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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1941)
The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME XXXVL, NO. 22 tITY JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE____________ _ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1941 SHIPPINGS County Wheat REACH 113 FOR MAY Beet Crop, Sugar Curb On High CARLOAD loads of sugar leaving Growers Vote Price Prospects Pressure Water the With Nyssa 88 car Warehouses and shipped The City Council, on advice of out over the Union Pacific. E. C. Market Quota Look Bright Councilman McClure, have put a Crandall the local agent and his Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Council Considers School District Water Bond Issue To Elect Three The city council Monday night Directors discussed the possibility of a $12,000 bond issue to be used for the laying Electors in school district No. 26 on the use of high pressure crew were kept busy this month. Those wheat growers in Malheur of Growers of beets in 1940 were ag curb a new water main in main street (Nyssa) will go to the polls on June Other shipments going out Included county, who were qualified under water for irrigation purposes. reeably surprised when they received Begining Monday, June 9, residents 22 car loads of cattle and 2 of mis the recent "15 acre requirement” am from the railroad west to the school 16 to elect three directors, to re in their Memorial Day mail a sub on the north side of Erhgood ave cellaneous commodities. endment, voted three to one in favor grounds. No definite action was place Rock Shelton whose term ex on the matter, but the council pires and to fill the added two di sequent payment from the Amalga nue will be allowed to use the high Received this past month at the of the wheat marketing quota. Only taken will confer with Mr. Porter, city en rectorships caused when the district mated Sugar Company on the beets pressure water for irrigation pur past month at the local yards were 46 farmers voted at the election held gtneer for the City of Caldwell on goes into first class rating. poses on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 7 carloads of lumber, 30 coal, 1 phos last Saturday. Of these 35 voted for produced in 1940. while those south of Erh phate, 1 starch, 1 carload of auto ¡the quota and 11 voted against the the cost of the proposed project, Nominations for this election must The payment amounted to 30 cents Saturdays, and adjourned until next Monday be made by petition, which closes will use tlie water on Mondays, mobiles. This is, the first shipment plan. per ton on beets harvested in 1940. good and Saturdays. No re of Ford automobiles shipped into The reason for the light vote, as night, when, if it is deemed advis June 6. Ten voters in the district The total payment for the entire Wednesdays is placed on the use of Nyssa for Malheur Motors. One car ¡given by the County Agents office able, preliminaries to the necessary are necessary to qualify a nomina Factory District amounted to ap striction Washington. D. C. News Burean of proximately the water Sundays. Sprinklers load of oil was received, 3 of cement, was that the 15 acre requirement special election will be taken. The tion on a petition which must be $80,000.00. Of this am the Nyssa Gate City Journal ount growers in Malheur County re must be used on and violators of this I 15 of steel, 1 of pipe, 1 of plaster. eliminated approximately 90 per cent laying of this water main is thought filed with the clerlf, of the district. rule, or for the days irrigating 1 of flour, 4 of lime rock and 1 of of those who raise wheat in the necessary in view of the concrete The three directors to be elected ceived slightly over $33,000.00. This will be placed on water of meters. street that will soon be laid by the will serve terms of three, four and sugar bags. [county. _ _ , . payment was made possible due tc ------------- --------------- Highway Department. Washington, D. C„ JuneS-Wlthin j ^ fMl that durlng the ,agt severa] An alarming shortage of water j five years, each director signifying [ The vote in the county, however, In addition to the laying of the in his petition the term for which few months a great aluminum months sugar markets have shown made the apportioning of the use reflects the nationwide returns, water it was shown by Coun he wishes to be elected. plant will be built in the Columbia a considerable improvement. Ac of water for irrigation necessary. which gives the program a wide mar cilman main, McClure dire need of a To date four candidates have pe- cording to R. G. Larson. Manager A further suggestion is here made gin of approval by the wheat grow new city well, the the valley with money furnished by developing of well titions for nominations in the field for the Nyssa District, there is in the event the fire alarm sounc's. [ ers. RFC and operated by the govern prospect for additional payments if residents number 2 on north Third and in all of which are expected to be filed of Nyssa would be doing the This referendum was held through ment. The enterprise will be larger sugar continues at its present level fire department a favor, as well as Potatoe growers should be looking [the nation among wheat growers creasing the size of the pump, and by tomorrow night They are Rock the construction of a shelter over it, Shelton for the four year term, A. than the Alcoa plant at Vancouver throughout the remainder of the the owner of the building that may their fields over for Colorado Pota [when it was found that there would which has been demanded by the P. Goodell also for the four year or the Reynolds Metals Co. at Li nz- year. be on fire, if those who are irrigatii;!; i ,0 Beetle at this season of the year be 500,000,000 bushels of wheat car State Health term, Fred Burgesser the five year view. No site has been selected, and Prospects on beet prices for the wth the high pressure water turn ib lieves R. M. McKenncn, County ried over at the end of the 1941 Two hundred Board. term and Carlos W. Buchner for it may be placed anywhere--Grand 1941 crop appear to be materially off until it is certain that the fire j Azent, who dollars from the Park has observed the Beetles market year. three year term. Coulee. Puget sound, or right at the better than was the case a year ago has been put out. fund was earmarked for the cene- I in several fields already. In 1940 With this favorable vote among tery committee to use in leveling the The clerkship of the district will site of Bonneville. This will be the j T-his again is due to the improved numbers of Colorado Potato Beetle wheat growers, they will be eligible the cemetery grounds and for part be by appointment of the board, ra firs: time that the government has sugar markets, the price received were greater than they had been in for a parity wheat loan of 85 per than by election as in the past. ever directly invaded the aluminum for beets being directly connected payment on a sprinkling system. The ther any previous year and it is expected cent of the price at the begining of industry, but having made up its j earmarking of this money was made B. B. Lienkaemper is the present the price of sugar. j that they will have increastd con the marketing year. mind its planning to compete in a with when B. B. Lienkaemper explained clerlc- siderably mere this season. The 1941 crop of sugar beets the need to the council. It is planned. I polling place will be in the big way. Nor is it the purpose of cer throughout The adult beetle L: a yellow and the entire district ap among other improvements to level grade school building and the tain powerminded officials to close ; pears to be considerably better in black striped lack beetle with a polls will at 2 p. m. and close drivers in Oregon will hard shell while the larvae which the plant when the emergency is j all the graves and seed the entire at 7 p. m., open than any year since the be Automobile Monday, June 16. required to renew their license over: they intend continuing in op condition plot to grass. of the Nyssa Factory. Beets on or before June 30, according to does mest serious damage is or eration to put Alcoa out of business. erection W. Billings and Guy H. Booker, generally were planted early. Good ange colored with small black spots. announcement from Secretary of These larvae are such heavy eaters More than 50 per cent of all alu- i both W. P. A. officials called on the were secured and thinning an State Earl Snell. minum manufactured in the months stands council to discuss possible projects Children who will start school next was completed at an early date. Ac that they will have increased con- to come will go into airplanes, with cording to Larson the job lying Drivers who were licensed for the age to potato plants in a very few fall are being given the advantage in the city. As no projects were another large percentage going to ahead of the growers now which will current two-year period. 11939-194 days. Control measures are not dif cf a medical examination this spring ready for submission matter has the navy as the fighting ships are practically insure t* heavy crop is to and who are under 70 years of age ficult. The best method of control through the combined efforts of lo been held over for the future action, equipped to shield them against see to it that the beets receive prop will not be required to take an exam is dusting with a mixture of one part cal physicians. Dr. Roderic Belnap, with the intimation being that the Leslie McClure, serving his third bomb divers, A smaller amount will it was said, however, these calcium arsenate for four parts of Dr. Lester Emmett, Dr. E. F. John Planning Board would perhaps be term cultivation, irrigation, and are ination. as city councilman handed his go to the steel industry forallcying er who have never been licensed to kept free from weeds. Weeds are drive in this state or those whose hydrated lime or other filler dust. son, Dr. L. L. Kline, and Dr. C. M called in to work up necessary plans written resignation to the Mayor and deoxidizing purposes. Vhat al probably enemy to high licenses was not renewed during the Small infestations can be dusted Tyler. P. T. A. Associations, Mal for the council. night. The resignation took uminum goes to commercial chan yields due the to greatest heur County Public Health Associa An application for bicycle space Monday fact that they current with hand dusters but if an entire effect at the close of the official nels you can put in your eye; that is utilize both soil the moisture soil ination. period, must take the exam field is affected, it will be necessary tion, and Malheur County Nurse, in front of Dicks Ice Cream. Store meeting held Monday. McClure in out. and vacuum cleaners, pots, pans, fertility at the expense of and Mrs. Margaret Logan. the beet Persons 70 years of age or older to obtain a power duster and dust was approved by the council. The his letter of resignation said that refrigerator trays will be made of crop. the entire field. Three hand dust Districts already included have Space would occupy the width of inasmuch as he was severing his something else. will be required to take the drivers Jamison, Oregon Trail, Big one car. The approval is good for business connections in Nyssa and There is every prospect that even license examination when they re ers are available at the county been Thousands of massive bombers | with Wade, and Kingmrn Kolony. only 90 days to see if it will work, moving to Caldwell it was Imperltlve the apparent larger yield of new their licenses. Renewals may be agent’s office which can be loaned to Bend, have been ordered in recent weeks. beets Invitations have been extend’d to out alright. any farmer who needs one. he resign. per acre the period of cam It is difficult to keep track of the paign will be considerably shorter made prior to June 15. when those Stands of potatoes are excellent children of Park, Pioneer, Jefferson, Adjournment of themeeting was that He his fellow councilmen having their new licenses may use and growing conditions have been Annex, Cairo, Valley View, and Lin made until Monday night at 8 p. m. on this thanked airships, so many statements have , ,n other due and preceding councils and them. Licenses this year will cost ideal. Price indications so far have coln Schools to be included with On b^en issued, bu it is possible to check the citizens generally for their co -------------------------$>------------------------ through the pilots. Army Air Corps lma less than was $1.50. the additional 50 cents going been good so far and most po tario on Friday. June 6 at the high operation while he had held the of has been turning out 12,000 a year planted in 1940. This decrease in into the newly created Motor Vehicle tato school building. LIBRARY COMMITTEE will want to do every fice of councilman. fund to pay hospitalization thing growers and this will be upped to 30 000 be possible to protect their crop Under the direction of Mrs. Kath MEETS ON WEDNESDAY The oouncll voted to accept the is due to the allotment given Accident expenses of indigent persons injured gining next month. There is a bemb- acreage this season because of the possibility ryn Claypool, educatlcnal chairman resignation Mayor Olson took to the Nyssa District. Growers ap in traffic accidents. er or fighting plane for evmy pilot plied of the County Public Health Asso On Wednesday afternoon the Li the occasion and of satisfactory returns from the crop to thank for for about the same acreage as that gives an idea of the army air in 1940, but applications had to be An examinator of operators and this year. ciation. women of Vale are visiting brary committee held its regular his excellent work with McClure the city is scheduled to be in force. By next year you can stand the homes of families with prospec meeting and were more than satis water works and for his hard work to come within the Govern chauffeurs Nyssa on June 11 and 25 between th outside any time of day and see them reduced tive puptls. Doctors Clyde E. Walker fied with reports and library con in other city matters during his term ment’s allotment of 14,181 acres to hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. at th? droning over the house; they will be the Factory District. and R. M. Fouch are giving their ditions in gereral. office. McClure headed the water city hall and all these wishing re as numerous as that, and constantly services on June 24 at the Vale High Mrs. Dessa Hoffstetter, county 11- of department It is through his newals or permits or licenses to drive increasing in numbers, regardless School auditorium so that these brian announced that all the out efforts that and it has shown a steady cf the bombers flying in England, q q m a j j j a f J cars are asked to get in touch with children can start their school care' moded and out worn juvenile bccMs growth and remunerative source for the examiner during the above hours, Back of all these, of course, will be ¿JO l O rYluCllCI 4 “IT ers in the best possible condition. had been replaced by 320 volumes the city treasury. on the dates mentioned, both of the aluminum plants of the north- | Licenses are now required to shoot Tentative plans have been made modern editions. which come on Wednesday. west, for fully half of all aluminum or hunt non-game animals or pred- for similar examinations to be con on On new the and renting shelves there are produced will come from Bonneville- atars, just as license is necessary ducted in Nyssa. A more definite several new volumes of late fiction Grand Coulee power Over- dvertised Thirty-eight Malheur 4-H club to take game animals. announcement will follow later. among them the latest publication TVA, where much was expected, has members will attend the two-weeks SAFETY RULES This change came about through of Zane Gray. almost no power and is depending session of the annual 4-H Summer FOR VACATION provisions of Senate Bill No. 147, The Library is an activity of the on steam plants This is the result School to be held at Oregon State granting power to the Game Com POSTMASTER SENT Civic Club and is under the Jurts- A. R. Holllngsheod, Little Valley of water shortage This is so serious College June 9th to 20th. Declaring that the summer vaca mission to fix seasons and bag TO PENTITENTIARY | diction of county and state libraries farmer died in the Ontario hospital that the S S Norman;1!- (French Three local leaders and the County tion season, June, July and August limits. Previously, the attorney gen ----------------- $ ----------------- ship seized by the coast guard» may Club is a dangerous period for children eral had ruled that no license was Pleading guilty to a charge of em Agent will accompany the Friday morning of an accidental be taken to Mobile and used to pro group to Corvallis, and assist in di so far as traffic accidents are con required for shooting of non-game bezzlement of postal funds from the NEW POLICE OFFICER gunshot wound received on Thurs vide power—either that or an ob recting the Summer School Activi cerned, Chief of Police A. V. Cook animals or predators. The recently Vale post office, C. W. Fegtly. former APPOINTED BY COUNCIL day afternoon from the gun of Floyd solete battle ship enacted legislation which, because of today urged drivers and children to ties. Gross, neighbor of Hollingshead as postmaster there, pleaded guilty in Feeding the British is one of the According to H. C. Seymore, State cooperate in the intrest of traffic the emergency clause already in ef Federal Mayor Olson Monday night ap the two were killing a hog. court in Portland last Thurs fect, makes it mandatory for any major tasks assumed by the admin Club Leader, over 2300 club mem accident prevention during the com and was sentenced to 18 months pointed George Elchner as an of Coronor R. A. Tacke, at the in person to obtain a license before day istration under the lend-lease bill. bers are planning to attend this ing vacation season. in the federal penitentiary at Mc ficer of the Nyssa Police to fill the quest held Saturday declared that Observers from Britain say that the session of Summer School, which During these three months of the shooting any wild animals or pred Neil Island. He was also fined the vacancy of Kenneth Langton re the gunshot wound was purely ac- people have become accustomed to will make it the largest ever had. vacation season last year, six child ators. signed. The council voted approval clental and exonerated Gross of amount of the shortage. $1.590. being bombed and accept it as a The Malheur delegation will leave ren in the 5 to 14 age group were of the appointment. any blame. matter of course, although many are Ontario Sunday evening, June 8th. killed in traffic accidents and 178 LEGION TROOP ON Chief of Police Cook assigned Hollingshead will be remembered Legion To Elect were injured, according to figures killed, but the food question is an and arrive in Corvallis about Mon as the farmer who roped off the There will be an election of officers Elchner to night duty. other matter. It is calculated at the day noon the group will register supplied Chief A. V. Cook by Earl ALL DAY OTTING state highway some years ago which at the next regular meeting of Amer- present rate, unless food supplies ar Monday afternoon and be assigned Snell, Secretary of state. Thus this Members of the Legion Troop of tean Legion at the Legion Hall to- MATTRESS MAKING runs through his farm, and began rive earlier, January will see the to their quarters, and regular class- three month period resulted in 24 Boy Scouts were taken to the night. The Auxiliary will also nomt- PROGRESSES charging a toll, claiming that the of all fatilities and 30 per Owyhee dam Wednesday by Wal- nate and elect officers. Following British hungry, and a hungry man state highway department had no will start Tuesday morning. percent cent of all injuries in this age group ter cannot fight. While the administra work to the right-of-way. He had Thompson, Nyssa Legion mem- the business meeting a pot luck sup- number going from the county for the entire year. According to Mrs. Charles Grider, title tion- is trying to poke the produc this The year always been a strong opponent of ber for an all day outing. The boys will be enjoyed, equals the record-break “Of special significance is the fact spent the day fishing and hiking, supervisor of this district for the the Taylor tion of planes, tanks and munitions ing attendance Grazing act. He is sur last year. This will U. S. A. Mattress making project that all children killed during that into greater activity another govern be the first trip to Summer School vived by his wife and daughter. and according to Thompson, keeping To Attend Graduation over seventy five mattresses have ___________<*.--------------------- ment agency is busy purchasing food for twenty-four of the club members, period last year were victims of ped him busy seeing that none of them Mrs. Ernest C. Wilson and her son, been finished and are now in use. and sending it abroad. Trainloads and fourteen of them have attended estrian or bycycle accidents while got a dunking in the water or Calvin will leave on Friday for Eu- Attend Conference since the second shipment of cotton Mr. and Mrs. Merle Burres left on 48 percent of those injured were in have been sent to Atlantic ports and falling off the rocks. |Sene. where they will attend grad- was received. Applications are in for in previous years Practically every this classification,’’ the chief said broke a leg by _____ shipped overseas. j uation exercises at the university. for Twtn Falls where they another seventy five for which there Tuesday in the county that car “These figures emphasize the need Business Visitor In this field farmers of the north community will attend conlcrenee of the Meth [ Robert R. Wilson and Lloyd Wilson is enough material on hand to com ries any large amount of 4-H club for drivers to be careful in areas west are benefitting to some ex Wall of Crestón, Ore- j a011* Mr and Mrs Wilson will plete. Families are now making their odist church from June 4 to June 8. will be represented. where children are playing and on gon Mrs. was John tent. The government put in a call work a business and a j graduate at that time, having corn- second and third mattresses with their part, children need to be more house guest at the Tom visitor for berries, black, logan and young, Organizations which have award careful " m arkets T Lowe home [ Pteted a major course of business three mattressts the limit allowed in their play and while rid in Owyhee this week. but learned that there is no surplus; ed scholarships include the County ing bicycles.” science. Both Robert and Lloyd are CASH PRICE the canneries require every pound Fair Board, which have given five Chief A. V. Cook; listed these sug graduates of Nyssa High with the to any one family. PRODUCE to fill their own orders for domestic scholarships: the Ontario Commer gestions class of 1937 Graduation will take i Visit From Portland 1.1,0YD NELSON TRANSFERED traffic safety during the I Mrs Mary Henry, and son Bob of place on Sunday. By Wiley flowers and overseas supplies. Demand for cial Club with four; The Ontario summer for Word was received this week from prunes for the British is also in Branch of the U. S. National Bank, Drivers: vacation months: Portland, Oregon were visitors last Return From Trip Lloyd Nelson, for the past year sta Premium BUTTERFAT creasing. Growers of tomatoes have the Eastern Oregon Observer, Nyssa 38c ! week at the Dean Smith home. On with the bombing squadron been asked by the government to Civic Club. Bank of Malheur, Park 1. Reduce Mr and Mrs. Bud Wilson and at tioned . . for . speed _ _ post . playgrounds. .. for accom. Salt daughters 37c the San Delgo Naval station, has children entering o .Friday r a morning ty Ulah they ^ left wfri increase their acreage 10 per cent, for Improvement Club, and the Mal keep alert have returned from a 35c week spent on the coast While there been transfered to Norfolk Virginia, canned tomatoes have vitamins heur Woolgrowers Auxiliary with leaving. Second panid by Gilbert Henry, local teach- they attended the Wedding of Mrs where he will enter Aviation Mech- needed for American troops and one each. 2. Watch for children playing in j e r POULTRY Wilson’s sister, the former Anna ante* *chool for advanced Instruc- Hens, heavy colored (Continued on Back Page) Granges that are sending dele residential districts, particularly at .... 15c gates include Boulevard Grange, Lee Hughes of Chehalis. Washing- [tlon- dusk and after dark. Hens, light and leghorns .... 12c WEATHER REPORT Oregon Slope Grange. Boulevard Y. 3. When passing bicycle riders, be ! ton. After spending some time in ------- - 5c Stags TOWN [ Portland and Seattle, hey came home Take Fishing Trip A., and Brogan Juvenile Grange. sure to sound your horn to warn . . the ’ROUND Following are the thermometer O. 4c Cox .............................. Orant Rineharts hitting the Other Granges have helped raise through Rainer National Park. Mrs On Sunday a group composed of readings as given by the local offices scholarships to send individuals them of your action. 15c Springs high spots In a new blue Ford . . . Wilson's parents accompanied them Mrs. Mildred Morgan. Nyssa, Mr S Reclamation 4. Encourage your own children to teachers adither to get away on the trip. and Mrs. Orover Douglas and their Trade in on eggs, 17 cents. LOW High P w . from their respective communities play in vacant lots or playgrounds, school Date over the week! end .. . wedding bells GRAIN daughter. Udith and Mr. and Mrs A number of 4-H clubs over the not in the street. so 80 .11 Mav 29 to ring for Ward Wetneke on Mon By A1 Thompson and Sons Albert Larsen. Owyhee motored to Represents Club county have provided scholarships 30 71 40 May 30 5. For general safety, watch your day .. . George Nein looking mighty ! Ledora Booth has been selected Bates for fishing. A stop was made per 1M pounds .04 to send one or more members of speed 70 40 May 31 on highways, be careful at in fine in that new green, pickup . . the winner of the Civic Club 4-H at Unity Dam for breakfast. The W heat.... ...................................$1.25 thetr clubs. P. T. A. units and other 78 50 June 1 in cities and slow down Haven’t sen Jesae Thompson about *.hotar, hlp , nd wm )eave for Oor- thirty two fish caught by the party O ats___ _________________ $1 15 86 .04 crganlzations have assisted the club tersections 53 June 2 lately How come? Jvallls Sunday Mary Rust was al- were eaten over the camp fire be Barley ___________________ $125 ..... members in raising these scholar- at night. 82 June 3 __42 Com ........... $1.25 fore they returned home. ¡ternate. (Continued on Back Page) ships. — 83 June 4 ___ 43 Potato Growers Warned On Beetle Drivers License Renewal Slated Summer School Check-up To Be Made On Children McClure Resigns From Council License Needed For All Hunting Accidental Shot Kills Neighbor