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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS P. THOMAS - - - • Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DI 8 PO 8 ITION- WITH NO INTERESTS TO 8ERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Open rate, per Inch......— $0c One Year ................. $150 National, Per Inch ......— 30c Six Months .................... $100 Classifieds, Per w o rd ---- Ole Single Copies ------------- .06 Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) .Vfhff^r^^uotner^interesiec^r^cEurci^JuEiicTiy are Invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of each w e e k . _______________________________ CHURCH OF CHRIST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Meets In Legion Hall. Sixth Near Main Minister J. S. Beam, Ontario. Vcm Martin, Pastor Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sunday preaching and commun Morning worship at 11 a. m. Young peoples meeting at 7:15 ion, 11 a. m. 'Evangelistic meetings, 7:45 p. m. p. m. The public Is cordially Invited to Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Published every Thursday at Nyss*. Malheur County, Oregon. Prayer meeting on Tuesday and attend our services. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Thursday evening. through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION the act of March 3. 1879. Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST The Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 SCIENTIST m. 215 North 9th 8treet, Payette, Idaho a. Holy Communion and sermon NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S A branch ol The Mother Church, each Fourth Sunday of the month The First Church of Christ, Scient Church school PROGRAM at 10:30 a. m. ist. In Boston, Massachusetts. ------ "i*-------- Lenten Cottage Services, 8 p. m. Sunday School—10:00 a. m. Co-onprative Marketing Association Friday evenings. Reading 710 2 to 1st 4 p. Ave. North. Open Room daily — from m for Malheur Fanners where the Science Bible Literature and authorized L. D. S. CHURCH Christian may be A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp read, borrowed or purchased, and Is Sunday, A City Park open from and two holidays. to four meeting. 10 a. m.—Sunday School p. m.. every except day Sundays A Comprehensive Street Improvement Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood Plan FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE meeting. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds pastors. meeting. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society Morning Worship 11 a. m. METHODIST COMMUNITY Evangelistic services on Sunday, CHURCH Phone 131W PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH Merle W. Burres. Minister. r n u j m Church School 10 a. m. Jubilate Sunday: Morning Worship 11 a. m. 10:00 a. m.—Divine service. Palm Sunday meditation will 11:00 a. m.—Sunday School and be, The “King of Kings, and Lord of STATE CA PITO L NEWS Bible classes for all. Lords,” 8:00 p. m —The Walther League You are invited to worship with A. L. UNDBECK meets at the church. us. State Capitol News Bureau League 7:30 p. m. Monday 8 p. m —Adult member Epworth subject of the Epworth Lea ship class meets at the church. If gue The service will be, "(Setting Ready SAI.EM Grass Inequalities In as Some opposition on the part of you have no church home, we Invite for Easter." Oscar Bratton will be assessors was experienced by you to come and worship with us. the leader. sessments are being revealed by field county the commission In the early years of Visitors are always welcome. men employed by the state tax com this work but now the cooperation The Church School will give a pro mission In appraising properties of the commission Is welcomed by "A Changless Christ lor a Chang gram next Sunday morning at the ing World." throughout the state. the assessors with more requests for Church School hour. The choir will These Inequalities are not confined state appraisers coming In than the sing an Easter anthem and the min to any particular county or group commission Is able to meet with Its ister will preach on the theme, “Im OF GOD of counties but are found In every small force now numbering nine full The ASSEMBLY mortality.” Chinch With a Welcome county. In some in greater degree time appraisers. South Second between Reece and than In others and ape believed by KINGMAN COMMUNITY King the commission to be due largely to In spite of the fact that the cash CHURCH the use of part-time local assessors, balance In the state treasury re Ernest Tetwiler. Pastor Pastor, Ivan West a practice which Is now gradually cently hit a new all-time high at Sunday school, 10 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs E. O giving way to the use of better train $19,278,000, State Tresurer Scott has Morning worship. 11 a. m. Osborn, superintendent. ing full-time assessors. Morning worship 11 a. m. tens to explain that the state has As and example of some of the In no surplus cash. Once before when Evangelistic services, 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p m Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. equalities being exposed by the com the treasury announced a huge cash Evening worship 8:30 p m mission’s appraisers It Is pointed out balance the department was flooded that a residence property. In a Will with suggestions as to how the ex The Dalles for an Inspection of the Nyssa spent Sunday evening at the amette valley county admitted by Its tra money might hg used. Most of Eastern Oregon tuberculosis hospi Dave Beer’s home. owner to be worth $1200 was carried this cash balance, Scott explains, is tal. At The Dalles the governor was Bunard McElory who has been on the assessment rolls at a valua ear marked for specific purposes— joined by Lieutenant Colonel Elmer working for Earl Anderson this tion only $40 three percent of ap highways, soldiers, bonus loans, In V. Wooten for a trip to Hermiston spring left for Wallowa. praised value. At the same time the dustrial accident funds, etc. Only and Pendleton for an inspection of Orville Black, brother of Mrs. Joe adjoining property was being asses $8,000,000 of the huge total is credit the army ordinance depot and army Woodard is working near New Ply sed at 40 percent of Its appraised ed to the general fund out of which air field. From Pendleton Governor mouth, Idaho. value. appropriation supported state act Sprague and Colonel Wooten are Norma Suiter spent the week end A residence property In another ivities are financed, and this bal scheduled to go to Fort Lewis. Wash at Frultland. Idaho, as the guest of county appraised at $2490 was being ance. built up by the recent flood ington. for an inspection of Oregon Henderson. assessed at $100—four percent of of Income tax payments Is now rap troops with the 41st division and to Doris Mrs. Dutcher, of Nyssa was enter actual cash value—while another idly dwindling under constant de witness the corps review comprising tained for dinner Friday evening at residence In the same block, apprais mands of established governmental troops of the 3rd and 41st divisions the E. R. Anderson home. ed at $570 was being assessed at $250 functions. on Friday afternoon. David Eccles. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard and —nearly 50 percent of Its cash value. budget director and the gover family and his Cousin Otha Wood While these are extreme cases, A federal census bureau report Just state nor's executive secretary left Mon ard and family spent Sunday In the they are by no means Isolated cases received by the executive department day for th national capital for a mountains north of Horse Shoe but are fairly typical of inequalities here shows the number of per series of conferences with federal and the Black Canyon Dam. in assessments found to e x is t sons 65 years that of age or over In Ore officials and department heads on Bend Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett, Mont throughout the state. gon has increased 37.6 percent since and Jimmie Joe. attended church In Its effort to equalize assessments 1930 The census bureau figures show defense problems. services In Vale Sunday morning of proiiertles within the counties the that hi 1940 Oregon had 49.572 males The Increased demand for skilled and visited the Frsd Kruck s state tax commission started the and 43.063 females In that old age workers in Industry is making it home. Mrs. at Kruck's is improving work of appraising Individual prop group. easier to place parolees from the rappidly from her serious oppera- erties In 1929. So far these apprais prisión In good jobs, according tion. ers have "sampled" practically every Residents of Oregon paid out $22. state to Fred Flnsley, state parole direct county In the state Daring 1939 and 306.929 in life Insurance premiums or. Whereas previously placement of 1940 these appraisers covered ap during 1940 according to the annual parolees Ow yhee confined largely to proximately 25,000 properties rang report of the state Insurance depart farm jobs was now many Jobs are open ing from as few as 20 In some of the Claims paid by Insurance com ing up for men with experience Fln A good representation from Owy smaller counties up to as many as ment. panies on policies held in this state sley said. hee attended the May Day pageant 5000 In the larger counties. totalled $12,192,409. the report shows. the Big Bend Park Friday. Owy Life insurance in force In Oregon on A sharp increase in traffic fatal at placed second In the track meet. December 31, 1940. totalled $756,087. ities during April all but wiped out hee Owyhee grade pupils placed first 530 compared to $729,379,073 on Dec the gains previously recorded this In three grades at the spelling con ember 31, 1939. year In the traffic safety campaign. test In Nyssa last week. t Oregon automobile owners paid Deaths due to traffic accidents last Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy enter out $2,433,870 in premiums for lia month were up 36.6 percent over the tained at dinner Sunday in honor bility insurance, with the companies fatality record for April. 1939. ac of the birthday of their daughter paying $1,071,534 In losses during the cording to reports complied by Sec Carol Louise, who was three years year Premiums paid on automobile retary of State Snell. old. Among the guests were her property damage Insurance amount grandmother. Mrs. Henry Slippy and ed to $794,216 with loss payments The new prima facia speed law her guest Grandmother, Mrs. J. P totalling $353,083 Automobile collis which becomes effective June 14. Me Olnnls. Others were Mr. and Insurance premiums for the year featured the discussions at a three Mrs. Chas Culbertson and two Yfc*ew .. and A rith / a £T7C ion amounted to $467 342 with losses day conference of state police cap children. Betty and Larry Mrs. Al tains, meeting In the capital with vin McGinnis and Miss Ileen Slippy. U f/H IC H are really better at totalling $202. 773. Superintendent Charles P. Pray last The Owyhee Community Club has household arithmetic —men been postponed until Thursday. May Two acts of the recent legislative week. or women? Let’s look at the 22, when it will meet with Mrs. Ray session designed to purify Mult question in terms of insurance. Prank Parma. Mrs. Florence nomah county's voter registration NYSSA HEIGHTS Kygar 1 In Is near What woman would carry lists are now under attack via the assistant hostess. only ) 1,000 in fire insurance on referendum. One of the measures Mr. and Mrs. Otha Woodard and Mrs. William Gordon of Vale spent furniture, clothing, etc., when it provides day Friday with her parents. Mr for Investigation of voters children of Littlefield. Texas, arri the Chas. Bradley. would coat several times as much now registered. The other provides ved at the Joe Woodard home a few and Mr. Mrs. and Mrs. Hamrreck of Ontario to replace them ? What woman for the Investigation of voters who days ago. The Woodard men are have moved to the Owyhee comer. does not know what a financial register after January 1. 1942 Both Cousins. Mrs. Berthe Culbertson received burden would fall on her if her measures were bitterly opposed by Mrs John Lake of Nyssa spent word week of the serious ill and Commonwealth Fed Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Qlen ness of this husband were injured in an democratic her daughter. Mrs Burkhart eration members in the House and accident ? Yet many a man over Senate. The referendum attack Is Suiter. of Roaco. Missouri, who is In the Mrs. Dutcher, Mary Jane Htgby. hospital. looks these vital needs. sponsord by Walter W Whltbeck of Elnor Hobson, and Virgil Seward So here • a practical sug Mr and Mrs. O. L McMillam were were Sunday afternoon callers at the Sunday gestion to husbands and wive*. Portland. dinner guests of Mr and E. E. Botner home. Don’t guess about insurance . . Mrs. Frank Crocker Mr and Mrs John Stafford and The capitol haa been pretty well consult this agency for expert by high ranking officials daughter returned to their home af advice on which policies to buy- deserted and department this week ter spending several weeks visiting Lincoln Heights how much — and what to do m Oovemor Sprague. heads Secretary of State relatives In Canada. Rev Stanley Moore of Ontario de event of loss. Snell, State Treasurer Scott and Norma and Marlon Suiter attend livered an inspiring message to the State Engineer Strickland went to ed the Payette Apple Blossom Fest sixty-six people attending Sunday Bend Monday to Inspect the Tumalo ival Monday Irrigation project going to Redmond. Ttie Just-A-Mere Club, will meet School at 2:00 p. m. Sunday. The Bible Class had charge of FranlcT. Morgan Pitnevtlle. and Madras Tuesday for this Friday. May 9. at the home of Sunday School. Mrs Roy McNeal an Inspection of Irrigation projects Mrs. V. L. Rosier Phone 97 In those sections. While the other Ilia Botner went to Nampa Mon acting as superintendent. Roy Far ley read the Scripture text A quar members of the party returned to day to attend assembly Salem the governor continued on to Mr and Mrs Floyd Hershey of tette composed of Mrs. Roy McNeal. yeais 1934 1939. respectively 1938, 1937, tagtahcr 1936, w 1935, Mrs Wesley Blanton, Orval Green, and Ui and Fred Hawkins sang, "Face t interest and costs thereon^crued and accruing upon real property as Face.” to J O. Winston J. w ““ is ton,: the * h.(L Î Charlene Farley and Stanley Wal sessed owner ker were mariled Sunday morning Oliver ^ County, record, situated ta MaweuJ Oregon, described as. April 27. The young couple are re The West Northeast quart ading at Pendleton where Mr. Wal er iW' NE'«' half ol oi Section thirty ker operates a truck line. Township nuieteen il9' SooU‘ 130_ ol j forty-seven <47) E. W. L. L. Jillson was a business visitor R.nge and that plaintiff has Paid $5678 at Weiser Saturday. state liens and of county taxes to of De said Certificates A number of folks met at the Wes the linquency. .. ^ ley Blanton home Wednesday even Said defendants and each of . then Get a ing for song practice. hereby are notified further that wil th Drainage District A Sunday School business meet Nyssa-Arcadia apply to the Circuit Court of the ing was held Wednesday evening at County NEW DAVE NO and judgement State aforesaid tor • decree and foreclosing!»1. the Roy Farley home. and interest and of each the »to« Jule Houston attended a 4-H lead claims *\ named thereof, defendents. ant and also foreclosing ers meeting Saturday afternoon. every the property in abovt Clifford Harris has been stayin' the liens against and of mentioned saic at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ray described Certificates ant Whitsell while Mr. Whitsell is In quieting the title Delinquency, thereto ta thi plaintiff against you and each anc Portand receiving medical care every one of you. And you and eaci Word has been received from Mr hereby are summoned to ap Whitsell that he must receive treat of pear you within 60 days of after the datt first publication this first summom ments everyday for an indefinite of exclusive of the day of publi Or add a length of time. cation. and defend this above action, oi The A. A. Bratton family and the oav the amounts due as shown COMFORTABLE together with all interest thereoi W. W. F'oster family of Nyssa were accruing, and as together with a rea Sunday dinner guests at the Wlliia n sonable sum fee and o Lounging Chair McElory home Sunday, April 27. the costs and attorney A Gospel team from Caldwell will plaintiff Incurred, disbursements and In case oi failure foreclosing so to do. decree bf Add new beauty to your home be present at the Lincoln Sunday your rendered all and of ta will youi with Spring Styled Furniture. School Suday morning, May 11th at claim and Interest In said 11 a. m. Therefore the regular Sun- property, and also foreclosing the of said certificates of delin School hour will begin at 10:00 a. m. lien BUY N O W - quent v, s including taxes paid anc instead of the usual time. attarrev’ fee and costs incurred PAY LATER Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page and against the land and premises des cribed. and quieting title against daughters, and Mrs. A. A. Brukaker you and each of you as to said above of near Salem, arrived Thursday- described property. evening for a four-day visit at the This summons published by or Claude Page home. The Clarence der of the Hon. is Robt. M. Duncan. Judge of the above entitled court, Page family and the Brubaker fam made the 23rd order day of directing April, 1941, and ily have both resided in this local supplemental repub ity, having moved to Salem last fall lication of summons, dated the 26th The Farmer's meeting will be held 1941. Carl H. Coad Phone 94 at the Lincoln School Saturday even day of April, Attorney for Plaintiff NYSSA ing. May 10th. and Address: Nyssa, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Frank and Mr. Residence Dated and 1st publ.. May 1, 1941. and Mrs. Ralph Winslow were Sun Last publ.. May 29, 1941. day evening supper guests at the Levi Johnson home. Nordale Furniture Store Legal Advertisement SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OF THE STATE OF OREGON MALHEUR Drainage COUNTY District, A Nyssa-Arcadia Quasi-Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. O. Herbert J. Winston; Oliver J. Ruth Winston; A. Winston; J. Winston: Fred J. Winston; the unknown heirs Deceased; or devisees of Oliver J. Winston, the un known heirs or devisees of Albertina Winston. Deceased; and unknown also all other persons or person claiming any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the application on file herein. Defendants. To O. J. Winston, Oliver Ruth J. Win J. ston, Herbert A. J. Winston, Winston. Fred Winston, the un J. known heirs Deceased, or devisees the of unknown Oliver Winston. heirs or Deceased, devisees and of Albertina Win ston, also all claim other persons or person unknown ing any real right, title or described interest in In the or to the property application on file herein, Defend ants above NAME named: IN THE OF and THE STATE OF OREGON: You each of you hereby are notified that the Nyssa- Arcadia Drainage District is the owner and holder numbered of Certificates of Delinquency 7511, 7510. 7509. 7508. and on the 7507 20th issued to plaintiff district day of of January, 1941. and Certificate Delinquency numbered 7865 issued to plaintiff district the Collector 26th day of June, 1935. by the on Tax of Malheur County. Oregon, for the total amount of Eight Hundred Ninety-two and 32 100 Dollars ($892.32) being the for amount then due the and same delinquent age district assessments for drain the • » • • Lhe early Oregon ¿ 7 fur traders never struck a better bargain.... • * //tan fAe man o / foe/ay asAs/or• ±- A Jour-year-old Kentucky bourbon—fam ous since 1870 . , , _ , ÇkTUCKY STRA1Ç5 boirbon whisket SLr-4 $2.10 QU**1] _ I ^ — -— National Distillers Products Corp^ N. Y. Let the Building Bug Bite You" + + * + + X H i/ l « * 9 4 - S Q U A R E FARM BUILDING SERVICE iJÄ ßiüldÜtUßnactical ★ NEEDED EQUIPMENT Cattle Slocks . . . with Better Hog Alfalfa Rack Farm Buildings ■ {ditti Good farm equipment not only includes machinery, but buildings and other wood-constructed neces sities of the farm. Good barns, sheds, feeders and miscellaneous structures increase efficiency of farm labor. This, in turn, should produce greater profit. Oyster Shell Feeder Farm Shop and Garage Cash Not Needed . . . for farm construction under the Budget Building plan. A good credit rating and the ability to \ C \ 2 -t, make monthly payments will sup- ply all materials (and pay for labor, too, if you hire the work done), when you start your build ing plans with a visit to . . . . . . and other practical build ings and equipment are de scribed in the 4-SQUARE Farm Building Service. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS AND MATERIAL LISTS Take three years to pay the bill with small monthly pay ments. Get details of Budget Building from your Boise Pay ette man. ★ There’s a Special LU M BER “There's a yard i COMPANY DWIGHT SMITH, MANAGER PHONE 15 NYSSA P A B C O P A I N T for ham «, m achinery, cem en t, houses and fo r interior jobs, sold on B a d ge! Building term». if