Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6.1936 The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE.................Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT TH08E OP MALHEUR COUNTY ADVERTISING RATES 30c Open rate, per Inch 30c National. Per Inch Local, Contract ............... 25c Classifieds, Per word ..... 01 c SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1 50 .75 .05 (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY— week it was our sad duty to chronicle L AST the drowning of ten year old Carl Han sen of Apple Valley, who went for an innocent swim in the waters of the Owyhee canal. The sad accident focused attention on the need for swim ming facilities in Nyssa, so that these needless sacrifices can be stopped. Do you realize that 15 lives have been lost in the Owyhee canal between Nyssa and the head of the canal? It is true that not all of these could have been prevented if there had been a mun icipal pool in Nyssa, but some of them would have been saved; and one life saved would have paid for a pool over and over. Here is a example of a community who needed a swimming pool and are determined to have it. The following is taken from the Camas County Courier, published at Fairfield, Idaho: “Seventeen CCC volunteers lent willing assist ance at the swimming pool site Saturday in re sponse to a call for donated labor. All excavation was completed and everything is now in readi ness for the forms which will be laid beginnng this week . . . ” The article listed contributions from interest ed merchants, organizations, a dance and enter tainment, with a swimming pool fund reaching nearly $200 to start with. This sum won’t build a pool, nor maintain it; but it is a start. Fairfield is a town of around 300 people but when they want something they go after it. In discussing the matter with several people this past week, the opinion seems that Nyssa couldn’t afford an elaborate pool at the present time, but a fair sized pool is within reach. There are plenty of parents in Nyssa who would pay a dollar a month for their children so they could swim in a pool here. These season tickets, to gether with a slightly greater charge for adults, would go a long ways toward maintaining a life guard-attendant at the pool and pay for filling and draining the pool. This would seem like a feasible project for the city to sponsor, who are in a position to utilize I’WA labor this winter; and a site should be chosen leading toward the building of a park around the pool. A nice shady park, grassy pic nic place, flowers; together with a place for young and old to take a cooling swim would be a distinct asset to Nyssa. It is something worth considering. --------------------- + --------------------- DISCOURAGING FOR DAIRY COWS— Prom Caldwell News-Tribune astute statistician has calculated that S OME there are seventy-six taxes on each bottle of milk before it finds its way to the consumer. In cluded are such federal items as taxes on in come, truck purchases, gasoline and electrical energy. Hulking much larger are county and city items and the various assessments against the dairyman who sells his own milk range down ward to some rather trifling charges, such as li censes, liability, insurance, unemployment insur ance, and the like. There are innumerable others. That list should, it seems, exhaust the possi bilities. But those bureaucratic wizards who con ceive that the American citizen needs a lot of governmnt to get along can, quite probably orig inate as many more. After so long a time, it seems that the best Jer sey or Holstein cow in the world would be dis couraged and quit. + COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD No man is wholly unsuccessful. He may fail in all else and still be competent critic. World peace seems afar off when people of the same race, as in Spain, so zealously slaughter one another. Justices of the Supreme Court would be spine less saps did they try to interpret the Constitu tion in accordanc with the conflicting views of their critics. Interested therein may at any time Oregon, Charles Schweizer, of Route man Colony Irrigation District, filed within ten ( 10 ) days after the date LEGAL ADVERTISING in the Circuit Court of the State of 1, Nyssa, Oregon, Tom M. Lowe of of last publication of this notice, Oregon for Malheur County, their appear and Nyssa, Oregon. contest the validity of W. F. JACKSON NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE petition praying that said court Jud this proceeding, or any of the acts Register. icially examine the proceedings for or things therein enumerated or al Notice is hereby given that July 9-Aug 6 . the authorization of contract with leged In said petition, and If you under and by virtue of writ of Ex the United States, and for an order fall FROM THE LINOTYPE so to appear the Court will pro NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS ecution. duly and regularly issued and decree of said Court that all of ceed in its Judicial examination and out of the Circuit Court of the NOTICE is hereby given that by said acts and proceedings were and enter Its Judgment and decree as to State of Oregon for Malheur Coun virtue of Section 69-301, Oregon are in all things regular, binding, the regularity By John E. Public of such ty, by the clerk of said Court and Code Annotated. 1930, as amended legal and valid, and approving and proceedings, and and of legality each and all of directed to me as Sheriff, on the by Chapter 446, Oregon Laws of 1933 confirming the same, and that said such proceedings, acts 29th day of July, 1936, In that cer proposed contract when executed by covered by said petition. and things Malheur County Board of The storm Sunday turned Into a tain action In said Circuit Court or the proper officers of said District This notice is given by me pur regular fury (or a time. It blew down I in which A. A. Schram, Superin will meet on Equalization will be the valid and binding obliga suant to the order of the Honorable the Second Monday of the fence back of the Larsen-Towne tendent of Banks of the State of August. 1936, the said day being the tion of said District, and for such Charles W Ellis, Judge of said Cir blacksmith, tore loose the sign at the Oregon, is plaintiff, and Edna Jane 10th day of August, 1936, and shall other relief as might be equitable, cuit Court, made and entered on the Owyhee Realty Co., and other minor Kendler, formerly Edna Jane Den remain open until the fourth Mon and that said petition now is pend said 14th day July, 1936, directing mischief. The corn was knocked nis, is defendant, and wherein plain day In August. 1936, at the County ing in said Circuit Court. That on publication of of this for three down some, but as far as actual tiff recovered Judgment against the Court House, Vale, Malheur County, said 14th day of July, 1936, upon (3) successive weeks notice four <4i damage was concerned, It was small defendant, for the sum of $75.00 with Oregon, to publicly examine the 1936 motion of the petitioners, said successive publications and hi the Gate Interest thereon at 10 per cent per Not so at Boise, where the wind up Court made and entered its order City Journal, published at Nyssa, Assessment Rolls, and to correct er annum from December 8 , 1930 until rooted trees, broke windows and the 20th day of August, 1936, Oregon, and the jurisdiction of the In valuation, description or fixing made a general nuisance of itself. It paid, the further sum of $25.00, at rors as the time when, and the Cir will be complete at the expir qualities of lands, lots or other broke up several picnics and the ball torney's fees; for the further sum of property assesed by the Assessor of cuit Court Room of the Count- Court ation of ten ( 10 ) days after full $7500 with interest thereon at 10 Malheur County, all persons inter ty Court House at Vale, Ore publication game. of this notice. per cent per annum from May 5, ested shall appear at the time and gon, as the place where said petition Hh Dated at Vale, Oregon this 14th 1932 until paid, the sum of $25.00 and the proceedings thereunder will appointed. The rain here broke up the ball fees; and the further sum place heard. Pursuant to said order, day of July, 1936. Dated at Vale this 22nd day of be game, with Nyssa leading 3 to 1 over attorney’s ROY DALEY of $17.20, costs and disbursements; hearing of said petition will be held Payette. The worst feature was the and for accruing costs, which said July. 1936. on the 20th day of August, 1936, in County Clerk and ex-officio fact that one more pitched ball MURRAY MORTON, was duly made and en said Circuit Court Room of the Clerk of Circuit Court for might have finished the fifth Inning judgment Assessor of Malheur County, Oregon tered by said Court on the 26th day 7-30 to 8-13. County Court House at Vale, Ore Malheur County. and thus made It an official game of July, 1935. gon. (SEAL) As it Is, the contest will likely have NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance The Kingman Colony Irrigation Date of first publication July 16, NOTCE TO CREDITORS to be played again. Before the 4th of said execution, I have duly levied District, all freeholders, legal 1936. Inning started the dust was so bad upon the real property hereinafter In the County Court of the State of voters, and and assessment payers, and Date of last publication, August 6 , the umpire called a 15 minute re described, and I will, on Friday, the Oregon For the County of Mal each of you, or any person or party 1936. cess. Another 15 minute recess was 28th day of August, 1936, at 11 heur. called, and then It cleared off o’clock A. M„ at the front door of In the Matter of the Estate of Sallle enough to start playing again. The County Court House, In the City Dennis, Deceased. 4th inning was played and almost all the of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, Notice Is hereby given by Georgia of the 5th. There were two men out sell at public auction, to the highest Dennis, Administratrix of th e and two strikes on the batter when bidder, cash in hand, all the fol Estate of Sallle Dennis, deceased, to the umpire called the game on ac lowing for described real premises, to- the creditors of and all persons hav count of the rain coming down by wit: claims against the said deceased, the barrel. If Rambaud had put one All the right, title, and interest ing to file with the necessary more ball over the plate and past of said defendant In and to vouchers them within after the the batter, It would have ended the Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. first publication six of months this notice, at 5th Inning and the game would have and the office of Lytle and Coad, Attor in Block 2 in the town of neys gone in the record books as a win Nyssa, 22 Malheur Vale, Oregon, which County, State of office at said Law, for Nyssa. Administratrix selects as Oregon. * * * In all matters or so much thereof as may be nec her place of with business said Estate. A farmer at Gooding, Byron Gor- essary to satisfy said Judgment to connected Dated and first published July 23, rell, was killed Sunday afternoon gether with the costs, which nave 1936: We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro date of last publication August about six o’clock when the heavy or may accrue under and by virtue 20, 1936. duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we wind hit there. He was in his barn of said sale. GEORGIA DENNIS C. W. OLENN, when the wind caused It to crash add you to our list of satisfied customers? Administratrix of the Estate down around him. His back was Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon of Sallie Dennis, Deceased. broken when a heavy timber fell on Dated July 30, 1936. We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con Lott D. Brown him. sidered by many medical authorities as best for NOTICE Baker, Oregon • * •#« *#* hr bies and growing children. Attorney for Plaintiff To The Kingman Colony Irrigation Boise and In fact the whole Snake District, and to all freeholders, legal river valley is all atwitter about the voters and assessment payers within coming of John D. M. Hamilton, NOTICE TO CREDITORS said District: friend, advisor and campaign man IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ager of Governor Landon. He travels NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN: In a big plane with 12 passengers STATE OF OREGON FOR THE That on the 14th day of July, 1936, T. T. Elliot, Frank T. Morgan and aboard. Included in the party is Mr COUNTY OF MALHEUR. and Mrs. Hamilton; James J. Jappe In the Matter of the Estate of Wil J. G. Lane, Directors of the King- of the national Republican head liam T. Ashcraft, Deceased. quarters at Chicago; three secre Notice is hereby given by C. C. taries; four newspapermen; a radio Mueller, Adminstrator of the Estate j - man and another. The plane's crew of William T. Ashcraft, deceased, to consists of three persons; two pilots the creditors of and all persons hav ing claims against the said de NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY and a hostess. ceased, to fil^ them with the nec + HH + vouchers within six months The party will arrive in Boise essary WE RECOMMEND THEM after the first publication of this Thursday for a night meeting to be notice at his office at Vale, Oregon. held at Public School Park. Several Dated and first published July 30, from here intend to go to Boise for 1936; date of last publication August the meeting and hear Mr. Hamilton 27, FACTS ABOUT NYSSA 1936. deliver the principal speech of the A. L. FLETCHER C A U L IL COAD C. C. MUELLER, evening. An elaborate reception is Administrator of the Estate being planned In Boise. Population, (1930) .....821 of William T. Ashcraft, De ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates . „1000 ceased * •¥* Elevation _______ .2186 NYSSA >: OREGON More and more inquiries are being NYSSA J OREGON No. 025486 received from riders, ropers and City Officers bulldoggers concerning the Nyssa NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mayor .............. Don Graham rodeo. It looks like there will be a Councilmen ........... Art Norcott, Department of the Interior big field competing for the prizes In A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean all events. Some of the latest In U. S. LAND OFFICE at The Dal Smith. quiries were from Welser, from five les, Oregon, July 1, 1936. DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Clerk .................... A. R. Millar DR. E. D. NORCOTT boys there who want to enter. They NOTICE is hereby given that D E N T I S T City Treasurer ......... Arthur Boydell CHIROPRACTIC are Joe and Ray Arrasmlth, Jack Flora B. Lowe, of Nyssa, Oregon, Marshall _____________ A. V. Cook Watson, Oeo. Mendenhall and Art who, on March 3, 1915, made desert PHYSICIAN Office Phone 35F2 Watermaster ........... N. H. Pinkerton Nogan. land entry acts March 3, 1877 and X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Office In Residence Health Officer __ Dr. J. J. Sarazin June 17, 1902, No. 025486, for Farm So. M. E. Church SUNSHINE PICNIC Unit “B" or the NE'iSE'i, Section Three blocks County Officers NYSSA PHONE 25 OREGON AT VALE PARK 12, Township 21 S., Range 45, E., Willamette Meridian, has filed County Judge ......David F. Graham notice of Intention to make final Commissioners ________ Ora Clark. Quite a number of the Nyssa Re- Proof, to establish claim to the land E. H. Brumbach. bekah members attended a picnic above before M. A. Biggs. Sheriff _____________ C. W. Glenn of the Sunshine clubs of Vale and Notary described, Nyssa Aerie N Y S S A L I B R A R Y Public, at Ontario. Oregon, Clerk ------------------------- Roy Daley Nyssa in the Vale park last Friday on the 19th day of August, 1936. OPEN SATURDAY Assessor-------------- Murray Morton F. O. E. No. 2134 afternoon. Short business meetings Treasurer ________ Mrs. Ora Hope MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT were held by each club after which Claimant names as witnesses: Attorney ........... M. A. Biggs lunch and visiting were enjoyed. Charles Bradley, of Route 1, Nys Town Patrons......2:30 to 5:30 County AT EAGLES HALL County Surveyor, J, Edwin Johnson Out-of-town patrons Those attending from Nyssa were sa, Oregon, John Wall, of Creston, County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. 2:30 to 7:30 Mesdames A. V. Cook, Will Beam. Visiting Eagles Welcome Pritchett. Mark Robertson, Sid Burbldge. Jess Coroner ........ R. A. Tacke ALL PATRONS WELCOME CLAUDE WILLSON, Pres. Lawrence, Robt. Burns, Walter Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool Marshall, Pierson. V. Johnson, F. KERMIT LIENKAEMPER Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Lueck, Mary Felton. Emma Ducan. Nyssa Public Schools Secretary Bettle Forbes and Webster Eldridge. Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of dwyhee Dam ____$6.000,000 ON THE OLD JOB 7V4 miles of Tunnel ..... $4,000,000 Nyssa Flour CITY TRANSFER Siphons, canals, etc.............$3,000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ H. D. Holmes Mill ---------------- 715,000 acre feet Helghth of dam ............„...520 feet TRUCKING -B - From lowest point of foundation TRAN 8 FER and BAOQAOE to top. and Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon All Kinds of Hauling In TRANSFERRING W e Grind Elevation of land ......2,250 to 2,500 Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Phone 15 and Phone 28 City Limits Principal products .................... hay, FLOUR SUMMER com, dairying, s t o ck raising, NYSSA. OREGON Phone S grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, C. Klinkenberg and CLOTHES lettuce, onions and carrots. Need special care and we are CEREAL Distances to Other Points equipped to do this for you. When you "Go Places" this —East bound— White or whole wheat summer, make certain they are clean and fresh by bring Caldwell ____________________ 2$ flour at 50c per hund ing them to the Nam pa______________________ 37 TOWNSEND CLUB red of wheat. Boise________________________67 MEETINGS IS DISTINCTIVE . . . Has Pocatello____________________328 You furrtish your C ity______________ 616 THAT Touch To Distinguish Salt Lake —Westbound— own containers and Meetings of the Townsend It From Ordinary Printing! take all back. Club are held every Thursday O ntario__ 12 at the Community Church. V ale_____ 20 W e alto grind ttock PRINTING WITH A D. E. MORGAN, Prop. Baker ____ The Public Is Invited . 96 PERSONALITY and poultry feedt. La Grand* 146 There are many nice Sommer Pendleton _ 192 Mrs. Lou Patterson ___ Pres. Salta in the Kahn line—Let “We Make Type Talk- The Dalles 343 Mrs. A. V. Pruyn .......Seel us show you. Earl Warren, Mgr. Portland _ 435 Burns ____ 155 Squirts GUERNSEY M ILK 9 Sunshine Dairy Nyssa Tailor Shop JOURNAL PRINTING . ..