Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL LINCOLN HEIGHTS The Fourth of July was spent In various ways by the families of Lin coln Heights, the majority of them attending a picnic held at Birdlngs Island and sponsored by the Lincoln Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green and family spent the day by attending a family reunion in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeal and family joined former friends and neighbors at a picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Anderson had as their house guests Leonard and Victor Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Shutte spent Friday at the home of Mrs Shutte’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green. Pearl Green returned to her home after spending the week end at the Shutte home. Kathryn Nielson who is employed in Boise spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zigmund of near Nyssa were Thursday evening visitors at the Ralph Barnes home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith spent Sunday at the Bob DeGross home at Richland. Ruth Branon submitted to an ton- silectomy Monday morning at the Ontario clinic. The Green brothers enjoyed a day of entertainment at Vale Saturday. Miss Helen Rand of Payette is a guest at the Orval Green home. Verda Harris had the misfortune cf cutting his foot on broken glass while swimming on the Fourth. Gary Findley, small son o f Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Findley, of Nyssa, spent Thursday night and Friday at the home of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Iven Findley, while his parents enjoypd a fishing trip. The farmers association will hold their monthly meeting at the Lin coln school Saturday evening, July 12 . The County Agent is expected to be present. A discussion of noxious weed control is planned. Cleon Pettet is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Dale of Midvale, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs Dale Grammon and small son of Boise, were wpek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gram mon. Mr. and Mrs. John Pennington are spending several days in Baker. Lloyd Johnson of Corvallis arrived Friday for several days visit at the home of his brother, Levi Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNeal and fam ily attended the Air Show in Boise Sunday. Mrs. McNeal and children remained for atwo weeks visit with relatives. Leonard Goodell visited his cousin Irvin Topliff at Nyssa Saturday. CHALK BUTTE Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans visit ed in the T. H. Brewer home in Owyhee Sunday. George Wilson painted his house the first of the week. Henry Terra is cutting his crop of mustard this week. The Assembly of God Church was priviledged Sunday morning to have as their guests and speaker Rev. and Mrs. Paul Nickens of Oklahoma. Paul formerly lived here. He states things have taken shape which he never dreamed of, one being a beau tiful valley with so many farm THURSDAY, JUULY 10,1941^ Half foait homes and among them a church to ! take the place cf the once sagebrush * country he knew. A series of spe.ial meetings are beginning at 8 o'clock next Sunday- night at the Assembly of Ood church. Everyone welcome. The prizes awarded in the Sunday School contest which closed recently were given to Donald Brewer of Owyhee 1st prize an deccnd prize went to John Niccum of Cow Hollow. Mr and Mrs Roy Warren, and Carolyn met Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Landrsth in Nyssa July 4th, and motored to Evergreen Park near McCall where they spent the day. Ed. Steiner, Donna and James Chadd attended the Air Circus in Boise Sunday. Boyd Query and Rnb rt Ditty bound grain for E E Clcr.inger last week. SUNSF.T VALLEY Seventeen young people motored to Wlld-r Sunday for a picnic din ner on the lawn at the Ora Newgen home. Mi and Mrs. R. G. Chandler of Caldwell Joined them there and a good time was had by everyonp in spite of the fact that a lew bee stings were received. About 3(1 friends gathered at the Otto W olfe home the Forth for a picnic supper and fireworks. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and daughter of Nyssa were guests Thursday evening at the Roy Wag- ren home. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver surprised the young couple, married last week, with a chartvarle, Wednesday night. Treats were enjoyed after which the crowd went to the Hall and danced the evening away. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black motored Please If Anyone —Elopes —Dies —Gets Married —Has Guests —Goes Away —Has a Party —Has a Baby —Has a Fire —Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House -Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in any Other Unusual Evtut That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal P H O N E 19 believing in perpetuating the Gotl-given beauty of Oregon’s forest lands. Governor Charles A. Sprague lias issued this appeal for mobilization of Oregon citizens for the purpose of “ Keep Oregon Green.” In his appeal the Governoi said, "Believing that defense of Oregon’s forests Is vital to the ernlinued prosperity and happlnt'.s of our peoples and constitutes a very important phase of national defense. I hereby proclaim the week of June 30 and July (I, 1941. as "Keep Oregon Green Week.” It is my earnest hope that every adult and child in Oregon may be impressed with his or her re sponsibility in guarding our magnificent trees from forest fires and war teage of every kind. I rail every Oregonian to arm: against our forest foes. Let this soeeial week be a time of mobilization in a great cause. Keep Oregon Green! mathamatical engineering. to Unity the Fourth. Jack (Duae Parker’s boy and On Saturday afternoon the Boll- tho and Lorenson families went to Don's cousin) still had a year in Vale where they honored Miss Bar High School to go. and he certainly bara Bolitho with a birthday supper had no intentions of leaving the including a birthday cake with five farm. Cow Hollow was good enough for him. candles. Don had to work a while to get Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and the money to take his engineering Mrs. Otto Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs. course and he became acquainted Ed Frazel of Smithfield. Nebraska. with a girl that to him rapidly be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lerwig and fam came the one blossom, in this ‘has ily of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. been- dessert. Now Don is farming Frank Bert and daughter of Cald with his dad and Is quite content. well. And is dad and mom happy. M r and Mrs. Otto Wolfe and dau Jack finished his school and on ghter, Verla Mae attended a N e account of scarcity of money took braska picnic at Caldwell, Friday, the a job with Wiley Clowers in the Fourth. cream business in Nyssa. Walter Hillis Is making a brick Jack was a good hand, liked his flu and other repair on his house in job and his boss and Wiley liked preparation to moving out of the him. After some time all at once basement to make room for grain we heard Jack had quit his Job and storage. went to Oakland, California to look Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pomeroy had as for a job. overnight guests last Wedneday, Everyone in Cow Hollow is a per Mr. Pomeroy’s cousin. Mrs. O ’Leary sonal friend to Jack so anything of Twin Palls. They motored to the that concerns Jack consents us all. Owyhee Dam in the evening where We coulden't understand it. Why they enjoyed a picnic supper. the sudden change? Why to Oak Bud Matheis played ball the land? The big defense jobs are far Fourth at Big Bend Park where the ther down. O f course the Parkers fam ily spent the day. said Jack has a cousin with a fine Miss Clarice Matheis left Tuesday job In Oakland and Jck hoped he for Portland after a three weeks might help him get a job. visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. So the other day in the hay field Albert Notheis. Dude confided “Jack’s “ Heart Beat” Mrs. Robb Thompson returned went to Oakland and Jack had to last week from Portland and vacin- follow her.” ity where she visited relatives and “ I think he will be back on the friends. farm as soon as it blows over” he Mrs. Freda Peterson and daughter added. o f Johnstown. Nebr.. and Mr. and Well It has done a swell Job of Mrs. Dean Heaton of Nyssa visited "blowing over.” We all wish Jack at the Kenneth Lorenson home Sun luck, lots of Joy and for them to live day evening. happy ever after, but we greatly On Wednesday, July 16th, at 2 p. fear Cow Hollow has lost Jack. m. there will be a canning demon-1 Never got to meet the bride. They stration at the Sunset Community j had to rush back. Jack has a good Hall. This meeting has been arranged Job and help is scarce so he could at the request of Community ladles and Is being given by Miss Hilda \ Fredrick, assisted by Mrs. Larkin | and MLxs Hazel Duncan of the Farm , Security Administration Office at Ontario. Everyone is welcome. not get off for long. But have met Don’s "Blossom" upon several occasion: and can say that if Jack’s Hart-B at” is still better than Den’s “ Blotsom” he has a perfect right to be very proud of himself Both may be veiy glad that their plans when they finished school never carried. The Oregon Slope Grange will visit the Chalk Butte Grange Tues day, the 15th. They will conduct the meeting for us. Chalk Butte Grange is just a new Grange and haven’t learned all they need to know about it. We do appre ciate the help of other granges The Fourth Was quiet in Cow Hollow even though we had lots of fire works above the canal. Dude Parker had about forty head of stock above the canal on the range and they were drove in ahead of the fire now Dude has a feed problem on his hands most all the hill side above the canal burned off. Mrs. Bill Parker and children left Wednesday to Join her husband at Hermlston. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Share and Don will take them. Dale Limbaugh’s uncle from Sal em. Oregon came to see him Tues day he had come to Emmett to see relatives and Dales mother brought him down to see the folks here. Mr. F. L. Sackett of Ontario was a visitor at the Clarence Niccum home Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Niccum and Betty will leave soon. Betty will go to the Shrlner’s hospital for a check up. Mrs. Bertha Sheets will meet them at the hospital and they will go to Salem and attend the Assembly of God Camp meeting for a few days. Mosier has been visiting her par ents for the past three weeks The Mosiers plan on going to Stillwate Minn., where they will visit Mr Mosiers parents, returning to Nyssa in two weeks through Yellow none Park. Buena Vista M r and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Edward visited at Spokane and Seat tle several days the past week Ray Callahan Is quite ill in the Nyssa Nursing home. Mrs. Callahan is with him. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nyborg and family are visiting at the A. E. N y borg home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Wavel were picking cherries near Frultland Sun day. E. L. Jamison and Julius Bevln went to Garden Valley Saturday after poles. Harold and Harvey Callahan re turned from Ht-rmiston. Saturday where they have been working. Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were royally charlvarled Thursday night when a larg crowd gathered at the Modal ER-417 George Cleaver home. The crowd was well treated. Leonard Goodell spent Saturday and Sunday with Irvin Topliff. H. S. and Claud Day are binding their grain this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings and Romaine were Nampa visitors Wed. Dwight and Burl Wyckoff are helping chop hay at Ed. Nelsons this Y ou pay yet you get more week. on the 1941 deluxe Kelvinator G. A. Cleaver has been thrashing electric ranges! See what you get! On Vacation— his rape seed an 1 C C. W yckoff had Automatic, self-computing Lewis Mosier is leaving Saturday his barley combined the past week. Tim er and Minute-Minder for Crawford, Nebraska, where Mrs. $30 On la st year's less— •jt High-speed heating units •jfc Deluxe Scotch Kettle -ff 7-heat switches, with indi vidual Signal Lights •jf Oversize oven,with interior floodlight ■Jf W armer Drawer and two Storage Drawers on ball bearing rollers 'ft Porcelain finish llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ETTER. WORK at o to Up Qnvez EXPERT JOB PRINTING Other ’ Kelvinator Electric from $114.95 Ranges W iring, i f any, and H alt and local taxci extra. Prices and tpeujicationt subject to , bangs w ith o u t notice. Skilled rrafstmen can give you the beit printing service. All our printers and designers are exports on jobs of all kinds. If you want the best for least— call us! LETTER MEADS — ENVELOPES — MENUS BILLHEADS— INVITATIONS— CIRCULARS ANNOUNCEMENTS— PROGRAMS— CARDS Telephone 19 For Our Representative The NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL fit Ufli Come To The Nyssa Journal Cooking School July 18-19 Nyssa Implement NYSSA. ORE. Cow Hollow Here's a sure way to beat the heat on your vacation trip—step into the air-conditioned comfort oi a Union Pacific train. In modern Coaches, economical Challenger Sleepers or superbly-appointed Standard Pull mans, you'll ride relaxed and arrive refreshed. Delicious Dining Car meals. Registered Nurse-Steward ess service on principal trains. SAMPLE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES from Nyssa to: In Standard In Challenger Coaches Sleeping Cats' Sleeping Cars' $53 50 $46.20 $38 10 Los Angeles 72.50 64.49 58.05 Chicago ...... 42.85 41 09 36 51 Denver ..... ... 65 65 58.67 . 51.62 Kansas City ... ....51.62 1985 17.85 1585 Portland ■ Berth extra. Similar low fares to other points Liberal return limits. Also very low one-way fares. Ask about travel on credit—no money down— pay later For further details consult: E. C. CRANDALL Phone 27 Nyssa. Ore. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD By The Happy Farmer The other day Mrs. Dude Parker sent this bit o f rare news, (rare in Cow Hollow for it is the first o f its kind) with the remark, “ you can word it to suit yourself." Wouldent know how to improve It any. I like news just like someone was talking to me. T o heck with the form, so here goes: " —about Jack's getting married to Naomi Hess o f Mt. Hood. Oregon. The wedding took place at Steven son. Washington, at 1 p. m.. Satur day, July 5th with Just the immed iate families and a few close friends present. Dude and I and the kiddies. Dale and Hubert went down Friday to Hood River for the wedding and came back Sunday. Dude nephew Robert Britton came after us, we came back with Jack and Naomi on their way back to Oakland. Calif, where they will live. Sunday afternoon we had a few relatives and friends here to see them off Refreshments of Ice cream and wedding cake were served.” 8o there Jack Parker got to be the first native of Cow Hollow to get married. Those youngsters that came to the Hollow only a short while ago for to help Mom and Pop to convert this dusty dessert into happy and prosperous homes are getting to be young men and women and ready for homes of their own. Things happen so fast in life we can hardly keep up. A few days ago was talking to Dude, in the hay field, about the boys. Two yean ago Don (Frank Parkers boy) Graduat ed from High School He did not like the farm at all and wanted to go to Chicago and take a course in FEED DRY CALF STflRTHIA insiEAD ormiLK And gat this big satisfaction along with your savings • . . the satisfaction o f knowing that your Chovrolot brings you all tho necessities and most of the luxuries o f cars costing hundreds o f dollars more . . . You’ll have lots more milk to sell i f you feed your calves P U R IN A CALF S T A R T E N A instead of milk. And the Calf Startena is much cheaper! One bag Calf Startena costs only .....-..........$4JO It replaces about 350 lbs. of milk worth about _ 6 44 your Chevrolet Is the lead ing car In popular d e m a n d - first again In ’4 1 for tho tenth time In the last eleven yearsl So every bag that Is fed saves about ---------- $2.14 Calf Startena raises lust as big, milky beifera as can possibly be done with whole milk . . . and with much lest labor and fust. Call us or drop in for some Calf Startena and start SAVIN G MONEY. Al Thompson and Sons N Y SSA EYE IT TRY IT Bl^Y IT Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon