Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1941)
T H E N Y SS A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L m im w / * prll MV HR C col tra Au KJ t NJ Hi Pt PI CATHERINE BUR El .IF. MARRIED AT GARDEN CEREMONY At high noon on Sunday July sixth. Catherine Jeon Bure lie. dau ghter of Mrs Aubrey L Fletcher plighter her troth to Charles H an sel McCrei. son of Mr and Mrs C. C McCrea of Weiser Idaho before a bower of fern, hydrangeas and rases on the lawn at the home of Mr and Mrs. netcher Rev H G Luscomb Prultland Methodist Minister read (he mar riage service before a large group of friends and relatives. The bride was given in marriage by Mr Fletch er To the strains of Mendelssohn s wedding march played by Mrs C. NYSSA PROGRAM Phone 108 THEATRE * Double Feature Friday and Saturday, July 11-12 Pi Xl C Hunt the bndal party took their places before the flower banked al tar and following the cermony Mrs Hunt played "a Garden of Flowers'' as recessional Two solos were sung "At Dawning" and "O. Perfect Love" by Mrs O. E Carmen of Vale who was accompanied by Mrs Hunt. The Matron of Honor was Mrs Helen Holton, and the Brides Maids were Miss Darlene McRea. sister of the bridegroom and Miss Dolores Kennedy of Vale Mr Wesley Wat kins of Weiser was best man The bride chose for her wedding gown one of floor length white satin with a finger tip veil of chiffon caught at the head with a tiara of orange blossoms She carried a bou- Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay in •ELLERY QUEEN S PENTHOUSE M YSTERY’ Hopalong Cassidy in ‘ BORDER VIGILANTES’’ Sat u " i.go p m . Aam. 5c-20c. Evening. 10c-33c, includes tax Sunday and Monday, July 13 -14 Lew Ayres. Lionel Barrymore. Laraine Day and Bonita Granville in "T H E PEOPLE VS. DR. KILDARE” U .l Sun 2:30, Adm 10c-28c. Evening Adm 40c-33c, Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, July 15 Juan Bennett and Louis Hayward in "S O N OF MONTE CR1SCO” Cartoon and The Green Archer ________________ Adm Children Sc. Adolts lie_________________ Wednesday and Thursday, July 16-17 Anna Neagle. Ray Bloger. John Carroll and Ed wal’d Everett Horton in "S U N N Y ” Sports and News A dm ission : lSe-S3c, Including Defense Tax J quet of loses. 5»eei peas and coral bells Both Brides Maids were dressed In pink silk formal gowns and carried colonial boquets of roses and daisies PaUowmg the ceremony a recept ion »nd wedding luncheon was serv ed Indoors at the Fletcher home, at which time the bride threw her boquet which was caught and cut her wedding cake Mrs Dorman of Nampa who made (he cake told of the tokens placed in it. There was also a bride grooms coke. Following the luncheon Mr and Mrs McRea left for a honey moon trip and will be at home to their fnends after their return Mrs Fletcher was assisted in the decorations and the service a; lun cheon by Mrs Dick Tensen and Mrs C C. Hunt. Out of town guests included: Mr and Mrs C C O McRea. parents of the bride groom. Mr and Mrs Per cy Purvis. Vale, grandparents of the bride. Mr and Mrs. H R Dunlop. Mr and Mrs Ciorence Barbour. Mr and Mrs Herbert Purvis and family Mrs Edith Schoemoker Mrs Vern Atkins. Miss Mary Glen. Miss Dal- vier Kennedy. Leo Schmidt. Mr. James Purvis and Mr. William Pur- vis. Mr and Mrs. John McRea. Mr and Mrs John Flynn. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Watkins all of Weiser Ida ho: Mrs A- M Stark, grandmother of the bride groom and Mrs. Harry Stark from Payette Idaho: Mr and Mrs Frank Woodruff and daughter of Ontario Mr and Mrs R S Dor man and son. Jack of Nampa Miss Doris Jean Roberts of Boise. Mrs H G Luscomb and son. George of Fruitland. T H U R S D A Y , J U U L Y 10,1941 charge of Guild president. Mrs Wil all sold Bariev sacks lO'i, cent» ,n B «h*— The Nyssa Trader sells for less Mam j Mayo: and Mrs J C OUcn visited liam E Schireman Rev Stanley Moore who with Mrs. Highway North I 111 Buh1' “ ah0' 0 W “ ** Week end Moore visited from Ontario opened the meeting with a prayer, and most of the time was given to winding wool and preparing it for distribu tion for Red Cross knitting. Tea was served in the late afternoon. siring to attend at on All Out party on the evening of Friday. July 11. beginmg at 8 30 o'clock Every one is invited and free ice cream will be served Any one wishing to con tribute to the Wallowa Institue: fund may do so at that time —5— SUNSHINE CLUB T OMEET The ladies erf the Sunshine club of the Rebekahas will be entertain ed on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at the Odd Fellows hall by Mrs. C C Cotton and Mrs Frank Newbill _j_ j BRIDGE PARTY Mrs Sallee started the Round Rohm bridge series sponsored by the Nyssa Civic club when on Mon T o o Late to Classify day afternoon she invited a four some to play at her home Mrs. Gil FOR SALE bert Allsbrook made high score for HEAVY FATTENED fryers weigh the first afternoon s play ing around 4 to 5 pounds A. M Fkanger Juanita and Lytle Boule POT LUCK DINNER vard. first place north erf construc On Monday forty seven members tion camp 10J tic their families and guests of the Sunset Community Hall auxiliary MISCELEANOÜS enjoyed a pot luck dinner at the AM LEAVING for northwest Ne hall Following dinner dancing was braska Saturday Have 5 passenger enjoyed for which music was fur car will have room for two or three nished by Mrs Kenton her daugh passengers Lewis Mosier. Phone j ter and Mrs Curtis all of Adrian. Nyssa. 15. 10J lxp. JU LY 11 & 12 G rocery Specials For Friday and Saturday, Syrup Floui ------ »------ — §— JOHN PARKER TAKES BRIDE On Sunday evening a reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs. U. E Parker in honor of their son. John E Parker and his bride John who tse now mployed was married on Saturday to Naomi Hess of Mt Hood at a quiet ceremony in Stevenson. Washington Following a reception at the home of the brides aunt. Mrs. Britton the young couple left for Nyssa for a short visit with GIRL SCOUTS his parents and then returned to At a meeting of the Girl Scouts Oakland Calif where he is employed held at the Little House on Tues and where they will make their day last, severs! new members were home. inducted These included Eunice —§ Ann Brady. Nan Grider. Evelyn CIVIC CLUB Towne. Joyce Jane and The Civic Club meeting next Wed Vevonn Cambell There was also a nesday will be held on the lawn at Court of Awards with Candle light the home of Mrs H R Sherwood ceremony Later refreshments were just west of the tngh school on the enjoyed with Assistant leaders, m s s Adrian highway Vera Jensen and Miss Harriett Sar Mrs Clarence Brewster will be the afan and Margaret Saraxm serving speaker for the afternoon: her sub The meeting was in charge of Mrs ject being "Modem Methods of Clarence Brewster, leader of the Teaching the Deaf “ Nyssa troop. Twelve of the troop The program will also include a left on Tuesday morning of this report by Led ora Booth on her +-H week for a weeks stay at the Boise summer session at Corvallis Girl Scouts camp at Payette lakes, Come and bring a friend. where they will receive instruction ____ “ i— and be under the supervision of GUILD ENTERTAINED leaders and instructors provided by The ladies of St Pauls guild and the Boise Council their guests were entertained on the lawn at the country home of Mrs H R Sherwood on Wednesday, EPWORTH LEAGUE TO ENTERTAIN afternoon by Mrs. J R Hunter Mrs Members of the Epwonh League Charles Drewitx and Mrs Sherwood, of the Methodist church will enter hostesses tain their friends and all others de The business meeting was in __ I PINOCHLE PARTY Mrs Hersehel Thompson was host ess at a Round Robin pinoichle four- some being spans; red by the Nyssa Civic Club on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Bert B. Lienkoemper won the afternoons prise. -5 - —s— > • POR SALE A GOOD 30--30" Winchester rifle Inquire Cabin 1. Court Cottage 10J tfc east of Nyssa Trader Log Cabin, L arse size can Sperry, 3 lb. package Pectin Surfine, 8 oz. bottles, 2 for Starch 1 lb. pkg. corn or gloss, 2 for Grape Fruit Juice 1__________________ ¿ FOR SALE DAVENOE PRICES are going up— Buy now and save—Thirty, "one of a kind” Superbuiit daveno bed. - Reg S30 00 values, only *35 00 Tap estry from $24.95 and up — When these are gone there will be no more at this {Mice—The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main Highway North K elloggs, 2 packages Corn Flakes Shredded Wheat oz- cans National Biscuit, each Bacon Squares FOR SALE LINOLEUM PRICES are going up— Buy now and save— Crescent Seal 9x12 S3S5 9x15 $4.75 9x10*, $3 75 6 x 9 *2 59 7*, x 9 S3 19 The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Siam Highway North. Carstens, lb. me Cottage Cheese Nubora Soap FOR SALE SACKS AND TWINE—Sacks are at a premium this year. We have a ! supply of grain bags, but don’t bel ieve there will be enough for late buyers—Buy now before these are Bleach Sic 27 c 21c 15c 39c lie 11c > 17c 49c 25c 23c Large, giant sized package Crystal W hite, giant bars 6 for Energy, V 2 gal size Open Evenings Until 9 P.M. CAN'T YOU SLEEP? "If it weren't tor heartburn and ■ “fullness” caused by indigestion you might get some rest ' ADLA Tablets contain Bismuth and Carbonates for quick relief Ask your druggist for ADLA Tablets tomorrow. NYSSA PHARMACY W ilson G rocery » fl J i OREGON nyssa D ependable Food Store 'BLANKET EVENT USE OUR LAYAWAY P U N BEACON DONWELL wool 72 x90 double July 14th to 19th Check your blanket stock and fill your requirements now at the old prices. These prices are no higher than they were last year but they will be con siderably higher when you go to buy this Fall. Buy now. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN DOWN COMFORTS SI 0.90 Pay only 1 5 ^ , and have the blankets laid away till you need them. SINGLE BLANKETS 49c An all cotton, plaid single blanket All cotton, full bed size, colors pink, green, rust, lavender and blue. This extra large plad double blanket, famous for its wear and warmth especially priced at S3.69 regular price $3.96 INDIAN BLANKETS Fancy bright color designs in reds, tan, blue, brown etc. Priced at S1.00 - 1.69 - S1.98 WHITE SHEET BLANKETS ALPINE— 70 x 108 — 98c 80 x 1 0 8 — $1.29 T W O STORKS— 81 x 99 — $1.39 AURORA 66 x 76 Double $1.19 All cotton double blankets. Full bed size, plaid design, variety of colors. BELDEN 66 x 80 Double $1.98 Extra heavy, part wool blankets. Colors, blue green, rust, peach and lavender. Golden Rule Oregon f ull bed size, goose down filled, taffeta comforts. Colors dusty rose, blue, peach, green Higher grade, down filled, satin comforts to $18 95 USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN PENDLETON lOO^r wool These beautiful, extra heavy, moth blankets. Plain and fancy designs. proofed $7.95 to $14.95 DURAY A heavy single blanket, very beautiful made of wool and cotton regular $3.98. • SEE OUR OTHER BLANKET S P E C I A L S ^ > <