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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa's Shops There follows a prayer by a horse to his master and written by an acting police commlsioner of New York City. I t is) as beautiful as Sen ator Vest’s plea for a dog In this prayer for understanding from his master are many of the things a canine might ask of his master. T h e desire for signs of app roval and affection from the human master, who to them stand as God, Is no less in an animal than It is the human breast. That of babes and little totif and men ana womenof all al, the pat on the head. I t is so little for any one to give to a human be ing or an animal.Yet it has meant more than meat and drink many times to man and beast alike and life itself to many a soul weary and discouraged. So easy to give and without cost, yet so often we fail to remember the happiness they may bring to others. HORSE P R A Y E R To Thee, Master,I offer my prayer; Feed me, water and care for me, and when the day’s work is done provide me with shelter, a clean,dry bed and a stall wide enough for me to lie down in comfort. Talk to me. your voice often ! means asi much as the reins. Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you more gladly and learn to love you. Do not jerk the reins | and do not whip me when gcing up | a hill. Never strike, beat or kick me when I do not understand what you want, but give me a chance to understand you. Watch me, and if I fail to do your bidding, see if something is not wrong with my harness or feet. Examine my teeth when I do not eat. I may have an ulcerated tooth and th V you know, is very painful. Dc nt tie my head in an unnat ural pot ion or take away my best defense ;ainst fli.s and m.csquitoes by cutir off my tail. And i rally, O My Master, when my usef” l strength is not turn me out to starve or freeze or sell me i some cruel owner to be siewly * tured and starved to death; but do Thou, My Master, take my life in th: kindest way and your God wii! reward you here and here after. Ycu will not consider me irrev erent if I aski this in the name of Him who was born in a stable. Amen. N c: all people like animals, and it is net tc their discredit. Each per son is different and has a right to his likes and dislikes. They may love flowers ,or art or music cr any one of the ¡numerable things that go to make up stead. It is only a pity that those so ccn- tsituted tal^e the responsibility of owning a dog. For to care and feed them humanely take some thought and care and a real love of the an- nimal. Dog owners too often do not give enough attention to their neighbors Save Time and Money # Have your motor tuned up or repaired before you start on that trip. PRUYN’S GARAGE Phone 56 W F Second and Main St. w ? mmm \ n likes and dislikes. No one can blame a gardner who has spent hours of labor and often much money to plant and improve his garden if he shows resentment against dogs that I come in, tramp it down, ruin the shrubbery and in other ways kill ; nd maim the beauty of the garden. Moire dogs at heme and fewer run ning loose may make it easier for neighbors to remember the Golden Rule when it comes to fam ily pets. But if Fido is penned in his yard not forget that the pat on the h ad and a kind word occasionally throughout the day will make him more reconciled to his lot and bring a greater love and joy to his masters heart. The Hood has gone down. Thirty millions of dollars gone up in smoke at the blast of an enemy gun and over thirteen hundred Englishmen s ill never return home. The pride and the cream of the English navy. We wonder sometimes if it isnt hum- nie after all, this bombing of cities and civillians in this war and the killing of many women. Sudden death from even an enemy blast may be kinder than the senten cing to life of thousands of young women who will be denied the right of wife and motherhood from the sheer lack of men. One wonders if the years to follow will be like those prophisied by the prophet Isaiah when seven women shall take hold of one man offering to pay their own way if he will but marry them. They almost did after the last war. if the divorce records are any cri terion. But with the sinking of the Hcod we are reminded here that if this naticn is to survive as her peopleto- day know her, or even as a nation, we must prepare for defense. Defense net alone to defnd our shores and those who dwell within the national borders, but defense for our for eign trade and for the protection of cur colonies. And this can never be accomplished if one let men work fer thirty a month and must fellow j out every command of their sup- i erior boss, be sent from home and their families to any place on the face cf the globe for the good of their country without complaint or redress because they are in the ar med forces o f the nation while an- othr greup called labor, dictate, terms, hours, wages and increases, then strike and hold up all progress in defense and production till they oain their end. To us this seems | 1 abotage. This nation if she stands or falls will do so for every citizen | whether they wear the uniform I c f the fighting forces or the garb of a laborer. Defense is not for one group, nor for one class. It is for all. It is time ran ge w irin g C u s t o m e r s w h o p u rc h a s e a m o d e l E R -4 1 7 K e lv in a t o r r a n g e , w ill h a v e it w ir e d t r e e . T h is o t t e r g o o d t o r a lim it e d t im e . N o in c r e a s e in p r ic e . . . w e want y o u t o b e c o m e a c q u a in t e d w it h t h e r a n g e t h a t h as e v e r y t h in g . lit Urn A w K elvinator ex Features Never Before Offered At This Price! ^ K ^ ^ m a t ic I LQ. ^ e'* c tH c 0cToPc T ° f f Ti™ « Minder sod connecting T im ° f Wltc^* t o t Scotch K , ,iu m ef to oven ' « — big OveMi»*P ri,aoce out' automatic interi <2,veo - D « Luxe w T i ’ oodligh, heat switches * « t,e— 7- S'goal Lights—^ ? ," divi<lual mg Storage Dr* ° '*Nrmer f>rawer *” *n<J on* f ° P lamp — po r _~i “ 00 \gfare 'nside a n i out. • ,° *0 < M £ »-4 1 7 e i i J or 0n'y Thu m agn ificen t 1941 Model E R -4 1 7 ihown above U the latest and finest o f all Kelvinator electric ranges— unsur passed in beauty, da luxe down to the last detail, and with every advanced feature that a modern electric range can offer. Y et we offer it now at a #M) saving compared to last ir’s prices. Look over its featuree— then come in and have demonstrated. Y ou ’ll agree it’ s the value o f a lifetime! a Ì w ™* T n u ,r tn r S U YOUR KELVINATOR DEALER Nyssa Implement Company PHONE 4 NYSSA Member - Electrical Equipment Sales Association THURSDAY, MAY gg, 1941 daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Theo for labor to get o ff the dime, quit Its bickl-rlng and picketing and get dore Zabel o f Albion, Idaho and Mrs down to the business of doing its Floyd Hunter of Nampa were cal The Kingman- ETokj club was en Mrs. Inez Mcses and Mrs J. C. lers at the John Rupert home,' part In the national crisis that is * { crowding us closer and closer. It tertained by Mrs. J. P. Dunaway Bucan and daughter Nalda of P ow Thursday. T e Ladles Saclety W. S. C. S me" makes no difference If we are Iso last Saturday. Mrs. Patch of Adrian ell, Wyo. are guests at the John lationists of for immediate attack gave the Book review. Floral ar Poage home. The ladles are Mrs. at the C. D. Vertrees home Thurs on the Axis, all must beagreed if rangements were used as room, dec Poages mother and sister and are day. People of the community held a they are in their right mind that orations. Tea was poured by the here to see Phyllis Poage graduate. Mrs. Leonard Newgen and son farewell party for the Rupert fam this nation must prepare till it hurts hostess at the close of the after Bob visited here Sunday. They were ily at the School lawn Wednesday for defense. The time has come noon. Guests at the Tom Lowe home dinner guests at the Reuben Hen- evening. Mr. Rupert has been In the again for the people of this nation to stai.d behind the leaders that Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. James shaw home and ate supper with the school here the past five years and school patrons appreciate the fine they have elected. Or If It be that Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Olp, James Scott family. thir vote was among the great m i W all and Mr. Roberts of Ontario. Bowman Verrees flew from San- work he has helped the children do. The Reclamation crews and C. C. Franclsco arriving here Monday nority this past election to be good sports and play ball that victory C. have been building new roads on afternoon. And left from Caldwell may be won. We must do more than the ditch banks Tuesday, spent Monday night with Wednesday morning HaroldFive- his parents. root or hoot. It is time again when “ united we stand, divided we fall” . coat saw a deer In his field. Each Deane Larkin and Arlle Scott plan Like it or not. It is too late to think year since he has been there, to leave for the coast very soon; there has been a deer that has been what might have been, If different they are taking Mrs. Larkin and her means had been taken In the begin- seen quite often eating In th alfalfa daughter, Wanda to See Mr Larkin fild. - ing. To be found wanting In N a who Is working In the timber near Mrs. J. P. Dunaway and Mrs. T. Eugene, The boys will return. tional defense now will be to sac M. Lowe attended the flower show rifice national honor and security. Mrs. Levi Stephens, Mrs. Forrest given by the Civic club In Nyssa National suicide. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ste Wednesday. phens went to Boise to attend the Came the threat last week of an Jack Ward o f Nyssa is spending graduation exercises of Mary Elia home attack in the near future of a few weeks at the W. R. Talbort Meltvedt who finished the High summer heat. And be not deceived home. School at the FYanklin Commence by a few intervening days of cloudy Glen Knottlngham of Cow Hollow ment. cool days. Hot it Is going to be. Days Is visiting his brother John for a few Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wagner were there are ahead, when old Sol will days. attending to business in Nampa shine forth in all his might with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Maus visited at never a cloud nor bit of fog to dam the home o f Mr. and Mrs. EM. Mar- Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Steph pen and lessen his ardor. Tis then oney in the Black Canyon Friday. ens were also business callers In j Nampa Monday. that an electric Kelvinator range Mannle Maus who has been visit Mrs. Ura Robinson served the first such as they merchandise at the ing his son. Ira and family returned fried chicken dllnner of this season. ( Nyssa Implement company store on Saturday to his home in Star. Sunday. Besides Mr. Robinson and i Gcod near First will be an appre Buster Talbobot who suffered ciated adjustment In any household. from a serious eye injuries last week Star places were laid for Mr. and before winter comes check Thevery finest of wares go In its Is reported to be recovering satis Mrs. Lawrence Thompson and son. I makeup and they have a fine guar factorily. The Injured eye was re Bobby and Mrs. Florence Whlsler. j your heating p l a n t and Strawberries from her garden were antee for future satisfactory opera moved. flues for needed repair*— dessert. tion. I f it is refrigeration or cool Lois McGlnis of this community Jed Goolng and sons Jim and j BE SURE YOU cocking arrangements that Is the was one o f the eighth grade grad Jack returned from the hills where immediate need be sure to let those uates at Owyhee and Loretta M it they got derrick timbers. ARE INSURED boys at the Nyssa Implement dem chell graduated from Adrian High. The 4-H club met at the Nor onstrate their wares. land home Friday evening but at But a stove, an ice box or water tendance was small so a meeting will heater whatever make them tick all manner of fine meats, may be be held at the C. D. Vertrees home would be found wanting In useful purchased. And cottage cheese too this Friday evening. ness if there were no place to put Phone 53 that Is a delight to the palate these Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Dobbs and ‘ h 'm But The Bclse Payette In this hot days. town has long taken care of that Its time to retire the Jalopie and angle of the problem and furnish to make sure the tread will stand fine building materials on an easy hard pounding on the hot roads (o pay plan. And didst see that and highways for summer trips. New ducky small house plan they had U. S. tires o f national fame may be in the Sunday paper. Just right for purchased at the Thompson Oil Harmonizing a small family so they would not Company on Main and Third, so feel cramped nor be forced to step easily, why flirt with death and in f*ce powder • rouge Look your loveliest with chit lipstick outside to change their mind. To jury from slick slippery old ones. makeup that marchet. . . far cur way of thinking, the outstand eye shadow it it all keyed to your own I f there is a member of the family ing small floor plan so far that has that has difficulty In hearing or a sod msscars personality color, the color been offered. that never changes... air coUr visitor expected this summer who of yom n.j And Tom Nordale says that sure does not have their own ear phones it takes a house first and a stove and therefore feel that they must of course and now days an electric miss all the pleasure of a fine pic ¿-'//i -mr.A/cf/ mf l K€UP refrigerator, altho there was a time ture show.they need not here in this by R I C K A R D H U U N U T when grandmother hung the butter town for at the Nyssa Theatre they and eggs and milk and cream down will supply ear phones to those who the well to keep them cool and did need them. And many are the fine not do a bad job of It. But these are different days and shows ahead for the summer time. “ Y O U R K E X A L L STORE” Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad different ways and means, but Phone 14 grandmother had to have some kind vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy NIGHT PHONE— Mr. Adkinson— 71 of a bed and some kind of a chair time going farther. even if the mattresses were straw i ssu amar rmmatta fields and feather beds. And Tom. at his furniture mart does have what it takes in this fine day and age fer modern sleeping and general house hold living comfort. Fine beds In latest designs, new inner spring mat tresses and living room suites fit for a king. Tom says to come take a look see and then talk about his easy payment way. Sweet looked the graduates In blue gowns and caps with their white tossels and collars on Sunday eve as they filed in at the Gym to heaT their baccalaureate preached. Like daisies all In a row, the girls, and the boys, straight and clean as the desert sun flowers. Faces shining with hope and a trust in their fu ture. May their illusions not be sna tched from, them too soon. Their hope and their faith, never. But at Paulus jewelry store on Main near Second they have many things to bring the sparkle of happiness and trust to their eyes and to help keep t.hecm there In days ahead Fine gifts, lasting ones that may be kept through the years. Now the bride so they say must have something old and something new, something borrowed, and some thing blue, that the days of her life may be happy. But the sweet girl graduate ltlqas everything new and In spite of constantly increasing costs — and probably white. Those dainty undie increasing taxes which now amount to more things that delight the graduate or her mama or her grandmama in than $4500 a day — Idaho Power has again fact, and at the Golden Rule store they do have an especially lot of reduced electric rates to give you "M o re elec M i ^ dainties for graduation or for gifts to the girl graduate. Not only are tricity for your Money". This reduction is there gifts at that popular mart for cirIs but for the boys as well. Many another step in the series of rate decreases that things dear to the youthful mas culine heart that will give him great have been made since 1926. Greater use of the pleasure to call his own. Perhaps nothing Is so pleasing to services of electricity by our customers and the miss from her boy friend than a bottle of sweet scent. A perfume of careful management of the company's opera rare flowers or of tantalizing arten- tal fragrance and at the Nyssa tions have made these reductions possible. Pharmacy they do carry a fine line of delightful scents and among them W ith each succeeding cut in rates, the fam one which will please even the most ilies and businesses of Snake River Valley have finicky of feminine snozzles Now there may be all manner of been able to enjoy more of the comforts and new furniture and modem equip ment at the homestead but without profit-making benefits of Cheap Electricity. focd In the pantry It Is a poor ex- -use of a home. But at the Wilson W ith this latest reduction, again you can get Grocery mart on Main near Second they do have what it takes to fix M O R E E L E C T R IC IT Y FOR Y O U R M O N E Y . this All manner o f fine foods can ned and fresh and as complete a dressing and condiment counter as may be found anywhere. And pickles I cf all sizes and shapes and sweet and sour and bread and butter just the dandy for quick pick up lunches and picnics. And cheeses and tinned So MUCH*Cost» So LITTLE? meats fit for an epicure. And speaking of tasty foods hast >>aten of late any of that boulogna that Butch doest concoct at the Nyssa Packing company stare where Mitchell Butte Apple Valley A FLUE in poor repair caused this - N Y S S A R E A LT Y and Insurance Co. m flR v a o u s NYSSA PHARMACY Your Electric Rates Have Been Reduced Consistently Since 1926! jd a h o & ccpuciùj..tox\ ¥ i » o w e r I