Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1941)
E = Y e Snooper’ s Column Things About Nyssa's Shops This week came a letter to Mrs. Lillian Newby from her sister. The one she had waited anxiously for these past weeks since we learned in this country that Sheffield in Eng land had been bombed. Knowing our interest in these affairs and that several people living round about have relatives too hi that vicinity, she brought the epistle in. W e pub lish a part of it. “ Mollie and Barbara’s business is war work all of the time. All of the AJLP. 'Vuainr - goes through the munlclple offices, that is why they put so much time in. Some of the soldiers have sometimes been 12 hours without food. Connection of the trains are sometimes irregular becausee if one part of our line is bombed it effects the services for miles. Now I suppose you heard over your wireless that Sheffield was bombed. Well, it came on (censored night and again on (censored). We heard the "alert" but said we would wait until something dropped. They dropped alright and we ran to the shelter. Sheffield was a veritable in ferno and the damage is terrible. M ilitary objectives to the Germans mean rows of houses with people in them. I ’ve seen heaps and heaps of people taken out and It makes me sick. Tim e bombs all over the place. Some people have been burled since Thursday night in one shelter. They worked right through the Sunday blitz to save Thursday night vic tims. The bravery that I personally have seen makes me very proud and humble. We are the luckiest of people. Our house is whole and every one of our friends have lost their homes. Dick Pashley has only one room left, Edgar’s brother the same and the house still smouldering. They are here with us and sleep upstairs and the overflow downstairs. My neigh bor on one side has four families with her, all evacuated from their homes for time bombs. The neigh bors on the other side the same. One fam ily came from London into this. You remember the Sheffield Moor. It is gone. Smouldering ruins re main. We had no water nor gas, post nor papers and to crown it all no elec tric the next morning. But we've got all but gas back now. W e have to use the water brought to the door by tanks after bolting fifteen minutes. It sounds queer to me to hear the call “ water water." Then honk, honk a motor horn and a voice calling, “ Bread can be fetched and fires in the shops are not out.” The spirit is wonderful. Professional Cards CARL H. COAD A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday Pry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p. m. at City Hall A. L. M cC lellan President Don G r a h a m ______Secretary The Public Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H A LL Visiting Eaglet Welcome H A R R Y M INER, 8ec B ERN ARD FROST, Pres. GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 Meets Tuesdays 8 p. m. I.O.O.F. Temple First Street. South Virgil E Johnson. Noble Grand M. F. Solomon Secretary We used to be like the late Will Rogers. All that we knew was what we read in the papers. But now we are in a dither what to believe. P a pers or no. First, with a mind set on thinning the personal torso, we were informed via the printed page that to eschew all fats and starches and sugars eating plenty of lean meat. After carefully cutting away every vistage of succulent fat, drink plenty of milk lest along with the avordupois the hirsute appendages and the teeth be eliminated as well. A bit of cheese in small amounts might also be nibbled on occasion ally for certain vitamin content. It was lovely reading and always took up a least a half column o f space whenever printed. And after a hearty dinner always brought forth the res olution to start this road to pulchri- tunous perfection on the morrow. But before a meal and on an empty stomach such written admonitions brought out any latent bad disposi tion and such mental depression that only food in copious amounts could lighten. Then lo and behold. Came Sunday and in the paper therein we didst see an article tell ing of certain discoveries of Dr. Ad dis in San Francisco. Wherein he didst say that to over indulge in the protein food carriers 1st next to sui cide, for tis apt to bring on all man ner of kidney complaints. One must eat sparingly of them if a ripe old age is the goal. Now Dr. Addis is a learned man and great in his profession, so what to do. Eat pro teins and grow thin, then just when one can begin to detect a faint line of demarkation twixt shoulder and hip kick o ff with resulting kidney complaint or eat carbohydrates and grow fat and shuffle o ff this mortal coil via the obesity route. It seems to be a matter of personal choice. O f course, there are left a few leafy vegetables and fruits in season from which to choose but wilt soon be learning that a diet o f them will lead to permanent rabbititis or bo- vinitis. Then there is of course, the method of eating a little o f every thing and arising from the tables Just a little hungry. W e have how ever attributed the bad dispositions of hypocondriacs to this course. Such procedure leads to pleasant after dinner conversation but can scarcely be expected to be observed when the plangs of hunger are gnawing at the Innards. Then there is yet another advocated method Take to liquids every other day and let the stomach have a nice rest. Well, we’ve tried that too. But at no time does our gastric region be come more active than when food has been witheld from it at its ac customed feeding times. Active and growling in discontent. Besides there is Sunday when one might be invit ed out and would not like to insult the hostess by drinking a glass of skimmed milk while the rest gorg ed on roast chicken and noodles, or turn down the Sunday morning sau sage and hot cakes at breakfast. Such would be heresy. Then in be tween Sundays, one is bound to bo starved on most every other day by dinner time. Besides there would be much food go to waste that it would be a shame to waste on Fido. Be sides with fresh asparagus which must have plenty of melted butter for dressing in the close offing and not far behind that strawberry and cream time, and after that spring fried chicken time and new potato and green peas in cream time, it looks like les femmes will have to go in for strenuous exercise if they are to join the streamlined. And what ever the time of the year or the day at the Wilson's gro cery store on Main one will find the freshest of leafy vegetables and tu bers, the finest of canned fruits and vegetables and from carrots grown in the home lots to bean sprouts from Clhna. Now it may be the fashion for diz zy dames to be on the slimming side but for wee chicks tis just the other way. They must be fat and well fed always if they are to grow to adult hood and lay fine eggs or gain an enviable place on the meat chopper black at at the Thompson Feed store they have what it takes to get them there. Purina chick and chick en dinner all prepared and ready to serve from scientifically prepared formulas. * Scientifically prepared, tried and tested. A well fed and warmly hous ed chick is almost sure to be a heal thy chicken. And this past week we didst read a bit of a tome on fire hazards in which they didst remark that if one lived in a mud hut on the tropical desert they probably wouldst not need give much heed to fire preven tion. But in all other cases this thing was daily becoming a greater men ace to all people, particularly home owners. It didst give a few rules to follow to help eliminate the danger. Such as keeping all rubbish .old pa pers and rags away from the home stead. T o properly store inflam mables such as paints and cleaners away from the fire and in metal containers, to watch flues and fire units for leaks constantly and above all to insure all goods and holdings with a reliable Insurance broker. And was minded that here in Nys sa we do have three o f the finest passible. Frank Morgan at his real ity office, Bernard Eastman at his and Don and Jessie Graham at their Nyssa Realty company. But not only does fire damage fine furniture and household goods but the wear and tear of daily liv ing despite the best of housewives THE N Y Sgfl GATE CITY JOURNAL care will finally get them. But a new piece o f furniture in the house 1st a bit like a new hat to a lady. T is a great spirit lifter upper for every member of the household. Es pecially if it be purchased at the Tom Nordale furniture mart where smart furnishing may be had on liberal credit terms. '1st the taste a bit jaded and the appetite something to be coaxed and snared rather than put down and ignored. Then treat the family to a fish dinner. For the fishes of the sea and stream are reputed to be filled with a special lot of vitamins, salts and what nots to say nothing o f fine flavor. Especially so are they when purchased fresh at the Nyssa Packing company store. Dorst have u mind to the summer ahead, when the folks from the East are a ssure to arrive for a visit, as the dust will follow the mud. And are wondering where all wilt sleep when that time arrives. The Nyssa Trader has a fine purchasing plan that should please thee mightily. And that Is that Daveno Pool they have fixed up there where one can order now before the advance in prices and take delivery any time in the next six months. That should solve a lot o f this summer visitors sleeping problems. Gay are our streets on Saturday night aglow with the many colored neons but there is no brighter nor more hospitable spot on Saturday or any other eve than the Nyssa Theatre where there is always a fine show at money saving prices. Pleasing entertainment in comfort able, pleasant and refined surround ings. And this past week didst chat with our friends at the Nyssa Trad er and there didst see those extra fine daveno sets that they sell for so much less than other places round abouts. As comfy to sink'dnto as grandmother’s fresh plumped feather bed and as sturdily built as the old four poster itself. We have not seen such values anywhere at double the price. It has been a winter of much colds flu and other body miseries for many of us till all do sigh for the warm softness of spring. But at that things could have been much worse had we lived in lands where fine drugs were as scarce as sunshine on a foggy day and careful licensed druggists among the missing. But we are blessed with both here in Nyssa. At the Nyssa Pharmacy there are baton wielders Laura and Omer and their cohorts who are on duty day and night to serve our commu nity with pure drugs and fine sup plies and medicines of all kind. And now they are having a birthday sale when even their usually low prices will be still lower. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy time and thy gas going farther. R IC H LAN D The Cloverleaf Sewing club held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. John Rldder. Members worked on various gar ments for the spring style review at Ontario. The following members were pres ent: Betty Wyckoff, Donna Goodell, Barbara and Winona Henderson, Idaleen Aloha and Madeline Maw. Bernice and Bonnie Whipple. Jean Johnson was a guest. Ed Henderson who has been at Twin Falls, returned home Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Luek o f Ap ple Valley were Thursday dinner guests at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs, F. C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff o f Buena Vista and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Maw and Julia Bevans were Nampa visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Virgil McGee is visiting in Portland. Pat Sweaney is worikng in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Maw enter tained four tables of pinochle Sat urday evening. Guests were Messrs, and Mes- dames Alva Goodell and Leslie Tbp- llff of Buena Vista, Jess Ford and The Joy of Eating THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1941 John Bartlioloma of Nyssa Heights, Ed Nielson. Orland Cheldelin and John Adams. High prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and consola tion by Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and Alva Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cheldelin and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Henry Hartley home in Nys sa. Mr. and Mrs. David Powell, Bet ty and Lloyd Dillian and Clara Clar ke, all of Nampa, were Sunday din ner guests at the F. A. Powell home. Mrs. Ray Reed and daughter. Betty, of Homedale, are visiting at the home of F. A. Powell. to Ontario Tuesday. Mrs. Holmes visited with Mrs. Russel Ator while Mr. Holmes attended the sale. Mr.and Mrs. Frank Holman and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Met- tlen were Sunday visitors at the Marion Chard home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen made a business trip to Ontario Tuesday. The Mothers Club will meet F ri day afternoon. February 7 at the home of Mrs. Marlon Chard. The subject will be "Reading and the Child.” TTie leader is Mrs. F. C. Fry. All members are urged to a t tend as a new schedule must be made out. RIVERVIEW LINCOLN HEIGHTS Mrs. Annie Harris. Mrs. Ray Whitsell. Mrs. Avery Anderson, Mrs. Claude Page, and Mrs. William Mc- Elroy visited Mrs. le e Smith Tues day afternoon. On Thursday a ft ernoon the ladies together with Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Orla Bishop visited at the Chris Rookstool home. Edwin Green and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Shutte were Sunday visit ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green. Rev. Teetler delivered a sermon to the Lincoln Sunday school members Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Teetler sang a duet. F ifty-five at tended Sunday school. Kathryn Nielson spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Percy of Bates, Oregon spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Weldon. The P.-T. A. held their monthly social at the Lincoln school Friday evening. A social time was enjoyed by all. A speaker from the Idaho Power company was present and gave a talk. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Cozad, Nebraska, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rook stool. OREGON TRAIL Mrs. J. E. Bowen entertained at dinner Friday evening honoring the birthday of her son, Robert. T h e eveening was spent playing games. Guests Included: Mr. Mattoon. Ken neth Chard, David Malone, Junior Holmes and Donald and Cecil W h it man. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Olson made a business trip to Caldwell Tues day. Rev.and Mrs. Chandler, district missionaries, visited Oregon Trail Sunday school Sunday morning. Rev. Chandler gave a splendid il lustrated talk on the lesson. Donald Story received a ring having com pleted 1 year of perfect attendance. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes went Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gonnason enter tained Sunday evening for nine of the young people of this community. Refreshments were served and a good time was had by all. A surprise birthday party was giv en to Geneva Graham by 14 of her friends Saturday night. Games were enpoyed. Refreshments o f ice cream and cake were served. Nick Smith sold his corn to Ralph Jones. Tommy Ogle is employed by Mr. Levi feeding cattle. Mrs. Fred Bailey of Ontario spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Clar ence Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smlt and two children spent from Thursday until Saturday with Nick Smit and daughter, Mary. Ralph Jones’ lambing is about half done now. with Mr. Dower's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest and Mr. meeting in Payette Tuesday of the and Mrs. Robert Vest went to a Federal Loan bank. The Riechter family, who have lived the past year on the Frank Phillips place are moving ta a place by the Cairo junction. Mary Smlt spent last week with Mrs. John Donahue in Ontario, who has a new baby boy. Tom Lile and two sons, Ronnie and Jackie, spent the latter part of the week visiting relatives in Boise. Lucille Hill retured to school on Monday after a long absence due to ear trouble. Deliveries PHONE 104W When an irreplaceable loss afflicts a family or an individual, the friendship of a'l with whom they come in contact is important. It is our wish to extend to this community the sincere friendship of a tiue friend at all times. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Phone 73W Nyssa INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE When they have better insurance we will have it FRANK T. MORGAN Phone 97 CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YARD S we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you in every Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. possible way. PHONE 6 FRANK KULLANDER fte^xeux D R U G S T O R E F O R BEST V A L U E S I N T O W N NYSSA PHARMACY ADVERTISED EROM COAST TO COAST. “ Your Rexall Stoi'e’’ Phone 14 Second and Main St. Nyssa w n y worry about budgets? Here is a sale that has 250 big budget-busting values that will thrill you with their savings. It’s the 38th Rexall Birthday Sale— during the month o f February. This sale is our way o f celebrating and of making thousands o f new customers for finest quality Rexall mer chandise. O f course we reserve the right to limit sales— we want everyone to have a chance at these values. Check off your needs. Be here early. A NATION WIDE CElEMAflON 01 116 VAIUES AT OUR 7 s«S Ë DtUC IT0EI T o o t h P a s t e * * I f } ' 2 '» ^ I D UR IN G THIS GREAT Bottle o f 100 Pureteit A S P IR IN end full pint Puretest RMJRMtNG ALCOHOL We volee. BOTH F O I $ 0 e BIR THDAY SALE Cream s 3 9 e An y 3 1 G ardenia 50c SIZE Face Powder 39 - Bottle Silque Hand Lotion end handy Pnmp-ett Kantleek N ose and Throat $1.21 vaia* BOTH FOR I IH tp en tter 43c 9 - Bar REX-EME M edicated and REX-EME Soap Req. 35c value Skin Cream BOTH « B Q . FOR Facial Tissues 19 - r MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS A tom izer end 6 o í. Mi31 Antiseptie Solution 2Be BIZI TIN OP 84 PUtlTIST A S P IR IN 93 ' BOTH FOR Modern Charm 2S< S ill PltSTAIO OUIK-BANOS READYM ADE BAN D AGE S T A T IO N E R Y Full pint IH13I S o la tio n and full pint R e x e l M U k ml M a g a c e l e SOc MZI aOTTLI OP lOO PUtlTIST 3 9 c ! Facial Pads 39 - 1 Water Bottle Defender 2 <?T. SIZE H 9 c I or Syringe B R EW ER S ' Y E A S T TA BLETS SOc MZI RIXAll COMPOUND CHfttV SAIK PlAVOtlD COUGH SYRUP SOc SlZl aeiTiN TO O TH POW DER 7t< StZt PUU POUND tlX A ll T H E A T R IC A L C O L D C R E A M • 1.SS StZI putt QUAtT PUtlTIST Hoor-brite 500 Klenzo 19 Thermo Rex H ou seh old Tkrrm om etrr 15c SUB TIN OP 14 tlX A ll O ld Fashioned Flowers Lorie latest creation BOTH FOR 25c piq. of 25 Liquid-Wax FULL QT. 99c M IN E R A L O IL . r o r r w VOIO orTM > t»»u «r r 7 ». 1941 D O N T MISS THIS SPECTACULAR OPFER ROGERS V TEASPOONS £ t *1.25 v a lu e siMfon l a G f o t o f m . toons COMPANY - fNCOVf Of SIGN Luxurious, sparkling silver teaspoons at a re markable aaving! Hare la a $125 comparative value that you get far and coupon only tOe and coupon. We give you-the coupon» — one with each 25c purchase—s o you get ma many apoona as you wish. tw l^ s to a 1 9 - LOW CUT PRICES 99 r for Medford THIN Double—Hdqod 1 B la d e s Full Pint Rexall M i l k mt M m f a e e l a end tin o f 3b Rexall M U k ml M a f a r r i a T a b le ta 40c valu*. BOTH FOR 3 9 c 3 Klemo knit H a t h C lelfc l FREE with 8 ox. LeCU ir's Cocoenut O il C attllc Shampoo All for 3 9 r Monriug and Evening JFrifiiiiBliip THIS SALE AS NATIONALLY C h o c o la te Gate City Dairy Mesdames Mitchell, Mettlen Smith and Holman attended an old- fashioned quilting party at the W il liam Corn home near Nyssa Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Lowe and Mrs Ira Marrs attended a dinner and all day fellowship meeting at the Owyhee school house Sunday. Mrs. Don Linville and sons are spending a few weeks at the Don McOinnls home. Mrs. Linville is do ing the work there. Miss Loretta Mitchell accompan ied the senior class of Adrian to Nampa Friday night where they en joyed a skating party. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe were business visitors in Ontario Monday. Mrs. Mae Darden and sons who have been at the Ira Marrs home returned Thursday to their home in Cascade. Fred Snively bought the hay on the former Jacker place and is haul ing it to his place at Snively Hot springs. Mr and Mrs. Frank Holman and sons. Russell Talbot and Buster and Mr. and Mrs. William Mettler at tended a birthday dinner honoring three birthdays at the Marlon With the Installation of a new scale at REMEMBER — THE Chard homo in Oregon Trail. MITCHELL BUTTE Notice To Hog Raisers Horton'* N ew Process Pep up the appetites of your children by serving healthful foods prepared with Gate City Dairy Milk and Cream— and let them drink all the milk they! want — it will build up needed winter energy to help fight o ff colds Mr. Gerald H ubert and Mrs Ben edict worked partof this week help ing Tom Osborn build a barn. / 8 9 c pack o f 50 N 4 U R I/ T M V EH Oil. l A r s r n s j PLAIN Present this coupon and 63 cents and get this 60 pack of Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules. Save on highest quality Vitamins A and D. 19e 19c 17e 23e 37e 39e 39e 59e 79e m e , with coupon EfX ail ATOM- CASH MCX ar PTIQN VALUE OE COUPON L 10 O* ONE C iN T ^ ALL REXALL PRODUCTS SOLD Oisfr A M O N E Y - BACK GUARANT EE OF SATISFACTION