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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1941)
NYSSA The Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME XXXVL, NO. 2Ö" Wheat Market Quotas To Be Discussed GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE 4-1 \ Club Spring Fair Saturday JOURNAL •s ... Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1941 Nyssa Honor Students Named m $1.50 PER YEAR Charley Toombs Homemakers Bert Hoxie, Nyssa Killed By Truck Camp Dates Set Pioneer Dies Of August 13 to August 17 inclusive Heart Attack On Monday have been definitely established as The annual 4-H Spring Fair will be heicl Saturday. May 2!th. at the Malheur County wheat growers High S hool gymnasium in Ontario, Charley war vet the dates for the Eighth Annual W. B. (Bert) Hoxie, 74, pioneer are to be given an opportunity to ob according tc an announcement just eran and father of five children was Malhur County Homemaker's Camp Nyssa resident died Last. Saturday tain full Information on the Wheat received from E. M. Hauser. County instantly killed Monday afternoon to be held again at tlie Pilgrim Cove morning of a heart attack. Funeral Marketing Quotas as a series of com Club Agent. at the west end of the underpass camp ground at Payette Lakes. This services were held in the Nyssa Par munity meetings Jias been scheduled Th exh.aits will be on display in when a truck struck hlmas it was decision was made recently by the ish Hall Wednesday at 2 p. m. which for next week by the County AAA the gymnasium all day Saturday art- backing up to the cement mixer, camp committee when they met at was [lacked to overflowing as a trib Committee. These educational meet the ar cles that have been made by passing over hi« head and shoulders. the County Agent'si office to make ute to the man who since 1894 had ings are to be held as follows: their plans. the club members in their project He died instantly. done so much to build Nyssa from The latest information indicates a town consisting of a combination Ny'ja, Wednesday, May 28. Nyssa- work. ’’ he different divisions of the The truck was being backed up to j cl th.'ii project will b- - t o "'nd. City Hall. the mixer to unload sand and gravel that Miss Izola Jensen. Extension post office and general store, a sec Adrian, Monday, May, 26, Adrian i and samples of the dtlfeivnt l els vhen he stepped into the path of Specialist in Recreation from Cor tion house, railroad water tank and I cooked in carrying out th -equip High school. the backing truck, apparently not vallis. will again be director of the the old Lackey home, ail located Vale, Tuesday, May 27, Circuit ments i f tlie cooking project will be aware of It’s approach.His fellow camp. Local arrangements for the east of the railway right-of-way, to on dis > ay. Cort Rooms. workers called to him, at about the j camp are in charge of the camp its present thriving size. Harper, Tuesday, May 27, Harprr The various contest; which ore time the truck struck him, to warn committee compass'd of Mrs. Cora Coming to Nyssa in 1894, Bert, as: School House. him of his danger, but the warning . Thompson, Nyssa, Mrs. Lucy John- he was affectionately known among schet ' -d fer Saturday will also b - P. O. Slope, Thursday, May 29, held in the gymnasium building. came too late. The truck driver was | son, Vale, Mrs. Clara Points, Adrian, his (lost of friends, was a railroad Park School House. exonerated of all blame by the coro and Mrs. Susie Udick« Ontario. Reg bridge builder, which he gave up to The opi ning event will be the Ontario. Thursday, May 29. Boule ; Home Economics judging contest, ner as well as Henry Horn, the con istration cards will be available enter the building contracting bus vard Grange Hall. tractor, and other workers who saw through these women about the iness, later going into the real estate open to all members of iicme econ MARJORIE «ROOT (left), Nyssa high school senior, has been the accident. This is the first jn a .- middle of July but prospective cam business!, and about 1911, entered the On May 31, a national ref'rendmr omics clubs. Members of cooking chosen as valecliciorian for the graduating class of 1941. Phyllis or accident that has happened since pers can begin making their plans newspaper field when he was a mem on wheat marketing quota» will be clubs will judge classes of cookies, Poage (right) will he salulalorian of the class. Marjorie’s grade now since the dates have been defi ber of the Nyssa Publishing associa bread, and buscuits. and point average of her four years is 1.07, while Phyllis made an the start of the construction. held where every farmer who will cakjes, nitely established. tion, which operated the Gate City average of 1.18. Commencement exercises will be held here during produce in 1941 over 200 bushels of clothing club members will judge Charley Toombs was born in the evening of May 29. Miss Groot was recently presented with a Stevens, Minn., on June 14, 1896 Journal until June 18, 1914 when various classes cf garments. This wheat will be eligible to cast a ballot contest $150 scholarship to Oregon State College for outstanding achieve and died May 19, 1941. EFFORT MADE TO OPEN ROAD Win S. Brown and E. L. Meritt took on whether or not he want': W icat a. m. is scheduled to start at 9:30 ment In Four-11 club work. over the newspaper. At another time He came with his parents, toFrult- TO OWYHEE DAM LAKE Marketing Quotas. Quotas were pro his active career, he operated land In 1906 and moved to Nyssa in An effort of the sportsmen of the during claimed by the Secretary of Agri The demonstration team will be 1909. he attended the Nyssa high county is being made to raise en a harness $hop. culture on May 10th and the date divided into three divisions, cne for He was a charter member of the school and enlisted in he United of the National referendum was set teams representing clothing clubs, money to open the old road to Nyssa Lodge of the Independent States army in 1918. He was a mem ough for May 31. If two-thirds of the cne for teams for cooking clubs, and the head of the Owyhee Dam lake, ber of the local post of the Amer according to Aden Wilson, follow Order of Odd Fellows and an hon wheat growers voting vote favorable the third division for miscellaneous orary member of the Nyssa Aerie ican Legion. the quotas become operative on the demonstrations. In this contest each ing a conference between him and of the Eagles. He was likewise active team of two members will demon 1941 crop. He was married to Dott James Ai Andrews of Ontario. local and county, state and na Voting places in Malheur County strate some approved practice repre in 1922 and Is survived by his wife, The county court has indicated in tional politics. (By Wesley Sherman) which will be open between 9:00 A. senting some phase of their project and five children. Margaret. Lucile, that they will allow the use of the M. and 9 00 P. M on Saturday, May work. Fifty-nine seniors, who compose Sugar beet growers in the Nyssa LeRoy, Anna Marie, Laverale and county road equipment for the work, Warren Bert Hoxie was born July 31st, wiell be at the following places. The Style Revue, which is the fi the largest graduating class in the factory district of the Amalgamated Leo. by his father and mother, Mr. but all expenses of the operation 30. 1867 at Berlin. Wls. and died at nal test of the work done in the up history of Nyssa'si high school, will Sugar company will receive approx and Mrs. Robert Toombs, Nyssa and of the equipment will have to be his home in Nyssa May 17, 1941. He Nyssa, City Hall per divisions of the clothing project, be presented with diplomas at com imately $84.000 as a second payment three sisters, Mrs. Gordon Dickson, borne by the sportsmen. Conley came to Nyssa i n 1894 and in 1897 Big Bend. Wade School House. Kingman Kolony, Kingman Kolo- will be held Saturday afternoon. In mencement exercises which are to from the company on the 1940 sugar j Ironside, Mrs. N. E. Hatt, Owyhee Davis has assured Wilson and An married Lulu Thomason. To this this contest, the girls model the held at 8:00 P. M. on Thursday, beet crop, according to word receiv i district and Mrs. Vernon Parker, drews that he will board the road happy union were bom seven child ny School House. ed here Wednesday night from H. ! Adrian, and five brothers, George, crew free of charge. garments they have made, and are be ren, six of whom live to mom his Vale. Vale City Hall. 29. A. Benning, vice-president and gen | Dennis, and Gordon of Nyssa, Bill Wilson is making an effort to loss, Dewey of Pendleton, Geneva, judged on how well the garments May Harper, Oid School building. Tlie major part of the pregram eral manager of the company. This of Kingman Kolony and Robert, Jr., raise$50 in Nyssa, and Andrews said who died at the age of six, Helen Payette-Ore. Sope, Park School fit, and how becoming the dresses will be presented by the students are in color and pattern selection. themselve.% with only the presenta payment represents an additional of Powell, Wyoming. Wilson, Baker, Lloyd and Cleston House. he thought that he could raise both by th* company of 30 cents A fitting and glorious) tribute was that of Salem, Harold, Nyssa and Onto. o. County Agent’« Office. tion of honors reserved to Henry payment $100 in Ontario. It is estimated that The Secretary of Agriculture was Hartley, principal, and presentation per ton, and is based upon the re paid to their departed comrade by the work will cost around $150. Those Herbert. Kettle Falls, Wn. obliged bj law to proclaim the quotas of diplomas by Dale Garrison, chair cent raise in th* price of sugar. a host of veterans of the World War wishing to make a small contribu Funeral services were held on The payments to those growers in and when it became apparent that the man of the board of education. Tuesday, May 20, at 2 p. m. in the fellow workers, friends and rel tion may contact Wilson. United States will have 1.236.000,000 Baccalaureate services honoring the Nyssa district will be mailed atives. Funeral services at the cem Nyssa Episcopal Parish Hall with bushels o vheat on hand when the the Nyssa union high school grad about May 29. the Reverend Stanley Moore deliv etery were held under the Joint aus 1941 crop i" harvested, or 600,000.000 With a charter membership of 23 uating class of 1941 will be held at ering the sermon. Soloists were Mrs. pices of local veterans, Wesley J. bushels in xcess of domestic, export, members. Chalk Butte Orange was 8:00 P. M. Sunday evening, May25. O. L. McCoy and Malcom Crawford, Browne acting as commander of the the public school gymnasium, ac and seed requirir.ents. duetists. Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. cortege; Harry Rusivll, commander formally organized last Thursday in Three major factor? are respon night cording to Henry H. Hartley, prin W. W. Foster, accompanist, Mrs. C. of the firing squad; Albert Heldt as at the Cow Hollow community sible for this record surplus. First, hall. cipal. chaplin, who following the services The budget Committee of School C. Hunt. Pall bears were T. B. Nor- a carry-o- ar of 385,000,000 bushels A complete .set of officers were The program for the services was presented the widow with the flag District No. 26, met on May 21st dale, A. V. Cook, C. C. Hunt, Henry arranged by Ministers in the com Second, the disappearance of export elected, of the United States that draped the to draw up the budget for the com Fields, John Lackey and George Clayton Siaboldt, 40. single, itiner according to State Deputy munity who met with Hartley for markets, caused by the war, to the Wlcklander, coffin; Den Graham and Walter ing fiscal year. The committee con Clausen. Interment was In the ant worker, died of internal injuries Thompson, who helped organize the that purpose. Nyssa cemetery with funeral ar point wh. 're 30.000,000 bushels is a eighteenth grange color bearers, C. A. Ab sisted of O. E. Cheldelin, Mrs; Ernest rangements of Malheur coun The baccalaureate sermon will be on Tuesday of this week, received in bott and Harry under the direction of maximum figure for 1941 exports. ty. Elected as Master Stites, color guards. a car wreck on May 14 at the Hash- of the Grange Third, a bumper wheat crop in sight was Charles Share: Lecturer, Sadie delivered by Bishop D. L Anderson I itinani corner, in which three of his The firing squad, who fired three Wilson and Rock Shelton, school the Nyssa Funeral Home. members, and C. C. Hunt, A. the L. D. S. church, the invoca for 1941. over the grave of their de board Parker: Secretary, Hattie Raffing- of H. Boydell and Sidney Burbridge tion will be given by the Rev. J. S. companions were also severely hurt. volley's The County Committee urges that ton. parted comrade was composed of As far as is known here about the Wallace Paul. Eddie Powell, Webb from the community at large. every wheat grower attend the edu Prospects fer a very large and en- Beem, pasitor of the Christian deceased he is survived by his father Penney, Warrren Richardson, Wy The budget for the coming year cational meeting scheduled for next thuastic Grange is in evidence as church. The scripture lesson will be and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Cuss Sia att Smith, Jean Sebolt, J. C. Knight calls for the expenditure of $52.603.- read by the Rev. Lloyd Pcundes, of week and vote on May 31. they have one of the largest com the Full Gospel church, and the ben boldt of Sallisaw, Okla., and a neph and C. Bates. Buglers were fur 50. This represents an increase over munities to draw from under the ediction will be offered by the Rev ew who is reported to be living in nished C. by the Nyssa Legion Troop last year of $3,283.50. The increase is Owyhee project.Deputy Wicklander Merle the vicinity, Guy Mills. He was a Burres of the Methodist of Boy Scouts in Clyde Teeters and due. largely to the fact that the Theodore William Miller, 8 year said. full blood Cherokee Indian. Cook. Pall bearers were Dan district contemplates the addition of old son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller, Installation ceremonies for the church. part of the program The body is being held by the Jimmy Chase, McDonald, Dwight two teachers to the staff if such Nyssa, died ast Friday at the Nyssa new officers will ’ be held in Hie will The be musicial Funeral Home for shipment to Smith, Douglas by the high school Nyssa Charles Paradise, Andrew shoul prove necessary. In this re Nursing Home from gasoline fire Ccw Hollow hall tonight at 8:30. band and furnished Sallisaw. glee club under the direc gard. also, the decision of District 26 bums suffered at play on May 11. McGinnl* and Sidney Burbridge. Priarie City has (xtended the wel DINNER GUESTS tion of Gordon A. Finlay and Stella to share its services of Gordon Fin Church services were held in the come hand to all of eastern Oregon Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hartley and Young. The sophomore class is in Leaves For Palmyra Island Funeral services were held in the Church of the Latter Day Saints in lay with Union High School No. 5 Nyssa to attend the two day r < no to be sons. Bob and Davy, Mr and Mrs. charge of decorations and ushering. Harold Taylor, brother of Del Tay Nyssa, Church of Latter Day Saints has had some effect. Other items with the Reverend Merle Bur staged there May 24 and 25, accord O. E. Cheldelin and daughters. Don on Sunday, May 18. with the Rev which cause the total to be higher lor, and a graduate with this years res delivering the sermon. na Jean and Phullis were dinner ing to Or. G. G. (Jerry) Vander- class of the Nyssa high school left Funeral arrangements were under are contemplated repairs to the erend B. Ross Evans of the Nyssa Vlugt, and Harold Bayer, editor af guests at the L. E. Fry home Sunday. At Mr. Emmett and Mrs. Hershel Thompson Wednesday for Palmyra Island, lo the direction of th Nyssa Funral roof of the school and renovation of Church of Christ preaching the ser the Pairie City Journal. the paint on the exterior of the gym mon. Interment was in the Nyssa their sons visted in Emmett on cated southwest of the Hawaiian is Home. BULLDOGS GUESTS OF and A parade at 11 a. m. on Satur NYSSA cemetery under the direction of the lands where he will work for Morriss Tuesday evening at the parental nasium. THOMPSON OIL AT BOISE GAME day. Mav 24. sponsored by the Wom The entire squad of the Nyssa H. B. Earp home. Nyssa Funeral Home. Knudsen company. He signed up as Te budget also anticipates a gen On Business en's club, will be the opening fea Bulldogs baseball team were guests Leaves For East Theodore William Miller was bom a laborer, but will later be a member eral rise in the cost of goods and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell ture and that same evening a rodeo of the Thompson Oil company, local Mrs. John Lienhard left for an ex of the hospital staff. He expects to were in Boise on business Monday services. at Spirit Lake, Idaho and died at dance will be held. the age of eight on May 16. He Is trip to Wisconsin last Thurs be there at least a year. and Tuesday, house guests of Mr. The actual tax levy for the district survived S. Tire Associated oil dealers, at tended The lodeo will feature riding and U. by his mother and father, day. will be $39.453.00 or $2.353.50 more and Mrs. W W. Howell. Boise Tuesday night to see the Boise roping, bronc riding, calf roping, Pilots and the Idaho Falls team Visit From Salem Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Williams. than was levied last year. The dif In Payette POPPY DAY PROCLAMATION wild horse racing, wild cow milking play. The team was taken over in Archie Yergen and a friend of Mr and Mrs W F Findllng visit ference between this amount and the NYSSA CCT ENTERTAIN contest and brahma bull riding. Two Salem, were Tuesday night house total budget represnts estimated re Saturday. May 24, was pro ed on Sunday In Payette. of the company's busses. of America’s ace rodeo performers one A sidelight BUSINESS MEN guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beut- claimed as Poppy Day in Nyssa, Visit Relatives ceipts from the County School Fund NYSSA the trip was the in ler. will appear in their trick riding and troducing of on Don About of the Nyssa The visitors were on their way and other sources of revenue It is es in a p.oclamation issued today by On Monday Eph. Frost and Mrs. over a to the Grand Lodge of the Odd Mayor J. C. Olsen. The Mayor Stella Butler visited with relatives timated, however, that total mlllage Chamber 25 of members roping exhibition. Bob Rookpr and radio station as a Eldridge Commerce were guests member of the the Nysaa CCC Co. 551,Wednes Frances Stiller. at Baker. will be less than last year due to of called upon al' citizens to observe in Payette. Snake River Valley champion high Fellows noon for the weekly Luncheon Grand Lodge an expected Increase in the assssed day the day by wearing the memorial Janice Frost Hurt school team and the introduction Attend HENRY MAW SERVICES m e e 11 ng. County Commissioner M. F Soloman and John Thomp vauation of the district. While riding her bicycle on Tues poppy of The American Legion of the entire team through the pub One of Idaho's pioneer citizens. Marshall was also a guest. son left Wednesday as delegates to and Auxiliary. day evening, Janice Frost, daughter Debt service comprises a total of Charles Mr Henry Maw, passed away last lic address system at the field. Prior to the lunch. Lieutenant Paul the Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows $12.578 50 or almost one fourth of the of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost The Proclamation stated: Thursday. May 15. following a short DRIVERS EXAMINER SLATED at Baker Dr. L. A. Maulding. Hurley took the business men on "YVheareas, the wearing of the fell off and suffered a badly lacer total budget represents estimated re- Rothere illness, at the home of his son Har A traveling examiner of opper- and Wallace Paul will receive their memorial tour of the camp. Lieutenant Roth- ucatlonal services is $40,025.00. The ated leg. It was necessary to take poppy Is a fitting and lan, six miles east cf Nyssa. He had ators and chauffers is scheduled to third degree into the Odd Fellows effeetive way of keeping bright five stitches in closing the wound. district is paying off its bonds at ert told the group of the advantages been a resident of Roswell, Idaho, COO life for the youths and asked Wednesday evening. the memory of those young men Janice is walking on crutches for a the rate of $7500.00 per year. Inter of in Nyssa. Wednesday. May 28 Lodge since 1907; where he owned a farm arrive that the community support the en Attend Missionary few days. est on bonds and warrants and an who gave their lives In Amerlea's and will be on duty at the city hall i rollment In the Ninth Corps Area until his retirment. Mrs. A. R. Thompson, Mrs. Ralph service In the Wor*d War, and Auxiliary To Elect item of $2000 00 to retire warrants camps. the heurs of 9 a. m. and 5 Beutler, Mr. Maw was born at Rice Lake p. between Mrs Floyd Lomax and Mrs make up the total. At the present On Thursday evening June 5, the "Whereas, men of Nyssa serv m . during which time those de- | Mr Maw was bom at Rice Lake, siring permits or license to drive j Merle Burres attended a meeting of ed gallantly in that war, some American Legion Auxiliary will hold rate, all bonds will be retired in Following the lunch a group was Wisconsin, moving to Steele County. cars taken on a tour of two projects that Methodist Missionary society in being called upon to sacrifice its annual nomination and election eight years. are asked to get in touch with the the Ny*m CCC Is «forking on. under Minn as a young man where he the examiner. Boise on Tuesday. of officers. There will be n pot luck A detailed legal report of the bud-1 their lives in that service, and married Miss Ida Jane Bums who j Readers of the Journal areremtnd- In Boise the direction of Edward Henry camp dinner following. get with the time for voting upon it, j "Whereas, tne present national proceeded him in death on Novem ed that this is the year in which Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward spent emergency superintendent. One of these pro and the election of Directors may be requires the same type ber 4, 1939 To this union of 56 years drivers must renew their licenses, the week end in Boise. jects is the reconstruction of the found on page four of this issue of of unselfhh patriotism dkp’ayed was bom five children, four of whom applications may be had from the j road to the Owyhee dam, the other the Nyssa Journal. The date set for by »he men and symbolized by u d town survive him They are Pearl Dow. examiner. City Recorder M F Sol- j the building of an Irrigation canal. the meeting is at 8 p. m on JunelB their memorial flower, and . . . neighbors of Hersh and Al in the at the school building in Nyssa. Bemidji. Minn.: Flossie Fretwell omon or at the Journal office. 1 Whereas, the Nyssa Girl Canyon wondering where they Portland, Oregon; Gladys Anderson, LAURENCE FIND LING WINS Scouts will distribute veteran- Black learned to Irrigate . . . Laurence TIRE SELLING CONTEST Cathtemet, Wash.; and Harland ADRIAN BACCALAUREATE In Boise made memorial poppies through Plndling sporting a new puddle Maw, Nyssa. Also surviving are 20 SERVICES Del Taylor of the Thompson Oil Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan sp nt out the eity on Saturday, May Jumper . . . Qllff Greer and the grandchildren. 12 great-grandchild Bacealaurate services were held i company, U 8 Tire dealers for the Friday in Boise 24, : Harold Breazeal sprout trying to get ren and three sisters, Mrs. Rose at the Adrian Union high school Nyssa district, announced that Law "Now, therefore, I, J. C. O'sen, i together on this traffic business at Return From Vacation « « rence Findllng had topped his fellow Grono. Litchfield. Minn.: Mrs LUUe Sunday Mr and Mrs. Robert Thompson re Mayor of the City of Nyssa. do « night. May 18. The sermon. Main and Third one cold and breezy .salesman. Wendell Webster and Morgan. Red Wing. Minn.: and Mrs •Hill Country" was given by the Rev proclaim. Saturday, May. 24, to be mom . . . These hot days reminding turned Tuesday evening from a ten Monte Florer. y> Cunnings, Long Beach, erend John L. Anderson, head of Jensen in a tire selling con day vacation spent on the coast. Peppy Day, and urge all ritizena one that a penned up Fldo must test which ended May 20. California to observe the day by wearing the have shade as well as his free hu Travelers Visit the Department of Religious Edu Funeol services were held in the cation. As a result selling memorial poppy of the American man master . . . and the new sum Mrs Dean Fife and Mrs Leo Fife ability he will of be Lawerence's of Idaho The pro given a trip to Roswe i’resbyterlan Church, Sat cessional College Legion and American legion march. "Pomp and Circum mer pooch house at the A V Cooks were In thia district visiting Salt Lake City to attend he regional urday. rf Reverend Bailey deliver stance” and the recessional March 4u\Hiarv in honor of the men . . and the Al Heldt sprouts giving who from Yakima were Tuesday evening three day conference of retail sales ing the rmon Interment was in "Call to Arms" were played by the who dkd for America In the war the new fairily bus a shampoo . . . visitors at tha horns of Mrs LeRoy men of the U. B. Tires, June 23-24- the Ros til cemetery Funeral di Adrian high school band, under the of 1917 and 1918." T. Ell l bo* rection vus in charge of the Nyssa direction ot T. A. deLesptnasse "SATURDAY, MAY *4” Funeral Hems. Commencement; Beet Growers To Baccalaureate Get Added Pay On 1940 Crop Services Hollowites Form New Grange School Budget To Go Before Voters Crash Victim Dies Of Injuries Child Dies From Gasoline Burns Rodeo Slated For Prairie City ™ 7 " if ™