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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1944)
PAT,F. 2 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY MARCH 30, 1944 Mr and Mrs Sam Potts visited the ters from Leroy Toombs of Ny&sa j HARNESS SUBSTITUTE PERFBC- those insignificant little things that antly Coo! slightly y id fill pastry Walt Hatfield family at Adrian stating he was some where in En-1 TED v ! remind me how unnatural this shell. Cover with whipped cream gland j Web harness, far superior to the business of modern war really is • flavoring added If desired and sp Sunday. Mr and Mrs Don Parker went to Mr and Mr.-. Melvin Spitze and world war 1 product, has been dev- an(j now desperately we re got to rinkle grated c nocola te cor nut Dennis cf Ny**a spent the weefc- j eloped as a wartime substitute for (igj,t to get the damned thing over, meats over top. Ontario Wednesday end at the Bratton ranch. leather harness, according to the Keep those letters coming. I'd skip Tom Drydale, A1 Seward. Alfred K L A S S V. P O W E L L . . . . • • • E d i/> r and P u b lis h e r Mrs Henry Davis returned Sun- WFA Unlike the 191^-Jt product, a [n. al anytime for a letter from Evan* and Dude Parker werjt to day morning from a two weeks visit the new web harness has been tr- I home Vale Monday on ousiness with friends in California. ' eated against water, dry rot. acids] - j told you that this Is good far- S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S A D V E R T IS IN G KATES Mrs Wendel Richmond canvassed ! and mildew. It also ha* passed tests i jnmg country. That Is both good The Wahme club will hold Its the neighborhood for the Red Cross ■ OI1 stitching, riveting, stretch and and bad. depending on how m uch! next meeting April 6 at Addle Par- Go To Boise— One Year 32.00 Open rate, per Inch____ 35c Mr and Mrs Wayne Morris, Mrs last week. , shrinkage. breaking strenght. and sympathy you have for a lot of the ker's home. The quilt made by the Six Months........ JU S National, per Inch ... 35c anti-fray metal tipping. Military ; ¿ a go farmers caught In the middle club members will be given away W. P. Forbes and Miss Twyla Single Copies........... OS Classifieds per word . 2r demands have sharply curtailed of a battlefield. The farmers' lives- April 1 at the dance In Cow Hollow I Crawford spent Saturday In Boise Minimum____ 30c 'Strictly In Advance) leather supplies took certainly have served us well hall The proceeds wUl be donated .il M 31 Ml I II I i 11 111 II Kf II Cl M MM lit M MM lil III h < I Mrs Charles Purdy recently fell j NEW RULES FOR AUCTIONEERS qu occasion. Every once in a while to the Red Cross. DR. CLARA VIAL BIKLEVV A girl was bom to Mr and Mrs selling used farm ma- , a chicken gets tangled up in a bar- Malheur County, Oregon Published every Thursday at Nr* ! and broke her hip and is now a 1 Auctioneers ___ Entered a t,th e postoffice at Nysaa. Oregon for ’ransmiaidon I patient in the ___________ _____ ___ ffl*nerJr ar* Holy Rosary hospiui to iub“ u “ bed wire or a cow steps on a hind Vernon Britton March 23 The baby will be at Graham’s Nysaa realty I in Ontario " " ’’ the nearest OPA district office a mine and we have a feast. Even: Alice Airetta. weighed 7 pounds 10 office Saturday, April 8. Send through the United States Mails, as second class scatter, under glasses for repairs or duplication the act of March 3. 1379 ! A family dinner was held at ho- « W of the list of articles to be at their toughest, a battlefield steak ounces, Roy Rooks tool received word Sat to the residence off icq at Welser line of Mr and Mrs Cecil Case-las: ?°Id Th* " P ° n must * illed *» makes the mouth water". urday of the death of his mother, Sunday at which their house guests, 1,ait slx da*s « advance of the Mrs Mary Rookstool of Nebraska Mil M HU ill II III Kl II II M HU 11 lit 11 1111111111 i Mr M Harris and Mrs H Ander- *ale T h t requirement is part of DOES INVASION HINGE and Mrs ' Maximum Price Regulation No. 133. _on of Newport. Oregon ON POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY? D Nemo of Portland were honored. which is designed to protect farm By Leona Anderson How’s Your Supply Of Serving 5 Counties Who would be so bold on a cold day in Mar Mrs E. H Brumbach and Mrs ers against undue proce mcreases Idaho Power Company From the Largest Stock of on new and used farm machinery John Bishop and children of Ny- ch as to predict the end of the war or even the Home Service Advisor Genuine Nine classes of used farm equip ssa were business visitors in Cald ment are under price control for all date of the prospective invasion of Europe? well Friday. EASY TO MAKE CRUST and other Picket Pro Well, Henry Ford predicted the end of the Mrs N S Phelan and Mrs Grov types of sales, including auctions. They are: Combines, combinders. Cornflake pie crust is tops for er Lee returned home Friday from war in two months, General Eisenhower prop ducts? ea-'e and economy in preparation. an eight day visit with relatives com pickers, farm tractors, hay bal- ] Children Parts can eat it as safely as hesied that the work will be completed this year ers. hay loaders, manure spreaders, in Nampa and Hammett. Orders Shipped Immediately Picket Products Are So adults. Of course this is another and General Montgomery said the war may Mrs R L Haworth called on all side delivery rakes, and combina way to serve cereal to your family tions of these items with other it the sick people in this vicinity Sun continue into next year. ld by All Food Stores to provide them with additional day and presented them flowers fr- ems of farm equipment when the utamms and minerals. And last but All of us have some opinions in the matter, ; of combination is sold as a unit. Auc the Sunshine club in this area not least, they like it. Phone 49 * Payette, Idaho but what would they be worth when such an Mrs Harriet Brumbach of Ontario tion pries on these items may not CORN FLAKE CRUST exceed 85 per cent of the manulae- eminent man as Premier Churchill gives us no | was an overnight guest Sunday in turer's latest list price if less than 4 cups com flakes or E H Brumbach home. 3 cups even-poped rice cereal clue. Premier Churchill said in a public address !the Eighteen ladies attended the Jolly a year old. and not exceed 70 per 1-3 cup melted butter that invasion is imminent. In the next breath Jane meeting held at home of Mrs cent if more than a year old. '« cup sugar. H R Hatch Thursday. A potluck BETTER STEEL FOR TOOLS as it were, he said we must keep the Germans WPB is now permitting the use of Roll cereal into fine crumbs; co dinner was enjoyed at noon. The guessing as to whether the invasion will be un ! afternoon was spent doing Red Cross alloy steel in the manufacture of mbine with butter and sugar, mix hand shovels, axes, heavy forged ing well Press mixture evenly and dertaken weeks or months hence. I work firmly around sides and bottom of Mr and Mrs Walter Bishop and hand tools, hand forks, and other Maybe, Mr. Churchill is fooling not only the Mr and Mrs Cyrus Bishop trans- jtems Carbon steel has heretofore pie pan. Bake in a moderate oven Germans, but all of us. He is reported to desire Freedom from uncertainty is a contribution acted business in Caldwell Friday. * en us« 1. “ a wartime substitute. of 350 degrees for about 8 minutes; very much the re-election of Mr. Roosevelt. Mr and Mrs Harvey Bennett and The use of alloy steel will in manv ]cocl before adding filling or pie sh- of the insurance business to better living. By children were Sunday guests in the cases result in superior products eU ma>' be thoroughly chilled with- They are both top-notch showmen and probably BULK GAS COUPONS RESTR- out baking measuring risks and spreading costs, insurance Councelman home in Caldwell. have much respect for each other. That creates j ANGEL FOOD PIE Mrs F A. Miller and Mrs Will ICTED frees the individual from the threat of disast Acceptance of five-gallon" “R 1 *bsp. cornstarch the suspicion, which is rather general and no Oibson. who comprised the Red rous loss. The record of modern insurance is one bulk gasoline coupons, issued to fa- 3-4 cup sugar secret, that perhaps politics and not military ( Crass committee for district 46. rmers and other non-highway users. cups boiling water of sound business management at moderate pr I finished their soliciting and have preparedness may determine the date for the , turned 3140.50 to Mr Nevin at Ad will be outlawed throughout the hi tsp. salt ofit, and constantly broader protection at lower invasion of Europe. rian. Mrs Myrtle Harrington of nation on Aprili—except by bulk 3 egg whites 3 thsp. sugar m tsp. vanilla cost. and stations that regularly This is also just a rumor but based on facts: I District 47 turned in over 380. This plants j committee thanks the people of make deliveries to non-highway bu 1 pastery shell The American boys report the British isles are ■ Bend for their generosity and the lk consumers. Service stations can 'j cup cream, whipped beginning to sink from the weight of so many 1 people thank the ladies for giving obtain permission from OPA dis ‘-i—sq. bitter chocolate, grated Mix cornstarch and sugar in a trict directors to accept "R" coup American doughboys on English soil. Undoubt their time and gasoline. ons if more than half of their bus sauce pan or top of double boiler. edly the allies are ready for invasion. If they Add boiling water, stirring constan I l l 111111II11141111 t i l l I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I'll 11:| M11 i f 11II lil 11 H I III III II III III III II n u l l hi Ml 11111M M il M iness consists of bulk transfers. The new ruling will not affect tly. and cook until thick and clear are not ready they should be because spring is j farmers who receive their off-high i approximately 10-12 min. Add salt the time to start an offensive of the magnitude way gasoline from bulk deliveries to egg whites and beat until stiff: of the prospective European clash, and it is the into farm storage. Farmers who are add 3 tbsp. sugar and vanilla, beat ing until egg whites are creamy. I hereby announce my can accustomed to taking drums to time when the American people should start filling station may continue to use Pour hot cornstarch mixture slowly thinking about a situation that permits even a "R" coupons for this purpose if the over the egg whites beating const- didacy for re-election as co suspicion of insincerity among our leaders to filling station operator get* per arise. mission from OPA. If no local st FORMER GOVERNOR ations qualify, the farmer may ap- unty assessor subject to the 4 H A S. A. HEAVY HOG SUPPORTS TO END ] ply to hi* local ration board to have Sheff White home. Mrs Orland VALLEYVIEW The WFA support prices for live j ad or part of his "R" coupons ex Mrs Orland White and baby dau White's nephew is working at the hog* weighing from 270 to 330 pou- | changed for "E" coupon*, will of the republican voters ghter returned the last of the week White ranch nds will be terminated April 15. Oscar Bratton received three let- After that date support prices will from the hospital at Ontario to the in the primary election to be again apply only to good and choice barrows and gils weighing from held May 19. 200 to 270 pounds. Extension of pr- | ice support to hogs weighing 270 to 'Continued from Page 1) m p le te w ith P e rm a n e n t omit a ★ C W o *ve 300 pounds went into effect Dece- one eye cocked on Rome, which the S o lu tio n , c u r le r s , J I f C teurxict áÜlS fe Pol Estile th e m poo end w ave aet — n o th in * T mber 23 1943. and to hogs weighing right map will show you is not far elae to b u y . Require« n o b e e t. glartn < ity o r m a chine«. S a _ fe _ fo r r ev e v ery e ry ty y p e of nui- up to 330 pounds last January 27. away. « h a ir. O v er 0 ------- Phone 84 f i M M 111 1 M M U.I1M I I 11 M III lil 111 1411 11 III M II M U M !;l lil I'll! t i l l 11 III 1 1 1 11'l I I I l l l l l lil.llt'lll HI 1 1 1ll Mlilil lion sold M oney b ack g u a ra n te e . G et a C h arm - to encourage orderly marketing and "Remember those newsreel shots K u rl K it to d a y NYSSA OREGON j to protect farmers from heavy dis- of old bald-headed, hairy-chested NYSSA PHARMACY counts for hogs over 270 pound*. Mussolini pitching hay with hi* CRIMSON CLOVER BOOSTED farmers? Well, this is the place. It's ' Support prices for 1944 crimson all low rolling marshland drained clover seer have been increased one , by a network of canals, good for ¡cent to l l ' i cents a pound by the ¡farming. I guess, but the poor dogg- war food administration. Commod- J ies who dig a few inches too deep Don’t forget that j ity Credit will purchase seed from | for their fox-holes are likely to I growers at the support price. In j wake up on a well full of muddy Spring Fever Beautiful walnut and maple suites. | Addition, an .AAA payment of 33.501 water. an acre is offered growers for har- i "A new name for the Germans is fo r lim ite d S ta te « Hits automobiles too. When your doctor tells Three and four piece sets. vesting crimson clover and other | coming more into use hereabouts. I legume and grass seeds. i The name “Jerry", a lot of guys you that you need “spring conditioning”, rem AAA DEADLINE EXTENDED think, is too sentimental. “Boche" The closing date for making app- , for enemy is too impersonal. We're ember that your car needs it too. ★ WIN THE WAR lication for payment for conserva- starting to call them Just plain Finished and unfinished. Good allwood con 'lion practices performed under th e 1 "Kraut". Thus a fellow on an OP ★ SAVE THE PEACE Drive in for a check-up. I 1943 AAA program has been ex-j will phone In There's a lot of Kr- struction. ! tended until April 30. according to (uts out here sergeant'. That word END NEW DEAL an announcement received by the i.seems to convey just the right am- ★ REGIMENTATION We have several sets of good used overst ' county AAA committee. This 30-day ount of distaste for something wh- Paid od».— Sprofu« fer U. S. Senator C anmitt«« j extension should give all county j ich needs cleaning up. R«y B. Early, Margon Building, Portland, Or«gon uffed furniture. l a rmers who have not done so full! "Ifa late in February and with- opportunity to file reports of per- out knowing anything about the It- formance and sign their applicat- | .than seasons, spring does seem aw- 1111111111111M111111111 HR 11II l*ttn H RMItll ■ 111111II11IIUII Ml 111II It lltl I HIM I M l' IIIMI II1HII ITM H I I 1 11 I I I 111111 M HUIHIHH UttLIN M Mil I; Baby Buggies $14.50 and up. ions. fully near. True, we can see snow RECORD ONION OUTPUT NEED in the mountains and at night the ED cold does bite riglit through the Onion producers in Oregon, which blanket*, but in the morning when Is one ol the nine states producing the sun comes out we are beginning onion varieties most suitable for to see birds, singing away. Just as dehydration, are asked to plan 1944 if the world was still the same and production with the knowledge that this spring were going to be no . at least 250 million pounds of fresh different than the last one It's onions for dehydration are needed those silly little things, like the for our armed forces and allies. birds singing, ltge the Italian wom Troutdale, Oregon Having sold my interests in the Inland Oil Total 1944 requirements call for an nursing her baby 200 yards from 2.2550.000.00 pounds of onions, con- a Long Tom. like that dog herding company preparatory to entering the service, | siderably more than previous record. his sheep in no-man's land; It's The Gate City Journal Upper Sunset Big Bend Victory Food Hints Picket Flour Me Cluer-Manser The Nth Freedom Frank T. Morgan Farm Announces Candidacy WAR NEWS ClumiKml W Bernard Eastman Our Boys E. P. Hendrix Danger Bedroom Suites Chests of Drawers S E N A T O R Towne’s Garage Nyssa Furn. Co. Aluminum Company Of America Needs Men I Wish to Thank For Vital War Material manufacturing. “ ^ ? Also peace-time employment. all of my customers for tkeir kind patronage. It is my wish that you continue to patronize Experience Not W .C . Chesnut Paid Housing Available the Inland Oil company and extend the same fine courtesy to the new operator. T ransportation Necessary Earn while you learn. Get complete data and clearance from War Manpower Commission. U.S. Employment Service Minn building Ontario, 0regon MM 11»