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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1941)
.V>A«SSa«v r —r -r ~ s k V;, 7V. e NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXVL, NO. 19 AT Will Organize First Class School District JOURNAL G ATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGCN, TH UR SD AY, M A Y 15, 1941 $1.50 PER YEAR They Crowned Season's Play Street Work Gets Bulldogs Win Valley Pennant With A Championship Approval Of Commission From Ontario By 2-1 Score 4 Men Seriously i $ Nyssa School District, No. 26 will The long awaited approval of the organize as a first class district at Oregon State Highway Commission FRANK WILSON the annual school elections held on on the paving, curbing and construc PITCHES ONE June 16. Going into a higher class tion of storm sewers on main street HIT GAME » district is due to increases in school from the underpass west to the “Y ” Top-noch Nyssa high school base population, according to Superin was received last Thursday. Frank T. Four men. field workers from Ok ball team, coached by John Young tendent Hartley. The census, taken ' » ’ .M , Morgan, secretary of the Chamber of lahoma, are in the Nyssa Nursing winner of many baseball titles, earlier this year, shows that the dis Commerce and Herschel Thompson. Home, one critically hurt wiien the played sparkling ball to capture the trict has 1090 boys and girls between , , car they were riding in overturned Washington, D. C. News Bureau of the ages of 4 and 20 years. y councilman, were present t o ! „» „ .. . 8 _ * ” . at the Hashinani corner south of Snake River valley high school the Nyssa Gate City Journal hear the approval. This change in classification will Nyssa, when the brakes locked. Wed championship here Wednesday af entail several changes in board per The approval nesday morning. ternoon wnen they edged out a Clayton Seabolt, most seriously tough and fighting team from On "WASHINGTON, D. C.—Isolationists sonnel and in procedure. The board was given be of education cf a first class district Out of an eight game confer nee and a two game play-off, the Nyssa to the contrary, trillions of people to available for the project, hurt of the four received a fractured tario in the final playoff game, 2 tol. is compose d of five members. The high school Bulldogs dropped only two games, one to Adrian and one to ing „ .. . , pelvis and other internal injuries the contrary, the United States will term of each will eventually be five Ontario. The Bulldogs took their revenge out on Ontario yesterday by win Morgan said on his return here last He is declared to be in a critical con Making every pitch count, lanky shortly be a beligerent. The United years, but at the time of organiza ning two to one for the championship of the Snake River Valley Conference. Friday. dition. Mitchell Horn, driver of the Frank Wilson pitched six no-hit in It Ls Morgan’s opinion, however, car, Ls suffering from a brain con nings against the Tigers before al Pictured above are the “first stringers" of the Bulldogs Back row: War States will guard merchant ships tion it will be necessary to arrange the terms in such a manner as to ren Hcldt, cf: Keith Russel]', .lb; Uelbeit Malloy, If; John Young, coach; that the job will be done this year, cussion, severe shock and concus- lowing one single to Bugher-Ontar- across the Atlantic—call it ccnvoy or cause them, to range from one to Lester Keizer, 2b; Eugene Cleavers, ss; Dave Malone, c; Rav Morfitt. if; but just how soon of course will de "satisfactory." The other two. Bill io’s only hit of the game-in the patrol—and soon President Roose five years. Den Eidredge, lb; Frank Wilson, p; Robert Duffy, If I does not appear in pend on the availability of the nec slons, but his condition ls said to be first of the seventh. But took one- velt will act, for the demand for essary funds. Two members of the present board the picture. Eubanks and Jess Clark are suffering hit pitching to win the ball game, convoys increases by leaps and will remain in office. O. E. Cheldelin, The project wiU cost in the neigh from shock and contusions but are and anything short of that might bounds. The industries are moving chairman, has one more year to have lost it. borhood of $35,000 all of which the improving. into their stride: the president has serve . Mrs. E. C. Wilson has two Highway Department will bear. After Nyssa had tallied once in the called for a 24-hour day seven days years remaining in her term of o f With this project will come the third when Keizer scored from sec a week. William Knudsen denounced fice. Rock Shelton, who was elected necessity of the city installing new I ond on a single the score remained the “ Friday to Monday" blackout to serve out the term of A M. High- 1 to 0 until the seventh Inning. On water mains along Main street, months ago but it required many • mith will end his service this year. which is estimated will cost about tario’s versatile Burgher got his hit rnonhts for the administration to It will be necessary, therefore, to in the first of the seventh, was sac $8.000. Consideration of this factI By Wesley Sherman recognize that “Time’s a-wastin elect three new directors with terms (Pictures of graduating class on has all ready been given by the rificed to second, and stole third. A (by Wesley Sherman) and it is late than you think." of three, four and five years, respec hot grounder by Clevenger to Rus page four) Dedicated to Marion Osborn, council , the solution suggested, be Better than any other section of tively. After this year, one director sell on third was thrown to first in Two girls have been namd for Nyssa high school student body ing that it will perhaps be necessary Nyssa farm and country folks will an attempt to toss the batter out. America, the national capital Is will be elected annually for a term top honors in the graduating class president, the school's annual. "The I ^nr the c*ty to vote a bond Issue to aware o f the gravity of the situation; of five years. of 1941 of the Nyssa union high Tupelo," was distributed to students f ‘nance R. The city attorney, A. L. be given an opportunity to start the Burger, a clever base runner, took of the plight of the British. Her The election procedure also will school. Fifty-nine students are num by the staff this week. Universally Fletcher, gave his opinion without a ball rolling for the funds for the advantage of the throw to first to centers the news of the world war. be different than it has been in the bered in the graduating class liked by the student body and elect- study of the matter, he said, proposed Nyssa Community Hos score, beating the throw to the plate which the eyes and ears of the state past. Directors for first class dist Marjorie Groot has been chosen, ed to the school's highest position th’ t the city could legally vote the pital, this Saturday. May 17, for on by inches. Wilson then retired the department are constantly reporting. ricts are nominated by petition and valedictorian for the class, and Phy- for the year 1940-41. Maricn wasj rrii:. because it was his belief that that night the Nyssa Lions Club side. From Washington has been con these petitions must be filed with j His Poage has been selected for s a l-1 stricken with infantile paralysis in r ’ ’ cr and sewer mains were ex- will hold a masquerade and costume Morfltt's single in the last half of ducted the educational campaign the school clerk at least 10 days 1 utatorian. according to Henry Hart- the summer o ' 1940 and was unable rirnt under the bond limitation dance, according to Bernard Frost, the seventh kept the game from Sid Smith and Keith Bailey, com which will make America brothers- prior to the electicn. Each petition ley, principal. The selections have to attend se h o l during the y ar. 'acer! on municipalities by state going extra innings. Warren Heldt, mittee In charge. ln-nrms with the British. America? must be signed by at least 3% of the | been made on the basis of scholastic second man up in the Nyssa half at Leather-bound and consusting of statute. Fletcher said that he would This is the first of a series of af tempted to dodge a bad pitch by is pledged to aid England; congress number of qualified electors voting | averages during the four years of ;iv tl " matter further study and has voted seven billion dollars for for the office of school director at high school education, according to : cive the '"dincll his further opinion' fairs to raise the money for the con Porsdick but was hit squarely in the struction of the hospital, which will back and took first. Dave Malone cn the matter. the lend-lease-give program. Mater the last regular election and in no Mr. Hartley. With a grade point av- be a 20 bed hospital and will be then singled, placing a man on first * ial is begining to move across the casc by less than ten persons. Elec- erage of 1.07 Marjorie's scholastic Councilman McClure made fur built on the grounds donated by the and third. Morfitt, from right field, continent to the Atlantic seaboard tion is by ballot and polls will be , record Is the best of the fifty-nine ther suggestion that would save the Sugar company. Sev attempted to squeeze Heldt in with This material consists of the weap rpen from 2:00 to 7:00 p m.. June 16. ! seniors, but she is closely followed in j city a substantial sum. This sugges- Amalgamated eral other civic and fraternal or one down in the inning but fouled ons of war and of food. There is The ballots are provided, also, with achievement by Pryllis. whose aver- Uen was that instead of enlarging ganizations as well as individuas the ball. On the next pitch he took mighty controversy raging over these blank spaces equal in number to age is 1.13. the present water main along the have indicated that they will furnish a healthy swing at the ball and met ■** cargoes; whether they should pad the vacancies to be filled. This is for j Commencement exercises h a v e project the 'nme sized pipe be used, a room in the hospital when it is it quarely for a single to left field. dle their own canoe or have hover the convenience of those who wish been scheduled for the evening of (n lavin' the line, and that at north completed. ing over, even near, American bomb to write in candidates. The clerk will Thursday, May 29, in the public Warren Heldt crossed the plate with I and stith street intersections larger According to the committee in the winning run standing up. ers and destroyers until they reach no longer be elected as this will now school gymnasium and baccalaureate i pipes be laid to later t? tied Into charge, prizes will be given for the the “other side.” be an appointive position. j services will be an event of May 25, l-’ tger pipes that could be laid on Forsdick, Ontario moundsman, best and most original costume or Any one who is a citizen of Ore- ■ Sunday, aso in the gymnasium, ; Good and B-wer Avenues. Three Leading in the campaign to show turned in a performance that might masquerade. j latter lines would act as a trunk Music will be furnished by the have won an ordinary ball game, al reasons for convoy are members of gen and has resided in the district | Both the valedictorian and the sal- I line for the business section of the the president's cabinet. Five of his for a period of 30 days immediately | utorian have outstanding records in lowing but six hits In the contest. Rythm Aces. rity. cabineteers have openly insisted on preceding the election and is at least j high school activities, as well as in Tickets for the dance may be ob- His teammates did not make a single guarding the cargoes from being 21 years of age may vote for or be scholastic standing. Marjorie has tained from any member of the error while the Bulldogs made three, participated extensively In dramat- I sent to Davy Jones’ locker. Secretary a candid ste for school director. all on sizzling grounders almost too Nyssa Lions Club. MARION OSBORN hot to handle. of State Ccrdell Hull. Secretary of STUDENTS TO The budget procedure for this year ics, raving had roles in the operetta j Student Body President Commerce Jesse Jones, Secretary of will be as In a 2nd class district. The of last year, the student body play i Don Eldridge, Nyssa First base- PRESENT “ MIKADO” War Henry Stimson, Secretary of budget meeting will be held on June In 1939, and the ‘senior one-act play EPIC PICTURE IN man, was the leading man of the As production eventg Navy Frank Knox, and Secretary of 16th begining at 8:00 p. m. and is last fall. She has been a member of 32 printed pages. With picture of all the east and directors of Ollbert and RETURN SHOWING day at bat, getting two doubles In Agriculture Claud Wickard cf the open to all qualified electors. It will the Girl’s League, the Girl’s Ath students, clubs, and school organ- Sullivan’s "Mikado." light opera, are | “Gone With The Wind" national three times up. izations, the annual was edited by letic association, and the Glee club president's "fflclal family have made held for at least one hour. During putting finising touches on th" pre- epic of the screen, adopted from the Nyssa townspeople supported the the pier Senator Guffey and S e n -, this time the budget will be discussed for four years each. She has been business management of Barbara sentatlon and making ready for the book of the same name will be team in fine fashion, turning out in ator Pepper, both new dealers who and voted. If it is necessary to ex a drum majorette in the high scho rl Lucille Sallee, senior, and under the curtain, shown in a return engagement here such numbers as to comprise the fr.quent’ iy rend up trial balloons ceed the 6 % limitation this matter band for two years and a member Larson, senior The yearbook Is built The music-1 will be given by the at the Nyssa Theatre on Sunday and largest crowd seen here in several have urged the convoy system: called will also be an order of business. of the Pep club as a Junior. During around patriotic theme and the mo Nyssa high school student body to- Mcndny, May 18 and 19, according seasons. her senior year, she served as dra tif Is carried throughout the book upon the president in their speeches After this year, however, the board morrow night (Friday) May 16. in 40 J B- Gelzentanner, owner, on the senatr flo 'r to act. Admiral will hold regular hearings on the matics editor of the school annual. On the cover Is an engraving of the the public school gymnasium The picture will be shown in it's Her achievements as an outstanding Statue of Liberty, beside the words, Em“ry S. I and. appointed hairman budget and will adopt same by reso entirety, Gelzentanner said, and “the Elaborate costumes and stage set Miss Irene Redetzke is advisor of Four- H club member resulted in of the maritime c'crnris- n by the lution. providing it does not exceed tings arc expected to add to the au- j only thing that will be cut ls the her receiving a $150 scholarship to “The Tupelo, 1941." p rsldent; several active admirals the 6 % limitations. thenticity of the pcrformanee by j price of admission. the yearbook. and rear-admirals have spoken for a In order to vote on the budget an Oregon State College for next year. creating a Japanese atmosphere, in j Matinee performances will be Phyllis has been a member of the convoy. Secretary Wickard has in elector must be a citizen of Ore which country the scene is laid. | given on both days of the showing. structed his subordinates to put the gon, 21 years old. and have resided Girl’s league for four years and has Teddy Miller, eight year old son of Margaret Stevenson is in charge of (For prices of admission and curtain great agricultural machine—exten in the district for 30 days immed served as treasurer of that organ COW HOLLOW TO Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller, living times, see the advertisement on page costumes. sion agents, AAA, soil conservation iately prececdlng the election. In ization. Active in Athletics, she was FORM NEW GRANGE at Park and north Fifth streets was seven.) Directors Stella Young and God- committees, an aggregate of officials addition he must be a property a member of the Girl's Athletic As taken to the Nyssa Hospital on Sun don A. Finlay, both of the high sociation since her second year in personally contacting farmers—Into owner In the district. day suffering from third degree Farmers in Cow Holow have start COUNCIL ELECTED high school and was treasurer of ed the formation of a grange of their school music depaitment, have been action and insist upon convoys. burns. Those Interested in running for All of these speakers could be si- director may acquire petitions from the group last year. Prominent in own. which will be brought to an practicing the musical cast for weeks FOR FSA CAMP Teddy and a younger bother and With the spring field work now in neighbor children were playing with lenced by one word from the presi either _____ _ B. _ B. Lienkaemper. Clerk, or music, she has been a member of successful accomplishment tonight, in order to present a finished pre sentation. Dramatics director S. full swing the F. S. A. Transient gasoline which one of them lit and the band for four years, has sung when state Deputy Wicklander will dent, but there is no repremand, IH H Hartley, Superintendent, in the glee club four years, and is a assist in the final organization of Ferdinand Stark has announced that Labor Camp under the supervision Teddy's clothes caught on fire. Dr. because guarding these supplies of speaking parts are ready for the cur of Roy Searles, the workers organi L. A. Mauldlng was called and found membir of the girl's sextette. She the new grange. food and munitions is what the pres has served for two years on the an A preliminary meeting was held tain call. Royce Church, past-grad zed on Wednesday evening for the the child in a critical condition, and ident intends doing. These are his nual staff and held the position of last Thursday night at which 20 uate student and Flora Urquirl are summers camp program of operation took him to the hospital. Internal sentiments, and that is why there is organization manager this year. She members signed up, it is expected In charge of the dances, which add and control. no rebuke. There is no doubt about complications have set in and the is secretary of the senior class. She that the charter membership will much to the whimsical effect of the At this meeting Joe Sandaball, boy’s condition still remains very a large section of the American peo operetta. had a role in the operetta last year number about 30. Idaho, was elected Camp Chairman, serious. ple being opposed to convoys, for j _____ Included in the cast cf characters with a committee of three. Wayne Charles Share was the motivating they are writing and wiring to mem- Three Nyssa union high school and will appear again in the 1941 factor In the formation of the coun are: Jack Church. Junior DeOrofft. Webb, Alex Marez. and Clifford Hol bers of congress; also to the presi- ; track and field athletes qualified for operetta Friday night. Besides those whose pictures ap ty's eighteenth, and youngest grange. LeRoy Toombs, Lest"r Keizer. Helen ly as advisors. STAN RAY COMPETES dent. Senators who are voicing this the Oregon State track meet to be Layfield has been appointed chair opposition are wasting their breath, held in Eugene Friday and Satur- pear on page four, are Roberty Dew Deputy Wicklander has helped or I B-yd-11. Phylls Poage, Darlene ’ N U. OF O. MEET j Dcman, Barbara Larson, and Bob man of the recreation commltte and but they show courage in carrying day of this week as the Bulldog ey, Thelma Taylor and Charles ganize 14 of the 18. will in the near future appoint two | Eidredge. on a losing fight. In battling for a team took third place In the East- Short. Stanley Ray a graduate of last Sunday Visitarsi— cause already lost. Of course, when | om Oregon meet at La Grande last Choruses and ether participants men and two ladies from, the camp years graduating class of Nyssa high two assist in recreational and wel Marvin S. Birkcs the die is cast these senators and Saturday. a high percentage of students , , 0 | Sunday visitors at the John Wes . take JBUraPMU-- and a grandson of Mrs Stella Butler fare work for the camp. Funeral services for Marvin S. | terfield home were Mrs Westerfield’s in the school. those Americans who are protesting Rlchard LeWts ?3lned first in a made a record at the track meet Birks were held at the Parma Corn- convoys will abide loyally by the de- Um<, 440. yd dash to t*,at out en- -trier, Mrs. Charles Lampe and her held at Eugene for freshmen on Sat cision. as becomes good citizens. ( trants from fifteen other schools and May 11th. Mr. Birkes was bom in family of Nampa. V. F. W. DISTRICT urday and an enviable name for munity church Sunday afternoon 210 MEN TO BE Fears that convoys would be even- i turned in a Mire of 53:6. Jim Ga- himself, and for Nyssa high as well, CONVENTION HELD Oklahoma, September 25, 1894 and ■■■■MaanaHaMiuiifa* tually used were opposed by members ! han. who has never been healed In CALLED IN JUNE Nyssa Post of the Veteran's of as a runner. passed away at the Veterans Hospital of the house and senate when the the mile run this year, hts first year Foreign Wars was host to state and Stan ran the 440 in 50.3, beating and to them four children. Marvin lend-lease bill was under debate, but out. triumphed over the field with a SALEM Oregon i t" hcacique- district officers last Thursday and the score for the same race on the administration spokesmen gave sol- timed at 4:39. Just two seconds un in Boise Thursday morning. Buck Giezentanner looking ters fo- Selective Service today wv Friday for a district confe ence, held varsity team. In the relay race he emn assurance that there was no der the meet record, established by Be was married to Lola Shumaker : mighty snazzy in that new green called upon to furnish 210 men to in the E a <H ps Hall was anchor man, picking up the . .. _______________, _ . - - _ . ____________ _ D ,,tt, ~ - a -n I ... --------------- . . . . ‘ w * a n il danger of such action: there would Barker of La Grande in 1935 Jim j Jr- Walter, Ruth and Donald were coupe . . . and the BUI Schlremans the armed forces during the period State and district officers attend stick stx yards in the rear of the failed to qualify for the state meet ( bern. The family located first in be no convoying by American war and Doc Kerbys puddle Jumping In June 2-5. inclusive. ing the meeting were Ira Canfield lead man and ending up at the ships, they said; the bill was just to In his other event, the 880-yd. run, | Roswell upon coming to Idaho and new Jatoppies ma‘cp ? The schedule for delivery of th- , tflte commander; Louis E Starr, finish line six feet in the lead. lend or lease the articles needed by as he placed trird. After holding the j have ,ived here for several years, wish? boirow the A1 Thompson - mcn to the Portland Induction sta- state vice-c mm-n-ier; W E M - Many of Stan’s friends were trere the British which the British could lead for the major part of the dis- | Mr Birks was a World War Vet- wtshing well . . . Marv Dewey dotng tion follows: 5S m»n. June 2; 53 men Guffin. ad Juan' artermaster; R. to see him come through and added not produce but which could be tance, two men passed him on th e ! eran and the flag covered the casket a neat job of firefighting with the J June 3; and 52 men. June 5. E. (Jack i. cliief-of-staff; Post In their voices to the yell of his class readily furnished by America. final sprint A first or second in the during the ceremony. The church garden hose ere the department: The June 2-5 call will bring thi spector C. A Layman; O. O. Pike, mates when by hts efforts the Uni meet was necessary to gain qualifi- j was weU filled and beautiful floral (Continued on Back Page) Department service officer and versity of Oregon's Frosh placed reached the spot . . . Herman Towne total number of men supplied to it “ atlon in the state ! pieces spoke of the sympathy of armed forces by Oregon under the Chester Yates, commander of dis first In the meet. Among them, were the only one straw hat day with a Third of Coach Bader’s men to be ! many friends. — — -------------- — — ' ------ - ; Selective Service Act to app trict 10. Delegations from the post Mrs. Barney Wilson who was at In New Home— eligible for the trip to Eugene is PaU bearers were: Fred Fisher, new gray straw beanie . . . Hank jmately 2-500 The origins! of Pendleton. Baker, LaOrande, and tending a Mother's Day observance Friends received word from Mr. Herb Smith. steUar performer In the Henry Meier. Gus Roth. Hans Vogt, gimianer’s fancy road machine . . . established for the state for the per- Huntington, as well as Nyssa were at the university. June Marie and and Mrs Curtis Foster nee Ruth weight events, who tock second lr Humphreys preached the sermon thFreg Barney telling that one tod begining last Octob»r and . nd- present for the conference. The state Huston. Loyd, Robert Wilson. Joe Bratton. that they are now estab-’ the shotput. with a throw of 43 feet Clyde Hill and Elmo Peterson Sarah -M at thp tmut t hjm Ing June 30. 1941, was 2.806 but It officers continued on their state tour Robertson, Ed Boydell, Ted Morgan The three men with Interment the Parma ccme- j “ ILshed ’ ‘ in ’ " “ their new * home in “ North 9H inches. w “■ T “‘ * was in **“ has been Indicated that this may be of posts after the conclusion of the and a score of other Nyssa folk at , Coach Elder left for Ekigene today ter;. Hollywood. I I revised upward. conference. tending the meet. if i % Hurt In Car Crash of the commission contingent U|»n there money Marjorie Groot, Marion Osborn Phyllis Poage Honored In Honor Students School Annual Plans Complete For Hospital Fund Dance I approache..., Child Critically Burned Sunday Ny?sa Athletes In State Meet 'ROUND TOWN