Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified Advertising CITY PROPERTY For Rent WANTED—All your welding Jobs. We promise good work and (air ROOM IN PRIVATE modem small family home, Is clean, cool with prices Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone separate entrance. Excellent for 56 W . night worker, nice yard with lawn and trees. Mrs. Elsie Jordan, north BRAKE WORK Let us put your Third at Locus. 10J tie. car or truck brakes In Ilrst class condition. Special equipment and FURNISHED APPARTMENT. mod trained men at your service. Pruyn ern, electric, range water heater Auto Repair. Phone 56W. and refrigeration. Call T7iomp6on Oil Co. 5J tfc. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi tive prices. First class quality. 3 ROOM FURNISHED house Mod Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and em. nice lawn, electric refrigeration. 16Mtfc Call Journal. 22M tfc. Highway 201, Phone 108 MISCELLANEOUS For Sale ROUND OAK coal range with large reservoir. Call Journal. 2Jtfc. FOR SALE OR TRADE TWELVE LOTS In block 71 Green's Addition. Nyssa. Abstract. Three coiners $150 00; nine inside lots $125.00 each. Hugh R. Ackley, Seventh & Cleveland, Caldwell, Ida ho. ........— 11J 4xp. 1931 INTERNATIONAL truck com pletely overhauled, excellent tires, beet bed. Will take poles, posts, live stock or what have you as a down payment, or all. Seven miles S. W. oi TWO HINSCH houses. 8ee Frank FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. Nyssa. Enterprise Ave. E. L. Jamison. T. Morgan. Phone 78J. tic. 10J tfc. For Sale SEED FOR SALE Seed potatles, Bliss Tri umph. one year from certification. Ira Ure, Phone O0J2. 19J tic. Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 18Atfc Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4M tic NYSSA STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 88J “ We Wash Every Day” REPAIR SHOP Electric Welding GAS AND OIL NEW AND USED PARTS NYSSA AUTO CO. Highway 20, North End of Town For Sale POULTRY BABY CHICKS each week so long as this add continues. Payette Valley Hatchery, Phone. Frultland, 6221. 5J tfc. CITY PROPERTY For Sale GOOD HOMESITE8 on First and Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. Hall. ISMtfc DR. J. C. B O W M A N Veterinarian Phone 39W J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Sarazln Clinic NY88A ORBOON NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to • p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian ___ Mrs. S. B Davis OPTOMETRIST "See Mr Kali and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO ORBOON bertson families held a Fourth of July picnic on the Klingback lawn j DEFENSE Werner and Wm. Peutz Jr., helped BOND watch and fight fires at Mitchell Butte Tuesday night to prevent fur ther spread Into the hills. Mrs. A. C. Bradley Is 111 at her home In Owyhee Q. What is the price of a Defense Mr and Mrs. Werner Peutz, Mrs Bond? Wm. Peutz, Miss Elsie Nein and A. For the smallest B.nd yea r ' Wm. Peutz Jr., took In the Air Show $18.75. The Bond vail i> . ea e n at Boise and called at the Rex Walt value In ten years to $75 For $7 i. ers home Sunday. you get a Bond which wi’.l in; as o Mr and Mrs. Adam Kllngback and $100.: Other Bonds are in propor family were Sunday guests at the tion. Martha Klingback home Sunday Q. What will the Oovernm nt d from Squaw Butte. Lois Klingback with the money I p3y for my Bond'’ accompanied them home for a visit. A. Your money will be put to work Mrs. Joe Codr enjoyed a surprise at once in the National Defense Pro visit from her sister and family Mr. gram to protect th freedom and and Mrs. Oscar Peterson of Oneil, safety of the United States, and all Nebraska over the Fourth holidays. of its people everywhere. The sisters nad not met for six years. Stanley Burman of Melba. Idaho, a school mate of Emil Codr spent five members piesent. The after several days visiting at the Codr noon was spent discussing plans for home. a quilt to be made by the club. The meeting of the N. G. Club to The next meeting will be July 22, have been held at Payette on July at the home of Mrs. Glenn McGin 16, 1941 at which time they would nis. have been hostesses to members of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith enter the N. K. K. Club of Owyhee has tained a number of friends at a been postponed until August 6. 1941. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. There will be no meeting of the N. picnic dinner on their lawn th? 4th. K. K. club during July. Leo Chard, Russel Talbot and Bus ter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mettlen and Adeline Ward and family. VALLEYVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson of Portland visited Saturday at the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lenn of Lowe Home. Mrs. Thompson was Jamison, Oregon spent the Fourth a classmate of Marion Lowe, now visiting relatives In this neighbor Mrs. Carol Quackenbush of Spokane hood. at Whitman College. Milton Marshall, Howard and Mr. and Mrs Wm. Mettlen ac Larry Lenn motored to Brandon. companied by their daughter. Mrs. Oregon and got Sybil Penn who had Glenn McGinnis and son left Thurs visited with Marie Hawkins for the day for an indefinite visit with rel month. They returned Tuesday. atives in Kansas and Nebraska. Orland and Joe White spent the Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fuller of Mar- Fourth at Twin Falls. sing, Idaho are visiting at the Ira Mr. and Mrs. Findley and son of Marrs home. California were guests at a chicken Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooper of Cald dinner last Wednesday at the Jerold well are spending the summer at Ooodfellow home. the Lowe Hot Springs where Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lundhahl of Cooper is taking the baths for rehu- Roslyn, Washington visited at the matlsim. He reports satisfactory re home of Mrs. Chrales Johnson, Sat sults. urday. Max Dunnaway spent Sunday wit: Mr. and Mrs. Ben McConnell friends In Boise. motored to Boise for the Fourth and Mitchess Butte has been having spent the night in the mountains, its share of grass fires this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Forest McConnell and Mrs. Lowe says, "this is the first Mrs. McConnell and Earnest accom time In 30 years she has seen the panied them. A. A. Bratton and Oscar bound wheat last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston visited at the Carl Stevens home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rees and Mr. and Mrs. David Rees and sons motored to Anthony Lakes near Haines. Oregon the Fourth. Coy Brown, Minnie Brown, Win and Hannah Brown, Mrs. C. John son. Miss Genevieve Hindmarch of Ontario were Fourth of July visitors of the W. E. Brown family. Q U IZ : The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word (or each Issue Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS THURSDAY, JUULY 10,1941 3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mr. close In. See Nyssa Lumber Co. or write A. Peterson, Emmett, Idaho. and Mrs. J. E. Keyser went to the 12Jtfc. dance Thursday night at Boise. Rodney and Willard Smith and sister Martha motored to Boise for For Rent the day and attended the Air Show FARM LANDS the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and son ATTRACTIVE TERMS, long time lease on NW/.NW14 Sec. 23, Twp. 19 accompanied by his mother of Ken- 8., Range 36 E. W. M. known as the llad, Kansas were callers Friday evening at the Dan Corbett home. Bob Russell place. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard and See Frank T. Morgan. sons, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and children. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. W A N TED Fisher and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dan WANTED PASTURE near Nyssa. Corbett and sons. Ilia and Thannel for calves. Address Journal. 10J lxc. Bottner and Miss June Webster at tended the Fourth of July picnic din ner and celebration of the Nazerene PAINTING, KALSOMININO, paper Sunday school and church in the cleaning. Andy McGinnis. Phone Apple Valley school house park. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wakewood and 39M. 24Atfc. family accompanied by Ray Bybee GARBAGE HAULING. City l ic e n spent the Fourth at Boise and Nam ced. Owen Oann. Phone 119R pa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfren Evans and CARPENTERING, concrete work, Mrs. John Lade and children of kalsomtnlng or painting by hour or Nyssa spent the Fourth with their contract. C. J. Keizer. 381 Ennis father at Mountain Home. Idaho. Ave. lOAtfc Mr. and Mrs. David Beers and daughter. Doris June were Sunday WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton dinner guests at the Floyd Hershey rags, must be of fair s.ze. no ov home in Nyssa. eralls. lace curtains nor other harsh Willard Smith is visiting his bro materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. ther, Robert in Oakland, California WANTED—Highest prices paid for he accompanied Harold Olson as he hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur returned to his work in Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. John Quigley and niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. I. way north. F. Sweet and Mrs. John Stafford WELL DRILLINO. Prices on req and daughter. Joey of Nyyssa drove uest. Apply to one who knows the to McCall Saturday. country and the business. C. H De- Miss Bonnie Lois McBride of Au Coursey. Box 745, Nampa Phone 90M burn, California is spending her 21J 4xp. summer vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs, Orville Maze. Sunday visitors at the S. P. Bybee For Sale home were: Mr. and Mrs. B. O. MACHINERY Bybee, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard How BINDER FOR SALE cheap Enquire es and Oerald Sebum spent Sunday at Russell Patton's 114 mile north with Mont Corbett. Mrs. Dan Corbett Is suffering from west Owyhee school house. 10J lxp. an Injured back she was taken to Dr. Abbott Saturday and Is confined For Sale to bed. AUTOS and TRAILERS Mr and Mrs. Dave Beers and 1941 CHEVROLET H ton pickup. Doris June enjoyed a picnic dinner Also 1941 Chevrolet sport sedan. the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Ed V. W. Duus, manager Factory Cab Qonnason and children, and Mr. ins. Opposite sugar factory. and Mrs. Flemming in the Buttler Orove. For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Alfren Evans and FARM PRODUCE Norma Suiter picked cherries at ORDER WINTER seed Barley Frultland Sunday afternoon. (Olympia) now. J. L. Waud Rt. 2, Mr. and Mrs John B. Quigley at 314 miles northwest Nyssa. 10J tfc. tended the Air Show in Boise the Fourth. For Sale Ray Bennidlct of River View Community spent Friday with the FARM LANDS FIVE ACRES good land with five O. J Kurtz family ..... ... room modem house and plenty shade Just outside city limits. Lon E. Fry. 11J exc. Owyhee Nyssa Haights m 1 “ Little birdie, tell you want to get to make a world ought to feed you your mom that strong enough flight and she every day with supervision o f departm ent, Believing that the patrons’ of Nyssa’s Beauty Shops will be better served through a standard price schedule for cosmetological services the following is a schedule o f prices to be charged in all beauty shops, effective on and after Fri- day, July 11* 1941: | M O S S, is KEITH equipped a ccord in g to manufacturers specification, and this com bined with the well know n m echanical ability of Keith assures every car and truck ow ner o f efficien t and econom ical repair work. MALHEUR MOTOR CO. YOUR DEALER T elephone 77 Nyssa relieve your situation. Anything is easier to clean or scrub when the water you u » is hot — and naturally, the more hot water you have the faster dirt disappears. The automatic electric water heater is 1941's best all-around method for heating water. Dry Plain Wave .. 50c delivery at any time! e Investigate! Learn the benefits electric water heating will bring to your home and family. ; \ 0 /. LHfc k P t R Wet, Hair Dress ... 50c Dry, Hair Dress .... 75c | l SHAM POO and HAIRDRESS $1.00 Oil Shampoo 50c §1 PERMANENT W A V E S $3.50— $4.50— $6.00 MARIE S B E A U T Y SHOP— RUTH S BEAUTY NOOK— O W Y H E E B EAU TY SHOP The automatic electric water heater is the outstanding contribution to comfort in the home. SHAM POO and PLAIN W A V E 75c Haircut.............50c It heats the water, then stores it in an insulated tank and keeps it hot, ready for | = | UlUIRltMAY the under washing tire you out? If it does, here's one thing that will | Manicure .............50c service • Is Monday the "bug-a-boo" day of the week for you? Does Price Schedule 35c Our Mitchell Butte wm Wet, Plain W ave of Sp ecial Interest to C A R and T R U C K O W N E R S T. M. Lowe and James Wall were business visitors in Payette Wed nesday. Miss lone Benso is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Harold Fivercoats. Mrs. Ira Marrs entertained the Pre-School Study club Tuesday with Swan’s Bakery Idaho Falls. Idaho visited at the Olen Suiter home on Monday and Tuesday Mr. Clapp Is Mrs. Suiter's Uncle. Mr and Mrs. Walter Nye and son, Elvln of Nysaa visited at the Dave Been home 8unday evening. Mr and Mrs. Leo Been and son. = Donald of Sausslto. California visit- = ed from Monday until TYiursday E when they continued on their to u r s to Minnesota by way of Yellowstone^ National Park and the Black Hills. = South Dakota they expect to return = by way of Canada. Man-ton Suiter attended the A ir- Show In Boise on the Fourth. Mr ,| and M n. O. J. Kurts and family were among the ptcnlcken atE the Morgan Park the Fourth. Mr and Mrs I. F Sweet and son. Darrel from Twin Falls. Idaho visit- ed front Friday until Sunday at the John Quigey home Mr and Mrs. Oen Suiter. Clarence and Norma visited In Homed ale Ida. the Fourth at the home of Mr and Mrs. Msnford Stlmmel. Mrs Stlmmel and Mrs. Suiter are slaters. M n. Orant Hal lock of Alberta Valley vicinity spent Tuesday with Mrs a L Fisher Announcement DO WASHDAYS GET YOU DOWN? Mrs. Wm Schwetzer had the mis fortune to break her leg when she S W A N S BREAD USE JOURNAL WANT ADS fell while st a picnic at Wetser on ASK FOR IT July Fourth. She Is recovering at + + + ________ AT YOUR GROCER S her home In Owyhee. Elmer Dale and Juanita Culbert son left Tuesday for Martines, Calif, son, Glenn visited friends In Cald NYSSA PHONE 20 Mrs McBrldae of Auburn. Calif well Sunday. The Gregg, Klingback and Cul- ornia spent the Fourth with her Mr and Mrs Earl Strickland and daughter. Mrs OrvlUe Mace and family. irm m m n n n m m m m n itM m m m m m n m m m m n»n nm m m m m m - e Mr and Mrs. L. C. Clapp from + + + : l ii :i ly morning for Twin Falls lh Butte burned off. Mrs. CDyton Patton and I- >1. the Interest of labor camp work. Patton visited at the Firecoat home A S>on Born— Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornell received Monday afternoon. word this week that a son had be.-n born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buchanan Camp Manas - r Returns— Roy Searles. camp manager at th? of Boise. Mis. Buchanan is th? F. S. A. camp leturned cn Tues youngest daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. day from a ten days stay at Port Niece Visits- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt enjoy d land and coast cities. While absent Mr. Searl s inspected several camp; a visit on Monday from Mr. Hunt’s In the Washington area as well as ■cice. Miss Les Hunt oi Portland. attending division meetings of the liss Hunt is a graduate of Columbia camp supervisors at Portland. with this years class and has ac Mr. and Mrs Searles returned to cepted a teaching position in Wis Nyssa with her husband and intend consin for tlie comming year. She to remain the remainder of the sea vas cn her way home when visiting son with hin here. They left on here. r The comfort and convenience it brings your whole family now cost« less than ever before. Install it ia your home now! n