Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified Advertising Farmers Auction Sale We need more fat, feeder and weaner pigs, cows, heifers, and feed er steers to fill the demand. We sell machinery, furniture, and livestock [ every Friday. We also have some rice heifer calves every Sale day. Have calls for more milk cows. Nyssa Sale Yard Floyd Robinson, Owner 3Atfc .V ANTED— All your welding Jobs. We promise good work and fair orlces. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone ftGW. I or Sale POULTRY RECORD OF PRODUCTION Leg horns yearling hens, blooding e- quipment, feeding troughs, waterers, laying batteries that will double the capacity of your house. See Frank Parr 4*4 miles south Nyssa. 24Atfc. HIGH QUALITY chicks available every Monday starting Feb. 17. All popular breeds from bloodtested flocks. Custom hatching done. Or der yours now. Vale Electric Hatch ery. Vale, Oregon. 31J tic. BABY CHICKS—N. H. Reds, B. Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and W. Leghorns. Pullorum tested. 9c each. Custom hatching. Patch Bros. Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 27F I2xc. BABY CHICKS. Hatching every Tuesday and Friday. We do cus tom hatching. Thompson's Ontario Hatchery. 16Jtfc FOR SALE—Baby chicks Mondays and Thursdays. 200 up 8*4 cents each, under 200, 9 cents each. Cus tom hatching 3 cents per egg. Pay ette Valley Hatchery. Phone 6221. Two miles north Fruitland. 6F tfc. i her daughted. Mrs. Austin Milhill- I h i t y - T l ird W.dding A n n i v e r s a r y - ! , . moUMf Mrs j T ^ ^ Oregon Slope for a picnic. of Seattle, her daughter returned Mr and Mrs. R A Thompson were her own handwork. It was given on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and fam j on ily were dinner guests at the home with her for a months visit. the recipients of a very valuable Mr 'u d Mrs Thompson’s Thirty- of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Orris near Bill Hipp started to block his beets table spread on Saturdry last. It W.V31 . , . , this week. presented to them by Mrs. Thomp- 1 thlrd w<*dtng anniversary. Nyssa. Vem Butler fished at the Owyhee and returned with his limit, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullard. Otis Bul lard fished on the Owyhee river and reported a good catch. * NOTICE Lee Dail of Pendleton spent the On or after this date, May 8, 1941, week end with his mother, Mrs. I will not 'be responsible for any Anna Dail. debts contracted by any person other Mr. and Mrs. John Smit of,White than myself. visited at the Angelo (Signed) R. Cornell Settlement Marostica home Saturday evening. Our Sunday School is progress For Rent ing nicely. With Mrs. John Hickey, Superintendent, Mrs. George Mol- CITY PROPERTY ler. Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs. A. 4 ROOM, all modem house, complet- E. Brady, teacher, Mrs. John ly furnished. Would like to rent Zittercob, adult young teacher, for summer months only. Irwin Mrs. Theo Matherly, peoples Junior teacher. Elder. Mrs. Gilbert Swan, primary teacher, Ellis Warner, pianist, Mrs. John THREE ROOM home on North Mrs. Zittercob. song leader. Next Sun Third. Water and sink in kitchen. day Honeford of Ontario will Enquire Journal. lMtfc speak Rev. at 3 p. m. Everyone is invited. THREE ROOM furnished house, Those at the John Zitter nice lawn and trees, completely cob home visiting were Mrs. Anna furnished. Clean and comfortable. Dail, Harold Sunday Mrs. Theo Math Call Journal. lMtfc erly, Lee Dail, Dail, and Glen Newell of FOUR ROOM modem furnished Nyssa. The Arcadia Ball team played air conditioned apartment. Herbert Cario at their diamond there Friday H. Fisher. lMtfc both teams won over Arcadia. MODERN HOUSE, 3 large rooms. I School will be out the 16th of May. bath and clothes closet, nice fenced Mrs. Angelo Marostica has return yard and trees. Call Journal. lMtfc ed from a two months visit with TWO ROOM, clean house. Trees, lawn and garden. See Bud Short. lM2xc SEVEN ROOM house, with garage. Loring Taylor. lM2xc. The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each issue Minimum cash In advance is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 • RAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes in first class condition Special equipment and trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave and Highway 201. Phone 108 16Mtfc FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith Phone 78J. tic. AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY Why haul your livestock 20 miles to an out of town sale yard, when you can get more here at home? We For Sale always get the high dollar for your CITY PROPERTY stock. You help yourselves when you Mitchell Butte patronize your home business. Nyssa LOVELY MODERN 5 room hom e- Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner! oak floors—electric water heater- Mrs. Ruth Shannon returned to lMtfc beautiful lawn—« h a d e—connected P< rtland after spending the winter city sewer. Garage. Buy a ready built with her daughter, Mrs. Huston home—save $1000.00 or more. Lo Dunaway and family. For Sale Ave. between 3rd and Cecil Benson enlisted in the U. S. AUTOS and TRAILERS cated—Good 4th St. Inquire—Oscar C. Olsen. Army and expects to be called some FLAT BOTTOM 12x8 trailer, suit FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known time before the 15th. able for hauling machinery. How as the Bank. Attractive terms. See Mb. and Mrs. Leo Chard were visitors in Nyssa Saturday. ard’s corner, Idaho, cast of Apple Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtfc business James Wall of Creston is employ Valley at Hi-way. 8Mlxp. GOOD HOMESITES on First and ed by Olp Brothers, herding cattle. Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe called Consult us on your wiring needs Hall. 13Mtfc in Ontario Thursday. and meter set-ups. Marr is enjoying a visit from Work guaranteed to meet State FIVE GOOD building lots.* Cheap his Ira father, Mr. Mannie Marrs of requirements. for Cash. Southwest corner, Sixth Star, Idaho. Mr. Marrs is much im Prices right and Park. Bill de Groft. lOAtfc proved from his recent serious ill Information free ness. NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Wir. Mettlen of Ore 18Atfc gon Trail are spending the week MARRIED MAN wants work on with their daughter, Mrs. E. B. Smith ranch. Call 03R1 or write J. H. and family. Mr. Mettlen is remodel- | Codr, Nyssa. I cal and Long Distance ing finishing the Smith’s house. HAULING TO RENT or put up on shares ten Raymond Darden and Elvin Marrs j Phone 72W to twenty acres of hay. Marion visited with friends in Nampa Sun day. Lawrence and Barnett Chard. Rt. 1. 24A3xc. 4Mtfc PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper The Pre School Study Club will j meet May 13 at the home of Mrs. j cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone Hardman. Special Mother's day pro 39M. 24Atfc. gram will be given. and Mrs. Don Knottingham NYSSA STEAM GARBAGE HAULING. City lincen- and Mr. Paul Sunset visited Satur LAUNDRY ced. Owen Gann, Phone 119R day at the -of John Knottingham home. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Marsh o f, Phone 88J CARPENTERING, concrete work, Delta, are working at the kalsomining or painting by hour or “We Wash Every Day” contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis Dunaway Colorado, ranch. Mr. and \*.-s. Harold Fivecoat and Ave. lOAtfc j Larry visited relatives at Caldwell WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton Thursday evening. REPAIR SHOP rags, must be of fair size, no ov Mrs. Donald Talbot and daughter Electric Welding eralls, lace curtains nor othrr harsh of Missouri is visiting her parents, • GAS AND OIL materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dunaway. NEW AND USED PARTS WANTED—Highest prices paid for NYSSA AUTO CO. ARCADIA hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur Highway 20, North End of Town niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- Mrs. George Stewart of Valley way north. View end Miss Sarah Huir.pry and Cobb of Payette called at the MISCELLANEOUS Miss G. F. Garrrn heme last week. For Sale Hazel Hickey who teaches at Ap Valley teak her pupils to Namp: , TENT HOUSE 14x16. Enquire Lem ple where they entered in the Wilson ranch, 2*4 miles south west Friday May Day Program there. Nyssa 8Mlxp. Conley Butler left Saturday fo TRACTOR TIRES, 2 sets, 900x36, Durant. Oklahoma, after a two week used, plenty of rubber left. Terms visit here. He was called here by the maybe arranged. Thompson Oil Co. death of his sister, Mrs. Wallace lMtfc Strane. DR J C. BOWMAN Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey and FOR SALE—complete pumping Hazel at the Bud Hickey Veterinarian equipment. Consisting of 500 feet home in visited Ontario Sunday afternoon. plank flume. 400 feet 18 inch wood Those from Arcadia who attended pipe. 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo the bridal shower for Miss Ruth tor. Fairbanks pump, valves,, etc. As Bratton at the home of Miss Marie Phone 39W good as new. This equipment is ca Noah, last week were Mrs. Gl-n pable of pumping and handling 200 Dowers, Mrs. John Hickey. Mrs. inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. Robbins. Mrs. Otis Bullard. Mrs, Gil J. R. CÛNDALL 28 tfc. bert Swan. Mrs. Geo. Moller, Betty Hannon, and Mrs. Ben McConnell. Dentist - Mr and Mrs. Harry Hull of Vale, For TRADE visited Warner home Sarazin Clinic WELL IMPROVED 40 acres near Sunday at and the both Ellis families went to NYSSA OREGON Nampa to trade for 10 to 40 acres improved near Nyssa. Phone 687R3 Nampa. lM4xc NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from For Sale 2 p m. to 6 p. m. MACHINERY Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOMt MOWING MACHINE Jake Fischer Librarian Mrs. S. B Davis 8Mtfc For Sale The peace that our OPTOMETRIST departed know cannot STOCK "See McFall and See Better” be felt by those here. j REGISTERED CHESTER white What we can contribute weiner pigs. Harold Boyles, 7 miles DR. J. A. McFALL I south west Nyssa. at Enterprise and to the peace of mind Lytle Boulevard.' 8Mixp of thoae who are grieved is the assurance of dig For Sale nity and good taste, and SEED as reasonable an ex |FOR SALE pense as is possible. NETTED GEM seed potatoes, com EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Please let us help you. and oats. Oerrit Siam. 8M2xp ONTARIO OREGON Jake Groot sold his cattle to Mr Weed with the Severe Packing Co. of Portland, he delivered them to Nyssa Friday. Leaves for Honolulu— Paul Heldt, son of Mr. and Mis Albert Heldt. left Sunday for Hon olulu. where he has accepted a car penters job with MO ris-Knudsen, Boise Contractors. Paul has a one year contract and will work at P-.rl Harbor, the Naval Station there. To Modern and Old Time Music By Con Christiansen’s Orchestra Sat. May 10, at 9 P. M. SUNSET VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL Proceed to pay for equipment for our hall ADMISSION 45 CENTS Ladies Free m Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON For Sale MACHINERY i 1 MOLINE 4 ROW beet cultivator. 1 Moline beet puller, all attach- J ments. nearly new. A. R. White Hardware Co. Emmett. 17A4xc NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Nylon Hose pair Silk Hose pair Satin Slips Satin Gowns Check the proof (it's that good 93 proof) . . . the superior flavor ionly Kentucky-distilled bourbon has it} . . . the age (4 years of mel lowing to your taste.) S unny B rook -OLD- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY This whiskey is 4 YEARS OLD • 93 Proof National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. mummm $ 1.50 $1 $1 $ 1.98 TOILET SETS-DRESSES PERFUMES-TOWEL SETS AND MANY OTHER APPROPRIATE SUGGESTIONS • u bourbon- StmNŸ'ÔBOOk 1 GOLDEN R IL E - NYSSA MAKE IT RIGHT STORE OREGON THE CONTEST IS ON- for a FREE TRIP to Salt Lake City Introducing the Contestants- f ~ • 5» ROYAL (MASTER —WENDELL WEBSTER —LAURENCE FINDLING, Who is now in the lead, but the rave is dose. Lawrence says that he is sold on llie Double Guarantee that goes with U. 8. TIRES. 1. Racked by our personal gaurantee and 2. H e written U. S. Lifetime Guarantee. TäfiSsSl crwdlng the leader, and promises to make the «aee a tough one. Wendell is showing his eutomers the advantages of equipping their cars with U. S. TIRES because of the "BRAKE ACTION” that is made into them. lie Is counting on his friends to help put him in the lead. 1. THE QUICKER STOPPING TIRE! Aeir U.S. ROYAL 2. THE BLOWOUT-RESISTING TIRE I De Luxe 3. THE LONGER- MILEAGE TIRE! wrm '»uiMCTwr nut Standard tafetr «quip- m ent on tens o f thou sands of fine 1941 cars. An unusually attractive proposition is available this w eek only ! y pace WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE • Buy Her A Personal Gilt This Year- She Would Love These- DANCE —MONTE JENSEN, The r.S. TIRE F am o u s Low? P ric e T ire B y T h e W orld l^mrgeat P ro d u c e r o f R u b b e r ?a Lifetime guarantee—by ns and by the U nited States R obber Company. The greatest t a l e r in today s market. Winner cf 'ast rear’s contest. Monte Is a “last minute winner" and advises that he is going into ’home stretch' for a sliding finish. He says it’s a dangerous thing to drive on worn-out tires when you ean huv I). S. TIRES at such low eosts. Thank* to Royal M aslrrs millions have discovered a new freedom from worry, a new joy in driving! For R o y a l M a ste r owners know they a r e p r o te c te d against blowouts, know they need n ot fear sk id s, know they ean h av e n e w -tir e M o p p i n g power tlown to the last mile. Back Your Favorite - The Contest Closes May 20 WATCH NEXT WEEK’S NYSSA JOURNAL FOR FURTHER RESULTS “LET’S GET ASSOCIATED’ THOMPSON OIL CO. Ambulance Service Phone 73W Nyssa Third and Main Streets PHONE 11 Nyssa