is seas duty with the army. Nichols further pointed out that the , eaiied and that the sidewalks t r changed neither by war, or peace. The local men selected the "leath Private Clarence Mason has been action means that the government Vjund the courthouse be repaired. There is a great increase in tuber will purchase less of the available | _____________ erneck" corps following acceptance culosis cases in Wales, ln 9cotland serving in the Pacific area for two GIRL SCOUTS TO beef supply, but that civilian supp- Takes Position- ORGANIZE TROOP ln their pre-induction examinations. and ln England and other European years. Private Wayne Mason, stationed lies will not necessarily be lncrea-j Mrs Marie Jensen has accept- A farewell party was given in the countries and we must say, "It can ln Mlssippi. has been serving in The executive officers of the Ny sed, because of an expected decline .ed a position as beauty operator in Sunset valley community hall T h not happen here”. "We have 10 million men in the the army for a year. He expects to ssa Business Women's club and the in cattle marketings for the season, [the Owyhee Beauty shop. ursday evening for Mr. Mitchell. Olrl Scout committee met at the armed forces whose health will be go overseas soon. old pioneer, Mr and Mrs Mason’s sixth son. home of Mrs 8chierman April 25 cared for. Of the remaining 120 Word has been received by Mr They have beaten the path to make million, who will care for them? It Walter. Is foreman of a cattle ran with some of the women who are our way clear. intreated ln leading Olrl Scout tr and Mrs J. I. Brady stating that is the part of the health associa ch ln California. oops to complete plans for the or their sons. Roy and Gene, have tions to hold this home front ln They were there to serve, maybe ganization of the troops ln Nyssa. PRE-SCHOOL TOT been transferred. Roy, AMM 3-c health". a life to save; The parents of all girls who are • Mrs Dunbar remminisced back 28 MEETING PLANNED They have rocked the cradle and Headquarters, 13th AAP South who has been ln school at Lake in the second grade or other grades years when a small group of inter covered the grave. Pacific--Sergeant Leslie B. Crocker dity, Florida, has been transferred through and including the eighth The P.T.A. Units of Kingman grade are Invited to attend the me Edited by of Nyssa, Oregon, who arrived re- ' to the NAB. at Miami. Oene. A.C., ested people mapped out the pro gram of the Oregon Tuberculosis Kolony, Wade and Big Bend and eting with their daughters ln the cently ln the South Pacific theatre I was transferred from Gardner field, They know How to Do. the things T. CAROL BYBEE of operations and was assigned t o ' California to the University of Mo- Association. She gave thumb-nail the pre-school unit of Adrian are grade school building May 2 at others fail; DISH PAN HANDS sketches of pictures in the history planning an all day conference for Even though they look red, and sk a 13th AAP heavy bomber squadron, ntana at Missoula. 7:30 pm. "She has dish pan hands", they inny and frail. of Oregon Health association. All pre-school children to be held Tu already has engaged the enemy, j ------ The guest speaker at this meet Sergeant Crocker, son of Mr. E .: Dick Tensen of Nyssa has been of Oregon's 38 counties now have esday. May 2, beginning at 10 A.M. ing will be Mrs Martha Judd of had said. It was true. E. Crocker of Route 1 Nyssa att- transferred by the army from Port public health groups. The last one and lasting until 4 P.M. at the Alrlan. who has been quite succ But these same red hands have a The blue veins raised high, the wr inkles so deep. ended the Nyssa high school. He re Douglas. Utah, to Sheppard field. was organized ln 1943. Each county American Legion hall in Adrian. essful ln her work with Olrl Scouts story for you. association was organized only wh Mrs. Robert H. Clark of Adrian. They feel kind and gentile rocking ceived his AAF training at Buckley Texas. for several years. Mrs Judd will talk en they were willing to carry out Mrs LeRoy Bennett of Wade, and Field, Colorado, armorer school, and about the Importance of the opport They can scrub the kitchen Imm babies to sleep. Ensign Joe Robertson, son of the responsibilities of an associat Mrs Joe King of Big Bend are ch unities in Olrl Scouting to the aculately clean. Lando, Texas gunnery school. airmen ln their respective units. As a crew member assigned to a Mr. and Mrs. Artie Roberston, of ion. girls, their parents, their leaders Or crochet fine lace of shearest These hands are clever, though th The health association has made The summer round-up of diUdren and their community. sohean. ey many carry feed regular berth Sergeant Crocker has Nyssa, arrived in California S at To chickens or hogs, they never sh acquitted himself well, and ln the urday after spending six months progres ln several fields, for 28 ye Is the major project of the National ars ago there were no vital statistics Congress of Parents and Teachers. They can dtrve a rivet or charter ow greed. opinion of his commanding officer in the South Pacific with the navy RESTRICTION PUT kept in Oregon: there were no pub It Includes examinations ln the sp a plane; He telephoned Mrs. "performed his duties like a veter air corps. Robertson Sunday from San Fran lic helsth nurses nor had hospitals ring of all children who are to en ON TURKEY SALE They could pick wild violets, after They may be red. but are firm and an.” been built. Mrs Dunbar told of In ter school for the first time in the the rain. strong Sergeant Crocker Is now flying cisco. cidents in her crusade for the Eas- fall, correction of all remedial de Pendleton. Oregon. April 27,--The Whenever an emergency comes al regular missions against enemy sh ipping and land installations and Is Charles “Buddy" Short of the tern Oregon udjerculosl* hospital, fects during the summer and a war food administration, through They have nursed the sick and fed ong. Mrs Dunbar stressed the fact th a t! Check-up in the fall to determine war food order 97 effective April 21, the poor; constantly ln territory where enemy gunnery department of the navy, fire Is anticipated and encountered. Trambert field, St. Louis, Mis the hospitals are not now function- the condition of the children. Ch- requires 100 per cent set-aside of What matters, a nail broken or the They administer aid, on a field, war souri, is home for a visit with his ing 100 percent due to insufficient ■ udren who are entering school next hen turkeys processed In California. skin Is torn? torn; (Continued On Page 5) ¡fall are especially urged to attend Washington. Oregon and Utah, an They know what to do when a baby Headquarters Army Air Forces parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. nounced Lewis A. Nichols, area They made the birde’s cake; put Is born. the conference. ‘ Central Flying Training Command. Short. Ge Te Portland— Because of the shortage of doc supervisor, office of distribution. on the stew; Randolph Field. Texas. April 27-- Dr. and Mrs L. A. Mauldlng went tors there will h e no physician pre WFA, Pendleton. Larry Brown and Lyle Fulmer Lay the dead to rest, when life was They bear education, the hard way. Western states were well represent According to Nichols the order through. supreme; ed at army air forces training com left Friday for Catalina island. Cal to Portland Saturday. They were sent on this day. However, a hist accompanied by Mrs Margaret Ann ory will be taken of the child and limits the sale and purchase to au They may well be the envy of many mand graduation ceremonies at 11 ifornia to enter the service. Neal. Miss Erma Hamlin and Mrs he wUl be referred to his own fam thorised plants who must hold or They have taught many little ha a queen advanced flying schools In Texas ship to the army quartermaster or nds, how to sew. Mr and Mrs Oeorge Cleaver have Violet OUn. Mrs Neal went to Salem ily physician for correction and Oklahoma as thousands of fi for an Indefinite visit. Mrs OUn 1 The P.T.A. units will be assisted other government agency They helped shape the youth In Like a hard worn rock that stood ghter and bomber pilots were added received a letter from their son. Nichols said however, that owner* the path he should go. nature’s beating to the United States’ aerial fleet. Pfc Leonard Cleaver, stating that and Miss Hamlin returned home by Mrs Amy Larkin, home super visor of ths FB A ; Miss Lillian who have leu than 26 hen turkeys These hands are experienced and California led the western states ln he was in a hospital, but was Im Wednesday Ntsbet. county librarian, and Mrs and no authorised processor within They are skilled In the office: ex know no retreating. aerial fleet California led the west proving. He has been ln the hosp Pletxreo Moved— Edna Farris, oounty public health 100 miles may obtain a release from pert In the home: ern states ln the number of grad ital for several weeks. To save the service men’s pictures nurse. Trié conference wtU be patt ths stats supervisor for local con Crumble you quickly or place you Dish pan hands---?they're a work uates with 135. Washington was high on a throne. Pvt. Leroy E. Parker has been ln the Oraham real estate office erned after those held In the spr sumption. of art. next with 62, Colorado had 51. Utah Hands that are willing to do MORE 30 and Oregon 22. Every state In graduated In engineering, radio div window from the weather, the pic ing of 1943 ln Malheur county. tures will be moved to the lobby of Leaves Hospital— They can handle a tractor, or milk than their part. the union was represented In the ision. at the University of Arkan the First National bank Persons Returns From Visit— 1 Mrs Herbert Fisher, who under- a cow: graduation lists s t the 11 school*. sas and Is now stationed at Camp who want their pictures returned Mrs Thomas Nord ale has return-1 went an operation In the Holy Ro- [ They can smooth the worrte* from Lillet of the field toll not, nor do Among the new pilots Is Harold Maxey. Texas as a member of Co. E.. 393rd Infantry He said he Ukes or who have pictures for the dis ed from a visit hi Idaho She tis- (*sry haapltal ln Ontario recently, j a troubled brow they spin. E Kurtz of Nyssa route 1. the active outdoor life and training play should go to the real estate Ited relatives ln Eagle and Mount-1 was taken to her home Tuesday of But who, now a days, wants to be j office. ain Home. this week |O rand hands are eo noble on an like them? i Continued On Page 2» Alvin I Marra and Evart V. Mlt- Project Office Moved To Nyssa School To Give Music Programs J. C. Crismon Is Freed By Jurors Mrs. S. 0 . Dunbar Parents Give 5 Talks At Dinner Sons To Service Of Association Our Boys In T he Service POET’S CORNER