Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1941)
Mr and Mrs. Joe Stam of Oregon In the Parma vicinity. Ileta Frank Thursday. Mrs. Leslie Topllff. Mrs. E. L. Ja lin is staying with Mrs. Howard Ev Trail spent Friday afternoon with ans in order to finish her high j Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and Fred Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison and mison and Mrs. Alva Goodell at Koopman. school at Adrian Eris were Sunday dinner guests at tended the Chatter Box club at Mrs. The William and Werner Peute Mr. Frances A. Gardner of Black- John Bartholoma’s Wednesday. the C. H. Bennett home. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and families were guests at a birthday foot called at the Floyd Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea were| E. L. Jamison were in Ontario on dinner for Ester Nein at the home home Monday Vale visitors Saturday of her parents Monday evening. Wednesday. Mrs. George Jensen was on the Dwight Wyckofl who Is attending Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters, Byrd sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and colege at Corvallis, spent the week Mildred were Sunday dinner guests Walters and Miss Helen Jones were Mrs. Rock Shelton and Maxine end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the Alva Goodell home. Sunday guests at the parental EV- spent Sunday afternoon at the W il C. C. Wyckoif. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliif were ! its Walters home. liam Miller home near Ontario. Mrs. Arnold Slippy and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliif and j in Nampa Thursday. Fred Koopman was in Vale on Carol, who had been visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended Betty Wyckoif and Donna Belle business Wednesday and Friday a pinochle party at the Harlan j Goodell attended the Clover Leaf sister, Mrs. Charles Culbertson, re- Dick, Gerrit, and J. J. Groot at Maw home Saturday evening. 4H sewing club at the home of their I turned to her home Sunday. tended the sale at the Dorothy Mr. P. Leitherer of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma, leader. Mrs John Ridder, Saturday ranch near Fruitland Thursday. Dorothy Jue anr Johnny called at for an all day meeUng with pot luck May Russell of Ontario were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were guests of the William Peutz's. the S. B. Hoffman home. business visitors in Ontario Wednes at noon. day. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison and ALBERTA VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mortenson are Erls were Boise visitors. On the way OWYHEE moving into a house on the Pete home they visited with Mr. Jami Marjorie Groot purchased an An Tensen ranch. son's sister and Mrs. Chet Sage. gus steer from Andy Robinson of Mr and Mrs. Melvin Jensen were Dean Wyckoff spent Sunday with j The services and dinner Sunday at the Owyhee Sunday school home Ontario Monday. in Baker Saturday. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyc- Mr and Mrs. Raymond Pierce at coming were enjoyed by about 90 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon koff. tended a surprise party for Alex Trail spent Monday afternoon with The marriage of Leland Hoffman people. After the Sunday school ser Cook in Apple Valley Monday even Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and Fred and Dwana Callahan took place at vices talks were given by Mrs. W. W. Smith, Oscar Pinkston and Mrs. ing. Koopman. Caldwell, January 25, Mrs J. C. Hathaway, who has been Mr and Mrs. Harry Krohn were Friends and relatives of the young T. M. Lowe about the Sunday school working for Mrs. Frank Winkels left Thursday dinner guests at the John couple gave them an old time char- days gone by. A vocal solo, "Strang for her home Saturday. Lackey home. That evening they vari Wednesday evening and were er of Galilee,” was sung by Doris Mrs. Ed Wolfe who suffered from left fo rtheir home in McCall. Klingback. After a bountiful chick rollay treated. a stroke is showing signs of im Mrs. Pete Vander Oort and daugh H L. Day had his hay chopped en dinner a service with Rev. Know les of Roswell bringing the message provement. ter have the flu. and hauled last week. Gerrit Groot is driving a new sed Mrs. Ethel Lankford, who has C. C. Wyckoff lost one o f his and special songs by a choir of your« folks of the community and an. been working In the Nyssa Nursing work horses last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Nein of Ore home spent the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day attended j a violin solo by Mrs. S. D. Bigelow gon Trail visited at the O. Z. Mat with Mrs. Jack Gannon who has a party, at the S. B. Hoffman home completed the day. been ill. The Owyhee P.-T. A. will meet at thews home Sunday afternoon. Saturday evening. Messrs, and Mesdames La Rae Earl Powell of Nyssa is working Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and the school house Thursday evening. Trabert, Jake Fischer, L. T. Cham for C. M. Tensen. sons, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and February 13. An interesting program bers and Bert Shelton, attended the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn and children were Sunday dinner guests has been planned. All school pat Sugar ball at Nyssa Monday even daughters were in Nampa on busi rons are invited to attend. at the H. L. Day home. ness Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin and ing. C. C. Wyckoff and Alva Goodell Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot, Mr. attended a seed meeting at Vale family have moved to their home daughters were La Grande business and Mrs. Pete Tensen, and Mr. and visitors Saturday. Mrs. Dick Groot were Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited noon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Z. at the Jake Relk home in Oregon Davidson in Parma. Trail Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Nyssa O. Z. Matthews who was ill last were Sunday dinner guests at the week Is much better. Gerrit Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercer of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Newell of Nys 5 Miles Southwest of Ontario or H Mite West of Cairo Wilder were Sunday visitors at the sa were Wednesday dinner guests Junction on Vale Highway Jake Fischer home. at the Ora Friel home In honor of Lowell Hollock has the flu this Mrs. Friel’s birthday. In the even week. ing cards were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Par ma, spent Thursday afternoon at SALE STARTS AT 1:00 P. M. the Bill Flndling home. BIG BEND LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS Leland Thompson enlisted In the U. S. Navy Friday. Wade P.-T. A. will meet Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ora Frlel and fami afternoon, February 7 at the home ly visited at the James Taylor home o f Mrs. Dan Holly In Adrian. Mrs. in Parma Sunday. Will Brewer and Mrs. N. T. Hamil Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot of Nys ton are assist hostesses. sa and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mrs. Virl visited Grandma Stam and Klass Bishop attended a meeting of the in Oregon Trail Sunday. Arena Valley Circle Wednesday aft Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Newell sold ernoon at which Mrs. Warren Zick- their business Sunday and left for rick and Mrs. N. Hickman were hos Oakland. California. Mr. and Mrs. tesses Wallace Goodrich accompanied Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan spent them. Friday in Ontario on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Swearinger and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Mrs. M. son, Paul, of Fruitland, visited at the E. Rogers attended the Roland Hay Eldon Madden Col. Bert Anderson Ed Wolfe home Sunday. es concert at Nampa Friday evening. Clerk Auctioneer Mrs. Andrew Boersma of Grand Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet and Her view was an overnight guest of Mrs. man Timm were Boise visitors on FOR FARM SALE DATES Call 556W or Write Box 401, Gerrit Groot Friday. Ontario. Oregon Thursday. Pete Tensen and C. M. Tensen Grandmother Wright is very ill at were In Vale on business Saturday. the home of her son. Arch Wright Pete Tensen and Mrs. Gerrit Stam Her grand daughter, Mrs. Nellie Pe attended the Home Ec conference terson of Emmett came over to see in Ontario Tuesday. her Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot spent Walter Bishop transacted business Wednesday evening at the Jake in ordan Valley Sunday. Relk home in Oregon Trail. Mr. Landreth of Caldwell was a business visitor in Sweet Home on Wednesday. Mrs. Will Van de Water of Wilder was a week-end guest in the Ha worth home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop of Nys sa were Sunday evening guests in the Brumbach home. Mrs. Della *-• (*< * Bunnell returned to Nyssa with them for an indefinite stay. Mr and Mrs Delmar Hamilton of Marsing were Sunday guests in the N. T. Hamilton home. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and children. Miss L uiclle Hinterllder, and B G Roberts spent Friday In Boise on business. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and children of Roswell were Sunday guests in the Dyre Roberts home. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnston spent Saturday in Boise. Mrs. R. L. Haworth was an over night guest of her sister. Mrs. Al va Watt in Parma Monday and at tended a meeting of her bridge club. Mr. and Mrs. Lora Pillsbury Mr A small down payment and Mrs F a . Miller, B. G. Roberts, a n d monthly payments Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Mr. will place those needed and Mrs. Phlin Case, Mr. and Mrs. Take the gamble out of your poultry flock! Buy N E W Furniture pieces Lee Baldridge, Mr and Mrs. George Swlger and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chicks that are BRED-TO-LAY, Chicks that are in your home. Weir attended a double surprise on from good laying, healthy stock — then you’ll Mr and Mrs. W. J Robinson of Ros Know there is profit in Poultry and we guaran well Sunday, which celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary and tee - - - Mr. Robinson's birthday. The party was held in the basement of the Presbyterian church. A large number of their Kbswell friends were pres ent. Phone 94 Mr. and Mrs. W Hickman of Ar NYSSA ena Valley were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. E. Parker. BUENA VISTA J j j J PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 11 6 H ead Extra good w ork H o rse s 8 M ilk C o w s G o o d farm machinery, P o u ltry and H o u se h old G o o d s* Terms: Cash Roscoe Conklin, Owner Bred-to-Lay C H IC K S \ With New Quality FURNITURE U SE YO U R C R E D IT Mean’s PROFITS 100% DELIVERY FROM LEE OR DUNLOP Hatcheries BROODER STARTED CHICKS Our Started Chicks are all Purina Fed BROODING CHARGE (In Addition to Price of Chlckt 10 DAY OLD CHICKS 15 DAY OLD CHICKS 21 DAY OLD CHICKS 100 Per Cent Guaranteed .....,03c ..... 05c ...... 08c Delivery A l T h o m p so n C r S o n s FEED - SEED - COAL Across from Telephone Office Phone 26 Nordale’s Furniture Store M rs. G o rd o n Finlay A n n o u n c e s the opening of a Musical Kindergarten For Pre-School Children CLASSES MEET TUESDAY’ S and THURSDAYS From 10 to 11 a. m. $1.50 per month For Further Details, Phone Nyssa 36J Mr. and Mrs. Al Grimes of Cald Payette were visitors on Sunday at well spent Sunday afternoon at the the Amil Stunz home. Waldo Smalley home. Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Summy were guests of the Osborne family in a trip to Ontario, Payette and New Plymouth Sunday afternoon. The Kinneman family were guests for dinner and the afternoon. Sun day. at the C. D. Vertrees home. The Donahue children are sick with colds again and the little girl COW HOLLOW is out of school. By The Happy Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wood were busi ness visitors in Boise, Monday. Cow Hollow is a pretty quiet place Work In the onion sorting is about now. Guess It is the quiet before the finished here. rush. It won’t be long now until It thaws out and then we will be plen House Guests BOWLING IS ty busy. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray of Baker FUN--- Elza Niccum and Fred La Shaunse and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnson of AND HEALTHY took off their first fat hogs Tues Ontario were week-end guests of day. They will be selling them pretty Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burbidge. Mr. TOO - - - regularly now for some time until and Mrs. Johnson are spending the Ladies, as well as men, find they have sold around forty head. remainder of a winter vacation at bowling to be a healthful form Right now they will weigh all the of exercise—just the thing to the Frank Fry home on the Owy way from 120 to 220 pounds. Forty hee. keep off excess weight. head of fat hogs would look good Daughter 111 CORNELL BOWLING to any new land farmer right now. Greta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Limbaugh chopped his hay Amil Stunz has been ill for the past ALLEYS Monday. At the present prices of week. Main Street hay it hardly pays to chop your own From Payette hay from the standpoint of saving Mr. and Mrs. Charles Le Grand of [ feed but if you are feeding it to milk cows it will increase their pro duction too. Mr. and Mrs. Neugen over in Sun set Valley took Clarence Niccum’s two smallest kiddies intending to keep them while his wife was away. Mrs. Neugen's health was so poor that they had to bring them back Saturday. Now between keeping STOP house, sending three kiddies to and school, caring for two' smaller ones at home and doing the farm chores. McCLUER- SHOP Clarence manages to keep tolerably at the busy. He did manage to squeeze in SIGN MANSER the butchering of a lard hog the first of the week with the help of of the George Gabriel and Fred La Shaun SCOTTŒ MOTOR CO. se. Dude Parker bought seven of Ses PAYETTE sions calves and what hay he had left. Sessions made a quick job of disposing of everything so now Cow Hollow has a rather historic farm for rent. Elza Niccum expects to bring his wife and youngest son home from the hospital Thursday of ths week. Cow Hollow and Sunset Valley will hold what they hope is their final meeting this Thursday night to complete the plans for building their community hall over on Mr. Chadd’s place. The 8-20 Club will hold a double shower for Mrs. Fred Gibson and Mrs. Arch Parker, February 14. Miss Lucille Hinterllder of Nam pa is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dyre Roberts and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Flaherty of Ba ker and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Par ker and children of Adrian were Sunday guests of the E. E. Parkers. HEALTH and FUN I CHALLENGE SALE APPLE VALLEY The demonstration of the Social Science projects, held at the school, here Thursday was well attended and seemed to be a real success. Forty-four Canyon County rural teachers attended besides Mrs. Min nie D.*Bean, elementary supervisor, Miss Tressie Nickerson and county superintendents from Payette and Gem counties. In the morning the visitors at tend classes in the primary and in termediate rooms taught by Miss Robertson and Mrs. Leer. Chicken dinner was served at noon by the W.S.C.S. and after the noon hour. Mrs. Bean spoke on dif ferent methods of instruction, main ly on the social science project. Interesting discussion followed in which the Projects in the 5th and 6th 7th and 8th grades were more fully discussed. The project in Mr. Rupert’s room is called "Power and Irrigation” and is a comprehensive study of the Idaho dams, locations, and uses. The teachers here were commend ed on their work, programs, and Stu dent understanding. The building and grounds were also admired and several teachers were heard saying Wouldn’t I Like to Teach Here?” Mr. Rupert met with the 4H club at the school Friday night. The club is named ,'4H Mountain View Live stock club." Bobby Smalley was elected President. Vice president Dale Nichols, sec retary Treasurer, Elmer Cox, Sgt- atarms Robert Gee and reporter. Homer Nichols. Prospective new members are Calvin Vertrees. Jim my Nichols. Gene Vertrees and Wal ter Evans. The club plans to attend the all day meeting in Caldwell, on Feb. 15. At the Sunday morning church service Parma high school students. Esther Csbome. Betty Stubblefield. Charles Kerrick and Leonard Price sang two number. They were accom panied at the piano by Bertha Jean Harvey. Their numbers were much enjoyed and we thank them for coming and hope they can come a- gain. Mrs. Osborne spoke on vita mins. These were found uite neces sary for spiritual as well as for phy sical life and health. W. S. C. S. will meek at Mrs. Ella Stephens home In all day quilting session. Thursday. The treasurer re ports 114.40 was cleared by serving dinner to the teachers last Thursday at the demonstration day meeting. John J. Fisher has returned from a two weeks visit with his sister and family in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Donahue and his brother and wife of Nyssa went to Payette Sunday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Fretters who used to live here. Mr Fetters had Just suffered a pa ralytic stroke early that morning The Poage family ate dinner Sun day at the Waldo Smalley home They have finished moving into their home. Mac Jamison who worked at the sugar factory returned to his par ents home In 8unset Valley Sunday Going for Only $285 37-60 FORD TUDOR SEDAN New Rings and Bearings Radio and Heater MORE MILES PER GAL NO GAMBLE At this price 1937 TERRA SDN. A Super-Six *375 37-INT. % T . PICK-UP Power to Spare $255 *195 A RARE FIND 37 CHRYS. CPE Splendid Performance Good Looks Low Prices? Look 4 Speed Trans. FORD ’35 FORDOR A Good Looking Sturdy Car Only *395 A Husky HAULING UNIT 38-85 FORD TK. Extra Fine Mechanically Good 32 x 6 H. D. Tires $495 EVERY CAR SOLD UND ER OUR FAMOUS 50-50 GUARANTEE T HAT ASSURES CONTINUED SAT ISFACTION WITH YOUR PI JRCHASE McCluer Manser Motor Co. Payette Idaho Better Prices A Better Deal