Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1944)
K The NYSSA GM JOURNAL issate W =W n V s ¿A, OrtÉüóN. T h Öl 25: i9lr NYSSA WAR FUND R. MITCHELL Nyssa Ringmen CLIMBS Postal Rates To Baseball, Track Awards Made To SGT. TO $1500 WINS WAR HONOR i Owyhee Dam Is Score Victory Nyssa is still $1000 short of its Take Increase Schedules For 4-H Youngsters Staff Sergeant Ruthford A. Mit ! Likely To Fill Red Cross war fund quota of $2500, Higher US. postal rates will go Outstanding records of wartime chell of route 1, Nyssa. armorer- De.spite Drought In Co. Tourney local Nyssa Drafted achievement Red Cross leaders announced into effect March 26 at the local ln 4-H club agrlcul- gunner on an 8th A.A F. flying V ö TÜME xxx it- re- f a ilis W Trophy Presented After Finals With Ontario, Adrian, Vale Wednesday. post office as well as ail over the Diamond Season Will Be tural and home economics projects fortress, has been awarded an oak Is 200,610 Acre Several business firms and indiv nation. The changes will affect Opened Here On Mar brought special recognition in the leai cluster to wear on his air med- Water Feet Short Of Fill- iduals have not responded to the most of the postal service including form of honor medals to 10 mem- jal ior "courage, coolness and skill" ch 31 ing appeal of the Red Cross for con all classes of mall, money order ser bers in this county at the Annual I d‘?Jp‘*yed, Participating an additional w,hile five combat bomber in mi- The Nyssa high school boxing trlbutions to the fund. Local lead vice, registered and insured mail Track and baseball schedules for 4-H leaders rally held at Boulevard ssions Despite the light snowfall during over Europe, according to in team won the first annual Malheur ers, however, appreciate the gener and OOD the Snake river valley schools were the winter. Dick Stockham, super Grange hall March 15. formation received from an 8th The rate for first class mail drafted at a meeting of the Snake Presentation of the awards was A.AF. bomber station in England. intendent county boxing tournament from osity of those who have contributed, sent at the Owyhee dam, th to persons within the city re Vale, Ontario and Adrian in the River Valley Schoolmasters assoc inks the reservoir will fill this year. made by H. O. Seymour, stsate club | Sergeant Mitchell is a son of Mr main the same. Eight cents will be gymnasium last Saturday night If the reservoir does not fill, it will lequlred to send an air mail letter iation last week. leader, to the following winners: and Mrs Ira A’ Mltche11 oi route after coming through the prelim Nyssa. His wife is Mrs Doris M. be the first time since the dam was Instead of 6c as in the past. The Under the schedule plans, Nyssa Meat animal production, awards 1, Mitchell inary bouts Friday night with fly of 3336 N. E. Union ave vbuilt that the water has failed to 6c airmail rate for V $ ox. or less to high school will play at least six by Thomas E. Wilson: Ivan Jensen nue, Portland. ing colors. reach the point of filling. soldiers will remain unchanged. After the boxing program. Frank league baseball games and two non of Kingman Kolony. Weather records reveal that in The local postmaster states that Clothing achievement, awards by Morgan, secretary of the Nyssa Thirty-four children were exam due to paper shortage, the post of conference games. only one year during the last 38 j Spool Ootton company educational chamber of commerce, presented a ined at a clinic for crippled child fice years would the reservoir have fail has been instructed to use up The Bulldogs' season will be op bureau: Elaine Reed of Brogan. troph , symbolic of the county ren held March 31 In Ontario. Tw the present ed to fill. ened here with a non-conference Pood preparation, awards by Ser- championship, to the winning enty-four of these children had cent stamps. supply of one and two affair A total of 715.000 acre feet of Fruitland March 31, fo vel home economics department: school. Principal Frank Parr of been to the clinics before and 10 Money order rates in the future llowed with water is required to fill the reser by a game with New Plym Gladys Conner of Annex. the Nyssa high school presented were new cases. voir and the total storage now is will be as follows: outh here April 4. championship and runner-up rib The children came from all cor Amount Girls record, awards by Mont Over 60 basketball enthusiasts at 514,390 acre leaving 200.610 new rate old ra League play will open April 7 gomery Ward: Lois Jordan of Wh tended the second annual basket acre feet to go. feet, bons to the individuals who par ners of Malheur county. Several up to $2.50 .... ... $ .10 Only 1640 acre feet $ .06 with Nyssa meeting the Antelopes ball banquet at the high school ticipated in the finals. ite Settlement. them were Shriner hospital 2.50 to 5.00 ..........14 .08 on the Adrian diamond. The re Victory garden: awards by Sears, Thursday evening. The excellent of water entered the reservoir dur Mr. Parr paid tribute to the Vale, among These children are examined 5.01 to 10.00 a 24-hour period Tuesday as .19 .11 mainder of the schedule follows. Roebuck and company: Ellen Judd. dinner was prepared and served by ing Ontario and Adrian schools for cases. the request of the Shrine hosp 10.01 to 20.00 ..........22 the weather is cold and the snow .13 April 11, Vale at Nyssa; April 14, the Mary and Martha group of the Kingman Kolony; Neiora Reed, of their interest in entering men in at ital to save trips into Portland for 20.01 to 40 00 ..........25 is still frozen at higher elevations. .15 Nyssa at Ontario; April IS, Nyssa Grove; Betty Black of Park. United Presbyterian church. the tournament with only two the families. The orthopedist who snowfall was very short up to 40.01 to 60.00 ..........30 .18 at Vale; April 21, Adrian at Nyssa, Canning, awards by Kerr Glass The Howard Hatch trophy, pre The weeks of practice. The coaches comes from Portland to officiate at 60.01 to 80.00 ..........34 two weeks ago. Most of the snow .20 and April 25, Ontario at Nyssa Manufacture corp: Arlene Piercy sented each year to the most val on the ground were introduced as follows: Jerry these clinics are often on the Sh- 80.01 to 100.00 ..........37 has fallen since that Coach John Young said probably of Kingman Kolony. uable player chosen by vote of the time. Cammann of Vale, Del Scott of riners' staff. All new cases must Registered mail rates will be .22 in three or four more practice games Records of these county winners team, was won this year by Keith Ontario, Howard Lovejoy of Adrian get their family physician’s sign creased as follows: has come down the river will be arranged. were considered in state-wide com- Tallman. His name will be placed at Water and John Young of Nyssa. Mr ature on the application for service Value a rate as high as 35.000 acre feet new rate old rate The winner on the Oregon side petition on the cup along with the names Parr announced that the scores before they may attend the clinic. up to $5.00 ........ and with Luis Jordan be $ .20 $.15 will meet the winner on the Idaho ing selected as state winner in the of Dwain Hatch. Elbert Hatch and a day. were Nyssa 43, Vale 13, Ontario 9 Persons wishing to have children J ¿ qj to 5 qoo ...........25 .30 side during the first week in May. national victory achievement con Johnny Timmerman, winners in The reclamation bureau will turn and Adrian 5. the fall clinic should con 50.01 to 75.00 .............35 water into the canal shortly after .25 Pour track meets have been arr Ellen Judd being named previous years. In the little fellow's bout, 98 to attend tact their family physicians or Mrs the first of April. to 100 ............. 40 .30 anged, ln addition to the eastern in test, the and state Dudley Kurtz and Keith Tall blue ribbon group in 105, Lyman Ooucher of Vale and Edna Farris, public health nurse 75.01 COD rates have been doubled, in Oregon meet to be held in Baker the national victory garden contest. man tied for the position of hon Orval Caverhlll of Vale drew in Dr. Lawrence Noal, orthopedist surance rates slightly less than during the first week in May, acc Both of these girls were presented orary captains. TURK their three-round encounter so that Portland, was the examin doubled, while there will be little ording to Coach Melvin Spitz*. war bonds by the sponsoring org The following program was pre SERGEANT no championship could be declar from DIES IN ACTION ing physician. Dr. J. J. Sarazln oi ln the rates on local zone The triangular meeting with Vale, sented with John Johnson as ed, but later Referee W. T. Tut Nyssa, and Dr. John J. Kaiser of change parcel post. Senders’ return re Nyssa and Adrian participating will anization. toastmaster; tle of Middleton, Idaho, failed the Payette, Idaho were visiting phy ceipts Mrs Fred MoCarthy of Nyssa has will be lc per item higher be held April 5 at Adrian. The On "Tip-off”, John Johnson. boys back for a fourth Tound and sicians. Mrs Charles P. Flegel and than previously. received word that her son, Ser YOUNG GRANGERS tarlo relays, participated! .in by all First Quarter Jitters"—Mario geant Walter H. Turk, was killed then awarded the decision to Cav Mrs Roderick Belknap, both of On All parcel post with the except Snake river valley schools, will be ELECT OFFICERS Anderson. erhlll. ln a raid over Germany ln Janu tario, acted as hostesses for the day. ion of the local zone will be advan staged April 12. The county track "Ball Hawking”—Jewel Wilson. ary. Rulon King of Nyssa declsioned Mrs Kathryn Claypool, county sup ced about 10 percent. The Oregon Trail Young Grang meet will be held ln Ont4trio April "Time Out”—Vocal number by Sergeant Turk, gunner and ass Ray Bybee of Nyssa in the second erintendent of schools from Vale, 19 and the Snake river valley meet ers association was organized at a Minute Maids. bout. Bybee was dropped to the Mrs E. C. Van Petten of Ontario, istant radio operator on a B-17 meeting held Tuesday night. in Weiser April 26. "Rooter"—Mrs. M. L. Kurtz. canvas for an instant in the sec and Mrs Dorothy Burgher, admin TWO LIONS WIN bomber, was reported missing in The officers are as follows: Pres "Broken Dribble"—Rev. J. C. Nev- ond round and developed a bump istrator of county public welfare HONOR IN CLUB action January 11 and was reported ident, Harold Kurtz; vice president, in. on his left eye. this to have been killed. He commission, were visitors from the Keith Herrman; secretary, Mrs Eris "Three for the Team"—Marjorie was month Keith Lane of Adrian and Ray county. born ln Nevada 22 years ago Carlos W. Buchner was presented Bertram; treasurer, Edwin Kurtz, Hite. Scott of Ontario fought on such Miss Margaret Simpson, state with a plaque and gold key at the and enlisted in the air corps in and steward. Jim Reed. “Bleachers"—J. A. Tallman. even te r ^ in their three regular onsulUnt nurse ln orthopedlc3; weekly luncheon of the Lions club Denver 16, 1942. He nev The president appointed Irvin "Barbershop Coach”—Mrs. Love er lived September rounds that the referee had t h e m j ^ ^ am ther. Monday noon for securing 12 new in Nyssa, but visited here J ■* , Topliff, Nan Orlder and Kenneth fight .noher. Tuttle then gave the from lhe crippled chlldren's members for the club. "Cinderella ball preparations ha Chard as members of the recreation joy."Substitutions — Vocal number on several occasions. decision to Lane division,-U. O. Medical school, Por- Rev. M. H. Oreenlee, president ve almost reached their peak," said committee and Thelma Florea. Do by Minute Mats. One of the best and possibly the Mliks Aileen Dyer, dlrecWr ot the club, has earned a silver key. Dona Dimmick, general chairman nna Belle Goodell and Marie Se MAKES HONOR ROLL •Reflections"—Keith Tallman. b ^t bou of the evening was stag- ; dlvislon of publlc h' alth nurginf> of EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE, He secured six members. The Girls' league will present its bum as members of the refresh "Ticket Please"—D. W. Patch. GRANDE. OREOON, (Special) ¡I1 ^ ‘kh The anci boys Don showed Lowe. and MLss Rosannah Winter, field seventh annual Cinderella ball to ments committee. "The Games the Pay-off”— LA both by of / Nyssa. March 23. 1944—Emily Otis of Ad morrow night, March 24, in the i advisory nurse from the state board Ages of the group range from 14 Dudley Kurtz. experience and hard-hffting abil of health, were present at the cl rian was the students att school gymnasium. Ticket sales ha to 26 years. The association will "Tournament Sidelights"—Claude aining the among ity. Fugli was awarded the deci inic. Miss Dyer and Miss Winter honor roll at Eastern ve already passed the 200 mark. meet the first and third Wednes- j Eachus. and sion after knocking Lowe to the will remain in the county for two Oregon college during the winter Students leading ln ticket votes days of each month. “It’s a Great Game"—Howard term. She made a grade point bet canvas twice in the second round. days. Miss Lillian O’Callaghan, or are Lois Anderson. LaRue Nye, Ma Lovejoy. Emil Codr of Ontario looked the thopedic advisory nurse, crippled ween 3.0—3.5. Sarazln, and Verla Jensen: BOXING TOURNEY Coach Howard Lovejoy was pre best in his bout with Don Wells of children’s The residence of Vest brothers rgaret division, state of Idaho Boys ahead are Haloid Wilson, Cl- sented a gift by the Lettermen's Son Arrives— Vale and earned a decision. V4 miles northwest of Nyssa was department of health, visited the 3 destroyed club. by fire Monday at noon. ,ay M“rgan' OouncU and MONEY DIVIDED At the half-way mark in the clinic. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lewis are the Tables for the banquet were program, the grade school tumb Neighbors; responding quickly to 'Tom Moore RUnner- UP are Merry parents of a boy weighing nine The gross proceeds of the Malh Jay Bybee, Beverly Ure, decorated appropriately in school pounds. He was born at the Holy lers, coached by Walter McPart- the call for assistance, carried part Norcott, eur county boxing tournament held Dona Dimmick, and Dennis Fife, colors with basketballs and large TROXELL AND MRS (Continued on page two) of the furniture from the house, Don Bishop. Rosary hospital in Ontario Tuesday in the Nyssa gymnasium last Friday A's as centerpieces. Clever pro morning. but the building was a total loss. "Snow White and the Seven Dw and HQPE FILE AGAIN Saturday nights amounted to The borthers, Grover and Robert, arfs" is the grade school skit to be $211.20. Principal Frank Parr of the grams were designed and made by From Nampa— Mrs. Nevin. Mr and Mrs Russell Jordan and County Judge Irvin Troxell and carried some insurance on the pl given under the direction of Mrs high school announced. son, Dee, were in Nyssa on business County Treasurer Ora C. Hope ha- ace. The net proceeds were divided Charles Schwelzer and Miss Ida- Wednesday. They visited at the ve filed for re-nomination on the As soon as the power line was mary Prouty. Snow White will be between the four participating sch WAUD TO ENTER POET’S D. O. Bybee home and called on republican ticket. burned, the water pumping system by Bernice Bowen. The ools at the rate of $32 49 each with SPEECH CONTEST Mrs W. Bybee in the Owyhee dist So fur a$ was known this week, went out of commission so effort to portrayed the idea of creating more interest junior high girls glee club will sing fight the flames was useless, as the several numbers. rict. they are unopposed. CORNER in boxing in the schools in the co The American Legion of Nyssa is fire rapidly before a strong “Mother Goose Varieties" will be unty. sending Kenneth Waud to Portland 2nd class, March 1, as a result of wind spread from the east. If the wind to participate in the Legion's state examinations which he completed had been blowing from the other given by members of the high sch Literature lesson Given— Edited by oratorical ool student body under the direct B o y s I n successfully. | direction all of the buildings on the ion of Mrs Stella Young, Girls’ Mrs Nelda Schenk was ln charge Waud will contest. T. CAROL BYBEE represent eastern Ore Greenlee is attached to the VF-4 farm would have been destroyed, league advisor, and Claudlne Tom of the literature lesson given at the gon in the contest, which will be THE CHRIST AIN PLAN fighter-plane aviation training sq the owners said. ladles meeting Tuesday at the held at Reed college Saturday af linson. By Willard A. Aston uadron on tfce Jacksonville station Junior Cinderella Carolee Kessler, L J3 S chapel. The lesson was on ternoon. as check-crew feeder in his division. CYCLORAMA FOR 0 God forgive me. and Prince Stan Thompson will Job. ‘Tis not the man I hate or fear, Meeting Is Held— have separate processionsd and cor When in the erie holocoust I lift William Harvey Callahan of Ny STAGE PURCHASED Passes Examination— The Bolse-Payette subdistrict me onation from the senior group. Th LaMarr Patteron passed his phy the sword. ssa. who is serving in the navy, states that he is well and holding The Girls league of the Nyssa eir court consists of Charlotte sical examination for entrance into eting of the Methodist church was And send another soul across the up well under the strain of war. He high school has purchased a cyclor- Davis and Ronnie Buckner, Sharon the army ln Boise and has been held in Fruitland March 24 with bar. said he has seen much destruction ama for the school gymnasium st Brumfield and Ronnie Cooper, Sh assigned to Port Douglas, Utah. He all ministers and their wives in ‘Twas only that 1 could not turn, this sub-district attending. The Only that he forced my move, errill Chadd and Oarry Webster, and that "The wreckage of youth age. men and women held separate A duty that I could not spurn. The curtain will be paid for with Lois Wilson and Rollo Tanner. will go to Utah about April 1. is the worst he has ever seen". meetings. Rev. M. H. Greenlee of And now O God: proceeds from the Cinderella ball Barbara Duncan and Danny Mast- Of Girl— Nyssa. conference director of rel understand. Mr and Mrs George Cleaver re to be held this week. It is made of erson and Phyllis Cheldeltn and Parents A daughter was born Sunday, igious education, spoke at the mor You Kenneth Snodgrass. 1 hate his way but not the man. ceived word from their son, Pfc beige color ribbed repp. March 19 to Mr and Mrs Grant ning session. Dr. N C. Donaldson Otherwise I'd dissipate the Christ Aloha Maw, president of the T. Sgt. Wayne Piercy, who is sta Leonard Cleaver that he is ill in a Oirls’ league, said two prlies. a Rinehart of Nyssa. The baby weig of Nampa, district superintendent, ian Plan. tioned in Italy, writes that it is hospital somewhere In England. Returns From Utah— presided at the meeting. Those app For the human heart will just con still quite cold on the ground, but They also received word that M. E. Dalton returned Friday $7.50 mirror and $7.50 in war st hed 9 pounds, 4 ounces. earing on the women's program tain. plenty hot in the air. Piercy is their son. Pfc Loyd Cleaver, is from Salt Lake City, where he amps. will be given away. Charles Returns To W ork- spent three weeks visiting his fam Wilson's five piece orchestra of Vale Bid Smith has returned to work were Mrs T. C. Horton of Nampa, Love or hate, but not the twain. with a bomber squadron, still fly overseas. will provide the music for dancing. ln the Owyhee drug store following Mrs Greenlee of Nyssa, Mrs Leon Hate his way I can and must, ily and attending to business. ing the same ship they left the ard Clark of Emmett and Alice For there can be no compromise. Fort Knox, Ky., Mar. 23 (Special) United States in. an illness of three weeks. Findley of Ontario. Mrs Alva Gil Of truth and darknes, light and Injures Ankle— Pvt. Bob Kurtx landed in Eng- —The Red Cross blood bank is ri Utahn Hei bert, district president, had charge lies. land the last of February, Mall cher today by 79 pints of blood do Mr and Mrs Melvin Jensen are Willis Ftndltng injured one of his Returns From Spokane— The force that drove him on today from home crossed almost with nated by an entire class of armored enjoying a visit from Mrs Jensen's ankles Monday night with a pttch- Mrs Dale Garrison returned home of the meeting. fork while doing chores at his farm came not from above, him. He wishes he was a navy school students, including Private mother. Mrs John Saunders of Har- near Nyssa. He is now receiving1 Saturday from Spokane, where she Here From Emmett— But seemed in rankest evil sown. man having liked the water, Eng Ira Chester Sage, husband of Mrs risville Utah. She is also visiting at was called because of the death of land's small trains, houses that Margaret L. Sage of Burns, former the home of her other daughter. treatment for gangrene, which dev her grandfather. Frank DuPre. who Mr and Mrs H B. Earpe of Emm Yet perhaps the force that sends ett visited Friday with Mr and Mrs me forth to die; eloped overnight. Mrs LeRoy Burbank here. all seem to be built from the same Nyssa resident. was 88 years old. Herschel Thompson. Is not completely purged of lie. plan, their numerous chimneys and A committee of three men from Shop In Nampa— Thus If In obedience to the law of chimney openings were a novelty. tank mechanics class No. 119 pre Sing At Conference— state. The Red Cross is there to serve sented themselves to their company The Nyssa L.D.S. ward choir, un Mrs Fred McCarthy and Mrs W Ga Ta Louis Findling and Mrs W On Businrss T rip— • Frank Ray and D. L. Anderson I spell his blood in horrors fray; the boys as soon as they land, he commander and, on behalf of every der the direction of Mrs John Sch A. Fox shopped ln Nampa Monday. F Mrs Findling and daughter, Verna i of Adrian went to Riverside in the 0 God thou art mine advocate. member of the class, offered to do enk. furnished the music at the said. Ruth, shopped in Boise Monday. Juntura section on a business trip Thou knowest that within mine Lt. Merle Kurtz has been sent to nate blood. The offer was relayed Weiser stake conference Sunday Spend Week-end Here— last week-end. They left home Sat heart, Washington. D C.. Camp Spring, to the Red Cross and was accepted DarThel Bybee and Vivian Fife Betty Lou and Donald Newbill of Yoath Recovering— urday noon, bought some farm 1 do not want to take the part. sang a special number entitled Newell heights spent the week-end for a month or six weeks of train gladly. with their grandparents, Mr and Robert Root, who was seriously machinery and returned home Mo Love Thee O Lord? ing ln P 47's. He hopes to get to The 79 soldiers were taken to ‘'Come Unto Me and Rest". injured when struck by a pick-up nday night. They found the roads I must! Mrs Charles Oarriaon see something of the capital before nearby Louisville, where they each truck a few days ago near the gr In very bad condition. gave a pint of blood at the Red Enters College— Thus I can't despise. leaving. Miss Udith Douglas of the Owy Go To Weiser— ade school, is recovering satisfact Cross blood donor center. - [The man whom before me lifeless Purchase Farm— Hn hee district has gone to LaOrande Mr and Mrs Bernard Johnson orily. U 8 Naval Air Station. Jackson Mr and Mr* Carl Jensen and Mrs Thou hast not made one better be- ville, Fla, March 23-John W Sidney Brown, son of Mr and Mrs to enter the Eastern Oregon college spent Tuesday in Weiser on busi Jensen's father. Joseph Bair, have | cause of creed or color, Oreenlee. son of Mr and Mrs M. H Bemall Brown, has been transferr of Education. Miss Douglas, a grad ness. Mr. Johnson is with the war Visits In Naas pa— Oreenlee of Nyssa. was advanced ed from Ontario. California to the uate of the Adrian high school with food administration, which Is to re Miss Marion Or ace Brown visited purchased a farm at Adrian They For as my own his flesh and blood to the petty officer rating of aviat advanced air corps training station the class of 1944. is now ln the US open the WFA camp at Weiser over the week-end with her aunt. formerly lived at Woods Cross I» Thy Handiwork cadet nurse corps. i about the middle of April. I Thou hast said, "THY BROTHER." Mrs Campbell Baer, in Nampa Utah. ion machinist's mate, 1st class, from at La Junta, California. 34 Examined At Ontario Clinic Adrian Honors Court Players Cinderella Ball Plans Completed ' ' ' Vest Brothers Dwelling Burns Our The Service % h e a r