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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1944)
% I irf&rSÿ* 77 >eNYSSA GAI VÓLUME xXXiX, W n . GERMANY HOLDS Local Board O f i LIEUTENANT KECK OPA Panelized Second Lieutenant Delmer C. To Divide Work Keck of Nyssa is a prisoner of war V k V ' « TY JOURNAL \»?35X cïREG Ô N ^lJkabAV MAHÜH'áo': 1044 MALHEUR COUNTY MEN EXAMINED Clayton Morgan Youth Center At Takes Malheur Adrian Proposed Writing Contest At a special P. T. A. meeting $2.00 PER YEAR PULLENS RECEIVE AWARD FOR SON Red Cross Fund Quota Reached In Nyssa, Adrian The following men were sent to Mr and Mrs D. P. Pullen have the Portland induction station on received a posthumous award of the March 22nd by the Malheur County of the German government. held Tuesday night at the Adrian purple heart for their son, Samuel Gasoline And Tires Pan Lieutenant Keck’s wife, Mildred local board for their pre-induction Students Write On Sub high school four Adrian seniors F. Pullen. $2100 Raised For War H. Keck of Nyssa, fecelved word physical examination: Samuel Pullen, former Nyssa res el Divided And Two presented for the consideration of ject “ Why I Want about him from the American Red Samuel A. Maupln, Mike L. Lan Fund In Nyssa, $400 Cross. ds, Edward Corta. Joe H. Recla. the group, plans for a recreation ident, was killed in action Novem More Added To Fly” In Adrian Robert R. Dewey, Lynn T Farmer, center for Adrian and commun ber 30, 1942. His parents, who for- PanellZatlon of the local OPA Russell I. McKague, Clyde R. Wil Clayton Morgan of Nyssa won a ity. Dorothy Toombs spoke first merly lived here, now reside at Na The Nyssa-Adrian area reached liams. Melvin McNeill, Edgar L. letter writing contest sponsored has resulted In the addition of sev- j on the need of a local youth cen mpa“ " - Its quota of »2500 in the Red Cross Palmer, Rex Walters. Mllburn M eral members to the board by the iqpai CAP and the Mal ter, stressing the need of youth war fund drive this week, but Red Hanna. Hugh J. Rash. Sidney E. heur county defense council on the today to have a place for clean, The local board has been panel- Brashears. Ace Leavitt, Carols W. Cross workers hope to exceed the proposition of "Why I Want to lzed in compliance with a district Buchner, leader; Carrol F. Baker, wholesome recreation. She brought quota by tomorrow night. Mrs. Mary Jane Morris, pioneer James V. Tiffany, George C. Hen- Fly", and was awarded a »25 war No. 7 program for the purpose of out the fact that young people from bond. Mrs George Mitchell, treasurer, resident of the Snake river valley, more evenly dividing the work. The neman. Vern Atkins, James D. Oo Second place went to Gerald tha vicinity need a place closer and Mrs Dick Tensen, chairman, board, consisting of the four pan- died at the home of her daughter, nnor, Byron M. Norell, Gerald H. els, will meet every Thursday night I *^rs. Herman Towne, in Nyssa Sat- Shane, assistant leader; Lester L. Johnson of Vale, along with »10 home for their good times. Tommy Morris of Nyssa, who was said several buslnes firms and ma Other winners at 8 o ’clock. Mrs R. G. Larson re urday momirjg at 1:30. Robert Jackson gave reports on Oden, James McDonald. John I in war stamps. reported killed In action in the Pa ny Individuals in Nyssa have not Funeral services were held at Stinnett, Robert S. Chapel, Donald were Gordon Chytraus, who won mains as chairman of the board. various successful plans for youth cific area some time ago, has ar contributed. They ask that any re Prior to the panelization, the bo 9:30 Wednesday morning in the Gardner, Thad P. Beatty. Mervin first place for Ontario, and Dor centers that are springing up over rived in Nyssa to attend the fun maining contributions be sent in ard consisted of only one panel, Catholic church Jn Weiser. Burial J. Derrick. Donald A. Hale, Will othy Knott, who took honors for gasoline and tires, which had a was in the Weiser cemetery. The iam E. Brown. Harold C. Greig, Harper, each of whom will receive the country. eral of his mother, Mrs Mary Jane by tomorrow, the end of the drive. membership of five, in addition to body was taken to the Northam Dennis W. Patch, assistant leader, »5 worth of war stamps. Willis E. The Nyssa committee raised *21- Lily Steiner gave some ideas on Morris. He will visit relatives Mrs J. L. Church, who was comm funeral chapel in Weiser Tuesday Jay D. Coble, Richard A. Holf, El Fry, D. Hlbbert and Noriko Kldo of how such a youth center should here for about 10 days. 00 through the use of letters sent to Nyssa received honorable men by Bert Lienkaemper o f the Nys don B. James, Orville M. Maze, unity service chairman. Morris, serving with the marines prospective contributors. The Adr be managed, suggesting that one in The new panel members are as sa funeral home. Rosary was read Ivan O. Carpenter, Kenneth W. tion. All of the contestants will be the Adrian community be under a as pharmacist mate. 2nd class, was ian committee raised a total of Monday night in the Nyssa Funer Dahl, assistant leader. Clare L. follows: entitled to a plane ride over On joint youth-adult board represent injured in a troop landing at »418.73, according to Rev. J. C. Nev- Gasoline—A1 Kuehn, chairman; al home. Dickens, Frank A. Serean, Claude Guadalcanal. The destroyer on in, Adrian chairman, by personal with either Mrs. Morris was born in Dubu Harry Miner, Bernard Frost, Will E. Franklin, David W. Thomas, tario and vicinity ing the five districts of the Adrian which he was stationed was sunk by solicitation. Lieutenant Case or Lieutenant que, Iowa, 80 years ago. She iam DeGrofft, C. Sebum and Frank James M. Bragg, Russell S. Hum high school. the Japs and he was Injured when The Adrian solicitors and their moved to Butte, Montana, where phreys, Quade E. Bowman. Stanley Baker of th«^civil air patrol unit. Morgan. Dudley Kurtz presented some depth bombs exploded. He was in totals were as follows: Adrian. Mrs Morgan's whining letter reads Tires—Joe Sutherland; chairman; she was married to Thomas Joseph Lucero Victor B Whaley, William practical suggestions on how such the water three hours before he K. I. Peterson and Mrs Garret Mu- Ed Frost, Herbert Fisher and Emil Morris, who died in Weiser in E. Swygart, Walter E. Anderson as follows: a recreation center might be finan was rescued and taken aboard an ntjewerff, *198.02; Wade district, Nyssa, Oregon, 1929. Mrs. Morris had lived ln T Adam E. Fochet, Charles W. Stein- Stuns. other destroyer. Mrs J. W. Gibson and Mrs Frank Feb. 29, 1944. ced. | er Fuel oil and miscellaneous--Frank Weiser for 45 years. The discussion was then turned | Morris, a 1939 graduate of the Miller, *140.50, and Lower Bend, Contest Editor Survivors are four daughter, Mrs. I Hall, chairman, and Mrs J. L. Ch Aviation Cadet’ Examination Board, ! over w th* audience for further Nyssa high school, has been in Mrs Myrtle Herrington and Mrs Towne, Mrs. Theo Moore of O n -! urch. discussion and comments. The the service two years. He has two Effie Nielsen, *80.21 NYSSA TO MEET 323 Main Post Office Building, Food—Ward Wleneke, chairman, l tario> Mrs- Edward R. Kolbe of- _ _ T . o r t t /~ i /~ in r»n group expressed its willingness to major battle awards and a presi Portland Oregon. Los Angeles and Mrs. Eddie Pow- j ADRIAN SLUGGERS and Miss Virginia VanSlyke. cooperate in aiding such a project. dential citation. Dear Sir: ell of Nyssa; two sons, Leo F. i _____ SUNRISE SERVICE Relatives in Nyssa, including “ Why do I want to fly? I know A committee, consisting of Mrs. Morris of Seattle and Thomas J. I The Nyssa high school baseball TO BE CONDUCTED Mrs. Herman Towne and Mrs. Ed COURSE PLANNED Kurtz, Mr. Kreager and Mrs. de Mortis, pharmacist's mate, 2nd team will open the season here that I want to fly but I can’t ex IN HOME NURSING class, U. S. navy, Vosemite, Calif- Friday in a game against Adrian, actly put it in words. Maybe it’s Haven were appointed to meet with die Powell, believed Pharmacist Plans for the sunrise service to the same feeling that made the representatives from the Adrian Mate Morris to be dead until he be held on the hill east of Snake ornia; a sister, Mrs. V. S. Royar,1 The game will be called at 2:30. Miss Mary Oray, Rred Cross nur of Los Angeles, and 11 grandchil-1 Nyssa was to have played Fruit- Wright Bros, risk their lives to high school student council and telephoned a few weeks ago short river by Nyssa churches Easter sing consultant for Oregon with dren. I land tomorrow, . but the _ game was prove it could be done. It is hard key organizations from Wade. Low- ly after his arrival in San Fran morning, April 9. were arranged at headquarters in San Francisco, will cancelled at the request of Fruit-1 to put into jwmtng but here are er Bend' South Owyhee and Owy- cisco. He has recently been sta lan<l I my reasons. | hee districts to further discuss and tioned In a rest hospital In Yose- a meeting of the program comm hold a home nursing institute April Opening Shoe Shop— ittee in the Methodist church Tue 4 and 5 in the Holy Rosary hospital Coach John Young said two g a - ! "First, I want to fly because it * orlt out plans for a youth recre mite National park, California. Mr and Mrs Ronald A. Batt of sday night. from 10 a.m. to 12 and from 2 pan. Hoi Springs, South Dakota are op mes may be played tomorrow in is romantic and adventurous. Fly- *ti°n center, Dick Waddell was selected as ch to 4 p.m. for Malheur, Baker and ening a shoe repair shop in the order to give all of the candidates ing has always appealed to me as ANNIVERSARY OF airman of the committee, which In Harney counties. She will arrive in building formerly occupied by Dr. a chance to try out. something dashing and daring. THROUGH STAGE LEGION OBSERVED vites all local residents to attend Ontario April to make arrange C. A. Abbott on Main street. They The second practice game of the Perhaps this is not my main rea- the service, sponsored by the young GIVEN SUPPORT ments for the clinic. expect to open the shop Saturday. season will be played here Tuesday son but it has itept me reading The American Legion and aux people of the Nyssa churches. Mrs Mary Gustavson of Nyssa Mr. Batt, who is installing standard against New Plymouth. and studying anything about avia The Nyssa chamber of commerce iliary sponsored a potluck dinner From Parma— has completed instruction of a cl- shoe shop equipment, has engaged tion that I could lay my hand on. passed a resolution at its weekly fn their hall last Thursday eve Mrs Anna Jemmett and Mrs Jos ass of seven in home nursing. Mrs in shoe repairing for 10 years. Mr CHESNUT SELLS “Second, I went to fly to be able luncheon Wednesday noon favoring ning in celebration of the 25th ephine Russell of Parma were Tue to serve my country. Flyers are operation of a through stage by anniversary of the Legion. Joyce Dalton is conducting a class and Mrs Batt and three children sday visitors at the home of Mr attended by 25 persons from th« have moved to a residence at Third OIL INTERESTS badly needed by our nation. War Pacific Trailways from Portland to The losing team of the Legion in and Mrs D. O. Bybee. rural area around Nyssa. in the air is clean, swift, decisive; Salt Lake City. The Pacific Trail- the fourth war loan drive served and Locust streets. Wayne Chesnut is selling his in no slogging about in the mud of terest this week in the Inland Oil the trenches and lying in rain ways already operate basses in this Ice cream. A three-tier angel food Small Fire Occurs— Buy Residence— Attend Rally— cake, decorated with red, white and area. A small fire was reported in the Mr and Mrs Frank Edwards have that I wouldn't Several Nyssa residents attended company to the Inland Empire Re and snow. Not The company is asking the inter blue candles, was given by the Owyhee district when a partially finers. purchased the A. V. Cook duplex on a zone rally of the Nazarene ch endure these hardships for my used haystack owned by the Bybee Mr and Mrs Chesnut will leave country but flyers aren't often call state commerce commission for per auxiliary. First street. Mr. Edwards is emp urch at Vale last Friday. Mr. Fisk of Vale, district com brothers burned. Origin of the fire mission to operate the through bus. in April for California on a visit. loyed by the bureau of reclamation. ed upon to do these things. Frank Morgan and Robert Thom mander of the Legion, and Mrs. is unknown After his return from California, Returns To Portland— “Next, flying has a wonderful pson were appointed by George Mi Lang of Vale, district president, Called To Kansas— future. There will always be a tchell, president of the chamber, to gave talks. The girls glee club of Receives Treatment— Mrs A. V. Cook left Monday for Mr. Chesnut will enter the army. Eldon Bibbey of Nyssa will man demand for good pilots In the Mr and Mrs Dan Corbett of Al Portland after a visit with her mo Earl Anderson of Nyssa is re age the Inland OH company service great new airways planned by our attend a hearing to be held in Boise the high school and Miss Darlene berta avenue have been called to ther, Mrs Mary Lyells. Dorman sang special numbers, ceiving treatment for lagrippe in on the Trailways petition. station at Sixth and Main streets. Kansas because of the death of airline engineers. There will be accompanied by Mrs. John Young. the veterans hospital in Portland. Mr Chesnut has been operating the openings for navigators, radiomen Mrs Corbett’s aunt. Visit in Baker— Eunice Ann Brady and Robert Mc He has been in Portland on busi Return From Calif.— station for the last five years. Mr and Mrs. Dale Garrison and jnd engineers in the high alti After a visit of two weeks, Mr Donald played two duet numbers. ness for a month. From Boise— tude and over water flights by and Mrs Joe Codr have returned family spent Supday in Baker. Returns from Trip— Miss Norma Jensen of Boise spent While there they visited Mr. and the giant new commercial planes home from Los Angeles, where they Mrs Raymond Holton, former Ki that are already being produced. the week-end with her parents, Mrs. Andrew Boorsma. ngman Kolony resident who is now Mechanics, repair and mainten were called because of the serious Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen. Miss living in the Ten Davis commun ance men will be needed by the illnes of their son, Tommy Codr, Jensen is a member of a group who Takes Position— who is employed in the Douglas air regularly attend the US.O. dances Miss Dorothy Farr has taken ity near Parma, has returned from thousands So, In flying more than craft factory. En-route home they to help entertain the boys in the a position in the First National a trip to the south, where she vis In any other occupation, there will Lois Anderson as Cinderella and Toombs, Tony Van Twisk, Glenn ited relatives and friends. She went always be positions for men who stopped for a few hours with their service, at Boise. bank of Portland, Nyssa branch. son, Albert E. Codr, F 2-c ol Shoe Harold Wilson as prince charming to Salt Lake City, Phoenix and Tu will work to get ahead. Schireman. Don Nishl, Bobby Kfdo maker, California, who was in the reigned over the Girls’ League sev Word has been received from cson. From Tucson she and her da and Bobby Williamson. “This sums up my reasons for U. S. naval hospital for 30 days. enth annual Cinderella Ball last Sgt. Verdo Harris that he has ar ughter, Gladys, went to Nogales in wanting to fly—I really do want to Eight pretty girls--Doris Beers, They spent one Saturday with their Friday, March 24, in the school gy rived safely in England. He and | old Mexico. Mrs Holton returned fly.” son. Joe Codr, Jr., and family in mnasium. The largest crowd in Lorraine Farr, Virginia Troutner, few other soldiers flew over in j home via California making visits at Portland. Joe Codr and Mrs Codr seven years turned out to spend an Marie Sebum, Denzil Lee Howell, an unpainted bomber. j Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oak- are welders in the Kaiser shipyards evening in colorful Storybook Land. ¡ land, Berkeley and Sacramento, ADRIAN TO HAVE Belvadene Reece, Dorothy Coffman in Portland. Rainbow colored streamers, so Franklyn Calvert is home visit and Klamath Falls and Bend. TRIANGULAR MEET and Angela Herrman--carrylng bo numeroas they concealed the ceil ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs Ben ing, canopied the way to a castle uquets of pink carnations modeled Calvert. Calvert, a pharmacists Visits Here— The second annual Malheur Nursing Home Notes— Mr and Mrs Ernest Smith of the in the clouds on the stage. Various while the High School Glee Club Mrs Joseph H. Moore oi Enter county triangular track meet will mate in the navy, is on his first prise arrived here Tuesday evening be held April 5 at 1:45 p. m. In Owyyhee district are parents of a Mother Goose characters were po sang, "A pretty Girl Is Like A Mel leave in three years. son born March 25. The boy wei sted about the hall. ody.” to visit at the home of her brother Adrian. Old King Cole, the merry old Mother Goose Varieties was pre Jack Wray, who is stationed on Grant Rinehart. A close decision was reached in ghed 7 pounds. 14 ounces. A girl weighing 7 pounds. 10 ou soul (Billy Fry) and his fiddlers th sented by the High School. Special the same ship as Franklyn Calvert, last year's meet and another good has returned to his duties after Takes Position— meet is expected this year. Ad nces was born March 23 to Mr and ree opened the first page In the numbers on the program were ren Mrs Vernon Britton. Storybook. dered by Twyla Crawford, violinist Elva Hearing of Oroflno. Idaho, mission will be free. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs Graton Eason of The three fiddlers were Dickie and Dar The! Bybee. soloist. brother of A. R. Hearing of Nyssa. Lucien Wray. A good race is expected between Finale of the program was a co has accepted a position with the Tom Church of Nyssa, champion Wilder are parents of an eight-po Schlreman. Twyla Crawford and Vivian Fife mbined bands, glee clubs and maj Reed Cottle of Nyssa is now sta O. K. Rubber Welders. He will move half-miler last year In the Snake und girl born March 25. Many of Bend families have re Mrs Grant Rinehart and Infant Carllee Kessler and her prince orettes number entitled. "Something River league, and Donnie Brewer, presentatives in service but the St tioned in New Guinea with the his family to Nyssa soon. daughter were dismissed from the Stan Thompson lead the Junior About a Soldier." top half-mller of Adrian. einer family now have three. Mast navy, according to information re nursing home Wednesday. processional. Their court consisted Others participating were Thelma er Sgt Harold A. Steiner has been ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. To Rent Farm— of Charlotte Davis, Ronnie Buck Plorea. Keith Bybee. Lois Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Nephi Larkin and Revival Conducted— In service about four years, enlist Kenneth Cottle. He left the states ner. Sharon Brumfield, Ronnie Co June Savage and Oeorge Billings. Revival services are in progress Moving To Vale— ing in the spring of 1940. He is six weeks ago. Cottle, a Store- two children of Snowvllle, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Pete Blake are oper, Phyllis Ann Cheldelln. Kenn Other numbers on the program In the Signal corps of army alr.keepr seaman 1st class, said he Is were here Monday. They will rent in the local church of the Nazarene. corps and is now located at K in g -1 stationed where the cocoanuta are a farm formerly occupied by Wayne Fifth and Good avenue. The ser moving to Little Meadows, near eth Snodgrass, Lois Wilson, Rollo were Ayo March, Junior high school vices. opening esch evening s*. S Vale, where they will engage in Tanner, Sherrll Chadd, Garry We band directed by Irshal Davis; man. Arizona i P it if u l . He sees very few peo- Rath bun bster, Barbara Duncan, and Danny Washington Post and Indian Boy, . . : pie, other than native women. o’clock, are under the direction of farming. Pfc. Wallace F. Steiner has been Masterson. senior band, directed by Mr. Davis; Return From California— Evangelist T. H. Stanley of Mans- in the army ordnance division since Senior processional was lead by Toyland and Russian Lullaby, girls Mr and Mrs Albert Pfeiler have field, Washington. The Rev. Mr. Assumes Church Work— Mrs Lillian Newby has received a Mrs. E. L. Jamison has taken Prince Harold Wilson and herald glee club, directed by Mrs Stella April 14, 1942 and has been overseas cablegram from her son, George, returned to Nyssa from Oxnard, j Stanley has engaged In pastors! I stating that he has arrived in the California, where they spent the and evangelistic work In many st- over the stuflent and camp work Tom Church. Cinderella's court fol Young and accompanied by Miss in England since July 10, 1942. Charles W. Steiner, who took his | South Pacific He is a third class wtnter. ates and also In Canada. Special of the Methodist church. Her dut lowed: La Rue Nye, Verla Jensen, Claudine Tomlinson: Sweet end music will be featured each night ies are to keep in touch with mem Dona Dimmlck, Margaret Sarazln. Low and Stars of a Summer N i(bt„ physical examination at Portland a seasman in the navy Recovering From Operation— during the servloes. Prom Monday bers of the Nyssa Methodist church Beverly Ure. Merry Noroott, Harry Junior high girls glee club, directed few weeks ago. will be in the army Counsil. Tom Moore. Don Bishop. by Mr Davis; Something About a Mrs. Tom Johnson Is recovering through Friday ipeclal services will in the service. Corporal Howard Boor and Corp engineer corps. Clay Morgan. Dennis Fife and Jay Soldier, band, glee club and maj oral Orville McEwen of Nyssa. who from a major operation perform be conducted for boys and girls Potluck Dinner Served— Bybee. Cinderella. Lola Anderson orettes under the direction of Eun Word has been received from Pvt are stationed in Italy, have written ed in the Holy Rosary hospital In after school from 4 to 5 o'clock. A potluck dinner was served In was last In the procession. ice Ann Brady and Mr. Davis; Alvin E. Nye. AS.N that he gets to the Oate City Journal telling Ontario. the basement of the Methodist Mayor Hersrhel Thompson con rhythm band number by the grade New C'hmrrh Meeting— plenty of bananas, cocoanuts and something of the country in which Those present ducted the coronations Pages were school; clarinet solo. Glenn Ray, Reterns From Fayette— A Missionary Baptist church Is church Sunday. pineapples to eat. Writing by can they are fighting. Mrs Charles Short returned conducting sendees in the American discussed equipment for children Marilyn Abersold and Dirk Rine and clarines quartet numbers. Na The letter, sent In three sections dle light proves to be a little diff home Sunday from Payette, where Legion hall every Sunday at 2:30 and proper arrangement of space hart. Sweetpeaa decorated Cindere dine Fisher. Arnold Kllnkenhreg. icult. He is in the best of health by V-mail, read^ tn park: Ellen McOee and Doana Clair Tra- lla's golden crown. “ At last I am permitted to tell she visited her father. W. W. Ala- p m. Preaching service snd Sunday for classrooms. and although he cannot tell where I Snow White iMardl Salle) and bert. he la he says, "A native must have you that I’m sitting on the Ansio pa ugh. who has been seriously ill school are held. E. T. Larson Is the 8even Dwarfs, the Orade Sch Mrs Cora Tomlinson won a large pastor snd Joe H. Woodrad is Sun Memorial Planting Planned— a child 8 month eld before he can beachhead. I guess the censors de for the last two months. A memorial planting of shrubs ool skit was presented under the mirror and Martha Browne won day school superintendent marry” For his friends who would cided that since the Jerries know will be held on the Methodist direction of Mrs Charles Srhrelser *7 50 In war stamps, prizes given by like to write, his address is Pvt we’re here you might as well share church grounds Memorial Sunday. and Miss Ida Mary Prouty. accom the Oiris league. Mrs. R. 8 Cooper returned Sun Visiting In Wilder— Alvin E. Nye A S N. 1 39465603 1 the secret, too. Of course nothing Cinderella and her prince lead a Mrs J. 8 Blaine of Nyssa is vUlt- Persons having plants to donate panied by the Junior high Girls' A-P.o. 703, 275th Repl. Oo 4th Repl can be said obout the fighting, but day from Boise after a tn brief grand march that started the Dept. % Postmaster Sen Francisco. I can say that the fellows all have visit wM) her aunt. Mrs O D I ing at the Oratosi Basasi home in are asked to call Mrs M H. Olee Club Oreenlee. The dwarfs were Reed Ray. Leo| dancing of the evening. Wilder Moore. (Continued on page two) California. Mary J. Morris O f Nyssa Dies Injured Youth Visiting Here Lois Anderson, Harold Wilson Reign Over Seventh Annual Cinderella Ball Our Boys In The Service